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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Nov 1967, p. 12

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jy [awa Real Estate Board and ~~; \$ummers §Scholarships will be "|presented at the Durham County Junior Award Night, Nov. 25, at Orono; while the McLean awards will be made at the Awards Night, Nov. 20, at the Kemptville Agricultural School. the Dec. exercises COUNTY LINES Dr. W. E. Willey Guest Speaker At Courtice Commencement Willey, president! of Durham College, will be the 1jexecutive of the Hi C Group are: John Goyne, president; Su-|ce, were honored with presen- zanne Carpenter, co - president; |tations by friends and neigh- Pat Estabrooks, treasurer and|bors on the occasion of their at Marjie produced/Courtice District High School. EXECUTIVE cussion. |Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, November 20, 1967 "FARM FORUM | A PUREBRED HOLSTEIN in County Cream Producers Told |the herd of Smith Bros., Port| q 4 lrecord of performance produc- By FORD LINDSAY |Ontario Agricultural College in fon tao ihe a Gtacehha cclgemt 'epueker at |Kemptville Agricultural School,|305 days on twice-a-day milking,| commencem nt Some of the work of the|in recent years turned to farm- High Point Board done during the year WaS heeft He is a 4-H Club leader in ing 700 pounds fat, average test/ putlined by W. D. Chipchase./ pyurham County. meeting of the Ontario County rourse, teaching a variety of Cream Producers' Association. practical farm topics, will be per cent for fat. Harold Martin, secretary) ooging April 12 d . : jgallons of water into the air of manager of the board, sai Nearly 140 people have ap-|a dairy barn each day, says An-| No Butter Surplus At Present Perry, recently completed a fine| Dr, G. E. Oshawa Times. Staff the late 1940's and teacher at Cream Producers' Marketing ing, specializing in potatoes and 13,139 pounds of milk contain-| district director, at the annual The government sponsored Fifty-six farmers attended conducted five evenings a week A 35-COW HERD breathes 90 there is no butter surplus at fein the countion efltvae" Wamec mera and Canadian been concerned about the uality of farm plied ] : | Feparated cream i the respon-| Peterborough, Victoria, Durham /County agricultural representa- ment of Agriculture and F' vides fresh air,. decreases de- terioration of the building and removes odors," he says. ernment. -- Association officers @ lected Durham County have ns 1, selected as winners of the spe- let cial scholarships for those con-| Georse Morris, RR 1, Uxbridge,|tinuing in agriculture beyond' CaNapIAN TURKEY _ pro- oréadent Arthur Brown, Sand-/Primary school. ford, vice-president; H. L. Fair, Ixbridge, secretary-treasurer. B ig =e are: Rama, Leon-\been awarded to Wesley Lane,/cost 'importation from ard Cooper, Washago; Mara, RR 4 Bowmanville. The/United States, but details. have 1- John B, Warren. RR 1, Brechin; scholarship is awarded to a Stu-|not been spelled out. Thorah, Leonard Davis, RR 2, dent enrolled in a degree course; 4 statement from Beaverton; Brock, Les Faux, in agriculture. The winner Has) Blackwater; Reach, Fred Lamb, been ued ig aie poate eo ber of alternative courses and tion against Leva i se ags gourd angers ea Baga Gasioh. ")measures that will be taken'simply because they hurt. art Annand, 2, Uxbridge; University of Gueiph. asta een eb aS Sac ete ve la Nad aaa Uxbridge, Gordon Ewen, RR 1, The Oshawa _District Real Uxbridge; Pickering, Fred Fiss, Estate Board _ scholarship, Balsam: Whitby, William Par- valued at $200, will go to Scott rinder, Brooklin; Est Whitby,|Robinson, RR 1, Port Hope, who Fred McLaughlin, RR 2, Osh-jis attending Kemptville Agri- > Scugog, Everett Prentice, cultural School RR ' The E. A. Summers Memorial RR 3, Port Perry. S mo} Voting delegates are: Gordon Scholarship winner is William Rynard, George Morris and)Olan, of Millbrook, who is tak- Arthur Brown. ing the agricultural course at the University of Guelph MELVILLE WOOD, BALANCE YOUR BUDGET AND PAY ALL YOUR BILLS WITH A SUPERIOR LOAN «+. and reduce your monthly payments by as much as half cavan' The McLean Foundation Township, has been appointed} Scholarships, valued at $125 course director of "This Busi-'each, have been won by James ness of Farming," a 20-week/Youngman, Tyrone, a senior school on practical farming!student; Scott Robinson of Port which opens Nov. 27 at Crest-/Hope and Wayne Cochrane, wood Secondary School, Peter-|Burketon, junior students at the) borough. |Kemptville school Mr. Wood, a graduate of the! The Frank Real Estate, Osh- Adds an Ah! to stew... $50 to $5000 Cresta ja SUPERIOR FINANCE dry rod table fog the fastest growing all-Canadian loan company made from French 3% seen Rs South, 725-6541 ; ion Ress, Manager eo Dally 0 6-20 pum: Fridey $0 6.00 pang Other evenings by appointment. 31 SUPERIOR offices to serve you OPEN DAILY 7 10 6 PM. FRI. TILL 9 P.M. We inventory over 70 different PANELING BY... prefinished panels including Burmese Teak, Brazilian Rosewood, Black American Walnut. Architectural Grade, sequence matched. CASH AND CARRY CAVALIER, MANDARIN DELUXE COLOR CONTROLLED Classic, Prefinished Random V-Grooved 4x 7 -- Per Panel, Reg. 4.20 Crate Lot SPECIAL, each pebwd Chiba oo 403% 4x 8 -- Per Panel. Reg. 4.80 Crate Lot SPECIAL, each eauies LESSER LOTS ADD 20¢ PER PANEL PREFINISHED DECORATIVE PLYWOOD | PANELS WITH WALNUT INLAY OAK, ELM, ASH and CHERRY V%4x4x8 Sheets--Reg. 15.68 10 cog el more 12.80 Lesser Lots, Add 20¢ Per Panel _ 3.25 3.75 I.P. Prefinished Paneling ANTIQUE BIRCH 4x7 REG. 7.75 EACH Lots of 24 sheets --- ONLY EACH 5.80 CASH AND CARRY --- LESSER LOTS ADD 20¢ PER PANEL CASH AND CARRY 12 x 24 Tongue and Groove (white 64 sq. ft. per carton) oxy 6,24 (Carton Lots Only) Cosh and Corry Covers to 500 sq. ft. 25 Ibs. makes 3% gallons PER CTN. é 9 5 AVAILABLE ner 0 Fd AN0'S COLORS 12 x 12 Guaranteed WATERPROOF or Money Refunded ActouU S T BUTT Ie TI LE 64 sq. ft. per ctn. PER ony Dod8 cm (Carton Lots Only) Cosh and Corry ee BUILDING PRODUCTS FLORTILE 1/16 gauge 9x9 Vinyl Asbestos 80 Pes. Per Carton ONLY .08° PER TILE (Carton Lots Only) Cosh and Carry EAN ~ WEA sas low as, ~ BUILDING Mark Hot Electric Heaters THERMOSTAT CONTROLLED, COMPLETE WITH CORD 39.95. speci 29.90 48" 1500 watt. Reg. 37 95 s 49.95. SPECIAL Ideal for kitchens, beths, utility rooms, Eosy-to-apply. 4x8 Sheets 9 60 ° 4 Colors A significant increase in U.S. | production is expected this year) farmers have) < jattended a session of the court ; : jin the new Toronto courthouse; Yorthumberland, Applicants tive. who suggests thi |fluence it could have on domes- hil h tended the Roval y Ontario Depart-|and Nort " cyan g | , Oo suggests this is reason jwhile others attende ie Roya sibjlity of the On 'ood; are now being interviewed. | for considering ventilating the tic markets. |Winter Fair, the Ice Follies and ©& ave |5.33 per cent bytterfat. This rec-/were decided at meetings be-| 'ord has a breed class average|tween Canadian and U.S. offi- of 134 per cent for milk and 194/cjals. Canadian Turkey Federa-|. h tion officials sat in on the dis-|tice High School dance "Witch- 5 |More than 90 people will/parn ' the price of butterfat to ; : : : : : the eream 'producer is the re-take the course. "Good ventilation in barns|,.fHE CANADIAN FEDERA-| irom aiihiehe he federal gov- regulates the temperature, pro- TION of Agriculture has ex-/Toront er THREE STUDENTS from » P pressed fear that the new inter- national anti-dumping code will open the door to the import of low-price agricultural products. The federation, in a brief to a : ducers have been promised fed-/special government committee, The W. Frank Real Estate eral government help in com- Urged special measures to re- |Limited Scholarship of $300 has'hatting the problem of below- 'ain existing protection when the the |code is put into effect next July The new code obliges Canada the agri-'to prove both dumping and in- - Ae culture department said a num- jury. There will be no protec- keeping or it's too good to low-price imports keep. THERSTRIPPING & 9x9, as low as .... = PAINT TRAY & ROLLER > Only [ya ae w+ he ccecccceeeen 2.15 SHELVING LUMBER 1x12 economy pine L.F. .. iCheryl Creighton, secretary. SCHOOL DANCE s Whirl" featuring the Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jeffery of Bowmanville. formerly of Maple Grove, celebrated their|, 40th wedding anniversary, Nov. 1... Tammy Rogers, Maple Grove, returned home last week from the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children where she had a ..+. Mrs. John Brooks, Detroit, spent a week with Mr, and Mrs, Don Brooks, COURTICE (TC) -- The new|Maple Grove Mrs. Charles Carpenter, Cour- leg amputated 25th wedding anniversary .... Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Courtice|branch. were guests of honor at a Cour- tice community gathering inj1967 and is the ninth consecu-| on their 50th|tive year in which there have/ wedding anniversary ..... Thelbeen increases in the dividend] | "Big| J |rown Boys" of 'Toronto, attract.\© nited Church Women of Cour-|scale. COURTICE (TC) -- The Cour-\henezer Hall ing in Courtice. itice will hold their bazaar on the afternoon of Nov. 23 Mrs. Norman Fisher spoke on her doll collection at a meet-) Imperial Life Mr. and Shares Profits Oshawa owners of Imperial) Life participating policies will) share in over $7,000,000 being] paid out in dividends in 1968, it) was announced by Kenneth E.| Skelly, manager of the Oshawa The total is up $325,000 over) | ed a capacity crowd. Commer- cial students from the school ithe showing of the film "Far) the Madding Crowd" in! 'A Woman Looks | On ASecret | In Two Ways | . either it's not worth If @ man goes before his time you con usually figure thet the) boss has left! | early, If A born sales- man is one who can convince his} | BOB EAKINS jin a fur coat, | A dog is @ man's best friend] because he wags his tail instead of his tongue. Most people don't want a lot | NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR TINTS OR SUNGLASSES ict money. They just want. to be able to afford to live the way they're living now. The average housewife these days is so well equipped with auto- | |matie equipment she doesn't need ja maid any longer--she needs a |mechanic. | Gillard) CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. DRY CLEANING, SHIRT LAUNDERING 725-3555 RED TOP INSULATION CASH AND CARRY, bog ...... Panelling Here's a remodel project tailor made for win- 1.15 ter. New walls at low cost and less trouble, 4 x7 panels KITCHEN CABINETS Stylish, work saving new kitchen cabinets to beautify and modernize your 2 kitchen, 8' section, prefinished, . a Ks Caulking Gun & 3 Cartridges Don't let winter blasts come in through eracks eround doors and windows. Stop them 2.15 the eosy way, Only WT Stop high fuel bills this winter with proper insulation. Pouring type. 98: SINGLE VISION $199 Com te with Frames le and Case BIFOCALS OPTICIANS OVER 3000000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS 17 Bond Street, HOURS: Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. 9-5 East Fri. till 9 p.m. Sot. 9-12 'I a" and e@ WE FILL ALL SPI AT SAME LOW PR @ FIRST QUALITY @ BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT @ BIFOCALS, IF REQUIRED - KRYTOK, ULTEX OR FLATOP 2nd Floor @ FINEST NATIONAL BRAND FRAMES Wed. Closed All Doy Branches in Many Principal Cities uf Canada and U.S.- Founded 1904 MILLWORK & BUILDING Supplies Ltd. 1279 SIMCOE ST. NORTH -- OSHAWA 728-6291 -- YOUR ONE-STOP BUILDING SUPPLY CENTRE NEW SK/LSAW, 7% POWER SAW to cut through wood, plastic, wallboard, composition, even metal. Has big depth of cut: 2%" at 90°, 17" at 45°. All the work-convenience extras that Skilsaw Power Saws are famous for: Vari-torque oie ego depth and bevel con- is, sawdust ejection system, bind-free lower blade guard. _-- REG. 63.25 NOW ONLY 546.95 MODEL 574 CASH AND CARRY Model 534 - 612" Powerful 9 amp. motor delivers more than one h.p. Cuts 2 3/16" deep at 90°. Best general purpose saw for home re- modeling ond. repair. REG. 55.95 NOW ONLY 39.95 CASH AND CARRY ALL GLASSES ONE LOW PRICE wife she looks fat G5 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS T0 CHOOSE FROM odie AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS | } SPECIAL Stanley Carpenier HAMMERS NO. €-3111%4 Reg. 2.45 WHILE THEY LAST = = MAHOGANY LOUVERED INDOOR SHUTTERS 996 10 5.75 acu Available in 24 sizes. November Sale Glidden Spred Satin PAINT CASH AND CARRY Gals, Qts. Reg. 10.70 Reg. 3.50 7.99 2.59 THURSDAY, NOV. 28rd is the GRAND OPENING of Jock's Carpet Mart 282 KING ST. WEST % FACTORY PRICES !1!1 HAVE YOU SEEN THE MACLEOD OF MACLEOD? YOUR PLYWOOD HEADQUARTERS FIR PLYWOOD Good two sides YwxdxB......., 665 ¥%x4x8........ 8.40 Wax4x8 ...ccees 1000 Ax4n8 ...05... tae %x4x8........ 13.20 Good one side WxeOx8 ........: Bae Wx O88 | icscss OU Vax A = 8 isds cei Be Yex4w8........ 10.05 %wx4x8........ 75 Solid one side MWx4e8 65605 5 ¥%x4x8........ 6.80 Yax4x8........ 8.59 $4x4u8 050605. 990 %x4x8B.......5 11.65 Factory Grade Vax4x8........ 460 %x4x8........ 6.00 Wx4x8 ..6.55... 8.00 ex 4x8 ooo. eae %x4xB........ 10.60 Standard Sheathing 5/16x4x8..... 3.75 %x4x8500.,... 44 %4x4x8 22.006. 6:20 x 4x8 - occ. 7:50 wxAxB........ 9.10 Select Sheathing 5/16x4x8..... 460 SExXGx8 cca: B80 %x4x8... +. 8.35 %ex4x8T.&G... 8.90 Concrete Form Ply Yex4x8........ 9.90 11/16 x4x8..... 10.75 Spruce Plywood Sheathing 5/16x4x8 6X 45 8 ees ses ae Se See ae Hex G28 iciass %x4x8 2.55 3.65 4.10 5.85 7.20 8.75 ones RYERSON GRA Robert Alexander son of Mr. and Mrs. | topher J, Mason, 612 cane St., Oshawa, grad from Ryerson Polytec! Institute in the three - course in business ad: tration. Mr. Mason is with General Motors o! oe Firm Que On "Prop. ST. JOHNS, Que. (CP) mier Daniel Johnsc warned that Quebec int be firm with Ottawa to the CBC from. becon 'propaganda agency" | federal government. The provincial premi Saturday at the end of ¢ day caucus of the rulin; Nationale party the fede: ernment's new bill on casting now before Par borders on fascism. Mr. Johnson criticized because of a section tha with the promotion of unity, and said his gove will try to obtain control dio-Canada, the Fre: guage network of the CB There can be no defin national unity "witho presence on an equal t the French element,"' Mi son said. "We don't think ganism like the CBC shot mote ideas which origina one government. This i close to fascism." He said the federal ment in Canada is "Libe English-speaking, which worse," adding, "wou mind censoring that plea TOYS WITH TAKEOVEI The premier said he h toying with the idea of control of Radio-Canada last eight or nine mont that the idea was taken the caucus which suppc wholeheartedly. Mr. Johnson said his s the Confederation of To conference in Toronto Nc will reflect constitutiona of the Quebec populati True Saving passbook goes here Thi Here it is! Eve your combinati and True Savir _ complimentary Including pers: TRUE The I I The Convenient Way account stateme viding permaner expenditures, Ca monthly, are pro Mi: 1 EA lew

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