2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Nevember 20, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Lesage Blasts At Johnson On CBC MONTREAL (CP) -- If Pre-. mier Danie! Johnson has enough money to take over the French- language network of the CBC, then must also have enough to establish a Quebec medical care plan, Opposition leader Jean Lesage said Sunday. Commenting on Mr. Johnson's statement Saturday that the Union Nationalé government wants to gain control over the French-language branch of the CBC, the provincial. Liberal chief asked: : "How can the premier give such priority to this question when he says he does not have enough money to establish the medical care plan in July, 1968?" Seven Charged TORONTO (CP) -- Seven per- sons, four of them juveniles, were charged with possession of marijuana in three incidents Saturday. : Four high school students, in- cluding a 14-year-old girl and Take-over Plans Blesses Crowd VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Pope Paul, who is 70, appeared and spoke in public Sunday for the first time since his prostate op- eration Nov, 4. He blessed 20,000 persons at St. Peter's Square and in a shaking voice thanked God for his recovery. Scientist Defects ,| LONDON (AP) -- A Soviet 3 |scientist identified as 34-year- old Vladimir Federovich Teres- kovov was granted political asy- lum in Britain Sunday. He left a Soviet ship carrying out oceano- graphic research in the Indian Ocean during a call at Mauri- tius Oct. 19 and asked for per- mission to live in Britain. Ground Jets WASHINGTON (AP) -- More than 600 U.S, Air Force F-105 Sent Yacht By South DA NANG (AP) -- The South Vietnamese government today gave the Quaker yacht Phoenix until 11 a.m, Tuesday to get out of South Vietnamese waters and take with it the $6,250 worth of medical supplies originally in- tended for North Vietnam. Government sources in Saigon Said another reason the 50-foot yacht and its crew of eight paci- fists was barred from South Vietnam was that the crew re- fused to turn the supplies over to the Vietnamese Red Cross. Instead they insisted on giving them to Buddhist "struggle movement" groups which op- pose the South Vietnamese gov- ernment, These sources said the gov- ernment had guaranteed to the Quakers that the Red Cross would pass the medicine on to the Buddhists, Vietnamese Navy boats inter- |cepted the Phoenix at the outer edge of Da Nang harbor Sunday night and forced it to anchor in a cove five miles from the Utimatum | U.K; External Values 'Down By $1 Billion By HAROLD MORRISON LONDON (CP) -- In one deci- sive moment;James Callaghan, chancellor of the exchequer, re- duced the external value of ster- ling area balances in Britain by more than $1,000,000,000, Those balances represent de- posits by much of the Common- wealth which gets clobbered by Callaghan's mark-down of the pound. Britain acts as banker for as well as others in the sterling area. These countries--Canada is not a member of the sterling bloc~--keep most of their re- serves in British pounds which are deposited in British banks or invested in British stocks and bonds. : They totalled about 2,- 555,000,000 as of last June. During the weekend devalua- tion, their value in terms of 4ol- lars or other hard currencies dropped by more than §1,- many Commonweéalth countries, 000,000,000. . WEATHER FORECAST TORONTO (CP) -- Official |forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m. Snow Tonight, Tuesday Temperature About Same PREMIER JOHNSTON . . . Key Target two 15-year-old boys, were ar-) rested in a north-end apart- ment. Leslie Greeniaus, 18, also| Accidents Probed fighter-bombers--workhorses of |\the Vietnam war--were ground- ed in early 1964 because of dan- gerous propulsion problems re- vealed by eight major fires, the defence department said Sun- docks. The government in Sal-|day- gon issued orders not to let the) Synopsis: Skies will be varia- Phoenix dock or unload her|ble today over most of Ontario not to let was charged with contributing to juvenile delinquency. Keith Allan Lunell, 20, and a 15-year-old boy were arrested after police stopped a car and found a parcel containing mari- juana. Both were also charged with theft of under $50. Error Charged UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- Secretary - General U Thant said Sunday that UN observers of the Eoyptian - Israeli cease- fire along the Suez Canal had erred in a report. In a published report to the Security Council, Thant recalled a Nov. 9 report from the observ- ers that Egyptian gunfire had destroyed an Israel defence- forces patrol vehicle. Thant said: 'Subsequent in- vestigation has established that the explosion and fire was due to an accidental explosion within the vehicle itself." Thant said the chief truce ob- server, Norwegian Lt.-Gen. Odd Bull, expressed regret to Egyp- tian authorities "'over the inco-r rect nature of the first report." Room Proposed TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana- dian Chiropractic Association Sunday asked Ottawa to leave room in its medical care bill to allow individual provincse to get federal assistance for additional health benefits such as chiro- practic services. At a weekend meeting of the association's national board, a resolution was passed urging] | KINGSTON (CP) -- Trafficiqay, Repairs cost $45,000,000, accidents '"'don't just happen--| they have causes and so should US. Gets Help IRVINE ,Calif. (AP) -- Stu- be preventible,"' Dr. Matthew B. Dymond, provincial health min- : J ister, said Saturday at a two-\dents at the University of Cali- day symposium on trauma. pain gt Irvine campus have 3 d, Dr. James Mel- voted down a proposition assert- aoe einen of the Ontario|ing that the United States is be- Medical Association, and Crown|Coming the world's greatest Attorney John Sampson were/|threat to peace. With less than members of a panel which dis- half the students participating, cussed legislation requiring phy- the vote was 611 to 317 against. sicians to report patients who Horses Electrocute d may be suffering from a condi- tion which would make them! EL MONTE, Calif. (AP) -- driving hazards. High voltage electricity killed Dri Melvin said the legislation|two horses Sunday but the two has "worked extremely welliyoung women riding them es- and is achieving what wel|caped injury. Donna Mc- Crosson, 21, and Sheila Armi- tage, 27, said they rode their horses between a power pole and a chain link fence. One horse brushed the pole, and the other the fence and the two col- lided. Police blamed a short cir- cuit in the power pole.. They said the two women apparently were insulated from the current by their saddles. Foreign Minister ATHENS (AP) Former | | |premier Panayiotis Pipinelis,| want," although there is a lack of communication between gov- ernment and medical officers. '| lin Monday as Greece's foreign! minister. lof the conservative National \Radical Union, succeeds Paul |Economou-Gouras, whu re signed Oct, 31 because of his| jhealth. Man Rescued | PETERBOROUGH (CP) the government to adhere to in- tentions originally stated by Health Minister MacEachern. Hunter Special TORONTO (CP) -- Bibrating Pen, owned by James R. Day of Oak Ridges, Ont., won the Ca- nadian hunter special award Saturday in light horse improve- ment judging at the Royal Agri- cultural Winter Fair. The reserve title was given to World News, owned by Mrs. Victor Sifton of Brockville? UN Food Post ROME (AP) -- Addeke H. Boerma of The Netherlands was elected director-general of the UN Food and Agriculture Or- ganization today. He defeated Hernan Santa Cruz of Chile 60 to 55 on the third ballot. HERE and THERE COUNTY COURT WHITBY (Staff) -- Four crim- ina] cases are included in the heavy docket to be heard by His Honor Alex C. Hall at the General Sessions of the County Court which open at 10:30 a.m. Monday at the county building. In addition nine civil jury cas- es, 20 "h, non ~- jury cases and five peals from mazgis- trate's decisions are listed for hearing WELDING SOCIETY Canadian Welding Society, Oshawa chapter, will hold its monthly meeting Monday at Eastdale Collegiate and Voca- tional Institute at 7:45 p.m. P. Doyon wil! be guest speaker onj Michael Bruce, 29, of Stittsville, | Ont., was rescued Sunday from a burning cottage at Round i Lake, 35 miles east of here, and DR. M. B. DYMOND . in hospital here with severe Ries Atanas bina to his hands, ~ and Mr. Bruce and a hunting com- . panion, Kenneth Dellane, 30, of Eye Disease |Ottawa were asleep when fire NEW YORK (AP) -- Some/broke out in the newly - complet- hippies and swingers are con-jed, $50,000 cottage. tracting an eye disease caused} Mr. Dellane, who worked his by an organism spread by sex-|way out of the building, suffered ual intercourse, an eye special-|minor cuts and burns. Five ist reported Sunday. jhunters from a nearby cottage The disease is known as inclu. smashed a window to rescue| sion conjunctivitis, an infection|Mr. Bruce. of the membrane lining the eye- ' H | lids. __ Arabs, Israelis Fire | The causative agent usually) TEL AVIV (AP) -- Israelil can be found in the eye, andjand Jordanian forces exchanged| 68, a royal confidant, was sworn jliberal theology." | Pipinelis, a member |Chicago, formerly of Waterloo, cargo, ashore and'to let no newspaper men or other visitors board her. Defying the U.S. state depart- ment, the Phoenix carried $10,- |000 worth of medical supplies to the North Vietnamese port of Haiphong last spring. The yacht sailed for Da Nang with the shipment now aboard after the North Vietnamese refused to let. her bring them to Haiphong, saying the boat would be endan- gered by the "intensive bar- baric bombing of North Viet- nam by U.S. warplanes." The skipper of the yacht is Robert Eaton, 23, of Annapolis, Md., who had been first mate on the voyage to Haiphong and had his U.S. passport revoked by the state department for travel- ling to North Vietnam without valid travel documents. Bishop Pike On Griddle HAMILTON (CP) -- Episco- pal Bishop James Pike of Cali- fornia was told Saturday he is "one of the most tragic exam- ples of the current revival of | Dr. John Montgomery of! made the statement while shar- ing the stage with the bishop at a McMaster University teach-in. He said the bishop has moved further and further left since jentering Protestantism at the point of an unstable theology. Bishop Pike, threatened by bishops of his church earlier this year with charges of her- esy, said criticism by Dr. Mont- gomery was unfair and persona! and unlike any he had received in 75 previous appearances. Dr. Montgomery, referring to a reference in Bishop Pike's re- cent book, If This Be Heresy, said the bishop had "'let his per- sonal drive toward wish fulfil- ment" lead him to the survival interpretation he places on psy- chic data. In the book, the bishop refers the crew/and most of the snowflurry ac- ltivity will end during the morn- ing. Afternoon temperatures will reach the 30s. Prospects for Tuesday are for mostly cloudy skies with periods of snow in most areas. Toronto, Hamilton, Windsor, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Niag- ara, Lake Ontario regions: Sunny with a few cloudy periods today. Cloudy with occasional snow tonight and Tuesday. Lit- tle change in temperatures. Winds northwest 15, becoming light tonight. London, Lake Huron, southern Georgian Bay regions: Variable cloudiness and a few snowflur- ries today and Tuesday. Not much change in temperature. Winds northwest 15, becoming light tonight. Sudbury, North Bay, northern ma, Timagami regions: Mostly cloudy today and Tuesday. A few snowflurries this morning and again Tuesday. Winds northwest 15, becoming light to- |night. White River, Cochrane, west- 46 Plead Guilty Illegal Assembly MONTREAL (CP) -- Forty- six persons, all but one of them students, pleaded guilty during the weekend to charges of parti- cipating in an unlawful assem- bly in connection with an anti- American demonstration that turned into a wild melee. Five policemen and several demonstrators were injured Fri- day night in the demonstration outside the United States consu- late where about 2,000 students were protesting against the war in Vietnam. "Police, some of them on horseback, moved in as bricks, bottles and paint were hurled at the building in downtown Mont- real. The 46 accused were repre- sented by a lawyer, retained by l'Union Generale des Etudients du Quebec, the province-wide student organization which or- to communication he believes was received from his dead son. Dr. Montgomery said the bish-| op "endeavors to provide "em- pirical' evidence for human sur- vival after death by way of psy- | chic phenomena... ." also in the genital tract of the|fire for about 30 minutes across} patient or his sexual partner,/the Jordan River Sunday. It) said Dr. Charles R. Dawson of|was the second breach of the! the University of California in|ceasefire in the area during the) San Francisco. jweekend and the fourth so far| In most cases the organism|this month. Neither side report-! does not cause any noticeable|ed any casualties | symptoms in the genital tract. '+ Celebrate Quietly Dawson told a seminar spon- sored by Research to Prevent) LONDON (AP) -- Queen Eliz- Blindness Inc. jabeth and Printe Philip mark} |their 20th wedding anniversary) NBC Crews Hurt today. The palace staff wards SAIGON (AP) -- Two mem- ff al inquiries about gifts, | bers of a National Broadcasting with: "Sorry, this is a Private) Co. television crew were injured |2ffair, and none of our busi- Saturday in a North Vietnamese |"°5S- GUARANTY | TRUST CO. All Types of Homes Needed BUYING OR SELLING FINANCING ARRANGED When you list .wtih GUARANTY Real Estate Dept. anes 728-1653 Eest recees a rocket attack near Dak To in South Vietnam's central high- lands. They suffered concussion and shock when a rocket explod- ed within 10 yards of them, kill- ing an American soldier and wounding a second. | the subject 'Power Resources'. Mr. Doyon is technical director of Canadian Liquid Air Ltd., 2 pest chairman of the Mon- treal chapter of the CWS and was chairman of technical pa- per for the last welding show in Montreal Call J. Feltis | 728-6414 CHAIRMAN OSHAWA | SAFETY LEAGUE | DX -- DX -- DX DX -- DX -- DX -- SAV WITH PA RA KRM SR BE WISE: . . . ECONOMIZE ! FUEL Phone 668 -3341 DX -- DX -- DX -- DK-- BX-- Bx ESS Ingredients. So, Ne brings $ $ $ $ | $ OIL ¢) 4 ular or chocolate coated. Safety Problems? | < o gentle laxative of Tums! It's called IR... because it's Nature's Remedy The Tums people, as you would expect, know a great deal about sensitive stomachs. That's why they make their laxative, Nt Nature's Remedy, only with vegetable relief, This gentle action is especially important if you now take a laxative once, twice or three times a week. m works while you sleep without disturbing your rest. There is no letdown, no uncomfortable after-feeling. Try Nature's Remedy, a gentle all-vegetable laxative. Reg- easy, effective, overnight tonight, tomorrow alright, ie d the demonstration. Georgian Bay, Haliburton, Algo- Wing ern James Bay regions: Mostly cloudy and a little warmer today with a few snowflurries this morning. Tuesday cloudy with some snow and tu colder during the day. Winds westerly 15 to 20, becoming northerly Tuesday. Ottawa region: Sunny with a few cloudy periods today. Tues- day sunny but with increasing cloudiness later in the day and little milder. Winds northwest 15 night. é Montreal! region: Mainly cloudy with some flurries, be- coming mainly sunny later this morning. Tuesday sunny but with increasing cloudiness and not so cool. Winds westerly 15 gusty to 30, becoming light this evening. Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Tuesday Windsor ...0s0.0.. 20 40 St. Phomas ....... 25 35 London .....» 25 35 Kitchener ... 25 35 Mount Forest 25 35 ham .... pL) 35 Hamilton ... 30 35 St. Catharines 30 35 Toronto ..... 30 35 Peterborough 20 35 Kingston .... 25 35 Trenton . 25 35 Killaloe . 20 35 Muskoka 20 35 North Bay 20 32 20 32 Earlton .. 20 32 Sault Ste. « 3 35 Kapuskasing ... 20 32 White River ...... 25 32 Moosonee ,...+s000+ 20 35 Timmins ........ 20 32 Sluggish Kidneys gusty to 20, becoming light to-|"# Callaghan is wel aware of the problems that will result for many of these countries, such as India, which are struggling with their own problems and find it difficult to make ends meet, They will find it tougher now, They have been caught in the web of Britain's financial crisis. But Callaghan is. known argue that while they had little power to protect their holdings, these countries did benefit over the years from Britain's high in- terest rates. As long as their deposits re- main in Britain, they will bene- fit from the even higher interest charges that follow the boost of the central bank rate to eight per cent from 6%4--the highest rate in 53 vears, While most of these countries will undoubtedly continue to hold their reserves in Britain, some sterling area members, particularly the non-Common- wealth members, could cause further upsets in Britain's posi- tion as sterling-area banker. Among the depositors are such oil-rich countries as Ku- wait which is reported to heve about £300,000,000 in London. During the Arab-Israeli war last June, some of these Arab coun- tries threatened to withdraw their holdings because of Brit- ain's alleged sympathy with Is- el, This could undermine the pound's role as one of the a main reserve curren- es. Cattle Disease Hits At Britain LONDON. (AP) -- Britain's worst foot-and-mouth epidemic in more than 40 years continued to spread Sunday, with 41 fresh outbreaks confirmed. The agriculture ministry said more than 109,000 cattle, sheep, hogs and goats had been slaugh- tered in 602 outbreaks--many more than in the worst previous epidemic, in 1923. Movement of livestock has been restricted throughout Eng- land and Wales. HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S 'OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS | | | MARTEN'S FURS -- 75 King St. East for further Instructions. Both said they waited and no further word came, Smith, a draftee, says he will go to court to get his discharge if the army doesn't let him out. Ex-soldier Gets Bill LAKEWOOD, Calif. (AP) -- A former soldier who sat at home waiting for U.S. Army orders for 223 days in 1966 says the army has billed him for $1,238 paid him during his extended absence, Specialist John Brown, 24, said he went to the army at least once a month during the period, trying to get the army to solve the problem. He said everyone laughed at the mixup until he told them his hitch was) up and he wanted out. Then the post commanier at |nearby Fort MacArthur found 4'n% ~ SAVINGS ACCOUNTS out about Brown's predicament. fe) PERSONAL "He thought I had done a real 4 % CHEQUING bad thing," Brown said. That ACCOUNTS weekend "I tried to tell him-- and the record showed it--that | had been honest with the army. I wanted to do what was right --but they couldn't seem to fg ure out what 'right' was." SECOND INCIDENT | Brown's dispute followed by a) week the complaint of Pte. Jo-| seph A. Smith, who says, he} spent 18 months of his two-year army hitch at home at Marys- PERSONAL LOANS CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawe 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmanville ne 623-2527" ville, Calif., and now wants out say of the army. ay | Nii Both Brown and Smith were) ei home on leave, with orders to, SATURDAYS go to Vietnam. Both received in- structions cancelling previous orders and telling them to wait MARTEN'S 9" YEAR FUR SALE SAVE 2 3125 10 5550 on the finest | | May Bring | Restless Nights ' If you "fight the pillow', toss and turn all through the night and don't really know why -- perhaps here's news and help for you! One cause of such restlessness may be traced to sluggish kidney action. Urinary irri- tation and bladder discomfort may follow. The result can be backache and restless nights. This is when Dodd's Kidney Pills can help bring relief. Dodd's stimulate kidney action, helps relieve the see if you don't feel better, res 5 Used successfully by millions for over 10 years, New large size saves money, ERAT Reverend Speaki McLAUGHL RAY HORD LIBRARY AUDITORIUM Nov. 30, 7:30 p.m. EA s A a 8 oa Hs = es 5 Ls ing at HN PUBLIC the next %* to engage in social a others. % to see professional and camping New Members Sought or MOTOR CITY CAMPERS' CLUB All are invited to attend Monday, Nov. 20, 1967 AT NORTH OSHAWA PARK COMMUNITY CENTRE NONQUON ROAD AT MARY ST. This Club offers its members the opportunity % to share one's own camping experience with travelling and comping %* to hear expert speakers on the subject of FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PHONE OSHAWA RECREATION 'DEPT. 725-1111 meeting P.M. ctivities amateur films on a Give ift S--- This gift certifica OE ers per OSHAWA and you have a choice monthly. today. ; OSHAWA 600 King St. E. A OTTER STS eh OTR, YOUR GIFT PROBLEMS ARE OVER: SATE Wal GIFT CERTIFICATE This special certificate is a gift from Freieie-eintngagh What To Give ! What To Give ! 'Very often you are stumped on what to give a certain person. Your troubles are over. Give them a beautiful gift certifi- cate from CABLE TV. All certificates include installation -- only 9.95 -- They will enjoy crystal clear reception on 11 channels. Why not make someone real happy this christmas; give them the gift that keeps on giving -- give them a certificate from CABLE TV! Call us or come to our office GIVE THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING... a Cable TV Certificate! a tere es ee eae yes a ce Fa Pies cies mew ws to Cable TV installation Fe month(s) service = che teas Sans Lana eee ' Date LTD. SS. ----$5-- fa of one month to 12 months service for only 4.95 Ltd. (east mall) Phone now 723-5278 WINTERS COMI No Bi *# LONDON (CP). --Canadi: Trade Minister Winters sa 'Sunday night he does not thi EDWARD HEATH, right and Ian McLeod, leaders o! Britain's Conservative op- position party discuss the devaluation of the British UK's De Could SI] LONDON (Reuters) -- Wh Prime Minister Wilson decid to devalue the pound in order calm Britain's troubled fine cial waters, he may have t leashed a political storm th could shipwreck his administ1 tion, political observers sé Sunday. They said that a fundamen' split within the governing Lab party seems inevitable when t impact of the tough austeri measures that go along with ¢ valuation hits Labor's suppo ers. Wilson's personal standi and his government's long-te1 chances of keeping power wou be virtually settled by the rez tion of Labor supporters with the next few days, they said. Meanwhile, informed gover ment sources said there are plans for a cabinet reshuff Thy added they know nothi of rumors that the chancellor Britain, Egypt After 23-Mont! LONDON (AP) --Britain a Egypt announced Sunday t restoration of diplomatic ti after a 23-month break. Sir Harold Beeley was repo: ed chosen as new British ai bassador in Cairo. A foreign office stateme said Britain's relations wi President Gamal Abdel Ni ser's United Arab Republic w be resumed "'in the first half December." The move was in line wi Pertussin Fast Re Cough Sy 4 CHRISTM. CARDS 6 TO A PACK James Bond Series Jig Saw Pu Compare 4.98 | | e FOR PRICE SAKE (ageiesisiaba i adetzaleaanie ea Trim House Alum FOR PRICE aye % SAKE OLD SPICE Men's After Shave & C Gift Sel west 9. FOR PRICE SAKE AEA TS Compare 69e FOR PRICE SAKE Compore 1.00 FOR PRICE SAKE GIFT WRAP J Ribbon He FOR PRICE SAKE 2 All you want -- Thousonds to