r instructions. id they waited and no word came, Smith, a ays he will go to court | discharge if the army t him out. 14% AVINGS COUNTS @ eames ° ACCOUNTS ERSONAL LOANS AL ONTARIO TRUST NGS CORPORATION neoe St. N., Oshawe 723-5221 J &.. ane semnenvile OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS end SATURDAYS ltd PETRI iN'S ILE n the finest quality furs 68 fashions 190 ig St. East what to give | gift certifi- only 9.95 -- or only 4.95 ry 'not make eps on giving to our office c. 723-5278 WINTERS COMMENTS No Big Exports Shift Seen «LONDON (CP). -- Canadian Jrade Minister Winters said 'Sunday night he does not think devaluation of the British pound will cause a major dislocation in Canada's exports to Britain. | | MINISTER REACHES LONDON "Because of the nature of our' trade--we do not believe it will have any great effect,' he said EDWARD HEATH, right, and Ian McLeod, leaders of Britain's Conservative op- position party discuss the devaluation of the British pound in London yesterday, The pound was devalued Saturday from $2.80 to $2.40. Tory leader Heath charged that under Labor leadership Britain had been '"'reduced from a prosperous nation to an international pauper.' (AP Wirephoto) UK's Devaluation Storm Could Shipwreck Laborites LONDON (Reuters) -- When Prime Minister Wilson decided to devalue the pound in order to calm Britain's troubled finan- cial waters, he may have un- leashed a political storm that could shipwreck his administra- tion, political observers said Sunday. They said that a fundamental split within the governing Labor party seems inevitable when the impact of the tough austerity measures that go along with de- valuation hits Labor's support-! ers. Wilson's personal standing and his government's long-term chances of keeping power would be virtually settled by the reac- tion of Labor supporters within the next few days, they said. Meanwhile, informed govern- ment sources said there are no plans for a cabinet reshuffle. Thy added they know nothing the exchequer, James ghan, plans to hand in his resig-|vative nation. Calla-,pressed home this point, Conser- Opposition Leader Ed- ward Heath launched a cam- Some reports said Callaghan | paign to oust Wilson from the} wants to be replaced as chan-|reigns of power. cellor and that Foreign Secre- tary George Brown will also be involved in a switch. Callaghan will bear the brunt of the already shimmering storm when he gives details of the government's new economic plans to Parliament today. The broad outlines of a mas- sive campaign emerged Sunday to convince Britons that the government has been in control of the economic situation since it came into power in 1964 and is not now reacting from a posi- tion of weakness. Prime Minister Wilson argued on radio and television that the pound was devalued by 14.3 per} cent in an all-out effort to cure the nation's financial ills. of rumors that the chancellor of But, while the government Britain, Egypt Restore Ties After 23-Month LONDON (AP) --Britain and Egypt announced Sunday the restoration of diplomatic ties after a 23-month break. Sir Harold Beeley was report- ed chosen as new British am- bassador in Cairo. A foreign office said Britain's relations with President Gamal Abdel Nas- ser's United Arab Republic will be resumed "'in the first half of December." The move was in line with statement SAKE ! Pertussin Fast Relief Cough Syrup 44a CHRISTMAS Compare 69¢ FOR PRICE SAKE CARDS 6 TO A PACK Compore 1.00 FOR PRICE SAKE Compare 4.98 FOR PRICE SAKE 1.9 Trim House Aluminum Mail Box: 99° FOR PRICE SAKE OLD SPICE Men's After Shave & Cologne Gift Sefs Regular 3.75 FOR PRICE SAKE GIFT WRAP FOR PRICE SAKE 2 All you want -- Thousands to choose from. 29° James Bond Series 007 Jig Saw Puzzles 2.99 Break British attempts to mend fences with all countries of the Middle East and Africa where political difficulties have arisen over the Rhodesia and Arab - crises. The U.A.R. and Guinea and several other African states broke with Britain in December, 1965, in protest against the way the British were handling the Rhodesia rebellion. Moves for a resumption of relations with Guinea now are under way. Israeli Folding model Approx. 48 x 36, Compare 16.95 FOR PRICE SAKE Size 7. FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE EACH t. FOR' PRICE SAKE Compare 39¢ Reguler 5.00 FOR PRICE SAKE jinternational |Britain out of its troubles. FOR PRICE SAKE Tuesday Treats INFANTS' Play Pens of hardwood IF YOu WEAR a size 6, 7 or 8 men's shoe see our selection of hundreds of salesman's samples. Come in for a fitting, This selection contains Jarmen, Ritchie, ete. With values to 30.00. GIANT SIZE Dump Truck or Red Gross Ambulance Polyethylene toys. Approx. 2 feet long. Baby Giit Sef For any occasion. 8 piece feed and care se' Williards Will-0-Pak Will-O-Crisp Confections General Electric CHRISTMAS LIGHTS 15 LIGHT INDOOR SET. In one of his sharpest criti- cisms of the government, Heath charged that devaluation was entirely due to Wilson's mishan- dling of the economy. Authoritative source s said Callaghan decided two weeks ago that the pound must be de- valued for the first time since 1949, and the cabinet agreed to} this unanimously Thursday. Saturday night's government, announcement, which ended a} week of uncertainty 'and specu- lation about the future of one of! the world's big trading curren- cies, also gave news of massive credits to help Britain has already arranged with central banks of unspeci- fied countries credits amounting to $1,600,000,000 ind the Interna- tional Monetary Fund has said it will favorably consider a re- quest credit. The sources said neither of these standby credits were jasked for by Britain. They were said to' be the voluntary reac- tion of the world community when the government first dis- closed that devaluation of the pound was a )ossibility. Britain may not have to use any of the credits. But the gov-/ ernment was said to be satisfied they are there as a further de- terrent to any international spe- culators who might be planning to put fresh pressure on the pound even at its new parity rate. construction, 1.66 Com 1.88 29° 'OR PI 3.66 | 50 for further $1,400,000, 000) Seconds FOR PRICE SAKE Prefabricated Flying Balsa Wood Aeroplanes Compare 59c FOR PRICE SAKE GREEN GHOST FOR P. Toy Pianos 10 Keyboard . Model FOR PRICE SAKE Black Magic or Rowntrees Dairy Box CHOCOLATES » row "Regular 1.15 in an interview shortly after a- rriving for a round of' discuss- ions here and in several Euro- pean capitals. "Obviously, devaluation will make things more highly com- petitive for us," he added. "It will take a little time for it to shake down and give us a clear- er view." Winters--his trip was ar- ranged long before devaluation) --plans to talk today with Rich-| ard Crosland, president of the government's board of trade, before going to the Continent later in the week. IMPORTS MAY BE HIT Meanwhile, qualified observ- ers here also took the view that most imports from Canada will} not be hit drastically. Manufactured goods from Canada will suffer, but the great bulk of the trade--raw materials, foodstuffs and news- print--is regarded as on the safe side. Between 85 and 90 per cent of Canada's sales to Britain-- which total up to $1,400,000,000 a year--are in the non-durable class. They are bought because they are both a necessity and |British decision to devalue the Buy British TORONTO (CP) -- Most major exports from Britain, such as cars, whisky and wool- lens, will be affected by the pound, says John Mackie, chair- man of the British Automobile Manufacturers Association (Canada). Mr. Mackie said in an inter- view Sunday it is "'only a mat- ter of how much and when." "I don't think there's any doubt about a reduction." Some shop owners here deal- ing in British goods don't know if parent firms might increase their wholesale prices if retail prices to Canadian consumers | are reduced. Ernest P. Carr, president of the Canadian Importers' Asso- ciation, said: "It should make it easier for Canadians British goods But that's rather evident." J. T. Wood, vice-president and general manager of Household Finance Corp, of Canada, said the increase in bank rates would have a stabilizing effect the cheapest available. Observ- ers say that, in the main, this is | not likely to be changed sub- stantially by devaluation. slash dollar imports to shore up| balance-of-payments _ situa- "5 British manufacturers now j will operate with a 14.3-per-cent price discount on these articles as against Canadian competi- jtion. Also, credit restrictions could put an added squeeze on| Canadian manufacturers. | LENDING TIGHTENED One of the elements in the de- valuation package is that bank lending is being tightened up ex- cept for priority borrowers. The }favored customers will be ex- porters, and definitely not im- porters of non - essentials. The move could touch Canada in some other ways. One will be \a drop in British tourist spend- ing there. Up to now, a current - conser- |vative measure, Britons have been allowed to take out £50 apiece a year in sterling. Deval- luation of the pound--to about) $2.57 Canadian from $3--means jthat a couple's spending abroad will be cut by about $45. In fact, there is some talk that the al- lowance may eventually be wiped out altogether. On the other hand, the fat- tened Canadian dollar in rela- tion to the pound will make pos- sible cheaper holidays for Cana- dians in the United Kingdom. LOOKING FOR A | COMFORTABLE QUIET RENDEZVOUS DOWNTOWN? | THEN Go TO THE | Tally-Ho Room Hotel Lancaster § 27 KING ST. WEST Baby Button Front Under Vests BY PENMANS 33° Scale Model 29° GAME E SAKE be pore 1.98 99° 79° RICE SAKE | CHRISTMAS TREE \ | ORNAMENT HANGERS. | FREE with the purchate of any tree ornaments. on the economy. Mr. Wood said he doubts the increase in the bank rate would if they increase much more. Dow Denies Napalm Story | SARNIA (CP) -- A spokes- man for Dow Chemical Co. of Canada Ltd., said Saturday in answer to a planned student protest that the Canadian com- pany does not make napalm or any ingredients for napalm. University of Toronto stu- dents, who plan to pick the com- pany's employment interview- ing team today, said the com- gredients for the U.S. defence department. The company spokesman said| the napalm is made.by the par-| | ent U.S. company at one Bel discovery of a Viet Cong camp 'Site four miles inside Cambodia to b i They sone 8 angered Prince Norodom ; Ais Sihanouk and raised doubts more value for their ars. | bout his sai dbalais that View. jbattle, only pany is a supplier of napalm in-|f The U.S. command for | years has charged that Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces find sanctuary in neighboring Cam! odia, charges which Cambodia's ruler, Prince Noro d om Siahnouk, has _ rep denied. Western newspaper men were admitted to Cam- bodia to cover the visit of Mrs. John F. Kennedy, Two Associated Press men went to the border across from War Zone C, which they have covered from the South Vietnamese side. | By GEORGE McARTHUR and HORST FAAS PHNOM PENH (AP) -- The namese Communist forces were given sanctuary in his country. Cambodia's ruling prince is said to regard the discovery by American newspaper men as a fabrication and 'part of a cam- paign against him by the U.S press. We found the Viet Cong camp, | |create higher interest rates for recently used, on the border op-| Manufactured goods for con-|commercial and other borrow-|posite War sumers are an entirely differentiers. He said the rates are al- |miles proposition. This is just where|ready high and there might be|had been the British government wants to) an inflow of United States funds'months and probably was Zone C, northwest used about 70) of Saigon. It} for several! al Staging area for the Loc Ninh| nine miles away, earlier this month. U.S.-INSPIRED CAMPAIGN The prince, who contends the! United States is the aggressor in Vietnam, is reported to have told intimates our reports were part of a campai gninspired by the U.S. command in Saigon to justify military operations against Cambodia. We informed Prime Minister Son Sann of the camp site be- fore the stories were published His initial reaction was cautious and he said he would make an official investigation. The Best Fuel Oil For Less WESTERN OSHAWA OIL LTD. 725-1212 jin Torrence, Calif. 'Prince Angered Plan Backed By Press Report Evidence of Viet Cong occupancy found in the camp i cluded military records written North Viet- supplies and in Vietnamese, namese medical similar items. Dated scraps paper indicated the camp had been used for several months dating back to last February. HEAVY TRUCK MOVEMENT There were unmistakab signs that several hundred men had used the camp. Occupan' had left only a few days before. From the camp a heavily tra- velled road went through the dense jungle to the frontie crossing it nine miles from Loc Logs had been put down to counteract the monsoon mud. trucks Ninh. Tracks indicated heavy™ had used it. One embarrassed young. lieu- tenant escorting us said perhaps THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, November 20, 1967 3 the road was used by ie ae for years that the Viet thieves. Another suggested t!Cong and the North Vietnamese was built by the forestry depast | use Cambodia as a sanctuary ment, when the going gets too rough American officers havelfor them. of EYE SYMPTOMS MAY BE WARNINGS OF DANGER They may indicate the eyes themselves need help or that conditions in the body are causing eye problems which are doing them serious harm. Eyesight is too important to neglect any signs of abnormal vision. A sudden, severe pain in the eyes spreading over the head may be a sign of glaucoma, which can destroy in hours. Watch out for recurring dimming of vision, halos around lights, distortions of objects, double vision, ive tears and blinking, red eyelids and unequal pupils, All these are symptoms which ts r, almost demond the immediate attention of a physician ion is needed, we or ist. When di can fill any prescription. YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a medicine. Pick up your prescription if shopping nearby, or we will deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with their prescriptions. May we compound and dispense yours? PLANNING A.:, © BANQUET © CONVENTION © MEETING First Class Facilities For 20 to 400 Guests Quality Service Experienced Staff RESERVE YOUR FUNCTION NOW! 723-4641 EASTVIEW PHARMACY 573 King Street East Oshawa PHONE 725-3594 Fast -- Free -- Motorized Delivery P. B. Francis, Phm.B. -- J. R. Steffen, B.Se.Phm. TROUD [54 sincor nortn | SIMCOE NORTH ~ Tuesday and Wednesday Specials - LEAN TENDER HOTEL 1 BONELESS Geroeh=| Dot Roust Handsome new decanter. Smooth, light flavour. Now you' know why Hiram Walker's Gold Crest is the hit of.every party. HIRAM WALKE GOLD 'When'a"whisky is wa ismooth as Gol you've got something good going for you.) everybody likes 'since-@ whisky doesn't happen very often,' we've decided brate this Centennial year by putting Gold in a new kind of decanter. Tall and cylindrical. Clean, clear, and slim. With a cut glass sunburst in the base. It lets you show off just a bit. Because it looks great,' and tastes so smooth and light. It's the kind ky that goes well at any' kind of party. Try next party and see. Gold 'Crest. The Party ) CRES| R'S d Crest, Because it. And. like this' to cele- Crest up of whis- it at your Whisky.\ Hiram Walker & Sons Limited, Distillers of fine whiskies for over 100 years, | CLUB 09! | STEAKS 49° FRESHLY GROUND Minced Beef TASTY SKINLESS WIENERS GS laa THURSDAY, NOV. 23rd is the GRAND OPENING of Jock's Carpet Mart 282 KING ST. WEST FACTORY PRICES!!! HAVE YOU SEEN THE MACLEOD OF MACLEOD?