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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Nov 1967, p. 5

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gs ian two weeks or more m no one heard, wrong?" were the Oh to receive just a ds." e cried herself to ach night, d, please tell me ight." day mum saw the n, it the sight of the lenched in his hand, orry to inform you 'own, it's your son, killed in combat by r with a gun, | brave young man, youthful pride, courage and spunk, orry he died." good are words boy is dead, i he die for?" Just ny times have these yeen said? me, you wise men, too ignorant to see, the glory in war, yes It solve? Come, to me, elling all the Janes ms of boys like John ach "peace" and ", try telling them. not an adventure round beauty, ble! Nothing more ugly reality. friend, many a boy » before my words Jane's heart will y a mother's heart ak, the pointless hor- war you awake. CATHERINE CANT RE POWER Yr: Black Power, Que- Peace Power, In- / and now Student rywhere people sit- ting, striking "and their heads for free > love, freedom to peddle pornography, opt out. Our stu- mapers and Hippie with jargon usual. Skid Road lavatory ith disrespect for ichers and the law, ily one answer, It's inch Square Power, e against paying upport Universitiey y students who'd them as they please, tt cooking meals, is, vacuuming and ree board, TV and es. Let's freak out ling transportation, ambulance, power, nd food services to reject our society. ays the piper calls hat means the tax. ire. After all, free- ech and civil rights xclusive property of , Black Power, In- or Student Power, 'ity group it's time / Power began de- share of rights ~ ie right to dissent dissenters, rs sincerely, Patricia Young, Vancouver, B.C, | NOT NEEDED or: is not needed for ens in this city. We Golden Age Club, 'lub, who are help- | by the presidents' etc. From the east 1 no buses Sundays s and car-less peo incentive to pay er the place. e matter with peo- . others take away s. A church was , a disgrace to any ke more room for et on with a decent al, the present one ep to a city this size. e will certainly be 'phant, more sense 'MCA and not on @ ywners should make nd for their rights. y just take it, pay hen growl about it. gh for the powers ost women go to to the hotels. No is needed. *. Davies, , 620B Bond St. E., Oshawa mtn Hist F YEARS MAN NG TANTALIZING IOGRAPHY ON i ND HIM- WS HAVE BEEN SPREADALROSS PRA {hie PRUNES LACES WHERE TINGS SURVIVE MATIC, INSCRUT- FROM A WORLD VCENTRATION oF R FOUND ARE PICTURES AT i KINGSTON, Ont. WHITBY {MAYOR Des- mond Newman was guest genker at the Henry Street lh School commencement exercises Saturday in 'the school auditorium. Chatting prior to the exercises were, from left: R. A. Batten, school board Adrienne Haas, ian and Ontario Scholarship winner; David Hamer, who chairman, valedictor- received the Mayor's Medal for outstanding leadership; Mayor Newman and O. B Edgeley, school principal. --Oshawa Times Photo Commencement Held Four injured Henry Street School WHITBY (Staff) -- A large] number of parents and friends| attended the commencement ex- ercises held Saturday night in the auditorium at Henry Street High School. Miss Adrienne! Haas, an Ontario Scholarship) winner, was the valedictorian. | Mayor Desmond Newman de- livered the address to the grad- uates following which a large) GRADUATION DIPLOMAS The following Jarosz, successfully | Johnson, Rudolph John Jensen, In Collision William| Komposch, 11 and 12 in the five - year|Brian Maundrell, Shirley Mc-|Uxbridge. program in the arts and science|Leod, Stephen Patterson, Ber- neice Sangwin, Reginald Smith, : 4 Six - option Diploma -- Lynda|Elizabeth Van Vliet, Nicholas|4ale received lacerations to the scalp and face, a concussion, successfully and shock when the car driven completed the courses of Grade|by her husband, Gordon Hub: - yearibard, collided with a car driv-| branch: Hall, Steven Peleshok, Reed, Ronald Smith. Five - option Diploma -- Eliz- abeth Barter, Beverly Blucher,|}} and 12 in the four number of diplomas, prizes and|Donald Borchuk, Richard Car-| program in the arts and sci Susan|Van Vliet, Barry Watt. The following awards were presented to stu-jter, Gail' Clarke, Doreen Cour-|branch: dents for outstanding achieve-| ment in. the various phases of|Gibson, Carol Godwin, Vivian len the work of the school. Sharon Craigen was present-| ed with the Whitfield Trophy} as the outstanding student from among the merit crest winners; while David Hamer received the Mayor's Medal as the stu- dent who demonstrated the most outstanding leadership. Athletic awards included the Wilson Trophy presented to Sharon Craigen, the outstanding girl athlete and the Vorvis Trophy presented to David Lomax, the outstanding boy athlete. HONOR DIPLOMAS Ontario Secondary School Hon- or Graduation Diplomas were presented to: Sharon Craigen, Edward Fer- tile ,Judith Foskett, Adrienne Haas, Robért Hiscox, Ardith Holmes, Sarah Inkpen, Sheila Mackey, Allan Magrath, Debor- ah McColl. Robert McGary, John McKib- bin, Louise Pogson, Janis Pope, Particia Price, Sandra Rycroft, Jennifer Town, Elizabeth Winter! Ross Wotten. Decorations Demonstrated WHITBY (Staff) -- Mrs. Wal- ter Verhoeven who was in the florist business before coming to Canada 16 years ago was guest speaker at the Castle Chapter Alumnae of the On- tario Ladies' College, Whitby. Mrs. Verhoeven demonstra- ted how small squares of news- papers and pieces of styrofoam could form a tree. Old maga- zines formed choir boys and angels. The heads of these fig- ures were made from styro- foam balls with the features painted onto them. Using three plastic coffee cups glued to- gether then dressed in paper with features painted on the top coffee cup formed figurines of the oriental kings or the three wise men. : Another idea for clear plastic coffee cups was to thread rib- bon through the cup, attach the ribbon to small colored Christ- mas decoration balls and the plain coffee cups becanfe tink- king Christmas _ bells. Plain pointed paper cups were glued together with color and some sparkle added, a ribbon com- ing from the cent. made this an ideal Christmas decoration. An auction sale of the items made during the demonstration was held. Mrs. John Vickery had introduced the speaker at the meeting held at the home of Mrs. Robert Brown, Masson Street, Oshawa. Each member of the Castle Chapter took a gift to the meet- ing and these were sent to Mrs. James Carnwith, Sr., Brooklin, who is confined to her home by illness. chesne,- Alison Cunliffe, -- Neil Harris, Andrew Hiscox, Andrew Lawrence, Janis Magrath, Di- ane McColl, Laurel McKim,} Rhonda Payne, Margaret Ques- nelle, Brian Sorichetti, WLaw- rence Todd, George Town, Su-| san Town, Niela Van Der Bij, Nigel Wilson. Four-option Diploma -- James Arnold, Robert Cawker, Connor, Lynne Davis, Diane Foster, Robert Gordon, Jane! Harlow, James Harris, Sonia |Robert Hiscox, Dalby, Char' Atkinson, Fre les His wife, Nancy Fawn, left shins and his 'at the time of the accident. + |United Church Women; * |Guide of Canada Whitby District + |Association; St. Andrew's Pres- , |byterian Women Group 3; Blair MONDAY, NOV. 20 Co-op Credit Union banking night; Whitby Baptist Church Explorers; ist Whitby Scouts; St. Mark's United, Church Women Unit 8; Gardenview Girl Park Vista Ratepayers Associa- tion; All Saints Anglican Church Evening Guild; St. John's Ang- lican Church Men's Club; Ajax Royal Canadian Legion Pipe Band; Ajax St, Paul's United Church Women Kum-Meet-Us WHITBY - AJAX CALENDAR TUESDAY, NOV. 21 Pentecostal Church Young People's Christ Ambassadors; Al-Anon Family Group; Whitby Whittlers TOPS Club; Shrinking Violets TOPS Club; Red Cross workroom; Whitby Lions Club; Women's Christian Temperance Union; The Antique Club; Al- monds United Church Women Evening Group; Ajax Kinettes; Ajax Ladies Pipe Band; ist Pickering Cub Pack; Pickering Pound Peelers TOPS Club, tion Army Prayer and Bible Study; Royal Canadian nee Ladies Auxiliary; W tby Women's Institute; Ajax White) REFEREE STOPS FIGHT Dove Rebekah Lodge; Ajax! TURIN, Italy (Reuters) -- Ar-| BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) -- Senior Citizens Friendship Club;|gentine heavyweight Eduardo|Five youths who pleaded guilty Ajax St. Paul's \ajnited Church|Corletti won a technical knock-|to throwing eggs in a theatre CGIT. jout over U.S. fighter Everett| were ordered by Judge Gerald [cz Copeland Friday night when the|G. Glasr to pay $10 fines aad to THURSDAY, NOV. 23 referee stopped their scheduled|write 1,000 times "I will not be Whitby Baptist Church Cubs; jie-round bout in the fifth round. |a bad egg." ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 20, 1967 § BAD EGGS WEDNESDAY, NOV. 22 Whitby St. John Ambulance; Group. St. John Nursing Cadets; Salva- WHITBY (Staff) At a meeting of the executive and directors of the Whitby branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society it was emphasized that workers are urgently needed to carry on the work of the many services provided in the community. An appeal is made for assis- tance each Tuesday afternoon in the sewing and workroom. Any interested persons are asked to telephone Mrs. W. A. Andrew at 668-5230, WHITBY (Staff) -- Four per-| Mrs. R. H. sons were injured Sunday af-jof those gathered, presented'clinic will be held March, 1968. jternoon in a two-car, head-on LOH yaaa as Pa completed the courses of Grades|Scott Laurence, David Lomax,|¢rash on Highway 47 south of Mrs. Nellie Hubbard of Rex-| ence en by Neil Fawnf of Toronto, | : |Mr. Fawnf was uninjured, but Five - option Diploma -- Ar-|his daughter, Sarah Lee, age Hughes, eight, received a fractured left Thomas Johnson, William Pee-'clavicle. bles, Joseph Staples, Evan Sta-| siuk, Garnet Swain. Rae) - option Diploma -- Lor-|and Paul Bremner, Terry Cyr, Rich-! jard DePratto, Susanne Turner, | Preston Wynn. re- ceived lacerations to the right . son, derick Beal,|Grant, age 10, had a lacerated A total of $1300 damage was The Grade 13 students: pre-/done to the two vehicles, The John ented with merit crests were: |accident was investigated by of- |Sharon Craigen, Adrienne Haas, |ficers of the Whitby detachment Sarah Inkpen,|of the Ontario Provincial Po- Allan Magrath, Louise Pogson, |lice. Sandra Rycroft, Jennifer Town,; The road was snow - covered ing Whitby in the near future. Bedell, The meeting was preceded|visiting, Mrs. by dessert and coffee honoring|Fairview Lodge, Mrs. Keith Lunney, the retir-|Anstey: publicity, J. J. Chilli- ing secretary who had served/back; treasurer, Karel Schaaf the Society in this capacity for| It five years. Mrs. Lunney is leav-jblood donor clinic held Nov. 6 Whitby Red Cross Branch sien, sv, Seeks Volunteer Workers Mrs. Lunney with a gift of appreciation for the work she has done in the interest of the Red Cross work in Whitby. Mrs, W. A. Andrew, the pres- ident, conducted the meeting. Reports from the various con- veners were given: Senior citi- zens, Mrs. John Nixon; sewing and workroom, Mrs. R. H. Bedell; blood donor clinic, Mrs. Philip Chubb; sick room e loan service, Mrs. Horace His-'| @ Custom Draperies academic qualifications in the field of social work, considered Cox; homemakers' services, @ Broadloom an asset. Duties to commence December 18th, 1967. |Mrs. George ear tee othe @ C.i.L. Paints and Vornishes 3. E. Evans; reas ' Applications in writing will be received til 5:00 p.m, iis. Tarhen! @ Benjamin Moore Points J ing > eV un 00 p.m., on was reported that received good response from on behalf|citizens in the area. The next! WHITBY - AJAX |Etz#beth Winter. PERSONALS Ajax Royal Canadian Legion) men's Branch 322 color party) social is being held tonight at} the Legion Hall with Reg Dun-) gate chairman for the evening. Proceeds to purchase uniforms for the color party. The public is cordially invited to attend, there will be door and_ spot dance prizes. Winners of last week's social evening for the centennial fund were: George Browning and Armand Giddy. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sexsmith, Napanee were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph MacCarl, Cochrane Street. MORE DRUG TAKERS The number of drug addicts in Britain rose to 1,349 in 1966 WHITBY wine (HARRY MEYEN, SESS HAHN from 454 in 1959. BROCK 'ondey--t ice RENCEVOUNGS BRUTINER AS "THE BARON" Agsocurt prooucen GEORGES CHEN d d d seats y One complete show program -- STARTING 7:30 CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER ' Romy ScHneiDeR Trevor Hownaro Gent Froese Cuaupine AuceR Begins 8:55 Yur RENE HARDY: JACQUES-PAUL BERTRAND TERENCE YOUNG 'ACINEVROP TECHNICOL: ( JACQUES-PAUL BERTRAND Production rnio FROM WARNER BRos, Recommend As ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ALSO---SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION "THE WORLD BY NIGHT" in Color At 7:30 2 Santa Says... Christmas , Comes Early At Trent Auto Sales sem BINGO at the Columbus Club 133 Brock St. N. WHITBY EVERY TUES. NIGHT | Doors Open at 7 P.M. Admission 50¢ No Children Under 16 Yeors of age please Bingo Starts at @ KING ST. Watch For Our Sensational... §™ USED CAR SALE THURS., FRI. and SAT. See Wednesday's Oshawa Times for Further Details -- Rebel. wey AUTO SALES LIMITED E., BOWMANVILLE Amb 8 P.M. SHARP ican "NOBODY UNDERSELLS TRENT" dor--Javelin never figured that the heating system with orders? You've caught us by surprise. We would respond so quickly to the idea of air conditioning at no extra cost. Sure, it makes life just wonderful in:the summer and sure it makes efficient . . . but to: get swamped As a result, we couldn't get air conditioners fast enough. And we couldn't shut down the assembly line. so many people the i condi that much more build the 1200 Ambassadors without air Our dealers have orders to sell these cars as quickly as possible and at sizeable discounts! We have solved the shortage so the Ambassadors we sadors you'll see in showrooms from now on, will have air conditioning at no extra-cost. League; St. John Ambulance} Cadets; Whitby Chapter 248! Department of Social Services TOWN OF WHITBY Order of the Eastern Star; Ajax! Happy Melting Shadows TOPS lub. Duties consist of assisting the Director with special emphasis on family casework and rehabilitation. Must 'assume responsibility for thesDepartment in the absence of the Director. Both male and female applicants will be considered. Starting wage com- mensurate with experience and qualifications. |FRIDAY, NOV. 24 | Red Cross Senior Citizens' Club; Co-Op Credit Union bank- ling night; Salvation Army Tim- bral Brigade. Salvation Army Young |People's Band; Ajax St. Paul's United Church Couples Club. lsu 'DAY, NOV. 26 | St. Mark's United Church Hi-| °C Group; The 7th Whitby Cen- |tennial Voyageurs. Applicant should be familiar with the applicable Acts and Regulations in accordance with the policies of the Provincial Social and Family Services Department. Must have ear and licensed to operate, be capoble of carrying out required inter- views and investigations ond the preparation and presentation of reports, both verbally and in writing. Tact, sound judgment, edministrative abilities ond the ability to work with people, ore essential, Ability to type and practical experience and/or One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wallpaper and Murals November 24th, 1967, by DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. PHONE 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Mr. John R. Frost, Clerk Administrator, Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. The air-conditioned Ambassador Is a great success...and that's our problem. We had to build some without it. So, as.much as we didn't like dea, we had to build about If you feel you can put up with the heat for a little longer for the sake of an exceptional deal, see your nearby American Motors/Rambler dealer. But don't put it off. The discounts are substantial, so these cars will be sold quickly. tioning. from now on, and the Ambas- American Motors == where the basicdifferenceis a bettercar SEE THE COMPLETE LINE OF 1968 AMBASSADORS, REBELS AND THE ALL-NEW JAVELIN NOW ON DISPLAY AT THESE AMERICAN MOTORS/RAMBLER DEALERS. WELLMAN MOTORS LIMITED TRENT AUTO SALES 100 NONQUON ROAD NORTH 728-7352 (Bowmanville) Ltd. BOWMANVILLE NICOLS MOTOR SALES HARRY PEEL RAMBLER 401 DUNDAS STREET EAST 668-3331 Sales & Service PORT PERRY | ] bie |

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