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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Nov 1967, p. 14

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, November 21, 1967 26--Apertments for Rent Immediate Occupancy Casa Manana 230 Nipigon St. 30--Automobiles for Sale Only $10 Down on the cor of your choice, with up to 48 months to re- pay at: Morley Stalker @ Best rental value in the heart of town. @ Impressive lobbies. ee @ Controlled entrance door. 137 King West : @ Modern spacious suites. 723-6322 -- 723-831 > oe NICOLS MOTORS Ltd. e a ie in every suite. veck Hesdicortins| Ge @ Lots of closet space. @ Free parking. American -- Rebel This is your chance Ambassador -- Javelin ACT NOW WHITBY -- 668-3331 Call MRS. WERNER ae leach lcci 725-0657 GUS BROWN Weekdays 12-9 P.M. MOTORS LIMITED -6 PLM. R.R. No. 3, Oshawa ee ee TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top fter hi 625-1759 si oda tito Price paid for Good Clean Cars, liens paid. TERMS. ROOMS -- houses, apartrignts for rent, Landlords' Association, 23 'Athol Street Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 Telephone 728-1070. MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars, Trade up or down. Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH ATTRACTIVELY DECORAJED, two- bedroom apartment, ba drapes, intercom, FM music, refi + stove, free hydro, $125 monthly. Immediate oc- eupancy. 576-0267 evenings | UPPER APARTMENT in Whitby, . 960 Dundas Street W. Apply Pickering Farms, $45 Lakeshore Bivd. W., Toronto 2B or telephone 366-8141, Local 287. 33--Automobiles Wanted |38--Coming Events Buying A New Car ? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 SHAW AUTO WRECKERS CO. Cars bought, parts for sale. Iron and metals bought. 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. LIONS SUPER BINGO No charge for towing. Best prices paid, Telephone 728-4549 = anytime. = Robert IN EERE FO WANTED, Volk good running $ 1 PRIZES condition, good and floor pan. Telephone 725-8498. 34--Automobile Repair AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE 1038 Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 Transmissions are Our Only Business -- Repairs, Adjust- ments, Exchanges. All work Guaranteed. FRED STONE Brooklin -- 86 Queen St. E. Automotive Machine Shop REBUILT ENGINES OVERHAUL AND ENGINE PARTS 35--Lost and Found LOST. Darx brown wallet citizenship papers and other papers. Call 725-0349. LOST -- Male dog, muiti-colored, shag- vy hair. Answers to the name of Sambo. 2 JACKPOTS Nos. 52 and 58 One Must Go $300 in 52 Nos. or Less $200 in Announced Nos, $25 Consolation Prize PLUS ® $10 per line both games $150 JACKPOT GAME 20 regular games ot $20. Double in 15 Nos. or Less Last 5 Games $30 per game ADMISSION 50c Early Bird Game 7:45 Shorp Buss service leaves King and containing important 27--Rooms for Rent 723-9421 Rricinty of Elgin Street.) Reward. $76| Simcoe Streets at ATTRACTIVELY [tit Statray, a2, oe, uly | 36--Legal 7:00 and 7:15 p.m. Weliman's Rambler, 728-7351. "62 RAMBLER, 4-door, immaculate con- dition, fully guaranteed. Bank terms, $7 weekly. Wellman's Rambler. 728-735) "5 RAMBLER deluxe, 4door. One local owner, fully reconditioned, $11 weekly. Wellman's Rambier. 728-7351. 728-8671 '6. HILLMAN, completely reconditioned, --_- |$6 weekly, bank terms. Wellman's Ram- ONE BEDROOM apartment to share, |bler. 728-735) $8 per week, with kitchen privileges, !/44 RAMBLER deluxe station wagon, V4, television, free parking. Call 723-6508. | » only $11 weekly, Wellman's 1@ PARK: ROAD NORTH, | Hiree-room | Rembier. 720705 riment, modern kitchen, 4-piece bath. |"4¢ CHEVROLET station wai 'auto- Private, walk-in closets, heavy wiring|matic, power steering and very peed cor and parking. Adults only. Jessi Ain dition. Asking $1,400 or best offer. Tele- FURNISHED BEDROOMS with kitchen|Phone 725-8963 evenings. and laundry facilities, sitting room with ALL USED PARTS, tires, wheels, radi- FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD N. television. Near bus stop, General ators, spindles for trailers, springs, 509 Motors, hospital, downtown. Hydro in-/Bioor Street East. 723-2281. ® eluded. Girls only. 728-3719 | --_________. |19§4 FORD, standard, A-1 condition, five ONE SINGLE furnished room, ladies /new tires, radio. Telephone 623-5718 any- only. Telephone 668-2466 |time. LARGE ROOM, three minutes to down-/ WRECKING 1959 Pontiac Parisienne con- town, Apply 165 Albert Street |vertible V-8 automatic; also 1957 Chev- FURNISHED KITCHEN and bedroom. |rolet two-door hardtop, 6, automatic; Stele tor ane or two gentomen: Apply /both_with_ radios. ost 543 Ritson Road South. Telephone 723-|%4] CHEVROLET Nomad wagon, like 6542. _____. |new, tires, body, etc., automatic, radio, DOWNTOWN AREA, one furnished room, |$13 per week. Lic. 13829X. Wellman's, with cooking and washing facilities. Pri- |728-7351. vate entrance. Telephone 728-2805. |1964 VIVA $625. 24,000 miles. Good con- NEWLY DECORATED furnished ootn, |Site. Telephone 723-0116 after 7 p.m. for ladies only. Preferred working. Close |ig; VAUXHAI i ; to. shopping. centre, 5 Fernhill Bivd. oF owner, ciriven 3,000. otis ty Cohen telephone 728-8780. ___|area, Best offer over $150. 725-1367, 725- ROOM IN the vicinity of Oshawa Shop- | 2066. ping Centre, lady preferred. Telephone \s9 OLDSMOBILE convertible. License yawn _|s3615E. Blue and while. Radio re, power. Pri immediately. Terms, Se eee win kite Le ead ey or cash, Beleshok Motors, Ajax, 1, Charles St., sponsible for any debts contracted in my| 0, 1967. Signed, Nelson $. Atkinson. The Biggest Prize Money in the area for a 50c admission charge. Every Wednesday All proceeds to charity JUBILEE PAVILION PLAN TO ATTEND SPECIAL BINGO DEC. 20th Tickets given each week 'on Special Door Prizes --- 25 - CITY OF OSHAWA Sale of Land For Taxes A sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the City of Oshawa will be held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Oshawa at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of Tuesday, the fifth day of December, 1967, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid The list of lands for sale for | 14-15 Ib. Turkeys To Be arrears of taxes hos been Drawn, published in the Ontario Gazette on the 2nd day of September, 1967. Copies of the said list may be obtained at the office of the Tax Col- CHRISTMAS lector. Dated Oshawa, On ¥ | tia Sth doy of Aust 1967, Rummage Sa e€ |. F. MARKSON, Treasurer Simcoe Hall / Wed., Nov. 22 1:30 P.M. WELSON STANLEY ATKINSON, 3) Oshawa, will not be re-| » on or after this date,| television, free parking. Call 723-6508. 942-6300 or 668-6521. pe enon lth adi Bion ROOM FOR RENT at 132 Church Street TOYS, CLOTHES, s. License 280724. In remarkable ion. Cash, trade or terms. Peleshok rors, Ajax, 942-6300 or 668-652). | EPIC, bive. Good economy car. Li-| cense J77311. A cash saver and depend-/ -jable transportation. Trade, rent in|cash. Peleshok Motors, Ajax, 942-6300 or parking | 548-6571 Children wel- Telephone 725-3887. 4 BED-SITTING room for rent, with light housekeeping. Private bathroom, close to hospital. Ledy preferred, Telephon 28-7713. THREE-ROOM apartment for new home. Private entrance, space, laundry facilities. 1 Seas com: 728-2958. \65 CHEVELLE, two door hardtop, V- oa ences 12 --|Lic. 252435. Automatic, radio, Save) , terms FURNISHED, bed-sitfing room In Pri-\money on this one. Trade aye vate, adult home. King West - Perk ares. /Peleshok Motors, Alex, 942-6300 or 668- Suitable for young working girl. Tele-|¢s50) = -\%§ PONTIAC, automatic, radio. License FREE to pleadant elderly lady, partiy|47543. In new condition, an excellent furnished room exchange for care of twolbuy. Trade, terms or cash. Pel sian Sune. 0 housework. 728-/Motors, Ajax, 942-6300 or 668-6521. after 6:30 p.m. ---- nme | 64 FORD Econoline. License 6845112. COMPLETELY FURNISHED bed-sitting|/4.; condition. Exceptionally sharp.Trade room with kitchen, private entrance and |terms or cash. Peleshok Motors, Alex, parking privileges, Gentleman pre-/947-6300, or 668-6521. ferred, 723-823. 43 STUDEBAKER, aulomatic, _rad- we. 464327. Li TWO SINGLE ROOMS with or without /jo, ticen: cooks like new, bu' fo south board, close Genera! Motors. | seeing is believing. Cash, terms or trade. Telephone 3 |Peleshok Motors, Ajax, 942-6300 or 668- BED-SITTING room suitable for one | 6521. or two ing men. Hot plate and|47 CAMARO four speed, V-8 red. Lic partly for light lense J80197. New car warrenty. Trade, Reasonable, Central. Telephone 723- terms or cash. Peleshok Motors, Ajax, 9895, |942-6300 or 668-6521. ER LOT aR aS ROR Se ee SINGLE ROOM in quiet. home. Close 47 CAMARO, two door hardiop. V8 fo south General Motors. Telephone 723lautomatic. License J72319. "All. extras. 9307, New car warranty trade, terms or chash. COVELY FURNISHED room for quiet |Peleshok Motors, Alax, 942-6300 or 668 lady, close to hospital and bus, kitchen /652). a and laundry privileges, abstainers only. |' PONTIAC, two door hardtop. Auto- Telephone _ 723-5367 _evenings |matic, power, bucket seats, Ermine white. FURNISHED ROOMS, single or to 5 {License J72933. Trade, terms or cash Sue ase ane eeetait rsaktant "or. |Pelestok Motors, Ajax, 942-6300. or 668-| gentleman preferred. 72 Ritson | 652! ver tional, 'a3 BUICK Wildcat, all_power, aka $7 =cAwction Sales sea' AND HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES EUCHRE Southmead | Community Centre Wed., Nov. 22nd 8 P M. CASH PRIZES Light Lunch 50¢ PIONEER FAIR held at Centennial United Church Bond W. at Rosehill Nov, 22, 1966 7:30 p.m. Home baking, candy, aprons, linens. Tea room 50c. AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, NOV, 25, 1967 | TIME 1:30 P.M Household furniture and nu- merous other articles. Proper- ty of Mr. Vick Beckly, 8 Con Ashburn, go west on No. 7 highway at Brooklin 2 mile to the first road, turn north, g0 2 concessions north, then turn west 1 mile. Electric stove, refrigerator, chesterfield and chairs, beds, dressers, wash stands, large glass front cupboard, kitchen suite, dining room suite, tables, sewing machine, .22 rifle, washing machine, lawn- mowers, two wheel trailer, swivel chair, garden tools, carpenter tools, linoleum rug 9 x 12, hose and reel. Many, 50c KINSMEN BINGO, 2--$200--Nos. 52 and 50 many other articles. | 1 MUST GO 1 Pontiac car -- 1950 run- | $25 CONSOLATION ning good. Terms cash. Time 1:30 p.m. | TUESDAY See Bills | See Saturday's Ad Auctioneer--LOYAL POGUE | ADMISSION 206 Tel.--668-4271 Chirstmas Bazaar Rd. $. Telephone 725-5851. 'se OLDSMOBILE, fan sedan. Ali power. | TWO FURNISHED rooms on Ritson|Company car. License J72933. Every-| Road $., near Glecoff's store. Telephone [thing you want in a@ vehicle. Terms, | 723-4516, trade, cash. Peleshok Motors, Alax, 942-| ONE BEDROOM basement epariment, oO" 068-6521. aserm | a in private home. Refrigerator, stove, |162 RAMBLER station wagon, good | partly furnished. Heat and hydro includ-|condition, 6 cylinder, standard transmis-| ed, Suitable for couple or bachelor, $80/Sion, blue with light blue Interior. Tele- monthly. 725-5223. Phone 725-9843, 00 2 BACHELOR APARTMENT in apartment |66 BUICK WILDCAT hardtop, fully building, fully furnished, $20 weekly, all Power equipped, plus radio and cruise services included. Telephone 576-1648. |control. Owner leaving country, will a ---- | SU for half of cost, private, 983-5143. SUB-LET, TWO bedroom apartment in) -- aR aA at modern building, available December Ist,/1965 CHEVROLET, Biscayne, automa- telephone Whitby 648-5036 tic transmission, radio, reasonable) is condition, Neust sell this week! | 28--Room and Board « Telephone 7: | 1958 CHEVROLET, $350. or best oHer. | ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, 'six|Mechanically good. Telephone 728-2974 days, lunches packed, close to bus. Tele- jafter 6 p.m phone 723-0566. 3 1--Cemnect Can tac Sab 57 COLBORNE EAST, room and boa gentleman to share, single beds. Close to north General Motors. J = ROOM AND BOARD for gentieman, \RENT THAT VACANCY through Rent McLAUGHLIN -- John and M | * Volvo and Peugot lads -- Call 723-3492 today for action! |Cheney) are pleased 10" 'announce Me and. AUCTION SALE of Grace Lutheran Church OSHAWA LIONETTES| | ROBINSON SHORTT -- Still missed, loved, always dear ~--Always remembered by son daughter-in-law Mary and family. ROBINSON dear mother, Anne Robinson, ed away, Nov. 21, 1965. ° In our home she is fondly remem- bered -- In loving memory of 4 who pass- Sweet memories cling to her name, Those who loved her in life sincerely Still love her in death just the same. --Lovingly remembered by son Tom and daughter-in-law June. -- In loving memory of 4 dear mother. and grandmother, Anne Robinson, who passed away November 21, 1965. Calm and peaceful she is sleeping Sweetest rest that follows pain We who loved her sadly miss her But trust in God to meet again. --Sadly missed by daughter Norma, son- In-law George and granddaughters Car- ole and Christine. ROBINSON -- In loving memory of 4 dear mother and grandmother, Anne Robinson, who passed away November 21, 1965. It broke my heart to lose you But you didn't go alone, For part of us went with you The day God called you home, It's lonely here without you 1 miss you more each day For life is not the same to me. Since you were called away. Lovingly remembered and sadly mis a by son Gordon, daughter-in-law Adelaine and grandchildren Billy, Lee- anne, Lori and Lynne. SHORTT -- In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Jack Shortt, who passed away November 21, 1965. Should you go first and | remain, to walk the road alone, i tive in memories garden, with happy days we've known In spring I'll wait for roses red, when faded, the lilacs blue. In early fall when brown leaved fail, Vil catch @ glimpse of you, Should you go first and | remain, for battles to be fought, Each thing you've touched along the way will be a hallowed spot. Wil hear your voice, Ill see your smile, tho blindly | may grope, The memory of your helping hand will buoy me on with hope. Should you go first and | remain, one thing Wl have you do: Walk slowly down that long, long path, for soon I'll follow you. 1 want to know each step you take, so | may take the same. For someday down that lonely road, you'll hear me call your name. dear, |--Always remembered by wife Chloris. In loving memory of a dear husband, Jack Shortt, who passed away November 21, 1965. BEYOND THE SUNSET Should you go first and | to walk the road alone, Vil live in memory's garden, with happy days we've 'known. In spring Ill wait for roses red, when faded, the lilacs blue. remain, dear, Park Rd. -- 401 Hwy. Nov. 22nd,at 2 o'clock 7 RURAL SCHOOLS In "The Heart of the Kaw- arthas" surrounding Cameron, Balsam and Sturgeon Lakes. | Dessert Tea RUMAGE SALE, Harmony Church Hall, | King and Harmony, Wednesday, Novem. | ber 22, at 9:30 a.m, Saturday, November 25th line: Bn, Cond cheap Chott | commencing at 10 a.m. For further information and spection appointments, con- tact, Carl Hickson, Auction- eer, Reaboro, Ont. -- Lind- | say A.C. 705-324-3912. | BIRTHS | * Mercedes Benz five days. Close to South General Mot-| General Repair and ors and bus, lunches packed. 723-1663. | | 38--Coming Events \birth of their daughter, Martha Lucille, on Saturday, November 18, 1967 at Osh- awa General Hospital. A sister for Son ROOM AND BOARD for lady near hos-| pita! and bus stop. in private home. Telephone 725-6195. 7 rf 449 Ritson Rd. South 30--Automobiles for Sale | Oshawa 728-0921 | WELLMAN | ZOLTAN AND NICK'S RAMBLER Your a Dotsun ond "Fiat Dealer DEMONSTRATION SALE Specializing in Volkeswagen Repair and Service | Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage | 1968 AMERICAN .. $2,244 1968 JAVELIN .... $2743 | 160. Simcoe South 1968 REBEL $2561 4 5 728-0051 1968 AMBASSADOR 1964 FORD ANGLIA, standard, in very| 2-door hardtop with oir ioe Fra irae eenee caren conditioning only $2,899 |si0 DOWN buys 1965 Vive wih radio, | A-1, $10 weekly. Bob Hobbs Motors, Full factory warranty all cors Brock St. N., Whitby 146) ja and Gerald. Special thanks to Dr.| MacKay and staff. BINGO DNIPRO HALL | EVERY TUESDAY 7:30 P.M. All Regular Gomes $10 j Shore The Wealth | Jackpot $150.--in 51} Nos. 4 or $20. Consolation Good Service For Greater Attendance FREE ADMISSION DNIPRO, HALL Corner Bloor and Edith Sts DEATHS DONEVAN, Frederick James and Mary Amber | y in gh, y |Monday, November 20, 1967, Frederick jand Amber Donevan, 365 King King St. |E., Oshawa, mother and father of Mrs. | Dr. J. R. Cranston (Ann), Burlington, |Dr, Richard Donevan, Montreal, Dr, David Donevan, St. Catharines. Flowers gratefully declined. For further particu- Jars, call the Armstrong Funeral Home, have under 1000 miles. ind VOLKSWAGEN SE | LKSWAGEN in good. condition, | $100. DOWN almost like new. Leatherette upholstery, | delivers with our Bank of [rebuilt engine. Priced very reasonably. Nova Scotia -- Scotia Plan {Telephone yee2m7, 1964 MODEL 1500 Volkswagen station financing, the lowest, cost ' . wagon, radio, new fires. Best offer. financing offered by any new -- |Owner moving. Telephone 942-0768, f | car dealer in Oshawa. [eae VAUXHALL, Velox, four-door seden| with good regular fires and snow tires. | WELLMAN | Reasonable offer accepted. Telephone i Ahad, |1965 CORVAIR, 700 series, As) condition. Radio, Will accept older model stati RAMBLER 728-7351 _|32---Trucks for Sale % CORVAIR Monza, four door sedan, ie automatic transmission. White and red {1961 G.M.C. Ye TON, bive. Excelient/Proceeds go to Crippled Children | Condition. License V60588, Trade, terms K ts, radio, white wall interior, Bucket seats, dio, or cash. Peleshok Motors, Ajax, a SONTIAE a ny transmission, pid tac cia automatic tr i ¥ Fe ee ERS V8. Good condition. Telephone 576-0591.|FOUR WHEEL DRIVE, international | Scout with snow plow, '62 Ford hardtop | f th |wagon as trade in. Telephone 728-6101. OSHAWA POLICE ASSOCIATION side Cemetery, Brooklin. 728-5173. BAZAAR and TEA | GREENLAW, James Nelson at ST. GREGORY'S HALL At the Oshawa General Hospital, on Sun- day, November 19, 1967, after a@ briet Woda James en, Poa at (214 lohn Street, Wi iy), love usband November 23 lof Mary Margaret Haight, dear father 7-9 P.M. jof Mrs. W. Elliott (Vera) of Oshawa, Mrs. T. Puckrin (Edna) and John, both of Whitby; in his 90th year. Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service in the Chapel, Wednesday, November 22, af 2 p.m. Interment Grove- Visitors com- Minister, the Sponsored by THE LADIES' AUXILIARY imencing 7 p.m. Monday. Quilt draw Rev. M. Case. GRIFFITHS, Mary : School and Treatment Centre. |entered into rest in the Oshawa General ital, on Monday, November 20, 1967, Everyone Cardialy Invited |late Edward and Sarah Griffiths in her 1958 FORD and 1959 Pontiac. Both six cylinder, best offer. Telephone. 728-0550. 1962 OLDS. Super 88, must seli this week. Power brakes, steering, windows and seats. A-1 condition plus. Apply 111 Kent St. Whitby after 6 p.m. '§7 CHEVROLET Station wagon, radio 'and winterized. 170 Cabot Street, Tele- phone 576-0846. in Al shape, must sell or trade, will accept no money down 576-1267. WANT RESULTS? GET WITH THE ACTION! TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS. 723-3492 "47 OLDSMOBILE Delta, nothing down. $45 month. 7 per cent. Private. Toronto 221-5915 evenings. pclae CHEAP! 1956 Monarch two-door hardtop, running gear good shape, body rough. Asking $100 or bes! offer. Telephone 723- 1938. a | year. |Funeral Home' W.W.Y.A. [service in the cnees Wednesday, | No- t .m. JAMBOREE Union carictary. p.m. Interment shawa | you'll hear me call your Hosp Mary Griffiths, beloved daughter of the on In early fall when brown leaves fall, I'll catch a glimpse of you. Should you go first and | remain, for battles to be fought, Bach thing you've touched along the way will be a hallowed spot. Vil hear your voice, "I'll see your smile, tho blindly | may grope, The memory of your helping hand will buoy me on with hope. Should you go first and | remain, one thing Ill have you do: Walk slowly down that long long path, for soon I'll follow you. | want to know each step you take, so | may take the same. For someday down that. lonely road, na me, --Always remembered by wife Chioris. A LASTING TRIBUTE For permanence and dignity we suggest: MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office, i 723-2633 CARDS OF THANKS ouY, 1 Entered nieve in the Stockley. Nursing] LONDON (CP) -- Standings ome, bate Mod ¥. November/of the leading teams in the Old ier of ine ite neh and 'Robert James Country soccer leagues after A 5 rt 9, . (area), Omiine: Resting puget Arm Saturday's games: feral Service bv ine: chapel, Thoicey, ENGLISH LEAGUE November & at ais p.m. Interment Division I shawa inion emetery. inshine Ww T L F APt [femal the uneral home, Wednesday 7 Man. United 10 4 3 30 1824 (|0.m. Friends are as! m j funeral home before Weinesahy,. : Loader ad a : 4 rH " 7: . Tottenham 9 4 4 30 2622 int CNABE Gonheal Gisaplial on Monday, Sheffield Wed 8 5 4.27 2121 ser Mis bat Bah bt sitar neh Henig eT atl dene [LAC RDOO! 11 3 3 29 1525 mmetner of rs Marven Taylor (Por Portsmouth if 4 3 34 4 z ence) shawa, sister rs. orne Ipswich o.7 1:31 k Goodrhan (Ethel), Mrs Norman Woodley Queen's PR 10 2 4 25 1322 (Peart ond Here Ai leet = Ribbed Birmingham 8 6 3 44 2422 a e' a ni = J 7 Caneel: Home, Oshawa. Marviee mn the Crystal P 9 4 3 25 1422 chapel, on Thursday, November 23 at 2 ivision TH p.m. Interment Union Cemetery. Walsall 12 3 4 42 25°27 Torquay 9 5 5 26 2723 FLOWERS Oxford 9 4 6 33 26 22 'ait Peterborough 9 4 6 33 2722 by Locke's Bury 9 3 6 42 3021 & Barrow 9 3 7 28 2121 appropriate funeral tributes Stockport 93.7 27 2821 Division IV i 728-6555 Chesterfield 12 4 3 38 1728 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE |Southend 11 6 3 34 8 Bradford C. 12 3 5 34 Luton 11.42 4 Crewe Alex 10 6°3 39 Division I IN MEMORIAM Rangers 920 20 620 Celtic 8112 $17 aeuavibn ne {Hibernian 8 1 2 30:1517 u 1 loving memory | of Hearts 72 2 24 1716 ea he Morton 524 2 1712 Quietly remembered every day, Clyde 6 0 5 17 1912 Sadly missed along life's way Ke Division 1 --Lovingly remembered by his nephew, vision Garry Cubitt. St. Mirren 9 41 29 1122 Arbroath 9 2 2 36 1220 COURTICE -- r husband Ross " Courtice, ne posed (Queen of S 8 2 5 29 1918 away Novernber 21st, 1964. |Bast Fife 8 1 3 26 2117 burt "tin Sean's tore | Albion 6 4 4 26 1616 + U voir enemory lingers yeh IRISH LEAGUE --Lovingly remembered by wife -- Hel- Glentoran 71027 815 ssl Coleraine 70:1 37 1014 Sg Rage ae C118 8 | a "Linfield 4 2 2 16 1210 Wiesugh absent "yor are. very_-neer---1Glénavon 5 0 3 24 1910 Percy, | OBITUARIES VICTORIA (CP) -- Televi- sion commentator Laurier LaPierre is a greater Cana- dian hero in the eyes of junior students at University of Vic- toria than either John Diefen- baker or Tommy Douglas. Hockey star Gordie Howe outranks Prime Minister Pearson, and 19th century Metis rebel Louis Riel is high- er on the scale than King. The poll of freshman and sophomore history students for their 10 national heroes was made last spring by histo- ry professor Dr. Sydney Jack- man, who said he did it "'just for fun." Since then, with help from some of his students, the pro- fessor has polled students at seven other Canadian univer- sities, and he expects to publish the results this fall in a national magazine. University Poll Shows Students' Choice Of Heroes Dr. Jackman said the re- sults of the survey give top spot to Sir John A. Macdon- ald, Canada's first prime min- ister. Second choices vary accord- ing to regional attitudes, how- ever, Uvic students, for exam- ple, chose Alexander Macken- zie, the first white explorer to cross North America by land to the Pacific. History students at Univer- sity of Manitoba gave second place to Louis Riel, who staged his first Metis uprising in that area in 1869-70. And those at Dalhousie University in Halifax placed Joseph Howe, Nova Scotia's leading anti-confederationist in the 1860s, in second spot. After Sir John and explorer Mackenzie, Uvic students se- lected, in order, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Canada's first French-Canadian prime min- ister; explorer Samuel de Champlain; and Dr. Fred- erick Banting, co-discoverer of insulin. Next came Riel and Mack- enzie King, hockey player Gordie Howe, explorer David Thompson, Prime Minister PRearson, Olympic skier Nancy Greene, and hockey player Rocket Richard. Further down the list came broadcaster-teacher LaPierre, and near the bottom were John Diefenbaker, the ex-Tory leader, and T. C. Douglas, the NDP leader. Dr. Jackman said the stu- dents apparently like LaPierre because he is con- troversial and "knocks down: sacred cows." There was one other obser- vation, too. At Uvie only a few votes were cast for Premier W. A. C. Bennett. But at Memorial University in Newfoundland, Premier Joey Smallwood was among the top five favorites. Students here were quick to note there are' no university tuition fees in Newfoundland. Here's where to find gifts for everyone... CARIOT MV GIFT oPOTTER AS MISS MARY GRIFFITHS The death occurred Nov. 20) jof Miss Mary Griffiths at the |Oshawa General Hospital, a res- ident at Halliday Manor, 620 Bond St. E., Oshawa. A daughter of the late Ed- ward and Sarah Griffiths, she was born in Ontario, Sept. 28, 1888 and resided in Oshawa for 47 years, prior '9 living in Osh- awa, she lived north of New- castle. Miss Griffiths attended King Street United Church, was a |member of the Golden Age |Club and the PMA Club. | The. funeral service will be held from the Armstrong Fun- eral Home, Oshawa, Nov. 22 at | Gifts for the Home Gifts for Everyone INSTALLATION. ANGUS-G 428 KING ST. W. GIFTS YOU'LL ADORE ON EVERY FLOOR 1276 Shades to Choose From Visit our new showroom for complete decorating service Carpeting for the living room, bedrooms and halls. A gift your whole family will enpoy. FREE ESTIMATES AND EXPERT RAYDON 728-6254 CHRISTMAS... Is the Time To Give The Finest @ Pierced Earrings @ Watches @ Diamond Rings @ Stone Rings And Many More Beautiful GIFT IDEAS from GALBRAITH JEWELLERS AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA AJAX -- 942-0407 |2 p.m., followed by interment at the Oshawa Union Cemetery. MRS. IRENE GUY In poor health for five months, the death occurred Nov. 20 at the Steckley Nur- sing Home Oshawa of Mrs. Irene Guy. | The. deceased was the form- \er Irene Gray, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert |James Gray, and had been an Oshawa resident all her life. She worked at Fox's Ladies' Wear for many years. She was a member of St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church, a member of the {Business and Professional Women's Club, Oshawa, and a {past Noble Grand of the Sun- shine Rebekah Lodge 222. She is survived by a sister, . +. the gift that OSHAWA CABL A GIFT CERTIFICATE FROM OHAWA CABLE TV 0, keeps on giving @ 11 Channels @ Perfect Reception @ No Antenna EY . ELMER'S "The Christmas Store with Gifts Galore" Got gift problems ? Drop into Elmer's Bargain House and see the large selection of gifts for the whole family. ELMER'S 253 Bloor St. E. 728-3473 MARTY'S RECORD BAR for the "TOPS IN POPS" music to suit all tastes SPECIAL: All Four MONKEY'S Albums 35% SIMCOE NORTH 723-0731 OSHAWA FLYING CLUB For the Special Person'on your Christmas list, give him or her a flying gift certificate for as low as $5. @ Private and Commercial Flying Training @ Pleasure Flights Oshawa Municipal Airport 728-1626 Mrs. Ewart Alger (Greta), Osh-|| 600 KING ST. E. 723-5278 jawa. | The funeral service will be held at the Armstrong Funeral ' H Chana. Nov. oat Vis ous Entertainment Holiday Food followed by interment at Osh- awa Union Cemetery. Rev./\ MAKE A DATE TO TURKEYS jJohn Morris of St. Andrew's SIT CAPONS |United Church will conduct the THE oe 5 Pag iservice. rder Now for Christmas | Sunshine Rebekah Lodge 222 GEORGIAN FRANK HOAG will hold a service at the fun-| Motor Hotel Rossland Rd. West eral home Wednesday at 7:00; @ Fine foods served in 4 Oshawa 725-6837 p.m. | delightful - festive atmos- Friends are asked not to call Erste A at the funeral home before} @ Top-flight entertainment Wednesday. you're sure to enjoy. mee ce MRS. GEORGE SCOTT In failing health for three jyears, the death occurred at the \Oshawa General Hospital of @ Be sure to book your Christmas and New Year's reservations now THE GEORGIAN | Champlain and Thornton | 723-4693 | Phone 668-3311 For details on Gift Packs of SELECT APPLES RED WING ORCHARDS DRUM CITY TORONTO 250 DRUMS SET To choose from. All makes new ond used. Telephone Collect 925-4434 Mrs, George Scott, 1164 Ritson; Rd. N., Oshawa, in her 87th) year. A daughter of the late Levi Skinner and Mary Jane Colla- cutt, she was born June 7, 1881 at Thorne, Ont. and married April 26, 1911 to George Scott) at. Tyrone. She had lived in Oshawa since her marriage and was predeceased by her hus- band Dec. 31, 1954. A member of St. United Church, Mrs. Scott is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Marvin Taylor (Florence), Osh- jawa, three sisters, Mrs. Luther Stephen's HOUGH -- We wish to extend to friends and relatives our many thanks for the lovely flowers, gifts and cards received on the occasion of celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary. | Mr. and Mrs. Dearl Hough |kay --- We would like of express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our relatives, friend' and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and beautiful floral tributes in our recent bereave- ment in the loss of a dear wife, mother and grandmother. Special thanks to the nurses on 2D, Oshawa General Hospital, also the doctors of Whitby Medical Cen- tre, Dr, Rowsell, the W. C. Town Fu eral Chapel and Rev. John Smith for his consoling words. Howard Kay and Family. 3 KEETCH -- | would like to extend my sincere thanks to friends, neighbors and relatives for flowers, gifts, cards, visits and prayers while |! was in Oshawa General Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Beesley, Dr. Scott, Dr. Treanor and Dr. Grant, also therapists and nurses 2A and 2D for their kindness. --Matilda Keetch SMITH -- We wish to express our gin- cere thanks and appreciation to friends, and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and beautiful floral tributes in Wheeling West Virginia November 24 - 26 For information contact your local travel agent or Burley Bus Lines 723-7171 STAFFORD BROTHERS LTD. Authorized Dealers ROCK OF AGES , FAMILY MONUMENTS our recent ber in the loss of @ dear husband and father, Richard (Scotty) Smith. Special thanks to Mr. Ivan Wallace. Mrs. Smith and family. TAYLOR -- We regret not mentioning the kindness of General Motors for car Auxiliary, Thank you very much. 318 Dundas St. E., 668-3552 Whitby, Mrs. Fred 'taylor | 165% Olive Avenue Oshawe -|United Church will conduct the Good (Ethel), Mrs. Nor- |man Woodley (Pearl) both of Bowmanville, Mrs. Lorne Mc- Coy (Olive), Brooklin, a broth- jer, Harold Skinner, Bowman- ville, eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren. The memorial service will be jheld at' the McIntosh - Ander- son Funeral Home, Nov. 23 at 2 p.m., followed by interment at the Union Cemetery. Ste- phen Saywell of St. Stephen's service, FUNERAL OF MRS. LAUREN V. HOGARTH The funerai service for Mrs. Lauren V. Hogarth, who died Nov. 18 at the Oshawa General Hospital, was held at 2 p.m. Nov. 20 at the McIntosh-Ander- son Funeral Home. The service was conducted by Pastor A. E. Milner, assisted by Pastor R. G .Christiansen of Gifts for the Home |Holiday Fun "Have Yourself A Merry, Merry Christmas" by planning your HOLIDAY DINNERS and PARTIES CAROUSEL INNS elegant gifts for the home When you decorate your tree, dress up your home with drapes and floors from Shew- ring. You deserve to buy the best and can have a wide variety, choosing from: @ CARPETS @ DRAPES @ CORLON @ TORGINOL @ CERAMICS SHEWRING BROS. LTD. FLOOR AND WALL COVERINGS 728-3980 26 GIBBONS STREET OSHAWA 723-5271 Gifts for Her SPARKLE WITH CHRISTMAS Make your appointment now with SUZANNE HAIRSTYLING Hair pieces sold or set, 5S JOHN ST. W. 725-4541 ENJOY THE FESTIVE SEASON Depend on Motor City Cab For Fast, Courteous 24 HOUR SERVICE 725-1127 NEED A CAR? 725-3541 Is the number to remember over the HOLIDAY SEASON® UNITED TAXI 143 KING EAST OPEN BOWLING SATURDAY NIGHTS at Motor City Bowling ' 'When more than one, Bowling's 'un !"" AJAX 942-5580 Kendalwood Seventh-day Ad- ventist Church. Interment was in Oshawa Union C 'y. Trees and Trim .The pallbearers were Merlin Carley, Glenn Lewis, Samuel|- f ine, 98c up./ and driver and also UAW and Ladies|Jackson, Leonard Leatherdale,|Sprayed and delivered. 728-7288, 723-7088. fi Reginald Ferneyhough and Wil- liam Dinning. ~~ a CHINN'S, Park South at Hillside. Fresh ut spruce and Scotch pil Penetrate her heart with fresh cut flowers, plants or floral arrangements. Jordon Florists 728-9443 THOUSANDS read Times Action Classi- ads daily. ied 78 RICHMOND W, 723-3212 > Trees and Trim CHRISTMAS TREES, jearly delivery, wholesale' | Telephone 723-0987. now for and retall, REENWOOD MONDAY, NOV, 20 RACE -- Purse $1,800. Clair dels two-year-olds, foaled In Ca F Furlongs. . arc 3, Ditch 6.00 2.90 2. Ithinkiknow, Platts 2.60 2. iron Knight, McCauley 2. iso Ran in Order: 'Count Wyndhar hutez, Massed Force, Black Alloy ai phoon Dan. Bick Nenderson and D D Talim Entry. OND RACE--Purse $1,800. Clair eelden two-year-olds, foaled In Cea . 7 Furlongs. | Bey Gordon 7.10 3.10 2 faming Legend, Dittfach 2.70 2. of Grace, Platts 2 in Order: Megay, Orient Jacob Starr. Iso Ran 5, PAID $37. , Shine Bri LY pousL HIRD RACE -- Purse $1,800. Ciai , Maiden three- and four-year-olds. s. er Living, Gordon 6.80 3.30 2 early Blue, Bell 3.40 2. ly and , 5 AND pund Sue, Guylene, F. ira, Miss Whistle and Nantyr Belle. (OURTH. RACE--Purse $2,000. Clai Three- ed four-year-olds, One @ 8.50 4.50 3. 8.80 6 Iso Ran in , Dear Joey, Sunday Cruz, and Win sh. % IFTH RACE -- Purse $2,300. Clail |. Two-year-olds. 7 Furlongs. of Bruce, jocrat. W C Pitfield and Gardiner Farr ntry. Dick Henderson and P_Smith Ent EXACTOR, 1A AND 4, PAID $52.50. IXTH RACE -- Purse $2,000. Clai . Three-year-olds and up. | Mile, araguayo, Kelly 450 3.10 2 allant ordon 8.30 5. ommunicate, Bell 6. iso Ran in Order: Cal Emir, Nev Question, Roman Tribune, Fast A r, Famous Monarch and Futu e. EVENTH RACE--Purse $2,600. Thr four-year-olds. 1 Mile. LOSIN( SOLUTIO FILE Y with « GOVERNW Hinds 23. PONS 0's Dides 2... | CUT, WRAPI This V SIRLOIN STEAK ROUND, T-BON 79¢ RED -- HAMBURG SLICED cooked HAI PORK CHOPS .... SAIS IE IES ISI IIIS ISI IIASA SS SIS SS I AAS A IAI IS SIS ISA ASAD AAA 909 Simcoe N LA Take care CHR es SP( appearing nc 'is a valuable you select y -MR. RETAILEI like to be re the Gift Spott

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