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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Nov 1967, p. 8

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8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, November 21, 1967 | OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS | WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON LADIES | (233, 244); Barry ea 667 (246, 240); . . | High Triples: Ethel Tonkin 769 (297),;Gail Tammi 660 , 232); Dianne | = orin 0a r Ev Redpath 735 (258), Ethel Freeman | Robert 654 (277); Irma Wrobel 650 (276) | 690 (289), Millie Branton 690 (273); Eviand Rev. Mungham 650 (251). i Stata 668 (247), Vi Brown 639 (222), Don- | Rod a aida Williams 622 (214), Yvonne Duquay|Loretta Gates 253, Jean Dickison 253, | \61) (212), Elsie Smith 603 (229) and|Len Byrne 252, Bernie Schaefer 252, | s | Madeline Morrison 600 (224) |Edda Holy 259, Betty Byrne 248, Ear!) | High Singles: Marg Kiink 243, 201, Jean | Marshall 248, Leo Doyle 246, John Infv- |; Schoenav 234, Dae Gazley 231, Bessie|sini 246 and Paul Mueller 244. i Rowden 230, Maisey Northey 230, 212,| Points Taken -- Tigers 4, Alouettes 0; four) Betty Manning 226, Wilma Cook 224, 200,|Leaders 4, Jet Set 0; Swingers 2, Pin Peggy Corbbett 223, Lottie Northey 222/Smashers 2; Champs 2, Gliders 2; | Hippies 2 and Night Hawks 2. i Night Hawk¢# won the first section, with 23 points, This past week, the Oshawa show, as he scored all Neighborhood Association's Mite) goals ---- Phat yo Aland Flo Panter 220. Hockey League saw six games|brilliant effort, while Jack Rosa- g 5 3 ; v% ide' SHERIFF'S TAILORING LADIES played, with no less than three a. counted Kingside's lone) ich Triples -- Millie Bawks 734 cy ce anita i vinni eams scor-| Marker. 253, 224); Linda Stairs 721 (259, 253, ; mE Mah hee tia pe Joan Wall 686 (257, 248); Bev. Hicks 609| 409 Scores -- P. Skidmore (714) 314, ae Se Dee CONNAUGHT BOMBED (232, 201); Ruth Canfield 605 (235)+| 247); $. Smyeniuk (672) 27%, 216; T. In the opening game, Brook-| "7, |Pauline Friesen 602 (237, 208) and Helen |Tromley (652) 200, 226, 233; G. Tromley side scored a 7-3 win over Bak-|p. <tyj astview ran rough-shod over) In the final league game, Garason 61 (271). (672). 271, 226; B. Weroskl (655) 308; High Singles -- Lenore Wright 241, /£, Clements (639) 210, 256); J. Meikle er Park. Alan Gronman and Connaught P: ith a Topnid:| C2, oon 29 Carolyn Glibert 233, (620) 266, 212 end M, Weroskl (611) Vince Ball led the way fOTleq 94.9 win cott Monahan| 'Team Standing -- Tics 8, Salamanders | "Tigh singles -- R. Renaud 28% J. Brookside with two goals, while}i.q the way an eight-goal|$ Termites 5, Beetles 3, Spiders 1, Fleas |weroski 219, P. Hansen 221, b.| John Poulter, Enzo Augimere performance. Wally Paul andj 'Girls, don't forget to_ bring your 3p) D. rane ie et eae Phyllis Mounce 252, Lois) 209 Team Standing Expo's 15, Mapa's 14, " 12, B.V.D.'s 9 and Rums 8 points. Congratulations 'Quits', for winning and Bill Affleck counted single!y\y4;_ Farrell each counted five) "Goodies" for our Bake Sale this week.|1_ Cockerton 263 and L. Jackson 276. i y ~ " : ; di -- Centennials 14, roy- tallies. Sandy Grey scored twol,qais for Eastview. Brian Lin-/sHopPING CENTRE JUNIOR LEAGUE jos", Hot shots. 9, Dumbell - Alley goals for Baker and Kevin Kel-!j,, counted three times, while|_ The leading seniors were Bob Burns Benders 9, Desperaies 8, Boozers 8, lett added a singleton, Andrew Blair, Bradley White-|217, (4,22): Jim cMancoet >) opin | enone Mixers 7, Bobcats 4 Aces Up Josk i Mk 645 (307); Ted Harrison 601 ft WHITEWASH TREATMENT oa get Rad Voskuck added Mclaren 645 (3070) Ted), Harriaas Tom | sia. bounihs Woodview Park romped to a/Singi€ markers. mee Edwards 597 (230). | High Triples: Harry Fayle 795 (310); i 7 i k with| These Mite games were the ~ in the girls' division, Judy Corcoran 3 1900)" Nick Mayer 17-0 win over Storie Park wi c44'(231), was the best, followed by Ann |Peggy Branton 735 i ve ' i ithjlast scheduled games for Osh- Mg 01 |714 (303); Harry Keys 711 (285); Irene John Maga leading the way wit! a Ghidten's Ke 4 the| Howards, $30 (247); Susan Anderson ST eg ees Tom Goch 697, (281) four goals. Mike Ferenc count-|@Wa Ki area ty aarti an eee Colleen' Peebles aug (175) and' Rictaine Peebles. 683 (245); Doug Pel- ed three goals, while Joe Teatro,|Brooklin Arena, as the complete /Syiia, oe iinior division, Debbie Harlow Ow 671 (263); Ethel Tonkin 642 (278); Jimmy Pratt and Ricky Smith|Mite Hockey League will now |ae4 (228); "Danny Clermont 373 (Ve4); | George MeGreper counted two goals each for|Play each Saturday morning at/Danny Dawe 335 C91); Davie eebles Creamer eorest Dave Bowler 304, Les| Joodvi as ingl js|the Newcastle Community| <4, : 317 (173); Robert Hickey |Wagg 270, Lilly Rae 265, Marg Arnold Worvicy, wae fae coe Arena. Each te rill now play |soq teas, Ro 'Adams 301 (165) and|25%, Rey Richard 257, Ray Branton 254, were added by Robert Brushett,|Arena. bach team w Dee ey ean an TH) : Bert Wright 250, Dave Peebles | 249, Mike Forgette, Paul Armstrong -- ieee i ace the In the Bantam division, young. Tim sheila Taylor 249 and Jim Huxtable and Joe Francis. ee - vad NAB Bah pregge Bhah n Pies the oon ors did.| Team Standings: Discards 29, Gems ': z we at League at the Newcastle Arena Aer ato ned 8 good score with|27, Centennials 25%, Kitcats 24, Little North Oshawa played a strong for Saturday, November 25th iS}3s9" (ons 47); Cynthia Uens 298 (175);|Angles 22, Hubbies 22, Hatmas 21, defensive game, as they de-|.. sonows: At 9:00 a.m. - Lake|Leigh Henderson 290 (168); Tom Harlos|Jack'll 1% Hippies 19 Counts 8, No| feated Lake Vista No. 1 by aly, HE ee een? (165); Don Sargant 276 (153); Barb|Names 18, Guys and Dolls 17, Dream-| "\Vista No. 2 vs. North Oshawa {ones 272 (162); R. Bowler 271 (137); ers 17, Doebeas 17, Cords 13 and Crazy 4-1 score. The North Oshawa) and Kingside vs, Woodview; at) Jim McClimond 268 (144); S. Mercer 260 8's, 'a jan ae goals were scored by Ron Ju-|19.99 3 Eastview vs. Glen | (135);.¢., Johnson 259 (150); Elinor Vin- Section winners -- Discards 29 -- Gems kic, Mike Malachowski, Kenjq- .m. - Eastview vs. Glen' ..1'252 (140) and Bob Branton 250 (127). |27. ic, Mike Malachowski, Ke njctowart and Lake Vista No. 1 Holmes and Brad Smegal, while| ys Storie and at 11:00 a.m. -|CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS NEIGHBORHOOD LADIES | 7 i ke |" 2 Gecasanh High Triples -- Bill Elliott 753 (223,; High Triples: Darlene Wilson 804 (293, | Lows Hubbard replied for Lake |Connaught vs. Baker and Brook- apis Don. Loonds 748 (235, 286); Garnet 271, 940): Edna Hall 772 (298, 240, Ba) xf si ys. Palmer 693 (292, 206); Wes Stata 667 (257,' Molly Depratto 687 (259, 231); iidred | ue 3 Harman 223) oe Bery! Miller 649 (278 Witterick 628 (241, 208); Gladys Knight} EASY FOR HARMAN High Singles te Lorene Smith eit: 626 (248, 206); Flo Litster 62s Gani) Py f. iJ Dart 236, v. 'ata 233, jo Mary Maddock (265, 3 Ev Camp-| Harman Mites were in fine Novice Lea ue" Arils Smith 217 Molly , Hartshorn bell 604 (211, 209) and Laura Collins d. Lorna Bacon 214, Jim Carmi 601 (241), form, as they exploded for aj g oI, Bob Miller 210 and Wyn Glassford |" High Singles 3 vi y ov y Burden .221, Mary Daniels 221, Margot 14-3 victory over Glen Stewart | . ein ro ee 4 Denes 2 nie Park. Albert Derault and Barry! as 1ve u S Dart# and Cokes!291, Stella Edwards 200 and Georgie ; ; Barker 200 McQuaid shared the limelight e | Team Stendings: Campbells. 10, shew j the section. rings 9, Pearse's 7, Wilsons 6, Burrus for Harman with three goals| Still Unbeaten Say A ag tne r apiece. Don Metcalfe and Kerry} | MOTOR CITY MIXED pce ncre ious = High Triples -- Jack Anderson GUYS AND DOLLS MA Brown added two goals each, | After three weeks of play in isaye Chuck Ford 717 (276, 234); All tH. nigh team triple was bowled by while Darrell' Reynor, Leslie|the Oshawa Neighbourhood As-|Jamieson, 712 (26), 252); 0 Wesah*| imports with @ score of 3760 and they ; i ' Novic key . ried 242 57 nialso bowled the high single game of Zilizi, Donald Robson and ee Posting rir eT gk {242s | 2210), Joan tee : : M BUC, Ms sad et ge 7) : 7 (225, . Guys: Scores amoung the guys were Parker counted single markers./the' crest of undefeated rec- EID alle hay 647 (225, eiow par with John Trott 832, Joe The Glen Stewart goals were/ords. High Singles -- Reg. Norris 296, Marl Vasko 905 | (315), Ewart Ne va 70, notched by Gary Davies with| The five teams undefeated are|Ford 26%, Lucy Kutasiensk! 258 S608) ai Hutchins 718, Jim Cassells 709 and & peat nor ca ag eae 5 Jack Brennan 700 (316) two and Mark Winacott with|Southmead, Eastview, Brook- Morey 244, Flo. Utster a aDeretty | Scie: Bernice Buday continues _ to a singleton jside, Storie and Nipigon. All pares as si show amazing form with 879 (356), Bea aN teams have four points and are ng 4 Kickback 0; Al's|Kotelko 856 (305), Ev Harding 824 (331), Lake Vista No. 2 played aitied for first place in the 14-\cats 4 Guy end Gals 0; Spots 4, Mee, Sener tee anaes. Mune strong defensive game, to take|team league, following Satur- Luckies, % i heaee _ Sextets 2; Ding oy Marilyn Richards 724 each, Helen a 4-1 win over Kingside Park.|qay' i Dongs 2 an aay Reynolds 702 and Fern Brennan 700. ; 8 day § action. AGUE High Averages: Jim Casselis and Har- Mark Sheridan was a one-man) In the opener, Nipigon Park,| ,,,., THE UNKNOWN LEASO, 259,|0ld Ballem are now tied at 266 each with brilliant netminding from ast. 9235738; G. Stacey 724--225, 241, wile Deve Revocce at fe. Nae IKevi | ' ols Fuelmen Down Kevin Courtney, took a clase|2), R Walking 05-2 .Es5 fi; fo the front with 236, Mavis Taylor and }20 victory over a_ stubborn|;° conbo : Mrs. Pohrib 5 4; | Joyce Bell have 237 each, 3 y 678; Mrs. Pohribny 656-244; \Kingside team. John Johnson|M. Lambert 655-258; E. Willerton 638 i nd B. Gibson 630--241 MOTOR CITY MEN'S MAJOR played an excellent game and orfigh Singles -- W. Miles 270, D. Flow- High Scores: Davey Bishop 861 (317) - art he scored the winner's twolers 270, J. Russell 259, V. O'Neil 251,|Ron Jay 782 (282); Ozzie Keeler 774 goals |p. Mason 250, M. Spolestra 245, 8B.|(276); Al Perry 755 (342); Ray Mann | : |Mulder 243, B. Tayler 241, S$, Badour| Mann 745 (279); Roy Nesbitt 737 (313); PORT PERRY -- Oshawa! Storie Park took a hard -j\37 and F. Hill 236. Frank Eccles 731 (290); Red Hardie Team Standing -- Smashers 22, Hooks) 712; Stan St. Lovis 707 (282). and Mike Quality Fuels erupted for nine|fought 5-2 win over a hustling rf ; id Crooks 20,.Crazy Cats 19, Dodgers |Childerhouse 700. goals in the third period as they|Bathe team. Bob Taylor led the|{g, surprises 18, Abstainers 18 Rockets) -- Special Event: Two tickets for the Min- dumped Good-Boy Mart 12 - 1|\Storie attack with a two-goal|17, Bally and Chains 17, Hippies 16 and inesota wth Maple Laat NH. hockey . bs 5 be whit ; . 15. ame, to be played at Maple Leaf Gar while Tony's trimmed Oshawa/effort, while single goals were|'°**'s Sens'on Nov. 22nd, were awarded to Al| BP 7-2 in a UAW North Plant\added by Wayne Reid, Eddie| MAGILU'S MIXED LEAGUE [Perry when he rolled the high single : haves High Triples -- L rsenau' * game the night wi 4 e tickets Hockey league twin-bill played|Hoefs and Doug Ferguson. ,Mia G7" castarache 626, S. Siblock were secured through General Manager at Port Perry Arena Sunday. Lance Coutu and Mike Waldin-' 623, 5. smith 618 and L Madigan 609. Wren Blair. of the Minnesota club. This is ali i High Singles -- L. Arsenault 240, 261,\nice gesture by Mr. Blair Is greatly Ezery and Denault led Qual. |SPerger replied with the Bathe |, Hise Siblock 250, 240, E., Bastarache appreciated by the Malor bowlers. s J 7, Ly 5 a Ity Fuels with three goals each,|" Woodview Park outskated|s, 'smith 10, 22%, R.. Saunders 216, P FRIDAY NIGHT INDUSTRIAL . | ; : Mulligan and Page potted two|Baker for a well - earned 8-3/j,2¥I0f,,71J,, 8: Sovnwell 20° and pith pire ge eee de "oY wa each with singles going to Frain| Victory. Jim Armstrong held the| Lemons -- Jenny Trudelle 90, 98, N.|liams 684, F. IIllg_ 683, B. Gallant 671, limelight for Woodview with a|McDonald 73, M. Smith 51, 89, 67, K./J. Thompson 668, T. Griffin 660, C. Win- and Jenkens. fine four - goal performance lGionet 96, Pat Herbert 81, 89 and Helen acott 657 and Nick 0. 646. 4 : NC, | Luke 72 |" High Singles. Nick ©. 300, L. M Don Fraser picked up the lone| while Neil Hogan, Joe Delaney.| Sorry Lerry, for that error -- 331 not|2 yd. Th 295, W. Smit goal for the losers. Sandy Furlong and Tim Irvine|2"~0%° |D. Wiilliams +282, W. Helmecke 2). C. ly Furlong and Tim Irvine} |Winacott 267, T. Griffin 264, F. Iillg Two goals each by Munroe|counted single goals. Brian Mc- sakes kita eee Ta oe |Pol Brees O'S Mates > + * 7" 600 Scores -- Alma Richards , | Points: ic - - Mats 3, Tony's 0 and McBride led Tony's to their|Gill tried hard for Baker with| 24)" 959); Doris Arulo 728 (295); Oben|Reynold's 3 -- Dairy Queen's 0; | West- victory over BP. two goals and Gary Heidenreich |Arsenault 724 (330, 238); Bob Rorabeck|mount 2 -- Motor City 1; Russell's 2 Gray, Reid and Tully with|added a single marker. 72) (253, 277); John A. Cardinal 696 and Play Boys 1. singles rounded out the scoring] Lake Vista played a fine de-| for the winners. fensive game in front of Chris Barteaux' steady goaltending, as Jones and Fox handled theliney handed North Oshawa a scoring for the shorthanded BP 6-0 . Cheers! RANVIN ' 3 setback. Dave Freeman we ig ong their third) ored two goals to lead the way for Lake Vista, while} single counters went to Alex| Markov, J. Vandersythe, D. Frappier and Peter Robertson. Last-Minute Goal In the fi Novice! m Wins For 'Riders' |southmead launched ey urea dous offence, as they swamped} BOWMANVILLE -- A goal by|Harman by a 9-1 margin. David Dan Price with less than 15|Salway played a standout game! seconds to go in the gae gave|for Southmead with five goals V-Bar § Riding Stables an 8-7|Andy Bak and Stephen Ham-| victory over Russell's Texaco. |bley followed close behind with Ron McPhee scored three|'¥9 goals each goals in leading Mercury Fur-| niture to a 5-2 victory over Gale! Lumber in an Oshawa Indus trial League doubleheader play-| ed at Bowmanville Arena Sun-| day. Ted Whitely scored three goals for the 'riding crew' while Bob Miller and Paul Gibbons} added two goals each to round out the winners' scoring. Junior White and Jim Camp bell scored two goals each for| Russell's while Rick Craggs,! Gary MacDonald and George Skinner added singles. Rusty Craggs and Rob Robin- son scored one goal each to go along with a three-goal perfor- mance by McPhee as they trim- med Gale Lumber. John Plews and Jim Clapp handled the scoring forthe! losers. Canada's largest selling wine BE PREPARES UNIRDYAL CENTRES The New Name of Dominion Tire Stores AUTO SAFETY SERVICES ROYALINE SHOCK ABSORBERS Guaranteed for 20,000 miles or 20 Months 7-95 Installation Included WHEEL BALANCE Weights Included 1 Wheel --- 1.95 2 Wheels -- 3.70 3 Wheels -- 5.45 4 Wheels -- 6.60 5 Wheels -- 7.59 a community of quiet elegance | located in eshawa's northern residential oreo. Simcoe and Taunton USE UNIROYAL'S BUDGET PLAN If you are looking for a lot to buy . ... visit cedar ridge -- use a builder of your choice, for information. : phone 723-1194 OSHAWA KING PARK PLAZA King St. West at Park Rd. 725-6511 SX OOO xO THIS CHRISTMAS . . . Give the gift that keeps on giving! band, wife or friend this Christmas? Bet you hadn't thought of Cable TV. We have prepared beautiful gift certificates to ease the pain of Christmas giving. All certificates include the installation, only $9.95--and you have a choice of giving one to 12 months subscription for only $4.95 monthly. CABLE TV will give 11 channels all with crystal clear reception; you've never seen such clear re- ception unless you've seen CABLE TV! Why not make someone real happy this Christmas, give them the gift that keeps on giving--give them CABLE TV. Gift certificates are available at our office. Come and get yours today. This cable tower Is 160 ft. high and is situated on the outskirts of the city. It transmits great shows on 11 channels and is responsible for the perfect re- ception you get with CABLE TV. ~ =. a -- y ---- -- ZN --S "SS 7 dnc Secs ee Z--~SS Se f "> a Your Gift Problem Is Over - Call Us Now! INSTALLATION 9.95 -- ONLY 4.95 MONTHLY OSHAWA MALL EAST 600 KING ST. EAST LTD. PHONE NOW 723-5278 qv rrr - SPEC Starting next year school pupils with gence quotient of 130 may have an oppor spend one-half of ea day as a group doin; ed studies and proje The new program children was introduc Oshawa Board of | Members of Simcoe | Settlement House and § coe Hall Boys' Club sta City § Over | Concern was felt among ior city hall staff when co approved a recommendatic Nov. 6 that fire captain Smith be reimbursed by city for a $40.50 fine img on him for jumping three lights in September, when fire car he was driving wa volved in a collision with other vehicle. Non-Profit Theatre 5} A spokesman for the Ost! Little Theatre said today s ments made by business | ager Richard Erman it Times article yesterday st be clarified. Rex Williams, immediate president of the Little The said, "'some misunderstar appears to have occured', Williams said the theatre strictly a non - profit - 1 ing organization and all re ues from plays are used t nance existing and future ductions and to offset what capital costs are incurred ing the course of each sea Another Investigatic Call for yet another firn consultants to investigate another city hall departr was made by Ald. Gilbert ! doch at last night's cot meeting. His motion that a man ment consultant firm be | to carry out a manager audit of the personnel dey ment was approved. He said he was making motion in view of recent ¢ cisms concerning the hirin; outside negotiators for u contracts. "T have felt for some | that this department should in a position to perform necessary functions in field," he said. He wants the board of trol to investigate among . sultant firms and make a ommendation to council ' terms of reference. "They should ascertain nature and extent of the f tions presently being perfec ed by the personnel der ment," he said, "and see v ements, if any, coulc achieved."

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