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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Nov 1967, p. 12

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~~ 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 22, 1967 COUNTY LINES Weary Brooklin Treated By Legion Auxiliary A free cup of tea or coffee and some Christmas cake for Brooklin weary shoppers in Legion Hall. Members invite everyone tobe featured at the next meet-|ine Ontario government has/level and said Quebec and New| provinci i ji k UCW vincial funds. te Bilge arian < meee UCW. cent to the other nine provinces.|Brunswick are the two prov- r poe decorations and other 'gifts for|were discussed at the last meet- sale. The Ladies Auxiliary isjing also holding a euchre party|returned to her Blackstock farm at the Legion hall Nov. 23, at/home after working in Toronto 8:15 p.m. POSTHISTRESS BLACKSTOCK tress' was given by Mrs. Charles Vinning at the Wom-)|.. en's Institute meeting. Mrs. Lorne Thompson read a paperjtrip during a meeting of the on the Vanier Institute and a letter was read from the group's adopted boy in Hong/Hi-C group is planning a var- Kong. Mrs. J. Hamilton and Mrs. rei cae US. Dollar's Forces Income Tax Up WASHINGTON (CP) --|at $29,000,000,000 could be | Treasury Secretary Henry Fowl-|trimmed to about $15,000,000,000 | er Tuesday called a U.S. income tax increase "double impor- tant" because of the devaluation) of the British pound. The U.S. dollar now is in the front line of the international monetary stem, "an almost unique role," and the long- sought tax increase of 10 cents more on every income tax dol- lar will help bolster confidence, Fowler told a press conference. He depicted the increase as a cure-all for financial ailments ranging from high interest rates to the worsening balance of pay- ments. Fowler spoke as a thaw began in the congressional freeze that has blocked the proposed sur- charge of 10 per cent on the ex- isting income tax structure. Britain's devaluation has re- vived government efforts to get the tax. It also apparently has led President Johnson to cut more from his budget than he had been willing to do before. The congressional price for ssing the tax increase has m more substantial budget reductions than Johnson liked, or wanted to appear to like. A deficit projected last August! the blast. (TC) -- Ajald Hawkins paper on "A Country Postmis-jguests at a shower held at the jyield an additional $7,000,000,000 Shoppers meeting will € A program on citi-) be Dec./day. Bilingual Institutions On Conference Agenda age gy -- Possible extensions e French andjin the papers should be English languages to all public|construed as necessarily repre- would be offered in both French institutions and services in Can-|senting Ontario and English. N. Green with Mrs. W. bed ego ee oe reforms/policy. Camp doing the cards, make-jon bilingualism to discussed oti i i a up the Blackstock UCW Christ-|at the Confederation of Tomor- zor Pasties. SOE Hie will be provided Dec. 9 by the|mas Cheer committee. Thejrow conference opening Mon- Ladies Auxiliary, Branch 152,|next Royal Canadian Legion at the|l4 ....- A list of convention topics is|knowledged some progress to-| cnoois with instruction in their zenship and social action willl ontained in background papers|Ward this goal at the federal| own languages supported by « YW ministration, BILINGUAL DISTRICTS In Ontario, where French- speaking persons live in concen- trated areas, the paper suggest- ed a system of bilingual dis- tricts where all provincial and An editor's note says nothing municipal government services government)' Other suggestions for discus- sion of languages include: ; 1. Provincial legislation ensur- tension of the two languages to/ing where practicable that all institutions and services ac-|French and English-speaking communities have access to 2. A bill of rights that would inces closest to = bilingual ad-|embody a reference to official and equal status for French and English languages across Can- ada or at least in jurisdiction] Quebec and Ottawa. with a viable number of persons speaking the languages, -- 3. The right to justice in ei- ther French or English, perhaps through teams or a central pool of judges, court clerks and law- yers, 4, Impr ing facilities for French-speak- ing persons outside Quebec, in- cluding possible extension of CBC French radio and televi- reg networks across the coun- ry. 5. Changing Ottawa into a mode] bilingual centre by mak- ing it an 11th province, a capitall relations in Canada. t of broadcast! and Ontario. district under federal control or by changing its nature through a co-operative effort by Ontario, The suggestion for full bilin- gualism in all courts says it may be possible and practical to ensure the use of French and English at all levels of the judi- cial process. in New Brunswick Other general areas covered by the papers are the goal of Canadians; ways in which the federal system could be im- proved; and the machinery and structure of federal-provincial Student Protest Lasts Two Hours stration at the University of To- ronto.against Dow Chemical Co. of Canada broke up after two hours Tuesday when university administrators refused to allow students into Simcoe Hall. students which forced the com- pany's personnel manager to leave the campas after barri- cading him in a building for CAT GETS OBITUARY TORONTO (CP) -- A demon-|farmers' magazine. It followed a wild sit-in. by more than 100 professors -andjless children." YORK, England (CP) -- A Casanova of the cat world who died aged 14 was remembered in an obituary in a Yorkshire It read: "Tinker the Tomcat was employ- ed as a mouse catcher until his retirement at the age of one year, when he turned his skills to attracting the opposite sex, which he carried on actively until his death. ... He leaves several loving wives and count- BIRDS REVERED ore than two hours Monday. {hieroglyphics. Ancient Egypt worshipped birds and used their images in Aims and purposes of UCW Mrs. Will Hooey has for 14 years. She is now re- tired ..... Mr. and Mrs. Ron- were honored Blackstock recreation centre.. Mrs. John Miller, hostess, showed slides of her summer Hospitality Unit of the Colum- bes UCW ...-. The Columbus iety night in December with proceeds to go to the Colum- bus Church Centennial chimes. Unique Roll | if the tax goes through. The tax, to be retroactive to Oct. 1 if Congress means business, would in revenue. Johnson had prom- ised to match the tax dollar for | dollar with budget cuts. | Gas Service = Restored HUNTSVILLE, Ont. (CP) -- Gas service was restored to this community Tuesday following Monday afternoon's violent ex- plosion that ripped the main line of Trans-Canada Pipe Line! Ltd., forcing the evacuation of families in about 15 homes. | The blast sent flames 200 feet) in the air, destroyed two barns arid hurled 500,000 cubic feet of rock and clay over some 80 acres 90 miles north of Barrie. Trans - Canada employees Tuesday checked sub-station valves for pumping malfunc- tions and leakage as service re- pipe installed to replace the 108 ex through a new section of feet of 36-inch line torn apart by I 2B OW a8 ae - WN When "easy" | payments become impossible Go back to one possible payment with an Associates consolidation loan Too often, those "easy" monthly payments can add up to a staggering figure. That's the time to see the Associates about a debt consolidation loan, and go back to one low payment will lend you money to arrange one monthly payment carefully suited to your budget. Ask an Associates manager about a debt consolidation Joan, and 111 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA PHONE 725-6531 ASSOCIATES FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED THE ASSOCIATES ---- a month. The Associates pay off bills, and then get a fresh start today. | Ra RESORT on en here's the best part--no one can ever get too many of them. i \ Reg. Price loaf 25¢ -- SAVE 10¢ Va PRACTICAL GIFT THAT'S PRACTICALLY PERFECT To some, a practical gift is as welcome as a rainy weekend. To others, it's just the right answer. Here's a practical gift, that's practically perfect: an A&P Gift Certificate, A handsome certificate with a mailing envelope, available in all A&P stores all year long. Offered in #1, $5 and $10 denominations, these gift certificates will be honored in any A&P store in Canada. When you think about it, practically anyone who buys food would welcomeit.' Best Buy (25-40-60-100 Watt) SAVE 100 LIGHT BULBS GF. ps0 2 tuts 5 3c A&P COFFEE 100% coromsian 1b vac pack tin 9 Qe Yukon Club Soda Water or (Plus Bottle Deposit) GINGER ALE 7 20-02 bis 9 5c Ann Page TOMATO SOUP 4 otertind 7c SOMETHING NEW! A&P's Own Brand -- Sunnyfield Quick Cooking ROLLED OATS sb bas Qe Golden Seediess Reg. Price pkg 450 -- SAVE 60 RAISINS _ vumonte 15-07 pkg 3 Qe Sunnyfield Reg. Price pkg 480 -- SAVE 4e WALNUT PIECES $4: sions 39 SILVERBROOK BUTTER =» «65° Sis Dependable Grocery Values!) Eo Reg. Price Jug 890 -- SAVE 4e 128-fl-oz jug 8 5c Assorted Flavours FEATURE PRICE JELL-O stuvrowors 3 30zpks De York Homogenized Reg. Price jar B8e -- SAVE 8 PEANUT BUTTER 162: icebox iar 5¢ Orange, Grapefruit or Orange-Pineapple FEATURE PRICE! START ravourso cevstats 2 3%-0z tins 5e Robin Hood (5 Varieties) Reg. Price pkg 490 -- SAVE 4e LAYER CAKE MIXES 12: ris45¢ Jell-o (Assorted Flavours) Reg. 2 pkgs 376 -- SAVE 7e PUDDINGS wstant 3 40x rks Qe Liquid Bleach JAVEX WHITE GRANULATED SUGAR | 5-LB. 39° 10-LB. 77° DEL MONTE Silvikrin Green SAVE 360 SHAMPOO large size bil 8 8c Spray -- Buy Either Size -- SAVE 31e -- 7-fl-oz tin $1.28 BAN Deodorant 5412: sos! rin 8c jumbo size 10-oz jar 1 ° 5 9 NOXZEMA White, Gold or Pink -- Complexion Reg, Price 2 bars 390 -- SAVE 4e DIAL Toilet Soa 2 vor 3 5¢ Faney Quality Cut Wax or Green Beans Canned Foods SALE once grrr hong chy Seca Deauty Aid Buys! Bxeaiemecy Frozen Foods! fou MIX or MATCH otis QQy FEATURE PRICE! BRUSSELS SPROUTS. 3 10-0 rks: 87 Rich's (To Whiten & Enrich Coffee) Reg. 27e -- SAVE 9e COFFEE RICH moun 2 sore 5e Swanson"s Deep Dish Reg. Price pkg 670 -- SAVE 4e MEAT PIES (Beef, Chicken or Turkey) 16-oz pkg 6 3c Pepperidge Farms Reg. Price pkg 550 -- SAVE 6e APPLE STRUDEL --4<xris 9c Pepperidge Farms Reg. Price pkg 490 -- SAVE 6e APPLE TURNOVERS 1o%-07 phe Se Birdseye (Frozen) JANE PARKER SLICED -- DAILY DATED ' Jo WHITE BREAD 65° 24-0z loaves V4-LB seca Gokery Buys! Sa P Jane Parker English eecta «Fruits and Vegetables! SAME LOW PRICE FOR THE PAST SEVEN YEARS Jane Parker FRUIT CAKE (OVER 2/3 FRUITS & NUTS) | $f-39|82.69|53.99 3-LB RING 5-LB RING ie \ i ee POWDERED -- (WHITE OR BLUE ) a5 9: Reg. Price box 69¢ -- SAVE 10¢ SAIL DETERGENT JANE PARKER UMPKIN PIE AQ, Reg. Price each B50 -- SAVE be Reg. Price each 300 -- SAVE 17e RUIT CAKE 3-1.00 ae ty + 7 em AND JUICY, EASY TO PEEL, NO. 1 GRADE, SIZE 156. TANGELOS TURKEYS NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P! California Fresh, Large Green Heads, Ne. 1 Grade LETTUCE SIZE 24's NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P! Florida, Tender, Stringless, No. 1 Grade GREEN BEANS NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A4P! each 19 ¢ b25¢ Ontario Grown "Courtland," All Purpose, Eating or Cooking APPLES = ancycrade = 3b collobag VPe NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A@P! A Variety of Colour for your Choice SHRIMP CYCLAMEN PLANTS »°>:1.69 TURKEY BREASTS TURKEY LEGS PORK SAUSAGE SIDE BACON mcd SCAtOOd Selection! co HADDOCK SOLE FILLETS A&P Brand af Soe oN Brand eer 5 3« SHRIMP & CHIPS "irs~ i RAINBOW TROU IMPORTED DANIBH 10.03 pkg 59: 3 =a = «guper-Right' Quality Meats! Jaaus 9 to I] Chops in a Package -- Save On This Large Family Package PORK LOIN oars +69: LAMB LEGS LAMB LOINS. NEW ZEALAND IMPORTED FROZEN rf ¢ NEW. ZEALAND FROZEN lb ¢ FLANK & KIDNEY REMOVED Fresh Whole 663: yy £ 43 665« 1b pkg 65: Fresh Whole Canada Grade "A" Eviscerated -- Fresh 6 te 10 Pounds Schneider's Country Style -- Pure Allgood Smoked, Sliced, Rindless A&P Brand (Fried in Batter) Diamond Cut -- SAVE 100 16-0z pkg 5 3 ¢ roots 2.69 14-02 pkg 69: Super-Right Quality SLICED BEEF LIVER Super-Right Brand, Vac Pac, Defatted, Semi-Boneless b4Q9ec b B9c btn 149 bAQ b7 Oe b 59 b 3 5c Smoked & Cooked -- Shankless $X Brand (Pork Shoulders) CANNED PICNICS Rind on (Whole or Half) SIDE BACON Coorsh Vac Pao CORNED BEEF BRISKET Shopsy's Vac Pac WIENERS Burns -- By The Piece BEEF BOLOGNA " |L BEEF = \---- rs --_--. aren BID \ Goering with CANADA YAXAY FOR 40 YEARS _ ig67|! i967 ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 1967 OSHAWA, WHITBY & BOWMANVILLE 7é1d, 1261 Reg. 5.9 _. Men': SPOR] Blue 36 - 4 MEN'S QUALITY FINE LAWN COTTON Sizes 8-14, Reg. 2.95 REG. 25¢ ea. 10° 'FLANNEL. Sizes 34 40 40. ara a 1.66 lata aati COLOR FAST FLANNEL 1.23 MEN'S QUALITY PONDEROSA SHIRTS LADIES' PYJAMAS Patterns. BOYS' AND GIRLS' FINE QUALITY PYJAMAS DEEP PILE VELOUR S-M-L, REG. 12.95

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