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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Nov 1967, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 22, 1967 REFORE THE MAGISTRATE Souvenir From Mosport Brings Court Appearance bd " WMANVILLE -- " tement was taken to thatj7A, east of Nestleton. The fine 'y «g ae was $50 and costs or seven Crown Attorney G. F. Bonny-|days, and the beer confiscated. took it home as a souvenir,"|effect. a Hamilton man said in mag- castle said that people just istfate's court here as he ex-ldon't go off and abandon prop-|SIMILAR FINE e value of the tire,) A similar charge against Ed- rion apeagead agin, -F Fok . ward Albert Needham, Scugog "And if they did," he said,|Island, brought a similar fine. ie | to Mosport,|A search of his car at Caes- . oe area revealed 25 pints of beer d." jin a five - gallon can on the with theft over $50, elected trial|** coe 2 floor of the back seat, covered whitel came to be in his gar-|$100 new. age after the Players' 200 at "ao Titian, 24, charged|not anyone who happened to i . B. Baxter re- by®magistrate and pleaded not gate chp aah Dee. 19 |with a black cloth. Evidence showed Titian and|/pygric MISCHIEF NO PERMIT a friend each purchased an! 4 Couyrtice-high school stu- told he would have to wait for some months to obtain a build- ing permit, he went ahead and put an addition to his home without it. Contravention of the Township of Darlington by-law cost him $50 and costs, or 10 days. Mr. Roth explained that he wanted to have his home snug POSTPONE PLANS si thamptonshire church, but stil]|#! were not man and wife. A hold- 20, had to postpone the actualid went through the service with- When John Roth, R.R. 1, was tend the second ceremony. SINCE KENNEDY ASSASSINATION Four Years Have Wrought Changes In National Mood By JAMES MARLOW and ready for the winter ahead.|Associated Press News Analyst WASHINGTON (AP) -- The jun was shining, the crowds] CORBY, England (CP) -- Ajwere cheering, and President USAF airman and his English|John F. Kennedy was the most bride went through the motions|popular figure in America when of getting married at a Nor-|he was shot to death four years go today in Dallas. Now he is a beloved and al- up in official papers meant Glen|most legendary figure. But so| Feather, 21, and Olive Newton,Jmuch has happened since that lay it is as if Kennedy had died wedding for two days. Theylin another age. toward Kennedy then and the jattitude now toward his succes- sor, President Johnson. Kennedy won election by a thread in 1960 and in three years had become a _ national idol. Johnson overwhelmingly won election on his own in 1964 him, while in 1960 Kennedy won by only 118,500 votes. What went wrong? Above all things, the war in Vietnam. At the time Kennedy died the ino major dilemma like Viet-|league with Johnson. But that nam, anti-war mobs deride Johnson, has to be qualified abit. Johnson's legislative record in the first year after his election at ty i of me Fo ager was unmatched by all Lng 4 pie Youths burn their hve Pe shel aieactea by the draft cards in defiance of the|.- 'lost his grip on Congress. government. Crime -- increases When then all the adoration of and Negro riots in the city mul-/ennedy? There are some likely tiply in size and destruction. IGNITES LAWLESSNESS reasons: A sentimental one, a regret for a shining young man The witless assassination of|shut out of life so early; the Kennedy may have set off some of the explosive contempt for'| 'owing flow that builds up a a folk-hero, making him law and order that followed in|look taller; gratitude for the United States was only dir its toes in the war with 15,500 men, Under Johnson it got in up to its neck. It has 475,000 men but this week a public opi poll reported confidence in him at an all-time low. LACKS JFK GRACE There is irony in this. While Joh lacked Kennedy's Nothing shows this better than out taking the vows for the sake|the change in the national mood grace and eloquence, he won the presidency by 16,000,000 of relatives who could not at-|since Nov. 22, 1963, and in the difference between the attitude votes, reflecting the people's Ironically, Kennedy said short- ly before his death the same' things about U.S. determination to help South Vietnam stop Communist aggression as John- son is saying now. But while crowds beamed on the years since then. But Johnson has been on the splendid grace Kennedy gave to the presidency. But future historians, aided receiving end of it.all. If Kenne- by the cool detachment of time, dy had lived and been re-e- are not apt to conclude that Peosell, ANG AE There We So Wal, Kennedy's actual achievements by now he might have set up a stunning record in the presiden- were more than ordinary. cy. He didn't do it while he was president. In the main problem TOWN GOING UP A survey of Shillong, India, of his time, which was getting/which was rebuilt after being major legislation through Con-|destroyed by an earthquake in great confidence and hope inl Kennedy, when the country had gress, he wasn't in the same!1897, shows it is still rising. . ticket for the race 80/dent pleaded guilty to a charge they might stand in the pitlof public mischief. He reported area, where racing Cars &f€)ne had been stabbed in the right parked and serviced. arm during the noon hour. Evi- After the race, they went/dence indicated he had cut him- baek to where their car WaS|sejf in the washroom with a pafked. When most of the cars} jack-knife. were gone, it was said, they|' Teon Esler, Hampton, already noticed a wide - track concavelfaceq with four charges of tire lying on the ground, They/preaking and entering, and two rolled it over, picked it up and/o¢ theft, earlier this year, was put it in the trunk of the car./remanded in custody until The following morning, when |Thursday this week in. Cobourg. a Hamilton police officer went to the Titian residence, Mr.|LIQUOR CHARGE Titian admitted taking the tire} Jack Robert Hall, 13 Col- and led the officer to his gar-/borne Street, Oshawa, was age. He explained he thought|charged with illegal possession the owner had gone off and/of liquor following police search left it, so they brought it home.lof two cars parked on Highway SIRLOIN & WING STEAKS Boneless Rump or Round STEAK ROAST bw. 97° We Have A Good Selection of TURKEYS Available LEAN, SLICED SIDE BACON 59: SKINLESS WIENERS 2 ns. 98: Peameal Bacon END CUTS CENTRE CUTS 79% 1.09. FREEZER SPECIALS HINDQUARTERS "o" 65 '2 HOGS HEAD OFF LB. ¢ CUT AND WRAPPED FREE COUNTRY SAUSAGE VEAL PATTIES 4s 1.00 3 us 1.00 The 1968 Ford. Quiet. Strong. Beautiful. A great road car. ~ The 1968 Ford: the newest expression of the Fords that showed themselves astoundingly strong, wonderfully quiet--test after test, drive after drive. Back in 1965, Ford showed itself even quieter than a Rolls Royce...in 1966, Ford showed its quiet strength against the finest European luxury cars...in 1967, Ford showed its rugged durability conquering the steep steps of the Los Angeles Coliseum. Now in 1968, the new a great road car. Every one's a beauty too: the formal, elegant 2-and 4-door LTD's. The racy convertibles. Luxurious wagons. A spirited new fastback that seats six. And behind the good looks, better ideas: power disc brakes, rear window de- fogger, 7 position tilt steering wheel, tno headlight" headlights (neatest dis- generation Ford is, more than ever, FORD'S UNSURPASSED THREE-POINT 5-YEAR/50,000-MILE NEW CAR WARRANTY--YOUR FORD DEALER HAS ALL THE DETAILS. melt] MACDONALD FORD SALES Nh) f €22...has a better idea. appearing trick of the year) AM Radio-StereoSonic tape system and lots more. So many features, in fact that your '68 Ford is almost custom outfitted for you. Ford's new improved SelectShift transmission (works both manually and auto- matically) puts three speeds into action, for greater flexibility and livelier performance with Ford's new V-8 engines..V-8's from a brand new 302 CID powerplant...all the way up to the rugged 428. For snappy performance plus six-cylinder thrift, there's the 240 cu. in. Big Six. Try. the 1968 Fords. Quieter because they're stronger. Stronger because they're better built. And beautiful. Great road cars. 520 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. and 219 King St. E., Bowmanville, Ont, 4 723-5241 623-2534 somesic 15 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 22, 196' NEW COMMAND Air Force Lt. Col. James A. McDivitt was named commander of the first manned test of the Saturn 5 super rocket in the Apollo moon landing program. Second in command will be Air Force Lt. Col. David R. Scott and a. civilian, Russell L. Schweickart, will be pilot of the lunar module. (AP Wirephoto) 'GO' Manager Challenges Jurisdiction TORONTO (CP) --The Cana: dian transport commission does not have the absolute right te approve fares of the govern: ment of Ontario's transit sys- tem, William Howard, the sys. tem's manager, said Monday. Mr. Howard was commenting in an interview on the Supreme Court of Canada's unanimous decision that. the commission has jurisdiction over tolls charged by the Ontario com- muter train system which oper- ates from the Metropolitan To- ronto area to Hamilton. The court said the GO system must file its fare structure with the federal agency. Mr. Howard said although fare schedules must be filed, the commission does not have approval rights unless the fares are challenged. He said there had been few complaints about the fares which work out to about $1.36 from Toronto-Hamilton, graduat- ed according to the length of the journey. ; The GO service is operated by the CNR. The court said tolls charged by_ the. provin service come under the Railway Act because it uses CNR tracks. Bh Problem Eradicated TORONTO (CP) --. Problems involved in the birth of the Rh baby have been "practically eradicated" by two Canadian doctors. Doctors Alvin Zipursky and Lyonel G. Israels published findings of their discovery of a method to prevent babies being born with the blood disease in the Nov. 18 edition of the Cana- dian Medical Association -Jour- nal. Up to now, children--especial- ly the second and later ones-- conceived from mothers with Rh-negative blood and fathers of Rh-positive blood would fre- quently be either born with a severe mental retardation or die at birth or soon after. Dr. Zipursky, professor and head of the department of pe- diatrics, McMaster University, Hamilton, and Dr. Israels, pro- fessor of medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, began their research shortly after 1960. | The doctors show that if Rh- negative mothers are given an injection and immunized with gamma globulin containing anti- bodies which result from the clash of the negative and posi- tive blood factors, then the problem can be prevented. Smoke Causes Lump To Grow By DAVID QUINTNER WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- A cancer-like lump induced to grow on an animal by exposing it to solid matter in cigarette smoke may have "a correlation with human cancer," a Univer- sity of Windsor scientist an- nounced. Dr. Joseph E. J. Habowsky, assistant professor of biology and one of three men here who have developed a "'percolator" device for extracting nicotine and tars from cigarette smoke, told a'press conference that a grant was being sought from the Canadian Cancer Founda- tion to continue the investiga- tion. Showing slides and _photo- graphs, Dr. Habowsky said ex- periments conducted by the three men with the simple- celled animal hydra showed that when the creature, about the size of a pinhead, was ex- posed to precipitates obtained by the percolator device, it "rapidly disintegrates and cells break loose." He said the tumor seen to grow on the surface of hydra was 'cancer for hydra, but we cannot yet say with any certain- ty if it is the same cancer as af- f@tts humans. But there seems to be a correlation."

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