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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Nov 1967, p. 16

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-ee eee e 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 22, 1967 > Seys ¥ = +. SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell Associate Sports Editor BRAVO GENERALS! Win- ning that one last night put Oshawa Generals back on the Junior 'A' beam and stamped them as still a contender in this season's annual Junior hockey scramble. It only took a glance at the Junior 'A' schedule race to show that things were getting a bit des- "perate. We felt Oshawa's need Was a psychological one and "that even more than needing "two points, they needed to 'prove to themselves that they could win a game, now and then, in the OHA Junior 'A' schedule. . THIS WEEKEND, Oshawa "Generals have a home-and- «home date with Toronto Marl- boros. Certainly there's nothing about that situation to 'ereate a panic because while that the opportunity to make it to Jun- they are pushing ior 'A' ranks and later "the big time." FOOTBALL PLAYOFFS will hold the spotlight with Cana- dian sports fans for the next full week. The situation is already at the desperate stage for many of the country's fans. Out West, Calgary knocked off Saskatchewan Roughriders and if the "Roughies" fail to win that second 'game, tonight in Regina, it's all over there and those mad Calgary Stam- peder fans will promptly get ready to invade Ottawa with their own personal Grey Cup parade and support. But if Regina fans can cheer their team to victory tonight, then we get a third and deciding they've been great at home, game and that'll be really "Marlies have already shown something. Meanwhile, here that they are capable of being in the East, Ottawa Rough just ordinary away from _ Riders face. an eight-point home. That's the beauty of a deficit plus the knowledge "tight schedule race, it only "dakes about two wins to put you right back into the thick of things. That's exactly the situation with Oshawa Gen- « erals. They didn't change their "standing in the race last night but they did move up the that several of their best per- formers are hurting. If Jack- son and the Ottawa attack starts to click, nothing is impossible. But if Tiger-Cats defence remains as solid as they showed last weekend, then this game will be merely 'Jadder a couple of points and routine, rough and rugged eqput themselves within one for sure, but still just a "more win: of climbing into yoytine. seventh place. They get that chance this weekend and if NOTICE. DEPT.: Rugger they can grab a win from types, especially those who Toronto Marlies' (it'll be have supported the Oshawa mighty tough to do) here on > Vikings Club over the past Saturday night, they'll be few years, are reminded that within reach of the first divi- they are holding a '"'Rugger "sion. Dance" on Friday evening at , the Oshawa Shrine Club (for- "= OSHAWA CRUSHMEN did merly the "Steak House") at edt! Tied for the top, they 1626 Simcoe Street North and upiioned with a defeat at the all old players, new players, nds of Peterborough, but fans and friends are invited 'they climbed right back with KNOW WHAT? Rocky their win over "Petes" and Marciano defeated Max Baer ow we find them ready to in that weird computer-type | | | | | make a significant move. If boxing bit they have going at Crushmen can knock off Miami Beach. They'll have a Kingston here at Civic Audi- helluva problem if some torium on Friday night, they'll fighter defaults one of these be right back in command of nights, eh?...HAROLD the Lakeshore Junior 'B' COTTON, recognized for years as Chief Scout for Bos- | ton Bruins, retired from his | post recently but is now back | in harness. Wren Blair's Min- | nesota club has hired "Baldy" as their No. 1 bird dog ... BLAIR AND "BALDY" got along fine with Boston Bruins and their new mutual asso- ciation could prove a great thing for the "North Stars." group. Just like last year, the Lakeshore teams are going to be a tightly-packed group as they scramble for group honors and further OHA Jun- ior 'A' playoff rights. We think our energetic and de- termined "'homebrew" Crush- men team has the spirit needed to make it and as individuals, they must realize Banting Biddy Boys Win, Lead Westmount Kiwanis | Bruce Levey and Gino Pas-,uphill battle as the Hurons! euzzi set a fast pace, while|came on to tie the Avenues. | scoring 18 and 11 points respec-|Hubbard, Tony Mercieca, John tively as the Bantings scored at}Cairns and Andrew Ghersini all| will to defeat the Maples 33 to 6.|scored four points each. For the In the second game of the|Avenues, who at anytime never schedule Westmount 'Kiwanis/held more than a four - point Biddy Basketball Leaguejlead, captain John Szczepanski| doubleheader played at thejand John Patterson contributed Simcoe Hall Settlement House,|Six points each | the _Hurons came from behind} AVENUES -- John Szezepan-| to tie the second place Avenues' ski (6), Craig Finney, John Pat-| at 16-all, terson (6), Craig Lee, Ricky; Jumping into an early lead,|price, Paul Landry (4) and! and defensively keeping the|coach Bob Hall. Maples off of the score sheet! wuroNs -- Terry Hubbard| o alt } pe omc ll Sane (4) Tony Mercieca (4), Gilbert For the Maples, Bill Sterling)/™P50", John Cairns (4), An- scored four points, and to com- aide Ghersini (4) and coach plete their total Ricky Snudden 20%" Howson notched the other two WLT Pts. BANTINGS -- Bruce Levey Bantings 5 i 8 (18), Gino Pascuzzi (11), Brian' Avenues pS Bes Ba Pateman Joel Dupont (2), Maples 2460 Larry Norton (2), Don Legere i and coach Harold Davidson Hurons i ae MAPLES -- Randy Jordan, Saturday morning the Hurons Ricky Snudden (2), Peter Nagy, Will try to move into third place Barry Simp- 4S they play the Maples at 9.0 Bill Sterling (4) a.m., while the second-place 8:00 p.m. and Lions Club vs Kiwanis Club, at 9:90 pm; By THE CANADIAN PRESS Public (Adult) Skating: At Civic Auditorium, 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. of THURSDAY HOCKEY DHA Intermediate 'A' Lea- gue: Port Perry vs Whitby Mel-Rons; at Whitby Arena, $:00 p.m. fierce beating to score a techni jfence. Referee Harry back fromya barrage o punches. | \¢ years ago: tonight--in 1965--and| Fuels in their draw with Local High 3 darts in one inning of handed the ex-champion a| 1500. cal knockout in the 12th round|<on and Al Love tallied singles. of his second heavyweight de-/Rats 15, Sad Sacks 14, Misfits!5 each. Krause|12 and Feather Dusters 10. |stopped the fight at 2:18 of the} jround while Patterson wobbled| OTTAWA (CP) -- Fodtball buffs in the East were more than a little disgruntled last week when all three top individ- ual awards announced by the Canadian Football League went to the Western Conference nom- inees. But the Eastern players who missed out on the CFL awards were redeemed Tuesday when Russ Jackson, Tommy Joe Cof- fey and John Barrow were over- whelming choices to the East- ern Football Conference 1967 all-star team. Hamilton and Ottawa dominat- ed the selection of the 24 top Eastern players, selected in a poll of sports writers and broad- casters in conference cities. Hamilton Tiger-Cats placed four men on offence and three on defence while Ottawa Rough Riders had five offensive and four defensive players named, sisi Of the remainder, Toronto Argonauts were named to three spots on offence and two on de- fence with Montreal Alouette players getting three defensive positions, Jackson, quarterback with Ot- ing with 102 points, were eee DANNY NYKOLUK -.. Argo Lineman tawa, and Coffey, Hamilton end who led the conference in scor- unani- ,e eee we ee ee eee mous selections while Barrow, another Ticat, picked up 20 votes as defensive tackle and one as middle linebacker of the 22 votes possible. 11-YEAR ALL-STAR Barrow, an all-star in each of his 11 years with Hamilton, was i d as outstanding line- man in Canada, Coffey as out- standing player and Jackson, as outstanding Canadian. Last year Jackson was both outstanding player and out- standing Canadian as well as a unanimous all-star selection. Hamilton defensive halfback Garney Henley also was a unan- imous selection while Whit Tuck- er of Ottawa was picked at flanker by 21 selectors and of- fensive end by one. The teams: Offence--Quarterback: Jack- son; fullback: Bo Scott, Ottawa; halfbacks: Willie Bethea, Ham- ilton, Jim Dillard, Toronto; flanker: Tucker; ends: Coffey, Margene Adkins, Ottawa; cen- tre: Gene Ceppetelli, Hamilton; guards: Frank Danychuk, Ham- ilton, Roger Perdrix, Ottawa; os a a a Vw ¥ S'S Vow ww tackles:. Bill Frank and Danny Nykoluk, Toronto. Defence--Ends: John Baker, Montreal, Bob Brown, Ottawa; tackles: Barrow, Bob Minihane, Montreal; middle linebacker: Ken Lehmann, Ottawa; inside linebackers: Bob Krouse, Ham- ilton, Mike Blum, Ottawa; half- backs: Henley, Phil Brady, Montreal, Mary Luster and Jim Rountree, Toronto, Gene Gaines, Ottawa. The closest vote was for the defensive tackle position oppos- ite Barrow with Minihane get- ting the nod over Marshall Shirk of Ottawa by a 9-8 count, EDGES ADKINS The offensive end position with Coffey was almost unani- mous, with Adkins getting 19 votes, Mel Profit of Toronto get- ting two and Tucker one. Profit was the only tight end consid- ered by the selectors. Lehmann, with 18 votes as middle linebacker, and Brady with 19 as defensive hal., simi- larly were near-unanimous se- lections, Of the other defensive half- ee ea backs--there were six in the running--Luster got 15 votes, Rountree and Gaines 14 each FIVE ARGOS MAKE EASTERN ALL-STAR TEAM and Bob O'Billovich of Ottawa 12 A strange situation developed in voting for offensive backs with Dillard, Scott and Bethea all getting votes as both full backs and halfbacks. The three players selected each are halfbacks who were converted to fullbacks this sea- son. Scott and Dillard were tied with nine votes each as full- backs, while Bethea got four. At halfback, Bethea led the way with 15 votes to 11 for Scott and 10 for Dillard. Also considered were Ron Stewart of Ottawa, with seven votes, and Bill Symons of Toron- to, with one. There were only nine players back from last year's team-- Jackson, Tucker, Scott and Frank on offence; Henley, Gaines, Luster, Lehmann and Barrow on defence--with Baker beating out Hamilton's Billy Ray Locklin for the middle line- backer spot he lost Jast season. Lehmann, like Barrow, is al- most a defensive fixture, having won his linebacking spot for the third successive year. MARV LUSTER . - repeat All-star iF re k iz ROUGH RIDE FOR BLACK HAWK PLAYER AS GENERAL WAITS FOR CLEARING PASS Ivan Bolderiv (9) Watches Puck As Al Quinitilian Checks Hawks Dennis Giannini (10). Oshawa of play remaining in Junior "A" Civic Auditorium. cording to Oshawa erals' best forward. assists. Oshawa had and3-2 following the Generals hockey game the hard way last night scoring a goai with 1:11 Sparking the -Generals' was the line of Bob Walton, Brian Morenz and Gerry Welsh each collecting three points. Ac- won a to nip the St. Catharines Black Hawks 5-4 action at the win ag O'Donnell's Late Goal s Gives Oshawa Victory drive to the short' side of the| The deadlock was finally Oshawa net that Generals'|broken at the 18:40 mark when goaltender Bill Yeo squeezed for|Fred O'Donnell took. a long, a second before the puck drib-|low drive that went through bled through. the defence and caught the cor- _ Generals played an impres-jner of the net. sive third period, skating and| Hildebrand said after the checking well, and outscoring|game he was pleased with his the Hawks three goals to two.|club's victory but felt they Oshawa broke in front on two|should have scored more goals. quick goals by Ron Dussjaume|Generals are still missing a lot coach Ike|and Walton, before St. Cathar-/of opportunities, he stated. Hildebrand, Welsh was the Gen- In his sec- ond game since being elevated from Junior '"'B" ranks, Welsh scored one goal and added two to come from|particularly behind for the win as the team|breakaway shot by Dale Pow-|Oshawa lineup Saturday, after trailed 1-0 after the first period}er that he managed to get his/an |pad in front of. second. ines tied the game on a shot| Besides singling out Welsh by John Fisher. Both clubs had|for particular praise, he said excellent scoring opportunities|Bob Stewart on defence played in the latter stages of the per-|his best game of the season. iod, but Yeo and McDuffe frus-| Welsh, he said, would stay trated all attempts. Yeo was/up with the Generals and Gerry impressive on a!Dionne when he returns to the illness, will become the Generals' fifth defenceman. Ivan Boldirev game quickly with blocked. ing his way then bangi early stages of the St. Catharines' were "Skeeter Teal d the an early flurry around the Hawks' net; but the Generals tailed off for the rest of the period. Boldirev had two consecutive drives on St. Catharines goalie Peter Mc- Duffe one of which hit ' . 1 | cross-bar, while the other was|!eading Foote's Towing to an|Welsh, Quintilian, the Hawks' Maurice L'Abbe op- Williams ened the scoring at 13:43 work- into position in front of the Generals' net and ing home a shot. St. Catharines outshot Oshawa 11-9 in the first period. Oshawa came out flying in the second per- iod scoring two quick goals by Welsh and Walton. goal came off a backhand shot, following some impressive fore- checking by the Generals. marksmen! Walton's and Jerry Korab. Teal drove a high, hard|17.1g of the second period to Scott Brinning scored three, St. Paul's 4, Craig Mcleod 2,\Danny Boive; goals in leading Northminster|John Kift, Ken Jeffs; Westmin-| Russell to an 11-1 trouncing over St./ster 1, Ian Leonard. shutout. Andrew's in a Protestant | ppp WEE : Church League bantam Hockey; Simcoe 2, G. game at the Civic Auditorium | mintoff: Southminster 1, Bong a bibeve Ibi 1, D. Salway; Christ Keith Smith fired two goals | Pita Ba Albert St. 1, D. Salway; Chris ae s ptist 3, J. Stephenson, |, t 7 . and added Bais Porgxieh Na Loyd Metcalf, Clarke Moore: alg ELE a Wiltshire recorded ph Pays coheed ae goal S': Mark's 2, D. Seely, T. MITE : bs . . be! Northey. H 4 ' and picker UE two assists each) Narhiansiey 3, Magee,| Leafs 4, Jason Fallaise 2,/only trail the leaders by four while Stuart McGahey an On| Hawkshow, McCauly; St. An. Keith Webster, John Dwyer; |points. ; : May potted one goal each in aij coed og Szezur Stars 2, Darin Jobs, Ron| Once again Bill y g cause Rec Seiad Preise cs ead iFloody. we | King 4, D. Wilbur 2, R. Hard-| y : Bill Widdicombe and Peter|ing B. McPherson; St. Paul's|, Hawks 4, Travor Barclay 2,|w' Anderson picked up two assists) "'Treyor Findlay. John Francis, Rodger Cook; {his heels, ' |Seals 1, Jay McCallum. C.K.L.B. each for the winners. cig icc es acey tne nie |NOVICK COD CHASE SOUkey ve eet SL Peulle 7. Nell Donut. |Miller with 1 each. Mike Ouellette, Mike Holmes,| both games at Children's Cassius Clay tortured a dead- Arena. game Floyd Patterson two/ted one goal each for Quality] ball. SKATING baseball were -- Alex Kaltner, 6 in one, 5 in another. Jo West lake, Gerry Grimbleby, Don Perrin and Dave Conboy with 00 John Clouthier led the 'locals' with two goals while Paul Nel- High scores in 401 | Next week ends this section, (men), Dave Young and Alex \good. luck, everyone Herbacko, 100 each; and for Jim Nemish scored both goals the women, Jutta Kaltner 119, fiin a losing "cause forfAthe|Josie Kellar and Olivia Pesar- 'lumbermen'. } lebuk with 101 each. Northminister United Tops St. Andrews 11-1 Spiers St. Mark's 8, Timmy Morris Wings Nidckec . Ross Farr 3, Robbie Hood; Wilshire, |B. St. Andrew's 0. D. Gill earned "ithe shutout. 3, Hogan 2,/Mitchell Mountenay, Mark Tay- tion at-the Simcoe Hall Settle-|Alan Boivin, ment House, Kinloch's got back on the winning track by defeat-|(8), ing Sunnyside Park 80 to 66. After dropping their first four starts in the young season, Fire- fighters have taken over sole|(4), possession of third place andj Dupont, d Jackson (11), and Ron Parfitt set the pace, scoring 14 points, with Dave Jamieson right on adding 13 more. started slowly, Robert Galbraith,|/fought back to even the count) at 31 all at half time. Gary (4). Melnychuk) Gump BACK tie for first a chance to use some extra- branch transfers to bolster the club. FOUR TRANSFERS MADE | When the 67s joined the OHA) were: Junior A series this season, they | were allowed four branch-to-| branch transfers instead of the | two normally allowed. the OHA decided to allow an ad- ditional four transfers for this Later, | e Office @ House e@ Apartment MOVING AND STORAGE Packing @ Shipping @ Crating 725-2621 ANYTIME +.» for free Estimate! Dave (13), Jim Goryicki, John Morris Richard Wallis (4), Ro Pitre and Bill Melnychuk (14). C.K.L.B. John Cuthbert (19), Nick Melnychuk (8), Steve Ball George Lees Norton, Firefighters Hold Lead Minor Basketball Race Firefighters won their third-)while Randy Jackson handled 1 Jamieso (5), Serg Rand TO TOP Dave Cuttler and Ron Mc- Inroy scored 26 and 23 in that butjorder to put Kinloch's back into place as they! They|downed Sunnyside Park. Bob -.|Goulding contributed a solid 17- ss SER Re ee eee The OHA will discuss an ap-| | Ms Rae neal gas eter ae CUTTY CARTAGE Blair Reid and Don Wilson pot-|were tied with 24 each in base-|teur Hockey Association ruling, which denied the last-place 67s Local and Long Distance MOVING City Cartage agents for UNITED VAN LINES (Conada) Ltd. Moving with care onywhere in SANITIZED VANS Seme doy delivery up to 200 miles on 3,000 Ib. loads. khan sw & & a am me Only four penalties, two to each team were handed out in the game. St. Catharines out- shot Oshawa 33-30. Attendance last night was 1,049. Foote's Win; Blank Dupont PB eats aie Yeo, Wilson, Clayton, A " jewart, ittaker, Bedard, Walton, Jim Curry fired four goals in| Morenz, Bolderiv, | O'Donnell, _ Tallon, Robertson, Seagrist, Dussiaume and Gyles. 11-0 trimming over Dupont and| 'sy. CATHARINES McDuffe, Doug- Restaurant edged|!as, Kersh. Sherwood, Gibbons, | Salo- Pes s v ¥ er, , Dine's Restaurant 2-1 in _the|Gisnnini, Power, "O-donophues Mace, regular weekly Oshawa _ Civic|Teal, McDonough, and, L'Abbe. Hockey League 'twin bill' play- ' ed at Bowmanville Arena last| " Yéisher' Giansiate 13.43 (Fisher, Giannini) ..........-« night. Penalty -- Salovaara 14.50. ack Vachon potted three 10m goals in a winning cause for 2. Foote's, Rick Nosal scored| * twice while Frank Bradley and| 4 eal Bob Solmon added singles. Dp The winners held a 3-0 lead| * yea "Sonor M3 after the first period, erupted| Penalties -- McDuff 15.07, Clayton |15.07 and Bedard 17.10. THIRD PERIOD 6. Oshawa--Dussiaume for six more in the middle stanza and added two more in the third. . EQuintilien, Bolderlv) ....s0.05 3.49 . Oshawa--Walton Wayne Bradley scored at (ieratd), Welsh) : cae 8. St. Kitts--Fisher (Giannini)... 11.45 9. Oshawa--O'Donnell (Whittaker, Robertson) Penalties -- None. give Williams their victory over Dine's. | 1; BRIDGE TV Spectacular "ON THE VER Simcoe St. 9./straight game by downing €.|11. recorded the|K 1B. 55 to 51, while in other| FIREFIGHTERS: Graham : Minor Basketball League ac-|Munroe (8), Ted Boivin (8), in FRI. NOV. 24,8 P.M. CHANNEL 9 in e y son and coach Blaine Boswell eat , he looal for the losers on assists! rit . - i Wabee a ca A \ Ain tha hind fAvenues will meet the front-)¢. 16: Steve vhalen, ave °Stuart,|lor; ades 0. Shutout was re-jthen slumped in the rd quar-|\70' HURONS TIE AVENUES running Bantings at 9.45 am iron @ re ae ee .|Barry Gordon, Rusty Lowe,|corded by Perry Mason. ter, and Feigiogh outscoring|Point effort and Andy Cherkas Terry Hubbard climaxed an'sharp Results in other games Play-/Greo' Rundle; St. Luke's 1, Jeff} Rangers 2, John Winstanley,|their opponents in the final/fropped in seven. | On On eo - ed were: White. Brian LeGree; Penguins 0.\frame, they ran out of time.| Dennis Hercia pene ae {BANTAM |_Kingsview 4, Don Stewart,/David Prout recorded the shut-|John Cuthbert sank 19 points|league - leading point tota ai SPORTSCOPE | Christ Church 3, Peter Taylor/Scott Lee, Greg Barclay,\out. to be the game's top scorer,/183 with a top bilge en : 2, David Smith; Harmony 3,/Charles Neal; Northminster 0.| performance, while E oy TODAY iat Civie Auditorium... 3:39 Clare. Bright, Bryan Randall'Mike Gavas earned the shutout.| and om Eldridge Heels 16 $ : a.m. : : and Garry Elliott. Harmony 7, Peter Winstanley and 12. points respectively for) or oO ane 7, David-Myles2,-Mark Jobb, | aWa eam 00. Sunnyside» Park. ORD Ladies' League: | GM Boy Shop League: | i ected ai "| KINLOCH'S "Dave Cuttler Jaguars vs Cougars, at 7:05 | GM Chassis Shop League: D l W pel | (oy (a3), Ken Jordan (3), Andy Rina 2a) tue, winnie | DUPLALE WINS; Dart League Results For Experience Players eis. i iit] Tears, Comte es nore hoon han ay both games at \Ibert noon to 3:30 p.m. To Donuts 9 y] |sournmeaD DART LEAGUE| xp |(2), George' Grabowski, Gary eS ee That means more get up and go. Love School. . j . p a | This week's dart league re- e : and Rob Goulding (17). Ber ea £ HOCKEY Dep en patie sults are as follows: | OTTAWA (CP) -- For Ottawa|season but the CAHA ruled WNYSIDE PARK . Dennis |. _ The $1798 includes all the "extras." Like the big get League:<better Carriers Allan Ogden scored three' Doubles -- Bud Nelson, Dave 67s, even a close score in a los-|against this Monday. |Hercia (34), Steven Hercia (4),\] 8-speed heater, tilt-back front: seats, alternator, wind- GM Body Shop League: at vs Local 222, at 7:00 p.m. {goals in leading Duplate to a Young, and Bob Elkington with ing game can be regarded as a) "We hope the CAHA will re- Tom Eldridge (12), Ed Gorny|| shield washer, double-barrelled carburetqr, padded Civic Auditorium, 3:30 a.m and Firefighters vs 1.0.F, |9-2 victory over Mr. Donut in|4 each; Reg Skelton with 3,;moral victory, but Howard Dar- consider," Darwin said. |(14), Bill Cobel (2) and Dav-} dash and sun visors, and 4-speed syncro-mesh. You CYO Hockey League: At (1248 at 8:00 p.m. Oshawa Minor Hockey Associa-|Betty Conboy, Marj. Muir,|win hopes this situation will) But even if the 67s are al-lid Saunders. also get up to 40 miles per gallon aida carat Civic Auditorium, 6:00 p.m. } |tion bantam action at the Chil-|Gerry Grimbleby, Don Perrin,|change soon for his hockey lowed the extra transfers, they, W. L. PTS: needs greasing eed og Oshawa Minor Assoc. | Lakeshore Juvenile League: (dren's Arena last night. Chuck Musgrave and Art Hes-|team. ye leit begat bl f find.|C:K-L-B. S28 10 achat for $1798* Including the 60 Midget League: Rose Bow! Lindsay vs Oshawa Juveniles; | In other bantam action, Qual-jter with 2 each; Edna Mac-| "'Actually, the team isn't that}will Mave the problem of find-c ini ych's '9 10 | - Including the horsepower, . Restaurant vs Canadian at Oshawa Children's Arena, lity Fuels battled Local 1500 to alKay, Rose Dewsbury, Edna|bad,"" the club president said ining available players. | Firefighters 3 4 6 | ii Legion, at 6:00 p.m. and Navy |9-99 p.m. 4-4 tie while Houdaille Indus-| Bowers, Cathy Skelton, viige interview Tuesday. Coach Bill Long has not been Sunnyside Park '1 6 2 | f Vets vs Foley Plumbing, at \tries edged Ernie Cay Lumber|Graves, Dell Pérrin, Ada Mus-| "All we need are a couple €X-/anje to find any so far and has! Next . Saturday morning's, 7:00 p.m.; both games at SKATING 13-2, grove, Jutta Kaltner, Olivia|perienced players. But we hav-/stuck with young players this)doubleheader finds .K.L.B.| Children's Arena Oshawa Figure Skating | Charles Randal and Craig|Pesarchuk, Flo Young, Chris|en't been able to bag them, bor-| year. More than half his squad|meeting Sunnyside Park at| Oshawa Minor Assoc, Club: at Civic Auditorium, jCalrin scored two goals each|Overy, Alex Herbacko, Des|row them or steal them. _..|is 17 or younger and he has/10:30 a.m, and Kinloch's clash-| ; : * 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 'for Duplate while Howie Sparks|Taylor, Chuck Grimbleby, Art] Darwin hopes things might|/hopes for a contender in the 10-(ing with the Firefighters at | Major-Midget League: Kins- |---------__~____i na kitchen added singles.|Irving, Fred Dewsbury, Earl|change today at the Ontario|team league next year. 11:30 a.m, | men Club vs Rotary Club, at REMEMBER WHEN 4 Ron Landry and Bill Smith|Westlake, Al Muir, Ross Twin-|Hockey Association meeting in| -- O_O _________ **** handled the scoring for Mr.\ing, Dave Conboy and _ Bob Toronto. | : | i *F.0.B. Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver. Freight and deli ical and local taxes, and whitewall tires extra. >? Provincial Toyota Corolla. BESTWAY MOTORS @ SALES @ SERVICE @ PARTS @ Dundas St. West @ Centre St. | WHITBY, ONT. 4 | Former i Now Tc By THE CANADIAN PRESS Two young goalies who wer instrumental in winning the Me morial Cup for the Canadia junior hockey champion Nia; ara Falls Flyers in 1965 now ar making things tough on oppo: ing National Hockey League fo: wards. Doug Favell and Bernie Pa: ent, together again in the ey panded Western Division of th NHL with Philadelphia Foyer; lead all goaltenders with a con bined 2.25 goals against aver age. After a slow start offensively the Flyers now trail divisio leading Los Angeles by on point, 19 to 18, but have a gam in hand on the Kings. The Flyers are in Detroit te night in one of six NHL games There they face the hottes goalie in pro hockey, Roy Ed wards, the Red Wings 30-yea1 old rookie who is unbeaten in 1 games this year. HOCKEY § By THE CANADIAN PRESS NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division WiLETt FF Detroit 95 3 56 482 Boston 9 4 2 55 38 2 Toronto 9 7 2 62 44 21 New York 8 5 3 53 421 Montreal 6 7 4 38 41 1 Chicago 5 7 5 44 561 West Division Los Angeles 8 6 3 51 52 1! Phila. 454 33 36 7 Pittsburgh 7 8 2 44 44:11 Minnesota 5°6 4 34 44 1 Oakland 411 4 41 56 1: St. Louis 410 2 36 46 1 Ontario Junior A WLT F AP N. Falls 13 85 37 2i Hamilton 10 ~ 1 41 Kitchener 10 3 0 85 41 2 Montreal 9 5 1 53 46 11 Toronto 9 5 0 75 44 18 London 6 9 1 43 66 13 St. Cath. 510 0 51 64 1¢ Oshawa 471 42 56 $9 Peterbor'gh 210 2 41 74 6 Ottawa 115 1 28 107 3 Tuesday's Result Kitchener 9 London 3 St. Catharines 4 Oshawa 5 Montreal 2 Niagara Falls 5 Thursday's Games Montreal at Hamilton » London at Peterborough Ontario Senior WLT F APt Galt 10 3 1 53 29 21 Kingston 9 5 2 67 .53 20 Collingwood 8 4 1 50 4017 'Toronto 8 6 0 51 35 16 Guelph 75 2 48 45 16 Oakville 7 7 0 43 60 14 Barrie 5 61 36 4511 Woodstock 47 2 48 53 10 Belleville 410 1 54 56 9 Orillia 312 0 44 78 6 Tuesday's Results Kingston 6 Orillia 2 Toronto 4 Belleville 3 Friday's Games Woodstock at Barrie Kingston at Guelph Belleville at Collingwood Orillia at Toronto Your Guid Check this feature every W: for home, garden, auto and e ing, os it does, the crea's m FOR HOME | BUILDING CONTRACTOR PLANNING TO BUILD... then check with us, Complete Residential, Industrial and Com- mercial Building Contractors, JERRY BOSANCICH 59 Wayne St. Oshewe 723-6825 CABINET MAKERS COTTAGE OWNERS... or Home Owner, We Specialize in professional installation of KITCHEN CABINETS R. 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