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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Nov 1967, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Nevember 22, 1 v7 A GLANCE AROUND THE .GLOBE OTTAWA (CP) -- The de-jday when Premier Lynden Pin-, fence department is considering|dling announced his country) "alternative plans' to ensure|would not go along with Brit- the safety of Canadian troops in|ain's devaluation of the pound. Shipping Season Canada To Ensure Safety | Of Her Troops On Cyprus the, United Nations force on Cy- prus should théfe be outright war between Greeks and Turks on the Mediterranean island. fence Minister Cadieux gave this information to the Commons Tuesday and said that Canada is making the plans itself, rather than in consulta- tidn with UN authorities. He was replying to questions|Maskery, 24, of Toronto, await-| by Gordon Churchill (PC--Win-|ing sentence for the wounding of|!€gislators. and city, county and nipeg South Centre), a former Conservative defence minister, and David Pugh (PC--Okana- isembly in introducing the lcurrency - freeze measure that from now on all transactions in- jvolving Bahamian currency will be subject to the approval of the jexchange controller. Attempted Suicide TORONTO (CP) Clifford Constable Robert Dixon and the |robbery of a beer store, Tues- day plunged a pair of scissors days each year were discussed Tuesday by members of Great Lakes Commission. the|closed April 'Sydney Awaits Verdict | HALIFAX (CP)--Negotiations between the Nova Scotia gov- jernment and Hawker Siddeley \(Canada) Ltd. are expected to end here today with an an- CHICAGO (AP) -- Proposals nouncement on the future of the jto extend the upper Great Lakes/|Steel plant at Sydney. Pindling told the House of As-|Shipping season to 270 from 240| The plant, a key Nova Scotia aR EL pe industry, is sc to be DR. GORDON MURRAY CENSURED By R. J. ANDERSON TORONTO (CP) A re- nowned surgeon was criticized in public before his peers Tues- day for "'premature" disclosure of a new operating technique that promised hope and a new life for the world's paraplegics. Undaunted, he vowed to contin- 30 by Dominion Steel and Coal Corp., a Hawker Robert E. Stockdale, a state Siddeley subsidiary, G overn- senator from Kent, Ohio, who|ment-company talks in the last took over Tuesday as commis- |six weeks have been centred on sion chairman, said the sugges- | Provincial takeover of the mill |tion has the support of all mem-|to keep it in operation beyond bers of the commission. The commission is made up of State officials from the eight 'states on the Great Lakes. Stockdale said pollution of the Great Lakes is another critical gan - Boundary). Extra Discount OTTAWA (CP) Finance|tion despite the three-inch deep Minister Sharp confirmed Tues-| wound. day that some Canadian banks Maskery charged "'a little big extra' for week of shooting American money on Monday Dixon in an exchange of gunfire He said in the Commons that/after the robbery. he wanted to apologize to Colin}! Don Jail Governor jinto his abdomen -while having jhis hair cut at the Don jail Gerald problem being studied by He is described in good condi-|COMmission. "We have made a lot of pro- gress but we do not have the was convicted last/final answers in many areas," Constable he said Pennell Denies Poll |that date, | Details of the government's plans are expected to be an- nounced today by Premier G. I. Smith. | The meetings enter their final stages amid reports that the the| Province will buy the 67-year-old Cameron (NDP -- Nanaimo -|Whitehead said another prisoner Genera] Pennell said Tues : Cowichan - The Islands)' for was cutting Maskery's hair in a-the Commune ha ae neg dey saying in a Monday reply to Mr./room at the end of his cell sec- edge of Cameron that the banks had not'tion when Maskery grabbed a 2; charged extra. pair of scissors and plunged Mr. Sharp said that in the|them into his somach confusion following the weekend devaluation of the British pound some banks had charged extra, as Mr. Cameron had stated. Plan Nuclear Ship TOKYO (Reuters) -- Premier Eisaku Sato has given final ap- any public opinion poll the Canadian pavilion at Expo on the issue of abolition of capital punishment. He was replying to Gordon Churchill (PC--Winnipeg South Centre) who then asked whether Mr. Pennell would find out for about $23,000,000 and "several mill pour million" dollars into a modernization program. A Sydney newspaper, The Cape Breton Post, says the jprovincial takeover will become effective next Jan. 1 following re al i dl; : ' |Nova Scotia legislature in De-!ing at an open dinner meeting alsearch cember. RETAIN DOSCO? The newspaper says Dosco will be. retained to manage the mill until a Crown corporation can be established. Meanwhile, Rev. Andy Hogan, | a St. Francis Xavier University He added that he was pre-iproval for construction of the|whether the poll showed 19,000 | ©Conomist, said in an interview| pared to pay out of his own/first Japanese nuclear-powered in favor of abolition and 5,- @ Antigonish, N.S., that the pocket any loss incurred by Mr.|ship, an 8,300-ton special pur- 500,000 against: Cameron to show the depth of his apology. Oxygen For Dead | TORONTO (CP) pose freighter, it was announced Wednesday. Rremiers Agree Ambu-; OTTAWA (CP) -- The provin-/0f Mr. Churchill has opposed the government bill to abolish. the death penalty for a five-year tria] period except in the case killers of policemen and lance drivers in Metropolitan!cial premiers have agreed with) Prison guards Toronto are delivering dead per-} sons to hospital instead of the| morgue because of a ruling last| month forbidding coroners to! sign death certificates. -- The Globe and Mail says| Metro ambulance drivers are| putting oxygen masks on dead| persons before delivering them to hospitals. | It quoted eight drivers, all un- identified, as saying coroners won't come to scenes of death gince a ruling by Fred Cruick- shank, acting chief Metro coro- ner. Lemay Trial MONTREAL (CP) -- Georges Lemay's lawyer took up his @foss - examination Tuesday of key witness Jacques Lajoie, 46, after two days' lapse in the IR, Prime Minister. Pearson's suggestion for a conference on enshrining in the constitution a bill of rights for Canadians. Letters from nine of the pre- miers agreeing to the talks early next year were tabled in the Commons Tuesday by John Matheson, Mr. Pearson's parliamentary secretary. Raise Parking Fines NEW YORK (AP) --. New York City, escalating its strug-; gle with the automobile on Man- hattan Island, announced Tues- day hefty increases in the fines) for parking tickets. Police Com- missioner Howard R. Leary| said that effective Dec. 1 green parking tickets that have car- ried a $15 penalty will go up to $25. White $5 tickets will go up! trial, and continued to question |;, $15 him closely on his own mir 3 i barely mentioning the name of the accused. The trial of Lemay, 42, charged with burglary and con- spiracy in a $633,605 bank break-in six years ago, was postponed last Friday and Mon- day because his lawyer, Leo-|city in Rene Maranda was sick. Currency-Freeze NASSAU (AP) -- The Baha- mas Legislature Tuesday ssed a temporary order pro- biting banks in the country from trading in any currency other than Bahamian. » The order went into effect im- Galt Goes 'Wet' jbecame the second last city in Ontario to go "wet' in a two- ballot plebiscite. Owen Sound now is the only the province . without local approval for licensed beer and liquor outlets. More than 45 per cent of Galt's 6,669 eligible voters) turned out to approve liquor and dining lounges by ore than 80) per cent. Nudes Want Heat | ROME (AP) -- All 20 models} | ediately before banks werejof Rome's Fine Arts Academy e to reopen today after a two-day public holiday. The banks were ordered closed Sun-} went on strike Tuesday protest- ing that they were fed up with posing nude in unheated rooms. | HERE and THERE RESIDENTS PROTEST fenhts in the Hillcroft Street @rea protesting against the un-| fecessary noise created by the shunters of the Canadian Na tional Railways was referred to|Will present its Expo 67 pro-|indicated the new tire would de- services and general/Stam Nov. 25 at Eastdale Col-|liver up to 50 per cent more t city |legiate Auditorium at 8:15 p.m.j/mileage than conventional tires, the social by Demings of 138 Hillcroft Street submitted the protest, which w}j also signed by residents of Minto and Jarvis Streets. ROCK, MINERAL CLUB Harold Petch, past president of the Bancroft Mineral Society 'was guest speaker at a recent meeting of the Oshawa Rock and Mineral Club. Mr. Petch spoke about mineral deposits in the Bancroft area and showed | a dis of crystal, finished Yapidary specimens and flores- cents Everett Maycott, amateur photographer and world traveller, will be special 'guest at the next meeting of the | Petree nee SALE! ~ SHORT PARTY DRESSES 15.95 Brand New Somples Sargeant's 463 Ritson Rd. $. 725-3338 ~-aek 4 . a » Mid ae'e td Ad ie DARI A LIAR AAA AR |club which will be held Dec. 14 A letter signed by 27 resi-at the McLaughlin Public Li- www ww www www www we ew wee eer ewer vwwwwe ~wwe brary. EXPO PROGRAM The Oshawa Choral Society Raymond Larry Marshall, a well known|grip the road firmer and save local tenor wil! be guest artist. |hopes there will be NDP repre- Canada Helps contribute _ $91,000,000 the International Monetary} Fund to help Britain in its fi-} nancial crisis, Finance Minister Sharp told the Commons Tues- day Mr. Sharp told Davie Fulton (PC -- Kamloops) the contribu- | tions will be made in various) forms including gold. In addition, the Bank of Can-} ada will join other central| banks to privide standby re- sources to show massive sip- port for the devalued Britixh|Churchmen of three faiths hold pound sterling. Canada will bear a "propor- tionate share' of the banking! support, he said OTTAWA (CP) | Tomorrow lronto next week because federal government has |been invited to take part. Replying to a Commons ques- tion Tuesday by Andrew Brewin (NDP -- Toronto Greenwood), the justice minister said he the not | sentatives at the meeting called by Ontario Premier Robarts to explain the party's views: on special status for Quebec. Wider Tire DETROIT (AP) -- Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. announced Tuesday a new wider tire which it said could become the hottest thing on wheels since the white- wall tire was introduced. The low slung tire features a belted, bias-ply vitacord polyes- ter body topped by two layers of fibreglass belt under the tread. The tread is about two inches wider than normal tires. Goodyear said extensive tests gasoline. Won't Attend = poet that imore than Justice|wreaths would be GALT (CP) -- Galt Tuesday|Minister Trudeau says he will|site by anonymous persons}).4, informed by European fi- n|not attend the Confederation for|today. : i conference at To-| \ly covered by flowers. Sydney shutdown was a prov-| incewide crisis. He said the dairy farming industry in east-|paratroops, artillery and planes| Control of Hill 875. ern Nova Scotia will face "over- fought doggedly to root out the) The Dak To fighting has be- whelming odds" if the Sydney market is lost. There has been speculation that the Nova Scotia govern-/Killed, 873 wounded and an esti-| out. ment will pay about $10,000,000 for the steel mill stocks of scrap metal, and coal. Dallas, Texas Remembers Fateful Day 138 captured. ue his work until he received vindication. Tight-lipped, at times quiver- ing with suppressed anger, Dr. Gordon Murray told a startled news conference, almost un- precedented im the medical profession, he is convinced that his method is sound and eventu- ally will bring relief--if not complete recovery--to thou- sands of persons now hopelessly paralysed. unprecedented, so were the cir- cumstances that led to it. {73, | and holder of many "'firsts" in the unorthodox step of produc-} paralysed patient he said he had enabled to stand erect and move his arms through surgery that never before had been per- formed. REMOVES CORD, BONE Dr. Murray said his operation consisted of severing the spinal cord, removing three-quarters of an inch where it was dam- aged and -rejoining the unda- maged ends. The bone around this area was removed to per- mit the shortened cord to be re- joined. He said this operation took place at the level of the sixth neck vertebra. last May and of which Dr. Mur- ray is senior surgeon, called 'Premature' Cry Critics Of Medical Miracle could be proved that Dr. Mur- ray's technique was sound. "T have the greatest respect for this brilliant man but I don't believe him on this particular instance because I can't get the data that says this patient really improved. STILL HOLDS FAITH "From the knowledge that 1 have, this patient may have im- proved from just darned good physiotherany. On hand I have such great faith in Dr. Murray I believe he might have improved because of his regeneration of cr eg I oye s y r o--a want is The Toronto General Hospital, rise evidence and I-think this where the operation took place |is the only fair thing to say." the other The patient was 24-year-old Bertram Proulx, a Quebec truck inventor of a mechanical rage If the news conference was|Tuesday's news conference be- | saniee Drucker, | Eight days ago Dr. Murray,|geon-in-chief, it famed for his open-heart| Worldwide enthusiastic response surgery and kidney transplants,|to Dr. Murray's announcement had raised false hopes among aah Ht ; patients confined to a hopeless ratification of the government's! i surgic. «| exist i > OTTAWA (CP) -- Solicitor -\plan by a special Bhs Gi the daring surgical procedure, took| existence by spinal injuries said Dr. William J. the hospital's sur- feared that Dr. Drucker said years of re- lay ahead, before it U.S. Reinforces Hill 875 While Ousting Last Cong By GEORGE ESPER | SAIGON (AP) -- U.S. rein-| forcements poured onto Hill 875 near Dak To today as American last entrenched North Viet-| mese. na With at least 249 Americans) mated 1,290 North Vietnamese itself plus} ,j -day-ol ignjreserve to the northwest of Dak OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada wil] something less than $15,000,000 Kroc Sav de wer ite wats|'Co, was cometiad to Hill 875 through for the inventory at the mill--| second most costly campaign. iron ore; The casualties were exceeded|North Vietnam's 32nd and 66th only by the 30-day campaignjregiments could slip away to |just before U.S. Thanksgiving in| the Cambodian border. on the {1965 in the Ia Drang valley and | southwest and sanctuary from }around nearby Plei Mei. In that one 371 South Vietnamese were killed,|noon Sunday has cost 79 Ameri- |558 Americans and 248 South/can paratroops killed and anoth- Vietnamese were wounded, 1,-jer 178 wounded, including seven 771 Communists were killed and/killed and 38 wounded !fierce clash at dusk Tuesday. Americans and 105 pursuing American troops. At noon today, after 72 hours| of fighting, two U.S. battalions) appeared to be in nearly full) come the longest sustained bat- tle of the-war, but -U:S, officers believe the fighting is petering They believe a regiment, in as a diversionary move so driver, paralysed from the neck down since an automobile acci- dent three years ago. On Nov, 14, at a dinner meet- ing of a suburban jtoronto re- search foundation, Dr. Murray unexpectedly produced his _pa- tient who slid off a hospital bed, stood erect and raised his arms above the shoulder. Dr. Murray said Tuesday Mr. Proulx continues to show pro- |gress, There had been regenera-|80 under arrest. tion of the spinal cord and the patient had regained control of|here in several months originat- his bladder. Dr. Murray, silent at first as announcement," was one point: "This man (Proulx) I think has proven without doubt that|converged on he has got regeneration across|Negro crowds near a Negro the site of injury in his_spinaljhousing project on West Oak cord. Now everyone criticized|Street. me for being a lone wolf and so on, but I have tried as others|and here know very well. I've ap-|scattered in the streets. proached them to try and get co-operation in this, but I didn't} HURL BOTTLES, BRICKS get it so I've done it alone. The battle for Hill 875 since in a DALLAS, Tex. (AP). --| a simple, one-hour observance today at Dealey Plaza, where gunfire cut down President John F. Kennedy four years ago. | A city park spokesman said/ Bishop Thomas K .Gorman of the Dallas-Fort Worth Roman Catholic Diocese, Rabbi Gerald J. Klein and Rev. S. M. Wright of the Peoples Missionary Bap- tist Church were asked to con- duct the service. Ever since the assassination, mourners have placed bouquets and wreaths at Dealey Plaza, and for a while, the nearby two-square-block area was near- Now, with the passage of time, fewer flowers are to be seen. Tuesday there were only three. Two bore no message but the third had a note attached! that read simply: "4th."" | PHOTOGRAPH BUILDING Still, visitors come to Dealey| Plaza. They take photographs of | the Texas school book deposi- tory, where, the Warren com- mission said, the fatal shots were fired from a_ sixth-floor window. ; | They walk down the sidewalk | parallel to Elm Street. where the! president was hit. They point to | the triple underpass, through; which the presidential motor: | cade rushed to Parkland Hospi- | were made more specifically in tion of Canada and the Interna- tional Longshoremens' Associa- the expedition of cargo from St. Labor Disput es Blamed w nancial interests that Canada is acquiring a "reputation of un- realiability" because of its labor problems, the association's president said Tuesday. J. M. McAvity said in a state- ment the European complaints connection with current disputes between the Shipping Federa- tion. | Mr. McAvity alleged that a} slowdown is adversely affecting Lawrence River ports and said it is necessary to bring water- front productivity up to the 1964 | level, | 7 Uncertainty about ocean freight rates to apply next year puts exporters in an impossible situation when seeking to sign Safety Problems? Call J. Feltis 728-6414 CHAIRMAN OSHAWA SAFETY LEAGUE tal, five miles away. THE KING OF ROASTS--1st 4 RIBS---TENDER Prime RIB Roust FOOD MARKET 94 SIMCOE ST. NORTH HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS yk LEAN Rolled--Beef Pot Roast 39 CENTRE CUT--LEAN PORK CHOPS ro U.S. NO. 1 SNOWHITE Mushrooms & 79%. Lean Tender BLADE ROAST 69: FRESH PORK BUTT CHOPS o SLICED 09: Tender Beef--Boneless Shoulder ROAST PORK LOIN LEAN TENDERLOIN END EMPIRE RINDLESS BACON 49: 69: lb seo LEAN--MEATY PEAMEALED Lean Mesty 6th end 7th Rib | Prime Rib Cottage Rolls sco FRONT 55: BEEF QUARTER Cut end Wrapped Free @ FREEZER SPECIAL e 47: |cause exporters 8, Any increase in present levels ; b of ocean freight rates would price some Canadian suppliers out of their overseas markets. | side-down Canadian St. rence Seaway stamp and three Newfoundland air mail stamps from the pioneer days of avia- tion were auctioned here Tues- day night. a overdean |i ee er transatlantic flight was Canadian Stamps Sold NEW YORK (CP) -- An up- Law- Four 1959 St. Lawrence Sea- ay five-cent stamps with an inverted maple leaf and a bird For Downgrading Canada Oty floral| yy) <@P), -- Ca-\new contracts Placed at the| MONTE, Tecuclation b 28 ere sold for $5,250 to Stanley ichmond, a Boston dealer. A , Newl three-cent Pi a 1019 Hawk- ought for $3,200 by Henry Drake, a Scrasdale, N.Y.,! dealer. He said reports received in the association's offices confirm that many Canadian exporters have been routing shipments through Maritime and United States ports instead of through Montreal, their normal destina- tion ports. The statement said decisions to divert catgo were made be- feared cargo would be delayed in St. Law- rence River ports and that ocean freight rates were likely to be increased by up to 25 per cent from an indefinite periadl HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE | ___ DELIVERY ae orm 723-4663 i, MITCHELL'S me SERVING OSHAWA OVER wut ., SATURDAYS dit cates |]. 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 sabato WEATHER FORECAST - : TORONTO (CP) -- Official | forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m. jay. ye Unsettled weather prevails across all of Ontario. Near the lower Great Lakes area there is rain. But else- where in the province snow is falling. Colder air moving into the southern sections of the province will change the rain into snowflurries by tonight. Toronto, Hamilton, London, Windsor, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Niagara, Lake Ontario, southern Lake Huron regions: Cloudy today with occasional light rain changing to snowflur- ries tonight. Mostly cloudy and colder with a few snowflurries Rain Changing To Snow, Cloudy, Cold Thursday - Thursday. Light winds, increas- ing to westerly 15 to 20 tonight. Northern Lake Huron, Hall- burton, southern Georgian Bay regions: Cloudy with occasional wet snow or light rain changing to snowflurries tonight. Cloudy and colder Thursday with snow- flurries. Light winds, increasing to.westerly 15 to 20 tonight. Sudbury, North Bay, northern Georgian Bay, Timagami, Algo- ma regions: Snow today and to- night. Thursday mostly cloudy with snowflurries and not much change in temperature. Light winds, increasing to northwest 15 to 25 this afternoon. White River, Cochrane, west- ern James Bay regions: Snow | Riot Hits Chicago CHICAGO (Reuters) -- Strong police patrols remained in the North Side Negro district here today after racial disorders and fighting Tuesday left at least 12 persons injured and more than ed in three schools Tuesday and ended in a three-hour battle be- |Dr. Drucker criticized his "pre-jtween police and rioting Negro |mature drawn in by persistent reporto-|two miles north of the Loop, the rial questioning and snapped at/financial and business centre of students in a North Side area Chicago. Scores of club-wielding police stone-throwing Rioters smashed store fronts left looted merchandise Groups of Negro children, some reported to be as young as nine or 10 years old, hurled bricks and bottles at police: dur- ing the rioting. Violence began when fighting broke out between White and Negro students at Waller high school. Subscribers To... © BLUE CROSS @ PSI. @ GREEN SHIELD NEED NOT PAY CASH ! You Give Us The Doctor's Prescription. WE DO THE REST FREE CITY-WIDE | -- The worst race disturbances | to flurries tonight. Thursday variable cloudiness and warmer, Winds northerly 15 to 25, becoming light Thursday. Ottawa and Montreal regions: Cloudy with snow today. Chance of a few short periods of freez- ing rain mixed with the snow this morning. Cloudy with flur- jries or occasional wet snow to- night and Thursday. Tempera- tures a little below normal dur- ing the day but mild at night. FORECAST TEMPERATURES Low tonight, high Thursday Windsor ... 30 35 35 London ... 35 Kitchener . 35 Mount Forest . 32 Wingham ... 32 Hamilton ... 35 St. Catharines 35 Toronto ...... cooee 30 35 Peterborough . 32 Kingston ...... 30 32 Trenton cesses 30 32 Killaloe ..++.. 32 Muskoka ..++++ 32 30 30 30 Sault Ste. Marie .. 20 35 Kapuskasing ...... 15 30 White River .. 15 35 Moosonee ...+6 15 30 Timmins 15 SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 4° CHEEAS 5 ed Yo ACCOUNTS" PERSONAL LOANS CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshewa 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmenville 623-2527 without advance notice. GLECOFF"S ™ SUPERMARKET WEEKEND SPECIALS THURS., FRI., SAT., NOV. 23, 24, 25 RITSON RD. S. OSHAWA 725-3445 -- Free Parking at Rear of Building BREAD BUTTER ~ HEINZ STRAINED BABY FOO MINUTE PEACHES 1 LB. SCOTIA ' SAVE 27¢ KING SIZE OXYDOL BREAKFAST HENLEY'S CHOICE 20-0Z. MARGARINE 2 PLY MODERNE LARGE BOXES FACIAL TISSUE 4... '1 24-02. LOAVES 4 roams 89° uw. 66° SUGAR DONUTS *. 19° DS 9+» 1.00 REG. 79e 2 ron 65° 4 rom 99° 1.68 69° 50 LB. BAG ONTARIO POTATOES FRESH SPINACH BANANAS 1.49 2a ABE 2 ow D5 WIENERS CHICKEN WINGS FRESH PORK RIBLETS : 3 Ibs. ie YOUR CHOICE NOXZEMA DISPOSABLE DIAPERS SKIN CREAM TONI PERMS FLUSH-A-BYES 7138 S185. "198 MANY MORE UNADVERTISED SPECIALS THROUGHOUT THE STORE TODAYS MRS. LINDA ROWLEY Should Oshawa have one final celebration to mark the closing of centennial celebra. tions? The Oshawa' Times asked six persons this ques tion. They said: Mrs. Kenneth Arbuckle, 859 Glen forest Ave.: 'We should work some- thing in with the Santa Claus parade. It would have a big audience. Maybe we should have a Miss Centennial con- (Wavertree nsetcta a iii Rights B: Levesqu: By JOSEPH MacSWEEN MONTREAL (CP) -- Right but not privilege--that's whe English - speaking Canadian could expect in a sovereign Que bec, politician Rene Levesqu said Tuesday night. But a rather confused pictur emerged when Mr. Levesquv joined with two other panelist at McGill University's Stephe Leacock Hall to discuss the fu ture of the English-speaking m nority in Quebec. "Since we're in the Leacoc' building I hope we all keep ou sense of humor," said Mr. Le vesque, a former Quebec minis ter who recently quit the Liber al party because it rejected hi plan for an independent Quebe "NORAD Mus Diefenbaker OTTAWA (CP) Forme! prime minister Diefenbaker, ir "an apparent shift of view, Tues: day,night called for renewal o the North American Air De fence agreement with the United States. ~ In a speech to the Universit; "of Saskatchewan Alumni Asso Ratating the arms race to nev heights," and added: "We must keep up the NATC "alliance. We must remembe "that our vigilance is the safe guard of our freedom. NORAL must be renewed for a further period--on a year-to-yea! basis." : ' In a speech last Feb. 17 a Oxford, Ohio, Mr. Diefenbake: indicated that he felt the 10-yeai 'air defence pact with the Unitec States could be allowed to lapse He said then: "I believe--unless the Cana dian government has informa tion that is not available to mé --that on termination of th Economists | 1968 Prospe MONTREAL (CP) Nex year could be Canada's firs year without prosperity since the beginning of the great ex pansion of the 1960s, four senio! Montreal economists say in ¢ survey. The survey, presented Tues day to the Montreal Economic: Association, was prepared by J A. Galbraith, chief economist a' the Royal Bank of Canada; An thony D. Amery, an economis' with Du Pont of Canada Ltd.; Graham C. Gibb, Canadian In ternational Paper Co.'s econo mist and Otto E. Thur, chair man of the economics depart ment at the University of Mont Teal, The main points of the survey were that: --The growth in government' and consumer expenditures which last year amounted tc about 10 per-cent, will slacker and take much of the wind ou! demand. - --Capital spending by busi ness will drop for the first time in several years. --Housing construction may show a modest gain as more money flows into mortgages from the chartered banks. --This year's sharp increase in imports and exports is expect ed to narrow substantially, al though exports will still rise faster, thereby increasing Canada's trade surplus. --With nothing to fill the gap left by Expo 67, Canada's bal- parddbatse Aides width ea Ql cho nnd ae GUARANTY TRUST C0. All Types of Homes Needed FINANCING "ARRANGED When you list wtih GUARANTY Real Estate Dept. i" 728-1653 ,

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