~ » . A ev N ' : ~ VN 8 VY ATEN NOS We ye} Ne NO ei eg! Patel a aN Wit AAPA Se OO eS Oe we Oe CE Ww. Fw ew r i 32 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 22, 1967 : IVIDEND US NE day for a united effort to create D E S B I a better investment climate for ' : He told a -AGGERPRRSACARMAGKCCALKRALERAGERAASSRRAMAMBAE By THE CANADIAN PRESS Quebec and Canada. - H+ jmensasenaaenaas: East Sullivan Mines Lid., 15} By THE CANADIAN PRESS Ph rng Ponsbvg gamete of|Montreal group: "No country Hs] im [ > = Qi emg <1] cents, Dec. 18, record Dec. 1. FISH LANDINGS UP the Montreal and Canadian|can be morbidly obsessed with B HS Economics Investment Trust| Fish landings in Quebec in the 14. exchanges, called Tues-|its own divisions." Ltd., common 10 cents plus 10/first nine months " ise = SOI -- a cents extra, Dec. 29, record|up 26 per cent on the figure for Dec. 15. the corresponding period of Am Se ee er. * Dt Great Plains Development| 1966, the sag statistics bu- S . TODAY' S STOC BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Company of Canada, UA, ea ne cents, an. §, second Dec. 5. : HUNTING FOR OIL There are two kinds of lastings Mining and Develop-| The first helicopter-supporte in his up-tight world: bean? 10:40 *. sinene OILS, GAS e ment Company, 10 cents plus 5/exploration program ever un- people up-tig vols pramrtgesrsl a a 10:40 Net ente om uter ime cents extra, Dec. 18, .record!dertaken in the Northwest Ter- his victims and his women. Quotations In cents unless marked 8. , Sek Sele High Low a.m, Ce'gs j Dec, 1. ritories and the Yukon has been And sometimes 3--Odd lot, xd--Exdividend, xr--Ex- ee -- ase tied lane s Imperial Oil Ltd., common 50| announced by the Calgary office rights, xw--Ex.warrants. Net change ls] C Deni 4o0 4i0 410° 410 --19 ' cents ples id cunts extra, Dec.|of the Pan-American Petroleum you can't tell them apart. from previous board-iot se sele. x Ges bi Boon l Oo S ll B F , record Dec. I. Corp. Every piece of equipment, 10-6 ioe 1S Save "2% thet ma usiness Kelvinator of Canada Ltd., including a specially- -designed Pipe omer gaan ir cy bre MINES ' Sete mois us 1s 8 common 25 cents, Dec. 28, rec-|hejj-drill, will be air-lifted in : les! baad . jie ae aa wn es French Pt 275 625 615 625 +5 By JANE BECKER [Business machines Inc. openedjcalculator for as little as $75 an|°%d Dec. 8. search of gas or oil. LEE MARVIN dene, Uren st ve S) Een ptr 27 42 61 4 --1 1] TORONTO (CP) -- The fast-lits first centre for adding ma-|hour, paying only for the time it Ponder Oils Ltd., c 1% gives it to you =| 3000 109k coe Int Helium 1725 300 300 --10 jest growing facet of the nulti-/chine calculations in 1934.)uses. cents, Dec. 15, record Dec, 1. " A K" a heme Ox amo 16 Ye = 15) Mi Cit" 100 ISS) 155,155 | billion-dollar computer business|Today IBM has 18 data service! Some firms calling them-| Romalds Federated Lid., com: 1ZZ A | POINT BLAN s Argosy 1000 60 2] Northid 0 7 7 7 --} may cost a customer as little as a n oh es --- Canada. ee pore a service centres pro- DER. : cents, Dec. 15, record} | ADULT ENTERTAINMENT , po 4 A Are 13000 45 e+ 1] Numac wt 130 68 8 --2.|$50'a month. oronto centre alone is expected|vide only a programming serv- Phone 723-0241 A) eee. ee ee ae eT mae Wear as as os | Chats what a small business-|0 40 $8,000,000 in business thislice. Others simply rent time on Shully's Industries Ltd., com- or 728-0192 ANGIE DICKINSON In Panavision°and Metrocoler Barex 1100 34 34 34 --¥| Pinnacle P 4100 345 335 340 +5 "3 their computers with the client|mon 5. cents, Dec. 15, record 7 7 P. 0 tevy aave 46% ~$¥4|MaN Can pay one of the mush- ' ; ; B-Dqu zi00 12 12 2 onder 50 a ee 46 S58 | But the quick-growing com-|responsible for his own pro-|Dec. 1. Belletere 3500 28 27 2 + ang 22125 470 455 rooming lata service centres to! : ry | 'eature joy: Bethim 4675 TD 7 730 "is & A AR s ") do his Bret cainiotee fac puter tadadtey has brought a/Stamming and processing. : ae ee ae te Oe | a0 3 sss 55 A L 1 --2/ Triad Ol 9500 212 210 210 --4 | ive|Dec. 18, record Dec. 1. IW = alee = os Broisrne" "200 178 196. 176 U. Cans w 109 160, 140,160, 10 Thim on a fee-charging, part-|host of smaller operators into] But the most comprehensive 7:55 - 9:55 t Brunswk 520 515° 520 | Vandoo 5% S4-- "sltime basis. the service field in the last|offer is a package service, Caimor 18 105 103 103 --3!| W Decaite ne ne "x0 30 --5 which includes collecting data . Cam Mine list bel H By renting the time he needs|three years. es ¢ : Commo | 1000 5 95 3P8 DistiLimary, Distribution jon a central computer in a cen-| One firm, which unti last a the -- 8 office, ane SEE RE ee ek tk a Die Je ie ie Dee ee CTorg 1600 241 241 24) --2 The Toronto Stock Exchange has been|tre, rather than renting his own|July was essentially.a one-man ir veturnini ike Nafornn ti <0 Dyno 1100 205 204 205 + § | advised that the following companiesicomputer, he can save himselfjoperation, serves customers by ng -- Need capital € Malart --z100 10% 10% 1 have entered into underwriting and op- ; A é F ; '|the client in the form he re- Cdn Nisto 2000 +1] tion agreements which may result *f;|a multitude of managerial head getting them time on a com quests it, whether a payroll or for several Cantri 1000 5 tae % t 'a! treasury shares of ies be-|aches and pay only for the serv-/puter it knows of that isn't . ecifications tora bi ed ' SEE OSHAWA"S oe case, ie a le | tte. feciitien oF non curently tro ice he gets, the service centre|being used ful time by its gorse pst agtalaee different TOP COUNTRY fal Chestrvile 1500 26 2 2% Cam Mine 9000 432 42 42 --1 |operators claim. |owner. is firm had billings 0! » s, rojects? = Chib-K 10000 16---«*15--«s16:s« + B | Sarimco 500 18 18 18 --1] Some customers pay much|about $75,000 last year. government departments, mu- pro} AND WESTERN Se e CS Pete 1600 240 235 239 more for their computer time-| Because the new computers piel districts and engineering SINGERS = . Ve 22 oe wn TT INDUSTRIALS renting, of course. A bill canjare not only faster and more staal ba _Wwell as large and I Coniagas 100 46 6b Abitibi mus seu am eq - [run as high as $15,000 a month.|complex but also more expen- ee i = ge = 7 tn ie Soe + ube Beene depending on time used and/sive than their predecessors, computer-service clients. " a € Bellek 6000 17% 17 17% Ae Oe te Sh or ae" (service. performed. {more and more businesses are| The newest wrinkle is time- 3 co coy ee > oh a Net $10% 1% 1876 But business is burgeoning le them on a part-time basis.|Sharing, made possible by new | The 14600 76 «75 «(75 | Algoma st 475 $207 207% 20%*--icanada's 50-odd data service! A computer rents full time for|Computers into which up to 175 | & Res pop oD BR Lg | Alcan or 35+ \centres strung across the coun-|anything from $5,000 to $80,000 ajClients can plug from any dis- fop Mon 2162 27 7 7 + MH] Armes A 3 $8 Bu -- (try. One estimate of their cur-/ month. Sissar tance, through a desk terminal & EIL Craigmt 80 $1296 12% 12% AtP'suger" 2100 siz tie 1ie4 ve(rent annual billings is $30,-| However, a large company,|and a long-distance telephone Look into the Sitcne 3500 7 «7 +2] Sule Elec 3S 8% 97% 9% -- %4/000,000, and growing fast. with its own programming staff, |line. Denison Ti65 $802 79% 80 Bank N$ 275 $14 14 14 Data service is nothing new to|and perhaps a computer on its} Clients get the service for a Dicknsn 2200 300 295 25 --15 | Bartaco 650 $6 6 6 +%'the giants of the office equip-|premises, can rent time for|minimum fee--about $150 for Dome a ton é, ed Bell 'Bhne id 2st Ps = a" ment business. Internationallextra work on a service ean Petites and Ee cgi of TRIO 8! iow Valy la Me 10% ionthiy charge 0 or e 400 560 560 SH +8 vi | Phat Uren 1100 eas Bramalee "1100 stn ar se 3 ser "a + computer's services, | DORTHY--NEIL--GORDON mi 8! _ iramel w j Hi Slant "Yk 160 #90 $30 $30 490) Brazilion ine $134 13 en 1 : : '| FRANCE SEEKS BAN ON USE lara 4 Gil ety abet an te SYSTEM & OF FINANCING | APPEARING NIGHTLY IN THE oldray ri Pr y Goldrim 2600 67 68 68 --3{ BA Oil 175 $3634 cent of its data service busi- Convenient one-package financing -- $25,000 t Wi Gortd 10900 360 350 3600 --5 C Forest 400 $192 ive ioe . 9 '0 om age oom Et, "esa *S °S 33] eres ie "| OF 'CHAMPAGNE' IN CANADArrs. bo oreccs tcou cow I St Grendue 2s ws os as 675 ee Burne Feds 225 si i5vs i | to half within a few years. . pins oy Pty jefidanet cae pork ed jastings m ol "a "a 2 le . oath 0500 11% $14] Calgery P 200 $23% 23% 2ie-- % MONTREAL (CP) -- Mr. The judge asked lawyers to | If so, it will mean larger and Py - : d bl on a gs lint 4) Calory Pp 210 $7 9% 9 Justice Claude Prevost of submit written arguments and |fewer data centres, with hun- -- es re tgcha eet Meellbey +9 fit eee | DANCING NIGHTLY at the hom 1000 1S «#18 (15 Con Com 24 $324 322 328 Quebec Superior Court Tues- notes relevant to the case. dreds of terminal pacity; avoids short-term equipment financing. See iar Bisls T 1000 as 60 63 +8] Ga" Iron 200 SIEM. 1G IMT We) took under advisement a ty phieen in all SS RoyNat Ltd. at Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg an Perm = 25. $11% WWM 11% The French manufact 5 |country plugged into a few cen- : id J ' " ine Bey T 20 a5 a8 373 cs' © FB Boe toe aoe | case in which et cham- based their case _ a 1933 tral processors at key points. Calgary or Vancouver. Jaye Exp 15va 15\e 1514 Cdn Brew 1145 $74 7% 7% ; Pagne manufacturers are commercial reeme - ome - end ae a ae 3 2% + ve S hem w Ave 30 Bs 3 med seeking an injunction to re- tween France a a teal erciene ts on coms af Rabie g of bon gga of Jonsmith 2000 2% 24 u +1! Can Equty © 85 3% + %| Strain Canadian wine manu- which both countri time-shari |ANADA outel 2 i aon € Imp Bnk 1945 sis 33 12% 7% + w| facturers from using the term to protect Fi sgh oa Big ie ge apn BANQUE CANADIENNE NATIONALE Motor Hotel Kem Ketle 310.310 € Ind Gee zis sum "at "U4 | champagne to describe their ucts from unfair competition |run th hte who is going to THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY ; gg Bhat ee ae Hie wets epinve Pr 3072 $237%s 23% 23% + | Products. | and to ensure protection, on Seite gecarel einns < i MONTREAL TRUST COMPANY Thornton South and Champlain Kid. Cer ais 2 of ey nae ee 300 pr 100 $10% iow 104 ¥ 1 Pha lo g youme ~ respective territories, of |neywell ag ve "og A GENERAL TRUST OF CANADA 723-4693 pr ee Nem ace or origin appellations. ing Divisi CBoteuit 1680 810% 0% 10% -- %e pi np Na spe champagne manufacturers in sisieeies S- {tronic Data Processing Division. ie ae Sc a en ot oto") Praase, een een rie ei Sua' 1 a oe Osu m0) 26 26 % Capit Bi 200 8. 89) 89 = insti champagne had lost any dis- |Peting businesses in a wa teri tm ies ue ew | Bru sm "ou "ew Wel gos oan damages for ieeil and tinct meaning it might have {which will make. work-schedul eee a, rei jd usw To % te 4) SHUM A 205 $20% 20% 202+ %e| $5,000 for each of the 15 man- had and now applied to any ae iisger than the computer " WHAT HAPPENED TO HER? Marchant 2300 '5 Gieirton 100 45.450. 4S0 _y,| ufacturers from Chateau Gai Sparkling white or pink wine job itself. teson! gap oie lou Tu n| Soooe,, Ss Be | Winer Lat Canadian com- of €00d cual WHERE DID SHE 60? Midrh pe ae a a . pany that is alleged to have Champagne is the name of L] Moga we wn ae ae ae Con "Bide" oo '90-90 90-8 | SOld its products under the a wine - producing region in pper Prices hee ET tl Neweahic 300 $50, ss 550 F5| Cons Gas 676 $7% 21% 21%--%| Name champagne. France. N Gvue 10500 Cresibrk 20 $6 6 6h | : N Harri 1000 3 Se im +14] Crow Nest 740 $2194 21% 213% To Be Probed ij Hosco 800 175 175 Crush Inti 200 $11%@ 11% 11%4-- el ing pj 1155 $111 a+ Ve] Rank O} F Ni imperet sto 320 320 3m Cyons A 200 40 4 420 15 | Intpr'siocl 2008 HO AID 410 4.8'| Revenue 900 site toe ina . } y i Me" sam itm 1! "| BOSE, ast Sw Sn Sus wo] HAL GO" sf att oho set | Recgaet" 3 fit Mba on' Ianister Sharp told the 'Com. | y re 12% 0 Ye 10¥ 9 ini Nor Acme 4000 18 17¥2 18 Dome Pete 963 $58 562 88 +214) Jameic PS 400 S16' 1614 164% oeree A se Cawiiten Ib Minister Sharp told the Com- Norbeske 4000 49, 4848 + 11) Db Bridge 100 $15%4 15% 15% -- 34] James SH 212 435 490 435 +15 | Rothman 200 $2348 23/7 23% + %| mons Tuesday he intends to in- = Norlex 2000 16% 16% Ab + 4] Dotasco 239 $20% 20% 20%--%| Jefferson 131 $55 55 55 + %4| Royal Bnk 3100 $15% 15% 15%4--Ys|vestigate a copper price in- Normetel 2 say sae say nd Doro a sim 4 e+ % ith Ww BS hh Wh th | att can A ne ey crease announced Monday by BOTH FEATURES ADULT ENTERTAINMENT @ COLORSCOPE BELTING OUT .7 | N Coldstm (600 134 134 134 Domter 420 $11% 11% 114+] Kelly DA 225 $5% 5% Sie St Maurice 500 37 37 37 +4|Noranda Mines Ltd. North Exp 1000 2 D Textile 290 $192 194 194 Kelsey H 300 $15 aby 3 | Sayvette 500 295 295 25 +85 He said he tak N Gate 11050 985 975 975 --18 | Dupont 35 $272 27'4 274--%e| Labatt $55 $15% 15 15e-- Vs! Scot York 225 $11 11 11 es exception to Bu DIABOLICALY f THAT wip ~ | . Ge t 8 il tes Bee eon Se ee.) ee, Bee i ee ee PRESLEY J" | perme" gl MMM sh] EMtatee FSA S| EY it a ius ul SR Cio" aa tmet Bit it ulGlobe and Mall Tuesday, that xquisite Zz) e" y h a | i 94 34 29% i ¥ 5 Petino 1008 $14% 14% 14% Falcon bu) $86 86a we Levy B pr 50 $314 31% 3IM4+ %4| Silverwd A Mo situ ine ioe" "lf the government sition a er DR | ce E 2500 147 146 146 --2/| Fam Play = 125 -- = 40% -- Livingsto 260 $12 12 «+12 | Simpsons 360 $33% 3342 33% A Op F! = ' fare Bee geek ice Boag we ft ees eo te "| Bee ie By by us wlttee tie hema of camel' re ja - 225 $7" Me WM lat st x Ve Preston 275 Me 20 20% FPE Pion 125 $314 WA 34 +1 Loeb " 450 sian Me lea + Ve) st Ror is petd HH kag ¥ pe keep the price of Copper AUS. FILMS RELEASE Probe M 22775 10% 0% bg Freiman 100 $7% 7% T%--%| MB Ltd 220 $242 24% 242 + %4| Steel Can 729 $21% 21% 21%4+% own. Que Chib 4500 B +3 15 $85 8585 Magna El 1650 $17 16% 17 + %2| Suptest od 50 $27 27 27 Mr. Sharp said he under- S"marigmt 600 138" 136 wen Enos kp 0s 2 28 Pe ae a ea tenes tee ee ee ates that Noranda 18 tying ita 'g! i a 16 4 exaco 5 Va 4 Quemont 250 705 705 Greyhnd 140 12% 12 a=! 'e} Maritime 250 $20%4 214 20% | Thom N P 200 $372 37%4 iy ' y d\prices to the U.S. market, not te ae 64 6 6 = G Trst 1250 + Arti ts 1366 7 7 -1 T ra a " Ry '1 we at Mae ae as Be ui Markee" "2S $0%0 oi si | TorDr Bk 950 sive 1s" tse + (ene, Canadian, He was "aston- j Re"sieom 127 sin 'Su Sony] tame or ie ae "a "a | Mewes" fue ti' "| Tae" 3 'at 'tu tus wlment and gave an ascurance, in ce 7 Ai BG ; a 4) rader 5 ' ment and gave an assurance, in Roman 75 $27% 271 Me 27a Home A 225 $22% 22% 22% Met Stores 25 $32% 32% 324--"% Tr Can PL 770 $27% 27% 27% -- Ve tC ome ey 0 S18% 18% 183 r 1 reply t est LEVY. BARONER-LAVEN pnts 2 eee (leh Bea! me Bee, oe eg eee ie ee ELVIS PRESLEY, CLAM | ia oe Re ee ts) ee, an eee eat) ewe ae ee | ee Be Gi ae Sm __, [tat be wal penninate Ci Gries ie | eCLAMBAKE sitiev us i Sigma 25 WG i Ve 42 Qa + on! rs' z a 3 nAcc 3 70 sir Miler 2000 13a 18 1D HB Oil G pr 6575 $5613 56 Sole Moore Ta $304 32 32 -- a! Un Citi. 0 ne ee." linorekee and will Be prepared to The public IS cordially R iW ! & : 2 i 7 Ye 2Se 217 rs 1 1 1 n Gas Hepen on ie ae es | ee pe im en a 8 a he ie ee | aetna) eae eee ee answer further questions about : : STARTING ib - So ee ee ee oe ON eee Nt Contain 400 $7 76 7% | U op B $00 $134 13% 1384 + te it in the Commons. invited to attend a a Kk Co ) "i br: 500 $5 5M SMa Me rr Be in , 1 ie ae ' Tene 1000 660 65 65 Imp Oi! 477 $66 66H Ht iirande. 694 $5154 50% SISe + " Vascan as 200 35% 5% w= VA Mr. Douglas said Noranda ty Texore 1000 23° 23 «23 Imp Tob 160 $134 13% 13+ Ye! Nor Ctl G 130 $11% 11% 11% | ve Versatd 200 $10% 10% 1058+ ve| Profits were up by about six per : Trios, 70m Na, We +4] Ing deze 0 Sipe tom ee) Mer Ce ee Weer yi ee hs te" "cent this year, and he therefore . = Tundra 200 25° 5 2s Ingersoll 2 82 ain | Ocesn on 40 § flowed ao Si Na Vu wondered whether the price in- J min 5 3 1 -?) glis ie 101 y ivi ste' Ma y i i wits 2 em =1| thewem Bae eB" | Sede Were a Nos Mesa a "etme ras paiua tionary. ecia:.O | U n 13 S| in 00 1 x awa estee 225 $19% Y Vespa 1000 30% 30% BW! Intr Cty wt 100 300 a 300 Overi; 100 a W Ca 3 340 --5 i i aenac 7300 70 68 . . 1BM 714 $670 665 Pac. Pete Os S18% 18% 18% -- ve| W paged io r4 6 " +% ruled this question out of order on the ground that it asked th . Wht Str 22000 4140 IMC 0 $274 27% a7%4 + Val Pembina 5 $22 21% 22 + Ye| Weston B 275 $17% 17% 17% i ae & tit asked the ] Wile 8200 (31 30 Wt | Int Nickel 518) $122 120% 122 +1 Pow Corp 960 $8% 8% 8% | White Pas 100 $245 24% 24% + Ve minister for an opinion. TELEPHONE 00 8 «689 89 +3 Int Util 195 $385 Hs He + | Price Com 679 side 10% 10i2 + ve] Woodwd A 200 $172 17"2 IMA + Ye Yale Lead 100 2 2 + ¥4| Int Util pr 200 $38%2 382 382+ | QN Gas 110 $10 10 «10 +1 = 725-5833 Zenmac Yoo 25 25 25 <1! intpr Pipe als $25% 26 244 W| GNG S40 p 50 $72%4 724 724 42141 Sales to Nama 831,160 BONDS 1 . . 725-5562 z gf tae Mae ' ' ' en teen WINNER OF €$ ACADEMY AWARDS INCLUDING " dian bond market was higher in by ALLAN REESOR 4 fairly active trading Tuesday. | 4 Long-term Canada and prov- 2 eis " H B incials were up with the 4%- } = per-cent Sept. 1, 1983, issue clos- un Nov 26t - 8:30 p m AND ] I t ; | ° elle b ing at 79% bid and 80% asked. Short-term Government of BEST DIRECTOR--Fred Zinnemann ie Canada bonds were up 10 cents 1 ' BESTACTOR--Paul Scofield Oo with the -Hamercent DEE Ts. St. George's Memorial (Anglican) BEST SCREENPLAY FROM = 1969, issue closing at 98,90 bid| ANOTHER MEDIUM--Robert Bolt and 99 asked. Church -- Centre and Bagot St. ih salad sear a Day-to-day money traded at TDRRLPRY Wendy Hiller iG Ger cent. BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY (Calo) Wa daay teeezery bil RBEST COSTUME DESIGN (Cola) closed at 5.40 and the 182-day bills at 5.50. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayeremeets A Carlo Pont Production COLUMBIA PICTURES presents BUYS MOUNTAIN Staring F TAT 1 The British government ts +f aR RED ZINNEMANN Ss buying a mountaintop, 3,560-foot if Ima FILM OF = Mt. Snowdon, the highest peak |] ............ in Wales, for development as aj] |. ae Yee = public recreation area. ™ What h at happens o GAS COMPANY DEALERS MEET HERE Consumers' Gas dealers in the district from Ajax through to . Peterborough met at the Carousel Inn eres P eee Monday night to discuss promotien activities during 1968. The theme of the meet- ing was "Touchdown '68". From left are; D. W. Jones, ewe os Consumers' Gas; Thomas Platts, Consumers' Gas; master of ceremonies (ref- eree) Ernie Page, Con- sumers' Gas; J. Foy, Cana- dian Broadcasting Associa- tion; Robert Garner, Peter- borough Examiner; and Charles Kemp of Con- sumers' Gas. Tee Pee Drive-In LEE MARVIN SHARON ACKER Point Blank -- ALSO -- ELVIS PRESLEY HARUM 1 SCARUM Box Office opens 6:30 Show starts 7:15 __. when the roles of _. man and woman : are reversed? | "The Girl and the General" = is what happens! | Tenberko Orsini 3; Pasquale Festa Campanile: Carlo Ponti © [|L ODEON © be : fc DOORS OPEN 6:30 P.M. gi Pavige AT paving and 9 P.M. ALL SEATS RESERVED SEASONS From the play by ROBERT BOLT + TECHNICOLOR GALA PREMIERE WED., NOV. 29 MATS. $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.25 EVES. age ~ MUGGS AND SKEETER s eh be