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Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Nov 1967, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, November 23, 1967 a SIMPLIFY FAMILY CHRISTMAS $HOPPING & $AVINGS WITH WANT ADS! Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12. acintieenmall 20--Real Estate for Sec GUIDI REALTY LTD. REALTOR 16 Simcoe St. % : 11--Pets and Livestock 17--Female Help Wanted |18--Male Help Wanted 723-5281 Ras-s---Believe R or Not / QUALITY CLIPPING | SER again ING machine operator fer) OUALITY CONTROL ris 08 SAL 1mm | imoany "beet Reply "Box 83h SUPERVISOR JUST LISTED | paae me Th} nee on is 12 Highway, $2. and $3.1 RUTTER Saute Live in orvout, Reter-| OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS 1¥% STOREY Fes . per' bushel. MayBelle Orchards, 668-/for Two, adulls,, five in or out, F Ideal opportunity to join a '@ Well kept home on | eR Daen_every Sr WOMAN WANTED for light housekeep-| progressive expanding elec- et. Large 56 x 140 fo A BLACK SPANIEL pup, nine weekSling and babysitting one child, live In.| tronics firm in the local area. ith trees. Large kitchen, old, house trained. Telephone 728-2559. Telephone 987-4694, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Fringe benefits -- including roort, separate dining roor POODLE PUPPIES, champion sired. | ROUTE SUPERVISOR: experienced in| medical life insurance and ot on mein. BA Tiny white toys, $125. - $150. Christmas route sales, for this area. Ex- long term salary continuation bedrooms and bath up i inti i --| i i 987-4918, New- i Accountants |Building Trades Painting and Decorating (|TV--Radio Repairs Eve delivery. 'Order now. fem. Short -complele coumelic and sales plan, along with an attrac. Close to separate and | BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Serv! cel * DO IT NOW! Painting, paper 'hanging,| TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 4-foot tower jes $12, fe.| {raining provided. See Mr. Ayres at the} tive profit-sharing incentive, schools and transport Complete bookkeeping service, 178 Sim- Quality Carpentry interior decorating. Outside, Inside. F-.|structure, all-channel antenna Installed, tage 2 RADON. FUCPIRS, 2737, Little Buck-|Seosha Hotel Thursday, Nov. 23 from) EY cation grade 12 minimum Priced to sell. Call us tode oe Street N., 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. Schmidt, 725-9572. $50, Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taun- Pabst lla LE klub | with some electrical and qual. e ie JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Account- GENERAL REPAIRS | ton Road East, just east of Ritson Road. ~~ | SECRETARY -- Part-time afternoons, qual- = ty 4 Street tie PAINTING AND PAPER hanging, in- HORSES for sale, mares In foal. Colts, jay - Friday in sales office, Duties ity control background an ad- AGE HOME : ent, Licenses Trustee, 17 Bond | Home Improvement Specialists [terior and exterior. Free estimates and D well broken riding horses. Reasonable. 1 VILL East. Telephone 723-4833, | 1--Women's Column include typing, ; telephone vantage. Salary open. 'Send iat TALE FRIEDLANDER AND COD Cher:| Serving Oshawa and District |!ow prices, Telephone 728-2834 Telephone 725.2797, Little Buckaroo answering Opportunih to pr ress iat resume to BOX 84533;; all 11 @ For only $8,500.0( & ey ve - ' s va, estimating and operations. ly to ' Ae tered 'Accountants. Licenced Trustees in for Many Years. Plumbing and Heating Under New Management BUDGIES, young. Telephone 723-0930.|84740, stating personal particulars and] answers will be handled in can be the proud one bankruptcy, 57/2 Simcoe Street North,, Honest and Dependable Service Apply 326 Linden St. previous experience. the strictest confidence. | bedroom, 2 storey frame Oshawa, 728-7371 HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Char- ed Accountants, Financial Trade Phone 725-8576 or 623-3411 ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE. Plumbing Discoun t Artistic Hair Styles 725-7221 HORSE FOR SALE -- Palamino, Tiss BABY-SITTER WANTED for four ity 2- LEAD GUITAR piayer for oi old + Square dance band, steady work, tyme containing two modern kit two bright living rooms. years old. Gelding, green broke. idren, tive in, Telephone after 4, 723-9549. 0898. i in str Buliding, 187 King Street East, onan Ger bis driveway paved by experts, pest OR phone 728-8334. situated on the main s! Ontario. 725-3509. S. T. Hopkins, CA, H.| ft., all work guaranteed for 149 Brock St. North eit Reaa ace eo Articles Wanted agg a gi A LB poate! PARTS AND SERVICE JOB, Experi- Blackstock. This would | E. Geadie, CA, E. Likows CA ithree"y years. 723-0281. WHITBY -- 668-6601 formerly from Ronnie's -- 12--Articles Wante eiak asthe vere "Meenas enced man to handle customer. con- excellent income home. GORDON R. DAY, Certified General : Mrs, TURNING LATHE, wood. With or with. "°°":_" 't, work orders and stock cards, Foure Aco, Siege" mene Bom |ecranrge wd wat BL ANB'T!| Direct to ou, plumbing sup. |_'™ Fem Brennan, operter cet_mo_Tlonone 260--___ Ma furs ly" wath, Stave, "Toe ans." Betlen"oetin ese SIMCOE STREET SOL ping Centre, 725-9953. |Roofing and Construction. 725-6937. A t i ine ITURE wanted, etc. as ' lggrese plies. Everything in the | GOOD USED FURN wanted, |phone Mrs. 725-1481, sive pean to build a future on our Par ; -- HH ti MacNeill's ' * i Blueprinting ALL TYPES buliding repeirs, Roofing, Plumbing line, 20% off all 2--Personel [Furniture 66:58, 668-4526,- (BABYSITTER igh heen for three "eh |igaaoa, Oshawa Ties stating in pat git gaa peaks ys, _ eavestroughing, -- fireplaces,| supplies. dren, some usel atpatlon aed rolraneas, . cellen i i DRAFTING and Reproductions : ANTIQUES. Giassware, e, picture Plead % * ' tren S22 Simcoe Street North. 722-4661 ieee A eR 2 Ca to ik Boh ELECTROLYSIS Tewellery ufos chin "| Phone 728-9387 after 5. WAITER, fulltime, sieeay>--yeiabie: and hg Ae full partic i i pa ; ' . | My i 3 d r i SS a ants ot SESE | saTUROAY Sam tS om 723-464) Seri canara ear as a|B--Male Help Wanted fre Hind hv Se 2. Sit pero Carpentry CLOSED WE DNESDAY _ Removal of superfluous hair | 1 bees hausmmolt SLCa8:, Bene i change because of unsettied making REVENUE PROPERT De cers Aen scant emer ene, b jowmanville i in. your sen' i ; NEED MORE ROOM? ? |ALL TYPES repairs and rertodelling,| Marie Murduff will be in | WIRES Gower, Auctioneerss, 728-1005. ¥ O U N G ME N reatory this maybe your cheer tone IV. @ This brick front, 2 RECREATION ROOM, trim work, re-|new and used materials. Reasonable! Oshawa Nov. 27, 28, and 29. | ADORNED THE 4 Wack i SRS ROE old established 'life Insurance company building is in immaculate HOME modeling and general repairs. Telephone|rates. Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. Piche Ganoike "Hots on HATS OF CHIC |13--Articles for Rent | has an opening for a salesman in Osh- dition and has just been IR Upholste Serv these dates for oppointment. } PARISIAN WOMEN | | * h A bi 4 vancement piglet ade a Bea pletely renovated. An idec JMPROVEMENTS Dentistry ug - Upholstery Service WOULD LIKE RIDE fo Kingston Road- A CHILDS SocK nae | Tables, Chairs, Linens, oa | Wit mbition : sistance, 0 selary.'and pus personal for offices or a barber L. ¥ i rf .m. Coffee | , ni onus, and a i Additions -- Alterations DR. G. ROBERT BROWN, Dental Sur- RE-UPHOLSTERING telephone' ed rn Please FOUND IN A GRAVE IN BENJAMIN es, Suey, anne Brid . 'anteed pension. When 'applying, There is a 2 bedroom R tions Rooms geon, ed King Street E., Oshawa, Tele- 725-9332 EGYPT, HAD BE KLIN Urns, Punc' 'owls, lo Looking fora challenge beard age, marital status, business' no ment on the main floor | <a gis Phone 721 @ Wide 'selection of Fabrics |SHELL, HAVE left side of $1,000 bill,| p EN KNITTED FRANKLIN'S Wear, Men's Formals, White < [Write 'Box 'sazise ep one! backaround. 2 bedroom apartment up Call us: . | @ Workmanship Guaranted |SitY, mountain In background. Go fifty-| 1500 YEARS AGO INVENTION -7WE | Fox Furs, Min Stoles | Bright Future |Write Box. eo Oshawa Tim Ail Hordwaod? Hors. full |Dressmoking | Po fifty for right side." 668-5443 | © Fant Fam Sra, any I. Wad spy seared, LIGHTNING ROD | |MAN equired Innmaaiatey "a . 20rs. JAMES ALLEN & SONS | Cees < ; | SARGEANT'S RENTALS | Good Training Program |supervise and 'help organize an 'alread? ment with | piece batt DRESSMAKING -- expertly fitted sults, @ Easy budget terms--Free 3. Sport: s Col i 001 raining 1g jtremendously successful sales organiza. large completely fenced 725-6126 coats, dresses. Beautifully tallored silp-| Estimates non 463 Ritson Rd, S., 725-3338 | istic S ' Sal Hegarty ores, Full training provided, yard. All this on Oshawoa's : : ' oi h a a a - . " } er cen i: : "Quality is what we build in" _ jSSvere_Crapen_Mrs._Tom SON =--| © Over 20 years experience {ting bough auld ond. inedede ante |8--Articles for Sale |8--Articles for Sale WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, waik:| Realistic Starting Salary [vp to ft per cent sane. Fer pena, thoroughfare, phone toni: ALTERATIONS and al! types of sew- THE FURNITURE CENTRE i 'd 154 PRERRR sEaca Sattar alr cif fe tile Manloatha eo ----_____________-_________ |ers,, reducing machines, sick room sup- fivibn ee ered al in : Ing. Apply Mrs. F. Hughey. 207 Bloor 90 Simcoe St. North 16 Bond "Sh Weel Supplies, Valley, Creek, | "|VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hoses, Plies. Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice 725-164. Grade X|| Minimum Ed- [Hotel Thursday, Nov. 2 orn wereld Biase ROOFING Street West. : brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery. 942-0213. ENTERTAINING? Fifty to ene hundred) : until 8.00 p.m. only. ee ° PROFESSIONAL WILL SKIN, cut and wrap deer and GRAND PRE-CHRISTMAS [Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, people: Oshawa Tennis Club for vod ucation. SERVICE STATION HOME ON A New or Old DRESSMAKING AND all types aiter- moose. Telephone Bob Slute, 723-0275. CLEARANCE SALE | Pickering. lquets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, : lata ~ attendant, experl« LOT ations, 'men's ladie's, chiiaren's. Even-/ RUG CLEANING wage Srauee coe [parking 23-726 All enquiries Strictly Confi- [gnes, Mecessary. older | man" Breterred, RAVINE " sets, numerous Di are ing gown alterations @ specialty, 723- TAXIDERMIST -- Richard Flewell, RR Home Improvements 73, 4 boy vies 1 claremont, "Ontario, "Deer heads.| on new and used skates. Bring [Pieces of 'old china and glass. Over 0/14 }4--Business_ Opportunities dential. wood and Station Road, Alax. vs 3 ec dtabl ddaty ING, jgni , rds, small animals mounted. Also rug| our old skates for trade. Sho old plates, all different. Ideal gifts for CLASS "A" mechanic for Ford 1 ~f ished recreation room wi C. RUSS HARRISON prolepslonahy acne st" reasenn le Free Pick-Up and Delivery psd | 'at while supply lasts. Nni- iby. collector. "Apply 708. Maria 8}. Whit- vie Rib a som, eee, benefits, ae place and bar. Paved dri é Call Mrs, Neve, 221 Lupin Drive, Whitby. | mere 'pigiainias " r. Strong, Macdonald Ford Sales 623-2534, and garage. Immediate Ff 725-3219 : Angus- Graydon \4 Motorbikes | ted Rental and Marine, Skate | VIKING STOVE 24"; Philco refrigerator, BUSY HIGHWAY SERVICE STATION attendant, exper. i ¢ he ice $19,300. | TERRANO PAVING, 10 years in busi-/Gard and Supplies : Exchange Dept., Oshawa 555, |two doors, 14 cubic feet. Both good B k f lenced, also must be able te eer: sion. Full price 300. ness. Guaranteed work, 19c. square foot. = 728-6254 ee oe A ae A) Trine Ben) King Street East at Wilson, | priced. | EF N an Oo tow truck. Apply 925 Simcoe St. ed in the North-East area HiFTaaN YEAR' ecperi "Bi d F d ad CHESTERFINLDS. jeuphoiiorea a qalbew ote tna Ot]. -728:5565, Ajax, Harwood 8761547. R STAURA 3 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY. ~Larce property should be seen FIFTEEN enratng, Prac" aria, Ir eeas |re-styled. Free estimates. See our mate- Troll | Rd, 942-6171, |NEW STOVE also used refrigerator, Montreal Gompany has opening for & local resie appreciated. To inspect, repair and renov: " ial f € i i me i , and i ifa. SONG SS or sales back; id, i no obligations. Cunningham. 728-7287. Wild Bird Mix Ito order. Balen Ubon chr chlkabd [tema ewer, and washing machine. Cal on yah a as Rey" stating bersnal history, eee ee BRICK AND BLOCK work and general f |Street, 723-7212 MOBILE HOME, '62 Glendale, 42 x 10';| =< |DYNAMIC ANTI-REED microonone wir ime. Only own n experience to Box 82595 Osh: repairs, M. Lafontaine Construction 725 Feed Sunflower |Rea UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estab-|/@rge living-room, two bedrooms, four | ~ CUSTOMIZED | DRAPES variable EE cag sag < payment : BUSINESS lel Alain ew STORES and 756. Large Sunflower lished 20 years. Workmanship. guaran: bunk beds. Excellent condition, $4600.' SAVINGS UP TO 50%_ |distortion and treble booster for guitar 4 OPPORTUNITY Tv si SERVICEMAN WANTED. Trio 7 2 APARTMENTS jteed. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mat- 64. | or microphone, Best offer. Call na" Bond and Division Streets. as SIFIED RATESS bg |tresses re-built, furniture _re-finished. ry . | LIMITED TIME ONLY 3068. Health reasons for selling VI @ ona large lot ' CLAS Cr. Corn [Oshawa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenve.|6-----Marine Equipment M 2.6 UPRIGHT PIANO, good condition, Rea-| this large modern restaurant 1 would like to interview a 19<Mele ee Narnala ea on Sods man WORD. ADS Pole Bird Feeder | : | | Sonable. $75. Telephone 942-4619. | and dining room on busy man between the ages of 25 oughfare.. An excellent Cosh -- | insertion of 24 words, 1.20; | Sal d Servi | | DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES |21-cUBIC FOOT fast freezer, one'! highway; number 115. The and 40 who wants i consider Help Wanted tunity for a great invest edcitional words, 'Se each; yet Hanging Feeders pees one service N4 i. DOO | 723-7827 tower and all-channel antenna, one pres-| main route to Peterborough © business opportunity which Baas For full particulars, call to in ions of i . e tional geotes 13¥4e each; 6 consecu- Pet Supplies Oshawa Janitor os 74 Celina ood, g te, Pump. "Supply Of "stOVe) ond Lindsay and points north. is very worth - while. Be- e tive insertions of 24 words. 5.76; addi-| Purina Dog Feeds : WORLD'S LARGEST Se MowUT maeTEgReRENE |) eS Seats 85. Thousands of dol- couse this man will be as- R. MARTIN EAST OSHAWA tional words: 246 sorh. Service SELLING SNOWMOBI RUTHERFORD'S Te ee all lon let : Master Dog Feeds OBILE erator, in perfect condition. Telephone ars in complete commer- sociated with one of Cana- REAL ESTATE LTD., BROK Vil @ Handsome 2 year Cherge--10 per cent additional charge Puri Meal | Offices, Churches PRICED 3-room groups, Living Room, | 723-7248. after 5. cial kitchen equipment for da's largest and oldest Life BROKER ith if not paid within & days. urity Dog Meo | ' ' FROM 695 00 Bedroom, Dining Room, |COLEMAN space heater, good condi-| everything, even pizza oven Insurance Companies dealing , bedroom bungalow wit 4 Method of counting -- Less then 241 Snow Shovels New Homes . $399, $499, $599, $699. ition, $25. Telephone 728-1833. Géod turnover, Move in. and in estate planning ond' bus- Immediately requires one ex- a pleasure to work in t words count os 24 words; each word! Woter Soft Salt Full Cleaning Service Time Payment Plan Available Easy terms. Immediate deliv- |SNOWMOBILE FOR SALE. Bowman-| start making money. Includes iness insurance, he should Perienced salesman or soles- chen' with: 'bullt-in stove initial, figure or abbreviation counts as . ; | ville 623-7319. 1 f t t h : lady, who is not afraid of oven and dining area. one word; phone number counts two| Brittania Malt Extract Provided --- Telephone | Oshawa and areas largest | ery or layoway ELECTRIC STOVES aot aearic gi,| [otge four room epartment. jave a reasonably good edu- batde deri foe cone ratarne, ' td plese both wit words, Wine Concentrate 728-6015 728-0715 | selection of new and used RUTHERFORD'S Isher $10. Both in ee I oly Bay ne oy ere eaten, ond pretetae seme Lots of leads. "all EILE ate gai es door le -- DEATHS -- r bil os well as a Telephone 576-2557. e FMIES | FRO. NSHOWa. executive experience. We are 2 ity, BcIAL NOTICES Budgie & Canary Mix |GUARANTEED REPAIR to all wringer abi stock of sr 156 Simcoe St. South SHNDNDN Gate acc ee | VOY tore Papeete that Prepared to invest consider- peels Call. 43 yori to another bedroom. O06 $2.50 per insertion with 25 cents addi- Pe jwashers and ranges. Free estimates. trailers and accessories, USED TELEVISIONS, reconditioned, |white, converts to car bed, $25. Tele-| won't last. Call Bob Stone, able money in the right man, roker, street, and carries for $ tional charge if not paid within 8 days. Cooper-Smith Ce. \Falcon Furn. and Appliances. 723-0011, pi area be ll | Ment eet vant 'and service. |phone 725-9592. Smith and Burton Realtors, so if you are interested in 576-1200 per month, Including taxes | RCYCLE, it ice, Anges ie WaITNENOUIE TeITingea i i i i { IN MEMORIAMS 16 Celine St. warene pried aor eid ag Se UNITED lex EUIVEC 6 WasTinenousE Later eer, hie? Scarborough, 267-1108 or earning from $4,800 to $6, ; e@ $2.50 for the first 25 words and 6c |suppltes, storage. Tus 3240 19 Prince, AR stools, black leather- lg in ng "pf badd set of new 'i s,} residence, 282-7566. 000 a year to start depend- 172 KING EAST BUILDING LOT al paobpidth aie Ble Pe aot pod 723-2312 cect US |P and K Glass and Mirror, Blackstock, RENTAL ils RINE eee leah 1 LES HAE ae top. Td Warren Avenues |_ | log: Uno yaur Gus ene. SUITE 101 vill Townline South | verse; 25¢ additional charge i , Oshawa -- in t. a re Plaid. ab Peal hos --_-------_--- - i 101, @ Townline Sou sila Mes asada SEE een eens SOD [iain Seal, Be mone, s, piaettd Fait at Wilson, 728-5565. mt, cond coriatan oan resale ba BORO COAT, long. size 14, Findlay ee Township of Darlington. CY fg =e On haidariniaag Ip 19030" We' hove 'everyinfa| Ajax --- Harwood Ave. North |suy-anp seit cosa usea trac [Saean. mtn "i timex, Telephone BEAUTY SALON -- - size lot 80" x 200° in each thereafter with 25¢ additional All- G N ieee, sniiress, setnco, eminem WP) 942-617), [tures <ppances, "antiques. 7234241. WW/TELEVISIONS -- 17" fable model 87| fo pe TWO HOW TO EARN quiet sip on. 8 te charge if not paid within 8 days. reen Ursery | Free pickup and delivery on all types of | 24" Marconi $49; 21" R.C.A. floor mod- rench Provincial Decor MORE MONEY -- Strictly residentia ee 5 |glass: and mirrors. We're as close as| CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE. Alllcucontitiond and' uate 'ete safe] Very good clientele. Bein MAINTENANCE for your home site. Svan pint (display); $2.00 for the S d G Wi your phone. types and sizes of trees Tele.| "econditioned _and guaranteed. 576-3877. id. iy to ill R 2 MEN and WOMEN for more information. inc! ---- = Se 26 words one ée each thereafter O rowers VACUUM and polisher repairs, ai! SALES and SERVICE los Mr. Niro, 668-6592. SET OF STAWART, DRUMS," In h parte! pei MES tear eee MEN ! need a full or part-time e (Word Ads) Visitors Welcome makes, new hoses, brushes, new motors. McV. tibregl il boot: = LOT ' Gee tae Ga Pig laggy cVay fibreglass sail boats, |TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, cash|best offer. Apply 272 ae Street, : : BUILDING AUCTION SALES 725-9674 -- TOWNLINE N. ae oe ae ey Crestliner, Peterborough and | registers, new, used, sales, service, all|Oshawa, 985-7 7309 required, person to help meet the de -- SERVICES PREP/ mand for a much needed ser- $2.38 PER INCH PER INSERTION |makes. Cali your Royal dealer, 728-3664, $5,000, DOWN, balance easy terms, willl 1, Licensed A mechanic with Evin- Northcraft runabouts. AMPLIFIER, Traynor Rogue. Four 12" Instruction Septic Service |¥V TOWER SPECIAL -- 4011. structure,|speakers. Two. Ti buy a successful long established lunch i diesel vice for motorists, Pleasant, 1X @ This lot is in a s | = . 7 igh frequency horns, H experience on iesel motor i DEADLINES peace sae Geccr < P rude outboard motors. jall_channel antenna, $50. TRIO Tele-|5/2' high, 2° wide. Best trainer. amp. on Bay, sie! eel ES Leiniod genes) hydraulic equipment dginified, good paying work. residential area, While th WORD ADS : ey rr anawalion OUNar SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv- Oshawa Yachthaven |vision, 728-5143. |market for bass or lead. Worth $1,100. /eross annual sales over $109.00. IlIness it No experience necessary but ing price is very reaso 4 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS onsen. Bvele Ot. © pew ice on calls Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut 3.8186 lauy AND Sei Three months old. $700 or best offer. |{0" me : 2. A man for general main- +d ai Morgan, 318 French St., Oshawa. Street West, Whitby, 668-2563. 723- eA AAND SELL -- 'p00 (Good eed Urriture 723-4434. Wilkinson, Realtor, 576-1411. tenance on. machineryand a car is. For full information Please call today for ful S N F ND r uiis inane ALORS Teg rv ~ ; and s LOST AY OF PUBLICATION PRIVATE LESSONS on trombone, trum- | |/STARCRAFT" GREW Traveller boats. |Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. |GLASS REPAIRS fo" aluminum and|VERY PROFITABLE parts and servicel equioment and for carpentry Phone 576-3351. ticulars, pie pet, saxophone, clarinet, flute, drums, \Surv yors -- \Evinrude motors. Open seven days Tr Wood windows and aluminum screens. |(DuSiness. Light, clean, interesting bench ' ildi i e IN_MEMORIAMS and with Al Beggs. Alto Music Suppiles 725- Week. Marine Storage and Supply "Lid, |FIBERGLAS FENDERS from $29.95 | wood pick-up and delivery. 728-2284. |WOrk. Work at home during your spare} experience for building main- - CARD OF THAN 150. H, FLIM, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor.|Brooklin 6553641. jand, up. New and used auto parts. Re-| celery: ---- [tau reriecl for raid pera. Price] tenance duties. BOYS G DO YOU WANT "3 starters an nerators. jelson | of includes sfoc! ixtures, train- : A vi 4:0 PAN Pa or Money to Loan lerstssen ai Rey 1 Rien At FIBERGLAS RESIN, hardener, cleaner |St._7 725-2162. |9--Market Basket ling and existing accounts. For person- APPLY and IRLS Xx v3 a home and SPETON CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ' and cloth, 30 - 50 per cent off. Telephone |CONTINENTAL BEDS trom $29.95, nel- al interview, write Box 84341, Oshawa : 3 ly Ya acre of land in the C 7 column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 col-|NEED CASH to consolidate your bllis,|DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On-|Sncgtay stir 6 p.m, |tresses half price, all sizes, headboards es: GENERAL Required for delivery 4 to:6 Oshawa? Do you want a umns or larger--l0 a.m. doy previous!buy that new car, boat, travel espenses. |tario Land Surveyor, Commercial blue- one-third off. Factory outlet. 723-3889. 4 é times monthly for Flyers, Cat- alogues etc. Present bays and girls -- please ask your chums if interested. ate workshop from the | along with a garage? If s on this one we just listed. e Ontario Street. 725-5632 Liseces We feature second mortgages of 12 per prints. 11 cent. Also first mortgages avaliable, con: fidential, private funds, Call 723-4631 any TV--Rodio Repairs jtime CANCELLATIONS AND 15--Employment ' Wanted | CORRECTIONS FREE PICK-UP and delivery, day care| in my home. Not under two years! of age. 576-1337. 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION 7--Swap and Barter [MATES new and used, hockey equip- and sticks at bargain prices, ent 160-64 Va-TON, "0 Buick, '61 Austin 850, | Cycle Centre, 204 Bond St. E., 725-6344, Van, roto-tiller, CONCRETE XI1 @ with a lot of trees miles east of Williams Po E will buy or sell y ort furniture and appliances or commission. Pick-up. 263-2294. Any odvertisement cancelled before! |'61 34. Bedford 2 ne, |BUY YOUR HUSBAN Miication. wil i ; used, AND or wi : publication will be charged one doy '| Mortgages TV service [ining Fe cement Pee ne Hilnioe ty rn for Christmas, Valley' Crest EXPERIENCED WOMAN desires house 401 aie eias AVE vile tee Raa "~ o VALENCIA ROAD i oo Park th. 723-7088 days, 728-7288 work by the day or babysitting. Refer. t BOX NUMBER RENTALS $1.00 SECOND MORTGAGE | | COLOR or note am FIREWOOD, -- ary. mixed harden, ences. Telephone 728-9714. ' p.m. 942-4939 XI! @ Three bedroom hor While every endeavour will be made to| MONEY |: BLACK and WHITE : maple, beech, white birch, etc., 12" a M | t h |MOVING, move insured, odd lobs done, AJAX ee ee a nice quiet street, large to box pot ag to the | FOR THE BEST, CALL \8--Articles for Sale Ye" delivered, 728-6852, C n OS with or without truck. Rent truck with 942-3620 $100 WEEKLY or m i, time, scaped lot, shade trees. n pas s ble, pe. BORROW PAY MONTHLY 'A R | FREE! Furnace cleaned, edlusied tree. driver. 728-2882. Ree ladies, men, Fuller territories, Whitby, listed. Asking $11,500. | Sores thraugh either! S1000s6cisees $22.94 Rt. Ww Guaranteed trouble-free winter If you |RETIREE, age 61, 12 years' experi- Bowmanville, Oshawa. 728-4922 will give possession in 30 n-forwarding such re-| $2,000... $28.03 - | NO purchase from Western Oil Company. jence, GMC maintenance, painting, car- SCHOOL BUS |S DRIVERS, Whitby Totes. F an Poss j ' sed whether by necli-| $4000. ...... $50.97 | TELEVISION SIX SERVICE BAYS 725-1212. $2 Per Bushel |pentry, plumbing, _tinsmithing, care- YOUNG MEN Part-time ahd Mal time. Telephone 668- or full particulars pleas The Times will not] $8,000 $ $94 53 | 3 D = S FOR FASTER SERVICE FURNITURE -- Three rooms of new ete etc. Telephone 728-8217, ask for ' 5110 or 668- tonight. for replies uncalled for > | FOR CLEANER, SHARPER furniture, Pay only $15 monthly. Barons' eee ie e fe TV RECEPTION EL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL |Home Sy imcoe RELIABLE WOMAN will give good i if ft OPEN MORTGAGES GES | ' WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL |Home Fonsi, i = a oo RELIABLE WOMAN "will 'sive Good To assist_ manager in local |20--Real Estate for Sale 150' x 250 ic | { c ay % ord, - 1 Most all sizes, REGULATIONS | PaO SERVICE aoe Gro, Dados, fort, Oe (Ns Seal Be si tronch of co 1 cot LAKEFRONT LOT THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE) " ° 'ganization. xper- | TV TOWER | 728-5143 JOHN F. wheel alignment, inspect and castor and comber- Mortgage examples based on 15 yeor term ience unnecessary, in educa- Free tion field, but must be able RESPONSILE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER-| SUBMITTED OTHERWISE a, Help Wanted TISEMENTS correct | THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE! Interest | - 11/4 % per month align toe-in and toe-out to |EMERSON | a anes cane CO. A td to intelligent! . Lake Scugog and only 30 \- Z IN RADIO and stereo combina- cvonverse intelligently. ' VESISSMINT NOR BEYOND. THE| -- (12 - 16% per annum) Gorar: Bond ond Division correct condition'... $7.95. \fan with' Se smres steno: Petes it: CHARDS Ltd. SECRETARY-RECEPTIONIST 1, Aged 18-26. from the City of Oshawa. PRICE CHARGE FOR A SINGLE IN-| depending on dmount borrow- @ Parts extra if required. dition. Asking $300, or best offer for 2. Neat in appearance. e | e SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS.| 64 Interest calculated on the ee SUES SAN8, 72-187 Thickson Rd. N. Must have typing and dicta- 3. Able to start mmediately. $106 MONTHLY Torsion bar adjustment e rsion bar adj phone and be familiar with ves the right to} reducing balance | extra. $35.; electric. typewriter $954 adding mac Whitby ; REAL ESTATE LTD. XII @ includes the pa according to its) CAC. REALTY LTD 7 y TOWERS BRAKE: SPECIAL chine $20., electric adder $40, 723-4434. Benes ot ppt of eal SALARY: REALTOR for 6% mortgage and 1 apenas . Most popular cars. First |WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used H ' eet ' municipal taxes. It is a hat clock ee B Hf] play advertisements OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE "BUILT IN OSHAWA" Quality Ravaline, 4 wheels furniture or anything you have. The|CANADIAN CHOICE Red Brand beef:; 'UM Overtime so that clock~ ' y WEIS kept 3 bedroom bungalow | 728-1691 | fhe é Lead | Y D " |City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe|hind 7Ic. tb.r front 49c, Ib., sides 60c.| watchers need not apply. Good 623 3] aE | Leste 5 he | sane AT OUR OWN PLANT | Street South. 723-1671. 18. Patel | and wrapping free. Open| starting wage with possibili- For interview call " a spacious kitchen, livin. 7 Br Bane! aOR RENT L . x s ¢ tervi | : | MORTGAGES bs ie si eee eae Plus $2.00 per wheel [eines beac a Sot canine: SPUCACEED POREZER a also Ee ee Wee ene 725-2541 ¥Y2 ACRE LOT: with school pet Nag le gig e rT rapeanecies| or less money | labor Apply 140 Nonquon Road, Apartment | cust ting beef, pork, » 2c. f : 4 : : ,b c nt if ony jneccuracies| First mortgages arranged and | WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL |312_Oshawa._ lis culling: snd wrapping. tegetnens, Se. full particulars of age, train- 9 - noon ay ica nese hee ie street. Asking price ony co t purchased. Open without no- | feclad ue 'ete BASS GUITAR. This new Violin shaped j1b, open Sundays. Lansdowne IGA.| ing, experience, marital status | 7437 'orge VanDy 300. Call us for more in TIMES ACTION. WANT AD tice or bonus Le ee ener ee Nl rn a Ha SA REAL ESTATE | eis e ; ------ | ! f trols. Whi --E : ; Coll Classified Direct Second mortgages arranged SUPPLY LTD. SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, Wik choles ot Sone nator ene 9A. 2 gos & Poultry BOX 84589 i = oe ane $12 ny 74% OPEN MORTG 723-3492 and purchased. Current in- FRONT-END WORK at length curly cord included at no extra|EGGS "DAISY FRESH" daily -- White OSHAWA TIMES SALESMAN | ighway. Price: ; . XIV. @ Only 216 year fatact vate 1295. Ooen holte | TAUNTON RD. E. COMPARABLE PRICES charge, $10. down, $8. per | month to Padiatr gael ila Terms. brick bungalow located yearly without notice or | Uust_East_of Ritson) call 725-4706, Wilson and Lee, Ltd., ; "--| Wonted for Oshawa office, 200 ACRE FARM: Excellent deep 300 ft. lot, loaded INDEX TO bonus. | 723-8131 723-8132 UNIROYAL plddea eb --_----_--__ 1 10--Farmer's Column CAR HOSTESSES Inquiries treated confident- bulidings. Large brick home. extras, garage, recreation M. F. SWARTZ | Hi CENTRE FILL Your iF REEZERSides of beef, |700 BALES of good oat straw, 30¢ per AT A&W Oil heated. 4-pc. bath. Large extra room in basement ¢ ICATIONS : |-- 55c, Ib. Grain fed. Phone 263-8878. bale. Call Bethany, 37R32 ially. Call W. Baldwin, ma- ; i bs CLASSIFIC 26% King Street East SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 SO SAROCAN rion ET 9 a eee ---- ARE V.LP.'s Rani born. Anxious to sell. driveway, large modern ki 1--Women's Column Oshawa, Ont The New Home of l8.7" x 12, in good condition grit under: licked up MPahehY: Metewll Cn Peon er Close to schools and trans Telephone 723-4697 Fast T.V. Service | DOMINION TIRE STORE A & W OFFERS YOU, 4 ACRES: with 4 bedroom Blend: ti lay. vig one St. Tyrone. Teleph lect Hampton 263- ; tion. Very good terms. C --TMMEDIATE MONEY 17 Park Road South lwe mM ae Nay tienes wien, sell @ excellent training W FRANK brick bungalow. Stone fire- to inspect this home. rapa | DOMINION | ___ Phone 725-6511 (GREY PERSIAN i clam' Teckel, si 36 | sett snwanied entices Phone Tivamn| @ Pleasant surroundings . place. Oil furnace, 4-pe, bath. fi &--Morine Equipment First. and second mortgage | CHRISTMAS TREES for sale, whotesare "AC! @ smart uniforms RLTR. prely locate, NORTHWEST Sr A Mg romy vale, Col tom | 2 FELEVISION SNOWMOBILES" (SPaaY coc sen, oat 11--Pets and Livestock babies bes REAL ESTATE LTD. | LARGE LOT: in Bowmonville XV @ Beautiful" 3 be 9--Morket, Basket Kosteniuk, Griffin Real Estate 728-5154 9 o.m. to 9..p.m, 3 manutechvrers str, Teleohone. aveninas. 70-4582. Must be 18 and over, and 506 Simcoe St., Oshawa Well located. Anxious to Sell. bungalow located in the- trom $695. Tent and Snowmobiles Trailers $129. up Trailer hitches made and in- LADY'S COAT mink collar. Also several wool, mink hat, in excellent condition. |ices. Size 16%. Low priced. Call 723-7244, GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, Cashmere, black,|GERMAN Shepherds. Reg'd. pups, Pro- 'suits, pure | fessional training, boarding. Stud serv- Pinto. Show mare. Texas saddle. 1s. Cozy-J Ranch Kennels, 655-4662. abd Bes SALE, part collie. Tele- 10--Farmer's Column 11--Pets and Livestock 12--Articles Wanted 13--Articies for Rent 14--Business Opportunities iS willing to work week-ends only. Please call 728-5731. EFFICIENT BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST for Call G. VanDyk 623-7437. $16,000. FULL PRICE: for a 3 bedroom brick bungalow 728-7585 PERMANENT POSITION north-west district, ext piece bath and a fourth room in the basement. F Limited. TELEVISION -- RADIO 24 Hour Service 942-3310 | 16--Agents Wanted Ieleviel isueat te Sho) eed | phone local farm organization. Experience on} yy t. M with garage. All modern con- yard, TV tower, storms Pema - stalled. levision, refrigerator, etc., laa nA payroll required. Reply to Box 116, Whit- © MEAN PEMANENt.. any, My leohels Help' Wanted. MORTGAGE LOANS HOLMES Snow tires $12.95 up. up. Falcon Furniture and Appliances, aa oe oe and shampooing, by. Da of our men have been with veniences. Call G. VanDyk, pounds Cid oh ae 5 ol go ee folate . Hl ioe Present ELECTRONICS Cars -- Trailers -- Snow- TYPEWRITERS, no money down 82 Teasonably priced. Telephone Whitby, | MATURE WOMAN, fond of children, to| us 15 years and more. 85% 623-7437. ere re ' 20--Real- Estate For Sole ortgage F 4 hone' lown, live in and supervise three school-aged 300---Summer Properties 1 eS prot cur bills he mobiles wanted. weekly, cashlers, adders, Wades, picts: |SIBERIAN HUSKY pupples, registered, |children, Other duties to include. plan- Nt our customers repeat thus BOWMANVILLE: lovely 3 WILSON ROAD NOF Bh cEnims For Sore | y all your Rent a Ski-Doo by the Hour rentals, service amilton, Raglan, |The perfect pet. Gnome Kennels, Scu- ning and preparation of | meals, shop- there is a constant increase bedroom with finished base- XVI @ L lot b 22--Lots for Sale tes ate _ improvements TV RENTALS or day, 80 acres to ploy on | !:985-7160. = {908 Road, RR_ I, Bowmanville ping and light housekeening." Com-| in both volume and earnings. faert ahd > bothioeme Call > arge lots ore | 23--Real Estate 'ante @ Expand your business 4 SONY PORTABLE tape aneenerg AC AQUARIUMS + repaired, custom built, | 'ortable' quarters in respectable home, No door-to-door selling. Pro- 7 : ing very rare, especially « 8 < Offi St 2 paired, custom built, 1 fi . if ig. Mrs. McRobbi -7159. ; " Series for oro @ Fost courteous service TOWERS MacDonald Texaco fcbteghh Spm ene eee: ariginal new and some old style for sale. erante Whee eae" gAinitby. Feofessional! tected accounts' Highest com- ie, 623 ---- pte % #6, 4000 26--Apartments for Rent Sg Fer gO Pon anny ant in their home. Write Box M84275,| missions paid weekly as ord- COUNTRY LIVING: d- CATER A ADE NOR -EOS ry BS ink sete ey A, ROSEN PHONE 668-5679 KING ST. E. FRIGIDAIRE stove' and refrigerator. |seaUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready| Oshawa Times, 3 pipe lar canal fe SIVAN: be and being 85' wide by 260. Pp [Beth in good condition. Telephone 723- ers are received with full room bungalow on 2 acres Ing 7--Rooms for Rent Member, O: te] 10 -- 576-1250 for tralning, talking strain. Apply P. ide ; ' 2 -! ember, Ont. Mort. Brok. | pen to Broad, 114° Elgin Bast COSMETIC DEMONSTRATORS for) commission on plentiful re- with double garage. Low deep. 28--Room and Board Assoc. 725-0532 or Week- T.V. Rentals J lll ob beauty salons; short complete cosmetic ges 29--Wanted to Rent (REFRIGERATOR, 13 cu. ft. Gibson, In |BROFESSIONAL DOG SERVICE--Clip-|and sales training provided. This is a| peat business, Car necessary. taxes. Asking $18,500. Call 30--Automobiles for Sole |. ends and évenings 728-5623 NEW SETS AGENTS FOR perfect running condition, also 120-bass| hing ai) breeds, les laity. |prestige position with high earnings. In-| N i or- G. V k f a0--Autemobleg fer See, FALCON BICLIARD TABLES [Homer "aceruan' wih 'che. Rew Pe bres, pendence, orig, Pain wih oh eming | No cash investment. Top enDyk_ 623-7437. GUIDE REALT iT AND 2ND mortgages ic We BRUNSWICK HOME sonable. Telephone 720-2664. ...|training. Doberman Pinschers and Ger-|the Genosha Hotel Thursday, Nov. 23, 99M!zation Mie buy, sell and arrange. For personal! FURNITURE nd RUGS -- Oriental des "x 10', 6 x 9, \man Shepherd puppies for sale. Dachurst |from 1 p.m. until 8.00 p.m. only. most successful men are TIMES ACTION LIMITED . aged 3 a Complete line of tables, cues, |4' x 6', new, private. 668-8964 Kennels, 655-3881 i Local M |service, licensed broker, phone 725-1473 f ' , i cennels, 65 a _______._|EXPERIENCED SECRETARY requir thi = Local anager ' FiRST AND USECOND mortgages, sale APPLIANCES chalk, tips "and balls. | PHILCO REFRIGERATOR, in good con-| LUNDILU REG'D KENNELS = Beking- for Part-time work In Whitby jaw otc ready to assist you. Details CLASSIFIED ADS 16 Simcoe Street Sout! 3 . agreements purchased and sold. Hennick 452 SIMCOE SOUTH WARD'S BILLIARDS dition, $150. or best offer. Also 15-gallon|ese, toy poodles, chihuahuas. room-|Shorthand essential! eply stating @ from the Certified Electric rium with pump, filter, etc, Calljing, stud service, ies. Townline |perience education to Box 81796, = ies oe a Neiaals Siena 723-0011 70 King West 728-5381 oe Rosa Norm, "Caneve, "oasis," lBenewe. Tine, Who)" Ont Company, Dundas, Ontario. | BRING RESULTS! 723-5281

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