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Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Nov 1967, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurdey, November 23, 1967 WEATHER FORECAST oes | esto on Bt RALPH COWAN A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Interpretations Of Cloudy And Warmer [star Capital NDP Rejects Special Status) Temporary Taxes With A Few Snowflurries ; Still Flo defeating its own anti-inflation| TORONTO (CP) -- Official;Georgian Bay, Algoma, Timaga- mi regions: Cloudy with a few|Sudbury «.-.e+++.. 20 35 By DAVID DAVIDSON OTTAWA (CP) -- Two or|--Money to pay for medical For Individual Provinces three interpretations may be|¢are insurance, if the federal|program by increasing rates of forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m. i ' OTTAWA (CP) -- A bill t put upon Finance Minister{Program goes ahead July 1. 'almost any other tax. today. pre ind today. hele etd pees gi a 4 3 limit capital punishment for HAMILTON (CP) -- Donald: ; Reunification Sharp's use of the word "'tempo-| The finance minister has hint-| Higher corporation, sales or| Synopsis: Cloudy cooler weath- cloudy wit! ae ite epatiiiee, | Radiesken BIIG oe Fr oo five-year trial period failed { MacDonald, Ontario leader of ye» eamaas : OTTAWA (CP) -- Reptesenta- "8" for the tax increase he|ed that by "temporary"' he'may|excise taxes. would tend to be er with a few snowflurries is ex- Binds ll at today. southerly 15 seme a come to a vote Wednesday de the New Democratic Party, has tives of the Social Credit party|Will announce in detail next/have in mind the approach of|passed on to- cotisumers in-the;pected for most of Ontario opr iB y 32 spite predictions that the sixt rejected as "fatuous" a propos- Seed We: Rullismeat don Pea. eek, jstructural changes in the tax/form of higher prices, econo-|today. Another disturbance will|* "day. Ss 32 day of debate on the measur al that every province in Can- Gites will wast have Saterday The obvious meaning seems system. |bring snow to the north country; Montreal and Ottawa regions: 32 would be the last. mists would argue. A : ; t her , : i i w|Mainly cloudy with a few pe- jto discuss reunification. the least likely. By Mr. Sharp's) FORESEES REFORMS a UP 10 PER CENT er ee _-- ae / ren® or snow today. The Creditiste party was/own account, the government, Although his timetable is tak- Speculation has settled on the, ry, t Hamilton, London,|Friday cloudy with snow begin- formed in 1963 by Quebec mem- needs money now and will ining a battering, Mr. Sharp ex- figure of 10 per cent as the| wr _-- so ss Clair Lake|ning in the afternoon. A little jbers of the Social Credit group|1968 too. It appears improbable|pects to start his tax reforms likely increase. This would|;, : aa'e ts 'nu on We ara cooler. Winds light becoming |following internal party dissen-|that the higher taxes will be) sometime in 1968. mean roughly $10,000,000 in pees o vat] it burke! ate westerly 15 overnight. sion. : ee _ |levied only for a while, then| If he follows the recommenda-|reyenue for the first. three 7 in gs) a a poe any | The Social Credit delegation| wiped out. |tions of the Carter royal com-| months of 1968. Gia , ul tig gu pend ea Forecast Temperatures at Saturday's talks will be led) In fact, the approaching tax|mission on taxation, he would) The government is paying t ro Y ride ipa Fae warm- Low tonight, high Friday by the party's national presi-\changes may be followed in ajbe lifting much of the burden dearly for the money it is bor- ait a par Sears Winds! w; : 30 45 dent, Herbert Brunch, and thelfew months by more. When he|now carried by individuals|rowing in the capital market,|tiont today and southerly 15 Fri. bag ad er ae jCreditiste represenfatives byigaye Canadians a sneak prev-|through personal income taxes.|and will need more to meet its re y y St. Thomas serves. | z Robert Beaule, president of theliew of his intentions Nov. 10,| In this sense, if he increases|estimated 1967-68 requirements|")" London -+++eseeee ada enjoy a special status in a reworked confederation. The proposal has been listed as an option for Canada in background papers prepared for the Confederation of Tomorrow conference in Toronto Novy. 27-30 by the federal-provincial affairs secretariat of the provincial chief economist. Mr. MacDonald said the granting of special status to all province "will only make it A vote looked possible late i ; the sitting but Liberal maveric {Ralph Cowan (York-Humber » refused to give the require ; unanimous consent. - » The debate was adjourne "last Thursday following *.speech by Prime Minister Pea: + son supporting the bill, whic * would eliminate capital punist {ment for murder except in th killing of policemen and priso guards. It resumed Wednesda LOOKING FOR A COMFORTABLE QUIET RENDEZVOUS DOWNTOWN? THEN GO TO. THE Tally-Ho Room Hotel Lancaster 27 KING ST. WEST more difficult to sort out the problems of Confederation." Dow Recruiting SARNIA, Ont. (CP) -- Offi- cials of Dow Chemical Corp. Ltd. said Wednesday they will] [iim continue their recruiting pro-| gram at Canadian universities| a student demon-| . . « Proposal 'Fatuous' In an interview, a company i spokesman said he was fine, ' CBC Service Be pointed that university officials OTTAWA ACF) -- The CB allow the demonstrations to in-|/0@8 served its original purpose terfere with the company's 106 should be transferred to DONALD MacDONALD interviews, private industries "which have H siaidedarhel proven they can do the job as Longshoremen Fired Two Worlds jwell, if not better, and at very; MONTREAL (CP) -- About : little cost to the taxpayers,' MONTREAL (CP) -- Paul-E-|Senator Edgar Fournier said mile Cardinal Leger says there| Wednesday. are "'two worlds" on earth, "'the| The New Brunswick Conser-| world of abundance . . . and the|vative suggested a Senate and world of the underdeveloped na-|Commons special committee be Parliament. : | voiced Wednesday in the Senate -ernment_. bill to make juse also were warned that the party and a former member of LSD Research OTTAWA (CP) -- Concern over the fate of research into uses of the drug LSD was banking committee. Senators considering a gov- LSD glysergic acid diethyla- mide--a controlled drug for use only in clinical and laboratory proposed law is not enforcable. | 1,000 longshoremen in the Port of Montreal were fired Wednes- day after the Shipping Federa- tion of Canada charged them ith "continued low productiv- ity." tions." set up to investigate the CBC, The firings were carried out Mr. Sharp not only promised to announce changes later in the month, but in 1968 as well. The second round will raise--| taxes in this field Nov. 30, they] o¢ $1,600,000,000. would be temporary. | But some observers argue Most observers expect the |that the government may have changes to come in this area be-!in mind a genuine "temporary" tax increase, perhaps in Sudbury, North Bay, northern'Kitchener ...++.-.. 30 40 SINGLE WOMAN SUCCEEDS IN ADOPTING INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (AP) -- Audrey Oliver brushed im- aginary lint from the shirt of her two-piece yellow suit. Her dark eyes scanned the recep- tion room. Her fidgeting ceased when a six-months-old girl entered the room in the arms of a woman. Miss Oliver's arms | BABY GIRL baby. "I'm going to call her Candy." Audrey lives with another single girl. She dates and says she's in no rush to marry. Other states such as Oregon and California have similar programs of allowing single women to adopt children. went out, and she placed the infant on her lap. There were no words--but it was love at sight. Miss Oliver, 29, a financial clerk, Wednesday became the the form of a surcharge that could be refunded when eco- nomic signs are right. Ontario's treasurer, Charles MacNaughton, warned: last week at the federal - provincial finance ministers' meeting that recessionary influences may be hard at work on the economy by jnext spring. If Ottawa imposed a refund- able tax it could give the econ- omy one stimulating nudge as necessary when it stops collec- tions and another when it starts paying the money back. THE OFFICES OF Take it easy. As it happens, we can't. Making whisky that goes down this easy is a difficult job. It means selecting whiskies from our five DONEVAN & FLEISCHMANN The cardinal, speaking at aj' from the cellar to the attic." |by the stevedoring companies} 5 ' press conference iastey to} . |who employ the men through pi ed bioger did ds launch the Year of Faith, said| Appointments the federation. nae aa spol rene Ou people should cease viewing thelsor- Ont., judges have ~been|--Federation--and_union_spokes-| "€aU 0! "ndlanapo's. world as "'one of five continents,|named to the police commis-|Men Said that at least 50 of tee] For Miss Oliver, - who | four races or communism and|sions for four Essex County mu-|Port's 97 work gangs were fired.| beamed with pride as she | capitalism." nicipalities. : |Each gang has 17 men. | straightened the infant's Be dress, it marked the end of a | . . The provincial appointments . . | Devaluation List were made in orders-in-council Hydrofoil, Costly ct didi a | OTTAWA (CP) -- Estimated ; She had tried with three | The governments of the fol-|"eleased Wednesday. i i | lowing countries have ordered| Judge Bruce J. S. MacDonald cost of the navy's anti - subma- adopt ad tet wit oan ae currency devaluations since will serve as a police commis-irine hydrofoil boat has nearly had to be married. She took Britain's decision to devalue the|Sioner in Sandwich West Town-/doubled in three years, Defence i 11 ONTARIO ST. WILL BE DUE TO THE CLOSED FRI., NOV. 24 MR. & MRS. OSHAWA That's easy, too. DEATHS OF DONEVAN pound: ship and the town of Leaming-|Minister Cadieux informed the ree ae ee celereas ie ton. Judge S. L. Clunis was ap-|Commons Wednesday, In a writ-| Te2¥ 2nd after careful screen- go ee pe "~ pointed to the police commis: ten return the minister said the| '8 ng gc Mia edelas | aaa utah elewt 'i sions in the towns of Kingsville|original estimate, made in Au-| '° 240Pt the child. | New Zealand' Shain, Canon Sa and Essex. [gust, ~~ smtagiesse id to] RIGHT TO HAVE HOME ss maica, Barbados, Mauritius a ee is year expenditures) 'The childrens' bureau be- ce nd) «Dr. Murray Fund Ina amounted to $39,600,000. | lieves in the right of every | TORONTO (CP) -- A Toronto| Ee child to have a home of his Heart Attack Kills | {woman is looking for 18 persons| Hippie Haven own," said James J. Mallon, | scans ice to match $500 she and her hus-- NORTH BAY (CP) -- A| executive director of the agen- | What a. hee oF aie Melvin|band will give to Dr. Gordon|haven for hippies is being set up| CY. | emtin The . sf. e forest Murray for support of his re-jhere in the hope it will steer; 'If the only alternative is -vbiortn ry m4 Py rioairg search into the spinal cord. |them clear of narcotics. having no parents in his life- | tied Wednerd ands at forest.) pr. Murray, 73-year-old Toron-| It is the idea of Rick (Scout)| time, then we feel that the ands aaa a, night as 125\to surgeon, believes he has de-|Sanders, 23, of Moncton, N.B.,| child will be better off if he or hi th colleagues honored| vised a surgical techniquejand Jay Keto, 19, of Ottawa,| she can be loved and cared | m on the occasion of his re-|which will successfully rejoin}who with three other youths/ for by a single person." | Reverend RAY HORD Speaking at McLAUGHLIN PUBLIC LIBRARY AUDITORIUM Nov. 30, 7:30 p.m. SEAGRAW'S Hrement, the spinal cord so patients canjhave rented a big house for the| «she's mine," Miss Oliver | _NeaneBince he suffered a heart attack while|limbs. e city. DX -- DX -- DX -- A native of New Brunswick,|regain the use of eae of hippies travelling through| whispered as she held the \ ines ending an address of thanks for) He has said he is seeking| They want to stress the men-! RAISED MONEY a painting presented him by/$10,000 from the Canadian Para-|tal hazards of narcotics and to; Lands and Forest Minister Rene|plegic Association to continue|Promote the idea that "'you can| WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- Stu- BE WISE: ... DX --. DX -- DX a | distilleries across Canada (only Seagram's has five, by the way), Then blending and re-blending them to get 5 Star's easy taste, How can you find out if the taste is worth all the trouble? | 5 Star. Easy whisky. sce with several MPs condemnin the measure and calling on th government to withdraw it. Heath Macquarrie, (PC Queens) said there was no nee for Solicitor-General Pennell t bring the measure before th House because the same Parliz ment had rejected abolition onl 18 months ago. He would nc vote for the measure but might abstain. Robert McCleave (PC--Hal fax) and Donald MacInnis (P' --Cape Breton South) bot spoke against the bill. Mr. McCleave said he woul favor it only when the govern ment started to show concer for the victims of murderers. Mr. Maclinnis accused th government of obstruction b presenting the bill when th Commons should be considerin more important matters, suc as the announced intention Dominion Steel and Coal Cort to close its steel operations ¢ Sydney, N.S. Creditiste Leader Rez Caouette advanced the same ai gument, saying if there were | vote, he would oppose the bill. Treasury Pi Seen In Wal LONDON (AP) -- The Labo government rode out a censur vote Wednesday night on its de valuation of the pound as expec ed, but political commentator continued to predict that Char cellor of the Exchequer Jame Callaghan--the man who take responsibility for the move--wi be moved to another job. Callaghan, a breezy 55-yea old Irishman, for months hz wanted to quit the onerot treasury. post, Amid the hue and cry afte the pound was cut to $2.40 fro: $2.80 U.S., it seemed at fir: that he might succeed Foreis Secretary George Brown. Bt Callaghan's frank, incisive hai Safety Director of McKinnon| Brunelle, his studies. get higher on your own mind|dents at Massey Secondary te Alsage : than on drugs." school raised $1,503 for the ECONOMIZE ! } ASRS <p, ria, : roy Haale. Roan n hi | They said the home they've|United Fund in a week-long \ OS cage See PY ; new respect. Some _ politic HERE TH R jrented will have a coffee house,|campaign that included throw- ! > writers even pointed to him as ani a talking room and mattresses|ing fresh creampuffs at teach- ! } possible successor to Prin |if not beds--"for people goingjers and student leaders, who | ' Minister Wilson. MEASLES VACCINE ACCIDENT PREVENTION through." set a price on their own heads. | Wilson's government easi A great deal of nursing time | YOUR GIFT PROBLEMS ARE OVER: beat back a Conservative ce was spent this month by the Northumberland-Durham Board of Health in preparation for the measles vaccine clinics for beginners in elementary schools. A total of 661 hours was spent in this activity. There were also 1,481 home visits made, and 101 Industries Ltd., of St. Catharines, | J. B. Quinlan, will be the guest | speaker at the Industrial Acci- dent Prevention Assiciation sup- | ervisory dinner to be held Nov. 29 at the Genosha Hotel. Mr.| @ Rectongular Tube @ Uhf-Vhf MOTOROLA COLOR TV | FUEL | Give a Cable TV sure motion in Commons. Th vote, along straight party line was 335 to 258. Only one Labo ite broke ranks and abstained. FRANCE PULLS OUT _ A rush on gold following d valuation was intensified France's decision to pull out | OIL of these were made to give|Quinian is conversant with all} @ Hond Wired Pea BH RR KHK nursing care. A total of 839/Phases of accident prevention, Chassis the international pool pears ours was spent | me visit-/and has spoken many times on the price. This forced the U. oe . @ 1 Yeor Guorantes government to sell gold heavi ing. the subject. on parts and labor to foreign buyers to keep tt price from rising above $35 fine ounce, since a rise wou devalue the dollar. Britain's authoritative bu: ness daily, The Financia Times, attributed the rush gold to belief that other cou | ' tries may devalue their cu i rency. | "Many people," the pap [ said, '"'believe that the curren * adjustment precipitated vy tl sterling devaluation may aot y have run its course and th countries which have decided maintain their parity may y in the next few months deci: to change it. Thus there mu be many who regard gold as i best hedge available at +I time." One of the biggest traders the sterling bloc, the Crown ¢ ony of Hong Kong, broke aw: from Britain's lead and sharp modified its decision to folle the devaluation. It revalued | currency upward by 10 per ce and announced it would ma $ $ $ | ¢ WITH $ $ $ MEAT INSPECTION The Ontario Department of Ag- riculture and food has assumed the responsibility for the inspec- tion of meat and the slaughter-| house facilities in Durham County. @ Solid State at 17 Vite! Points. Phone 668-3341 ¢/ Gift Certificate! CONVENIENT TERMS ARRANGED H | T.R1.0. TELEVISION | PAINT Buy Direct Save up to 50% TONE CRAFT King Park 723-4922 Plaza | LIMITED SPECIAL WEEKLY MESSAGE [! TO MEMBERS BOND & DIVISION PHONE 728-5143 " . to Cable TV installation To Property Owners considering Sale of their pro- perty and who want the best deal they can get! The Real Estate Department of CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST can get you the best deal in the sale of your property -- WHY? 1--Because we are also a mortgage company who can often refinance the sale to get you more cash. ++saes-. month(s) service. | Chambon, | See for yourself... just drive | Waes Cun | our "63 Plymouth f ury! This special certificate is a gift from THIS WEEK'S LOWER PRICES RE: NOVEMBER BULLETIN 114-- 42 302 --- 28 163 --~ 38 208 --- 56 '168 -- 64 a12---- 38 169 -- 54 213-- 38 176 -- 384 a14-- 28 | = at | 2--B h i = -- <= = seit What To Give ! What To Give ! Very often you are stumped on what to give 1966 oa a | ONLY 4% a certain person. Your troubles are over. Give them a beautiful gift certifi- CHRYSLER Ge ee © COMMISSION cate from CABLE TV. All certificates include installation -- only 9.95 -- i a a on town and city homes | ethan have a choice of one month to 12 months service for only a? i Hea 2. sme rodic a ; e 271 --~ 64 -- 69B-- 168 968 PLYMOUTH SPORT FURY 2-Door Fost Top That saves you a lot of money! | , 7 > aan $2188 273---- 64 831-- 76 They will enjoy crystal clear reception on 11 channels. Why not make H RE : 284--~ 4B 868 -- 84 So just think about this when you wish to sell someone real happy this christmas; give them the gift that keeps on giving , : $9999 00 300 -- 98 'se9-- 76 fl Get a 15% your property to YOUR best advantage--then fi -- give them a certificate from CABLE TV ! Call us or come to our office | NOW . 301 -- 9% | ° | B® coll us. 1 today. I | | This item was slveninad taco ] . ! | i . ly in Wednesday's editio PHONE 723-1163 : DISCOUNT | Real Estate De t | ' i H of the Oshawa Times. aoe eee, {| Winning Deal piprgeiitguge il GIVE THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING... | or | ] ' Pl tt ita 7} 9 $500. minimum trade allow- §) ( { | 0 { T { 4 f { Met eating Damnation on the WINNING CAR! gall oud Se ioe en la ni ario rus | OSHAWA ' a Every TUESDAY in NOVEMBER TEL. 723-5221 | / at 8 P.M. OR | Ltd. eden tat ee eee gs 331 PARK RD. S. 'ins es ] 600 King St. E. (east mall) | Phone now 723-5278 | || AUTO SALES LTD. om woe Saree. 0 723-2284 Allen Thompson 728-2870 | | | BOWMANVILLE DIVISION VISITORS WELCOME Harvey Hogan 655-3663 | ; King St. East et Town Limits Ralph Schofield 576-1680 Bowmanville Check phone beck for locations. 623-3305 | ... the Plymouth Win-You-Over Beat Goes On |

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