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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Nov 1967, p. 1

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Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bowman. ville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in Ont- ario and Durham Counties. Weather Report Variable cloudiness and mild- er Sunday, winds light. Low tonight, 32; high tomorrow, ne 45, She Oshawa Zimes VOL. 26--NO. 274 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1967 10¢ Single Copy 35c Per Week Home Delivered " Authorized as Second Class Mall Post Office Department wa and for payment of Postage in Cash NVASION FEARS FADE IN CYP Wilson, PM Talk TWENTY-FOUR e- <i M. NICOSIA (AP) -- Turkish jets|indication of what would be dis- screamed over Cyprus again cussed. today, but fears of an imminent) Canada, backed by Britain LONDON (CP) -- Prime Min- invasion lessened.as peacemak-|and the United States, has been The faces may change but it's always the same at this time of year. Santa. Claus, Kris Kringle, St. Nicholas, whatever you call him, ar- rived at the Oshawa Shop- ping Centre to the delight of hundreds of children. He'll be on call at the cen- tre for nearly a month, lis- tening to the Christmas re- THAT MAN IN THE RED FLANNEL SUIT ARRIVES children. quests of city and district --Oshawa Times Photo Gold Buying Spree ister Pearson started a weekend in the English countryside today, taking along some severe worries but also some hope about the Cyprus crisis. The Canadian leader and Mrs |Pearson were guests today at Dorneywood, official. country home of Foreign Secretary George Brown, and were invited Sunday to Chequers, country home of Prime Minister Wilson. At Dorneywood, Pearson had a meeting scheduled with Com- monwealth Secretary George Thomson. The visits opened the way for Pearson to expand on earlier, talks with Wilson and Thomson} that centred on Cyprus. The Canadian view is that Turkey will not carry out her threat to launch a full-scale in | vasion against Greek forces on| the Mediterranean island, Street, RUDE WELCOME TO CITY LIFE Mrs, Mary Lea of 289 Court Oshawa, Times this morning that all told the SEE U.S. PRESSURE There was expectation the United States could bring strong pressure to bear against such a move, which would pit one member of the North Atlan- tic Treaty Organization against another. The U.S. is the major! coal ORHAN ERALP ... Turkish Ambassador ails, ZENON ROSSIDES «+. Cyprus Ambassador Wildcat Strike Talked, Members of Local 960 of the Canadian Union of Publicjof CUPE j\Employees (CUPE) are."on the|by verge of a wildcat strike," says|January and then 10 cents per »» Public Employees Union $1,000,000 in a year. their respective Members will be deducted $1 locals. in ers worked to head off a clash| pushing a peace plan for Cy between the armies of Greece|that etait eauill wider pid and Turkey. jfor the UN force on the island Cyprus' ambassador to thejand a cut in the numbers of United Nations, Zenon Rossides,'hoth Greek and Turkish forces charged before .the Security|there. The proposal has been Council in New York that the) pushed through diplo matic Turks planned to attack by Sun-|channels since the Cyprus crisis day, This, he said, "is the|pegan i knowledge of all governments."| Manlio Brosio, secretary-gen- _ The new overflights by Turk-jera! of the North. Atlantic ish RF-S4F jets today came/Treaty Organization, headed for shortly after the council voted) Athans and Ankara. after both a aa to ask both Greece|Greere and Tirkey agreed to and Turkey to pull back fromlace 5 nei a "the brink of war" and refrain|atien HUE BOE CHASE Ae NAL raglan likely to aggravate) jose Rolz-Bennett, a special e situation, | UN representative, met with Reserve officers of the 10,000 Greek leadérs after trying to |man Greek-Cypriot national calm officials in Turkey guard were called to duty Fri-| i pis \day night and a Turkish-Cypriot| RUSSIA URGES PEACE radio station charged guards-| Russia urged peace, but a jmen opened fire against Turkish|commentator in the Soviet Com- [sermee but UN peace force | munist party newspaper Pravda headquarters denied the aieee|acoumes "N/TO agents" on Cy- tion. rus of 'artificially whippi Three bomb blasts, called the arlene." * eT "work of Turkish saboteurs' by| Cyprus, about 40 miles off the police, rocked Greek communi-|Turkish coast and 500 miles \ties without causing damage or|from the Greek mainland, has injury. \been a centre of stress between | In Ankara, Turkish Premier|the two countries for centuries. Suleyman Demirel called his|The island's 600,000 inhabitants war policy board, the Nationaljare predominantly Greek Ortho- Security Council, into a morning|dox, but Turkey claims the ter- supplier of arms to NATO. CUPE representative Douglas month per member per month But Pearson, in a brief meet- Lindsay. forever". The new measure ue a Riiday.. dé Mr. Lindsay says the boardjwill affect 116,000 CUPE mem- ing with bide ctaites tr Pe ee iO directors of the McLaughlinjbers across Canada, said Mr. ee Pie Ba nOn. 88 Public Library bed better come|Lindsay. up with a meeting or shut down| Local 960 is asking for '"'a 'There could be ari plage 8 the library." ae substantial increase," the rep- an e con' peace- "itive Agreément expire: ct. 3 " ta a i t Yations forces if sfficials. " "The board's biggest beef is ing by United N and labor officials are waiting\ing recognition clause," said . Caught In Corn- Picker large-scale fighting broke out,/for the library board to agree Mr. Lindsay. "It states that all he added. jto a meeting to begin negotia-|,, : HESPELER, Ont. (CP) --\wrenches trying to free the Pade DY a p ployees are included in the ; > ; gi: hag ot ~ oa oll hee da age ae bargaining unit except the as- ee at aided" Wa eat ake Highton produced a ana the Unit oe ot C rus|meeting after the Bed at is sistant chief librarian and per-iWednesday while a friend cut|jacknife and told my husband PUSHIN 8 PERC eS ar S made ty the unio west "S)sons above that rank. "They off his hand to release him from the only thing that could be that would entail wider Diver Er. J. Clarke, chain f the|2ze. 'tying to reduce the num-|/, corn ptcker, is reported in/done for Donnie would be to cut for the UN force now on the is- a oe armen Of CP lbare fa the union." itptingghags i torltha hand ff? Mes,legiis anid She said that as the banks |land and a cut in the numbers/|library board, said he. did not good condition in South Water-/the hand off, rs. Inglis sa ; ; " In a letter to the labor coun- i i ; d Turkish|wish to make a comment "at! , ro: loo Hospital today. in an interview. rr ins akon i this. time," [cil, the board wrote: "The ap-| Donald, who lives with his fa-| "My husband said he just se as iplicant once having made the/ther on their farm near here,/couldn't do it, so Mr. Highton : ; ame indsay says 2 : } . a ee to get) The comnts peg al ge aeeiiatina say toe -- ott ug Riyet ee was found 45 minutes after hejdid the job while Donnie closed Mrs. Lea estimated the val- St aeesdneetenn Palace Friday|{rom a board request to re-clas-lfor al} 'ine 4 ger es Seog oe gpl while Mtr. Hl hat er the hand ue of her shopping at $30, but |and a night at the theatre. sify 11 of its employees as "'pro| a4, rindsay claims the Ii parvestiig pc col the fale of wan 'sheas ay artiall = et had not reported the incident taved at her|{cssionals". The labor council) ary power as hired " -|Norman Coli itly. George In-land he ony bed to ut rough to police, "How would they |, Mz%, Pearson Havin "Tecov.(%" CUPE denied the request be-lrecsionat negotiator" for con-|glis, 51, the euih'a tither, aqdisome skin and a tented te OF , uld they |otel throughout the day, TeCOV-|.ouse the 11 persons would not|fessional negotiator 'or con- gt Fen you = - an aug sl oh * a i. ion to free know where to look?" s ering from a bout of stomach), nar of the negotiating tract time. e farm manager Gerald High-|the boy who he believed would asked. linfluenza that kept her from the|),.0 said Mr. Lindsay. He says the library's failure |ton tried unsuccessfully to free|have bled to death. -- palace luncheon and the per] iter want to split to agree to a meeting time is the hand while Donald hung up-| Later at the hospital, doctors formance of the Flip Side, stat-| inion." he said, "a show of bad faith" on its|Side down in the machine. made a further amputation four ring Toby Robins, a Toronto ac: phe CUPE _ representative,|part. He said the board has| The men smashed two pipe-linches above the wrist. tress. jwho has just returned from a "failed to uphold its end of the me --| national convention of the CUPE|agreement". ropes Curfew there is a new militaney"|pected to told up ther end?| MEWS HIGHLIGHTS Two Die At Railway Crossing Extended which will be felt first by the|Management has set the tone \library. z for negotiations which can Mr. Lindsay says the con-\lead only to a _ determined |vention voted in favor of a de-|stand on the part of the union, LONDON, Ont. (GP) = wor. perions: diet > at a London railway crossing where the board of transport The nature of his illness was} PENANG (AP) -- The Malay-| commissioners recommended | installation of flashing sig- not known sian government extended its| nals and road improvements six months ago. Carole Anne He will undergo the surgery|curfew for another 24 hours the Columbia Presbyterian| today to keep down Chinese-Ma- her weekend shopping, includ- ing several items of baby food and diapers, was stolen from the rear of her hus- band's car, parked outside a shopping centre last even- ing. She was in the shopping centre with her husband, Al- fred, and the car was left unlocked. 'frs. Lea, who said she arrived only recently in this country from Malta, said she was very disappointed that such a thing could hap- pen here. session today, but there was nojritory as historically its own. Friend Cuts Hand Off Man Approaches Panic LONDON (AP) -- Londonjtrust the present world financial the bulk of European gold busi- gold dealers report buying or-|setup. ness, is about six tons a day, al- ders are arriving in "near| Chalandon said: "'The French|though the exact figures are panic' proportions from alligovernment in no way wishes/kept secret. More than 100 tons over the world, touched off by|the fall of the dollar and neverjof the metal were sold Friday Britain's devaluation of the|wanted the fall of the pound. and record sales also were pod -- i ; "It simply notes that the in-jchalked up in Paris and Zurich. ritis nancial writers castjternational monetary system " French President de Gaulle asjdeficit. France wants as a a . "a ee 4 bag ai the villain whipping on specula-|consequence that diverse coun- oe ee ata eo tors in hopes of ruining the U.S.|tries take measure in time to|°" gold mine issues on the Jo- dollar and making gold the No.|avoid an international monetary|hannesburg stock exchange. 1 international currency. crisis in which all countries, in-|Gold share prices soared in the Neither the U.S. treasury now|cluding France, would be the) norning but declined hat financial experts elsewhere|victims." ang eae. Ne scar aie adil joined in the finger-pointing, in the afternoon. The news of however, in Paris Albin Chalan-|HELPS FLURRY the world gold run weakened ooh influential. Guallist dep- te, did help to spur the|stocks of the New York Stock uty in the National Assembly,|bullion flurry, however, by an-|,..), ge ES : said the gold run was "'not thejnouncing it again would demand|=*change nm slots trading but fault of the French govern-\U.S. gold for its dollar earnings. |!ater prices rallied and actually ment" but could be traced sim-| Normal turnover on the Lon-|Managed a gain over Thursday. ply to private buyers who mis-!don exchange, which handles} The United States defended U.S. Dollar To Stay Firm (esr. During Gold Speculation $13,000,000,000 supply at Fort Knox at the regular rate of $35 an ounce. If the price for gold « WASHINGTON (AP) -- Firmjnancial power to support the confidence in the ability of the|Pound and maintain their own U.S. dollar to ride out the storm|"Urrency values. offi- the Surgery For McLuhan NEW YORK (CP) -- Cana- dian Marshall McLahan, the in- ternationally-known communi- cations theorist, will undergo brain surgery today. saa were forced up, speculators Earlier, administration would realize huge profits, the dollar automatically would be devalued and the structure of international finance itself would tremble. of European gold speculation|cjais avowed full confidence was declared Friday by thejthat American and world gold amazing director of the 107-na- eg hip ae gy to --_, * A e dollar from following the} aaah MOD EUETY, pound into devaluation. | Devaluation Causes Suicide YOKOHAMA, Japan (AP) -- A Japanese bank exécutive 'fence fund which will contain|he said. Lipnicki, 19, and Peter Andrew Lipnicki of Glen Morris, Surgeon Claims Proulx Ont., died when their small commercial van was rammed Presidential Press Secretary Pierre - Paul Schweitzer, in|George Christian told reporters in San Antonio, Tex., that he wants to underscore President Johnson's assurance of last Sat- urday---that Johnson would "reaffirm unequivocally" the U.S. determination to maintain its guaranteed price of $35 an an interview recorded for broadcast by the Voice of Amer- ica, described as a temporary flurry the rush to exchange dol- lars for gold, in the wake of de- ing train today because, his wife said, he felt he had erred by not foreseeing the pound sterling devaluation last week. Police identified the banker as Joshiro Murata, 33, deputy chief of the foreign exchange section jumped into the path of a s -|at pee : speed Medical Centre where he was reported earlier this week to have been admitted Nov. 17 for a routine physical checkup. It was reported today he had entered the centre's neurologi- cal institute. lay clashes that started with protests against devaluation of old sterling-backed currency. Scattered violence broke out anew, however, and police were forced to use tear gas and|R. Drucker, surgeon-in-chief at|mits paraplegic patients to smoke bombs to break up rov-'Toronto General Hospital, said|walk. Then he had his patient, TORONTO (CP)--Dr. Wi night that 'Did Not Have Operation by a Canadian National Railways freight train, North Korea Reports U.S. Gunfire TOKYO. (AP) -- North Korea said U.S. troops fired hundreds: of bullets from heavy weapons today into the North along the western front of the Korean armistice line. The official Korean Central news agency, in a broad- lliamja new spinal operation that per- been on|ing gangs of youths. Friday paralysed|the 24-year-old truck-driver, Demonstrations also broke out|Bernard Proulx did not have his|slide to his feet off a hospital cast monitored here, also said: 'The U.S. imperialist ag- gressor infiltrated scores of armed vessels to the wat- ers of our side, east of Jangiun port on the East Sea, to conduct vicious reconnaissance. i th itish pound. eign eeagl ghagapcsaget ounce to anyone wanting to buy|of the Mitsui Trust Bank and! McLuhan, 56, has He said it will be overcome) oojiq Banting Co itd Ee { ination of the fi- inte anking 'V0. Lid, leave from the University of To- |Bei by the determination To let the price go higher| Police quoted Murata's wife|ronto where he is director of its|in Kuala Lumpur, the Malay-|spinal cord severed and re-/bed and stand erect. would be a devaluation of the|as saying Murata suffered ajCentre for Culture and Technolo-|sian capital, where hundreds of |joined. | Dr. Murray, senior surgeon at dollar and would disrupt money|nervous breakdown after the|gy. Serving a 1967-68 appoint-|Chinese youths marched in) Mr. Proulx, a Quebec truck-|Toronto General, said he had| markets around the world. pound devaluation Nov. 15. ment to the Schweitzer chair in|three parades with banners as-|driver paralysed in a car acci-| oiro-med an operation on' the| Assuring reporters that this| His widow said he had asked|the humanities at Fordham Uni-|sailing the government's deci-|dent four years ago, was shown|P® Dis Dal . L h Thi d S t llit would not occur, Christian said:|her to die with him because he|versity here, he has, since Sep-|sion to follow. Britain's 14.3-per-jto a panel of doctors here Nov.|sPinal cord--hitherto considered) Russia Launches Ir atellite" or ost ANE {We believe that the world sup-|"'had misforecast devaluation of|tember, been teaching a course|cent devaluation. Malaysia's|/14 by Dr. Gordon Murray, 73-\impossible--that had cured aj Aer CRenteret Riissia today. launched its third ply of gold is sufficient in the|the pound which placed his|there and conducting a seminar|new gold-backed currency is not|year-old Toronto surgeon, {hopeless cripple. - | Moscow (Reuters) -- i sia toda: = he TRENTON OO) bank in financial trouble."' on communications. affected. }|--Dr. Murray told the doctors of} Dr. Drucker said in an inter-| unmanned satellite in five days. Cosmos 193 was put info Search and rescue planes from the Canadian Forces base here and from Winnipeg are search- ing bush country 50 miles north of Port Arthur for a plane re- ported missing early today. A search and rescue unit spokesman said the plane, pos- sibly stolen from the Port Ar- thur Flying Club, was plotted on radar for about one hour and 15 minutes before "fading off." He said the Port Arthur con- fied pilot who said his destina- tion was Sioux Lookout, Ont. A weak radio transmission 25 minutes before the radar screens lost the plane said the pilot was going to try an emer- gency landing after running into a snow storm. A Dakota aircraft from Tren- ton and one from Winnipeg began the search today. CONVOCATION SPEECH trol tower talked to the unidenti-} UNITY ONLY HOPE Ouimet Pleads For French Patience SHERBROOKE, Que. (CP) -- Neither separatism nor conti- nentalism can bring about equality for French - Canadians, CBC President Alphonse Ouimet said today. In a convocation speech to the University of Sherbrooke, the retiring -CBC head made a strong plea for French Canada to remain patient, calm, pru- dent'and generous in a steadfast pursuit of equality. "A strong and united Canada is our only hope of equality," he said. Protagonists in the current constitutional debate tend to be much too dogmatic, emotional and impatient, he said. It was time for the majority of Cana- dians of both languages to tear off their blinkers and face up to Aig Canadian problem objective- y. Canada has two main objec- tive. to achieve, he said, and one cannot be obtained without the other: --"The full development of Canada as a whole into a strong, sovereign and indepemd- ent North American country of two cultures. --The full development, with- in a strong Canada, of two peo- ples, one speaking English and the other French,.on a basis of complete cultural, economic and social equality and each en- joying the same individual and collective rights and, qualifica- tions being equal, the same prospects." These dual objectives can be achieved, Mr. Ouimet said, and "separatists and supporters of the status quo who want us to believe the contrary are mis- leading us."' He referred to the recent , statement of Quebec's Premier Johnson that he favors a strong Quebec in a united Canada, and also to progress toward bilin- gualism and biculturalism in Ot- tawa. Some provinces also had shown encouraging signs of a new attitude toward the French language. "But what is far more impor tant, is the striking change in the attitude of thousands of English - speaking Canadians, who are being far more under- standing and generous. than ever before about French - Ca- nadian aims and aspirations." French - Canadians are in- clined to be a little too impa- tient about the time it is taking for English - speaking compa- triots to understand their atti- tudes and needs. "We should remember that we have only just awakened ourselves after years of solitary hibernation." Mr. Ouimet spoke in French but the text of his speech was issued before delivery in both French and English, view Friday night: "On review of the operative record and x-rays, it is evident) that' no operation was _per- formed on Bernard Proulx to shorten the cervical (neck) spine nor was the spinal cord| transected and rejoined." Police Kill Students CALCUTTA (AP) -- Officials said today five students were killed when police fired on mobs tles and burned buses and In- dian government property. The deaths brought to eight the number of persons killed in three days of mob_ violence since the'central government of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi dismissed the Communist-domi- nated United Front government who fought pitched street bat-j|= of West Bengal state. Nov.. 3. | an orbit virtually identical to that of Cosmos 190, launched | ,.In THE TIMES Today .. Ca Industrial Pork--P. 11 Bowmanyille Exercises--P. 5 Crushmen Defeated--P. 8 wWitks "Before we begin the seance, I'd like a vote of confidence!" Ann Landers--12 Ajax News--5 Churches--6, 7 City News--11 Classified --16, 17, 18 Comics--23 Editorial--4 Obituaries--18 Sports--8, 9 Television--20, 23 Theatres--20 Weather--2 Whitby News--5 Women's--12, 1 3

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