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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Nov 1967, p. 5

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ERS TAKEN Y LABOR a quarter of the citizens s way today, as they did e is a remarkable con- y in the thinking on this from union families. In ? per cent of those who to union families said abor leaders do take from outside the coun. Jay that figure is 45 per adults in any way asso. with unions, juestion: you think labor leaders jada take orders from ly outside this coun. 958 TODAY 1% 50% 2 25 7 25 0% 100% - leaders are bosesd d ad. 1967 s Non-Union Families 52% 23 25 100% IN HAMA | Britain sion Plan n owned by a British ind decided to invest{. lilding was occupied by h officer, Chabert de , and he invited Wash- ) spend the evening with 'rance and Britain were yar. They did a good drinking during which incautiously told Wash. bout French plans for Valley, ge Washington helped n get Canada from but years later needed n Francé to defeat Brit- bg independence for NOV. 25 EVENTS: larguerite Bourgeois chool for French and - a at Ville' Marie ir Guy Carleton evacy- | British troops from rk after exodus of mpire Loyalists to Can- ession of Lower Can- ament began that abol- ve Punishment for t. '. L. Mackenzie issueg nation declaring a Pro« Government for Upper ailway service opened Montreal and Lachine. .M.C.A. was organized al Order-in-Council _es- Rocky Mountain Park r John Thompson be me Minister on resig- Sir John Abbott. dward, Prince of »w Duke of Windsor) m Halifax after visit- ja from Augus 1f§, TORY rmans recaptured village near Cam- ut the British re- heir hold on posi- Buurlon Wood; Ger- ces in East Africa into Portuguese ter- he French advanced Verdun, capturing mers. ond World War ¢ y-five years ago to- 1942--United States nade a night bomb- ck on the Hankow Allied bombers attempted Japa- ndings at Buana, ne cruiser and four rs in the week's op- British airmen series of attacks on ping off the Neth- nd Norwegia) 1967 ss. st World War ears ago today--in itish mounted aptured Bittir Sta- other points about ; from Jerusalem; pops repulsed Bul- ittacks along the valley in Macedo- nd World War five years ago to- 942--B ritish ist rees drove Axis 1m Medjez El Bab, y strongpoint 30 ithwest of Tunis; bombers raided controlled oil re- it_ Bangkok, Thai- Russian drive to Nazi troops in the | area continued. ait NS & SELLS ] RS & CO, \NTS Hamilton Calgary e Vancouver 'ica. Great Britain ie World. 728-7527 nel "HENRY" and "Kath- leen," pet hampsters at Kathleen Rowe school in Whitby will spend the week- end as guests at the homes Home Care Provided For School Hamsters WHITBY (Staff) -- Henry and Kathleen will be boarded' out this weekend, but their separ- ate way. The reason is the = of Paul Alles, 9, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Alles, 1120 Green St., and Lorrie Nel- son, 9, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry St. were purchased by Robert Nelson, 1107 The hampsters the grade four class of the WHITBY / AJAX PERSONALS Mrs. Martin Gouldburn, the president of St. John's Anglican Church WA, chaired the reg- ular meeting. Articles for Sat- urday's bazaar were on dis- play. Mrs. Desmond Newman officially opened the event at 2:00 p.m. The following mem- bers attended at tables: aprons and fancy goods, Miss Olive Goldring, Mrs. Ernest Vallant and Mrs. A. Popescu; home- bake table, Mrs. Arthur. Gower, Mrs, Edwin Larsen, Mrs. Ern- est Northam, Mrs. Charles Bot- tomley and Miss Nellie Long- hurst; candy and miscellaneous table, the Girls Auxiliary; the fish pond, the Junior Auxiliary, a miscellaneous table attended by the Parish Helpers. Tea tables, convened by the Ruth Group. Mrs. John McKibbin spoke of her trip to Newfound- land. Tea hostesses were Mrs. Sheldon Watson and Mrs. Ern- est Northam. The next meet- ing will be held Dec. 13. St. Andrew's Couples Club held a social evening at Red| Wing Orchards with members | of. the evening were Dr. and Mrs. Jack Gilmour, Mr. and| Mrs. William Adair, Mr. and| Mrs. Keith Hooper, and and Mrs. David Bush, Lunch was served by the committee in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Brew- ster of Saskatoon, Sask., were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grylls, 1009 McCullough Dr. The leader of St. Mark's United Church Women, Unit 8, chaired a short business 'session when arrangements were made to assist with the United Church Senior citizens luncheon, to be held at the assembly hall Dec. 7, and also for a wedding re- ception Dec. 2, Refreshments were served. | Mrs. Ruth Pickering opened her home to members of Whit- by Women's. Christian Temper- ance Union, presided over by Mrs. Harold Quantrill. Miss Maude Cameron gave the de- votional, Her subject was 'Our Bible' Mrs. Olive Robinson's subject was 'Feeding the hungry world." Ontario Hospital for an even- ing and entertain them with games, the showing of pictures and personal attention. Tea host- esses were Mrs. John Harvie and Mrs. Clarence Freek. Ajax St. Timothy's Presby- terian Women's Guild met at the home of Mrs. Helen Win- ning, where plans were finalized for the Nov. 25 Christmas ba- zaar with the following women attending at tables: Mrs. Jean Foster, homebake table, Pa- tricia Ingram, white elephant, Mrs. P. Patterson, fancy work, Mrs. Lois Mackie and Miss Ann Winning. In charge of tea tab- es, Mrs. Helen Winning and Sadie McDonald. Pickering Beach Firemen's Women euchre winners were Jennie Osborne, Mrs. Anora Bently, Mrs. Ina Karry, Murray Foster, Mrs. Joan Foster, Grant Markle. The draw was won by Ross Rombough. The next eu- chre, Nov. 29. Ajax St. Paul's United Church Couples Club is holding its elec- tion of officers tonight and will also bowl at the Ajax Brock's "y bowling. Mrs, Kenrieth Jones presided at the Ajax St. Paul's United Church Women Kum - Mee - Us group meeting, and announced the Dec. 18 meeting will be in the form of a social with dinner in Oshawa, and after, members are invited to her home, 156 Clements Rd., Ajax. Project for the evening was the making of 25 pounds of chocolate. This is the group's money raising effort and orders are now being taken by Mrs. Clark Mason, at 942-6615, for delivery Dec. 5. From now on, two members will work as a team and will make five pounds of chocolate. OFFERS REWARD BIRMINGHAM, England (AP)--A new store offered $140 reward to any customer who spots a sales clerk failing to give a receipt or handing out goods without receiving money for them. The store manager said the plan was to keep every- body on their toes and possibly foil shoplifters. Kinettes Gue AJAX (Staff) -- Guest speak- er at the Ajax Kinettes dinner meeting was Miss Norma Bruce, principal of Ajax St. Andrews' public school and supervising principal of the Ajax public schools. Jail Guards Face Charges LINDSAY, Ont. (CP) -- Three guards at Victoria County jail sault Friday following an inves tigation by the Ontario depart- ment of reforms institutions into allegations that two prisoners were beaten for refusing to leave their beds at the jail Oct. 24 William Meneely, assistant jail governor, and guards Mau- rice Williams and Bert Lees will appear Monday in Lindsay mag- istrate's court. Laverne Morrison, 17, of Lind- say, and John Ostler, 20, of To- ronto, complained to police Oct. 24 that they were hauled out of their beds and beaten because they refused to leave their beds) in the morning. AMPLE FLOOR SPACE The Toronto-Dominion Tower has close to 1,000,000 vinyl as- bestos tiles, each one foot Supervising Principal were charged with common as-|N great demand for these two pet hamsters of grade four pupils at Kathleen Rowe school. Henry is named after Henry Street High School and Kath- leen is named after Kathleen Rowe school, where they re- side during the week, but to is a note written by the par- ents, and sent to the teacher, saying the visitor will be wel- come. This gives children a chance to learn to care for animals, besides petting them. They make sure of proper feeding, the pets are boarded out each weekend. The requirement for this visit MONDAY, NOV, 27 Co-Op Credit Union banking night; Whitby Baptist Church Explorers; 1st Whitby Scouts; St. John's Anglican Church Ruth WA; St. Andrew's Presbyterian Women group 2; Vimy Ridge LOBA 639; All Saints Anglican Church 3rd Ladies Auxiliary Scouts and Cubs; Whitby Gen- eral Hospital Women's Aux- iliary; Ajax Royal Canadian Legion Pipe Band. TUESDAY, NOV. 28 Pentecostal Church Young People's Christ Ambassadors; Al-Anon Family Group; Whitby Whittlers TOPS Club; Shrinking Violets TOPS Club; Red Cross workroom; St. Mark's United Church Women unit 4; Pente- costal Church Women's Mission- ary Council; Ajax Ladies Pipe Band; 1st Pickering Cub Pack; Pickering Pound Peelers TOPS Club. Congregation Given Outline AJAX (Staff) -- Ajax St. Tim- othy's Presbyterian Church held Herron saying grace. Following a buffet Rev. Herron need of 1968," as compiled by a vision committee. supper, spoke on school but must be boarded out each weekend so they can be properly fed. were visited by nine teams of visitors, 1968. The national fund campaign --Oshawa Tjmes Photo was the ministry, tion etc. the buffet dinner. st Speaker She was introduced by Kinette Mary Outram. Miss Bruce spoke on "Modern Day Educa- tion" and explained mostly what teachers are doing today in the educational field, as compared |with methods used in the early years of teaching. Kinette Jess McFadden pre- sented the speaker with a gift in appreciation. Kinette Doreen Quin reported the annual Hallowe'en sale of candy had once more proved }successful, The president, Kinette Jean Noland, gave a report on the president's council held in West Hill, where she attended as a delegate. Kinette Barbara Wal- lis also attended. The annual Kinettes Christmas party will be held Dec. 9 at the Pickering Beach recreation hall with Kinsmen and family mem- bers invited to attend. Kinettes Betty Gilchrist, Doreen Hollo- way and Barbara Wallis are in charge of the evening. Next general meeting, Dec. 19, will be in the form of a Christ- mas party$ with exchange of gifts, and will be held -at the home of Kinette Jean Noland, 83 Emperor St., Ajax. Burton MacDonald Frank Ellison. a community of quiet elegance locate? in eshawa's northern residential Grea. Simcoe end Taunton If you are looking for a lot to buy .. . visit cedar ridge -- use a bullder of your choice, for information. phone 723-1194 OSHAWA WHITBY - AJAX CALENDAR were purchased with funds from the Home and School Associa- tion and selected by grade four students. The hamsters in their week- end travelling have caused some concern to other pets in homes. Dogs especially are not fond of having to take second place when the newcomer arrives. The children said cats, if they WEDNESDAY, NOV. 29 Whitby St. John Ambulance; St. John Nursing Cadets; Salva- tion Army Prayer and Bible Study; Ajax Senior Citizens Friendship Club; Ajax St. Paul's United Church OGIT. are young, would like to play THURSDAY, NOV. 30 jwith the h t i Whitby , Baptist Church Cubs; l completely con Guan -- Salvation Army Women's Home| Teft behind at the school are eee: a aeraper Betting toe and caterpillars. A snake : ng| res i < aedlds fore Ce |was given its liberty to hiber. jnate. FRIDAY, DEC. 1 | eo Red Cross Senior Citizens'| HIRE POLICEMEN Club; Co-Op Credit Union bank SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- ing night; Salvation Army Tim-|Bank of America has been hir- bral Brigade. ing of-duty policemen as part- time tellers. The bank says it THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, November 25, 1967 5 Municipal Board Approves Proposed Land Rezoning TORONTO (Special) -- The, The owner of the parcel had Ontario Municipal Board will|started to build. a house on approve Reach township's pro-|the northerly portion for display posal to rezone a parcel of|purposes. He expected to carry land fronting on Highway 12\on business not from the house a short distance south of the|but from one of the prefabs. intersection of Highway 7A,| The OMB decided that "a when the township passes an|Commercial development on the jsoutherly portion of the lands amending bylaw to reduce should be approved ... but not the area to be rezoned, |that portion upon which the The amendment will meanvresidence is to be situated limiting the parcel, now withiand any lands to the north a frontage of 472 feet on High-| thereof." way 12, so that the property to/ It went on: "If the property be rezoned "is only that por-jis to be fully utilized as re- tion south of a line 15 feet| quested more comprehen- southerly from the building|sive evidence based upon plan- now under construction on the ning principles should be pre property." sented to the Board. If the Some time ago the land was'property is to be utilized as used for a service station, which|stated by the- owner thereof a burned down and was not re-;commercial designation of the built. To the south are three/northerly portion is unneces- properties zoned and used for sary." commercial purposes. To the! It then stated it would ap north at the intersection is ajprove an amending bylaw re- house built about 15 years ago.|zoning only the southerly por- The house owner objected to'tion for commercial "iy pag of the township's rezoning. plan.iresidential use. saves money and embarrasses! would-be criminals.. Of seven holdup and cheque-passing at-! jtempts, six on-the-spot arrests j|have been made, all by the tell er-policemen, the bank re ported. SATURDAY, DEC. 2 Salvation Army People's Band. Young |SUNDAY, DEC. 3 St. Mark's United Church HP MS Aree Ane TE WES CO Ths | ne ce es tennial Voyageurs. Mouthwash Bandit] PLAN NOW! | r eg om Gets Three Years IB re*"." hs en its congregational dinner at the| who robbed a Lakefield bank| church hall, with Rev. Ernest)June 2 by threatening to blow} "Thejsentenced Friday to three years the congregation forjin penitentiary. Members of the congregation |of armed robbery. who explained what} their church is trying to do in! development) miles outlined | cent. and will be utilized for exten-\oyoh branch of the same bank. sive church work, students for| ---- A christian educa- More than 50 people attended | In charge) were Mrs. Ernest Herron, Mrs. | and Mrs.| dinner, « banquet er ¢ PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- A Christmas Party |52-year-old Colborne, Ont,, man VE GVORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL Is walting to show you thelr unequalled service and dining facilities, MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY for the holiday season at Oshawa's fin- est hotel. RESERVATIONS TAK- EN NOW. jup the staff with a fluid later] |found to be a mouthwash, was| Lloyd Thomas Meath pleaded guilty last week to two charges) GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL 723-4693 Meath was charged with the June 2 robbery of a branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank_of| Commerce at Lakefiel# 10/ north of here and the} 26 robbery of a Peterbor-| TOWN OF WHITBY Statement of a question to be submitted to the electors at the annual elections to be held on Dec- ember 9th, 1967. "ARE YOU IN FAVOUR OF MOVING PICTURES, THEATRICAL PERFORMANCES, CONCERTS AND LECTURES ON THE LORD'S DAY TO BE REGULATED BY MUNICIPAL BY-LAW UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE LORD'S DAY (Ontario) ACT, 1960-61". TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is a correct state- ment of the question to be submitted to the vote of the electors of the Town of Whitby pursuant to By-law No. 2832 passed on the 10th day of Oc- tober, 1967. The day for taking the vote of the electors upon the said question, the places where the votes are to be taken and the Deputy Returning Officers shall be the same for the election for the Municipal Council and the Returning Officer appointed to hold the said election shall take the vote. AND NOTICE is further given that Friday the Ist | day of December 1967 at the hour of 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon at the Municipal Building, 405 Dundas Street West in the Town of Whitby, has been fixed as the time and place for the appoint- ment of pérsons to attend the polling places and at the final summing up of votes by the Clerk. On Monday, the 11th day of December, 1967 at the if hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon at the Muni- lf cipal Building, the Town Clerk shall attend and sum up the votes for and against the said question. DATED at the Town of Whitby, this 9th day of LIMOUSINE SERVICE TO and FROM Toronto square. Created To | /@R\ Individual AES. Requirements | STAFFORD BROS. | LTD. MONUMENTS 668-3552 318 DUNDAS EAST Mrs. J. E. Whitehurst relat- ed her trip to England and Miss| Irene Lockie showed colored pictures of Expo. The hostess served refreshments assisted by Mrs. Harold Crawforth and Miss Maude Cameron. The next meeting will be held Dec. 19, "A Bridge Evening" project was discussed at the House of Windsor Chapter IODE meeting held at the home of Mrs. John Wall, Fairview Drive, and chair- ed by the regent, Mrs. Clar- ence Freek. Four members vol- unteered to visit patients at the FREE 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE By Our Local Service Contractors SAWDON"S FUELS FURNACE OIL -- STOVE OIL AND COAL 668-3524 | | 244 Brock St. S., Whitby THE WHITBY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Invite you to attend | DIDATES NIGHT" to be held in each WARD at the following dates and locations. MAKE PLANS NOW TO ATTEND NORTH WARD Meeting to be held in the BROOKLIN COM- | MUNITY CENTRE ot 8:00 P.M. on NOVEM- | BER 28. Chamber Of Commerce members will | chair meeting. | EAST WARD PUBLIC SCHOOL at 7:30 P.M, on NOVEMBER 30. The Ratepayers Association Of Garrard Rd. ond Blair Park will chair.the meeting. WEST and CENTRE meeting. | Meeting to be held at the ROBERT THORNTON | WARDS Meeting in HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL on DECEMBER 5, ot 8:00 P.M. Chamber Of Commerce members will chair A QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD TO FOLLOW SPEAKERS International Airport For further information Contact your nearest - Travel Agency or Burley Bus Lines NOTICE! Pel Cleaning Centre wish to annourice that the Frigidaire Coin Laundry at the Blair Park Plaza will be... CLOSED ON SUNDAYS ONLY From 12 P.M. (Sat. night) till 6 A.M. on Mondays -- Till further notice FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PH. 668-4671 Pel Cleaning Centre Diaper Service November, 1967. JOHN R. FROST, Clerk, Town of Whitby NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY Statement of a question to be submitted to the electors at the elections to be held on December 9th, 1967. "ARE YOU IN FAVOR OF PUBLIC GAMES AND SPORTS FOR GAIN AFTER 1:30 O'CLOCK ON THE LORD'S DAY TO BE REGULATED BY MUN- ICIPAL BY-LAW UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF f THE LORD'S DAY (ONTARIO) ACT." TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is a correct statement of the question to be submitted to the ff! vote of the electors of the Township of Whitby pursuant to By-law No, 2144 passed on the 30th Township Of Whitby NOTICE Statement of a question to be submitted to the electors at the annual elections to be held on December 9th, 1967. ARE YOU IN FAVOUR OF MOVING PICTURES, THEATRICAL PERFORMANCES, CONCERTS AND LECTURES ON THE LORD'S DAY TO BE-REGU- LATED BY MUNICIPAL BY-LAW UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE LORD'S DAY (Ontario) ACT, 1960-61. TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is a correct state- ment of the question to be submitted to the vote of the electors of the Township of Whitby pursuant to By-law No, 2142 passed on the 16th day of Octo- ber, 1967. The day for taking the vote of the electors upon the said question, the places where the votes are to be taken and the Deputy Returning Officers shall be the same for the election for the Muni- cipal Council and the Returning Officer appointed to hold the said election shall take the vote. AND NOTICE is 'further given that Friday the Ist day of December, 1967 ot the hour of 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon at the Municipal Building, Brooklin, Ontario In the Township of Whitby, has been fixed as the time and place for the appointment of persons to attend the polling places and at the final summing up of votes by the Clerk. On Monday, the 11th day of December, 1967 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon at the Municipal Building, the Township Clerk shall attend and sum up the votes for and against the said question. DATED at the Township of Whitby this 9th day of November, 1967. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Clerk, Township of Whitby. Monday, November 27th HARWOOD CLEANERS 333 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA Men's & Ladies' SUITS Men's & Ladies' SLACKS 49° PLAIN SKIRTS 49° Dresses 89° day of October, 1967. A | The day for taking the vote of the electors upon the said question, the places where the votes are to be taken and the Deputy Returning Officers shall be the same for the election for the Municipal Council and the Returning Officer appoint- ed to hold the said election shall take the vote AND NOTICE is further given that Thursday the 30th day 'of NOVEMBER, 1967 at the hour of 2:00 o'clock in the forenoon at the Municipal Building, Brooklin, Ontario in the Township of Whitby, has been fixed as the time and place for the appointment of persons to attend the polling places and at the final summing up of vates by the Clerk. On Monday, the 11th Day of December, 1967, ot the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon ot the Municipal Building, the Township Clerk 'shall attend and sum up the votes for ! and against the said question. ea at the Township of Whitby the 9th doy of November, Wm, H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Clerk, Township of Whitby. 2 WHITE SHIRTS ONLY 39° Values Effective Dec. 9th § COMPLETE LAUNDRY SERVICE AT HARWOOD CLEANERS Launderers and Shirt Service 333 Simcoe St.South, Oshawa WATCH FOR WEEKLY SPECIALS

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