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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Nov 1967, p. 6

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t ' & THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Movember 25, 1967 BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE 16 - Year-Old Sentenced; 95 Canadians Invested NEWS FROM TH : « In New Order Of Canada Anniver: OTTAWA (CP) -- With cabi- we Desig ict Map At West t ministers and their own ; friends watching on, 35 Cana-|~ 1, M. Burns, Canada's dis- dians Friday were invested as) ont negotiator at Ge- Westminster United Church e a in the Order of Can- ; will celebrate its ninth anniver- Guilty On Five Charges a. ct Sec" sea su eat, Br Met Bras Fi 5 -| Louis 2 . thairman of the Oshawa Pres- Another 85 received the Cr Lennan a : meee a ; i. ; der's Medal of Service in an in- Bogs wan Acie nes sy sytery will be the guest speaker A 16-year-old Nassau °Streetjed by his --_-- rad om tion for break and enter with vestiture presided over by ed a fn a Mais pre oo tnd will launch another year of neiv 18-month sus-\change his address without the|intent. aE ichener in the) Ww! r ' "pon Christian growth and fellowshi bin Bs en Berar probation permission of his probation of-| Magistrate Dodds remanded] gener - (enate eat Hall, theleral Vanier, and Dr. Gordon at Westninerer. ee. when he pleaded guilty to five|ficer, and see his probation of- Sawyer in custody for one week| Governor' - General's official|Murray, pioneer in a new oper- The first services were held charges of break, enter, and ficer twice a month for the first/until there is room for him at| resident. ating technique that promises im Dr. Robert Thornton school, theft three months, and once a month/the House of Concord. He will Medals of the order rank next hope for the world s ae, then at the old Thornton's Cor. Milan Stanley Nabakow, 82for the other pa ggrwag pel ao wy 30 days at the only to the Victoria vines one Those _ seg e ~ : ners school until the opening of hs dmitted breaking) If Nabakow fails to observe|House of Concord and be re-| * ross as symbols of|service included former Mont- the present building April ce ae = cadens between these terms of probation, he can|turned before the Magistrate| ; Seies tcentey and humani-|real hockey great Maurice 1960. ae Oct. 22 and Nov. 10. Qne of the|be brought back and sentenc-|with a report on his progress. | ty. (Rocket) Richard, Eskimo carv- In 1963, Rev. John Porter was Mr. Michener, Chancellor ofjer Kenojuak of Cape Dorset, talled to be the first full time thefts was a coin collection .val-led at any time over the next, The magistrate told the youth) jof 123 Elgin St. wW., "your | the Order, said all 90 honored|N.W.T., diplomat Chester Ron- Friday "have served their coun-|ning and L. H. Nicholson, for- their fellows with singu-|mer RCMP commissioner. he bg i Ae aidiment and they| Creation of 'he Order was an- xpropria 10F deserve a full measure of recog-|nounced in April by Prime Min- nition from Canada and its peo-jister Pearson. le." : ) 'Among those invested as com- Sought By Li ued at $400 by its owner, Na-/18 months, : w, a student, committed REMANDED jfuture at this point is very| the offences with the help of a ee aes high school stu-;™uUch in your own hands." -- | juvenile while the two of them dents charged in connection] FINED $100 played "hokey" from school./with marijuana made a brief} 4 fine of $100 and costs or| Nabakow was arrested aS @ T&/annearance in Oshawa Magis-i99 days was levied against new- sult of an investigation by Det-iirate's Court Friday to have|lywed Josephine M. Hartli ' : ' ' ity| \3 . ing, : ; Sgt. Kenneth Young of the city|heir trial date remanded tol; of 197 Cab : ee F : r i a Pate Donia Dos si) Ae vane, 8, slew ee ly tthe helo _-- -- i panon etme rae' Canaan | ZION Chistian Magistrate one chain fo have Michael fete! ae 8 serie sweater, valued at $5.99, from} 44, Roland ' Michener © Governor-General Michener right) during ceremonies at were invested as Compan- jcent Massey, UES' ~ TORONTO (CP) -- The Ontar-; As ecg emarkable adie aul traffick-|snopning gipilling the Oshawa (picture at left) embraces extends congratulations to Ottawa Friday where Mme. ions in the Oe) wie | EMORIAL Reformed Church . Law ae Commission tas : ssi s s % oe ; ; » (ni Jani SS "i 7 | tude ... that the Rds age ing in gyi on enk aa A fine of $300 and costs or Mme. Georges Vanier, while Vincent Massey (picture at Vanier and Mr. Massey ee photo | CHRIST M 4 Ns ; ecuse em a a al a Gresh, 17, is charged with POS'/60 days vas levied against Roy is- HUR 409 Adelaide Ave. E. based on the market value of! : j b vos when the resolution was dis: C H me 0 | seized property plus an } Minister your tastes." : session of narcotics. The/Milton Bandy, 21 of RR. 6.| Frid: Canada got The stiff probation imposed) outne were arrested and charg-/Bowmanville when he pleaded| : th F h cussed Friday. Can iknalicen) ainbnay saveriee Vda, t- en | yout | ; booe: independence Th ; Ld Me jibe a 10:30 t. 14 ue ec, er renc eal a see . | Mery ond Hillcroft Streets Rey. D. N. Hobermehl, M.Th., tributed to the expropriation." on Nabakow includes ed on the weekend of Oc guilty to his. second impaired The, proposal was made in a} p.m. probation for the next a. Defence counsel Terence Kelly driving offence | ranch :apenlih Canadians oe Snynhannend ee indicated . porrag baa Bandy's licence was also sus- e e e Phebe re OF objected to = 130-page report released Friday! anne eiod of ie "that leaves naa shee Dee. 8 pended by the Magistrate for S lit On Sel Determination |the resolution on self-determina- SERVICES } 10:00 A.M. by Attorney - General Arthur} ha ee gs, Ai aN gl ati) je ee mba PERG p ition during the discussion pe- MORNING WORSHIP Wishart, who said his depart-| *CNabakow must also make res- ONE WEEK |DISORDERLY ited, 8:00 A.M. Nursery Care Provided ment is studying the effects the! Nabakow sat ine. loki infcur Kevin Sawyer, 16, of 123 El-| Vincent Gornen 34, of RR By DAVE BAZAY slim margin against a resolu-)sive majority from resulting in} | : AM commission's recommendations! Jet tata Se ak ids "not as- gin St. W., appeared for sen- 6 Baamanviix, 04 "admitted MONTREAL (CP) -- French-|tion on self-determination de-/oxpression of an official view of HY ROAD 11:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. would have an expropriating au- feciate with anyone not approv-ltencing on a previous convic-/*1_ 4. NmAnNle: f'sim.(sPeaking Quebecers at the Es-|scribed by organizers of the ine sstates General of French| MARMO 7:00 P.M EVENING SERVICE thorities. thc lk iinet EE aera bl ; Kii $4 corner of Sim-'tates General of French Canada| meeting as "'a declaration of ex-|, | BAPTIST CHURCH : M. tha Sacwisilon: wider lew. eueoe coe Ane King Streets Thursday voted massively Friday in favor|istence for the French-Canada| Canada. : Aosth Ministry Cy, Rat. Chunk So a: Allad Leal! secon: night shouting obscenities at of "the right to self-determina-|nation." Rules require that a resolu-) Harmony Road $, et Taylor Ave. ||] Nursery Care at 11 a.m, Service (CRAB): Back Yo God HOOF taack yer Poa ge agate gage Na | Lamonta ne ys ressure city police officers, He pleaded) ii, of the French-Canadian na-| The resolution says Quebec is|tion gain at least a two-thirds|} Baptist Convention of Ont. & Que a te aa ear alt ae oe adh Ned guilty to a charge of disorderly |): 5,» |*national territory" of 'la na-|majority among each of the|! Rey. E, K, Smith, B.A., B.th. || Wednesdoy, 10:00 a.m. Churches (every other Sunday et hel d might be expected tol a jconduct and was fined $50 and But a crucial vote on self-de-jtion Canadienne-francaise,"|Quebec, Ontario, Maritimes and) | Holy Communion || 11:00 @.m.), t tive Gi pi on the sai mar-| B Phone Calls eid or 10 days. termination at the privately-or-|which 'thas the right to self-de-|Western delegations to consti-|| 9:45 A.M.--Church School || ! Hn; ee eilieg sollat 4h Seat pp ié y CONVICTION ganized forum for constitutional|termination and to choose freely|tute an expression of opinion of 11:00 yare Te ESUS TALKED nee fae over" | | The evidence of. city police;Change indicated that "la nation|the political system under which)"the entire nation. ; "ABOUT IT" SERVICES & yer. : ' , ee 0 Iimond Denis that he became so)" Basak p | w pe Tar oops Pri is 46 live.! | More than 35 per-cent of non- : ; It proposed that in cases); OTTAWA (CP) M ntreal) ae f' etting Officers that Stanley Domogala, |Canadienne francaise is Sp ityit inten 0 ive, | + ' aba | Nursery care provided ; lawyer Pierre Lamontagne tes-|"'apprehensive" a ter : the/44, of 350 Frontenac Ave., was|into Quebec and non-Quebec| Ninety-eight per cent of the|Quebec delegates voted against! 7.99 pM. DR. MARION | NITE 9:45 A.M. where the land is devoted to a) tified Friday two executive as-jthe calls he reported " ~ed impaired and a_ breathalizer factions. Quebecers voted for the resolu-|the resolution, with opposition) BATES, Chairman Women's SUNDAY SCHOOL purpose such that there is noj; sistants and the prime minis-/RCMP that Denis had 0 onth| test which indicated he had the|, French-speaking. Canadians|tion but Estates General voting highest at 52 per cent in On-|| necartment, Baptist World | eneral demand or market for! ter's MP-parliamentary assist-/him $20,000 more than a mon equivalent of six beers in his {fom other provinces voted by alregulations prevent this mas- tario. Thus only the Estates}! Ajjionce, | 11:00 A.M. £ fori ant made phone calls three|previously in the Rivard case. |system at the time of the test, re rem e - |General of Quebec favors the!) 4 welcome ewaits you at Harmony ENTECOSTAL MORNING WORSHIP it, compensation be paid "on|, years ago "pressuring" him to Denis, former executive aT lvesalted in a conviction of fet : eo a resolution. | | sha Gadis Of the venionable cont agree to bail for narcotics|sistant to the ee eT eripaited driving for Domogala.| Union Withdraws Pickets om ae ge | 7:30 P.M. P a mala: cctacitomeat ttl smuggler Lucien hivard. pins! age plore justice|He was fined $200 and costs or \ireaned teelk da hook and beach KNOX HURCH EVANGELISTIC 4 but added a rider: | _He said at si oe) ot eying to dissuade Mr. Fath te sible fof Transport | =aetsaaseammnaeinmennean || PRESBYTERIAN | Wednesdoy ae Bible Study end "Such compensation should be 1onta bing. bal er rere siecle i rayer -- 8 p.m. hen the owner has a| B d for Rivard idealneictaike [SOspenmon pease He offence | In Face Of Hydro Threat WHITBY sariceg: S003 44 Beers arom Gig) | ave eet Friday Youth Service -- © pm. omthrid intention to relocate." | am War At the time, Mr. Lamontagne involved a motor accident. BAPTIST Mintstee hay. fats lal I] Rev, B. J, Church--Pastor | For Transportation Call 723-6325 1» pAmAeee | Jwas lawyer for the United MINOR CONSUMPTION | COURTRIGHT, Ont. (CP) -- tradesmen. The work, which in Music Director --\ FRIENDLY CHURCH. THAT. WELCOMES YOU RECOMMEN' ao c09 Gi |States government in legal steps! cianiey Rejzak, 17, of 382 Osh-|A nine-day strike halt of the|volved the running of steam and} GILRERT ST. E. at REYNOLDS os -------- A FRIEN A section of the report dealing ecision Wiven in Montreal to extradite Rivard)... niva. s\ pleaded guilty tole 000 0 io Hydro|0il lines and the setting up of MINOT Ree cram ereeer 9:45 A.M. Church School with damages for disturbance ltrom Canada for trial in the! hig e of caine consum "/ $220,000, Mies Dake. y "Ollarge heaters for winter con- Mrs. W. E. Suna: A.T.C.M. 11:00 A.M.--Public Worship }. proposes that compensation be LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- The|tinited States. ton. ng alcohol at the Polish Lambton generating station pro-|ctruction conditions, was de- ee "The Extravagance of God" ' paid for all disturbance dam- Upper Thames River Conserva-| 1. pic testimony Friday Mr. National Union Hall on Nov.|ject ended Friday night in the/scribed as essential by Hydro. 11:00. AME Morine 7Wermip 7:00 P.Mi<-Piepaiatony ages provided the damage in- tion Authority must pay $130,048| 7. ontagne did not name the\t) He was fined $50 and costs\face_ of a possible long-term) The union said that in : pe curred is not too remote and is|l. to the Montreal firm which built} ree telephone callers. lees ota " " ~~ |shutdown of the huge undertak-jagreeing to remove its picket} 7:00 P-M.-Evening Worship "Live As A Chetstian" the "natural and reasonable|- the $2,500,000 Wildwood dam,) "The accused was not one of] His brother Josenh. 98: of theling lines in September, it had done | 9:45 A.M--Bible Schoo! Classes Racantion of New Maiber. ee ACTS 2:38 consequence of the expropria- according to an arbitration). Mr. Lamontagne testi- ' 7 Adveas." Aah busin More than 250 plumbers and/so on the stipulation neither Tor oll, Come And Worship With Us tion." board decision announced Fri-| fied 4 eee : { ia ashe old . iyi{Pipefitters stopped picketing|Hydro or other trade groups do Wed. 7:30 P.M. "AND BE BAPTISED" Specifically, the commission 5 on \ASKED FOR EXPLANATION |2: the same hall. He was fined and thus cleared the way fer alany work done by plumbers and Ds Dy se ae proposed giving all dislocated raser-Brace Engineering Co. |" ; 4 sur- : jreturn to work by about 650\pipefitters until their strike was Excellent nursery facilities. ers a percentage al- Lad. clalened (483,254 plus costs), Eht Sentee nen Crown Atlee ane gcats, cr 18 the charge oer tradesmen who had notlover against Hydro, | as © THE PASTOR SPEAKS ON ONE OF THE ee chat bee oar ea = ofan Sverved sag torney John Cassels asked him|or supplying liquor to a minor. ieee igo aga lines for the| ARE YOU GREAT REGULATORS market value. The only time dam project. ee Te te taltno GONTT Willlana: 'Robb; husineas Acent PERPLEXED ? @ A MESSAGE OF INSTRUCTION pr Counter Sward of $52,570 to Eras. 4: Lamon-| Two other youths pleadedjfor Local 663 of the United Asso PPAR RE NIZED CHURCH 10 A.M.--CHRISTIAN EDUCATION HOUR -~-with @ class for every age | 11:00 A.M. | "GOD'S FORMULA - FOR SUCCESS" the authority was allowed. The] RCMP a ere Mz. f Tandelguilty to charges of minor con-|ciation of Journeymen: and Ap REGARDING RELIGION AND OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS (Werld Headquerters, Independence, Missourl) authority had claimed $147,246. gee ag Bw 14 1964. sumption of alcohol and were|prentices of the Plumbing ar. | A three-man arbitration board| te of phone|fined $50 and cost or 10 days|Pipefitting Industry, said the began s series 2 core - calls Foes ae Get in au-jeach. They were Kenneth Nor-|decision to stop picketing was Geer ke id the orieinal thority unquote in government}man Rohrer, 20, of R.R. 1,/prompted by ee WORLD AFFAIF claims for additional compensa-|asking me and pressuring me to/Burketon, and Raymond J.|threat to close down the stl soe tion on 20 separate contract\give bail to Rivard," Mr. La-|Welsby, 19, of 544 Birchmount/project. He described the threat "Ch . items | montagne said. Rd., Scarborough. Pe r"~ oh ape Bo me ristendom The board further requires| Asked for their positions, he SAME CHARGE ects' would: have bb oh! the authority to release $98,324|said "two executive assistants| There were three other pleas|tradesmen working on the pro- | HAVE YOU HEARD OF | Astray" in hold-back funds which the au-|and there was an MP, parlia-| i+ guilty to charges of public ject, ORANGE TEMPLE SIMCOE & BRUCE, OSHAWA thority retained against the con-|mentary assistant to the prime iataxioatibn The plumbers and pipefitters 3 a By Robert Roberts, might | tract pending the handing down' minister. h int where 1|,, Robert A. Smullen, 23, of 221/union--which has been on strike | B AHA U LLA | ? | well solve your prob lara SUNDAY SERVICES | of the award. I got a a ee baat ab fie Gibb St., was fined $25 and|since May 1 but had not had This enlightening 462 page | The original cost of the large| was ied alla th by sige dis-|Costs or five days; Similar fines/pickets at the site since Septem- | book may be borrowed at SUN., DEC. 2, 7:00 P.M, Ihe dam, opened earlier this year |wucle avis nth st Nase eves were levied against. Mary Ste-|ber--began picketing again last! the Public Library or pur- GREAT WATER 10:00 A.M. -- [ 7 poem AAP SORE REL St: Be pusion ey : shy ts 'a "'Mr,|Phenson, 119% Nonquon Rd., and week disputing a decision by chased at cost from "The CHURCH SCHOOL | Marys, was estimated at $1,-/Tony Geoffrion 1s r. wifi, | Howard Geary, 35, of 313 Carle-|Hydro to carry out certain work Dawn" Book Supply, Mid- BAPTISMAL SERVICE for ehildren end edults | 500,080. The contractor's bid!Chasse," who was the U.S OM ton Court. inormally done by the union fond Beak Batting, 47-49 BYNG AV was $1,159.636 for construction.|cer in charge of the Rivard) se sensi ------------ | oye Lene, London, S.£, 15, © 11:00 A.M. -- | ingland, MORNING WORSHIP H Much of the remainder went forjcase. Both men "told me I had land purchases by the authority.ito go to the RCMP."' snr ne oom In Person sees ST. ANDREW"S ST. MARK'S . . PRESBYTERIAN UNITED Sam & Viv Learning ikon te weit PENTECOSTAL CHURCH page write Box 121, Osh- Rev. FRED C. SPRING soaliuaiians | 83 BYNG AVE. WEST OF SIMCOE ST.N. Wesleyan Methodist A hundred years ago, a Prisoner in @ Turkish fortress In the Holy lend announced @ new Revelation of God, His name wes Bahé'v'lléh, Corner Pyren at St. John CH URCH His "Letters to the Kings" are, without doubt, the most remarkable Rev. W. J. S. McClure, B.A. Pontes and Colbome documents in religious history, Mr. JL R Robertson, ' re Several million people have now responded to His call, Local i AR.C.T., R M.T., Organist st reels; Whitby of oll faiths hove just received an offer of Bohd'u'lléh's aac We Ki St t P t t | Ch h Church 9:45 AM.--Church School Civic Service urge you to Investigate it either through your clergyman or by writing: ing ree en ecos a ure aleaalb elle a : ral . Mini: Rev, Walter J: 1] ; are . . nia Baha'is of Oshawa 611 KING $T. W. One block West ef Oshawa Shopping Centre 305 Rossland Road East , SUITE 202, WES a " Town end Township Councils OSHAWA, ONTARIO NS oN Phones: Chureh 728-5371 REV. $. D. FELTMATE --. Pastor Parsonage 728-6662 9:45 AM. invited to attend Dat ee BORD Mee ie GE ROU C Public Cordially Invited to ; SUNDAY SCHOOL WOnSralr: Mente MB Baha'i Centennial Open House 10:00 A.M.-Sunday. School with Adult Classes ase SBN | SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11th a : PUBLIC WORSHIP -- one Se nn 7 P.M, to 9 P.M. ADELAIDE HOUSE Y.W.C.A. 11:00 A.M. & 7:00 P.M. "Christ--Our Shepherd' || | OSHAWA REFRESHMENTS 7:00 P.M WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH GILBERT ST. EAST AT REYNOLDS LAYMENS SUNDAY 11 A.M. Guest Speaker Mr. George Harrap-Acton Field Sec, of Baptist Men. EVENING CHAPEL In the Parsonage { : ' ' "Our Possibilities" : i: EVERYONE WELCOME IL The New EV. SIMCOE STREET ALPH PENTECOSTAL CHURCH |) UTLEDGE ww 7 p.m. Shewing of on Excellent Film, 'Split Level Family' "2 I School 9:45 A.M. -- Classes for All Ages Wednesday --- 7:30 ----- Prayer ond Bible Study rs aay age --10:00 A.M.-- --11:00-AM-- | OPULAR Modern Philosoph Rev, john MeLeod Mra. W, Summers, A.T.0.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL bideiag THE * ENETECOSTAL <= Snare Suen --Classes For All ASSISTANT PASTOR ASS a Healings --A Family Affair BOB SMITH "MENTAL PHE PERCEPTION, AN| Sundays at 7:00 P.N FOR INFORMATION | GOSPEL @ Scered Song Writers @ Annointed Preaching wWwvvvys FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 Brock Street N. REV. DeLOSS M. SCOTT, Minister Former stars of National Music Shows, 'Grond Ole Opry -- W.W.V.A. Wheeling', having appeered on Stage, Radio and SUN DAY SERVICES TV. Now singing and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that 9:15 AM.--" FAITH TIDINGS' RADIO BROADCAST has ehonged their lives and hearts, ¥ ~ 7:00 P.M. -- GREAT YOUTH RALLY WITH @ Recording on The Lee Lobel @ Songs With A Message & RUSADE ONTINUES OC NE MORE SUNDAY OF A LD-FASHIONED PREACHING ~ ies i ca lass for You } . wo crete caries ST) BROCK ST. PENTECOSTAL REV. FRED FULFORD NA psicat, numaers a sincine 10 NASEAL SUNDA' NATIONAL YOUTH LEADER, TORONTO @ Challenging Preaching @ Choir @ Vocalists @ An Inspiring Service for Youth @ Bring the Fomily Along 9:00 A.M.--THE LORD'S SUPPER 11:00 A.M.--FAMILY BIBLE HOUF Speaker: MR. H. FICE 7:00 P.M.--GOSPEL SERVICE Speaker: MR. S. MART Wed. 7:45 P.M.--Bible Stud A HEARTY WELCC "RICHES IN. ROMANS" . CHURCH 7:00 P.M.--GOSPEL ane HOUR 307 Brock Street North Whitby Pastor's Sermon: "THE JOY OF SALVATION" Sunday Nov 26th eS Pit ee a emer a ] e "AFFILIATED WITH THE FELLOWSHIP OF EVANGELICAL BAPTIST CHURCHES IN CANADA" at 10 A.M., 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. "There's always a Welcome at Faith' One Day Only Admission Free EVANGELISM FOR THE NTIRE FAMILY DON'T MISS THE CLOSING SERVICES of this great Evangelistic Crusade. God has been confirming His Word with signs following. Many have been helped in these meetings and we expect Crowning Services on Sunday. COME with your Burden. .. LEAVE Happy and Free ee eo WEDNESDAY -- 7:30 P.M. -- Prayer, Proise Friday -- 7:30 P.M. -- Youth Service A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU RAIA IRIISIGI ISIC ISI IIS IOI IOI IOC ISI SSIS II te te teste AE UUUUUUOU OOO UU OUOU.COM ~f. --- , Ns °

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