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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Nov 1967, p. 4

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6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 27, 1967 WHITBY WINNER... .»» DUNLOP BONSPIEL Bill Le Gros' Rink Still In Main Event WHITBY -- Four rinks from the host club faced the bar- rier in Saturday's play, third set of games in the 2nd An- nual Dunlop Invitational Bon- spiel at Whitby Curling Club and two of the Whitby rinks emerged as prize winners in the day's consolation events while Bill LeGros skipped his four- some to three fine wins, to qual- winning shot. Playing in the ify for next guard and LeGros followed with a neat take - out and rolled into the four-foot circle, for the later draw, Doug Palmer's rink from. St. Catharines -- Lincoln Club, de- feated Dave Reynolds' rink 8-7 on an extra end in their third round match, to also qual- Saturday's but when the Unionville rink fal- tered, Aldridge scored three "threes" and a 'two' in the last five ends, including three in the 10th end, without bene- fit of having last stone, to win 12-10, The Kingston rink were beaten by Murray McGregor's Guelph rink in a hard - fought opening game, 7-4. Dropping into the Whitby rin tra - end Orillia final and in what was another inter- esting climax to the day's play, for the host club members, Bill "Peterson and Al Morrison, two the 11th, for the win. Following are the day's com- plete results:-- ks, battled to an ex- decision, with Peter- son scoring two in the 10th to "Sake" FOURTH EVENT '01 Bill Aldridge, 11; Ken Newark, 1, Bob Lawrie, ound Bill Aldridge, 12; Bob Lawrie, 10. Consolation 7; Ernie Drew, 3. Bill Peterson, 8; Ail Morrison, 6 (x). Ken Newark, 10; 6. Ernie Drew, 11:00 A.M, DRAW tie and then 'stealing' two in GUELPH -- Bill Robinson, Hugh Spencer, Clay Switzer and Murray MacGregor, skip, 7; KINGSTON -- John Staynes, Vaughn Storey, Joe Corkey and Edwards, skip, 4, Don Munroe, Rich Cook, Bill Erwin and Doug Palm: pie Ae final playoff day, playdowns, a -- scored a big sib haa: ORAWe fork, Bill Erwin y. , , 'five' in the sev ; fied 4 er, skip, 10; -- Ken McLeod, a aturday ats Palmer's foursome won over ' eventh end to WHITBY -- Don Kemp, Bernie Jones, ian Mechs, Dove Miron ana hob ip LeGros, together wit Bob Nicholson of Avonlea and move ahead and finally won Dave Aube and Bill LeGros, skip, 10; Nichonson, skip, 4. his men, Don Kemp, Bernie then Murray McGregor of 9-6 over Bob Nicholson of Avon- Rincon Wayne. sollinet eas ain ee ral Murrey. Gerald. Andere Jones and Dave Aube, dis- Guelph, to reach the third lea. Aldridge, skip, 4 Sis, 8) KITCHRA ER toon eine posed of Bill ----. Missis- round. " the second round game, an- ltd ferent Lew Hutcheon, joh Bill eerie on Frye and Carl Sauga rink in their first game, other exciting extra - end finish Cte, Sete CYF Od BIN emer anee, smussen, skip, 4. : TAY, Py A 'a Pray skip, 8; ORILLIA -- Larry Lillicrap, ORILLIA -- 8B. N Mi in handy fashion, beat club- STILL IN RUNNING -- was required, with "Jake" Ed- Dan Harvey, Don Watson and Ken Goring, Vince Lebano and. Dave Rey- mates skipped by Bill Peterson Bill Aldridge's rink and wards beating out Carl Asmussen Newark, skip, 6. nolds, skip, 12; KITCHENER -- Bob in the second round and then "Jake" Edwards of Kingston of Kitchengr - Waterloo Gran- WHITBY -- Bill Callan, Vince Gib. eae) re, ee eee Mule, Sn i i ifi bens, Frank Fletcher and Al Morrison, Cam Davidson, skip, 5. won a third round thriller, 6-5 also qualified to come back on ites, 8-7. , skin; TAM HEATHER -- Don McCon- Second Round over Gerry Probert's entry from Saturday, with their victories Losers of their first two nell, Don Morrissey, Bert Lewis and vot pevioles. 12 Bill Gresham, 4, Toronto Avonlea, in a_ tense in second round play of the games met in the day's con- ahiriited agai pallid: ; 2m ID ge dhe regor, 5. extra --end finish, Fourth Event. solation matches with Whitby's ioe, Howerd "Alidnion gion pee yong Doug Palmer, 8; Dave Reynolds, 7(x). In the final end of the most After losing to LeGros, the Bill Gresham beating McGreg- bert, skip, 17; UNIONVILLE -- Harold FOURTH EVENT exciting match of the bonspiel Mississauga rink beat Ken New- or of Guelph; Bob Nicholson of thal fie dag ney deck Watson and Jake Edwards, 9; Bob Nicholson, 6. thus far, Probert tied it on the 10th and in the extra end, Pro- bert tried to negotiate a nar- by wrecked on row port a ark of Orillia and won over Bob Laurie of Unionville in the second round. They trailed Bob Lawrie's rink 8-1 after five ends Avonlea won over Cam David- son of Kitchener - Glenbrier; Kew Neward of Orillia beat Ernie Drew of Tam - Heather Carl Asmussen, 7; Cam Davidson, 6. R Second Round id Round Gerry Probert, 11; 'Al Morrison, 8. Jake Edwards, 8; Cari Asmussen, 7(x) Bill LeGros, 8; Bill Peterson, 5. Consolation Third Round Bill Gresham, 11; M'ray McGregor, 2. Bill LeGros, 6; Gerry Probert, $ (x). Bob Nicholson, 10; Cam Davidson, 7. TORONTO MARLIES vault- ed up in the OHA Junior 'A' standings over the weekend, twice using the Oshawa Gen- erals as a stepping stone. The Dukes blanked _ Generals here at Civic Auditorium on Saturday night with a 7-0 coat of whitewash and on Sunday they grabbed off an even dozen goals at Maple Leaf Gardens, while holding Osh- awa to just four. There wasn't too much on the bright side for the Oshawa fans nor for coach "Ike" Hildebrand and his managers, except perhaps the fact that none of the Gen- erals were seriously hurt (their feelings, we hope) in the back-to-back session, so they'll be all available for Tuesday's benefit game and the following weekend, when Montreal visits the Generals on Saturday and Oshawa plays in Peterborough on Sun- day. TOMORROW NIGHT it's the "Ian Young Trust Fund" benefit game, with Metro Jun- jor 'B' League All-Stars play- ing the Oshawa Generals here at Civic Auditorium in a game that will be much more inter- esting than a mere exhibition game. Struck in the eye from a close-in shot, midway through last season, Osh- awa's well-liked and very promising goalie had his career cut short when spe- tialists recommended he quit the sport, due to badly im- paired vision of the injured eye. Ian is currently taking a business administration and accounting course at Univer- tity of Waterloo. Advance ticket sale has been fairly brisk and it's to be hoped that there'll be a big turnout for tomorrow night, to support the growth of the fund held In trust for him. GREY CUP preparations can now proceed with open throttle. Down in Ottawa, the fans don't have to worry whether or not their Rough Riders can win the Cen- tennial Classic of Canadian football and out West, the Calgary natives can leave their chuck wagons and flap- jack flour in storage for an- ' other year. The way Hamil- ton Tiger-Cats completely devastated Ottawa on Satur- day was awesome. Talk about "Tigers" they were truly that, with a little panther speed thrown in for good measure, on the attack and defensively, they behaved like a wall of stubborn elephants. The likes of a 26-0 shutout will be hard to believe when the shock wears off but who would have thought Ottawa's 1967 team could be held to a measly. TODAY HOCKEY Oshawa Minor Assoc. Juve- nile League -- Tony's Re- freshments vs Hayden Mac- donald, at 6:00 p.m. and Cen- tennials vs Auto Workers Credit Union, at 7:00 p.m.; both games at Civic Auditor- ium. GM Office League -- Bel Airs vs Impalas, at 8:00 p.m. and Monzds vs Acadians, at '9:15 p.m.; both games at Civic Auditorium. OMHA Pee Wee League -- Novice All-Stars vs Lake »; Vista; at Children's Arena 5:00 p.m. OMHA Bantam League -- Ernie Cay Lumber vs Mister Donut; at Children's Arena, 6:00 ».m. . OMHA All-Star Exhibition Games -- Cobourg vs Oshawa Pee Wees at 7:00 p.m. and Peterborough vs Oshawa Ju- veniles at 8:15 p.m.; both games at Children's Arena. OMHA Major - Bantam League -- Scugog Cleaners vs Hambly Beverages; at Chil- dren's Arena, 9:30. p.m. OMHA Midget League -- Navy Vets vs Rose Bow! Res- taurant, at 6:00 p.m.; Fire- "SPORTSCOPE By Geo. H. Campbell Associate Sports Editor three points for a field goal in 120 minutes of football? REGINA'S (beg pardon, Saskatchewan's) version of Roughriders. made a much better showing. The defending Grey Cup champions moved right into Calgary for the third and deciding game of the Western Conference championship finals and pull- ed off a 17-13 triumph. This one was a real championship game but, as was the case on Saturday, there was no doubt left -- the better team won. George Reed again carried the fast mail for the "Roughies" and while Stam- peders gave it a great try, they just couldn't: make it! So now, we have Saskatche- wan Roughriders defending the Grey Cup against Hamil- ton Tiger-Cats. If Tiger-Cats have another game like that left -- those Westerners might as well stay home. On the other hand, what team could repeat such perfection? AREA CURLERS were ac- tive on Saturday and the big news in this department comes out of Whitby Curling Club. They had four rinks from their own club partici- pating in the third set of matches in the Dunlop Invi- tational Bonspiel and three of them did well. Bill Gresham's rink and the foursome skip- ped by Bill Peterson both won prizes, with wins in their third games, the day's Conso- lation division. But it was Whitby's club president, high school principal and chair- man of this year's Dunlop *spiel who grabbed the spot- light. Bill Le Gros and his men wor™all three of their games, the final a real cliff-hanger, to qualify for the final playoff day's action, this Saturday. The Whitby CC members were tickled with the showing of their popular president -- and that's as it should be. DOUG TAYLOR performed a similar feat, here at the Oshawa Curling Club's an- nual Molson's Bonspiel, which is a 'club' event. Doug is this year's chairman for the OCC "local bonspiels"' and he put on a good com- petition, with rinks curling Single games on Thursday and Friday and winding it up on Saturday. Chairman Doug had arranged a set of prizes for every rink in the bonspiel and as it turned out, it's well that he did. "Gi" Goulding skipped his rink to three wins and top honors, with the high- est total of points. Vice-skip of the Goulding foursome and so winner of a first prize, was brother-in-law- Doug; fighters vs Letter Carriers, at 7:00 p.m. and Local 222 vs IOF 1248, at 8:00 p.m.; all three games at Brooklin Arena. : TUESDAY HOCKEY "Jan Young Trust Fund" Benefit Game: OHA Junior 'B' Metro League All-Stars vs Oshawa Generals;- at Civic Auditorium, 8:00 p.m. OMHA Banta: League: Local 1817 vs Quality Fuels, at 5:00 p.m. and Canadian Tire vs Local 1500, at 6:00 p.m.; both games at Civic Audi- torium. OHA Junior 'B' Lakeshore League: Oshawa Crushmen vs Kingston Frontenacs; at Kingston Memorial Centre; 8:00 p.m. Oshawa Civic League: Cho-"s Restaurant vs Whitby Dupont, at 9:00 p.m. and Wil- liam's Restaurant vs Foote's Towing, at 10:00 p.m.; both games at Bowmanville Arena. OHA Intermediate League: Whitby Mel-Rons at New- castle, 8:00 p.m.; Keswick vs Woodville, at Cannington, 8:00 p.m. and Little Britain at Port Perry, 8:00 @.m. SPORTS MENU 'Gi' Goulding's Rink 'Wins OCC Bonspiel The rink of Jack Pollard,jplaying their.third and final Bryce Brown, Doug Taylor and|game on Saturday evening. \"Gi" Goulding, skip, won all; The bonspiel was scored on |three of their games and com-,a point system, with 10 points \piled a total of 55 points to cap-/for a win, one point for each ture the annual Molson's Men's\end plus the margin of victory, Bonspiel, at the Oshawa Curling| with a limit of five. Losing Club. teams counted only one point A "local" or "club" event,)for each end won. this year's bonspiel was con-| At the conclusion of Satur- ducted on a_ two-nights-and-a-|day's play, chairman Doug Tay- day schedule, with each rinkllor thanked all the competitors Steelers Upset Leaders, | Pete Vipond Pots Three By CLIFF GORDON WHITBY Whitby . Lasco Steelers came up with their best all-round performance in three years last night when they whipped the front-running Dixie Beehives 5-2 here at the Whitby Arena, before some 500 cheering fans. The win was a big one for manager Ivan Davie and his charges and prompted the local General Manager to say '"'this is what they can do when they | | | | -- as they displayed the brand of hockey that had several of the old timers selves. late start with the Steelers due to an injury, was the "golden boy" for the locals as he trig- gered a trio of goals and came close on at least as many more occasions. Cord each scored a goal. These|the fans know just who they two have been finding goals scarce,jas they built up a 2-0 lead in came to life with their best/the opening 20 minutes. of the Dixie team, potted one work." Steelers were hungry, they hit hard and they skated fast and never let up for a moment, | | | | talking to them- Pete Vipond, who got off to a PETER VIPOND scores three goals Brian Sorichetti and Jim Mc-| second-year men, whojfigured was 'boss' in the game, offensive display of the season. McC i John Danby, colorful a ype noire eat oe ball rolling he he scored while sitting flat on the seat. of his pants with a goal as did Bob Peppler. sweeping motion ef) his stick LAING A STANDOUT that sent the puck into payoff Mike Laing, in goal for the erritory. Sorichetti made it 2-0 Lascos, turned in with a nifty backhander at game as he time-and-again 15:51, with both teams playing robbed: the Beehives from point-|'¥° men short. blank range. The president. of, Vipond made it 3-0 at 1:36 the Dixie team remarked to us/and the fans were really start- after the game that 'Laing was|ing to whoop it up. Dixie finally sure a big difference in goal for!managed to solve the slants of Whitby tonight." Laing at 5:45 as they scored on John 'Crusher' Lee, thejtheir third shot in-a-row with young defenceman of the Steel-|Laing lying flat on his stom- a Stellar ers, was at his best with hisjach, after making two fine lusty bodychecks and fine stick|Saves from close in. Vipond work. He set up one goal and/clicked on a 40-footer at 15:06 was a dangerous threat every|to make it 4-1, as the period time he was on the ice. This| ended. young fellow reminds many of| Steelers continued their fine the fans of a former Whitby play in the final stanza and great, Harry Sinden, with hisjran the count to 5-1 before Pep: heady play along the blue line.|pler clicked on a three-way Steelers realized right from|passing play with Danby and the starting whistle that they|Cunningham. J jand supervised the presentation |of prizes, along with club man- jager Jack Dickinson, Club member Gord Rae, local] representative for Molson's, also |thanked all the curlers, prior te making the presentation of trophy and top prizes, on behalf jof his company, to the bonspiel winners. Runners-up, with 52% points Oshawa Stars Blank Trenton Oshawa Juvenile All-Stars sent the Trenton Juveniles back home with a 10-0 whitewash treat- ment, following their exhibition hockey game here at Civic Auditorium on Saturday after- noon. the homesters' plays as. well rushes, was 2-0, 7-0 and the final 10-0. Clay Plumadore with as_ individual |for their three wins, were Tom | Steen, John Mowat, Bill McHugh jand Wayne Hussey, skip. Third -.-prize winners were "Cy"? Campbell, Ken Dawson, Vern McLaughlin and Dean McLaughlin, skip, with a total of 50 points and next in line were Don Campbell, Ted White- ley, John Piper and John Luke, three wins. to the rinks having the highest number of points for two wins. These were claimed, in order, by the entries skipped by Har- old Brownlee, Father J. C, Pere- yma, Gord MacMillan and Don Holden. Actually there were no "los- ers" in this bonspiel. Not only skip, with 44% points for their! Four more sets of prizes went| goals, was the only Oshawa goal, as no fewer than seven jother goal - scorers contributed to this well - balanced team effort. Singletons were scored by John Godwin, Jim Nesbitt, Dave Mosier, Bob Durno, Art Brown- son, Lee Paradise' and Gary Christianson. Play - making and good pass- ing was a big factor in Osh- awa's scoring success and only two of the goals, by Godwin and Durno, were of the solo variety. Dave Mosier earned three assists, Don Mosier had one, Bill Barker had a pair, so did Tom Dart while Nesbitt, Godwin, Plumadore and Brown- son each earned one assist point. did the entry fee include one of club steward Dick Eng's roast but all those who didn't make it to the special prize table, received a useful "consolation prize." Following are the complete! results of Saturday's play:- jot. dinners for each contestant Second Games John Luke, 9; Bob Patte, 8. Don Holden, 10; Doug Keel, 6. Elmer Pollard, 16; Chas. Peacock, S. 'Gi' Goulding, 7; Ed Hill, 4. Fr. J. G. Pereyma, 15; ee Keith VanKemp, 1. A. Wiltshire, 7; Doug Kirkland, 5, Jack Foster, 7; John Kitchen, 6, H. Brownlee, 11; L. Goodman, 2. D. McLaughlin, 6(W); Ray Webster, 6(L). Bob Mercer, 8; George Bates, 6. PITCHER GETS BONUS MONTREAL (CP) -- Gaetan Groleau, leading pitcher in the Montreal Junior Baseball League for the last. four years, has signed a bonus contract with California Angels of the American League, it was learned Wednesday. The 20- year-old right hander is re- ported to have received $6,000 for signing with the Angels. The Oshawa squad had too|the 'shots to beat much power and experience for|knocked into the net by de- the visitors, who failed to stop|/fenceman Brad Park of Marl-) good passing|boros. | The score by periods three player to get more than one when he elbowed Steve Kin TORONTO (Staff) -- Oshawa Generals' coach Ike Hilde- brand just couldn't guess right during the weekend. Saturday night, at Hildebrand elected to start Bill Yeo in goal. Toronto Marlboros bombed him for four Wilson as they took a 7-0 vic- tory before 1,576 spectators. Hildebrand started Wilson and 4-0 lead once again and held a 5-2 lead at the end of the first 20 minutes, when Yeo took over. But you could hardly fault the goalkeepers. They were left almost entirely at the mercy of the sharp shooting Marlboros and had it not been for good stops, goalposts and crossbars, the total score might well have hit the two-dozen mark. Sunday, before almost 7,000 spectators, Marlboros' top line of Terry Caffery, Richie Bayes and Tom Martin accounted for five goals, three to Bayes and one each to Caffery and Martin. Steve King scored twice for Marlboros and others went to Doug. Acomb, John Wright iGord Davies, Dave Roy and [Pen Foxcroft. Marlboros fired 56 shots at the Oshawa goalkeepers while (Generals fired 31 at Toronto's Gary Edwards. As in Saturday |night's encounter, Edwards) played a strong game. One of} him was} | Oshawa scorers were Jim) |Whittaker, Ron Dussiaume,| |Ivan Boldirev and Al Quintilian. | Generals' Bob Stewart trig-| gered.a third period outbreak |Before referee Bob Naden eotild |get things settled down, Ivan 'Boldirev and King got into a} |fist-swinging duel, with Boldi- rev gaining a quick decision. | Davies tried to move into jthe fray but was quickly re- strained by Quintilian Dmy.| John Clayton and Steve Dmy- triuk also came to grips. | When things were straighten-| ed out, three on each team| picked up majors and Stewart a minor. SATURDAY NIGHT | John Wright scored three goals and added one assist as Toronto Marlboros dumped Generals 7-0 at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium Saturday night. Tom Martin with two, Carl Varga and Terry Caffery were the other marksmen for Mar- lies while Richie Bayes picked up four assists. Gary Edwards recorded the shutout in the nets for Toronto coming up with some spectacu- lar saves to keep Oshawa off the scoreboard while Bill Yeo and Dunc Wilson handled goaltend- ing duties for Oshawa. Wilson GREY CU Wayne Hussey, 6; Gord MacMi G. Campbell, 9; Rich Vesey, 5. Third Games John Luke, 6(W); Ed Hil 6(L), G. Goulding, 7; Fr. J. Pereyma, & Keith VanKemp, 6; Bob Patte, 3, Don Holden, 8; Elmer Pollard, 7. Chas. Peacock, 9; Doug Keel, 5 D. Kirkland, 10; Ray Webster, '5. G. MacMillan, 10; G. Campbell, 6 | George Bates, 7; A. Wiltshire, 5. | ~ food OT estate eed P FANS!! service H. Brownlee, 9; John Kitchen, 5. D. McLaughlin, 11; Bob Mercer, 7. | Rich Vesey, 9; L. Goodman, 3. | Wayne Hussey, 11; Jack Foster, 4. Canadians Nip Rangers By THE CANADIAN PRESS The honeymoon is still going for Niagara Falls Flyers in the Ontario Hockey Association Junior A series, but Montreal Junior Cawadiens are trying to er. the party. | /The Canadiens downed Kitch- ener Rangers 7-3 Sunday night to move into second place in the series with 23 points, six back of the first - place Flyers. But Ni- agara Falls has two games in hand, had to playheads-up hockey to}... THE SAME TWO teams take the measure of the Bee-|will meet on Wednesday night hives, who had lost only twojat the Dixie/Arena with York games up until last night. The|Steel supplying the opposition Lascos lost no time in letting|here next Sunday night. In St. Catharines, centre Dale Power's goal with less than five minutes to play gave Black Hawks the edge over Peterbor- ough. IMPERIAL The whisky for people who know. People who know and appreciate the finer things -- know Imperial. It's a subtle way of expressing that you know the good life. Imperial. A truly distinguished Canadian whisky. est'o. uo 1358 HIRAM WALKER & SONS LIMITED: DISTILLERS OF FINE WHISKIES FOR OVER 100 YEARS, i your party. FOR FURTHER IN 728- by ftony's Sit back and relax! Let us look after » Place your order by Thursdoy, Nov. 30th -- 4 p.m. service itd. Minimum order, 10, FORMATION CALL 7305 i other car in its class, That But that's not all. shield washer, also get up to 40 miles per needs greasing. | for only1798 The Toyota Corolla has more horsepower than any The $1798 includes all the "extras." 8-speed heater, tilt-back front seats, alternator, wind- double-barrelled carburetqr, dash and sun visors, and 4-speed syncro-mesh. You All that for $1798*. Including the 60 horsepower. *¥.0.B. Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver. Freight and deli i and local taxes, and whitewalltires ext ne Toyota Corolla. BESTWAY MOTORS @ SALES @ SERVICE @ PARTS @ Dundas St. West @ Centre St. ' WHITBY, ONT. Means more get up and go, Like the big added gallon and a car that never home, © first © period goals and went on to | add three more against Dunc % Here Sunday, in a 12-4 loss, i Marlboros jumped to a quick -- arlies Trounce Generals Twice FIRST PERIOD 1. Toronto: sgt '; (Caffery, Bayes ** 2. Toronto: wie (Jordan) eons; King 12.05; Ste OS bmell 12.10; Roy 12.10; Jordan 12.38; Morenz 12.38; Robertson 13.03; Acomb 16.27 and Jordan 17.05. SECOND PERIOD 5. Toronto: Wright (Jordan, Bayes) 6. Toronto: Varga (Hamill, Wright) oboe 9. Penalties -- Park (major) 4.56; Dus- siaume (major) 4.56; Martin 5.29 and Whittaker 7.47. THIRD PERIOD 7. Toronto: Caffery (Martin, ytruk) eee, FG Penalties. -- Ring 1.45; Jordan 14.50 and Labre 15. 50. MARLBOROS 12; GENERALS 4 FIRST PERIOD Bayes (Caffery) Acomb (Wright) Kin Toronto: Toronto: Toronto: (Jordan, Torcnto: (Foxcroft, Oshawa: Oshawa: 57 Toronto:Martin (Caffery) 13.29 Penalties -- Stewart 3.19; Dionne 5.53; 'oy Jordon) A 7.40 Whittaker (O'Donnell) 8.28 Dussiaume (Boldirev) 9. Mee = ope os Woodley 8.41; Robertson 8.41; Jordon JOHN WRIGHT 9.33; Martin 9.52; Gyles 15.295 Whit. taker (double minor) 17,03; 17,04; Caffery 17.04 and King 18. «+, six points : SECOND PERIOD | 8. Toronto: Kin, Pi Davies) 7.24 took over from Yeo after. the! §° Oshawa: Quintilian (Walton) 16.07 first period ended 4-0. 10. Toronto: Bayes -- Caffery, Martin) | ( 5 18.29 Referee Bruce McFadden! penaities -- Tallon 2.49; Stewart 6.23; handed out 10 minors and one|Roy 7.45; Park (major) 12.21; Welsh : A 13.48; Jordon 13.48 and Tallon 18.29. major to Marlboros while Gen- THIRD PERIOD erals picked up seven minoOrs!y;, toronto: Caffery (Bayes, Park) 5.42 j '12. Toronto: Foxcroft and a mae |" (Kesseli,, Roy) Toronto fired 43 shots at the!13. Oshawa: Bolairay pies + ' : 14, Toronto: Davies artin Oshawa goaltending 'duo' while|;5' toronto: Wright (Martin) j 7q.|16. Toronto: Bayes (Park) ....... 8. Generals returned 32 in Ed-\"*, or 3iies -- O'Donnell 4.16/- Boldirev 8.53; Park 11.31; Jordon 12.32; Whittak- seed paar er 15.05; Gyles (minor and misconduct) One minor incident broke out!;743;° Caffery 17.48; Boldirev (major) when Ron Dussiaume and Mar-|19.10; Clayton (major) oe Quintlien ies' c " (major) 10.10; ing (major) 19.10; lies' Brad Park exchanged| S701") 1o%q" omytruk "tmalor) Y.10 blows. and Stewart 19.10 et TT CITY CARTAGE Local and Long Distance MOVING e Office e@ House e@ Apartment MOVING AND STORAGE Packing @ Shipping @ Crating City Cartage agents for UNITED VAN LINES (Canada) Ltd. Moving with care anywhere in SANITIZED VANS Same day delivery up to 200 miles on 3,000 Ib. loads. 725-2621 ANYTIME «+ for free Estimate! PIAA IAIAIAIAD AAA AIA SAA AISASASA SAA SIASAASAASAAAADAIS Bonofit Hockey Game TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28th 8:00 P.M. lan Young Generals vs. Toronto Metro Selects "All Proceeds to IAN YOUNG TRUST FUND" Tickets Available at: CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST COMPANY BISHOP'S SPORTS BOLAHOOD'S SPORTS CIVIC AUDITORIUM BOX OFFICE JAC O OOOO UU. LUUROUUOUUURUUBUUUUO UU. CCL EC. Do You Want Your SNOWMOBILE with... --16 H.P. 362 ¢.c. twin cylinder engine made in Canada. ~-- Cruise - O - Matic Start Reverse gear control on dashboard Key electric start Visual fuel tank First quiet snowmobile -- Dual tuned muffled exhoust = Automatic ive _ oo ne -- transmission with torque sensitive Only Snow Cruiser Makes It Only Oshawa Yachthaven Sells It. . . Plus o-- Parts and service Factory trained mechanics Bank financing -- Low down payment Trade-ins wanted Good ditioned prices -- -- -- a used hi at Place your order now to ensure delivery. Arrange for Christ- mas Eve delivery to delight the Family. OPEN MON. TO SAT. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN HARBOUR ROAD (off Simcoe St. S$.) Phone 723-8186 Reed Px To Win CALGARY (CP) -- A word of warning for Hamilton Tiger- Cats; Saskatchewan Roughrid. e.s are heading your way with two teams--George Reed anc everybody else. Saskatchewan won the right to represent the West in_ the Grey Cup game in Ottawa Dec. =. when they tripped Calgary Stampeders 17-13 in the third game of the best-of-three con: ference final Sunday. Hamilton clobbered Ottawe Rough Riders 26-0 Saturday tc become the eastern representa tives on the basis of a 37-3 score on the two-game __ total-point final. feed is a linebacker whe some genius turned into a full beck in 1963. Sunday, he carrie¢ $1 times for 201 yards, near; Ticats Batte § To Gain Gre By JOHN SHORT HAMILTON (CP) -- Thi name of the game was revengt Saturday as Hamilton Tiger Cats battered Ottawa Roug! Riders 26-0 in the second half o the Eastern Football Conferenc: final. The win gave Hamilton a 37- victory in the two-game, total point playoff and atoned for las season, when the Riders flat tened Hamilton 72-17 to win th trip to the Grey Cup. Ottawa bowed 29-14 to Saska' chewan last season and the ger-Cats will meet the sam club in the national final thi season. Saskatchewan defeate Calgary 17-13 to win the West ern title Sunday. a Hamilton entered Saturday' @ game with an 11-3 margi ) gained at Ottawa six days be "fore and two long passe wrapped up the championshi ~ within the first six minutes. INTERCEPTS PASS ' . On the first pass, Tommy Jo ' Coffey went deep over centr / for Joe Zuger's heave an ended with a 38-yard gain the moved the Ticats from deep i their own end. Ottawa's momer -tum, dissipated by Coffey' move, disappeared entire] _ when Barrie Hansen intercepte an Ottawa pass and returned ' yards to the Ottawa 32. Zuger, on the next play, foun Dave Fleming with a 32-yar touchdown toss that put Hami » ton beyond Ottawa's reach. Fleming, in his best game * the season, combined wi Zuger for a 60-yard touchdow » in the second quarter and Bi * Redell threw to Tommy Gra in the final minute for Ham ton's final touchdown. Zug punted for three singles ar Coffey contributed the remai f ing points on three converts ar two singles. A vicious defensive displ Bears Nip | For College By IAN MacLAINE TORONTO (CP) -- McMast University Marauders we! within the goalpost shadows, step away from the Canadi intercollegiate football title. Quarterback Dick Warir called a roll-out pattern pa play, the ball ended up in t arms of John Wilson of the U: versity of Alberta and t Golden Bers won the game a the title 10-9 Saturday befo about 9,250 fans at Varsity S' dium. The play came with less th a@ minute remaining the Me rauders at the Alberta 15-ya line, directly in front of t goalpost. . The Westerners ran out t clock to nail down the first ( nadian intercollegiate footb final sanctioned by the Car dian intercollegiate Athlet Union. ""We were within field-g range," said Jack Kenne who had coached the Maraude through an undefeated Cent Canada Intercollegiate Footb o Conference schedule and to a 0 victory over St. Francis X: ier University in the Canadi College Bowl semi-final at Hi fax. FIELD GOAL COUNTS Dave Benbow's 18-yard fi goal in the fourth quarter g¢ thé Golden Bears their winn margin after the Marauders I enapped a 7-7 tie on singles Tom Allan and Cas Quinn, lattcr on a wide field goal tempt. : Alberta held a territorial vantage in the first half but v held to a 7-7 tie at the break. berta quarterback Terry Le pert opened scoring in the f quarter, romping around ee 'Don't Forget WE CHARGE ONLY 4% TO SELL YOUR HOUSE $O LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO © TRUST 723-5221

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