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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Nov 1967, p. 13

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RS ANADIANS DOr + & ¢ we are not allowed to give a 10% 1 Yardley, Coty ly Toiletries. -- "Around the World' with Hospital Talent '68 will fea- ture 125 student nurses in a variety of songs, skits and dances this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evep- ings at St. Gregory's Aud- {torium. Attired in colorful, authentic Japanese kimon- os (left) Miss Nancy Fras- er, Nancy Golden and Marg- aret Hopkins offer a rendi- tion of "Three Little Maids From School', The picture on the right is a take-off of the song "Ascot Gavot- te' from "My Fair Lady." Michelle Primean (left) Faye Webber, Janice Al- lison, Eleanor Graham, and Pamela Murray, in satin formals of blue, pink, white, yellow and green flamboy- ant hats, parasols to match, sing and dance through this routine. Other countries rep- resented will be Holland, Scotland, South America, United States, Russia, Italy and France. The choir con- ducted by the music direc- tor, Mrs. George Drynan and accompanied by Miss held at the Red Cross Homemakers was YWCA on Satur- day under the direction of Mrs. w. Homemaker Supervisor of London, Ontario. The day-long course was a re- fresher on the attitudes and duties of a Homemaker and covered deportment and neat- ness, factors, special care of senior citizens and disturbed children and general responsibilities. R. Worrall, moral obligations, In some cases the points were brought out by wayjand stay until 4:00 p.m. of skits. The Homemaker started in Oshawa in 1947 with/do light laundry; three members. Now up to 25\for the Homemakers during one month under supervision of Mrs, Hinds. are diet employed the Norman Red Cross Homemakers Take Refresher Course A workshop for 23 Oshawa woman, nurse with added duties. service works closely with the! |Victorian Order of Nurses, the)gtanted, but |possible The service is available to)Public Health Department and) through a day without express- Homemaker is not a cleaning a practical The She is all, regardless of financial cir-|the medical profession. cumstances, Fees are charged) There is always a need for iRed Cross Homemakers. The Red Cross Homemaker|Middle-aged women, on a sliding scale. or, for some reason, cope with her family. Home- makers will also care for sen-| ior citizens in their homes or|Street East, Oshawa. in any real emergency. They are prepared to start |work before 7:00 a.m. or when- salientjever: the father goes to work dancers, the antidote for a poor)! or| tourist trade in this riot-troubled) During Portuguese colony, have been Service|the day they tidy the house and declared poison to the "minds make trays| of the Chinese people' by local and prepare'Communist leaders. The colo- nial government, wary of antag- in hand-\onizing neighboring Red China, ling a new baby and simple|has ordered the dancers to "put home nursing. The Red Cross! it back on." whenever he returns. patient meals for the entire family. They are trained between PUT IT ON MACAO (AP) -- Topless TEA COSIES TO KNIT OR CROCHET Tea and egg cosies are just the thing for your favorite bazaar or make a welcome gift to any home- maker. You can knit or crochet three different size tea cosies for large, mediu or small tea pots as well the miniature size egg copy, all of which are made Wom 3 ply patonised, 4 ply paton- ised or double knitting patonised yarn, The instruc- tions may be obtained by sending a stamped, self- SEWING MACHINE and VACUUM REPAIRS To All Makes WHITE ELNA SEWING CENTRE 88 Bond West, Oshawe 728-7181 addressed erivelope, plus ten cents f handling to the Noddlework Depart- ment, The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, requesting "Tea Cosies" leaflet 12-67. ~~ 74 CELINA STREET FOR THE FINEST DRAPES fobrics . . "Free Customer Parking While Shopping et Our Store" Custom and Ready Made the latest Shades ond° Mé& Dry Goods & Draperies EXPERTLY INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS 723-7827 e -- HOSPI-TALENT 68 PRESENTS, "AROUND THE Cheryl Metcalfe will sing "Finlandia," "Lara's Theme," "Edelweiss," "Born Free" and "Okla- homa." The dancing, under the direction of Rose Marie Reimer will feature 'The a Can Can" and the Taran- tella. The student nurses have been rehearsing, for this performance since Sep- tember and the costumes were obtained or made by the girls. They are also in color. jemotions by comes into the home when the|forty and sixty years of age| with m color = ne saw red, mother is sick or in hospital)who are interested in this kind| cannot|of work should contact Mrs.| |Norman Hinds, 723-7073, or the| : Red Cross office at 73 King|@ecorating, here's some advice; In considering a scheme; first check off the col-|this distra jors of the rugs, drapes and up-|ings: Wemen THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 28, 1967 13 Many of us for anyone to Describing a identifying If you have plans jing himself or herself through person's them} |want. coloricolors in |holstery you already have. Then| add colors which might \cosnptete the harmonious pic- |tu re. Another way to select the colors which are natural to you to look through your ward- jrobe -- bring out the costumes |which you like to wear and use |these color schemes as the bas- of your room. not use more than two to three colors. jcolors if you prefer a_ restful | atmosphere, intense colors if | you prefer liveliness and cheer. x |Large batches of color look |more intense, Here are a few do's and |don'ts. | --Do use light colors in @ jsmall room to create the im- jpression of size; --Do put emphasis on warm reds and yellows less rooms; --Do paint the ceiling of the room a deeper color than the walls if you think the ceiling of The marriage E. The wedding took place No- vember 23, 1967 at 8:00 p.m. in Northminster | United Church with the Rev-) erend H. A. Mellow officiating. | the SOCIAL NOTICE MARRIAGE is announced Rita Northcott to Herbert Robinson, both of Oshawa. vestry of choose the scheme which will) combine these colors effectively ; many In selecting a color scheme don't use all let one color predominate. Do| -- | | Always choose colors which | |Please you personally -- ¢alm| | | in window-|Wax or paraffin and even | wettest, heaviest snow will slide| --Do mix both light and deep|right off. colors in each room; oennemanenent "I feel blue', "she was green) hor with envy" -- is typical. for re- Surround Yourself With Color That Pleases You Personally take color for\is too high. This will give the is virtually im-jillusion of a lower ceiling; £0| --Do study | color because colors --Do remember that you sample will Here are some DON'TS. swatches |fore use, both in day light and night|Council, light | change under artificial light. always be than the final result you WORLD" IN SONG AND DANCE charge of the lighting, make-up and advertising | under the supervision of | Miss Barbara Price, student | director; and James Sab- | yan, producer | THE POTATO BIN | Green spotting and an ex-| cessively sweet taste can some-| times result when potatoes are} improperly stored. In order to} maintain the high quality and| excellent flavor of Ontario | potatoes during long storage,| keep potatoes in a cool, dark place at a temperature of 45 to 50 degrees F. The darkness will stop the growth of green spots, caused by exposure to light. | \If the storage temperature is too low, the potatoes may de-| |velop an excessively sweet jtaste. However, this taste jchange can he reversed by| holding the potatoes at room} temperature (70 to 80 degrees| F) for one or two weeks be reminds the Food| Ontario Department often|of Agriculture and Food. | | r! HONOR WOMEN FORT FRANCES, Ont. (CP) |-- The Business and Profession- jal Women's Club has honored |two women of the year. Mrs. --Don't use bright or vivid! Charles Bruyere of the Couch-| --Don't paint --Don't paint unfortunate ar-| chitectural features such as ra- diators to contrast with thei [backgrounds because this will Edward Curtis, President of Show jemphasize them. | --And finally, don't use too nounce the appointment of Mrs in a room and, Lambert to the position of Area colors neutral hues. Perron Ht is WIFE PRESERVER Coat your snow shovel with| the | the woodwork | work with the tuberculosis asso- and.trim in a small room a ciation. |different color from the wall or| jit will make it look even small- large areas because iching Reserve was honored for ets from the furnish-' her service to Indian people and |Mrs. Dorothy Mackintosh for Announcement case Cosmetics is pleased to an- |Manager. Mrs, Beath Forms, R.R. 2, Oshawa, brinas to Showcase Cosmetics a background of successful association with two Lambert, of the largest cosmetic firms in {North America, tain that Mrs Lambert's wide range of experience in cosmetics Showcase is cer will not only be an asset to our representatives but to our consum ers it is our pleasure to serve ead aS dae 7 Don't Forget WE CHARGE ONLY 4% TO SELL YOUR HOUSE $O LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 723-5221 Sooner or later, that day comes, the day when a woman feels she's changing. It's not a good feeling either. And she could use a good old-fashioned medicine then. Could be you feel 2 fittle edgy, or maybe cross. You might even have what we call hot flashes and feel sad and slightly off-balance. _ Whatever you feel, we have something for the day you need a little comforting. Lydia E. Pinkham Tablets. They're made with gentle ingredients that work to give you a better sense of well-being. A sense of well-being yor might lose when you start changing. : With an old-fashioned problem like this, [eouldn's you se an old-fashioned medicine? Lydia E. Pinkham Tablets and Liquid Compound jCOULD' YOU USE $150.00) next [month assisting Mrs. Lambert, In} fact every month of the year ?| I. . . right from your own home. You'll find more about this excit ing sales success by contacting Mrs. M, Lambert. 655-4930 or for full free information without ob-) ligation write: SHOWCASE COSMETICS LIMITED 29 Queen St., Cobourg, Box 34 SEND ME DETAILS OF YOUR MONEY-MAKING PLAN -- HOME APPLIANCES Presents... FOR THE HOME that will be enjoyed every day of the year SCRATCH & DENT SPECIAL FRIGIDAIRE Dairy foods 90 with good living Do you wish you could store up spare time now for the coming holiday season? You can, if you take time soon to prepare some special Christmas goodies, Later you can pull them from the freezer when time is scarce, Butter cakes stay fresh! What a good feeling to be able to produce your best Chocolate Fudge Cake or Maple Pecan Layer at a moment's notice. Cakes can be frozen, Iced all ready to serve, Quick-to-make butter frostings stand up best. Angel cakes make pretty buffet desserts when layered with Juscious fillings. For en easy eggnog-flavored filling, cream % cup soft butter; grad- ually beat in 3 cups sifted icing sugar, 1 egg, 1% teaspoons vas nilla, % teaspoon brandy ex- tract, % teaspoon nutmeg and 2 tablespoons milk, Fill a large angle cake which has been split into 4 layers, Frost with sweet- ened whipped. cream. Before serving, decorate with green coconut and cherries. We call it 8 Christmas Wreath Special! Plates of gaily decorated cookies are a must at party time. Whatever new recipes you try, you can't bake too many of these crisp flaky shortbreads, 2 cups soft butter 1% cups sifted icing sugar 4% cups sifted all-purpose = * flour Cream butter, gradually beat in sugar. Add and heat in flour, part ata time. Wrap and chill. To bake, preheat oven to 300°F, Let dough stand at room temp- erature to warm slightly; knead 1 minute. Roll on lightly floured board or canvas to % inch thickness and cut with cookie cutters, Bake on ungreased cookie sheets about 20 mins, (Makes 5 doz.) Note: Satisfactory results can not be obtained unless butter is used. Prepared by the Home Economists of THE CANADIAN DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU 30 Eglinton Avenue E., Toronto 12, Ont, Imperial Super-Surge Mobile DISHWASHER Has striking new control panels with cycle-indicating lights and 5 push-button. cycles. Only a few 'visable scratches on the perfectly mew models, Extra powerful 4-way washing ection. 16 table-setting capacity. 150 hot water wash, senitizes your dishes. The ideal Christmas present for her, 4 ONLY 239-4 5 YEAR WARRANTY LOWEST PRICE EVER FRIGIDAIRE Cyclia-matic q Mode! CDI4L, 14.45 eu. ft. No defrosting, stores 110 Ibs. of food in Zero-Zone treez- $9 ag er, Twin Porcelain. enamel hy- FRIGIDAIRE RANGE Model RA22K. Compfete automatic with a 5 y parts warranty. Automatic ovén ¢on- trol and automatic receptacie control. A real space saver be- cause it's only 22' wide. Make her happier this Christmas for only $199 OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY THURS, & FRI. NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M. HOME APPLIANCES (OSHAWA) LTD. | 90 SIMCOE ST. S. drators, Roomy Easy Terms. Now Only. storage door, we 725-5332

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