If there is an election, he : id, the Conservatives will do ell because the people no nger have confidence in the vernment. He charged the Liberals with -- ing complacent too long over e dangers of inflation and that ey had not convinced the peo. e they are trying to cut spend. z. ': Referring to a suggestion that e federal medical care heme should be postponed, r. Stanfield said Ottawa can. t very well encourage the ovinces to start a new pro. am and at the same time ge spending restraint. IMITATION TEENAGER Glenn Boggs was Paul Foster in civilian clothes. The 22-year-old Navy vet- eran began his police career as a teenager. He register- ed in a Corpus Christi, Tex., t high school and joined after-school teenage activ- ities. In two months he pre- pared charges against 13 persons for selling both marijuana and dangerous drugs to teenagers and drew 4 Saunlier, chairman of Mont-) $28,155,000. + |real's executive committee, said \ year. Permanent Expo Exhibition 'Forecasts Annual Profit | MONTREAL (CP) -- Lucien while expenses would totaljwas possible to envisage a dis- A total of 78 countries and | following principles: Monday night the proposed per-;companies had offered their| The federal government {manent exhibition on the site of| pavilions to the city and 55 of|would retain assets on Cite du | Expo 67 would make an estimat-|these already had offered to|Havre--the mainland part of = ied net profit of $6,000,000 a continue a partial or complete| Expo--with the exception of the |presentation in the pavilions if/ Expo art gallery, which would Assets worth $225,000,000 on' the annual exhibition is held. |be taken over by the provincial the fair site are being offered to) Next week, city council will] government. | the city free of charge, he told albe asked to adopt a resolution| All assets on the two Expo is- | city council meeting. |authorizing the executive com-|lands would be transferred free | The size of these assets war-| mittee to organize a 1968 exhibi-|of charge to Montreal. The fate |ranted efforts made to conserve/tion, adopt a bylaw authorizing) of the Expo Express, the mass them in a permanent exhibition. | the executive committee to ac-|transportation train which car- tribution of Expo assets on the) | TIME LIMIT SET SNOW REMOVAL TORONTO (CP) -- A bylaw passed Monday by the Borough of Etobicoke council requires residents to remove snow from side- walks in front of their houses within 12 hours of it falling. Anyone convicted under the new bylaw will face a $300 fine. | phone pavilion by the Telephone | The profits from such an exhi-| cept all pavilions, buildings and) ried passengers over the Expo cover the interest on Montreal's| fered and adopt a budget for the however. participation in Expo 67. | jattendance of 20,000,000 next) and provincial governments had) permanent exhibition. |bition, he continued, would facilities at Expo that are of|site, is still to be negotiated,|probably get the rights to the $73,000,000 debt, the cost of its| exposition | The city would take over the permanent feature in the pavil- TO DISTRIBUTE ASSETS | responsibility of maintaining the|ion. On the basis of an expected; Mr. Saulnier said the federaljisland section of the site as a ummer, revenues would total|agreed to the city's proposal for} Mayor Jean Drapeau was|was produced in Toronto by a $34,155,000 at the new expositionian exhibition and that it nowihanded the keys to the Tele-| Canadian film company. the total of pavilions given to the city to 52. : Association of Canada to bring The mayor said the city would 360-degree film, Canada 67, as a The film, using the Walt Dis- ney Circlevision 360 process, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 28, 1967 15 IT SNOWED CEMENT TO FACE CHARGES TORONTO (CP) -- Several} MONTREAL (CP) -- Ten per- tons of powdered cement drifted|sons, including six city police- over the waterfront Monday, men, will face trial Dec. 1 on coating cars, streets and build- gambling charges following a ings after a 12-inch pipeline rup-,weekend raid. on a_ private tured at the six-silo storage site|house. All were arrested early of Lake Ontario Cement Com-|Saturday as they played cards pany, It took street sweepers|in the home of a city policeman, five hours to clean up the area.ione of those arrested. Cheers! BRANVIN Canada's largest selling wine omy up a list of mbre than 200 teenage boys and girls who smoked marijuana or took pills while he was there. Boggs then donned his new police uniform. --AP Wirephoto Turkish Cyprus Victory Could Affect Greek Rule By JOHN LeBLANC |ly wield power, the faceless)the Society of Labor Lawyers, @ LONDON (CP) -- A London|men of the revolutionary coun-|right-wing group in the Labor lawyer who has been investigat-| cil." \party, and has been a member ing events in Greece from the| Thornberry, 31, has been injof the National Council for Civil inside said Monday that ajand out of Greece several times|Liberties for the last three military victory for the Turks injin the last six months, making|years. A former legal research- Cyprus would probably hit the|observations for a group of/ér in the foreign office, he now ruling Greek junta "'catastrophi-| democratically - minded London} teaches at the London School of cally" but would not restore de-|Greeks and writing unflattering | Economics, mocracy. jarticles about the military re-| Thornberry has come up with "The effect probably would be|gime for The Guardian. He left|considerable inside information the removal of the present top-|there eight days ago, when the|on maltreatment of prisoners by line ministers,' Cedrid Thorn-|Cyprus situation was blowing up|the regime but said in an inter- berry said. 'But they would be|into a storm. view he has not been molested This happened in September |by the authorities. Estates General Rapped |.2.tszi2 '2: For Hasty Action On CBC iu sietcet "expt replaced by the people who real-| He is assistant secretary of| by the authorities except for one after he filed a story about the | Theodorakis, who wrote the MONTREAL (CP) -- Aj;statement that ACRTF deplores 'i G pol for the Canadian As-|the fact that the delegates were|™usic for Zorba the Greek, is in sociation of French-language|asked to pronounce themselves| Prison on charges of plotting the radio and television said Mon-jon such an important question|0Verthrow of the regime, which day the organization does not|on the basis of purely theoreti-|4@s banned his music. believe it was shown at meet-|cal ideas. | Thornberry said the deporta- ings of the Estates General that) Mr. Filteau, official repre-|tion threat was soon withdrawn French - speaking people would|sentative of ACRTF at the|and added: 'That's the only be better served if the province|meetings, said he and other time I've ever been leaned on. of Quebec had exclusive juris-|French - language private| Ten days ago, on his last visit diction over broadcasting. broadcasters who participated|to Greece, Thornberry managed Jacques Filteau, director of|felt that the -organizers of the|to see Theodorakis, who has not public relations for the private -|Estates General had abused the|been permitted to talk to the station organization, known in|good faith of delegates who/Press. i French as L'Association Canadi-|dealt with the broadcasting| Tipped off by some friends of enne de la radio et de la televi-| question. They had been Pented" to composer, he went around sion de langue francaise, was|ed with a "definitely oriented' |to a barred window of a prison an official delegate at the week-| working document. No real de-;/hospital and called to end meetings of the Estates|bate was permitted and no|Theodorakis, who came to the General of French Canada| amendments were permitted to, bars and talked for several min- which discussed Quebec's con-|proposals submitted by the or-|utes. The talk ended when Theo- stitutional future. ganizers. |dorakis, told about testimony at One of the resolutions adopted; Members of the ACR at the|trials of colleagues, rushed to a urged that Quebec be given ex-| meetings remarked that many|balcony to get closer to the in- clusive jurisdiction within the|other delegates in various work-|terviewer. province over broadcasting,|shops had openly complained! 'Two men in green with guns now under federal government|that the procedure prevented|advanced and offered to shoot control. them from making their views|us," Thornberry said. 'I made| Mr. Filteau said in a prepared| known, the statement said. Imy excuses and left." WN Anus Gaaow CAR SOSH NN Sk OSOKO \ If your rug is valuable to you... it deserves the very best .. . and it costs no more. Modern equipment, skill and only fully experienced men guarantee you the best of results when we clean your soiled rugs, whether it. be wall-to-wall or loose rugs. Other services offered by Angus-Graydon are binding, repairing, fringing, dyeing, alterations and custom installations. The Cost Is Only 10¢ Per Sq. Ft. Example 9' x 12' Only 10.80 Ansus-GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY LIMITED 728-6254 Does he like an After Shave bold and brisk? A Cologne robust . .. or so subtle he'll hardly be aware it's there? Find it ... here in Tamblyn's superb collection ef Men's Toiletries for Christmas giving. 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