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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Nov 1967, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Twssdey, November 28, 1967 0---Real Estate for S s $IMPLIFY FAMILY CHRISTMAS $HOPPING & $AVINGS WITH WAN® ADS! (CUIDI bp Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12. REALTY LTD 1--Pets and Livestock __|17--Female Help Wonted |20--Real Estate for Sole 16 Simcoe St. WORSE FOR SALE -- 2 Q B li it wy t i years vite Gelding, green agony "Gh k : k R saan Shepherds. "Reg'd. pups. Pro ' 4 od fessional training, board serv- FIRM e i "Ce fase "elntae Stew. mare, Wexes seadie : OH. ALLITERATE Shirts. Cozy-J Ranch Kennels, 655-4662.| Requires capable womon with O S B O R N FE AMEDIATE POSSESS S Meo, |ARATORS ne, Ge S| sing, yong sul or eeonr MNS Mat be 23d lv Sta Oursmanren {fice "*™ st tome c| Ge' experienced ond able dining, 7 com experienced and able to dining room, broadloom cho ; ' : A PREMIER |seauTiFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready Parmans varal fire cla Accountants Building Trades Plumbing and Heating 1--Women's Column | "Birartine | rea ™ ee neat po gy i "ive doy week, ea state t elon kitchen, 3 bed cui BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. . : eo soldier | pROFESSIONAL DOG SERVICE--CI 8:30 a.m. -- 5 p.m. BROKERS finished recreation room ' Corniche beaweepng sertees ins sm] Quality Carpentry | Plumbing Discount Under New Management WAS fing all breeds, poodles our. specially. 218 Dundas St. E., No. 2H bar and built in desk ri ae GENERAL. REPAIRS 149 Brock St. North Artistic Hair Styles CONNER [Cae aie eee be reg gee oe Cppomiment call Meds eel a shelves. Landscaped fron y YALE, FRIEDLAN jp Char- ae , LA F -- 5:00 . k with trees and shrubb Pn icenced i list: 725-7 GUARD |man Shepherd puppies for sale, Dachurst | between 8:30 a.m. -- 5:00 p.m. back wi sor fered Aceves ee biveat" Werte es pap alge goes ict | WHITBY -- 668-6601 5-722] race Glin Kennels, 655-3881, Whitby 668-8826 back lawn has covered Bri Oshawa. 728-7371, igh Peg doth shalt we ' ae ee ANNE GODIN owner, IN BATTLE |LUNDILU REG'D KENNELS -- Peking: 942-1540 and 10 foot hedge allov €O., : irect to you, plumbing sup- former! ies -- HOUGH » ft les, chihuahuas. _Groom- 64- i £ i pla be agen ng atin trade Honest and Dependable Service plies. Everything rh the M shes from: Ronnie's aan ing, stud Pre, puppies. Townline Ruse wanted. Toronto 3 6622 ---- privacy. See this Cis Building, 187 King Street East, ory Phone 725-8576 or 623-3411 plumbing line. 20% off all rs. Fern Brennan, operator MEITHER READ Road North, Oshawa. 723-6216. ey ctunde Restourent, 10 King tonight. sio eM Bee ck Ev Ltion ek ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, shingles,| Supplies. : Ewen MUSTAUS Cesoebi "priced relanene Woy SECRETARY Part-time _ afternoons, Oshawa 728-5157 MAKE AN DAY, Certified General|repalrs, large and small jobs. L. AND H. BEAUTY IS A DUTY 5 f 668-6977. -- Pa : Lo Seoaeeet, bie "osw. Oshawa "snop- | Rooting and Construction. 725-6937. 12 p.m. -- 9 p.m. p aera §=DIED W 5IB AND = [Recist@RED miniature white poodie,| Monday - Friday ie gis Duties 2 BEDROOM APPOINTMENT Er ping Centre, 725-9953. ALL TYPES building repairs. Roofing,| SATURDAY 9o.m. to5 p.m, Make Mom happy with « j JUSTIN GIVEN A_ [nine weeks old, needies, paper trained, erate Vries to progress into BUNGALOW i ab PH GUTMANN, Chartered Account-| chimneys, eavestroughing, fireplaces, CLOSED WEDNESDAY : IN 1904, LARGE SUM OF MONEY | 385. uh ae until Christmas. Tele-|estimating and operations. Apply to Box Il. @ to see this 5 room JOSE NESDA Christmas Gift C mi ant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Streetimasonry. Gord Mey, Whitby, 668-2774.) ---------- ate haa per , PREMIER AMANTIUS {Phone _ 2 34740, stating personal particulars and) Only $12,500 and you will home, nice back yard, f un East. Telephone 723-4833. PLASTERING -- Drywall, remodelling, new ang A rs and remodelling, BARBARA'S BEAUTY SALON ASSURE THE ELECTION ey an miniature, black and |previous experience. | be the proud owner of @ in good neighbourhood, sis Or repair, 942-6342, af-|rates, Estimates free. 723-1191. J. Foley. OF THE PREMIER'S FRIEND, |brown, white toys, | registered. | Depostt SABY SITTER WANTED for four chit! cute little home in Oshaw to North G.M., bus, sho Blueprinting ter 6 p.m, * 725-9572 secures for Christmas. Telephone 668-/qren, jive in, Telephone after 4, 942- : ; 'a : wi VING AND CONCRETE. . THEODATUS, 10 THE THRONE= | ios, boy with beautify] trees, flower schools, churches, home i BELL DRAFTING and Reproductions} roe faves nereTe.|Rug - Upholstery Service amp THE ILLITERATE WARRIOR BOUGHT | pug | gardens, dinind room lean, To be shown by of la Litd., 52¥2 Simcoe Street North. 723-4661. ine Figg ft. man work we srecdaat ee 75 CELINA ST. H ISELF IWSTEAD - Bile si caigigtar® Seem anaes (SIT [il Fd an aor eg es otyy Fg pottag Hr little bien : ent' only U u I, le m 7 Biveprinting--and_photostatic coples. __| shreg- years, 723-0281. RE-UPHOLSTERING FULL-TIME SALESMAN. Classified Ads a ; AND AS EMPEROR JUSTIN I __ | o'clock. nue. erea, Whitby. Telephone 668-8560. bullin Hareecus in' boc k e . Fo! rou! e ci ay Building Trades Carpentry @ Wide selection of Fabrics {3492 today. hn faites ee set 18--Male Help Wanted a Don't hesitate. Call WISE ne) re 2? @ Workmanship Guaranted - w. Ill, @ 2 Stores ease a NEED HOME. seene TI Root. Fekinda| ive ull years) 2--Personal 12--Articles Wanted -- 'sixand utienk; pls Jorn rt E, Behn, 725-7066. @ Easy budget terms--Free | GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, cfc. Pp. f F q quarters for the owner. a . Estimates Are Your Feet | |Highest prices. Call anytime. 'Machelll's acl IC nance 1% storey brick, 3 bedroom building is in excellent a IMPROVEMENTS Dentistry @ Over 20 years experience | [Furniture 668-5481, 668-6526. cozy living room and kitchen Han' "ttrauohour © teenth if DR. G. ROBERT BROWN, Dental Sur. THE FURNITURE CENTRE Killing You jANTIQUES. Glassware, picture frames, Credit lid on St. Lawrence St. in Whit- King Street East, close to . Additions -- Alterations geon, 172 King Street E., Oshawa. Tele- 90 Simcoe St. North | eee open ; jewellery, buttons, china, etc. Mrs. R. . by. Selling today for this low Road. Paved driveway and a n | = = ee |Owen, 1177 Kingston Rd., Whitby. i 4 th Recreations Rooms |Phone 728-517 PROFESSIONAL All Day ? Tee = Ee ee ENTER CHRISMAS coghi Trew UF: price listed above. ing, double garage. Good ° i d an ex b Call us: Dressmaking RUG CLEANIN Why don't you call Mr, V.S OF POISON, near Natabgo, india ~ FOR CENTURIES CRIMINALS [used household, articles, bring them te) A A {. HARMON ent income on ; NS, Bowmanville Auction | Barn, Doug anagemen Y VILLAGE | for fut im tl JAMES ALLEN & SONS ORESSMAKING AND ail types alter: G Kills for help. He will hove wake EXECUTED BY BEING =D TO DRINK ITS WATER |Gower, Auctioneer 1005. g This 2 year old elect listed 9 a 'vast : eaee ' q i me error Bnd el er Fon, mee) = Trainees rm brik hae with tech wisely, -- uy ts a 2 ft $M ' i ft "Quality Is what we bulld tn' _ the fee there may not be any. |8--Articles for Sale |8--Articles for Sale |WILL TRADE: 1955 Pontiac, In good| j in ed garage, fireplace, family now! Detailed informatior tc Lib reed elgar ingot vey Angus-Graydon 728-2696 Spleen ------ --|running order for best Volkswagen en-| We are looking for intelligent fridge a stove meor to you os your tele; y. sone . |gine offered. Telephone Brooklin 655-3475! aggressive, young men wit! ridge, broadioom included e t ROOFING i ee ee 728-6254 TILL 9 PM. ~ SNOWMOBILES CUSTOMIZED, DRAPES ter 's'sm emia] OF without "finance experi- | must be seen to be oppreciat TRIPLEX -- is Newer Old Cee ae Bee teks anc: CHESTHMPINLDE yaashadienal cae a aha 75 SAVINGS UP TO 50% WANTED -- bedroom ntl an it! Snees- to train os, brane ed. Call for appointment te JUST LISTED : nts (om drapes. Mrs. Tom, 668-2372. restyled. Free estimates. 'See our mate ELECTROLYSIS ' sa i LIMITED TIME ONLY Hotch. gthe i g 12 neces- inspect, IV. @ Excellent conditic veme ria re-covering. Ip covers id t i i £0. ' Ps doapebinets Gardening and Supplies {2 order, Dalton Upholstering, 75 charles 723-464 \ "Trollerk $129 up M&C 12--Amieipa for Rast These positions offer RETIRE IN WHITBY rs a ii ; reet, -7212. : ; ts -- rooms, plus h C. RUSS HARRISON a; Removal of superfl hoi Trailer hitches made and in- ; ; @ Excellent opportunity for Clean 3 bedroom brick, ci "ext . , RE-UPHOLSTERY b ts. Estab- : perfluous hoir DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES Dish- Ick, close tment. P D 725-3219 Bird Feeds' lished | 20 years. Workmanship guaran. had Murduff will bein a ive ires $12.95 723-7827 Ag tivinday Menta 8 e Soler cbnevsliblts with a - ng shopping, 'paved Dreey sa parking f |. Free estimates. , t ¢ i . : 4 FIFTEEN YEARS' experience in home] wig Birg Mi resies "result, turniture 'renanes:| oonewe Nov. 27, 28, and 29. Cc ed "Trail Ady 74 Celina Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal experience with merit rive with carport, fenced All aluminum storm door t repair and renovating. Free estimates, ild Bird Mix [Oshawa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenve.| Phone Genosha Hotel on en ae Snow- -- ~| Wear, Men's Formals, White increases. yard, only $18,900, windows. Heating only " fe obligations. Cunningham. 728-7287. Feed Sunflower 725-0311. these dates for oppointment. mobiles wonted. |UsED vines, meat ll " Bias Fox Furs, Min Steles © Pension Plon $145 per year. Call us for me =a BLOCK work and general -- irich, % a : . a BRICK AND BLOCK work and genersl) Large Sunflower Sales and Servic LADY WISHES RIDE to Toronto, King| Rent Ski-Doo by the Hour lsat" YOUR Soa PAGE ote i © Group life disability ond 500 éarmation, c ae M. Lafontaine Con Wheat e ond, Bay. area, arriving for' 8.30." Tele- or day, 80 acres to play on |FBT wholesaling, -- Spruce netstat! ~SARGEANT'S RENTALS medical insurance. he aig as have been look- e RANG PAVING, 10 years In busl- GuAR | se e942. 725-3338 i ing for a 6 room b ' Fee ae weak iS. eauare feo! Cr. Corn washers and. ranges. Free estimates |LADY. WISHES RIDE Yo Toronto, Queen MacDonald Texaco! i aa eg eae, sinensis to aes hana Pinta ae re- with low toxes a oes Bl feet x 200 16 17 Bond Street East, 723-5841. Pole Bird Feeder Falcon Furn. and Appilences. 720001). jon Yonge. rae, arriving tor 0:20. KING ST. E. |TELEVISIONS, reconditioned, 21" RCA,|people: Oshawa 'Tennis Club for ban-| imbursed, heat. Beat the rising cost of V, @ Excellent Lakefron ; Hanging Feeders roncibite hdmi small engine Ay si Open to 10 576-1250 Heed Se fae) kee 2)" Aarne quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, living by taking advantage of 25 miles from Oshawa. mn oy a " cst is | new pictur " 3 , s CLASSIFIED RATESS Pet Supplies supplies, storage. Tat 19 Prince. : 3--Sportsman's Column new 'uner, $79; te Eniities "conse, wager Ne hospital "beta, wale this one. Ing widen Good ter sets are jaranteed, 4 "S { WORD_ADS seven uie| Tne Baw Suede Sacra speci for moth" Novenoe'|SUNTING LICRNCES ew and ed! = BRUNSWICK HOME {elton ashe Oc. "StRefaeWs evirice side 125-657] GLENFOREST--$19,; : Stone Bae yond "S"consecu-| Master Dog Feeds fea Stee ean owe hove vane thing nition and hunting supplies. Valley Creek, BILLIARD TABLES wit ory. "Ar colar two" dreniek a 14--Busin s Op rt GEO. THOMSON Vb Ooi thr es 0s é tive insertions of 24 > 3 3.24; ddl Purity Dog Meol from mirrors, twindo minum | win- PIE Ea cesar Seo Complete line of tables, cues, | 12:14. Telephone 725-9881 : ---Puniness Vpperunr , OPEN oe en i nm i D ind wral . af ' |lABRPROXIMATELY © EEET cal in @ ex: t tive Insertions of 24 words 5.76; ed4-| Snow Shovels Pree pickup and delivery on all types of moose. Telephone Bob Siute, 7230775." | chalk, tips and balls. ACTROXIMATELY (0 FEBY galvanised West area, close to all : ( tional. words Water Soft Salt giass and mirrors. We're as close as WARD'S BILLIARDS lone season, $18., four-foot high. One nd shop ing. It hes a ' th sec ee edition chat your phone. 4--Motorbikes ' 150 x $20 x 15 Dunlop 'tire Includiny SPARE TIME : fig : Charge sen wnnin 8 ao we Malt Extract VACUUM. end pollsher "repaira, a1 l| "a6 a, <0 twin Triumph Bon 70 King West 728-5381 |wheel, '84. Phone 209990. ncluding HOUSE od oateine- es ae ine Concentrate makes, new hoses, brushes, new motors. |neville, ea . F -- : Sais 1 batt ot cing -- Ltn 3 Hudols& Ganery: Mix dace Lees, pick up and delivery, 728- He ie Both in A+! condition, RUTHERFORD'S [tae BASS lady's wpecordion, | me pe DOLLARS To assist manager in local particulars, _ tonight. } initial, figure or abbreviation counts - YAMAHA, 80 c.c., only 5,000 miles, good 3-room groups, Living Room, phone _728;1800. ey branch of coast to coast St. Lawrence St. E i one word; phone number counts two Cooper-Smith Co. |Septic Service running 'fendllon, black with "extra pe Pe a Me m, |FOUR-BARREL carburetor "and "mani! Oo \elming demand forces chain organization howe Whitby . €, GROCERY words. . one . B oe Fe 699. fol evrolet or Pontiac, complete ience unnecessary, in educa- BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- 16 Celine St. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv. F Easy terms. Immediate: deliv- |Win. gr cleaner. Telephone 725-416) + manufacturer to grant manu- tion field, but must be oble AND VARIETY STC SOCIAL NOTICES 723-231 793-1139 |St,0r calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut | 5--Trailers ery or lavenicns pba aide Het focturing rights of patented to converse intelligently. Vil. @ Located in a $2.50 per insertion with 25 cents addi- -2312 23-113 Street West, Whitby. 668-2563, |HORSE TRAILERS FOR SALE, aingle, RUTHERFORD' |ANTIQUE CHERRY table, cradie,| gutomotive products to indi- 1, Aged 16:26. Come In and see the two- north-west district. Inclu tional charge if not paid within 8 days. bsp S dressers, pine box, jugs. Also five-piece isl: Con % d 9) Storey, 4 bed: : ii | ¥ i ede , : room IN MEMORIAMS Instruction Surveyors een eae | 86 Since Se South ee ee ee) lL emant or ewege mow | 5 Ae eer NY ee go S uaieers: A yor 2.50 for the first 28 words and 6c PRIVATE LESSONS on trombone, ; : | USED TELEVISIONS, ditioned, |carriage, bicycles, ice skates, gard + ble to start mmediately, d Sach trea eMC at poy Ree Ae ic eager RE oe Lens ve sesomure oc |E--Marine Equipment [sana ue Buy. fn and werven. ne bana TTY ONY. fools supplied, "Abaolutely. ne SALARY: OPEN DAILY Savant tot included, F verse; 25c addi 5 us }. 4 ince |FourR Foor sales * . within 8 days. 1501. priate. 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632, Buys --_ ee = oe used furni- ova gen i ------ i ae selling. Earnings in excess of 110 10 a.m, until dark. perticulars, phone tonigh CARDS OF THANKS H. FLIM, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor. ture, appliances, antiques. 723-9241. 19/$8; Dinine-room gateleg table $22. 97| $7000 per year, by contract. ¢ ee y 2 e $2.50 for the first 38 words end 7c Mortgages Lage Ay Prince St. Res., 103 Elgin "| - Prince St. Oshawa Bivd. South. Low initial investment covers GLADSTONE AVEN each thereafter with 25¢ CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE. AN|SET OF COLLIER Encycior dia, i-| special machinery, material, i i charge if not pald within 8 days. SECOND 0 sly TV--Radio Repairs WORLD'S. LARGEST types and sizes of trees available. yoalenn. Asking $250. Thirty-five set and supplies. Only stable, de- sateiaw 6 _ $16,900.00 COMING EVENTS a. 00 torte MONEY SELLING SNOWMOBILE -- |hone_Mr. Niro, 668-6592. ___icamera,, flash attachment and light! pendable person should apply. 725-2541 BRICK BEAUTY Vill, @ Look 'at this se isplay); ood used itu Bac me home j fast 2b words ond 6¢ each thereatter| BORROW PAY WNT TV SERVICE PRICED 69 4 00 and appliances, One location 'only. Pretty | TELEVISIONS, 17" 9 - noon The 4 bedrooms seporate lary West aed pt (Word Ads) aa'ees: sedaaeee se, 4 COLOR or FROM Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. Marcon! $0, 20" RCA, new picture 'bs ed aia aye Be live ise ear et ee WOOO, oes '+ y ; CONTINENTAL. BEDS + 29.95, nat-|soy 21' Fleetwood, new picture tube, TRED STRED ing room, plus a finished rec. m Se SEP INCH PER INSERTION $4,000. ...,.... $50.97 BLACK and WHITE Osha -- cho men lect sash hamdbosrds| fer, y, Save Mened ond guaran eS ee ee $100.00 per oth 5 BO 000) 5s 5 iis $94.53 FOR THE BEST, CALL awa and areas largest one-third off. Factory outlet. 723-3889. deel onde! ING tio icely landscaped $100. per mon , DEADLINES OPEN MORTGAGES TR] O selection of mew ond used |SKATES, new and used, "hockey equip- ae ENUINE BORG Teckel size MANUFACTURING LTD. ---- poe yoned peg adevrd come a i ment an it i A 4 12 4 : Len, By onevous NOeemer'seevice | TELEVISION conpioe wok of sowmobhe |e came tnd Bes TEGH ESpyr oem oot erate, P| For eptiction all Me, MacLeod! § CCVMADANY | steam 8: gel, COME AND SEE j i lentia' a. Cai 'ore it's aghast PUBLICATION Mortgage examples based on oR cle pissin "18 ee er future ened San cnt DISPLAY MODEL. cigar: Met Heat tere too resi ' é IX. @ this beautiful side 15 year term. FOR CLEANER, SHARPER Pavey 20-4401 |si25,' Canadian Tire, 311. Bi 3 Has opening i i level home with attached : IN MEMORIAMS ond HB so a PR TV RECEPTION UNITED FIREWOOD, -- ary, hardwood: | Nori, Whitty. Sieh 723-4693 desarranr i Gain BUSINESS LOCATION garage. This home hos 4 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS -- (12 - 16% per annum) Your Own "RENTAL AND MARINE Ter' aanversn' yane birch, ete, 12" and TYPEWRITER = Smith ; - Corona "Elec: machine mechanic with sev- Garden centre, rental shop, rooms, @ spacious living CLASSIFIED DISPLAY depending on amount borrow- TV TOWER Oshawa -- 555, King St. ster. will | buy or sell your turnifure|ments. $85, Also Kodak an Soe Phone Wednesdays ond eral years experience. Only light manufacturing boat and a large Hollywoo 1 column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 col-| ed. Interest calculated on the East at Wilson, 728-5565. and appliances or commission, Free\good condition, $40. Call 725-1109. Thursdays experienced persons need sales, factory are only a few with separate dining roc umns or larger--10 a.m. day previous) peducing balance. 728 5] 43 Ajax -- Harwood Ave. North -- [pick-up. 263-2294. | KITCHEN SINK unit $39, television $39., apply. suggestions of business, that finished recreation room CANCELLATIONS AND | Bs 942-6171 TYPEWRITER, standard, $20.) portable, |kitchen cabinet. $11., chesterfield $147., rs saa could be carried out at this field stone bor. The gi CAC, REALTY LID. | CORRECTIONS icamion | C:AsC: - | Commer Bond end Division |__| Sn, 4" pewriter ME, eu, trapiace $2 to 8, Temps 82,1 FAMILY BUSINESS | Reply to: MRS. A. RIDDELL, | location on Victoria St. in have been professionally Any. advertisement cancelled before) OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | CHRIS. CRAFT |we BU BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE vsea|Propane heater $49., oll space heater) $3000. buys o 20 year estab- klar Furniture Whitby. Have a look and scoped and are really Publication will be eherged one day's 728-1691 | shine os can ick itunitre 'or anyining 'you nave, Tne $5, beds $20., coffee table set $21.) lished grocery and meat busi- 617 Victoria E. make an offer. chin a sap nserti ead P ' % 4 ar . i ; ee BOX NUMBER RENTALS $1.00 : V TOWERS McVay fibreglass sail boats, Street South. MEIN. sok oe [able Ss fale" 281 kitchen "chrome ness. Servicing Whitby and wetey, Sates. Dave Johnson 668-8826 : : e@ While every endeavour will be made te MORTGAGES wid Crestliner, Peterborough ond |Tv TOWER SPECIAL -- aH siruclures|set 525, 78-440 . ome) Oshawa area. Price includes YOUNG MEN Andy Keys 728-0916 LOT forward replies to box numbers te pi "BUILT. IN OSHAWA" Northcraft runabouts. Evin- all channel vantenne, $50. TRIO Tele-| iapyg Sea COATS, twos full. all equipment. Low overhead Caresi 'onchdiniv | D. Vickers 576-2476 CAN AVEN re leility Wh yrtaiay of loss or| First mortgages arronged and | AT OUR OWN PLANT rude outboard motors. |viston. 728-5 length, size 14-16, good condition. Rea.| allows good return on invest- ineis. J portunity, in bus- Barbara Reynolds 723-1887 ON HOL damage alleged to arise through either purchased. Open without no- | Oshawa Yachthaven tags coat = Cashmere, biack,|sonable. Bowmanville 623-5718. ment. hatter Dac maicuation or Marlow Hancock 723-0288 X. @ This extremely lor failure or delay in forwarding hich rec} tice or bonus. | We give you a better tower 723-8186 Woal; IR HAR CIN. excellent eonaitren 9--Market Basket 8 ines. bx al nae habe went bus- George Abramoff 723-4871 in the north-east sectio plies Penever Caer timer uilitret| Second: morigapes arranged. | for less money \"STARCRAFT" GREW Traveller boats, |Size 16/2. Low priced. Call 723-7244. Gordon Osborne Weebl caer cee N. Van den Broek 668-2675 Central Park North is. en be responsible for replies uncalled for) end. purchased. Current in- [eels Marine: Storage aioe aeeeiy tctent (cme cna eae cre pre Apply in n writing vis BOX 248, Clare. Shank od tees ri it apie ing in 29 days. terest rate 12%. Open half- OSHAWA T V Brooklin 655-3641. |p. Falcon Furniture and Ronnies Real Estate Ltd OsHawa Roy Soley 723-4726 pore: eae id REGULATIONS yearly without notice or ve ae OUTBOARD 19 1966 Johnson, good |452 Simcoe South, 723-0011. ' , very nite Pert pal ti ar cetoa bonus. fsa all ty RITERS, no money down, 8% 1F YOU ARE thinking of maki ivion_ Halligan i ev ; : Tisch ton tktokSs i "Sovee| "MA. F. SWARTZ TCM kong. -- OS MOnS aspe eal opslana: ane tte pea Ni oa Siatee Gaete| Game Tai, Seb-ch26 -- .: condition. A rentals, service, "i | or a i el * Fran ob dares Gon moRe| ~-Z672~King Street Eost sn eS aier'S pm ag 1985-7160 a 218 Dundas St. W., Whitby 'talon, tis may be Your epportniy. an | --cemnee_ Sullivan _66 cc | THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD- Oshawa, Ont. ust East oF Ritson: |FURNITURE -- Th le Insurance company VERTISEMENT NOR seone THE Telephone 723-4697 7 ] 7--Swap « and Barter furniliee: Pay. only bie roo fnew 668-8826 Whitby : n opening for.8 salesman in Osh- KEITH PRICE CHARGE FOR A SINGLE IN- 23-8131 723-8132 zee |Home urnishing, 424 Simcoe South, | * opportunity offers personal ad- QUIET STREET pe ET Ls Bah shabe eee LS iota VeTON, "60 Bulck, '1 Austin 850, 42 CG n 0s 728-5157 Oshawa vancement in 2ccordance with your own | MORTGAGE LOANS SERVICE CA '1 84 Bedford, Van, rotostller, every. TLRS ERS adding sinechines, cash BBI6499 Toronts pall cial ay corer personal XI, @ and se to Hal shaw i ht fi thin ing, new ged, 20 registers, new, used, sales, service, | " an id i Te Sea ann eoeraine 4 its @ Re-finance Present F E . "¢ holes 2.50 centso percent at Chinn, sli tna] makes. Cali _your | Royal de dealer. 728: 5664, Mate ase PE ig stat ae Se a proper classifications. Mort: ast T.V. Service ark Sou 3-7 ays: 7208) FREE! Furnace cleaned, adlusied tree. $ HOUSE AND STORE t, ; cational b of ri ahe caubaiee dliplcy olveriismmeoti| Pay ail youc-bille _ ----|Surchase trom: Western: "Olt" Compony, 2 Per Bushel (Forth, 'ttre tests, lames and educational bac background. REALTY LTD., 728-7328 ae penthiy Sedabied oe Sie eh oe ie dora pedagtiod @ Make home improvements DOMINION 8--Articles for | Sale [725-1212 nal aL 15--Employment Wanted iy & "pe ERION for haraware ae 103 KING STREET EAST eat plus low taxes. "error occupies. The publishers) @ Expand your business TELEVISION GUITAR, electric, hollow body, two pee erea once Pirement. Preferably with Canadian at $12,000 so be the f reproduce all advertising @ Fost courteous service NOW |pickup, case and 20 ft. cord, FREE PICK-UP and delivery, day care od ts re experience; benefits, Realtor | ectly, but assumes no fiabil- 728-5154.9 [e) |new, $50. Telephone 947-5334, Alax. in my home. Not under two years/P004 opportunity for bi t man. Apply give us a cal ertisement if any inaccuracies A. ROSEN : siaidsamaste tot sab SIX-SERVICE BAYS = gear of age. 576-1337. vali Ls DR [oF e rertiosnens 1 oy acre - ROSE = GENERAL ELECTRIC color portable MOVING, rove "Whaured,odd joby one, |314000 PLUS REGULA MW BONUS} $15,400, -- Modern brick LOT IT'S EASY TO PLACE A ae wee TELEVISION -- RADIO aa 3 A pears PERV ICE Telephone O4Ie een with or without truck, Rent truck with/:h,,1mm over ia? In Oshawa area. Take! home with 4 bedrooms, walle ON KLUANE STRE TIMES ACTION WANT AD med udlbal ad 4 i GLASS REPAIRS | PA ATR bot Air mail P.-B. Di i | Cell Clessified Direct ends and evenings 728-5623 a Hour Selvice Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- {wood windows and ium ana ORCHARDS. Ltd. RELIABLE WOMAN will give good western Petroleum Carer SON. prem Pur prenent: XM. @ Extra large lot, = Pie RODE SE CEABRS EERE UD HOLMES mouth, Pontiac. We correct {Free pick-up and delivery, 728-2284. sare 50 children in her home. Telephone |st.. Ft. Worth, Texas. 710i. | $14,900, --». Close. to_ Mary 170', beautiful view of 723-3492 wheel alignment, inspect ond |GIBSON ELECTRIC stove $50., 2 gh hiice| Thickson ' 250) SERVICE STATION pttmiaaet required. t, i ved drive. Ontario. Zoned R2A, C MONEY A PROBLEM? 9 4 xed ba refrigerator $65, dinette table and ree 17--F le Help W. | Excellent epportunit for enerestic St. 6 room brick, pa Bolight with - down pal ) - correct castor and comber- ca ; ' --Female He 'ante me ~ Consolidote all your debts into ELECTRONICS old tomth ond toecut te lide Ce ee ms | Whitby e Apply. imperial Ont omer cael $2,000. DOWN -- 6 room owner will hold. mortgag INDEX TO or. Jom, mentnly payment. correct condition .... $7.95 aa G00D USED CARRIAG! ee way 401 a! Waverly Resa, Bowmenvilie,| brick, good condition, east comes to the door. Phor oe First, second and third mort- TV RENTALS @ Parts extra if required. good used crib, $35. Telephone 455-078, SPY APPLES FOR SALE. 1% miles SECRETARY-RECEPTIONIST cal ESS end, $14,500, night for further informe LASSIFICATIONS gages arranged. 24 hour @ Torsion bar adjustment THISTLE BABY carriage, green, _810.\s9 per bushel" MayBelle' Sretords ook tinned Orhee: taeda ieee tedster : : *. 1--Women's Column service, including weekends, TOWERS extra. Aime Pure free to good home. Tele-/2163. Open every da ay. mr Must nee eins and dicto- round pf Mb onthgsealh steady year) $14,500. -- Four bedroom COMMERCIAL PROPE Sear teman's Column pee W. LAHAY & ASSOC PHONE 668-5679 BRAKE SPECIAL SRARE KENMORE dipeap sewing ma- APPLES -- Mcintosh, $1.95 bus. Thick. gh tn of er ate Seely, at Brown's Breed, Os pow. "m| | It a Ee eee a 8" XIII. @ 33,000 sq. ft. 4--Mctoreycles WILLOWDALE, ONT. Most popular cars. First |chine with cabinet, Telephone 728-5334 |containers.- SOU" Service Ra. Bring} Are Plas occasionally v me land, zoned commercial, psa lt Mg Equipment 223-2060 or 223-8797 ALY, Rentals Quality Ravaline, 4 wheels, ane "--_________________|QNTARIO NO. 1 WINTER potatoes, de| run overtime so that clock- 19--Male or Female $13,900. -- Modern 6 room age on 2 main fees 7J--Swop ond Barter FIRST AND SECOND orlosbea zal NEW SETS 8 acliian iawoe, DROME I Rayon lWered or opel 14 Rockcliffe Street.) watchers need not apply. Good H house at Bethany, electric secondary ad A 'at SEN Hate thd agreements purchased and sold. Mennicx FALCON Plus $2.00 per wheel offer. Télephone 576-3663. -- serene FROG". 2 starting wage with ibili elp Wanted . heating, lot 100 x 150 ft. cere pee pio Wootters Goiumn and, Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street FURNITURE 4 (labor cost) FIBERGLAS FENDERS fr Om $2795 9A--Eggs & Poultry : Hie Sib hab: dg siagn ad S) 50b: DOWN --.5 icon protesieneh HiBN: cise iglarticis Wanted M an WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL |buiit starters and generators. 1175 Nelson|EGGS "DAISY FRESH" dally -- White| full particulars of age, Sain R. MARTI N brick $85. per month. ment development. Call tc 13--~Articles for Rent -- Money to Loan APPLIANCES Including weights per wheel, | St-_725-2162. gli Wr bude Oshawa, 655-4752. Pick-| ing, experience, marital status REAL ESTATE LTD., BROKER ' We will be pleased to { {d--Bicner Begortatin NEED CAN ip eae Yor wis] 452 SIMCOE SOUTH -- | each sen St.95 |RURT SRL am uo urue |oe Oe steered at Sere or ames | ge to $9,900. -- Compact home in RS ere i7--Female Help Wonted date ee ee 723-0011 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, recliner, chesterfield suite, tables, hen 10--Farmer's Column : Immediately requires one ex- Courtice area, one acre lot. e 1B--Male Help Wanted cent: Alse "ret" morionees aviienie lc -- FRONT-END WORK at kitehen "set, smoker, footstool, oll pain'-| seas ans CRIPPLE BOX 84589 perienced salesman or sales- LaSALLE AVENUE BE me fo roca fee We ed --lconfidential, private funds. Call 723-4631 aire" Gicokaneere Tieisont tower COMPARABLE PRICES Bete eg ere tere: Sunt TRC Tee eT reed up are: Meroe ha noe OSHAWA TIMES lady, who is not afraid of $1,000. -- Five rooms near XIV. @ 3 bedroom brick 20a--Summer Properties paid $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taun- ENCYCLOPEDIA, 10 volumeayIn ood fyrone. Telephone, to éollect Hampton 263- Hp vig! for good returns, Ritson Rd. $8,900. golow, close to all s Soon tor sale = Pelating and Decorating (0 fete Eat Im oe of Rite Reve UNIROYAL Condition, $30, Telephone 724-6367, any- RELIABLE WOMAN fo come in and care fidential. Call Hage: Pog WALNUT COURT -- Vacant gel _ pay paentge' --Recl Estate Wont : 1 0) age. Five- i . as a pave j Scares, 'Offices and Storage ak i NOW! Painting, paper hanging, CENTRES FENDER BASSMAN amplifier, almost Gey week, Hoht housekeeping. duties. Real Estate Ltd. Broker. pr bileg eh ue 8 8 ed Sree basement, « 25--Houses for Rent oo, or ghd Outside, Inside, F FOR new, two 12-inch speakers, four inputs, Eulalie - Central Park eres. 728-3932. leep. farnil 26--Apartments for Rent Schmidt, 725-957; The New Home of $275, 576-2556 between 4-6.30 p.m WANT RESULTS? |HouSEKEEPER, "some cooking and 576-1200 reel aI TRL deg 260-Expo Accomodation PAINTING 5-5 PAPER hanging, in- RESULTS DOMINION TIRE-STORE -- |Gas~RANGE, Findiey. s100- Telephone F |hight housework, ne coe. Be COTTAGE VALUE -- Loke- couple. Call tonight for coms for Rent erior and. exterior. Free estimates and 17. Park Road South 725-4531. : : : : care of elderly gentleman. Live in or 172 KIN front furnished cottage © information, m and Board low prices. Telephone 728-2834. Phone 725-6511 UPRIGHT PIANO, good condition. Rea.) GET WITH THE ACTION! Sti ee ee Piet hag oe er Call "Poe Abbe r hme ble. $75. Tel 942-4619. viVGNEN The hh . . 2 Compogt 'Coys for Soe TIM TIMES pela ey "high. ae pe ago Decorate] TIMES ACTION ne tieintl sg Cake awn pe ACCOUNTANT (CGA OR RIA student 7328." oes GUIDE REALT so va' high, 2' wide. Best ¥ 2 --Automob ies Wonted ES ACTION ACTION CLASSIFIED PaADt tor nee Oe ead Marth aii: feces oF "artical re Woe CLASSIFIED ADS. pAb se ibid hes Me Ning er ree" pth Pee MA ae tad were OR SIX-BEDROOM house, in good emopie Repo CLASSIFIED ADS | ApS Taree neta os 700 or est eter. |hviaines, inate, Ratsemaie, 6 on esate Shee $1 King E. No prone pete. "Ali replies rated nil ot [aren 'ear howia 81790, Sit rae LIMITED SS ech BRING RESULTS! VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hoses,|SEWING MACHINE, eleciric, whiie,, 723-3492 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS required|EARN EXTRA MONEY by demonstrat. (COUld be arransed. 720-0863 16 Simcoe Street Sout! 38--Coming Events ° brushee, etc. Pick-up, delivery. 942-0213.|Rotary, buttonhole worker, zipper at- for Rainbow Restaurant, $50 weekly, ne, our required products from $14,900. NICE seven room "brick home: ae: 723-3 492 | piemning Vecuum Service, Main Street, fecneente, $75. ' Armen: sith loose 3,00 + 11.30. Apply 163 Brock Street can 19 Prince Street, Telephone Ressonabie down payment, Telephone 723-5281

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