2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, November 28, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE New Gallup Poll Gives LBJ Popularity Increase PRINCETON, N.J. (AP) -- President Lyndon Johnson's popularity has taken an upswing for the first time since the June summit talks, according to the latest Gallup Poll. WEATHER FORECAST Variable Cloudiness, Continuing Very Cold TORONTO (CP) -- Officialjries Wednesday. Continuing forecasts issued at 5:30 epg pli Winds northwest 15. EST today. | Montreal and Ottawa regions: Synopsis: Brisk westerly|Today mainly cloudy but with winds continue to sweep cold air|sunny periods and with a few across the Great Lakes, giving|snow flurries. A little colder, snowflurries to most of southern | Winds westerly 15 during the Ontario and heavy snow squalls|daytime, light at night. to the lee of Lake Huron and| Forecast temperatures Georgian Bay. Wednesday 4 Lote teulaht, tah Wedunnling 15 S i TORONTO (CP) -- The C federation of Tomorrow Conf ence that dealt with predictal generalities during its open se"sion Monday was expected get down to less predicta' sp°cifics today. Discussion Monday v centred on the conferen-: theme and 'The goals of Cai dians" with six provinces, cluding Quebec, agreeing to Viet Cong Hit And Run SAIGON (AP) -- The U.S. command today reported five more Viet Cong hit-and-run at- tacks scattered across South Vietnam. Ground fighting also was renewed in a coastal low- jlands valley in the northern | part of the country. i j "It's a kind of cyclic thing," Police Head Resigns jone U.S. officer said of the rash SAIGON (Reuters) -- The! of harassing attacks that began powerful head of the South Viet-|jast Saturday. "They are no namese national police force,) worse than they have been Brig.-Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan, | several times this year. There peratures will continue on the According to George Gallup, jhas resigned, governmentiis no real pattern to this. Wi aera 30 vamp Canada's constitution director of the American Insti- | Sources said today. \ |There's no telling what they're cold side, v4 haegg pear sth blag o aes 30 meet that province's aspi a Sine Delain. 2 per The 37-year-old police chief,|up to." ala gael [TopHOn sscesntsscs 18 8 Os a eli aa cent of persons interviewed in a who personally Jed his men in-a| i i . S lacs Cccnds 28 ': lay the 10 provinces tac country-wide poll approve the Bicrackdown on an anti-govern-| Vietnam, "the northeast oon han ggg" geo Lrg sal RARE TY 5 . these topics: 'The role of | way Mr. Johnson is handling his } ment Buddhist struggle move-|soons limited American pilots to Aybrogge™ Clair. Lake Erie, Wingham ....+.0. 18 25 English and French langua; b. pment last year, cited poor|117 missions Monday but the thern Lake Huron Niagara, Wath cto M8 30 in Canada" and "The ways In October and September health as the reason for his res-' targets included two North Viet- southern. 48 iburt faa Cohen ce 30 which the federal system co polls conducted by Gallup 38 per ignation, police sources said. |namese air bases, a third un- Lake peep teyag ope -- St. Catharines .... a : be improved." i cent approved. |completed airfield used for stor- em Georgian Bay regions: 'Toronto .-..» wuliaas ; Newfoundland's Premier | Boxing Legalized FLINT, Mich. (AP) -- After Fire Kills Four MONTREAL (CP) -- Fou lage and a barracks area. r, The Viet Cong, in their latest variable cloudiness with a few|Peterborough ..... 10 28 scattered snowflurries today.| Kingston A Meee | 28 Sunny with cloudy periods!Trenton ....+.+.05. 10 28 seph Smallwood said Monday would agree to rewriting of | constitution if Canada wor persons died early today and hit-and-run attacks raided two |seven others were taken to hos-|U-S.-South Vietnamese air pital after poisonous carbon| bases, a South Vietnamese junk Wednesday. Continuing ¢01d./Killaloe ..+++++.+++ 10 25 Winds westerly 20 to 30 today,|Muskoka ...-sse006 10 25 northwest 15 tonight and|/ noth BAY ssiesccs 30 20 adopt steps to end economic ¢ parities between the have a have-not provinces. 58 years it's legal again to fight, in Flint. The city commission voted Monday night to abolish a : ' monoxide fumes seeped into an|base, a government subsector 'ednesday. | ie yin ; 1909 ordinance banning boxing B cast-end duplex in which they| headquarters and a national po-| Ww ye sis Maren. aout Ce Alberta, British Columbia a ity hi i Northern Lake Huron, Earlton ..... Mee, lees || in the city limits. lived lice station. ena Goraian Bay, Algaiba te-|ccit tie, tbaric P4 as Saskatchewan were opposed : , ult Ste. o iti iti Gar Mocre Ill | PRESIDENT JOHNSON The dead, three children and| The guerrillas set fire to four| gions: Mainly cloudy with tecal Gcseeciae Seong 15 pinvag ig British No: Ty | «..41 per cent approve a man, are members of the| light observation planes, burned snow squalls today, variable) white River .....+. 5 15 -- HAMILTON, Bermuda (AP) |-- -- -|same family. They lived on the|UP one helicopter and damaged cloudiness with a few snowflur-|\o9sonee -- U.S. television personality Garry Moore, 52, is recovering in King Edward Memorial Hos- ground floor of the residence. three others, sank one junk and Police said the fumes emanat- pore aly mie " the Ponts n "| LONDON (Reuters) -- An ed from a basement garage in S°°tor headquaretrs, they inflict- pital from a mild heart attack|1g+h century gold and mother- the building where a car had|©4 heavy damage on an electric suffered Nov. 17, the hospital] of. pearl snuff box sold for aj been left with its motor running, | POWer house, a water company supervisor reports. lworld record £21,000 ($53,940) and the information office. here Monday to an unnamed This type of warfare intensi- Smugglers Caught i|European dealer. The box, fied in the wake of the three- NEW YORK (Reuters) ---|made by Jean Fremin of Paris H |week battle at Dak To. Two men were arrested at Ken-jin 1756 and decorated with Special Grant nedy International Airport here| Chinese subjects, fetched top, OTTAWA (CP) -- A sugges-| Monday when they attempted to|price in sales of antiques and tion that the federal government | SPEAKER RAPS smuggle 100 pounds of peyote, aj ancient documents at Sohebys. make a special grant to help hallucinatory drug, into the city) ---------- ~~ Paul - Emile Cardinal Leger in| BACK-BENCHER ' OTTAWA (CP) -- Conserva-| 10 20 LIAISON NECESSARY And at least four of the pri sores inces agreed there had to more co-operation between t federal and provincial gove' ments on matters of mutual terest, Quebec ries Wednesday. Continuing pjmmins ... cold. Winds westerly 20 to 30; --_____ today, northwest 15 Wednesday. | SELLING Mainly cloudy with occasional YOUR HOUSE ? light snow today. Variable} WE CHARGE cloudiness with a few snowflur-| % CTT! ONLY 4% LIST NOW WITH Record Auction Identities of the victims are| not known. | . ital i GOVERNOR-GENERAL EATS GEM-STUDDED DUCK Buy Direct Save up to 50% TONECRAFT police said. Authorities estimat-| =a , his new work among lepers in| ed the drug, made from a spine-| % | Africa was rejected in the Com-| Governor-General less cactus common in-the--U.S. southwest would be worth $100,000 on the illicit drug mar-| ket. Space Shot Flops ADELAIDE (Reuters) -- Aus-| tralia's first attempt to launch a satellite failed at Woomera Tuesday when the 70-foot Red- stone rocket would not lift off the launching pad. Countdown for launching the Wresat I satel- lite, to make radiation tests in space, continued right to the point of Jaunching. Then nothing happened. Fought Red Regime VATICAN CITY (AP) -- The; Vatican has reported thé death| in Hungary of Bishop Jozsef Pe-| tery, an opponent of the Com-| munist regime who had been| barred from performing his/ church functions for the last 14) years. Bishop Petery, 77, was | bishop of Vac and a close as-} sociate of Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty, the Hungarian pri-| mate who has been a refugee in| | i HON ALLAN MacEACHEN < o> Reports Tf? Parliament Z \ \ Pensidn Plan OTTAWA (CP) -- The Canada Pension "Plan_/took in $587,- mons Monday, | Albert Bechard, parliamen- jtary secretary to State Secre- jtary Judy LaMarsh, said any tive back-bencher Rod Webb was rebuked by Speaker Lacien Lamoureux in the Commons Monday for a question he asked CENTRAL ONT. TRUST Roland ronto Sunday night. He was ciation. Mr. Michener rep- Michener eats gem-studded (meaning a variety of stuff- ings) barbecued duck in To- the guest of the Chinese Community of Ontario and resented Toronto's Chinese community as MP for St. Paul's from 1953 to 1962. King Park 723-4922 Plaza Phone 723-5221 the Canadian Chinese Asso- | | would be considered. 4 |Reeve Robert Speck, recuperat- '|choose_ either such grant would have to be|Concerning President de Gaulle made by the external aid office, | Of France. But he added that if Cardinal] , Mt. Webb, MP for the On- user could detail his needs and Petes dont: h make 2 tequest for help, it) ssinister Mackachen 'wheth- Unnamed City Mayor have the French president COOKSVILLE, Ont. (CP) -- committed tion."' Speaker Lamoureux hasti- ly cut off Mr. Webb from saying anything further. He said Mr. Webb should know his words were out of order in the Commons and unpar- to an_ institu- BRUSSELS (AP) -- President|measures. But continental ex- Charles de Gaulle's latest rebuff Petts sine Hage Pee A , nae _|ship wou a go ing for et gg $ application for Com |Britain and probably the only mon Market membersh 'P/kind of relationship with the see agro atigerdieag aa fim Common Market the British can 3 | s ' i - better settle for associate mem- cota ee ee ing in hospital from a heart at- tack suffered last month, Mon- day night was acclaimed mayor jof a still unnamed municipality jthat will be Canada's largest town on Jan. 1. When Toronto Township resi-| np pore Associate Membership "smagert o*tanee [Only British Alternative the community, Britain would join Greece, Turkey and 18 Afri- ca states--most of them for- mer French colonies--who have no vote in determining the Com- mon Market's general policy but are consulted on issues of in- interest to them. SURVEY RODMAN CITY OF OSHAWA SALARY RANGE -- $4,877.00 -- $5,457.00 (40 hour week) For rodding and chaining. May operate transit and level, assist Instrumentman in preparing grode sheets, reduce survey notes. Applications close 5:00 p.m., Friday, December Ist, 1967, Apply giving full particulars of qualifications, experience, to: The Personnel Officer City Hell, Oshawe Soft Sta By DAVE BAZAY inc TORONTO (CP) -- Premier|the | bership. The French pr made This status, casting Britain in| clear Monday i his semi-an- a second-class, non-voting role,|nuyal news conference that de- would open the Common Marketlyajuation of the British pound tariff wall to British products. | has had no effect on his deter- Prime Minister Wilson has| mination to keep Britain out of said he does not want any half-|the six-nation trade community. "The present Common Mar- J Bodies Found liamentary. dents vote Dec. 9 for a new mu-| nicipal officials, they also will Mississauga or} Sheridan as the name for the) municipality, to be incorporated | Riots Spread Iwesterm ous. "| Ty) Malaysia With 100,000 residents, it will] have a larger popular and area) PENANG (AP) -- The Malay- than Oakville or Burlington, | sjan government sent army and the U.S. embassy in Budapest since 1956. The Vatican did not say when Bishop Petery died. 202,309 in compulsory contribu-\now the largest towns in Cam tions during the fiscal year) ada. ended last March 31, Health ', Minister MacEachen reported UFO s Spotted. to Parliament Monday. | IVANGRAD (AP) ---! Almost all of the money was! Yugoslavs r i linw in. Of the Oct. 17 Ontario election zB eporting they had/invested in the bonds of provin result ih Oltawa Bast haw con| Recount seen several unidentified flying|cial governments and_ their objects have provoked panic in| agencies. live Jules: Mi A peatie some villages around Ivangrad| Interest aecumulated to/"Ye Jules Morin, it was an- in the last week. Villagers think Racine. | Mr. Morin's 35-vote lead on| \election night | votes after the PARIS (Reuters) -- Novelist) county court judge. Claire Etcherelli, illiterate until : she was 10 years old, won one lof France's top literary prizes A small child playing with a Monday, the Prix Femina. cigarette lighter in the front! i y fillee a ne bedroom of the apartment of S¥are lor het book Fise ou La r *1) G i |Vraie Vie (Ellise or Real Life) zerry Montgomery, 29 Russett! hich describes the life-of a Pa six forest fires, but officials say|in administration costs. the cause of the fires has not| been established. | Top Literary Prize HERE AND THERE FIRE DAMAGE Fire Damage WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) March 31 was $8,078,000, almost|mounced Monday. The seat had|jured--half of them seriously the flying objects have caused| matching the $8,377,581 paid out|0¢e" held by Liberal -- to warrant hospital was cut to 12\was reported in Wellesley Prov- recount by alince, where a family of four were burned to death when ar- sonists set fire to their home. __|feeshop were burned and sever- Damage was estimated at al- 2! cases of looting and stabbing most $100,000 in an early morn- YeT® Te ported in the 280- ing fire which burned two floors S@are-mile province that is se- of a three-storey hotel here|Parated from Penang Island by| West Memphis, Ark., recalled police reinforcements to north- west Malaysia today to quell spreading racial clashes be- OTTAWA (CP) -- A recount|*Ween Malays and Chinese. The toll from five days of communal riots and anti-gov- | firmed the election of Conserva-|ernment demonstrations rose to 17 dead and more than 200 in- The worst incident Tuesday Three other homes and a cof- incompatible with the Near Buffalo British economy the way it is," BUFFALO, Mo. (AP) -- Two bodies found in a soybean field south of Buffalo may be those of two Montreal college students who were hitchhiking home from a summer vacation in Mexico, authorities said. Montreal officials said Ber- tram Kidd, 20, and Marjorie Sharp, 21, students at McGill University, were last seen Sept. 16 when they left a bus north of Mexico City. Kidd is a British subject and Miss Sharp is a Ca- nadian. The Missouri highway patrol said clothing near the woman's decomposed body bore a Cana- dian manufacturer's label. The patrol said W. S. Cheek of Ei is he said. The British foreign office, without mentioning de Gaulle, {noted that a reply to its applica- |tion had to come from '"'the ex- isting members of the communi- y as a whole." This indicated Britain officially still hopes the jother five members can change de Gaulle's mind, but this seems most unlikely and only one "no"' vote is necessary to block membership. As an associated member of generally fitted the victims, the patrol said. He also recalled that the girl said her father was a banker in Montreal. Miss Sharp's father retired as a Royal Bank of Canada auditor earlier this year. Bertham's fa- ther is Rev. D. W. Kidd of Mount Royal, Que. Ave., Apt. 7, Monday afternoon! started a fire that did $300 dam- age. The two station alarm fire resulted in $50 damage to the building end $250 damage to the contents. HUNTING POLICY The Central Ontario Regional Development Council, covering the counties of' Ontario, Halton Peel and York, is sponsoring a pane] discussion Nov. 30 start-| ing at 9 p.. at the Aurora comunity centre on the topic:| "Should we establish a hunting policy in the region." STUDENT GUESTS Three Central Collegiate In stitute students were guests at the Monday luncheon of the | Rotary Club of Oshawa. Seven} new members were inducted by the club. The ceremony was conducted by past district gov- ernor S. F. Everson. He was assisted by President Kenneth | Crone, George Fletcher and} Dick Snowden HOSPITAL REPORT - During the week ending Nov. / 25 341 patients were admitted and 343 discharged by the Osh- ewe General Hospital. There | 36 births. Eighty-seven major, 139 minor and 95 eye,ear, nose and throat operations were performed. Thirty-three casts | were applied. The physiotherapy | department gave 563 in-patient! and 499 out-patient treatments | and made 504 in-patient and 319 | out-patient visits. The occupa- tional therapy department han- ded 187 in-patients and 23 out- | patients. HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS risian factory worker. Textbook Study TORONTO (CP) Ontario's school textbooks will be exam-| ined to see how fair they are to| the country's minorities, the di-| rector of the Ontario Human Rights Commission said Mon day. Dr. Daniel G. Hill, in a public lecture at the University of To- ronto, said the two-year re- search project would look for in sulting references to minority groups and ". . . the exclusion of mention of the cultural con tribution of certain groups." You Borrow $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 WHY OUR PLAN IS is crystal clear. No bonus ments, SPEEDY SERVICE: Justt Monday. Seven persons fled the 2 five-mile waterway. fire in the Victoria Hotel, a 67--ARMS MISSING year-old building, shortly after| Police said~the il residents had left for work. |that about three months ago he| The bodies were found Sunday brought two young hitchhikersjon a farm 60 feet off U.S. Route of ajfrom near the Mexican border|65. Coroner Jerry T. Cantlon es- timated they had been in the body woman with her arms cut off to the Texas-Oklahoma line. Low Cost 2nd Mortgages Get cash fast for house repairs, a new car, vacations, or any other good reason, Above payments based on 14% per annum for 7 years NO BONUS CHARGE OR HIDDEN FEES: With the Associates, you get a mortgage agreement that charged, Prepayment privileges, Confidential arranges set up a plan for you immediately, ASSOCIATES REALTY CREDIT LIMITED 111 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA | PHONE 725-6531 | Jury Recommendation |g STRATFORD (CP) -- A coro- ner's jury investigating the Oct 4 death of six persons in a train-car collision recommended Monday a dangerous crossing sign be placed at the side road/ where the accident occurred. 4 Tavistock woman and five teen-agers, one of them her son were killed when a westbound CNR passenger train hit the sta- tion wagon carrying the six. Monthly Payments As Low As $37.05 $55.58 $74.10 $92.63 BEST: or hidden fees are ever ell us your needs and we'll one village, Cheek's description of the pair field about three months. * Daniel Johnson Monday used soft-spoken statesmanship in an appeal to the English-speaking provinces to help make French- Canadians feel at home in all of Canada. The premier closed the first day of the Confederation of To- morrow conference by telling fellow provincial premiers Que- bec is in aggreement on "'the great objectives" of Canada. But the French-speaking prov- life of tur ] the En mé gh re Pr ta. I en Premier Robe With Initial By TOM CLARIDGE TORONTO (CP) -- Premier John Robarts, who piloted the Confederation of Tomorrow con- ference through its first two ses- sions Monday, said he was sat- isfied with initial results. The premier tried to steer a middle road between_the argu- ments of those pressing for a strong central government and those seeking more power for the provinces. On one hand he attacked the idea that the provinces "'are in some way a nuisance and an smpediment." "To my mind there can be no more tragic misreading of the nature of Canada," "Our triumph, our singular achievement, is that we exist in spite of our differences." But he declared that Ontario has no intention of undermining the federal government's "place of primacy." URGED FLEXIBILITY He made a case for a more flexible constitution which would meet changed circum- stances. "We must be prepared he said.|. Co ha pa fis ter alz co aw co wi pre ] be col ert ing Qt 1 gio OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, Nov. 29th 78 Sim DOUG HURST ELECTROHOME ORGAN From 4:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. Here is a wonderful opportunity to find out how easily you can play Electrohome Organ by the Heintzman Teaching Course. PHONE 728-2921 | FOR RESERVATIONS AND TRAVEL INFORMATION CALL -- DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE coe St, N., Oshawa hod OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 102 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY PHONE 668-8862 HEAR FOR ALL YOUR TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS CALL OR SEE FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL AT THE |\57 KING ST. E., OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN--PORT PERRY 576-3131-2-3-4 CALL FOR COMPLETE TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 25 KING ST. E. OSHAWA PHONE 723-7001 MITCHELL and WAITE 6% PRINCE ST. (North of King) OSHAWA .PHONE 728-7395 Listen to 'Travel Topica" on CKQS-F.M. Every Friday Evening from 8 P.M. till 9 P.M. f, f to accept needed reform." ag And he suggested reform be|sai in the direction of giving each|m¢ province a unique "special| ab status" within a reworked Con-| ble federation. { Mr. Robarts argued that since' tal Toronto Chess Oshawa Playe Chess expert Geza Fuster of| | Toronto lost one game, won 16/le} and collected three draws from |le! Oshawa players Saturday at|m the YWCA chess hall. | Robert Armstrong won the},, single victory from the former Hungarian champion, who was)» also Canada's representative to) Pl the chess Olympics at Munich, | Ch Germany, in 1958. af Mr. Fuster played 20 games) 1y of chess simultaneously Satur- Le day night. Larry Robert, Joe Haas and Joe Castro drew with the chess expert. They are cur- Ke rently representing the Oshawa Ri Chess Club in the Metro To-|™ ronto Chess League. _ Mr, Fuster was also U.S.A. Open Speed Champion in 1957, defeating more than 80 play- ers including Bobby Fisher and Robert Burn. was also Hun- garian Chess correspondent be- tween 1942-1944. : Beautify and Protect With © SIDING @ . . « by Keiser! @ §xtra insulation @ No main- tenance! @ All work guaranteed @ Free Estimates. "GALBRAITH 140 Elgin Eest -- 728-0181