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Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Nov 1967, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 29, 1967 ' INCREASE POSTPONED Postal Rate Resolution Defeated By Opposition By ALEXANDER FARRELL | OTTAWA (CP) -- The opposi-| tion got back from dinner a lit- tle faster than the government Tuesday night, and defeated a government resolution aimed at raising postal rates on letters within Canada by one cent. Postmaster - General Cote PARLIAMENT AT-A-GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS This increased the chances) TUESDAY, Nov. 28, 1967 that the present four for local letters, will re- main as they are until after Christmas. If the government brings in a reworded resolution and gets it accepted, it can then push enabling legislation through Parliament. The defeat, by 14 votes to 11, did not come on a confidence motion, and therefore put the) government under no obligation| to resign. When the House of Commons resumed its sitting at 8 p.m., after the dinner break, nobody got up to speak on the resolu- tion, which had been r de- bate most of the afternot The chair therefore called aj vote and Conservative House Leader Michael Starr, counting!| the House, quickly agreed. | The 12 Conservatives and two! New Democrats president; joined forces to beat the 11 Lib-/ erals. The total of 25 members was five above the quorum re-| quired to transact business in the 265-seat House. | The opportunity to inflict a} surprise defeat on the govern-| ment might not have occurred, however, had not Max Saltsman} (NDP--Waterloo South) also) been a few minutes late getting} back to the Commons. Mr. rates, five! | Prime Minister Pearson cents for out-of-town letters and) 6ondemned President de Gaulle's newest statements on Quebec as an "'intolerable" in- terference fairs, All four opposition party leaders in the Commons joined in criticizing the presi- dent's statements~Of sovereignty for Quebec. Mr. Pearson also described the Cyprus situation as "dan- gerously explosive' and said | a Greek-Turkish war could be almost fatal to NATO. The Commons resumed de- bate on planned postal rate in- crease, with opposition MPs complaining that burden would be carried by private citizens. The government suffered a surprise defeat on a resolution preceding legislation to in- crease postal rates The 14-to-11 vote killed the resolution for this session but government spokesmen said it might be possible to introduce a reworded resolution with similar effect. WEDNESDAY, NQ; 29 The Commons meets at 2:30 p.m. to resume clause-by- clause debate on the govern- in Canadian af- the whole | was in the Comons at the more Liberal MPs from dinner, but no one did. "This is awful," Government House Leader MacEachen said when he heard the news. He im- mediately telephoned Prime Minister Pearson, whose reac- tion was not disclosed. Meanwhile, there is doubt as to whether the govern- ment can introduce a reworded resolution with the same intent at the current session, which could extend well into the new year. REVISE WORDING Mr. MacEachen said he thinks the government can jcome up with a new resolution with enough differences in | wording to be acceptable. | The resolution sought Com- mons approval to introduce leg- |six cents from five on out-of- itown letters for delivery within) |Canada, and to five from four! yr Bell said the record of {on local letters. | The same legislation would/in the field of transportation. 'have provided an amended rate jstructure for newspapers and | periodicals and certain changes jin post office administration, | particularly in relation to tend- ers and contracts. } After the postal resolution |was beaten, the Commons got| |through several non-controver- Sial measures before a volcano of angry words erupted over the annual CNR finance bill. Michael Forrestall (PC -- Saltsman had been scheduled to} ment 'bill to restrict capital |Halifax), Grant Deachman (L speak at the 8 p.m. resumption) punishment. The Senate is ad-|--_ Vancouver Quadra) and, of business. journed until Dec. 5 |Thomas M. Bell (P C-- Saint) |John - Albert) demanded that) some way be found of getting a/ time. He or anyone else could|for the premier said Tuesday. have risen to talk on the resolu-| tion, stalling for time while eration of Tomorrow conference returned|he is certain Quebec would re- some) | |tions, such as the CNR. TORONTO (CP) -- Premier Daniel Johnson of Quebec disa- grees with the resolution of French-language _unilingualism Unilingualism Dismays Premier Johnson Of Quebec spect rights'of Quebec's Eng- lish-speaking minority, even if separated. The Estates General is a pri- endorsed by Quebec delegat to the Estates General of French Canada, a spokesman Mr. Johnson told the Confed- | jfull . disclosure of the CNR's revenues, expenditures and ac- counting procedures. QUESTION COST BOOST People in the Maritimes want to know why the CNR considers it necessary to increase the costs of shipping goods in and out of their region, Mr. Forre- stall said. Mr. Deachman said the prob- lem lies in the inability of Com- mons committees to match the vately-or i forum assem- bled by Quebec nationalists to plug for constitutional change. Its language resolution at a conference in Montreal last week says French should be the only official language of all or- ganisms directly or indirectly under authority of the govern- ment, including school boards. It calls for elimination of Eng- lish teaching at the primary level in French-language schools and urges that English be made optional at the second- ary level in French-language schools. A spokesman for the premier said Mr. Johnson does not be- lieve Quebec should abandon of- ficial bilingualism. "expertise" of Crown corpora- Recalling the days when Don- ald Gordon was CNR president, jislation increasing the rate tO) of statistics to prove any partic- jular case that he wanted to he said Mr. Gordon would ap- pear before the transport com- mittee "surrounded by a coterie of experts, each carrying a black bag filled with a profusion make. this government is "honorable" Helps Solve 3 Biggest FALSE TEETH . .Worries and Problems A little FASTEETH sprinkled on your dentures does all this: (1) Helps old false teeth more firmly in place; (2) Holds them more comfortably; (3) Lets you bite up to 35% har without discomfort. FASTEETH Piet is alkaline (non-acid).Won's . No gummy, gooey, pasty taste. Dentures that fit are eveontial to health. See your dentist regularly. Get FASTEETH at all drug counters, Club Meetings . . . Book Now For Le Chalet Dining Room and Tavern are very pleased-to < Announce the Opening of the Le Chalet Banquet Room (Corner of Centre St. and Colborne St., Whitby) With two Elegont Rooms To Serve You, Accommodating 300. THE REGENCY ROOM .... Suitable For up to 200 Guests, THE NELSON ROOM .... Suitable For up to 100 Guests. Perfect for Wedding Receptions; Bowling Banquets, Dances and Service Your Christmas Party -- Call 668-4377 Fetal Life' Big Question OTTAWA (CP) -- The asser- tion that members of the Com- mons health committee, study- ing proposals to liberalize abor- tion laws, must decide whether fetal life is human life, drew sharp objection at a committee} meeting Tuesday. David Dehler, an Ottawa law- yer, submitted a private brief to the committee and said the "'es- sential problem" facing the committee is "'either fetal life is human life or it is not." If the committee found fetal life ts human, then it must tread cautiously. If it found it was not "there is no moral = and the legal problem omes relatively simple." Stanley Knowles (NDP -- Winnipeg North Centre) ac- cused the witness of oversimpli- fication. No committee or royal commission could determine such a question factually and the committee was not faced with this decision. He suggested to Mr. Dehler there could be committee mem- bers who fee] the fetus is not a human being but who oppose broadening abortion laws for other reasons. Other members might feel the fetus is human but favor liberalizing the law. Mr. Dehler said he could not follow such reasoning. "You're going to have to de- cide in your own minds on this question . . . the-decision will be made in each man's mind" and he will then vote accordingly, he said. Hydro Option Picked Up KINGSTON (CP) -- Ontario} Hydro is picking up its option} on farm property 12 miles| southwest of here for a possible! nuclear power generating sta-| tion, public relations officer! Bruce Wilson said Monday. | Options for the property on! the shore of Lake Ontario in South - Fredericksburgh Town- ship were obtained in the spring} and the soil has been tested | SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 4% resis ACCOUNTS PERSONAL LOANS CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshewa 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmenville 623-2527 FRIDAY NIGHTS end SATURDAYS BOYS' & MEN'S MEN'S SIZES 7 TO 12 K mart ' Special Py Ploy hockey like a real pro this winter! Men's and j boys' all Brown professional Bauer skates features tendon guards and rear guard at the end of blade. REG. PRO SKATES BOYS' SIZES 1 TO 6 2181 THURS. FRI. SAT. REG. 8.86 ~ SKATES 4 REG. K MART PRICE 13.76 Hf you realty want to skate in the Bi DISCOUNT SPECIAL THURS, FRI. SAT. 10.23 League style, switch now to 'Bobby Hull' skates for a really professional fit and performance! 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PKG. id tae Ages a! pom sr ETT, ee BOW MACARONI or EXTRA BABY SHELLS Saris ONOOOLATE DRINK STAMI'S ESTY TSH ©47 COUPON Exriets Dic. ¢ HI WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF HI WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONT 9 - 50's PKG. OME 6" - 25's PKG, DUCHESS WHITE DUCHESS WHITE Pete PAPER PLATES [MEMO PAPER PLATES STAMPS hedlilibatdhdelsaldicidhantied STAMPS i cHOIcE 'WESTING! ie SOLE FILLETS [imrcbyal BUDGET BULBS STAMPS S77 «COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 6 29 RICE FLOUR ws evs a MYGRADE CRISPY pee PRETZEL STICKS rs 2G, SUZ BARS, JERGENS. TOILET SOAP 886 COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 6 STAMPS 'B42 COUPON EXPIRES DIC, 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'THREE 2-02. PKGS. ONE 3-18, PKG. SHOPSYS SLICED ONTARIO WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 16 PL. OZ. TINS CORNED BEEF [amPrebyal COOKING ONIONS AYUAER PANCY eon courom mxpmnns Dec. 6 MEMES T Tags 077 COUPON EXPIRES DIC. 6 066 COUPON EXPIRES DIE. 6 Ferbeal PEAS ASSORTED TT TT# 887 COUPON ExPines Dac. ¢ | a0 af oD STRAWBERRY ary ae «| or RASPBERRY JAM ST TSE O40 COUPON EXPIRES DiC, 6 af EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO BOTTLES Tats CAKE DECORATIONS ANY ONE PKG. PILLSBURY wncan BARS M3 coUPOM ExmaN DRC. 6 A igdlesolopera cay Pema SAFE-T-SALT CSET Tags B48 COUPON mxrines DIC. 6 Wii dasa baie @ ANY TWO 12" . 2's PKGS. 'TAPERLITE or TAPERTWIST Pew CANDLES SET LAs 873 COUPON EXPIRES DIC. 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 14-07. REG. SIZE TINS SUPER DUTCH probed CLEANSER PPT TSg 878 COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 6 (WITH CouPOM & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 19 PL 02. TINS f WITH COUPOM & PURCHASE OF ALLENS CHOICE Ferbel APPLE JUICE SPT Tag 262 COUPON EXPIRES DIC. 6 20 EXTRA STAMPS (ges Petry WASHED CARROTS STAMPS BU Ed PICKLED BEETS ANY TWO Pras. cus HouM SEASONING MIXES WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'ONE 92 FL. OF. JAR (MONARCH SALAD DRESSING WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONT ECONOMY SIZE PKG, PLASTIC BANDAGES CURAD WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 407. JAR PETROLEUM JPLLY VASELINE WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO SPONGES SUPER SOFT CELLULOSE SPONGES OME 24 PL OZ. PLAS. BTLEL SWAN LOTION DETERGENT WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 32 FL OF. BOTTLE REDI-MAID: ORANGE JUICE 884 COUPON EXPIRES DEC. & WITH COUPON 'R PURCHASE OF 'TWO 14 FL, OZ. TINS AYLMER BEARS B89 COUPON EXPIRES DEC, 6 I Ij lj I af EXTRA STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS | Extra STAMPS of af WITH COUPOH & PUREHASE OF 'Two 3 PLY Pues. ROYALE MAN S128 FACIAL TISSUE a0 00 af EXTRA STAMPS af WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 16 ML OF. TIN KITCHEN PLOOR CLEANER VISTA WAX 840 COUPON EXPIRES BRE. 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 5-07. ABO TN SPRAY DEODORANT Bas COUPON EXPIRES BAe. 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 2-PLY 75's PKG, VANITY DINNER SERVIETTES 70 COUPON EXPIRES DEE. 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ALORA PIZZA PIES 9) COUPON ExrineS FE. ¢ WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF FIVE 34-02, IN POLY BAG ALLEN'S ORANGE FLAVOURED CRYSTALS 88 COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 6 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 42 PL OZ. TINS 'TREESWEET UNSWEETENED PuRE LEMON JUICE '28 COUPON EXPIRES DIC. & WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 1-18. PKG, PENNY WI ist BEEF BURGERS 90 COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 6 | WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6 QUART BASKET ANY VARIETY ONTARIO APPLES 95 _ COUPON ExPines DIE. & MISS |. CLARK TORONTO

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