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Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Nov 1967, p. 17

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Intay taTT Terre reer _ LITTLE INTEREST SHOWN IN ANNEXED AREA LIQUOR VOTE City clerk Roy Barrand ar- ranged the 82nd locked metal beverage rooms can be opened in those sections of the city. back to city hall and the re- sult announced about 9:30 p.m. (the majority go jointly to hus- bands and wives) this week to Ald. James Rundle had been adopted in 1963, the poll need the liquor question cannot be decided so simply. Ltd., precipitated the present referendum by requesting in a Box 82 is for the advanced ' . : i ea in ware with all the poll which will be held at city Muted' seems a good name the eligible voters, clearly list- never have taken place. uly horn age ge Peta Jan. 18 letter to 'council' that Chamber dusted 'nimeethiner all Thursday, Fridny and Sat- for & poll in which nobody "> ing the poling stations and the poll was to be conducted G1 city and bylaw exist gov. the two questions be put to the Jr ar i gainst -- j é n at area on other liquor : , 2 put on his jacket and said: pies A Sue as legge shown the slightest interest. two questions to be answeredq questions and Ald. Rundle € ning their operation these vote. ee, Sh or Monday. r This is in. spite of newspaper $8,000 COST moved that these' two very fame bylaws cannot be ex: Council could then have de- He was referring to Osh- five questions be included -- but he manded a petition from them ws i advertisements, large City council have had to set inci awa's 'muted' liquor referen- #THREE-FIFTHS proclamations, and other publi- aside $8,000 to cover the cost | was over-ruled so the whole PP i paced supported by 6,000 -- yes 6,000 dum, which takes place on Some 22,175 voters are in- city authorized under the of the poll, and just as much © cumbersome process has had ou) Gout ene Procure and' = __ signatures, Monday in the areas annexed volved, about half the electo- | Liquor Licensing~Act. work is involved for the clerk's to be set in motion again. the Muni ej Hehy be "ede Every one of those names in 1922 and 1951. These are rate of the city. Their only With Judge Alex Hall, Mr. department, and himself, as if Another anachronism, tied up act. the vote List Act cand. would have had to be checked located south of Bloor Street, qualification is that they are Barrand waited in vain for a it were a provincial election. with the dark hinterland of On- of course, the Liquor Licensing by the city clerk to make sure west of Park Road, north of British subjects, aged 21 or whole day for any interested Apart from printing, publicity tario's licensing laws, (did you the i ' A le } i ster / az 3 s ens S, . y were eligible to vote. Rossland Road and east of Wil- over. There has to be a three- parties who wanted their and postage costs 82 deputy re- know for instance there is . can be bought already Instead council chose volun- son Road. fifths majority of the total vote names to go on the voters' list turning officers have had to be -- something called the Canada tn pote} peinieente a, cocktail 'tily to initiate the poll. The metal boxes are ready to achieve an affirmative deci- to attend a revision court. Not hird at $22 a day, 81 poll clerks © Temperance Act of 1914) iS jounges in the area, but there When it is all over the city to be transported to the 81 polling stations where residents sion. The polling booths will be one person appeared. Final attempt to get the elec- at $15 and 81 one-day rentals for the polling stations incurred that~ although when annex- ing an area a city can pass a are no beverage rooms, clerk can get back to his nor- mal busy schedule and the 82 will have to answer two ques- bylaw i it laws tions which will determine if a aac ee operative in the new portion, VOTE REQUEST The Carousel Inn of Oshawa torate interested will be the despatch of 13,000 post cards open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. then the boxes will all be carted at $30 a day. met: S wi Yet if a far sighted motion of etal boxes will go back into storage at the airport. nmin ROY BARRAND -. City Clerk nyt EMC runt nn Ln i iaineaieiaiiaiatacoasas nn inning jane om She Oshawa Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1967 Three Die, Five Days 'In Blackstock Area 'Parking Space 20-Year-Old Girl Killed To Cost $2200 Sportscar Hits Guardrail | BLACKSTOCK (Staff) -- The|miles east of Port Perry, te death of a 20-year-old woman | work in Uxbridge on Highway Cost to the city of a parking|parking fee of 35 cents an hour! 2fter her sportscar crashed intoj7A about three miles north of Spies an the hroposed Gue teria at this dine. \a guardrail early this morning/Blackstock when the accident inal and parking. garage has! "If it can be conviuaed that |Drings the casualty toll in the occurred. : been estimated at $2,000. |an acceptable fee would be 20 Blackstock area to three killed; On Friday two men died near | This figure is given in a|cents an hour, it can be seen and six injured in five days. Blackstock when a car collided leollection of minutes relating|that this would result in an Sixteen persons have died in|with a milk tanker, and six men hee Ge puliek, okie bar gone income of approximately $82, traffic accidents in Durham were taken to hospital with in- olhagallget an council, -anq|000, leaving an annual deficit County this year. juries. Three were released. board of control members from|:°f $54,600 to be financed by some other means," adds com- @ 1es | is Week inant Fabrics s, Pile, Lace, ete. Price Instamatic 104 ra Outfit § Carol Marie Rohrer was kill-| Angus McKinnon, 40, is in fair ed instantly, Bowmanville On-|condition with head injuries at : : & the city clerk's office. : tario Provincial Police said,|Toronto General Hos: Ai | fe 4 Fi pital. Cele ln, oh sub aS ek Distribution at al qelevantiCrome, of works, Fred when her car left the road in| In satisfactory condition at ing 'strap 'end material on the terminal fol-|~" peoresentatives of the down-|4eavy snow about 6:30 a.m. Oshawa General Hospital are YOUNG BOY AMONG 120 PERSONS ENTERTAINED AT CHRISTMAS PARTY lows a arup" in cone be, hePrrantaives ot the, down he wag driving tom" helene March, i, and Wien : : : yeen Ald. J , vice- : : n Nestleton, about six'Parsons, 26. 15 66 Little Roger St. Louis, age Lions' Club annual Christ- Norman White, president of _ nadian National Institute for board of the CNIB. Mem- |Chairman of the traffic com- de seep Atala e five, of 23 Albert St., Osh- mas party last night. From the city club. About 171 per- the Blind was guest speak- bers of the Oshawa Barber- |mittee, and Ald. Ernest Whit- toca pilates biti in connection with the Left are: Larry Kehoe, ing. proposal. chairman of the dinner; Ald. Alice Reardon; Roger and sons attended the banquet at the Hotel Genosha. David er, Santa Claus brought gifts from the Lions' Club and the Oshawa advisory awa, was one of about 120 blind persons from Oshawa and district to attend the Hatton, secretary of the Ca- County Jury "Hung," Two Of Four Youths During the trial all four youths made claims that they shoppers enter tained the guests, --Oshawa Times Photo | | | | t Shoulders MPOO LS DANDRUFF, we 1.29 Tube "97° " Imported "eo NS NAVY TURNS DOWN OFFER |." Dec as teen en to of monies to be debentured for|the structure at a cost of $1,150.| was tasks of the committes wift i for approval of the Col of lots in the core of the central a yacht offer, Stephen Carr- the defence department said {{"". Ald. Whiting has claimed on| Consultants for the terminal, Attacked to the minutes are|pecember. Y ACHT BERTHED IN CITY = gre Ba darn nso fr approved yesterday by|be to develop policies and a cal- $100 Collected Harris is still optimistic. this had not infl d the re- district and income ect Stanley E. Lovell was ap-|Nurses and the Ontario Hospl- Committee Appointed two or three occasions that he|heleuw Cather of Canada, are Pp five tables showing estimated| Approval has been given for : members of the enlarged School] endar and acquire teachers. The Despite Defence Minister pay the $9,000 customs taxes |"Ual operating costs, usage dur- For Old Hous e (pointed chairman of the man-/tal Services sion was in the dark about the pro-jexpected to make a phase one F Sch 1 Of N es cost of the terminal, summary|them to construct a model of] @ t i m i of Nursing for Oshawa and| curriculum will also be planned Cadieux's polite refusal of his owing, but @ spokesman for {ing 1966 of municipal parking Commission. agement committee, T. L. Wil-| The Ontario Hospital Services ed the youths and detective Cleo Thompson of the city po- WHITBY (Staff) -- After de- Wherating for close to six hours estimates related to fees and fusal at all. use, son, vice-chairman and William/Commission, which approved less Shells +, Compare 6.00, '1.99 ERMANS ECIAL A FEW LEFT. | DOO yesterday the County Court jury which heard evidence on charg- es of attempted break, enter, and theft laid against four Osh- awa youths, came out with a verdict of not guilty for two of the youths. "It could not reach a verdict as to the guilt of the ard Buta, 17, of 291 Elmridge Ave., and Michael Zimny, 16, of 1106 Cloverdale St., were not guilty of the offence of attempt- ing to break into the Marks Theatre on the night of Sept. p ER The jury was "hung" when it was unable to reach a unan- imous decision as to the guilt of Chester Zimny#17, of 559 Crerar Ave., and Anthony Lew- icki, 19, of 552 Bloor St. E., on the same charge of attempt- ed break, enter, and theft. were struck or manhandled by Constable Al McLaren of the Oshawa Police Department who arrested the youths outside the Marks Theatre. Buta and Michael claimed they had-been slapped Zimny ed they had been slapped, punched and choked into mak- ing signed confessions that they tried to break into the theatre by picking the lock with a haircomb, | Under cross examination by Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck, Chester Zimny, who had said that Constable McLaren 'had kicked him, changed this to "the slightly tapped me with his foot." When Crown Attorney Affleck lice said he saw no beatings take place. In advising the jury on Buta and Michael Zimny, Judge Hall pointed out that the confessions of the other two youths did not apply to these two and the only evidence against them was Marks Theatre and, that of the Police officers who apprehend- ed them in front of the theatre. Already he has had several offers to buy the $50,000 boat, he says. And when he finds a buyer he will hand the pro- ceeds of the sale to the To- ronto Hospital for Sick Chil- dren, with the stipulation that the new owner renames the boat 'Separatist'. At present The boat was offered to the navy if the government would "After the expenses of con- version the navy would still only have a vessel of limited use." Mr. Carr-Harris, 38, who normally gives his address as the Oshawa Marina, says his idea for the name of the 40- foot luxury cruiser is his way name a form of reverse psy- chology. | "I do not for a moment be-| lieve the four accused that they! were roughed up the way they | said they. were," Judge Hall! told the jury. "We're a long way from the days of the Star Chamber when City Police Plan Crackdown On Teen-Age Use Of Drugs Teen-age use of hallucinatory torture was used. "I hate to/drugs in Oshawa will be "nipped see experienced police officers |in the bud', says Sergeant John become victims of those who| are attempting to get around |: Powell of the city police de- Sgt. Powell told parents and| teachers he was not aware that }public school pupils are using jthe hallucinatory drugs. He \showed a film entitled 'Nar- jing - figures given vary from COST ESTIMATE Estimated cost is shown as $1,668,000 of which amount $1, 515,000 will be debentured, plus $153,000 shown as property own- ed. Annual operating costs have been placed at $136,000 but the amount finally fixed for park- 10 cents to 35 cents - and the amount of useage. The- report says a parking garage constructed on the pro- posed site could be expected to provide approximately 150 parking spaces per level an in a four level structure there would be room for about 600 vehicles. | However it had been decid-! ed to recommend only two lev- Oshawa and District Histori- cal Society raised $100 in two bake sales last week to help pay the renovation costs of the Robinson House. The society held a special opening at the pioneer house between Nov. 18-26 to end activi- tor of Henry House Museum, said more than 2,800 persons visited the lakeshore house be- tween May 20 and Oct. 31 -- about 200 more visitors than in 1966. "There is a great deal more we can do here if people were interested. This week has shown how interested people are and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if we started a winter program," said Miss Abbott. of/the A. Holland, administrator appointed secretary. the school of Nursing at Oshawa General, was appointed direc- tor of the proposed enlarged school. other two youths. duri estioning. Chester Zim- i i " " i A ties for the year ; ided that Rich-|¢U"M8 questioning. Chester Zim-| the evidence of a witness who} it is named "Rockwood" and of emphasizing the peril Of Jestimated income relating to| 3; ' Members of the committee It gn ape ny and Anthony Lewicki claim-|saw them in front of the| stands at Oshawa Marina. separatism. He terms the |fees and use will depend Te thels Miss Charlotte Abbott, cura-|are: G. A, Hepditch, Ajax and Pickering General Hospital; Keith W. Jackson, Bowmanville Memorial Hospital; J. R. Me- Ilraith, Cobourg District Gen- eral Hospital; E. G. Storie, Osh- awa General Hospital; I. J. Davis, Port Hope and District Hospital and A. C. Renny was appointed representative for Whitby General Hospital. | The proposed enlarged School) of Nursing will enrol 450 stu- dents when all three years of the course are in operation. tablishment of the ene Oshawa General Hosgjital was|larged school, is expected te cover the entire cost, said Mr. Miss Edith F. Bell, director of} Holland. City Youth Missi An Oshawa youth is missing from home. He is Milan Stanley gaan 16, of 82 Nassau he He was last seen at the Me- Laughlin Collegiate yesterday at 2.30 p.m. by his calss teach- er. Police describe him as five feet, 11 inches tall and strongly built for his age. He has brown hair, blue eyes and is well UITS It was indicated that these|asked him how many times he|their own written confessions." |Partment. cotics -- The Inside Story'leis o¢ parking with 300 spaces) BOWMANVILLE ELECTION | Mr. Holland said today the|dressed. ' two youths would be given ajhad been slapped, Chester Zim-| Defence counsel John Greer| Sgt. Powell spoke to about|which was followed by @ qUueS-lhe erected in 1968 with provi:| Twenty candidates in Bow-\first class may be started in| He was wearing a blue sports mily in all colors. § new trial at the next Sessions|ny agreed that it could have|had argued that the four youths|100 parents and teachers at a|tion and answer discussion. --_| ion for two more levels in the/Manville's municipal election|September, 1968 with a mini-|coat, which is reversible to grey of the Peace in June of 1968.)/been '25 times" or even "50/all knew the locking system atjmeeting of Sunset Heights} Several parents asked how|fture. |Dec. 4 'spoke last night to about|mum of 90 students. This num-jand black, and a green sweat- The jury's ruling of not guil-jtimes'" yet the youths agreed|the Marks and knew that the|/Home and School Association. |they could detect the use of 250 persons at the town hall.|/ber will be increased annually|er. He was carrying about $3. 19.99 ) PARTI RVER la gold, ofr e- s, nuts, etc. COM- '4.88 ristmas jing Paper m foil or patterned, gular 98c¢ * 66° 'Bye Diapers vosable ty on the charges against Buta and Michael Zimny was in ac- cord with the advice of Judge Alex Hall but its inability to reach a decision on the charges against Lewicki and Chester Zimny came despite Judge Hall's advice in his charge to the jury. "I would have no hes- itation in convicting the two, Chester Zimny and Anthony Lewicki," he said. All four of the youths had either been former employees of the Marks Theatre or had had some connection with the theatre. Decorator Thieves Will Be Prosecuted Oshawa police today issued a warning against the theft of Christmas decorations. "We would like to warn those that are caught that they will be taken before the magistrate or juvenile judge and dealt with accordingly," said Ser- geant John Powell. "Those things are put there for the benefit of children and they have got to go and do this. A lot of it is willful. They steal the bulbs and then smash them." MAGISTRATE ILL Magistrate F. S. Ebbs is a patient in the Oshawa General Hospital after suffering a stroke at his home Tuesday, He had been confined to his home for several days recuperating from an attack of the flu. Mr. Ebbs for the past year has_ been judge of the juvenile and fam- ily courts. His busy schedule called for him to take courts in Whitby, Oshawa and Beav- erton. that they received no marks or obvious bruises from the alleged assaults. Constable McLaren testified he had not struck or manhandl-! door had a square or dead lock! which could not~be "'slipped"|is not widespread in the city teenagers. Sgt. Powell said LSD He said the use of narcotics with a comb. He argued, "you|but the police department is can't intend to do something) thoroughly investigating Steel girders for the North Oshawa Arena are now in place and the building should be finished by the expected Jan. 6 deadline. When completed, the arena will be used for public skat- ing, minor hockey, adult hockey, figure skating and will be available for skating parties. It will be complete with washrooms, dressing rooms and a 10-foot aisle jhallucinatory drugs among their PARKING FEE | Parking in Oshawa now costs or marijuana usually shows it- 'and "drowsy" appearance. all the way around for spec- tators. A further addition of standing bleachers for 800 spectators is planned for next year. 10 cents an hour, it is pointed the|self in a dilation of the pupils|out, and it was not likely that|tee. Two candidates were ab- \drivers would readily accept alsent. 2 be and we'll be playing some of our hockey closer to won't long now The meeting was sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and the Inter-Service Club commit- JANUARY OPENING EXPECTED FOR NORTH OSHAWA ARENA home," Larry Minaker, 13, tells brother Danny, 10, as they survey progress at North Oshawa Arena. The by 150 students. He said the proposed enlarged school may lead the way for a regional school of nursing. Mr. Holland said some of the It is believed he saw the younger children in his family off to school early yesterday and no one at his home has seen him since. new building is expected to be completed by Jan. 8, 1968. Many Oshawa hockey teams are holding practice sessions at district arenas because of the lack of ice time in Oshawa. --Oshawa Times Photos

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