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Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Nov 1967, p. 19

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ho needs more?" ci's '67 spring lingerie col- ) apricot, lime and char. with prices up to $60 for outgoing pyjamas, begged be hidden under dresses s. me way-out things in " said one little lady leaving the show. "But [ guess we're living in a ut world." DYE ALMONDS ean turn whole blanched ds into bright colored tions for cakes and cook- y soaking them in food yater solutions. comets RE HAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS % Discount on Orders f 35 or More Pictures Available at WAY PHOTO SERVICE | King St. ©, Oshowe x 10 -- 1,50 each x7-- 1.25 each shieseliesiamaiaaiididiaimmminsieieane mena ee" FRUITS OF THE EARTH THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 29, 1967. 19 SUGAR AND SPICE Aroma Of Christmas Cake Baking Gives Rise To Good Things To Come THE FRUITS of the sea- son are iced and can- died for this Tiered Cran- berry Fruit Cake. Start with fresh cranberries in the applesauce raisin cake By JO ALDWINCKLE beat in sugar. Add eggs, one at In England when it's time to/a time, beating in well after make Christmas fruit cakes,/¢ach addition. Add lemon rind. everyone in the household takes|Add sifted dry ingredients to his turn at stirring the dough|Creamed mixture, alternately for good luck, With this done,|with milk, combining lightly the cakes are baked in slow/after each addition. Fold in ovens and then carefully tucked|Taisins. Spread batter evenly in away for the holiday festivities.|Prepared pan. Sprinkle almonds Here, in Canada, rich home-|over batter pressing them in made fruitcakes are also held in|lightly. Bake in preheated oven high esteem and, every year,|55 to 60 minutes. Sprinkle with they become more popular as|sugar and let cake stand in pan Christmas gifts for friends. On|on cake rack 10 minutes. Re- this page you will find tested|move from pan and cool com- recipes for light fruit cake and pletely on cake rack. cherry cake. For those who} prefer a plain cake, Lemon! LIGHT FRUIT CAKE Almond Ring is buttery and! 1% cup diced citro moist and not too sweet. It | és 4 pe sa oe similar to a pound cake with 1 cup halved candie sliced almonds and granulated (About 8 ounces) --_-- Sugar to give it a crunchy top-/3 cups white raisins (about 1 pound) ping; perfect with the lemon in 2/3 cup diced candied pine- the cake, LEMON ALMON NG apple (about 4 ounces) D RING 1 cup blanched slivered al- ; pongest ren sive Ring) monds (about 4 ounces) cup seedless raisins 2 cups desiccated coconut : cups sifted all-purpose flour (about 8 ounces) teaspoons baking powder (¢ P {euapoon aalt |Grated rind and juice 2 medium yy, 4 oranges % cup butter % cup butter 1% cups sugar |1 cup sugar eges 3 Oe - g28 2 teaspoons grated lemon rind) 1 : 1/8 cup snilk 13 teaspoon vanilla teaspoon almond extract cups sifted all-purpose flour teas y aranuated Garne aspoons baking powder 1 Wash raisins; drain. Butter a ig ao - 9-inch spring-form pan. Preheat! 'Grease and line bottom an oven to 325 deg. F. Sift together sides of two 6-inch square reat the flour, baking powder an cake pans or two loaf pans (91% salt. Cream butter; gradually|, 5% x 2%4) with two poe: (ceusnacinine senenennta meee | ? yers : heavy paper and one of waxed according to the recipe. Heavily-|paper, then grease again. fruited cake will retain a moist,) Combine prepared fruits, al- rich texture if a shallow pan of monds, coconut, grated orange water is placed in the bottom of rind and juice. Stir thoroughly. the oven throughout baking per-|Cover and allow to stand over- iod. It is necessary to watch/night. Cream butter, add sugar water level and replace waterjand cream well together. Beat as it evaporates. If top surface|in eggs, one at a time. Stir in of cakes seem to be getting too| vanilla and almond extract. Mix brown, cakes may be lightly|and sift dry ingredients. Stir covered with a layer of heavy into batter, alternately with brown paper. Baked cakes, once, milk, Add fruit and nut mixture jremoved from oven, should be|and combine thoroughly, Turn allowed to stand in pans at least mixture into pans and bake in half an hour to cool and "'set,"|a slow oven (275 degrees F.) before being inverted on cake/until skewer inserted in centre racks and paper is removed. |comes out clean, 2 to 2% hours. Allow cakes y |. Decorating Cakes: Many pre-|in hagas ag = oss , |fer an almond paste topping on|cakes from pans, wrap closely 4 fruit cakes. The paste, home-|in heavy waxed paper or alumi- made or commercially pre-\num foil and store in a cool pared, should be spread on the place cold cake, then topped with or- . namental frosting. Ornamental| frosting should be lied in two layers, the first one being quite thin. Fruits, nuts, etc., attrac- tively arranged, should be placed on top layer of ornamen- tal frosting before it hardens. Cakes may be left uniced, but topped with a glaze which im- 1 cup sliced almonds 2 3 tablespoons fruit or fine 9 month with Swiss Lemon Almond Ring. Crunchy and delicately flavored, it's de- ADD AN international touch to your baking this licious for a holiday coffee break, or an afternoon tea plate. Five features make mix, then add candied cran- the frosting. Best and quick- berries along with mixed est fruit cake you ever tast- A Three-Tiered Masterpiece Springs From Packaged Mixes We'd like to devote today's food page to some practical holiday food talk. We promise not to brighten your day with euch stock words and phrases as: Festive (forebodes long stirring over a hot stove); Traditional (this type of recipe invariably means and low pay); Visions of Sugar|! Plums (does the thought of ten batches of candy make your|inch pan; 25 to 30 minutes for head ache too?) Then there's Cozy Fireside Gatherings (fine, if you're not few "festive" dips and "tradi- tional punches). Instead, all we offer you as a substitute is the most lusci- ous, beautiful fruit you will find during the coming season, cranberries and the conveni- ence of packaged cake mixes. Try this tiered cranberry spice cake made with cake and frosting mixes and topped with! candied cranberries. | | | TIERED CRANBERRY FRUIT CAKE Makes one 10-inch, one eight- inch and one six-inch layer. | packages (1314 ounces each) applesauce-raisin | cake mix or two packages) (19% ounces each) apple- sauce-raisin cake mix cup chopped nuts cups fresh cranberries, rinsed, drained and chopped 2 packages fluffy white frost-| ing mix | 1 cup boiling cranberry juice cocktail CHERRY CAKE 1% cups butter 2 cups fruit sugar or fine gran- ulated 6 eggs 1 teaspoon almond extract 1 pound candied cherries (2) cups, halved) | 34% cups sifted all - purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder % teaspoon salt | Cream butter. Add sugar and| cream well together, Add un-) beaten eggs one at a time and! beat well. Add almond extract. | Dredge cherries with part of flour. Sift remaining dry ingred- jients together and add to cream- ed mixture. Stir in cherries. Bake in a large round or square pan (8x8x4), lined with paper,| in a slow oven (300 degrees} F.) until skewer inserted in cen-| tre comes out clean, about two hours. Cherry and Almond Cake, To above recipe add 1 cup bla-} nehed, silvered almonds. Ginger Cake. In above recipe) omit cherries and add 8 oun-| ces diced preserved ginger (1 and one - third cups.) wre hard work/eight-, and six-inch layer cake stuck fixing a|Stand in pans 10 minutes Spiced cranberries and mixed candied fruits Prepare cake mix according to package directions, folding in chopped nuts and cran- berries. Divide batter between three greased and floured, 10-, pans. Bake at 375 degrees F. 30 to 35 minutes for 10- eight-inch pan and 20 to 25 min- be- fore removing; then remove from pans and cool layers on racks. Prepare frosting mix accord-| ing to package directions using} dried and glaceed fruits are usually left whole, larger fruits and nuts, such as candied cher- ries, should be chopped or cut up to allow for even distribution of fruit and to ease the cutting of the finished cake. Candied andicake is high in sugar content! dried fruits are easily cut with/ang burns easily. Pans should|cakes and puddings improve in scissors dipped in flour or hot |flavor and texture if allowed to! water. Prepared fruits may be combined and with flour to prevent them from sticking together or falling to the bottom of the cake or pud- utes for six-inch pan. Let cakes|ding. removing the skin from smooth jsurfaced nuts. |water over the nuts; stand about five minutes. Drain parts a shiny surface. There are a number of popular glazes for candied fruit to' decorate ed! fruit cakes, one of the most CHRISTMAS BAKING HINTS trait cakes, one ot "he. mes Preparation of Fruit: Smalljand rinse in cold water. Slip Off/the boiling point and brushed gated If blanched nuts are to be| over the top surface while glaze shredded or cut, do so while/ig still hot. A \glaze is usually they are still warm. Cover andlapplied to the cake twice. store blanched nuts in refrigera-| Fruits, nuts, etc., are arranged tor, if they are not to be used/on the surface of the cake be- immediately. |tween the first and second glaz- Fruit| 08s. Storing Fruit Cakes: Fruit Foamtreads a Christmas treat A pineapple, walnuts, etc., Preparation of Pans: be smoothly lined with heavy|/'2V0r an ; Paper which Inte the pan Ben ora nl pact an srevrnis be cake sO olsture of the cake must be nites age a gy 1aY-\ ell sealed in Wrap cakes ers of plain brown or heavy : white paper, greasing thorough-| securely . eee fe ly the top layer which will be|P "ee e as 4 next to the batter. lid. Cakes may also be wrappe: in moisture-proof film, the ends Baking Frult Cakes: Cakes|sealed air-tight. If preferred, heel counter. lightly dredged " 'You can jump on it. Blanching Nuts: Blanching {fs Pour boiling allow to should be baked in pans sized|fruit cake may be wrapped first according to those suggested in|in cheesecloth dipped in wine, recipe being used. Oven tem-|brandy or cider, then in alumi- boiling cranberry juice instead of water, Frost top and sides of|top and sides. Decorate edges | 10-inch layer; top with eight-|of cake layers with mixed can-' inch layer; frost top and sides; | died fruit and candied cran- frost|berries. | top with six-inch layer; perature and baking times vary!num foil. SANDMAN $3.49 » JOCK'S FLOORING tan why not treat your Kaufman Footwear Limited whole family--to Foamtreads, _"Ga'nemarteading stores and at these fine shoe shops. PAAAAARAAARAAADD North $22 Simcoe St. Norm Fisher's Meat Marke SPECIALS! ORIENTAL Phone 723-3732 HEAVY DUTY SHOP DOWNTOWN & SAVE AGNEW-SURPASS SHOE STORES 25 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH -- 723-7411 Wool Twist RUGS All Meat Government Inspected 77.77 Reg. 15.50 sq. yd. a sQ. 9x12" OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- 725-6671 YD. BREAKFAST BACON vy 39-99 NYLONS de. fe. Ar, fr 1-LB, PKG, | BATA SHOE STORE 9 x 9 AMTICO VINYL LJ s ASBESTOS TILE PORK SAUSAGE SMALL LINK OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Steaks BLADE ROAST SHORT RIB ROAST e BEEF SALE 79: Sirloin oun 3 Boles Only mo 2 . R * Wing Sea Tee 5 95 52. REG. 77 T Bone Roast YD. 69.95 i HAMBURG STEAK is, 49° mc oe aoe 15 SIMCOE STREET NORTH 12 x 12 . Reg. 22¢. 158 ONLY 1 BURNS SHOE STORE 1 KING WEST, OSHAWA -- 725-4611 | COLLINS SHOE STORE 119 BROCK ST. SOUTH, WHITBY -- 668-3476 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. INDOOR-OUTDOOR CARPET BRAIDED Roasts OVALS C Ib us, 39° CORLON all patterns. Reg. 4.95 to 10.95. Broadloom Reg. te 16.95, From WIENERS sxinitss ews 00 $. YD. DANCEY'S SHOES 3 iss. 1.00 > BREAD 24-02. 99° LOAVES 18 SIMCOE SOUTH, OSHAWA -- 725-1833 +) BEEF @ FREEZER SPECIALS @ Front Quarters ..., Ib. 45¢ Hind Quarters ... Cut & Wrapped FREE { DAVIDSON SHOE STORE 31 SIMCOE NORTH, OSHAWA -- 725-3312 Ib. 6les OSHAWA Aus oer ae wees P aes We Or War Ger Se Waa a ae

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