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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Nov 1967, p. 11

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was also sentenced entiary. 3. Woodley, 19, and ory Smith, 20, both of nd Wayne Douglas f Woodstock were all o nine months, to be. secutively with their y terms. All three » to the penitentiary. e Anthony Falzetta e same sentence on reen, 22, of Simcoe to be sent to the On- ng centre at Bramp- a trade. 'Y TAXI a | FREE on Dec. 15th LAW -- N., Oshawe vet: Lady "K?., dainty ¢ n_ yelloy ' httoeserin eos South ist 1ES EA black and | compori« » Deilcraft ror, shorp e-set fine ns'and all your as- ving pleas the subtle Now that us show ements to your pre- r present 1y model) .. If your corner... 5 generous T IDEAS. RETIRED CANADIAN GENERAL TORONTO (CP) -- Maj.-Gen. Churchill Mann, 63, Force May Be Necessary To Keep Canada United "Bloodshed between compa- t former |triots'"' can be avoided by intelli- vice-chief of the Canadian Army} gent and thoughtful debate, he THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 30, 1967 1] | Foot-And-Mouth Epidemic Determination Counts Most May Have Turned A Corner)... = can't do something; he' rs LONDON (CP) -- A Canadianjing the disease through animalja liar out of you, she or. World War he believes it is time, veterinarian, one of a 12-man|slaughter has aroused much| Blind frompirth, Gibbons, 22, to put things in "intelligent per-|team sent to help fight the dis-/controversy in this country.|from Colonia. NJ should Bo. spective" and cut through the)ease, says he has been told Brit-/Some commentators urged vac-|gone to a school for the blinds shapes, and from one side its simple eurves resemble those of the Archer, the massive work which is lo- cated at Toronto's City Hall square. Receptionist Dan- ielle Auclair of Point Gati- neau, Que., studies the This Henry Moore sculp- ture worth $30,000 is part of Britain's birthday gift to Canada. The 26-inch bronze work entitléd Three- way Piece (Points), is one of several experiments Mr, Moore has done with tripod BIRTHDAY GIFT TO CANADA FROM BRITAIN -- the National sculpture at Library, Ottawa, where will be formally presented to Canada next week along British with 10,000 current books. general staff, says if a united)said. Canada cannot be maintained, arate from Canada, Gen. Mann{ritories of 1967, even into foolish channels andithe use of arms... .' courses of action" that could lead to civil war. "But if this cannot be accom- armed force may be necessary|plished,"" he added, "then I be-jrectly. against those i "hi it m < | gains se opposing accept-|lieve it may be necessary and) aes HARMFUL EFFECTS | "verbiage, the fanfare and bal- ain's 1 lyhoo" to look at the facts di-"may have turned a corner." foot-and-mouth epidemic) cination would be less costly. ; ._.| "We fully support the British Dr. J. R. Singleton of Winni-| Jaughter system which we fol- peg said in an interview, ¢ » @ Wednesday British authorities low in Canada," Singleton said. but he didn't, While attending Upsala College at East Orange, N.J., he spent 70 hours a week in extra-curricular activities bility that Quebec might sep-|ada of 10 provinces and the tan oe if this warned against being "diverted|should require enforcement by| Would be an easy prey for ab- Gen. Mann said that as a six-/Which "could scarcely afford) compensation year veteran of the Second the risk of a weakened neighbor] 099,000, | McCarthy To Challenge LBJ On Vietnam Policy | WASHINGTON (CP-AP) -- |Senator Eugene McCarthy of |Minnesota intends to hoist his do well in Oregon, |year. : dent California McCarthy plans to announce| Council for his effort there. formally today his intention to braska, expresses belief he can) ' f That leaves the final contest) Apri], 1946, until October, 1948.\ed in our own foot-and-mouth| jbanner of Vietnam policy dis-|in California--a crucial one in He was chief of staff of the 1st|epidemic in 1952. Others have sent in at least four Democratic|McCarthy's view. He hopes to|Canadian Army in the north-/had some training in diseases presidential primaries nextlohtain the support of the dissi-| west Europe campaign of the|similar to foot and mouth. He Democratic) Second World Presidential primaries are lit- |challenge President Johnson for|tie more than polls in which the ears of Toronto. harmful to ance, worth while to compel accept- H ; | ake ; f ; In a~prepared statement ex- aa a majority ae as "al He said separation of Quebec |are being cautious because the Veterinarians with Singleton po lg i wee ren pressing concern over the possi-|the desirability ef a united Can./{rom Canada would leave thelepidemic still is serious. An-|2nd McKenzie include: Dr. W.)"" USSD SPAN. "in tatters" and belother 26 cases were discovered| Davis, St. Thomas, Ont. Dr. D.| He now is attending Waterlog the economy. It| Wednesday, bringing the total|J: Hawkins, Arnprior, Ont. and|Lutheran Seminary because hig : number of animals destroyed to| Dr. Don Gray, Hull, Que, 'own synod wouldn't ordain him. sorption by the United States.| 918.000 at a cost in government of some $27,-] on her northern flank." Singleton and other Canadian | For thousands of veterans! veterinarians were briefed by) "the whole idea of a disintegrat-| British officials soon after their ed Canada is unacceptable," he| arrival fram Canada, They will) added, Praising Canada's|he sent in pairs to six British} French-speaking armed forces|contrel eentres established ri personnel, he said they fought|contain and eradicate the| with equal gallantry beside | scourge. their English-speaking compa-| Singleton said: | triots. | "We have at least one veteri-| Gen. Mann served as vice-/narian, Dr. J. A, McKenzie of chief of the general staff from) Brockville, Ont., who participat-| War. He now will gain experience as we lives in retirement on the out-| work." aan | SPEEDHAND ... Canadian A.B.C. SHORTHAND School franchise for Canada gives rights to train for Stenographers in 10 weeks home - study, Have 150 courses enabling U to start right away to solicit business. OWNER RETIRED. Write, call or phone 576-2939. J, E. Cassan, President CASSAN SYSTEMS 1140 Mary Street North, APT. 814 OSHAWA ONT. it |the 1968 Democratic nomination/parties can show preference for {for the White House, His announced aim: To force candidates. The final must be made by |nam war. | MeCarthy indicated in ad-|Miami and (CP Wirephoto) jvance that his target list in-/Chicago. minutes of legal argument on| bid for a mistrial was dismissed|the mistrial motion in the ab- Wednesday by Judge Bruce|sence of the jury when sum- Macdonald .after 13 days of/moned the 12 men jurors inte court chearings into charges;the courtroom and advised them) against Raymond Denis of at-jof the motion and his dismissal. | tempting to obstruct justice. But the trial struck a further Judge Macdonald heard 90/hitch shortly afterwards when 'Private Home Builders Blame Municipalities TORONTO (CP) -- Municipal-| A one + day conference on ities themselves have been|housing also heard Economics blamed by private home build-| Minister Stanley Randall of On-| ers and a government official|tario urge Toronto builders to| for at least part of the difficulty} get ready to build satellite, in finding housing for their ex-|towns 50 to 100 miles from ploding populations. . Toronto is which the, province H. W. Hignett, president of |? 780dy 48 assembling land. Central Mortgage and Housing anon om \ ad van Corp., said Wednesday night the can ius te ra Se nAAtl acid: high cost of serviced land ts peed } ; "We will provide land and serv- deeply imbedded in the Cana- dian way of doing things. ices and give small builders a chance to build." : Unless this were solved, low-| William McCance, résearch Income people would find decent/director of the National House housing only through govern-|Builders Association, said mu- ment help with various public-|nicipalities should have their OTTAWA (CP) -- A defence housing projects, he told the To-| right to impose their own build- ronto Metropolitan Home Build-|ing codes taken away from ers' Association. them by the provinces. Denis Trial Staggers Under Conflicting Motions the Crown and the defence noti-| : i fied the court that each side has| HOPEFUL OF SUCCESS motions to present to the court.) .™ s Neither ercwn Attorney John|Nificant vote against Johnson in Cassels nor ctief defence cludes the primaries in Wiscon- June 4, entry--the opening race in Newjdential race |April 30 balloting in Massachu-|the nomination. \setts, : choice ! the party ja shift in U.S, policy in the Viet-|nominating conventions ne x t| summer--by the Republicans in| the Democrats in| But primaries can also make! sin April 2, Nebraska May 14,|/or break a candidate. Governor| Oregon May 28 and California)Nelson Rockefeller of New| ; Z __ |York, who did poorly in the Cal-| He lists two other primaries|ifornia presidential primary in| as questionable, regarding his|19§4, quit the Republican presi-| soon after and) Hampshire March 12, and the/Rarry Goldwater went on to win! B.C. GROWS FASTEST McCarthy hopes to gain a sig- law-| Wisconsin, yer Louis Assaly disclosed the|May have little success in 'Ne-'the fastest growing province. nature of their motions the jury was present. posal of the motions, enis, tion minister, is charged attempting to obstruct lawyer Pierre smuggler Lucien Rivard years ago. Mr. Lamontagne was lawyer for the United States govern- ment, which was seeking at that time to extradite Rivard Canada for trial in prison in Atlanta, Ga. OFFERED MONEY Mr. Lamontagne testified that Denis offered him $20,000 14, 1964, at a meeting in the of- fice suite here of the immigra- former executive as sistant to the federal immigra justice} by trying to dissuade Montreal Lamontagne from opposing bail for narcotics 'Texas. Rivard's extradition was subse- quently approved in Montreal and he was tried and convicted. He now is serving 20 years in Canada's population on Oct. 1} was placed at 20,548,000 and it! acknowledges hejis reported British Columbia ts/ while|~ Judge! Macdonald excused the jurors from the courtroom pending dis-| with three from NAVY RUM PALM BREEZE RUM WHITE GOLD RUM July tion minister not to oppose bail i) for Rivard. LAMB'S [222 SGreat RUMS Britain's method of eradicat-| JUST ARRIVED SATE NE TONE ERE SE OFF THE VESSEL! NO UNBALANCED LOAD PROBLEMS SPECIAL 6' Viny! Christmas Tree only STRONGEST TRANSMISSION ? 98 IN HOME WASHERS With 39.50 Purchase Give your laundry fhe old one, two WESTINGHOUSE | HEAVY DUTY LAUNDROMAT This strongly built, laundry unit has a heavy duty transmission de- signed to give you years of trouble - free service, Exclusive Westing- house double washing action provides gentle, but thorough washing for all types of fabrics. The times allows a choice of warm pre - wash or regulor wash cycles with hot wash, warm $9 f 7 rinse. The specially designed suspension system will even handle big unbalanced. 12 Ib. loads, ONLY Here's « heavy duty high speed dryer, loaded with features usually found only in higher priced units, There's the balanced air flow system, which eliminates hot spots. Two temperature selections and on Automatic Timer Dial with air fluff setting, to make ironing a breeze. A specially designed 5 minute cool , down setting at the end of the heat eycle prevents wrinkling. The smooth porcelain enomel tub won't rust or corrode, and never $ snags. Buy now, no money down ' No Payments 'til January 15, 1968. WATCH FOR YOUR COPY OF | . Ce 2. 101 PRACTICAL GIFTS h Your Copy Is In The Mail erme & Se, DOORS __ Drilled For, Hardwaref | oN. eee 2-PANEL PLAIN | "aed ; 2-0x6-6 . 4-PANEL DOORS ALSO AVAILABLE? SELF-STORING Combination Storm And Screen ail |} ALUMINUM MY <i} DOORS : || Hl 2°6" x 6'6" 2'8 x 68" f | 2'10" x 610" | Beautifully Leadies es LET US QUOTE ON YOUR SIZES! Comb. Storm and Screen Made To Your Order! | | | | BROOKLIN At Highway Nos. 7 and 12 North of Whitby | PHONE BROOKLIN 655-3313 | S PEC AL FROM THE FAR EAST STRICTLY ON THE FREIGHTER FIRST ; "MANJUSAN MARU" PREFINISHED 2-6x6-6 . 16.55 3-0x6-6 . 18.60 Set .. 2.75 116-1" bunate 116-0" bunate 1x8-1" bundle 416-8" bundle M int? Shiplap, Jon Mal Lt 1/16 Vinyl Ashestes! 4 Colous! i= weil : 1 te YS Mee 9"x9" FLOOR TILES QUALITY! MAHOGANY PANELS SEE CASHWAY FIRST... AND REALLY SAVE! BEAUTIFUL MAHOGANY 30" Coppertone Range Hoods BI-FOLD $] Gas 2-SPEED MODEL... $21.99 1%" No. 1 Interior MAHOGANY DOORS 108 4.19 1008 4.77 ones 5.34 2009 5.54 2468 5.76 2-608 5.97 Other Sixes Also Available {1 %C ce, each 6%4c Upt? Post-Formed COUNTER TOPS LESS THAN aa $20.95 Top 8-Ft. ... $27.95 10-Ft.... $34.95 From Arborite Or Formical 6-Ft. Hwy. 401 to Exit 66, South on Harwood to Station -- Road and West to 161 Dowty Road. PHONE AJAX 942-1221 "pin te Oe Se ee eR a Th AT, Gy

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