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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Nov 1967, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, November 30, 1967 . To Be Dear Ann Landers: Your col- umn urging people not to take dogs on shopping trips where they are left cooped up in locked cars prompted me to write a letter that might save @ life. This past summer a Minnea- polis man went to visit his wife who was in the hospital. He brought their infant son along. The hospital authorities would not allow him to bring the baby into the hospital because of the rules. He took the child back to the car and locked him in. When he returned, he found to his horror that the child had died of suffocation. Please inform your readers that they should never, repeat, never lock children in a car. Ei- ther take the kids shopping or leave them at home.--Minneso- tan Dear Min: I was appalled to| "The problem is not with them, lit's with me," indicates you are |far from hopeless--recognizing \a problem is the first step to- suffocated after having been left) ward solving it. receive nearly 50 letters from all over the country reporting on children who were burned or in locked cars. I: had no idea of the immensity of this problem.| Thank you all for writing. You| got the word to over 50 million| Y ANN LANDER Hazardous For Child Nae Locked In Car Dear Ann Landers: Please don't throw this in the waste- basket because it sounds like a foolish problem. I know it's fool- ish, that's why I'm writing to you. I can't talk about it to any- one. I'm a girl 18 who doesn't have one friend I consider worth- while. I realize nobody is per- fect, but I seem to pick apart every person I spend more than 20 minutes. with. This one is loud, that one is dumb, the next one is a hypocrite and the one after that is a bore. Please don't say I need new friends. The problem is not them, it's me. Why do I mag- nify other people's inperfections until they look so unattractive that I don't want to have any- thing to do with them? Please help me if you can. Or am ]--Hopeless in Cincinnati Dear Cin: Your statement, Chronic faultfinders are in reality dissatisfied with them- selves. The person who is confi- dent and secure does not de- ARRIVES FOR LEGS Tap-Testing Not True Guide For Good Glass By ELEANOR ROSS Stand a while in the glass- ware department of your favor- ite store and just watch as pros- pective purchasers knowingly tap a wine goblet or finger bowl, listening quite intently for the bell note that will certify it is a good glass, Though it is a fact that some glass will ring beautifully, there are other tests to consider. Let's get back to that bell sound. Some glass, especially the Venetian, won't ring at all. Actually this is a questionable test of quality for. food glass- ware since the sound may vary under different conditions. It may be the shape, the weight, the thickness, or the way the glass is being held that is re- sponsible for the ringing note or its absence. HARD TO PIN DOWN As to flaws in glass, this is a difficult subject to pin down, be- cause so few people outside the trade really know what consti- tutes a flaw. Experts are aware that an absolutely flawless piece of hand-made glass--like a flaw- less emeraid--just doesn't exist. Tiny imperfections mark the emerald as a real one, and the discriminating buyer of hand- wrought or hand-finished glass knows its faint variations are what distinguish it from the ma- chine-made product, So the buyer who has detected a shear mark in a goblet, and--grimly triumphant--brings it back to rupted by the featureless unifor- mity of mass production. Conse- quently too few of us are willing to accept the natural charms of slight deviation in our glass- ware, EXPECTED FLAWS Even the finest museum pieces have many impérfec- tions, and those who are looking for authentic reproductions ex- pect to find such flaws faithfully copied. Similarly, in the finest of modern glass--préssed or blown--northing is mathemati- cally identical, and there has to be some mark if it has been made by hand. There's much more to the story of fine glassware which we'll keep for another day. BIRDS EAT ! OCALA, Fla. (AP)--An 11- mile-] cafeteria has been es- tablished in the Ocala National Forest--for wildlife. Ranger Robert S. Jackson said the food strip offers oats and rye to browsing deer and to turkeys and other birds. OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE | RE-PRINTS =| 20% Discount on Orders of 5 or More Pictures | NU-WAY PHOTO | SERVICE | || 251 King St. E., Oshewe 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each >. Glenayr SPORTSWEAR Ltd. Oshawa Shopping Centre <a 610/612 BOTANY WOOL SWEATERS Ellen Wilson, | recipient of the je today. mand perfection in his friends. He is content to take them as the store, really shows she i i THE STARS SAY (°¢..'h. doesn't know glassuare, || 5X7 -- 1.25 each Dylanize' ol sae | Get busy and work at being) Kenny Davidson, 12 next mitted he the Ontario Crip- tests at the centre to de- Our taste has Dean stblly. cor: bas Shewring, 13, who By ESTRELLITA lthe kind of person you would) Monday, jokes with nurse pled Children's Centre in termine the best kind of ar- her all-round: cord | Toronto Wednesday. Kenny fificial limbs. FOR MACHINE WASHABILITY jlike to be and you will be less FOR TOMORROW leritical of others. A wise philos- Yesterday's fine planetary in- opher once said, "A great deal fluences continue, so you should|of what we see in others is the have clear sailing on practically/ reflection of what we are." all fronts. Business matters and| 'ak dealings with superiors and oth-| Dear. Ann Larrders: Your) Ask Restriction | On Sale Of Glue project to celebrate the 75th an- ers of influence who could help|reply to the exhausted bag boy advance Sa aims are especial-/ whose lady customers eget FiVeELaie of Waniehtn Tratititinl favored. where they ha ' jniversar\ ns Institutes | i ie ah tht ar 'an Bet "make. TORONTO (CP) -- Ontariojin 1972. Mrs. Leonard Trivers of| FOR THE BIRTHDAY much sense to your faithful)Women's Institutes executive|Thessalon was appointed head If tomorrow is your birthday,| ».aders who live in Davenport;|at® asking the federal govern-jof a committee to find out what your horoscope predicts some|towa ment to restrict the sale of so-|project might be feasible. interesting challenges in the) ., d that th called airplane glue until the! The spring board meeting will year ahead--especially in the|. You Suggested that the supet-\"harmful, toxic content is re-|be held April 22-26. Esther Arkell and his moth- er Mrs. Josefh Davidson of Wolfville, N.S., as he is ad- lost his legs in a motorcycle accident last year. He will | undergo a long series of PULLOVER--A Kitten raglan sleeve classic in 100% superfine English Botany. "Dylanize"® for machine washability. Mothproofed. All the latest shades for Fall.: Short Sleeve 9.00 Sizes 34-42 Long Sleeve 10.00 LONG SLEEVE CARDIGAN--Here's the perfectly matching partner! Kitten's elegant classic cardigan in 100% superfine English Botany with full- fashioned raglan shoulders. "Dylanize'® for -- washability. Mothproofed. New Fall shades. = --CP Wirephoto WHY WE DO NOT SELL A ROOM FULL OF FURNITURE! Attention Ladies Feel tired? Muscle paining? Over- weight? Try a relaxing massage- special care to your feet. Call Mrs. Edari registered masseuse 725-2090 jaid the expansion program at! Macdonald Institute as_ their Did you know that you can have better furniture, that looks better, lasts longer, y kets letter the posts t0|movyeq." field of employment. You will) rere easier for paola te ina] nore': and actually costs less over -- iS yi hy EF ang Be thelr cars, Well, we did that Bo AE og hy Wher geben d the years by letting our Sizes 34-42 Each 11.60 » ' i- | : At when you seriously doubt it,|!ong ago, but it hasn't helped.|i.. 116 closing day of the five-| « experience and training 1. evonvons WS.A.)ton, Not only do the ladies forget 8 da; | | FOo SEerurIice help you properly select We Carry By Far The Largest Assortment Of KITTEN Sweaters, Skirts, & Slims In Oshawa. No Nicer Gift Than Sportswear \ OPEN EVERY NIGHT TO 9 P.M, UNTIL CHRISTMAS SEIGNEUR'S | | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE \ Bear this in mind--especially in|**'. © |day board meeting of the Feder- April, late May, mid-July and|Which letter a ter ated Women's Institutes of On-| early September. Some delays| 'hey sie, forget to [ «| tario. | and disappointments are quite|Knocked dowh Sa deep trving,| The resolution expresses tieir | possible during these periods; |{*" Te may gael rr the see(concern at the spread:of the po-| also feelings of restlessness at} - ua a0 i . e iar tentially deadly habit of glue seeming lack of accomplish-/°" bie ig nied '4 sniffing. : ment or irritation with the or-|' Dear Iowa: Have you consid- sj ders of "'higher-ups" and you|ered metal posts with the letters) Board members decided to may want to chuck everything|printed on a oe 1c hie | aiehMR ame naa eee ad start all in. It\pole? Some of the ladies might ¥ aan ta aoe oe teven|have to replace a few headiignts|| CAREER SCHOOL your home furnishings. We enjoy doing it, you will too! Betty Haydl Co. Ltd. Interior Decorating, Fine Furnishings OSHAWA | | operated by tony's refreshment service itd, | though the next 12 months will test your mettle, keep plugging. Your efforts will be appreciated and fenders, but after awhile they'll remember the posts are there and your problem will be OF HAIRDRESSING Are pleased to announce the 15 KING STREET EAST 725-2686 pny ymamaae reward-/ solved. serore ot @ New Branch in || Financially, it should be a good year, with notably out-/* standing periods for making gains indicated during the first three weeks of May, between mid-August and mid-September and late October. You should also do well in November if you avoid extravagance and have some cash reserves which could cI help you take advantage of "2 some interesting opportunities WIFE PRESERVER for further expansion. Paint a pine cone with pine Your personal affairs are also generously aspected, with stim- ulating social activities prom-joil and hang it in the closet for ised in July, September andla clean, fresh smell. next November; chances t0 trav- | 5 cssssesnesessssisasnss=Insnaaaasnnaane, el] in August and September; | 9 9 Day and Evening Classes are now taking appointments, Models are welcome. 145 KING ST. WEST 576-3558 It's fun to be a successful hostess! Just leave the details in our expert hands. We're. adept at smooth service . . . famed for fabulous food. Call today for estimates. @ HOUSE PARTIES @ COLD PLATES @ COCKTAIL PARTIES @ SALAD PLATES @ COLD BUFFET } / Janie Russell, helps Jane Watso tach her all-round second highest : guiding, on the ri der of her unifo blue and white ce tained after compl SPORTSWEAR Ltd. Oshawa Shopping Centre SPORTSWEAR Ltd. Oshawa Shopping Centre STEP OUT SMARTLY IN THIS s SEWING MACHINE Since ander mttcee'n uy OM Varn cura . 2 n July © All es y mance an | Te Al Mates Glenay MACHINE-WASHABLE MISSION C! -- ae -- on er day sc SEWING CENTRE extremely versatile; cou 38 Bond West, Oshewe W 0 j , succeed in the law, at medici ring the journalistic field. ae sheath ds A top choice in the "most wanted" gift K PU RE OL National ; category ... there's a style, shape, color FEATURES Missionar DAVIDSON asl for every man on your Christmas List. Glenayr M Bate! OES MACHINE-WASHABLE of the women's com Baptist World Alliai special guest of th Laurin Mission Cir Baptist Church, O occasion marked th versary of mission Dr. Bates addresse gregation at the m ice; spoke at a re- eon and later at PURE WOOL Leap into fashion with this striking new full-fashioned machine-washable English Botany pullover. You'll fall in IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. Sport Jacket and Trouser CO-ORDINATES 75 ALPACANA TOP COATS Walk ito fashion im this ex- citing new machine-weshable English Botany full-fashioned Moderately $ Priced 65 love with its fancy patterned raglan shoulder pullover . . . service at Harmony For Christmas yoke and cuffs, zipper closing with dome fastenings at neck tist Church. ing ae Say It With SWEATERS at neck, Continental band and front, roll collar, new Con- Dr. Bates who 1 Irresistably SHIPLEY three-quartar length. raglan tinental band and cuffs. pena ao" ' mi: 3 | Priced 14.95 SUITS sleeves, Sizer'34-42 each 14.00 eet or Gowmanvil i : the circle is name Pure virgin wools available Sizes 34-42 Each 15.00 To complete the pretty picture. the challenge con church today. "Jesus spoke out cial abuses and the followed his dictum in o rich, varied collection of superbly woven glén checks, dignified plains, fine cord Venstians ete. in the latest subtle color variations team it with this pure wool worsted skirt, woven from superfine English Botany. His To complete the pretty picture, these superbly tailored pure H Bond Clothes Lasting nay' finely tailed. Remem. wool worsted slims, woven er... if it's Shipley -- GIFT I 7 =] fits superbly. ie eg from superfine English Botany. fully-lined, dry-cleanable, and "We are the mii DEAS They aré dry-cleanable. and dyed-to-perfectiy-mateh one Rippin S H @) E ' dyed-to-perfectly-match all bright new Kitten sweater Habe through whic " oe TIES @ SCanves a" new Kitten sweater colours. Her main concern colours. Sizes 8-20 Each 17.00 where, she said, do |g aided ac og kau Sic; 630 8 ink closed to Canad L | p p F RS e VESTS @ SOCKS 1 izes 8- 'ach 18.00 'orhe common pet e || @ GLOVES @ JEWELLERY peed Reng ie | kindness, but the n @ HATS @ COLOGNES of the leaders is cr | @ SWEATERS @ JACKETS stacle. To gor * x i R bs inked with colonia R GIFT CERTIFICATE oo s TOOKE van HEUSEN given pga tve per er of " ives in villages PURE VIRGIN WOOL Woolmark on the label the caste system Look for the abolished yet lit ments restrain the dians from working own poor. Corrupti Dr. Bates said t old missionaries w lowed to go back cited the case. of | William J. D. Lewi tural expert, an of Harmony ] Church, who were to enter the count AND BE SURE! Woolmark on the label DAVIDSON SHOE STORE 31 Simcoe St. N. If In Doubt Give o Gift Certificate Use Any Credit Cord We Carry By Far The Larg est Assortment of KITTEN Sweaters, Skirts and Slims in Oshawa. OPEN EVERY NIGHT TO 9 P.M. UNTIL CHRISTMAS OPEN EVERY NIGHT TO 9 P.M UNTIL CHRISTMAS . No Nicer Gift Than .. Sportswear SEIGNEUR'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE We Carry By Far The Larg- est Assortment Of KITTEN Sweaters, Skirts and Slims in Oshawa, No Gift Nicer Than Sportswear SEIGNEUR'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OPEN DAILY UNTIL 9 P.M. -- IN DECEMBER "Next To United Cigar Store" Downtown Oshawa f 4 Oe eee fi pean 08 ph ee et et et Oe A OAR OSA Am © connate 2a eines eins Or Sele Attias eae iG , fix a ae eT ee oe ae ea ae | eat aye s4 see .* '

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