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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Nov 1967, p. 1

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Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bowman. ) ville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in Ont orio and Durham Counties, Weather Report Variable cloudiness, not much ehange in temperature. Low tonight, 25; high Friday, 32. Ghe Oshawa Cimes Authorized a3 Second Class Mall Post Office Department Ottawa and for payment of Postage in Cash MONETARY SYS VOL. 26--NO. 278 10¢ Single SSc Per Week Home 'Bellvered OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1967 THIRTY-FOUR PAGES UNDER FRESH AT / Recent Crisis Foreseen Finance Minister Says PARIS (Reuters) -- Francejdollar's worth of gold for each today launched a new attack on) paper dollar that is converted. the international monetary sys-| France wants to see the price of tem, describing it as disordered i doubled, and in that way and harmful to the development increase the monetary value of of world economy, the yrld's gold stockpile. Making New Pound Work Big Challenge For Jenkins. LONDON (CP) -- A soft-spo-;he was forced to recommend ken Welshman with a taste for| devaluation des pite frequent power took over today as Brit-|public pledges that he would ain's new chancellor of the ex-| maintain the old exchange rate ; chequer, dedicated to making of $3 Canadian and $2.80 U.S {devaluation of the pound work. |Now it's $2.57 Canadian and services, beating the provinces] and of printed reports of dis- cussions for each delegation. About 300 press representa- tives at the conference have been assigned space and facil- ities one floor above the con- | The appointment Wednesday $2.40 U.S. Finance Minister Michel! Debre, speaking at the open- jnight of Roy Jenkins, 47-year-| Observers of the London polit- Debre made the attz at the\ing of two days of discussions }old son of a miner, to the keyjical scene said Jenkins, not the annual - ministerial meeting of e, said the work of the |post in place of 55-year-old! warmest of Prime Minister Wil- | the 21-nation Organization for OCD rightly underlined the | James Callaghan, was seen as ason's friends, got the job Economic Co-operation and De- two fundamental characteristics |victory for a group of young) through' sheer ability, velopment, of the present world economy-- progressive intellectuals in the | oe eons Debre told delegates: 'For! one old and one new : Labor party cabinet. Callaghan OVERRIDES CRITICISM several years now our analyse 1. The Alesul: brium in the rs replaced Jenkins as home sec- age he eg ids aad re of the shortcomings of the gold balance-of-payments tuation retary. ish r work have kep im exchange. standard have f between the countries with re- MANITOBA, QUEBEC PREMIERS FIND COMPATIBILITY "Forward the young ones," a sclera dant oF seen--but have not caused--the|serve currencies on the one 5 : ji 3 vas t . he political correspondent o' snes er sick ¥ all her tha Tit etai Premier Daniel Johnson of Walter Weir (left) of Mani- during a-break in Wednes- ference. See story, page 3. prog gh ssasaen en The Times wrote that Jenkins anh «Bagi Mg Bia ne Sas a -- erie ea, aud a (right) enjoys a toba and Manitoba provin- day's session of the Con- | "younger wen ot imagina-|"has the radical intellect that ROY JENKINS | tion " ; : pe rae ie . nie ri eee eo earty laugh with Premier cial secretary R. G. Evans __ federation of Tomorrow con- (CP Wirephoto) | tion, brains and compassion,| Will be needed to rebuild the} . . . New Chancellor | Debre said: "We draw no sat-| 2. The "dar ous 'te world e a oe aaa aes is a ee Cae ~~ {free from the image of condi-|British economy from the bot- isfaction from our clairvoyance. | economic expansion, ioning of Labor's cloth-cap|tom up." | But we will not give up our ef a : 80 000 WORTH past, are now in key seats of} The Times said in an editorial GAELIC MESSAGE forts.to make this generally ac- MASSES DEBTS i p I i I 1OouU ces ' power," The Sun said. Ze ee ee. hah cepted." : The two countries with re- nh Apart from Jenkins, the group|@bsolutely. vital to the future o | iserve currencies Is OF TOMORROW tacadea Defence Secre igh r yjthe, ner oree rd It -- FOR BRITANNY geod gohtg igs: SYSTEM|Britain, suffered, og phe Denis Healey, 50, and Anthony|that "Mr. Jenkins's ministeria See ou . France long has sought a re-|ay 7 ete TORONTO (CP) -- It will | Crossland, yh Eire lc president| career has given evidence that} ANTIGONISH, N.S. (CP) |form of the international mone- oe ees be cost Ontario about $80,000 for |of the Board of Trade. |he has the qualities to take ad-| -- The Antigonish Highland |tary system based only on gold, ah cure: ah lstavad the four-day Confederation of | vantage of this opportunity." | Society has cabled the follow- jas advocated by President de For Breet bias me Taneit of Tomorrow conference now |WELCOMES CHANGE | The Financial Times de-| ing Gaelic message to the |Gaulle since 1963 and reiterated|9? pte ooe bonis "he US red under way in the city's newest | The British press generally|scribed the new chancellor as a| Mayor of Rennes, Britanny: only Monday. Under the present\® He b ie $250°000 pon oe Brite an F skyscraper--the Toronto-Do- | welcomed the change and said|man inclined towards expan-| "Gu ma fada be Breatainn | gold exchange standard the u.S.|aNe See pee hae Pe by OTTAWA (CP) -- Finance;tax increases as an invitation to} ' e minion Centre. Jenkins was the right man to|sion, but said "he has been) bheag." \dollar and the British pound are)", ' ' Minister Sharp will attempt to|the public to join his fight mee atin gm opeaans This includes financing for |follow up the 14.3-per-cent do-|around long enough to realize| English translation; 'Long |reserve currencies, and the U.S. These countries cr ing show his Scottish thrift when he] against rising prices | \ yeas closing in the conference | valuation Nov, 18 of the pound| that the only kind of expansion} live free Britainny." dollar is considered as good as\able to finance their deficits by comes to Parliament with a St.| Mr. Sharp's al se ee ane _It Has been suggested that the} room, designing desks for |and the harsh economic meas-|in Britain that does not contain} A unanimous. decision to |gold. running into massive debts, he Andrew's Day budget message\nounced spending target of finance minister is increasing] each' premier or his repre- jures that went along with it. | the seeds of its own destruction| send the message was taken | Actually, the U.S. dollar is added. : tonight : $10,300,000,000 for 1968-69 indi- taxes as the only way to make| sentatives, pool arrangements | Callaghan resigned because|is one that is led by exports." | at the society's annual meet- |backed by only 25 per cent gold) 'They did this by accumulating The 56-year-old finance minis-|cates he will a ei mo the government's anti-inflation| to provide close-circuit televi- HS | ing Tuesday. held in American reserves, but|jassets in reserve currency in a ; ance minis-/cates he will need about a 10-| campaign believable, sion. monitors for the press Discussing President de |the U.S. sets the world price for|certain number of creditor ter will raise taxes, He may|per-cent increase in revenues anda supporting staff. Gaulle's references to "the |gold at $35 an ounce and-pays ajcountries. nd. have something to say about|next year. REMAINS SECRETIVE A provincia). -spakeema New Defence Secr oppressed people of Quebec," | -- has fet ett tle me= ig! Riper matters. Pers ea ets ee | le we eR" the) said Wednesday about 15 society members said the | ie J? Bete seer. Tnoal growth of tr eronue eve ureered seer post] seenes nt Sbvers ae on os | feneh present ser | Franch Quebec Interest me of}and how much he will, start tojities: e chet . 2 ' s the province has underwritten F, D f t P ] it once a province fovernment economies in thelgather by changing rates imme-| A surtax on personal in| eomt?of' providing inem win | © ACES MOLINE LOLMCIOS | ions department or te pO ees, disclosed some-|come taxes, hiking everyone's} lunches. gion of France, was settled by A t bl T P. federal taxes by a fixed per-| He added the province also |. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presi-|budget next year, probably! refugee Celts from Britain. ccep a e 0 earson centage; is paying for translation serv- |dent Johnson says major U.S.|sometime in February or| A society spokesman said icipiilibaiaile om lete Town --A sales tax on consumer] ice both of actnal proceedings |defence policies are clearly de-|shortly after. | present day residents of | OTTAWA (CP) -- Prime Min-jfecting France in his Monday Tec. e fined for the man who will suc- --President Johnson main-) Britanny 'are much worst off |ister Pearson said Wednesday) speech in London. | the people of French |he has no quarrel with France} But the prime minister said jhaving a national interest in/he would have no right to talk | Quebec. _ _|about France's domestic affairs He said in a CBC television|in the way Gen. de Gaulle interview that Britain has had a talked about Canada's. national interest in Canada for a long time. So' why shouldn't) Mr. Pearson said the French D) resident's news conference re- said he| Marks went further than his Ca- ceed Defence Secretary Robert| tained "the course of our partic-| than McNamara, quitting the Penta-|ipation in the war in Vietnam is! Canada." gon for the presidency of the/firmly set, major defence poli-| World Bank. jcies are clearly defined" and| But a triple play of announce-|McNamara's successor--not yet and repaid later like the five-) trence room with the cost |ments by the World Bank,|named--can carry on in Mc-| John Brown BELGRADE (AP) -- An|~ The seismological institute at|per-cent refundable corporation ' ; ' nit earthquake thundering across|Skopje said the quake centred|tax Mr. Sharp applied in 1966. borne by the province. |White House and McNamara Namara's tracks "without loss |Wednesday night left in a fog of momentum or effectiveness."' the Yugoslav-Albanian border/63 miles to the west, an area) with the prospect of an an- some of the more intriguing as- --Outgoing President George for first crack at an attractive new revenue; --A refundable personal in- come tax, to be gathered, held | To File Suit "uit". Pearson age recked the town: of Debar in} jus yr i rder. > ic i bak heh yugealae si iy Pac l Pg ler yr nouncement on medical rare in- . pects of the defence chief's'D. Woods of the World Bank would object to a treaty of nadian remarks last July during 7 today, killing at least seven per-| Skopje, which was rebuilt on an-| nrg and a peak at goyvern- a 1res switch in assignments. The sounded out McNamara last TORONTO (CP) -- Johnifriendship between Quebec and Which he called out the Quebeg" ment thinking on tax reform, statements reported: April 18. McNamara indicated|Brown, former director of the/France along the. lines of the| Separatist slogan: "Vive le Qué- sons. other site after the 1963 quake rs ' " :: the budget has taken on more --McNamara will take over his interest in the post. He dis-/ Warrendale Home for Emotion-|/Franco-German treaty. He said|bec Libre. Belgrade radio said it was|destroyed the city and killed|; ; i "Aa feared the wreckage concealed| more than 1,000. ee hg Pca a . Tid the presidency of the 107-nation|cussed it with Johnson, offering ally Disturbed Children, said/that is the type of treaty that) The prime minister said the many more dead. The official) "Aid to Debar was delayed by|jast Site BUR Ue Tl 1c1ze World Bank after he finishes his|to stay at the Pentagon "'as long Wednesday night he will take/two independent states make Coomlien cece aS : yen. ef }work on the fiscal 1969 defence as he felt it necessary." legal action against the Cana- and is not acceptable dian Association of Social Work-| Mr. Pearson also said it was|went further by talking about ers which has ousted him fron\ right and proper for him to talk)sovereignty for Quebec, and of its ranks. about international affairs af-| Liberation. ONTARI WA ERC MMI N In its current newsletter, the said), 3,200-member associafion a Tanjug news agency said about/transport difficulties. | ; 80 per cent of the buildings in| Tmmdslides blocked roads in ,S°¥%CeS say that if any! sNG@gToN (AP) -- A coro- Debar, a town of 8,000 people,/the area, and special teams had shone to be me i -- ner's jury investigating the Nov. were destroyed. to be sent to open them. There|\*Eisiation on medical care iti) death -of Mrs. Alfred Car- There were no immediate|is no railway to the town, in a|"* be announced tonight. riere, 61, of Kingston, recom- damage reports from Albania|/deep valley at the foot of a mended Wednesday that the de- and none likely for some time. | mountain, and _ bad partment of transport set up weather| s Brown was dropped be-| In Uppsala, Sweden, the seis-| grounded army helicopters in| Bi Racket strict regulations and inspection mological institution said the| Skopje. | EAGER FOR FIRST SNOW FALL cause of his fight with the Ontar-| procedures for tires on vehicles. io government over treatment NEWS H IG | ILIG | ITS quake registered 6.5 on the Ri-| However, army teams from | Mrs. Carriere died after the| Lots of people look forward Outlining the program, a |of disturbed children. ; chter scale, half a point/border stations made it to the! lear she was driving was in colli-, to snow. Most of them be- spokesman for the commis- | It said his actions were incon-| stronger than the 1963 earth-|town and began the search for| as e quake which destroyed Skopje,|dead and injured and the ra sion with a Colonial Coach Lines) Cause it's beautiful or be- sion said the investigations, |sistent with the organization's| France Refuses To Share UN Cost Ltd. bus. cause it's fun to play in, which have been running {constitutional goal of encourag-| : : since 1965, are part of Can- jing "development of high| UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) -- France firmly reject- the capital of Yuvoslav Macedo-|fer of survivors to the lakeside} : The jury found bus driver| _ But not the Ontario Water é nia. . lresort of Ohrid. f MONTREAL (CP) .-- Police Richard. ecaile® of Montreal| Resources Commission. It is ada's contribution to the Inter- |professional standards among! ed Wednesday a plan to share 70 per cent of United |said a multi-million-dollar rack-|had no chance of avoiding the| Waiting for the first fall of national Hydrological Decade, jits members." : | Nations peacekeeping costs between the five permanent which was instituted to fur- | Mr. Brown was fired as direc-| members of the Security Council. French Ambassador snow at Wilmot Creek, just west of Orono, to analyze and measure it. And when that first fall does come, they'll be out with a special tube which is inserted in the snow to gather a core sample. This sample is weighed to determine its water equivalent. A team of 10 carrying out a program of measurements, Armand Berard told the special political commititee--de- bating how to get the peacekeeping budget out of the red --that an Irish-led draft resolution containing this proposal is unacceptable to his government, tor of the government-operated, Warrendale home in suburban} Etobicoke late in 1966 after the board of directors said he con- tinually usurped its authority. ther knowledge of hydrology. It will last to 1975. Although primarily interest- ed in the amount of precipita- tion and where it goes in the | Ret ah ia winter months, as compared | sast month in e provincia *y1" to the rainfall of warmer sea- |election, he was elected New) Orillia Reports Roads Clear sons, the OWRC points out | Democratic member for To- a i a that such a program would |ronto Beaches Woodbine. He is) ORILLIA (CP) -- District roads were clear and transe also be helpful in predicting also director of Brown Camps portation services restored to normal today after a Nox spring flooding Lid., a private agency which vember storm Tuesday night and Wednesday dumped 20.5 ranging from the gauging of Preliminary data has been | cares for disturbed children. inches of snow in this d Total November snow'ail - ---- here has been 39.6 inches. pad ee Ne a collision because Mrs. Carriere i Nn e St Coast WaS/had, for an unknown reason, UAW Chr sler Plants smashed by the arrests of -18!/prought her car to a sudden ti men early today in Calgary, To- stop in the path of the bus. ronto and Montreal. The jury did, however, lay s s s Illegal activities included tak-| blame for the accident on the 1g. t trl e ea ine ing bets on horses, hockey andjbus line when it said 'we be- football. Pag i of the arrests| lieve that the condition of the 5 : : : were made here by the morality|rear tires on the bus directly af- DETROIT (AP) -- Negotia-|3,500 salaried workers in the squad which started the investi-| fected the force of the impact, tors for the United Auto Work-| Detroit area, said their ratifica- gation about eight months ago,| which occurred under unfavora-| ers and Chrysler Corp. today|tion vote would be held next) Tieut. John Gerez said. | ble weather conditions." bargained against: strike dead-| Tuesday in Highland Park. The men were handed over| Police pictures of the four lines trying to reach local plant) Meanwhile, negotiations _be-|{9 RCMP officers who intended|rear tires, introduced in evi-| the water flow to the wind gathered by the commission : ae | nts at five Chrysler op- --, bs -- er Bomgate taking them ne mer to Cal-|dence, showed the tires ap-| velocity. on snowfall in the area, | ¢ k F T P ll 0 S. : M : "| gary, where all the 18 arrested) peared to have little or no} The snow measurements following a survey last year, | P N j trike deadlines were an-|tract covering 380,000 employ-ifaced various charges of con-|tread. The surface of the tires} will be taken twice a month and it is expected that® this | eace ear | ree orces 10 Fu ut NICOSIA Greek (Reuters) -- forces stationed in - "oagee 4 ha ps -- re ag at the subcommit-|spiracy in connection with or-|was overcut by diagonal lines,| once there is a covering of and the results of future stud- | | rs anid i wd ) "i AW's| tee lev ee : | ganized gambling. which Ss, MacDonald, a me-| two inches on the ground, ies will be useful in the study | In Cyprus | Cyprus will be pulled out within the next two months as rysler department, The union's GM council meets} Warrants for the arrest of the|chanic for the Kingston Transit) right through to when the last and analysis of the winter run- | ' | part of a peace settlement hammered out by U.S. envoy Deadlines of 10 a.m. Monday| Friday morning to pick a strike|18 were issued by the Alberta|System,said were babl y , 3 \y s > iss } ! S ' probably put} off cycle. Syrus Vane r sources said today. were set for Local 1226 at the/deadline for the national GM/ government some time ago, po-|there to extend the life of the| ei re : Indianapolis electrical plant and) contract. lice said, tires. | Local 1193 at Scranton, Pa. The face dineupears. ISTANBUL (Reuters) -- The Turkish cabinet met in Ankara today and was believed to be a final review to the! | giving Ro} other deadlines are 10 a.m., viene te 'yori : 3 Fray. for tacal an, Deval! CANADIANS, BRITISH PUB-CRAWLER CHALLENGE '2, 3... Nw »»In THE TIMES Today... ~ Saturday, for Local 961, De- eo ee Cyrus (3 Youngster Dies--P. 17 troit's Eldon Avenue axle plant; and 8a.m., Monday, ,at the Twinsburg, Ohio, stamping Premier Sleyman Demirel jforecast Wednesday an an- GO Porking--P. 5 Cowboys' Bonspicl--P. 14 en Rowdy Soldiers Battle In Germany plant. The union and the company ISERLOHN, West Germany German police car arrived on cars and British and Canadian Dailingenhofen, but' they were agreement on the basic princi-! [no uncement that Turkey,} |Greece and Cyprus had reached} aN Ann Landers----18 Vv have rms tional ; ; arbi H ; Hlaeee > settee" pei Biling "Chrysler's (Reuters) -- Police arrested at the' scene. military police. all wearing civilian clothes so it ples of a Cyprus settlement. Ajox News---5 z 95,000 hourly-rated and. 8,000 least five servicemen and said "There were unconscious bod- "When the hunt really got was difficult to tell," he said. But despite persistent rumors City News--17 3 salaried workers at Chrysler. 'many others were taken to hos- jes lying about all over the under way we managed to ar- "In the last few days there here during the last 24 hours) Classitied--22, 23, 24 : oe sind a egg one bat- place," the spokesman said. rest five men and the military has' Ween: ineranaina" trouble." that agreement was achieved, Gamice=-27 5 oF e betwe ane bbe i j y ™ "aug - - * ie am . sile: = ei SOME UNRESOLVED ween abou' anadian The soldiers must just have police caught a number of oth the spokesman said. "Soldiers official sources kept silent. A Editeribl--=4 Local disputes are still unre- solved at 16 of 78 salaries bar- gaining units and 18 of the 60 and British soldiers here late Wednesday night. A German police spokesman said the fight was apparently gone wild," he added. He said the first thing the two-man patrol did was to radio for ambulances from the British ers whom they took off in hand- cuffs," he added, The spokesman could not say how many men were arrested smashed beer bottles on cars and did all sorts of minor dam- age. Turkish announcement was ex-| pected later today, presumably to coincide with one in Athens. Turkish authorities main- Financial--26 Sports--14, 15, 16 Television--27 units covering hourly workers. a The UAW subcommittee re- started by two Canadian sol- Military Hospital nearby. altogegher or how many were "It was the first time one of tained full military prepara- Tet Thee 8 presenting salaries workers diers who ran from pub to pub "One of the two men in the taken to hospital. He said it also our men was even threatened tions. lb *Rgok bri ide. If naires unanimously recommended challenging British servicemen patrol car was knocked down was impossible to say yet exact- and the first time there has Chief of Slaft Gen. Cemall= ook on the bright side. msg le Whithy News-- Wednesday that the union mem- bership ratify the contract to a fight and hauling them into the street. and seriously injured when he tried to arrest one of the appar- ly which units they belonged to, been a battle like this. The Ca- nadians and Britons formed up Tural saw the prime minister before the cabinet meeting we have to pay higher taxes, 80 will Sharp!" reached Monday. : "It was a real out and out ent instigators of'the fight," he WORE CIVVIES in groups on each side of the today and afterwards told re-|= : Oswald McQueen, president of battle," he said. said. "Most of them appeared to be street and just went into battle, porters: "The state of alert is| = 3 Local $89, representing some The battle broke up when @ His colleague called in other 4 from the Canadian barracks at There were at least 40 or 50," wet lifted," la op, 1 \

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