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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Nov 1967, p. 22

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~wNWwww 20--Real Estate fo 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, November 30, 1967 : ™ ADS! CUIL SIMPLIFY FAMILY CHRISTMAS $HOPPING & $AVINGS WITH WAN 3 REALTY L REALTOR e 2 ja: 1 to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to 16 Simcoe 8 (+) mM, Wanted Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. ig d Livestock |17--Female Help Wanted |18--Male Help 723-598) qa 11--Pets an lidicsechdactttetiie I MATURE, EXPERIENCED senograph- E 7 e WELSH CORGI puppies, lovely Pye msg Legg don er A} Seng penliy '1. bee WHITBY BAS ad BACK SPLIT | None We coisa chilcron. MbeorvaleE, MOI Sei eniay exceee MANUFACTUR iam | Ge now. 0 Strtitd A327. ad ications uip- i TTT WAITRESS = requ f communication eq ars old wit | 12--Articles Wanted..<< for Ralnbow Restaurant Breck "Street le has Ad tdi with pase area ar : GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, e1c.|%%) °*PE0 Appy for ambitious man fenced | | eeon ven bao anytime, MacNelll's| North, Whitby. auigOR experienced Ta pe Mh years inventory con- ed r whi magi | Furniture 668-5481, 668-6526. ROUTE SUPERVISOR, angle trol purchasing experience, 6% : | ANTIQUES," Giasswa Picture frames.|route sales, vratssion 'and. override sy' Electrical or mechanical tonight. H ANTIQU: Suttena: y Mrs. R:!ceptional commission matte ane © ec' ferred. Sala nla [A Kinase Rd, Whitby. fem. Short compete oar Ayres, Gen-| background preferred, ry PPLEHILL é NN be pall RISTMAS cash! Those un- Us Mra hat ea 'Dec. 1, trom 1 fo 8.| open. A NW, Used household, articles, bring them fo osha Hote coking for an opportunity to interviews please tele- WW @ Lovely 3 bedr 2--Personal Wit <i i AN bommervine Auction By POO STARE YOU looking, Independent oO 7 For J galow, recog = 'i . ------$______. ; Gower, Auctioneerss, ono BS FAT IE own prestige pos Y , beautiful kitche Accountants Building Trades Rug - Upholstery Service a glerenives = ff ALATA \ CASH FOR miscellaneous, hovsehold| business ht level executive meena MR. COLLINS tins' con fied cc i Telephone 623- Itl-billion dollar ¢ are it In bar. 6Y, : RING : articles, mu looking for. If you t tile. Built In bar. Bee Meant inte "in sm| Quality Carpentry RES 9392 723-4641 Chen Telephon 77S ym ®t wah ena have 668-3348 cate eee, Complete bookkeep! 28. 723-7605 JERAL REPAIRS ¢ Fabrics chest, Te the ability to direct the You may a a e coe Street N., 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. GENERAL a @ Wide selection of Fa! superfluous hair would like to talk to you. Ayres, YOUNG MAN required as salesclerk, " YALE, LL COLE arcs at tone Improvement Specialists e Wwertimensie ae Mare" Mandatt wil be in 13--Articles for Rent Sart fal Br Part Tiree. chcsmear Uleit ale experience not write aes NANCE fered Accountants. Street. North, 1 Oshawa and District (five full years D 11, 12, and Hotel Geni u '4 State age ea. . RESID ote eggs ORL aid al possi Many Years, @ Easy budget terms--Free bit gy Bos Genosha Hotel Tables, Chairs, Linen, Bish. Oe SPER, same ekg and A ee Te si waaking 5 ie lGne oF tte fe HOPKINS, iS; BEADLE. AND CO." Char. Honest and Dependable eh Pe ig og years experience on these dates for appoint- | es, Cutlery, bry Byidol fee housework, willing | fo Live in or Seaies "beens SP agony condita our area -- Kitchen; , Finan . 243-3411 * eld, . "te Building, it? King, Street, East, "Gar'H| Phone 725-8576 or 623-3411 | "THE FURNITURE CENTRE men. ee ECGS | Wie: Mere Formals, White |r 01 eset, Srred Apply Box' AM reason. thie mmsy bs Your oppartvelhie me dining and living roc eM eetaie scare Lukow CAN |esaRiNer ter tar and forte tae a 90 Simcoe St. North UADY WISHES RIDE fo Torpnto, Kine] Fox Fura, Min' Sites Oshawa Times. TT pm. |old ees cae oe stairs -- 4 bedroom E Beadle, CA, hoe irs, large and small jobs 'ND H. area, arriving for : WAITRESS REQUIR om. Apply has an open " al od: secon loor, poss GORDON A. DAY, Rh Goawe ater Rooting et eer ene rere PROFESSIONAL eee 723-0308. Bene Ea Be SARGEANT'S RENTALS satt and for 11 a ee ~--e ofelin§ W tccrtuce cit tin ae own building extra rooms ping. Contra, T2SMSs PRisol biveioehien | RUG CLEANING 3--Sportsman's Column 463 Ritson Rd. S., 725-3338 _|Mr. Campbell, Genos ability apecalzed reining wih cy ne coe pee er eee ere meer e i y _ eavestrought apnea, aD uritadbthi dei | Sapna tne TIE e74 , @ salary J i is JOSEPH GUTMANN, | Chartered Accousi.| Chimneys, oa May, Whitby, = : HUNTING "LICENCES - new end use used | ENTERTAINING? Fifty To. one rs se Male Help Wanted me specs pension, | When Qeelving, gg ig - ii : ant, Licensed Trustee, ASTERING -- Drywall remodel 2 Day Service i, bought, sold. and traded. Ammu- people: Oshawa Tenn kitchen, state age, mar' " a aa va Ens. Teesone i feta ew orca, Saad |p| 2 Day Service | Praesens Vay ew San Fa mcc| WEPAY YOU _ [sitet at dis "etree Hal ge Mie PRET fer 6 p.m. aie a | dat aeenpetteenenmemseneiis . _ Ly | IN for hardware de. it wi 2 Blueprinting ATLANTIC. PAVING AND CONCRETE. | d a wie dear ane iL CHAIRS, hospital beds, wa ELIABLE PERSON tor haraware de. ae ATLANTIC PAVING A | -Gsrayaon WILL SKIN, cur Pp WHEE Be ge ges: Ri ly with Cenedion very proud owner of pags ergy bir g Wega agit hd () er hc al ace cuareniead fol Angus. rite seo Hades Pigs, Al Rantelar 166" Benihice 135- ree, TO TRAIN FOR aver! eatin Recie os residence. Substantic « 52%" Simcoe Street North. "120¢ sq. ft., +s ra fi Te IE ESE > ge eg tunity for right men. Appiy t uired, Blveprinting and. photestatic copies. (206,89. fh ine Ee ce CHESTERFIELDS revpholsiered «0 4/5--Trailers crcl 14--Business Opportunities RETAIL p04 opportuni 'alan, panes Payment requir eT Pacaantes tyled, Free estimates. See our |HORSE TRAILERS FOR SALE, sing e, Building Trodes ne! A cre [lal "or recovering sieing 8 chtes|secble, and Bogers With ervaindut oe STORE MANAGEMENT #14000 Los Reo Oshawa are BACK SPLIT LE NEED MORE ROOM ? ? RECREATION ROOM, trim work re| [1g order, Dalton Uphoistering trie brakes, 723-6840 Wii 3 f short au tps, fo contac, 4 IV © This excepticr j ing end ge ret paisa r an i Ca y * P : ey reid 725-7066 |RE-UPHOLSTERY by experis. Est 6--Marine ¢ Equipment INE OUDINET cic4srn2) | THE WESTERN FROG SPARE TIME Rapidly expanding ruin a Petroleum Corp., 534 N. Maln built home of white glc HO ; lished 20 years. Workmanship. guaran. | O---Mar ----| MARC-ANTO cH COM EXPERT, | AT THE FIRST SIGN Ree iat ae oe MUST be sold. Owner |Cortage |jee Free- estimates, Credit terms. Mat.) WHO LATER BECAME A FAMED ee "AENEID " OF DANGER. : coast to coos, Nos Tec" | SRpaRiNRceO SE GE, FERRED. Large livir PROVEMENTS | "AWD picks ro Bilao oases re-built, furniture | refinished MEMORIZED ALL 12 BOOKS OF VIRGIL' WEEK | BURIES ITS MEAD OLLARS iate openings for young men | EXPERIENCED | salesmar steady year- hollywood kitchen, dot IM [MAN will" move anything). sean Uphoistering, | * °10,000 LIMES OF POETRY- IN A SINGLE WW THE MUD to train on the job for Store [/i)nG ssh pe bg gba ee 4 ee eink echoust ton | Additions -- Alterotions sc ail SRN ac ie eae - | WORLD'S LARGEST | AT THE AGE OF 12 . Overwhelming demand forces Management, with Tatas Fe Bag i pos Bread, Oshawa, 72- 3 good sized bedroom: Recreations Rooms iDentistr |Sales and Service | SELLING SNOWMOBILE ik sdhasimecaingaconed manufacturer to grant manu- portunities in Home ion (ee 5 teecadlaieiy ed garage, fenced in | Call us: sola da sown r-| GUARANTEED REPAIR (10, il wringer facturing rights of patented ond aaiclaration piretten iA required | fonr es ee 3 months old, All work we Falcon porn "seat. on $695. 00 |8--Articles for Sale |8--Articles for Sale -| automotive gee os an ud He if ny cee oper" (RENT ie ee dae this done for those who Fal ----__---- -- j cesse: t we ha Ided, up to 6! i he ee vice, EQUIPMENT for ale) Viduals. Can be proce: Full training prov! ld lea of a new 725-6126 |MOTORCYCLE, smaii na <e lan Available [RESTAURANT grill, two sets tables) foment oF gorage in your ings for men 18 to 20. or cent commission, You may start the id e reatat Inaba what we bulld tn" 1 eeiee coreus. Tae IF Prince. Time Paym ent P en ataeet HEAD COMPETITION SKIIS [One deep tryer, grill, two. gitar, art spare time. Machinery ond Single men preferred. 4 [Pert full time. See Mr. Ayres, Gen. sure yi ee $22,901 ely ae DRESSMAKING types eiter-| SUppIles,_sto Tackstock,| Oshawa 'and area cles. Telephone Bay Ridges, lied. Absolutely no Starting salaries depend osha Hote, Friday, Dec, 1, one, ' |ORESSMAKING AND ail types Even-|P and K Glass and Mirror, Blackstoc lection of mew and used 1 poir, 215 em. long. Red mplifier, profes-| tools supplied, At ¢ ° duction, ond N.H.A. Resale. ations, men's ladi chiléren' . bial 93. Special for month of November selecti 2 a 4 1 ir Ski BASS GUITAR and emp! ' lling. Earnings in excess o on age, educot " le or Female 3 Bead y, 723-| 986-4293. Spec : , as well as tar, 205 cm. long; 1 pai inted, new. strings, in selling ; 19--Male 2 ROOFING mass Se [renee mira" everything pom ons Goch of snowmobile Pil size 9, Raickle, Pro- eae Teachers 623-5352 after eee el tegen ca e Autute cacy cami Help Wanted BUILDERS SPEC New or Ol igning, siterations, irrors, twindo, aluminum win- ; nd accessories, Elite, 1 poir. a ogee ee se eee Low initial inves ; u : : DRESSMAKING, designing, from mi big or small.| trailers ite, 1 po pee lil il repair ; ' moterial the ability and per d for on ele t reasonable rates, |" ind wooden frames, big ' LINS FOR SALE. Also will rep cial. machinery, , upon BB Aes V @ Land for n Home Improvements Call Mrs. Neve ei! Lupin Drive, Whitby. ois pickue ore Oalivery 4 il types of Se UNITED 725-5266 ai Riese ochatrorenic Telephone sie supplies. Only irpe ni formance of "i cee R. MARTIN building ino prestige t 5 <-- Waser Tiled suits: |etuse'aret rorrrere. ws 723-7090 evenings, le person should apply. Salaries at the a This Is the place €. RUSS HARRISON let eres Beautioly sensor, ee ee id polisher repairs, stil RENTAL AND geri stad col TWO akin00S 1 bey 'a +. featth, spies ment level range ra REAL ESTATE LTD., BROKER an Gaeutive type buil $, drapes. Mrs. Tom, 6 ___|VACUUM ani tors. -- 555 King St. RS fh cushions end de-|trailer. Force to sells : from a minimum of $7,,- ; ; A, eae fawine bone in my home, drapes La begs Bled pickup 'and delivery. 9 Te ee, 728-5565 Me tage le RR I i oa mbrol- D 500. annually. Immediately requires one ex- tonight. fon eng Vennsing ere imal ee oe ine : Ajiox -- Harwood Ave.-North USED TELEVISIONS, reconditioned, Bay COT ere alti dete: and. ob- TR @ Employee benefits ag 9-4 perienced salesman _ See - AIGHWAY. NO Ir and renovating. Free es . | 2-6171 i d_up. Buy, sell, rent and service. |dery. he latest No. 671 Pattern Book. Pension Plan, Group Life lady, who is not afraid o . ho obligations. Cunningham. 728-7287. ail dening and Supplies Septic Service ee ey 19 Prince wees gl Lo eiitias: Patton BE. Wee vsti MANUFACTURING LTD. Insurance and Health hord work for good returns. Vi @ 150 acres, jus oe OP Mein toe Te Gardening [SEPTIC YANKS cleaned. Prompt serv) BUY? AND SELL -- Good used furnk|frstmas. ria hs gg arth Plan, Profit Sharing, Sum- Lots of leads, All replies con- Hwy. No. 35. Rolling repairs, M. Lafontaine Constru "Bj d Feeds" {ice on calls Walter Ward, 204 -- CHRIS CRAFT ture, appliances, antiques. 723-9241. 19 phone "725-7254; Miss Helen Rebingen, For pplication cell Mr. MacLeod war ona Winter Vee: fidential. Call R. Martin, oe ay eee 3756. ir reet West, Whitby. 668-2563, "E Prince St Rexdale Manufacturing ot the Georgian 4 ate Ltd, Broker. Price PAVING, 10 years in bual| SALES and SERVIC OR SALE. Alijdays. Visit our Re tions. Real Estate Ltd, . jeod hunting. Pr meen Gunrarie, work, We square coed Wild Bird Mix Surveyors MeVay fibreglass sail post CORISTMAS TRERS F avaliable. Tele. pentane = So ed Motor Hotel, Oshawa (pualifcat ie bility 576-1200 Biecss call for details. 17 Bond Street East, 723- si DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On-| Crestliner, Peterborough an phone Mr, Niro, 668-6592. TRICYCLE, Te vente, aa. Chemee @ Leadership ability. . e | Feed Suntiower ie Lead Sree Seeaearcial' bie Northeraft runabouts. Evin. | a S004 Used furniture |winter coat, 'Telephone 728-6897 etter 4 723-4693 @ At least High School ed- TH-EAST A CLASSIFIED RATESS | Large Sunflower [prints. "11 Ontarle' Street 726-5682, | rude outboard motors and appliances. One location only. Pretty Ni-chalr, $8, ucation or better. Attrac- 172 KING EAST NORTH- 'i Wheat So ee tame Surveyor. | Oshawa _Yachthaven URES Ln Pas al Bea Ab PANS small upright, 48" x 23" com- Phone Wednesdays and tive storting salaries for SUITE 101 Vil @ This yond a BORD APS psertion of 24 words, 1.20;| -- Oitce 47" Prince St, Res. 103 Elgin' st Seo -EIBG ul RATER 100) ain ai bargain' prices, [pletely reconditioned: 'good tone, $25. Thursdays both High School and Un- ant. Beir, Seaturys. SSiitionol. words, Sc each: 13 a; eddi-| CT Com |e. 725-688) RGLASS BOATS repaired, recon-|ment centre, 204 Bond St. Eo. THeésid:| Telephone 940-1588 iversity Graduates. room with large pla five Ingertions of Be Neto ctceeee |. Pole Bird Reeder Gitioned end: wooden hosts fibreglessed. Cycle Centre, 204 ife used |THREE-PIECE | bedroom sulle, $7 iter HOUSE AND STORE for rent, 0H @ Willingness to accept per- CIVIC MINDED AND bath with vanity on n | words 13¥gc each; 6 consecu- ; TV--Redio Repairs Iso fiberglass, resin, cloth, hardener, |Suy--youR HUSBAND or w .|Studlo couch, like new, $45. Humidifle Telephone 728-6150. a - paid trans- id 2 piece bath with | five insertions of 84 words, 5.76; addi Hanging Feeders | clasner s1°30 te. 00 per cont off mare? furniture for Christmas. Valley Cree! |$20, Telephone 723-7585. monthly, Telep! eo iodic rhea ol CONSCIENTIOUS ADULT ~ i La ssareation sk jone! words 24¢ each. P, lies } price, 725-6144 after 6.0 728-4401. sx LOT EARLY. Christmas Wante _fers luring H . tl a poae 10 per cent additione! charge me Feed | TV SERVICE |"STARCRAFT" GREW Traveller boats FIREWOOD, dry, mixed er a sabe Me a Spruce, "Balsam| 15----Employment R work} REPLY stating full particu with an ewareness and con- feotures a natural st plete Relthin. 8 days, | Purina Dog Feeds | COLOR or lavurice theta Grok sen eeys "| maple, beech, ase nt CUR eonth Pim Telenom SenO. Ten ane vol teageieman: ewen| fora: Name, address, sc cern for the future of our place and bar. oe J, | A og Feeds i ' «i Ine Storage and Supply "116" delivered, 6852. f 8 a.m. un .m. t r, age, marital le cu rd: era counting -- Less then 24) an Gs, He } pots aah tg Brooklin 455641. qo0d| ELMER will buy or sell your furniture Sim GIRLS COATS," vine 174 bie or hell preferred Phone 728-3387, morn: phone gee et gg Ph gions MOuai and: bur eountty:t6 Be jo loony hore orcs Saunt <> ion counts as} Purity Do : FOR TH apa as BOAT, MOTOR and box tralier, In good|s,uVGR will buy or sell your, fu with gray fur collar. Two dresses, slze/ings only, 1FOA| Vika Wore ermatenee ub leader or assistant. liding oc! nitiel, figure er abbreviatio sgh Pope two| Snes Shovels H itl Apply 1610 Simcoe St. Nw |oiteun 963-9904, 12-14, of 725-9881 SWITCHBOARD receptionist ltd need; Vious work exper "ROSS os c ea cabinet, sli ing one word; phone number : H 7 R 1 ), bs es RITER, standard, $20.) portable,|_--"-_° RRAUS CaTerEE rand mani-|position on PBX Board. il 7m-| And send to MR. H. yi Experience unnecessary. Pay- separating the kitchen 'erda Water Soft Salt . after Ba! TYPEW - riter 95. tg ma-|FOUR-BARREL carl " pitee, complete 'ypist and telex operator. Telephone c/o ZELLERS LTD. hi \ of the home. PI BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- Brittania Malt Extract TELEVISION 7--Swop ond Barter Chine '$20. eleciric adder Lanand <-- |with Tr cane Tacos Teal PICK-UP and delivery, day care eli ° a sass one and carport wi $2.50 per iwertion with Lod xing Yr rt Wine Concentrate FOR CLEANER, SHARPER OE VeTON, "60 Buick, 61 Austin | ery: |WE BUY, SELL ND TIEHANOE ves Fhe\atter § p.m. eee boo Not under two years Oshawa in satisfa . : lacker, Tee nicsa hom tional charge if net paid with Budgie & Conary Mix TV RECEPTION Nnina' in plornting, ew' ERA eed, 8° Bor leity "Trading Pest Stover ue Ssimeos 9--Market Basket of age. $76-1337. 725-2825 Phone now to see. iN _MEMORIAMS nd 6c . ] Your Own canis percent off. Chinn, Hillside and/| street South, 723-1671. MOVING, move Insured, odd [obs done, fe ° $23,900.00. $2.50 for the fint 28 words ond Se Cooper-Smith Co. TV TOWER Park South. 723-7088 days, Ty TOWER SPECIAL -- 6A dructure, with or 'without truck. 'Rent tr Paci ic Finance MANAGER e goch thereo' Ht a Pt not paid nights, ail channel antenna, driver. 728-2682. R BER YARD verse; 25¢ additional chore 16 Celina St. ~ VISION: TOSS) nfed . REQUIRED FO LUM sel "on labs 723-2312 723-1139 728-5143 8--Articles for Sale vacuon VREPATRS, all makes, ase, y e S 17--Female Help Wa Credit Ltd. MAC'S MILK STORE RITSON ROAD * RD: brushes, etc 2 , 250 for the first 33 words ond a ; d and Division W Fleming Vacuum Service, Main' Street, TARY IMMEDIATELY Vill @ located ae Ehorge' it not palé within ® doys, | Instruction nied eco RVICE BAYS bese 5 $1,000 cash bond required. merelal lot 295 feet d charge If not pald wi |PRIVATE LESSONS on trombone, trum- IX SERVI CHRISTMAS PARTY dresses, teen size R OF a " located -- has many COMING EVENTS the|Pet, saxophone, clarinet, flute, Toms, S FASTER SERVICE |s-10, were $50 to $100, nearly new $15- TO MANAGE mir Management WRITE BOX A502 Sat Coll us fe ere Prat 26 words ond' 6c each thereafter) with Al Begos. Alto Musle Suppite RS FOR T SPECIAL [$35 phone 576-1383, Mclnt sh CORPORATE DEVELOP : OSHAWA TIMES aan first 20 words and 6¢ eac! 1503. tthe ae \V. WHEEL ALIGNMENT CHRISTMAS TREES for sale, wholessle C n 0 fled mature candidate Trainees ion, (Word Ads) J ORCHESTRA AVAILABLE New Ya Yeers| Chey, Dodge, Ford, Ply- orn tan Scotch ping sa el ge te responsibility for EARN EXTRA MONEY by fgg " 14 AUCTION SALES SERTION _|EV®: Telephone "BUILT IN OSHAWA" mouth, Pontiac, We correct |fam, 'Telephone evenings, -- setorial ond other inter- looking for intelligent na our. required, products. tram your FULL PRICE $ $2.38 PER INCH PER IN : | AT OUR OWN PLANT | wheel alignment, inspect and | 5ozENs oF cid plates, ven Aesop h | pa routine and non-rou- We le young men with [own h home. 19 Pri 1 6 room brick | , 4 ; n wit! DEADLINES | Mortgages ao better tower | correct castor and comber- ars, chine, glassware. Novel 'gifts for $2 Per Bus € tine duties under the direc- or without * finance exper'- 13100 WEEKLY or more, full, parttime, older home on main str WORD ADS | } We give you a be eS j align toe-in and toe-out to Christmas, Apply 708 Maria St., Whitby. tion of the manager of Cor- ences to troin. as branch ladies, men, Fuller territories, Whitby, pletely remodelled. | 4 pm. DAY PREVIOUS | S | for fess money | correct condition $7.93. | eauy GUTY stove, 24". Good condl- porate Development. Short- managers, Grade 12 neces- | Bowmanville, Oshawa. 728-49: right past the door t OST AND FOUND MORTGAGE | @ Parts extra if required, tion, Reasonable. Telephone 728-8627. hond experience essential. ry. Age 22-28, Riel betaba far Sale and shopping. Fence $ a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION First mortgages arranged and | SHAWA T V | @ Torsion bar adjustment SEWING | MACHINE, oldie? er at- LG O M A Excellent working conditions These positions offer 20--Rea garage. Should be se {N_MEMORIAMS. end | 5 hosed. y aligns | extra Tene te AR erie SI leone VG SY eee ay eteailent pocernily. for appreciated. GARD OF THANKS | pure sth SUPPLY LTD | BRAKE SPECIAL cushions. "Apply 133. Mill' Street. commensurate with pone aoivarsaihant, <, Ww. e 4 p.m. D shesadaces | rs. First DS from $2 t- Submit complete 4 Salary commensurate w | | Most opulor cars. CONTINENTAL BE 'om ence, C e lary NO CLASSIFIED ig pre 2¢ TAUNTON ie E | Quolity Revallne, 4 wheels, tresses pe Poca ul oer nae ORCHARDS Ltd. ume to A, Smith, personnel experience with merit ee wigan fe ihe 1 column--4 Pte An j Gust East of Ritson) | one-third of manager. increases. umns or lerger---10 a.m, doy pre | : | 14.88 FURNITURE -- Three rooms of new . ion Plan. ranch-styled bungalow cance Sane SND | 723-8131 723-8132 | cs rua $2.00 per wheel |Home' Furnishing, 424'simeoe South | Cickson Rd. N. ~_ ssi ea © Gran lite "dipobility. end LIMITED atid ee Ginc a CORRECTIONS ' | BREADS iene st) jHome Furnishing, ThaEhIGaST Gah, : dical insurance. REAL ESTATE division near Orono. cl AY OF PUBLICATION ---- jor cost) » adding machines, cash : id pga Mpa i Any advertisement - cancelled seo TELEVISION -- RADIO WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL | reawnrvans suing mectinan, Sh Whitby BOX 330 @ Profit sharing. REALTOR from Oshawa, The kit publication will. be charged one dey' | vs) luding weights per wheel, |makes. Call your Royal dealer. 728-3664. SPY APPLES FOR SALE. 1"; miles WHITBY, ONT. Car necessary, mileage re- 21 King St. W. mahogany cupboards riser' ae Te 24 Hour Service pkg me $1.95 FREE! Furnace cleaned, adivsted tree, perth Woy ofl Nos 1 abet ae iby Imbursed. Bowmanville : of table + ag Ve a REN | . t \e-free i ws above BOX. numer will be made, to ' | HOL MES i SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, Dinas nee Wacten On Company.|2i63, Open every day CH 93 Bad aaa sink ¢ forward replies to bex numbers to the) ---- : | | FRONT-END WORK ot TVOGd or ony te neti tir! CONSUMER RESEAR 623-33 Sisle ofthe | a ten Cdvertiaers Os 800n oe oer ef loss MORTGAGE LOANS } | COMPARABLE PRICES GENERAL ELECTRIC color portable livered or wae ee , : v3 Oshawa and District view of the on di ept no liability in Hie Wirough efth ance Present ELECTRONICS | television, 12" screen, $250 or best offer.| Telephone 723.9449. One of Canada's foremost Member d yard, There is amp comege mlm ai arena ng au fd il A villedcloial ig : ! UNIROYAL pencorare saree eee, nd/QA--Eggs & Poultry Market Research companies, GEO. THOMSON Real Estate Boar space in each of ee fone oe ! Mortgage ' AIRS fo sluminum « --_ ; en to : The L-shaped lis however caused whether by negii- ss i ; 'ALS ' GLASS REP, SY FRESH" dally = white| has openings for wom rooms. TI he ore ; by Tite Tienes. il for, © F aan Ais ates ements TV sa CENTRES heey gion ven alien Teme bt gf. lak (on. Pike conduct interviews isstlon STONE gi and dining eth are Pe et © hake he as TOWE i $50.,_Phileo|t° livered at store or home. and telephone) and gather 55 ACRE entertaining. There is | @ Expand your business The New Home of SISFON LBLECT RIC. Have, 9s five|@?_ UP, delivere int j nection with NG i in the unfinished a c efrigerator $65, dinette table a Opinions in con " Bowmanville-- room in the u ings oobi a NOT sr ese de Fa | fabitlalesscAld | gis se ey Plt g Gheirs, $20 or make oer. Telephone 72s: 10--Farmer's Column consumer ole Pi ig yg 3 geo frontedes, basement Pp ea AWA TIMES WILL | A, ROSEN a oe ae } bo ID CRIPPLED farm stock! opinion polls. Positive ye 1 pond, barn tion room and workshe REsPONSILE SUBMITTED: OTHERWISE Ont. Mort. Brok AN. Rentals | Phone 72 5-651 1 tae tae ig eed hess pore een Wargwill Na gy selling involved, Both corns fhe point mepacer un al Pay or stone house ® : t. Mort. E | % | ; ' é c if THAn It WRITING NOT FOR MORE! ; NEW <ON SNOWMOBILES |. ear catee ott utente Oats eee Tyrone, Telephone 'collect Hamp ond gning wes ee nd or organization. Exper- with new oil furnace, ; tga BUNGALOW E INSERTIO ; i St. 725-2162 car r ys i luca- . Owner transferred, mi rete Nas Peon ruEN tae and -- | > manufoctere'® $695, eas, nanan Finatey,a100, Tewphone 11--Pets and Livestock Se rita Tee Blow ee |: ener ue I but Most be cle Ey told coe, Rak maleic ss Pia condo PRICE CH. OR OCCURS. | ee ee geal | from 725-4531 e 0, Limited, . telligent! 000. Terms. SERTION IN WHICH ERR ' bce | CHRISTMAS centrepieces. Decorate E., Toronto 5, Ont. d converse intelligently. Riana! \e bungalew, aluminum s' we tem Danae en escort into Pega She "*Troiers $125" up {far eer wn whe WEE PEDDIES ae i telerce er hee stone front. Taxes are 0 4 necordin 0 ' at your $ : " y & i i class aa. a are we monthly payment. | 452 723-0011 | Trailer hitches made and in- Sheer noveities, Reasonable. $1 and NORWEGIAN ELKHOUNDS | dustrial Nurse 3. Ane . ig te . 200 n. plus Sere. To. inse proper clos PEED | ui ore ee . Poirl . stria Terrific view, : tonight. SONG f disploy advertisements) Fie cecond Gnd third m Drees IR =| . stalled. Up. Jars. Bolt aa : ndu f with The Times will not be held depres a es arranged. 24 hour | 2.501 Snow tires $12.95 up. ale Maidan THevdive miniayes| Puppies, whelped Nov. SALARY: second i nig al bd 2 Oe ee ee Subiahars| = including weekends, SERVICE CALL ONLY 'ors -- Trailers -- Snow- a Meare aha Ge light) will be offered once only © 8 Experienced applicant to 0 Wi k| pond bligg 000 Tene. OPPORTUNITY LOC eee reproduce all gegiecia ; peas Fast T.V. Service | mobiles wanted. metre, '$40, 723-4713, = vit Genie Fy ancien. assume responsibility of ap- $11 ; ee y es. Only , ARM Xt! @ for: commercial ; rrectly, but assumes no Saal R. W. LAHAY & ASSOC. | eae lad Rent a Ski-Doo by the Hour | seers aa -tapie Troma $29, 24" be} 2200 with. Shown by lying First Aid and keeping TOBACCO F. or profession or nursi ty of advertisement if ony inaccuracies| WILLOWDALE, ONT. | DOMINION or day, 80 acres to play on [Mareen $9, hai -iew picture tube) rent ohly, plying Firs piptiane. eS een 97 ocies 58 atees MATME Well built 9 room teh ogee pore Te Ne rttlpae ne Id Texaco] ss, Air sets" reconaitionea Pana" querer. KASIN KENNELS (Reg:) |~ compensation and emp 725-2541 ing _ Feord -Riohis, 2. lores with double front entr ie Wetion. WANT AD |FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale | TELEVISION |MacDona teed. 576-3877, records, Typing essential. Ex- . él preen houses, 5 ge Tired paved parking. On one Raut: fied Direct | agreemen Sila eel Biglined KING ST. _E. cffeed Fo ling tesehins: 725-8772 cellent company benefits. Sal- sien. disse A ag adhe awa's main thorough Call parser fend ,Hennicks. 3 : 728-5154 9 am. to 9 p.m. | Open to 10 -- 576-1250 NES a rote iad Beal Sere "ery commensurate with expere barn 22 included. Only prime location for a 723- FOR $ALE ind mortgages on new TV YOWER SPECIAL -- @-foot tower North, Whitby, DACHSHUND PUPPIES for sole, cham- lirics; SubMIK une Ae BL ONTARIO equipm ats 600. -- doctor or. retail cutiet, \F 12 per cent -- interest; structure, ali-channel antenna installed, | GENTS FOR HEN SINK unit $39., Television $39..| Dion sired. Call Port Perry, 985-2959, ence. : $63,000. D tails and to inspect, p shouses. 12 (per cant Interest woe $50. Oshowa TV Supply Limited, eae _, AGEN : ae ine cme ae chesterfielg $147. Ee eA -Sroaee Reg'd. pups. Pro] McLEAN, Safety Coordinator, R LEAGUE Terms. We have a large ve 'a , NDEX TO {246,130 King St ton Road East, lust east of Ritson PRUNSYIok, HOME fireplace $2, tadio e., lems @. re-| GERMAN Shepherds, Re ai sadcie.| LAKE ONTARIO. STEEL CO. MOTO! lection of Tobacco forms now. s N | BIL 2 frigerator $25., *, terlices. Pinto, Show mare, . ' joose from. CLASSIFICATIONS Money to Loan _|1--Women's Column Complete line of tables, cues, Sy. beds Aine Collen tible Wah Rac LMA" Cotas tee eet aoe LTD., Box 330, Whitby, Ont, OSHAWA OFFICE ay 370 ACRES FOUR BEDROO we oo! idate your bills ti and balls. iad $10., chine cabinet $25., BEAUTIFUL BABY BUD iy ready : i droom bri 1--Women's Column REED CASH a -- on of a perl. Under New. Monogement wage BILLIARDS Pera Mg tld si" i knchn caine for training. talking straln, "Apply INEED EXTRA MONEY] hos on opening for one DAIRY FARM ; me? --- ri 4 H 6 rigages of per ee 15., fidd! 0 Broad, a ' e representa- j . Terrific soll. "a, | el Column We, feature Neat mortgages sec. | Artistic Hair Styles 70 King West 728-538) fable, $13, fig aan. Bie sites, pas er away FOR CHRISTMAS biel . : Aad Phi pelted Rib eel wel le o6. x lot 90 x I 130 feet. Price 4--Motorcycies confidential, private funds | 7221 Laby's Tea COATS, (two), ping all breeds, poodies our Magee it ive, tu eh iss tic uploader. $13,900.00. Let us s S--Trailers time | 725- 14-16, good condition. Rea- ch-up and delivery: boarding and] 'There js still time to earn it. are ly to district 65' with automatic up capris 6--Marine Equipment bel) eer Cees : ANNE GODIN owner, CUSTOMIZED DRAPES pal "Prati 623-5718. frame. Doberman Pinsel an Ger Selling SHOWCASE COSMET. in writing only $2,000. monthly milk cheque home sie elas fora, |Pai 9 and Decoreting _ on ed Ronrles SAVINGS UP TO 50% ANTIQUE CHERRY table, ~~ cradie,|tran sheererd puppies " ICS in your spare time, For supervisor, Unequalized value at $75,- S-- Market, Beaker [DO If NOW! Painting, peper hanging,' formerly from Ronnie's ONLY dressers, pine box, lugs. Also. flve-plece| Kennels, 'D KENNELS -- Peking| on interview please call Mrs. NTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE 000. == Term: SOUTH-EAST AI ces Goa Heer, again Oper ie LN en a ee RC Stover "refrigerator, 'dehumidifier, "beby|LUNDILU REG'D KENNELS -- Faking Lambert 655-4930 Mon. to | 0 Sireat bait Call 623-3393, 728-7518 or XIV @ A lovely hous 1}--Pets and Livestock Schmidt, 725-9572. * M®& here Ice skates, 'garden|fse, toy | poodles, puppies. Townline) Fri 9 to 5 p.m. 172 King Street Eas 4 ; 74 ferred area with pay 12--Articles Wanted | D PAPER hangin ap { carriage, bicycles, ic . Ing, | stu ; 216. Toronto 923-91 preferred are, ! : | ING AND PAPER hanging, 2--Persono ; 2992, Road North, Oshawa, 723-6 HL EE ARTO Pee a fron end ener, Fen gues a ORY 9523-7827 |ABPRORIMATELY" or FRET gavanina| Sah oon. Te len Safe |EXGERIENCED, WAITRESS waned =, After 9 p.m. Sieatton' voor abel 1 Wanted low prices. Tel | a 7 Included, used fi ks old. Male, $4, Apply Rotunds Restaurant, % et p 17--Famale Yelp' Wonted ---- ; | Are Your. Feet 120-78 one "season, "S18, 'our-toot high, 'One|/"gs, Only six wee! 263212," | Sieet_ East REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Ken Hockin Gap 508) oven and fan in mode 18--Male Help Wanted Plumbing and Heating 74 Celina x 82 % 15 Dunlop tice. Including GERMAN SHEPHERD registered 0up-| papy-siTTER WANTED Tor four chil id tor: Brampton Aves. Pat Yeo 623-30 en. Reasonable down | S--Male or Female Help Wanted - ° | Killing You RUTHERFORD'S wiheel, '$4. Phone. 728-9970, Sat Gunnin be ee fxcellent dren, live in, Telephone after 4, 942. bray selling experience. Ex- Mander Rafuse rks Full price $21,500.00 O--Rea! Estate For i . } | USED TIRES, most all sizes. BF. Good 4 Coneymoor Kennels, | og : \ o » most all sizes. B. how or pet stock. y' 8. : Masters wate ee | Plumbing Discount All Day ? | 3-foom groups, Living Room, [AEP tie Street West 764s RR_3, Port Hope," 753250. SITTER WANTED for Two "chllren, a] perienced manager to help es 533.5787 spect, call tonight. | 149 Brock St. North i! iM VS Bedroom, Dining ney REFRIGERATOR, General eerie POODLE CLIPPING and spernccos: few sree amin enehene aeteue, ~~ eg ne sreven Ross Gilbart- Orono, 835533 pee } i Why don't you ca Ar. se 99, $499 $599, $6 like new, 30-cup coffee percolator, 528-|" pric T ay ---- realtor, a firm 983- duke | WHITEY Sere Pu er Eee tg yes id terms immediate Mery? me, ation Poa i aonvERea miniature white poodle, fer inee corer, ane Shel Schoo! " i? tie sa . Wi vie bosiee Roy Foster, Ofone 983-5801 GUIDE REAI } ted in n ; er renee renee i es. . Lee, F.R.I., a . B ci | Direct fo you, plumbing sup- vine a Don't worry about ery or layaway RD'S PEDIGREE English prem with £220"|nine weeks old, Wragg cece le LA ay week, light housekeeping 'aan G. ej KEITH LTD: hesisee Geen : ITED z7--Rooms for B | plies. Evervthing | in the the fee there may not be any RUTHERFOR Pia. Sleener en ray ey Hivitibead Monat ow sae REGUIREG ENPERIEReea-- HELP for 1 Eglinton Ave. E. NN oa lls 797-2215 LIM 27--Roorr ' 5. ° ; a t 8 7 5 eg 28--Room and Board lumbing line, 20% off all 738-2696 156 Simcoe St. South TNH Kidneyphenes' coffee table, orengg |PDOne quality miniature, Black and | ary cleaning plant epening soon In Ost 181 Eg ye ae ita ice 1s keds a & ssoAdeele si i Soplies | 9 P.M |GUARANTEED, USED v wringer, washers, Dale late Peerel. Leeann te, registered. | Deposit awa. Pressers, counter see shirt ari. Toronto 1 3 Howerd Forder, 655-3853 281 30--Automobile: L P.M, rator, etc., J . Telephone s ed = only. y 0) J '$ for full time. Bus driv- \--Compoct Cars for Soe | yioiwics 9 Ame ign la. is Falcon Furniture and' Appliances, GOLF CLUBS, compiete "Billy Casper getures for Chrisimas. Telep Experienced TAXI DRIVERS for cence. Older men! George Beaton Port Perry 723-5; 3 pala 5 Sou men' "1 through 4, At- RaGAR GMS ~758i00d SORES BE, |preferred. Must be vy . es Wonted j Y 9 am. to 5 p.m #4 1452 Simcoe | vn, $2|wedge, putter, woods 1 AQUARIUMS repaired, custom LL unwanted articles, Phone 723-3492 10. ye Meh ro WEDNESDAY Want-Ads Don"t Bh al ag i ME gy claith tapes, $50. All tn"ex-[origlosl ew and sore Old aivio for svie, fer Acton, bes sd ate 'oun CLOSED W ey weekly, cas! fea Bin Hemilten, Raglen, Kee recorder iy i7as-2647, |ALL TYPES repairs ond rembdelling, et Cost-They Pay ] rentals, service, ' Nort condition, 725-0338, : ; ond | used im "Paley, 38--Coming Events nee Retinates free. 7abiI01, de " 39---Netiese ' ra i ee Cae ee aon er etn meer ereuruv ee ed ' ae a - <swe -s ne -eenrre . or ek ee ree 2 o." _A ewe . . ae ¢

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