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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Nov 1967, p. 24

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oo.» ' SeeS se yS SVS + SPS BH BRENNA NS yu 8 we % 7, eee eee ere eS ewe ee "vy ™ BIRTH 410 270 IEFS RTH RACH -- Mile pace purse $000/5-Jugier, Waples S$ ORT BR DevRIGS -- Horry 4 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 30, 1967 |30--Automobiles for Sale |30--Automobiles for Sale |34--Automobile Repair | asinine i ed Wyn Girl, Waddell P ve Baxter) are "plensed' 10 | '9H OLDSMOBILE, radio, new transmis: K |7-Pess Port, Hicks 1940 9.40 450\Tie 2 aried: Irish Valley, Mise Todd) HOCKEY COMES SECOND Serial at 8 BOY. gir | | AUTOMATIC |éLynden Bullet, Curran Fanny Symbol and NTO (CP) -- Bobby | sion, battery and brakes. Completely Long N Lovely, Feagen 70 Riddell, Bucky 5 mg TORO Vember 29, 1967, et the 26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent | H A C K N FY eo NEY eliable- transportation. TRANSMISSION R ULTS' Time 2:10 3-5 7 Ilo aster Von gg Hull--in a CBC-TV special on Hospital. wairey -- oer =| i a] CENTRE cAise Started: shay ae al for 8 lapped. on break at the the Chicago Black Hawk star -- re | : mde : : Choose Mecsas and drapes sipetied, |31--Compact ¢ Cars for Sale) 1038 Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 29 reli ne [Attendance 2.470. said he will only vaya = DEATE parking space and laundry fectities, | Transmissions are Our Only (Weather Clear, Track Fast) we play hockey until he has earne ihe ery: Available Decemi 9) ZOLTAN AND NICK'S Business -- Repairs, Adjust- | Pil ild RACE -- Mile pace purse $800 Hil bedi RACE -- Mile trot purse enough financial support for mypreene ra Your Authroized Datsun ments, Exchanges. All work (FE Mena, Brethour 10.80 §.90 4.20|1-Librum, Norris 13.0 ga 50 him and his family, Hull said ate nee an [DROOM basement apartment ji At Memoria! Hospital, B triplex. Parking and jaundry foellties | TRADE UP OR DOWN and Fiat Dealer epranesd: | were serine a" 30 <Poviy 'Mare Davie Pg te-veehag be ey? "2 i ot Haren, ot Bow included. Lansdowne Drive. Telephone} Speclolizi Volk : hy sg rd 7 ing forward to the day when he Hamm, of Bowmanville, ji 728-2793 evenings. FINANCING AVAILABLE PECOHEING. yh. volmeawogen "iRise Sthried: Dick Bingo, Mighty| Also Started: Miss Archana, Lord Hope| ~ FE Sc rn full-time to his 500-acre Susband of the lee Edi apa rtment TWO-BEDROOM 'apartment in modern, Repair and Service FRED STONE red Allan wilmae, "Srort Wick and Royal McLean vens ore can tu eae Belleville. Saleen (hanno an fivecplex, on "Cansdowne. Driver, $115). 167 BUICK LESABRE, 4-door | 160 Simcoe South Brooklin -- 86 Queen St. E. [and Phyilis Ann Mite. Exactor, 1 and 6, pald $121.0 } farm n h next Monda: (Marion), Orville" with Italy. telephone T8881" "| hardtop, Lic, 84427E, 2-way 728-005] Automotive Machine Shop SECOND RACE -- le tof prse SHB) SEVENTH RACH -- Mle ace dal eis, io (CP) -- ottawa} Tt wil be shown y goeaed). Resting tthe "2 periment, two! wer, radio, rear seat speok- ca POE ERT CC RENR ATR | $1,600 conditi their goalie w: : tn. . |SUB-LET, three-bedroom apartment, fe) en on at |1962 ACADIAN, four cylinder. Excellent REBUILT ENGINES © |2csnal boy. armur tom gue calesee om anes, 8 4m a9 67s pulled 8g f canal a 0 MEET PEREZ Saturday aflernoon. Int ' complete bathrooms, Roetans Arm | @f, warra ity? policy car. |Condition, Telephone 723-7011, Livet, Holmes 3.90 450/2-Dick's Boy, Davies 9.00 8.4|/minute remaining an Cemetery. (Donations 1 Cable TV |$i90 monthiy, ee ee take Caw 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, 1300 'deluxe, Tow OVERHAUL AND Ewilbreok Shy "Ann, L'Heureux 7.00/8-Ballastar, Norris $.80/3.3 tie with St. Catharines Black! NEW gs i, rn 4 yA a ha sec it Telephone 728-2930, Time 2:10 3-5 ime 2: | io Hoc , top-ran : [BASEMENT APARTMENT, furnished, '66 FORD 427, Lic. 411386, |mesge-- -tnerhens. | ENGINE PARTS Also Started: Jackson's Rose, Sharp! also Started: Gentry Yates, The Gibb,|Hawks in an Ontar . syd re pae : '- coteadie' eens gine buh cake jkitchen, bed - sitting room, laundry fa four-on-the-floor, heavy duty | y very "good | condi- | ----------| Hoot, Brigand and Willow Brook Darky. Brown Ned, Moorelands Dan and Mea- | Association Junior g \middleweig iy Geen as O h R tal |cilities, private bath Apstainers. suit.) BAUIBAT Hihen ocrhoraioh laensoo $375, after 4 p.m. telephone 35--Lost « end Found |Daily Double, 7 and 1, paid $128.50 Gow Liner. | Wednesday night. /Danny Perez of Puerto Rico in ore ible f 0 two working adults, Ne , i snawa enta [eiaren Telephone 263-2966 scatter shield, tacometer, low 1962 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, Lost = A me a pert Pee. lig RACE -- Mile pace purse $800 EIGHTH RACE -- Mile pace purse) Peter Nevin greeting -- es vee. aie. aes Mitoy, gp ede ~ e OUR" en 7 Tavellenl iles, A-]_....... $2,095 |sell_ immediately! Telephone 668-54 jorange in color. Friday night, |ciai |§1,300. condi om the blue| Friday fi Agency lieing naee diene "Centre| de $ liga ROME AGH eas Seer ae | Glddon, and ,Gueloh area, Reward. Tele: Sue Buy, Cerrar nehit? 400 2.90/2-Rough Sketch, Webster 6.00 390 2.90 seigdlgon Agralg' ng even atjof Windsor, Ont., now fighting retin yh (ray ommo: [May be seen 4 to 8 pm. at 374 Pine! 465 MUSTANG, 'V-8, hard- |Brakes, $450 or best offer. Telephone 725. |Pnone_725-27 Seahey Maen, 'Paneee 2202 Jae ef im Eeiune 0 out of Newark, N.J., was defeat- Louise Hart, Whitby, Superb apartment occ lavenve. top, Lic. 27153H, automatic, |57! LOST. Lady's white gold watch, vicinity| Tin0%.tp Lisa ade /19:25 of the final period. | Dave Downey ot Halifax Kitchener. Brother of Hed dation In all parts of Oshawa, [FURNISHED two-room fist and three| radio, air conditioning, A-1 |'@ aT SPRITE A-\ condition. Mech-| Reeprake." Faerie eetsoe" TUCSSY-| Also Started: Isobel's Choice, Little | Mie, 748. Donna's Champ, Clever, Murray Wilson and Peterjed by a ee eee Alberta. Also survived |room flat for retired or working couple. $2,000 |anically sound, body excellent, Reason-| site se | Joe Hill, Amber Atom, Aceway Julle and jill, Merrie Dazzler and Roger R. Grat-|yarry were the other Ottawalin a fight for Fa SOR ie Pr VALIANT [Private entrance. 728-1175 Discs ' 5 jable. Telephone 725-4169 after § p.m. |36--Legal Pontiac Nancy. scorers, Nevin was bought only|championship in Halifax last Son tock ine knee |WHITBY -- Smeil three-room apart-| + |1966 VOLKSWAGEN, bive, 21,000 miles,| Pa er. He has not fought on Thursday, November 3 DEVELOPMENTS LTD. jaye. Doraunienee, ground. Near Neer | ou te ae ae snow tires, push button radio. Telephone) aa oe ee LUnKt RACE -- Mile Wet-purse: S120 ithis week by the Ottawa a Fangements by the W. °C. "CALL" i, Aesireeme,_oriee, sorronce, greet) harden, Lic. 667% vee |728-0476, evenings only. ee 2Wally's Queen, Avery 6.60 400 200/411." Ki, Holmes 13.50 4.20 2.80 from Oshawa Generals. EES Chapel, Whitby. 725-9934 --- 728-4283 | coupte. $60. monthly. Immediate posses buckets. borgols" headrests, |1964 VIVA, good condition, best offer. NOTICE 7-Gentry McKlyo, Hie 5.80 4 McAREM, Edward Jose 723-6022 sion. Also a larger apartment availiable. sore, a Sts. Telephone 'sbeass3 after 5 p.m. 2-Lucky penny; Muttart 0 habered ek torn ce 3-6 heeab atter 6. Many extras. Shorp $2,000. Jig CORVAIR, automatic, snow Sires, | TO CREDITORS pes ert feted Wee La Salle, Dot's Girl, | Lene Apts., Oshawa, on re " r ; ele ember 30, 1967, ONE BEDROOM room apartment, "close to nospial ang] '64 VALIANT, 200, hard |ohone avast) cians ar Sal reer beloved son 'ot "Fr [four corners. Adults. Telephone 725-885!.! top, Lic. J93645, big 6, auto- [4g SUNBEAM TIGER, Brilish racing} IN THE ESTATE OF r . : Inte "Margaret McAree, Aportment, stove, refrigera- |TWO-BEDROOM aparimeni, close to matic, rodio, low miles, | Green. Telephone 72 GEORGE HAMERS Bi rth D th t Here S where To in ws. Tor everyone ese Daniel Shute (Margare gy f lied a |Shopping Centre. Available December. 7 Shorp, $1,395 (32 T '| for Sale ana ' 1 S, ea S, e C.,| Z Vt; ria 4ath yeer. 5 tor, drapes supplied. |Back yard. Telephone 985-709), 8-7; 985 --Truc a DECEASED Armstrong Funeral. Home, 2347 evenings '63 OLDS. Sedan, Lic. K2115 25 aN SER NBR OME CNRS TARR requiem high mass at iz ae ; Sees catematic, |'l. SREP, four-wheel drive, new over-| j 728-4283 or opply Stove, refrigerator' acapes ond broea:| Gite Owner, radio, automatic, | sized tires, lock off hubs, winch power| Creditors of the above-men- On ree 25 im. interment Resurrech 340 Marland, Apt. 111 icom' inciuded. Telephone 668-5480 sharp $1,000, eee oe re and cab. Telephone; tioned deceased, who died at McDONALD - @ ROOMS -- houses, apartments for rent 61 PONTIAC, 2 door, Lic ra aa ae | this City of Oshawa, in the near Entered into rest in the He Tne (70380, cami, Act $500. |e, Seow see! ee county. Ontario, "on ane 38--Coming E fees Children, Toronto, Thurs¢ Regency Towers TWO-ROOM furnished apartment Taivig AT 4 shape 9th day of August, 1964, CHRISTMAS 30, 1967, George NcDonal A y of Mr. . Ge PREMIER erator and stove. No children. 43 Nassau GOOD USED CARS WANTED ey Falak act Us ee tires, radio. are requested to send part- brother a) carigtinn torr 142 |Street. 725-5617 MUST BE A-] small camper box, Telephone 263-2150. iculars of their claims to the | ns ne, eee, aged Bedroom Apts diate possession nial Santas TERNATIONAL '2 ton truck $250. undersigned on or before the D ig 8 rmstrong | Free hydro, parking, drapes, ron BENT A or pace tn 1180 § ae St" Neill 2 Aas offer, telephone '76-0317. 21st day of December, 1967, eee ee ay meade stove, fridge Adulte only. Tele ' imcoe Ort 190) CHEVROLET E! Camino, asking, after which date the Estate ere _-- -aeesgrleae gee eb Interment Mount nat : & ice $650. T lephone hodos i s lends are asked 229-2227 _rwe:room, "otro, partner 728-0031 33---Automobiles Wanted | DATED or Osawa, ni 28» | | JAYCEES Fine! Home beter Ft " ti gare | 3I3-- utomo iles Wante 725-3938. 68 Wayne, Apt. 9 723-1903 nent | Gy Ot November, AyD: 1967, | | ROHRER, Carol Marie REGENT ARMS THREE beautifully furnished rooms | . PARKHILL_ ond YANCH | NOVEMBER perc hd bed rset a she bathroom, central to schools. Ask for Bill Hackney CASH FOR CARS 8 Simcoe St, South, MR nlf ahs er : Two bedroom partments. es, Stores, heal, water, parking | Oshawa, Ontario. Sinice te, end Mrs, ivan sanrer Quit Ballding, odullt- only. Rooeres e A ke or model. Only | Soticitors for the le loving, sister 'of Leona ¢ ™ x - --~---- A-1 cars considered. iB Manan oe | renda @ janie, In | set aoa gy A Only $10 Down | sack "VANBENBERG. Pen Fansoster, Port Perry 1 723-6944 ond "retrigerator. Parking +. * Sai See Bill Hackney 1 | Saturday at 2 gm. imerm or 723-6455 Telephone 725-3024 ERS on the cor of your choice, at 1180 Simcoe St. N | Cemetery, Blackstock, -- THREE ROOMS, upsiairs Private, $75) with up to 48 months to re- 728-0031 or 723-1903 Os NDERS | | Gifts for the Home |Gifts for Everyone Le AEN ES & month. Apply 118 Barrie Avenue oat N | | STAFFORI TWO BEDROOM Rn egg od ' 'BOTH MUST GO | ment. Heat liohis, water era earcing Aor Stalk CARS WANTED -- FOR ADDITION TO CHRISTMAS BROTHERS APARTMENT space. Adults. only. Whitby. 668-2786, orley olaiker | Buying A New Car? _| ST. THOMAS AQUINAS SCHOOL GIFTS YOU'LL ADORE Meee : Authorized De | : s the Time go etic _-- 27--Rooms for. Rent MOTORS | Sell your used car to "Ted" | Sealed tenders will be re- $500 To Give The Finest ROCK OF AG 728-4283 or opply 137 King West Taik "Cash" to the New | ceived at the office of the IN 50 NOS. OR LESS ON EVERY FLOOR © Pierced Earrings FAMILY MONUN 340 Marland, Apt. 111 ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM 723-6322 -- 723-8311 Car Dealer and "Save"' TED CAMPIN MOTORS architect, William Saccoccia, 215 Morrish Road, West Hill $200 1276 Shades to Choose From @ Watches @ Diamond Rings 318 Dundas St. E., 6 Whitby, Ont ---- 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 | Ontario until 4:30 p.m. Thurs- IN 51 NOS, OR MORE in @ stone Rings FURNISHED and | Avoilable in private home NICOLS MOTORS Ltd. aw ne WRECKERS £0. cars| day, December 14, 1967, for $10 PER LINE BOTH GAMES Visit our new showroom for complete decorating service 'And: Maay. Mom Beautiful F fe) R UNFURNISHED | Call between 5 and 7 p.m. | bought, parts for-sale. iron and metals} the construction of an eight Cc ting for the living room, bedrooms ond halls. A gift your GIFT IDEAS Lb WE 1, 2 end 3 bedroom apart. | a [fous 09 Bor sires! East 7282311.) classroom addition to the ex- $175 hole fomily will enpoy. FREE ESTIMATES AND EXPERT from by Locke' ments Controlled entrance. 82 PARK ROAD N American -- Rebel WANTED, cars and trucks for wrecking.| isting St. Thomas Aquinas jackpt game INSTALLATION. Poy. y fe! Twin elevators, swimming 728-8671 Ambassador -- Javelin Telephone 'of in? Feit stag pod peal peers ot ihe on G A L B R A | T H eppropriate funeral pool, fenced playground. 723-2347 SHELDIAN MANSIONS |; @ Sublet large 2 and 3 bed- = WHITBY -- Furnished home for one or two. persons, |privileges, close to buy stop 6124. |FURNISHED KITCHEN room in modern kitchen and bedroom, uitable for one or two gentlemen. Apply 63 Ritson Rad. S. or tel jephone 723- 6542 Telephone WHITBY -- e piatal eet MORE | CASH Paid for Good, Clean Cars, | 'ols __34--Automobile Repair os Cliff asks -- 'What WILLIAM SACCOCCIO, Architect awa. The owner is the Board of R.C, Separate School Trus- tees, Oshawa. Lowest or any tenders not necessarily accep- ted. $20 per line plus $75 first full card, also $500 In 50 NOS. OR LESS ANGUS-GRAYDON 428 KING ST. W. 728-6254 JEWELLERS AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA AJAX -- 942-0407 29 regular games pay A ' THREE SINGLE furnished rooms, for room suites with two bath- jentlemen. Apply 15 Ritson Rd. S, or Trade up or down. Lie: aid does a diagnostic Scope : ' rooms @ Hi-fi @ intercom, Ifelephone 728.9935 Po cent meee 9 P double in 17 Nos. or less ELMER S elevators @ free hydro and ROOMS FOR RENT. Near north Gen. DODD MOTOR SALES Analyzer do for YOUR 1, ALLA' Elena Street, Oshawa, will not be RAYNOR, of 21 Five $30 Gomes A GIFT CERTIFICATE 728-6555 OSHAWA SHOPPING IN MEMOR McINDLESS -- In memor dad and granddad, Eric passed away November 30, i ral s ital 1 ible ft debt tracted | : A w i oekine. feast, Antti. "Ain Tis) 314 pbs oe SOUTH =| Gaps ferme eats water Early Bird Game 7:45 FROM Mera ieap Se: Store We. offen think of Save Oe ee | ----___--_____. [consent ADMISSION $1.00 OSHAWA CABIF TV beat bectesvaeds But memory" lives. toreve fied said ros a! AR {Signed, Allan Traynor. A Within our lonely hearts, |ROOMS FOR rent, rn Answer: Suiaieaniee ; Got gift problems ?_ Drop into i ives ' WHITBY irae, 2 'weakly, vais sais . 1965 PONTIAC |37--Auction | Soles | $100 in DOOR PRIZES : eS Elmer's Bargain House and And tho! te. yours eney "a jurant nm remises, eens | LARGE 2-BEDROOM ewe uw : Sedan, V-8, automatic, radio, | INSTAN ECKOUT of oe » » . the gift that keeps on giving see the lorge selection of gifts ear ae em apartment, electric heat, |ROOM FOR middie aged lady or couple| Se INST T CH ° Saturday December diet AT urs Nov. Ot for the whole family, Time cannot chenge thet, wove, fridge, loundry facil |Sal"ttien ness. nee | seg This corte. | oli the operating. fune- | : uw ¥ @ 11 Channels ELMER'S Gur lovieg. 'petiorioones a ew: ; : at the . Always remembered by 1 668-6737 He eg lig Bigg Bi 576-1495, tions of the vehicle en- | Auction Sale @ Perfect Reception Souahtericiew "Beane, end iii eee ------| gine -- The modem | oF some form imsiements, | Jubilee Pavilion ® No Antenna 253 Bloor St. E. wae private bath and entrance, $95. gh ROYAL MOTEL, 2 | AL way --- WITH | Household Furniture and An- 728-3473 MOSS -- In loving memor Available "December 1. Apply 205 Wav. fos gah a ig Eph allye lel . "GUS BROWN | LOGIC. ay | tiques: 101 Junior M.H. Trac- OSHAWA oe teren who pean st LA stnindlld canons LARGE RGE FURNISHED bedroom. Suit one MOTORS LIMITED | THE ENGINE RUNNING! | tor, M.H, seed drill, 5-ft Horse BUSSES LEAVING "§ RECORD BAR by <= can to aati ONE - BEDROOM apartment, sineric [EM lemen. Parking available.| R.R. No. 3, Oshawa | 4 Mower, other items. 1951 FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 MARTY'S REC fe He did 'at rhe hough heat, a rita 3120, monthly. Al | Folepe BAM bm EDM! roe Up on Down Ton. | Provides GOMPLETE AC- | - chevrolet car, ecol.end waad } for the # He 'cone. and toed "best @ - 1:30 p.m, 723-2040 after S_p.m. " FURNISHED. BED: 'SITTING room in. pri Prick card oe ya eee CURACY and SAVES |. stove, day bed, tables, chairs, and 7:15 P.M. "TOPS IN POPS Ams waged, "Some ae lu! rr in lest -- ri j : . ONE. AND "TWO-SEDROON apart-/ area, Suitable for working girt 778-0055 Cars, liens paid. TERMS | beds, dressers, quilts, blank- and returning after Bingo ent bnns e mugs 49 aut iC rlad Be Py, cecmners fi ments available. Soe location, modern | Jafter 5:30 p.m. Bs 798.7375 site TIME -- Yours ! | ets, towels, tablecloths, Child Hoar 16 net dented SPECIAL: All Four Audrey, s6ns-In-law Ralph Srater launary. facies" suppiee. "Tels: TWO furnished -- housekeeping -- rooms, 4, /OP® Behe | Heintzman Square Grand STRAT LS net Genes | 200 KING STE: art 527A MONKEY'S Albums grandsons, Edward and Rot Phone 728-5282 or 723-0525. kitchen and bedroom. Suitable for 6) (PONTIAC, "¢door, é cylinder, au ; i Piano, 3 piece love seat suite, 3 35% SIMCOE NORTH NORRIS -- In loving men ONE-BEDROOM apartment, centrally |COUP!®. Apply 214 Cadillac Ave. $ pi eae ll Tele Allows routine checks:| love seat and: chair, antique HOLY CROSS | 723-0731 father and grandfather, Ray! seated, #5, meninly., Comeietely redec: BRIONT, cheery, large, room. Reston: 'S8 CHEVROLET Biscayne "283, avio. dari t ind platform rocker, 2 churns, but- Maine 'rolling siream of 'fe. Church Steel, 7234212, or Tas6ane, residential erea. Kitchen privileges aval Mi | pinow, tres, excellent cond ee eet OOy Relies. «| ter bowls and prints, hand THIS YEAR GIVE THE GIFT erie Aa bth CLUB But still the vacant chair ONE-BEDROOM apariment with refrig. |2r°,,csmilemen preferred. 58 Aberdeen or pest tier ANOTS Bm Veal for Fleet Operation | Painted hanging lamp, ruby nor Ape pbecial Eereoa on veut Of the one who once sat ti @rator, stove and drapes supplied, self contained. No pets, $75. a month. Tele ATTRACTIVELY | "furnished bedroom 1966 PONTIAC Parisienne hardtop, pow glass hanging lamp, antique BINGO THAT KEEPS ON GIVING! ! Christmas list, give him or her --Son Ron, daughter-in-law | children, Phone | 725-1354 suitable for refined gentieman, acuit, *f steering, power brakes, 14,000 miies,, QS @ PREVENTATIVE glass ond china, Many other a fying git certificate for os a een eres | Private' fy tral. Warren Av like new. $2500 cash. 728-4439 after items. The property of the OW OS >v. pan THREE ROOM epariment," privale" bath een, Tasonee master es MAINTENANCE Tool. late Noreen Ney Lak bias THIS WEEK AWA TIM © Private and Commercial son aman eee, nites entrance, on Oshawa Bivd. South, a . ae -- ---- 'A ' 4 ' tai ible December 20th. Tel 72 1964 CORVETTE 327, 365 HP, four- Con. 3 Mariposa Twp., 2 Flying Training November 30, 1961, In hig 19 i ta sduseinctnle 28--Room and Boord speed. positraction, two tops. Telephone tf e ad ' ' eri Flight You were so young, $0 fre Ee ae 723-0314 Provides f ice diag- | Miles east of Little Britain Phone the Circulation Dept. 723-3474 ere Taney You were our pride and | rovides fast service diag ; Osh M 1A CTRICALLY | WEATED spariments. 57 COLBORNE BAST, room and board. "si CHEVROLET, iwodoor heise Os | and 2 miles south. F R | D A 7 showa Municipal Airport Why did he go we asked ¢ lable | and 2 bedroom, refrigerator, icentieman to share. single beds, Close Mae Cal WRN: GR tae Hews lop, One nosis NO. WAITING | i 728-1626 He brought us so much | parking Included, S110"ond S136 mento |(2.north_General Motors ferizes, show fires. in Ar)" condition, | $ Terms Cosh. No Reserve 'Holiday Food Entertainment Yo. briog' vou 10 OOF FN Immediate possession. H. Millen, Reai|PRIVATE ROOM with board for gentle Reasonable. Telephone 728-6575 __, AROUND to waste your : at 8:00 P.M | y sie DRUM CITY The days we do not think Estate, Realtors. 724-1678 between 9 and|men, in new home. Close to. General 'iy OLDSMOBILE, $110.7 's4 Ford, $75; Machine Sale at 1:00 P.M. : me | TORONTO ontt? hard. to o find. pm 'otor: oppin: T hone also '60 International d 272° Burk! H : Kt ' od give us strengi 0 FURNISHED BEDROOM and Elichen, (725 28"4 28 Srna AR ee pg pane urk! time. Furniture Sale at 1:30 p.m. Special $50. as door prizes| TURKEYS MAKE A DATE TO 250 DRUMS SET And courage to beer the oP gh gp PR ae 3 Ee ag ladies ct 1966 BEIGE Pontiac Strato Chief, two Ca¥l Hickson, Auctioneer to be drawn this week. | CAPONS VISIT . Ns one wll ae knew also one singie bed central lo- |genth " in et Close 0 door, Must be seen t 2 late s 2 ¥ t cated. Apply "141 Church Stree! si Shopping Centre, Luncheg packed, laun Wwe Ae pti ahs ies sp bac Reaboro, Ont. Lindsay 324-3912 ADMISSION FREE Order Now for Christmas Ine A Sh Ayer Ogg i dene Sai ae oc age te dry optional. 725-2684. - -- unctions: starting, charging, |---- . : TWO ROOM apartment, sultabi tor -- - ----- 1961 OLDSMOBILE invertible, id | couple, share bath. Telephone "/ 4564 |ROOM AND BOARD, gentlemen, 900d and rear speaker, power craves ond ignition, carburetion, etc. are 20 Reg. Games -- Total $300. FRANK HOAG GEORGI N Telephone Collect ROSS -- In loving memory COMPLETELY furnisned apartment: (P2M® Cooked meals, close to downtown, steering. Private, Apply 255 Moleve fo g , a The undersigned auctioneer SNOWBALL Rossland Rd. West Motor Hotel 925-4434 brother, Kenneth Ross, Senrol katie ont Toners aoa single beds. Telephone 576-3248. Apt. 2 performed-by this one Elec- will sell by PUBLIC AUCTION $160. in 56 N Ochowe 725-6837 @ Fine foods served in e away November 20, 1961, sad 7 omg ROOM AND BOARD for "two respect- 198 CHEVROLET, two door hardtop,| tronic Anal Each com- for Mrs. Maude Kerslake, 34 . In os. delightful festive atmos- . ways @ thought and man' TWO ROOMS for rent, + Shoppin at A a elaaho 4 4 ; alyzer, Each com: 3 i} e F ed and lov ZWO ROOMS & erfenh, neer shopping able men private home. T ne six_auiomatic, AI' shape. $400 or bey Sonaht ean te Wlied CAL Concession wed West, Bow- Bich © 1p seca bate tal Aika phere. ' Holiday Fun For one we missed and lov n : - : manville, on SATURDAY, De- us Wes 3 Top-flight tert ent We shall ayeis rememb Mice hyena ee we ROOM AND BOARD, nd ne Ber Week. MUST SELL before weekend, 1962 Val actual dynamic operating con- cember 2, beginning at 10:30 Reg. Jacpot $50. full card LIKE ARMCHAIR ad re valk inet Mad SPARKLE WITH oo whi ; B good street, near hospital and bus stop. iant, six automatic. $900 or best offer , beg 9 9, Pot 9) f you're sure to enjoy. idly mised "by brother wen 28-2298. Parking, television. Telephone 723-8863. Telephone "72 ditions all her household effects, in- $10 Each Horizontal Line SHOPPING ? @ Be sure to book your CHRISTMAS Wicks ant Sreron furnished apartment, close Room AND BOARD for iwo Gertiemen, 1965 RAMBLER Classic. 77 cluding furniture, some an- PI Hori 1 fi Ph 668-3311 Christ: id New Year's Make your appointment ith Ck LASTING TRIBU to down town and north GM. Aveilable "OOM , Soe. cectionen, {4 sic, 770, 2door hard : : 4 ft , us Horizontal lines one ristmas and New Ye y' ppointment now wi A LASTING TRIBL Immedistely. Telephone 22807700 nn jiunet a. meee men by 3 agli Sh tedarbieeior nite ants Je the predicate 94 ape tiques, dishes, and a set of Share the Wealth For details on Gift Packs reservations now SUZANNE For permanence and WHITBY -- "Apartment for rent, stove|ROOM AND BOARD in auiei home Ab. en 10.000 miles, "15000 mines wosrrim,| up-to-date Analyzer Centre, hand painted china and cook- Early Bird Game 7:45 of SELECT APPLES THE GEORGIAN we suggest: and refrigerator. For information ca stainers preferred, good meals and lunch. 'eft Sole due to sickness, take cheaper) the Allen-tronic Deluxe PB- ing utensils, Elmer Wilbur, R a: Champlain and Thornton MOUNT LAWN 668-2061 fe packed. Use oF television in' living. car in trade, 728-1800," T6Bi Secs cnsltes ccc) euclidean eg. Game 8:00 RED WING ORCHARDS SU YLIN MEMORIAL PAR FIVE = ROOM apartment, main floor of room. Telephone 576-3929 1961 THUNDERBIRD, new paint, be P Aaa | GOOD PARKING Hale at | BRONZE MEMORI, bungalow. Hydro, heat, stove and retrig-/BED.SITTING room board optional, for 'ery, tune-up, winterized, snow tires. forms every test for Diagnosis Ee S| NO CHILDREN PLEASE i gir pieces sold or set. F teo dvi erator cg ge adults only. COUr- [refined lady. Telephone 668-32 Telephone 795-3864 and Tune-up of Modern Auto- |28--~Coming Events 'Gifts for the Home 5 JOHN ST. W. visit the Park Office. ice erea. 1086 or 728-445 _ 7m 4 33 ig Hi sd . codon ae fie. | 65 CHEVROLET "IMPALA two | 725-4541 ONE - BEDROOM apartment, sublet, ROOM wslttng BOARD 'for one gentie. hard fomatic, fully equipped | motive Vehicles, including | COLONY TOURS | 723-2633 fifth floor, free hydro, parking, sauna, ity ked to downtown, King and Telephane' 94 bust | SUNNYSIDE a fwimming prol. .Near |Shopping' Centre. | Parks Ro Telephone 728-5455 is MUSTANG, two-door, hardiop, va; combustion Analyzsis. and | ---- package -- Have Yourself ENJOY THE Hable Becember 15. 723 : viomatic, radio, black with red interior sel Syst tion. | | FIVE - ROOM apartment. Close to Oar. (ROOM AND. BOARD free to reliable automatic. radio, blacy with red interior, Fuel System Operation BI | FLORIDA TOUR | | if FESTIVE SEASON Queen's Galle wa Shopping Centre and bus stop. Pri- No™Mgn gor, Mours of babysitting day. chone 576-2151 | $246. American -- e ega nt gl ts Depend on vate bath Telephone TRA. 723-0837 between 4:30 -- 7:20-p.m "62 OLDS Super 88, four-door, hardtop. | ttt 14-day GUIDED tour, A Merr Merr Motor Cit Cab SELF-CONTAINED two-bedroom | @part- ROOM AND board, close to south GW Priced low, power brakes, steering, win And we have it!!! TO NIGHT All Accommodations for the home ' . y Open To Publ ment with garage, in good north end|iunches packed. Laundry done. Tele. dows and seat. Must se Limited for ss ©. 14 Meals taclodad or Fast, Courteous location on. one child. Telephone | chore 30Gb ___ time. Open for suagestions. Whitby. 668- Side ene ea ; > 24 HOUR SERVICE LONDON (AP) ~~ | ROOM AND BOARD fcr lady near hos. . Seerranaars Wh d j =1127 Qui Gall t B BEDSITTING Ri then and bath. pital and bus stop. In private home. '6 CHEVROLET impoia convertible, V-8 No More Educated 2 300 en you decorate your tree, fl mas jeen's ery at Buc room, siaperate entra pec goes, Telephone 725-6196 automatic. one owner, yellow Mth, Riax | ' COLONY TOUR dress up your home with Palace has been thrown atier $ pm =r bil fe s 1 "Showroom condition, Loaded with pow-| Guesses ! OSHAWA 576-0246 | drapes and floors from Shew- the public to show a BACHELOR soorineni~sauioeea"win 30--Automobiles for Sale attvipment. "Reasonable, Will accept IN PRIZES ring, NEED A CAR? history of the British so stove and refrigerator, suitable for busi. tiekec freien SUR Re ot . = 8 ness Couple. Close to hospital end' dawn. MAN '63 CHEVY il convertible, standard VS JACKPOT NOS. HADASSAH oy 725-3541 a gir ~~ a5 town. Telephone 723-7244 WELL A best offer. Telephone 623-7368 You deserve to buy the best A Is the number to remember o te Crimean War ¢ THREE-ROOM aparimeni, stove, refrig RAMBLER 1959 PONTIAC, A. motor, $175. Tele. Os awa 52 and 54 HOME. BAKING SALE and can have a wide voriety, planning your over the HOLIDAY SEASON ria's 'time. gralor, private bath, private entrance, phone after 4 p.m., 723-5037. | 4 choosing from: UNITED TAXI The Tommy--'ol Telephone Toeisarr eee: Abstainers.| DEMONSTRATION SALE 'és PLYMOUTH FURY, twodoor hard: / AT THE with nearly new toys and @ CARPETS HOLIDAY 143 KING EAST temptible" of the Firs mae top, automatic, , V8, wh , ae : i Bil « ONE-BEDROOM sparimeni, siove, re-| 1968 AMERICAN .. $2,244 naw 'tires entra, low miieager 38 'cube | children's books. War--and the "Desert frigerator, $80 month, one child' wel-| 3°743. linc. Séb-sase, ransmission @ DRAPES the Second World War come. Apply 136 Summer Street, | I968 JAVELIN .... $ ashe | 32 KING ST. W 1 SIX-ROOM --apariment---preaie es | 1968 REBEL . $2,561 1959 CHEVROLET impale, four-door, = a . AY @ CORLON DINNERS OPEN BOWLING ae xhibit 'of ' v. ver lean, tel in i] . Sires Serna ehh waler wooed. 4) 1968 AMBASSADOR a PRE a ea aa | . 7 -- 7:30 P.M. glee | » Tote SATURDAY NIGHTS armor, knives, pikesta imcoe St. N. Also fur-raom apartment.| 2-door hardtop with air rotor, Honduras 'Maroon. Asking $575-0F| Service © SEM tols, flags and standarc 5 private entrance. Heat and hot water. Simcoe St. N. conditioning only .. $2,89 best offer. Telephone 7% 7809. EXTRA BUSES FRIDAY, DEC. 1 | } and Motor City Bowling. from Queen Elizabeth' SELF-CONTAINED, five - room apart-| Full factory warranty all cars fe ig gi BB "3 ee iE "'When-more than o collection in the vari Inloed "Telephone "816 nest, hydro have under 1000 miles. lMust sell. Make. offer, Telephone Pot, 116 Bond Street West z BRCURE Ga SHEWRING PARTIES Aah ne, Bowling's laces: $100. DOWN [Perry 985-7191 after 6 p.m | Ukrainion Catholic Women's 78 RICHMOND W. Among the "British" THREEROOM, sari -- spar delivers with our Bank of |i97 "QLDSMOBILE four-door hardiop OSHAWA. ONTARIO Lannie in the 1O.OF. Holl, Friday, | BROS. LTD. 7233212) shown is the German | private entrance, business" couple pre- past Bets a pele Plan 1966 CHEVROLET, 2door, hardtop, good| Sees St. George's Hall December 1 at 8 p.m. Held | FLOOR AND WALL COVERINGS In the form of a marb ferred. Abstainers. Telephone 725-1754 inancing, the lowest cost -- | condition. Will take older car as trade.| Albert oad Jackson 'Six by the Benevolent Rebecca | who did a lot for Wellir GEORGIAN MANSIONS, adul! apis. 124 financing offered by any new | Telephone 725-2416. a 728-3980 CARO USEL Gifts for Her Waterloo. Park Road North, apartments. Harry 0. P. car dealer in Oshawa. WELLMAN |1965 PONTIAC Laurentian, four - door| sedan, good tires and discs, radio, power CLINIC FALL SUPPER Lodge of Whitby, lunch. 75¢ Cash pri- zes, 26 GIBBONS STREET One of the important | ink sketches deals with ' THREE-ROOM Ptmen it, ref f | steering and brakes, six, automatic. Tele INNS and "stove, rivate on prvalear ke | Homeboking -- Toke out -|-COME AND BRING 3 FRIENDS or ee tle of Culloden in 1746 rance, Available December 1. Tele. j 1965 INTIAC sedan, V-8, automatic, | : er heart wit! king' ghene 72700. at RAMBLER lpastiche Souler 2nd Steering. im} FRIDAY and orders -- Cabbage rolls, Py- Oshawa Women's Auxiliary fresh cut flowers, plonts pdt gg Aas i } ' j ; 5 s ite eal tas| 728-7351 _--(itmarseanmnm RT oy of the St, John's Ambulance Trees and. Trim OSHAWA 723-5271 | & feral orrangements and Irish, Inst 2,000 sion December 1. Apt. 305 Liberty RCW a 1962 se tat Parisienne, four-door SATURDAY SAT. DEC. 2 BAZAAR and | AJAX 942-5580 Jordon Flori 1,200 prisoners. There Street, jowmeanviile, TS, ft heels, , rad hardt Ki motor, e teering. | "4 1 - ry THRE = ROOM" nirnanedapart [te dante tr rales, Sting War Cana oil Condit" shots -- 3:00 P.M. - - = on BAKE SALE gp gly age Sahn nop 4 ats mention of wounded. t, refrigerat d included. | oe ees 728 Sonar , | 3 Str 5 Sprayed and delivered, 728-7288, 723-7088, - immsdiate. "possession, . Parking. Nest | 1960 PONTIAC Parisi "twodlior tag PONTIAC 'Peiseine, ior oor " WANT- ADS DON'T AA EO Childiek 76 32 King Street West yed and delivere sath General Motors. ART TORT OR ne, Telephone Bea be ve ne Full price $600. hardtop, Telephone 942-5293 A Ce ee ee oe radio wer steering an ibrakes, Telephone ee 9142 or 725-3944, ss COST -- THEY PAY | Everyone Welcome DECEMBER 2, 11 A.M. ee ee ee ee ee a Pe a ee ee ay

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