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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Nov 1967, p. 2

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Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 360, 1967 Ai GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Operation Successful For Premier Smallwood ~ |New Quebec Seen World First | OUTARDES QUATRE, Que. |jincially-owned utility, aboutlof the roof of the 18,000 - foot- Hydro-Quebec engi-/ $600,000, a saving of roughly|long diversion tunnel, which has neers scored a_ world 4first| $750,000 from the more conven-|the diameter of about 50 feet. | Synopsis: Light snow associat-| (CP) Feat WEATHER FORECAST SPECIAL WEEKLY MESSAGE Variable Cloudiness | TORONTO (CP) -- Official)/Mainly sunny but with cloudy | iforecasts issued at 5:30 a.m.|periods later today and Friday. |EST today. TO MEMBERS RE NOVEMBER BULLETIN Chambon. FOOD CLUB ith Occasional Snow | Continuing cold. Light winds. Forecast Temperatures 'Premie In Cor By IAN MacDONALD TORONTO (CP) -- The fo . day Confederation of Tomorr § conference winds up today w Canada's 10 provincial rep TORONTO (CP) -- Premier |Wednesday when they droppeditional method of closing diver-|About 450 pounds of explosives/ed with a storm will spread Friday 341 -- 138 302 -- 28 sentatives expect Joseph Smallwood was reported Home Donated __ ja 22,000-ton solid rock plug into/sion tunnels with finely -'mach-|sheared off two 12-foot shoul-\across southern Ontario today|_. Low tonight, eg a + pea rd aes ws tiie wont s Sl ea in good condition this morning WASHINGTON (AP) -- For-|the entrance of a power dam di-jined steel gates that drop into/ders, holding it above thejand taper off to snowflurries| Windsor .-++++++++ 35 217-- 98 n0-- 36 ' Delegates said it made Ca after undergoing a_ successful mer president and Mrs, Dwight version tunnel, : place. jentrance to free it for r this evening. Some light snow is|* 32 a Hy az mY : dians more aware of the co operation to his right eye to cor- D. Eisenhower have donated) But the feat, the first of its) Hundreds. lined the 440-foot-|plunge. {_|expected throughout central and London ..++ 0 32 221--- 58 322-- 88 | plexities involved in tryin rect a detached retina. their home and {ts surrounding/kind in the world, was short ofjhigh dam and _ snow-covered! r ied "northern regions again today.|Kitchener .. a8 30 Be 3 sor sa + strengthen and maintath' fi The 66-year-old premier was Pennsylvania farm land to the|complete success when aboutirocky hills surrounding this con-| CROWDS CHEER 'Southern Ontario should have| Mount Forest ..-.- 7 30 a. a a * al unity ' wheeled into an operating thea- people of the United States forjone-third of the plug -brokelstruction site on the Aux Out-| The crowds, drawn from sur-|partly cloudy conditions and in| Wingham ...+++++. 4 32 269 -- 602 -- 36 | "Pieler Daniel Johns tre at St. Michael's Hospital eventual development as a na-\away after falling 60 feet into|ardes River, about 200 milesjrounding construction camps.|/the North considerable cloudi- Hamilton ..+++++++ Fs ts ari-- 68 6 -- 2 j ieisber thanked eines here shortly after 8 a.m. EST. |tional historic site. swirling water gushing through/northeast of Quebec City to/cheered as the plug--60 feetiness Friday. Te. aden naede ae 286 -- 48 653 -- 168 } Smith of Nova' Scotia Weds A hospital spokesman said the The gift was announced by|the tunnel. watch the engineering triumph|wide, 40 feet deep and 70 feet; Toronto, Hamilton, London, Toronto ..+++++ 15 30 300 -- 98 o-- * day for softenin th " "premier was administered a the White House which said the; The project is estimated tojin near-zero temperature. high--hit the water, sending a Windsor, Lake St. Clair, Lake | Peterborough i: a ' wre ore uit hd bed Fi general anesthetic. The opera- Eisenhowers will continue tojhave cost hydro-Quebec, a prov-| The huge plug was carved out|spray 200 feet in the air. Thelfrie, Lake Huron, Niagara,|Kingston ..-- oe FID SII I IIOIIOIII KB A ae es ies se 20 IAL Oe tion lasted 1% hours. live in their modified Georgian = lecho of the dynamite blast/Lake Ontario regions: Cloudy|/renton - " 4 ' a peek en ng and Prem Kida, ' | two-storey asta home | sounded up the valley a splitlwith occasional sriow today.| Killaloe ..----++++ 1 SALE OF GENERAL ELECTRIC eon Fae gp pl eg lanappin | and use the farm's facilities Ar b Ch N C ] |second earlier. |Variable cloudiness Friday. Not MAJOR APPLIANCES: Rolie. ; : scussions E TORONTO oO - Andrew during Eisenhowers' lifetime. a S eer ew 0 ors | Water that had been racing)much change in temperature. . is ! Me coustiuieal tai ae Schreck, 23, of North Bay.) through the tunnel at 14,700|Winds easterly 15. | DOWNTOWN \f erators, Ranges, Washers & + imminent when Mr. Manning Wednesday was r ded to! Bea Benaderet s _ |cubic feet a second, began ris-| Sudbury, North Bay, Georgian TFUL Dryers, ete © jected to Mr. Johnson's prope Dec. 15 for sentence by an| LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Ac- out emen epu IC |ing. Under the built-up pres-/p ay, Haliburton, | Timagami, DELIGHTFUI , ete, | fected to Mr. Johnsoe's prop Ontario Supreme Court jury tress Bea Benaderet was report- sure, the rock split along rock|Cochrane, Algoma White River, DINING ROOM VISITORS WELCOME t: Revarica Act. : which convicts him of kidnap- ed in satisfactory condition imperfections, despite reinforc-lwestern. James Bay regions: GOOD FOOD ' Mr. Manning insisted t 933 Ritson Rd. $. Phone 723-1163 ADEN (CP) -- Thousands of|Liberation Front who did not ing steel that had been drilled Arabs gathered outside aban-conclude an independence jnto it. A publlelt for Alun Banal _-- British forts and bar-jagreement with Britain until A s Mis "\racks today, cheering the red,) Wednesday in Geneva. ' can' cater waaaae and black colors of the| Al Shaabi was embraced id mechogh cay Oca, = a ipod increas rent § y sanesday| South Yemen People's Republic 96 religious and civil jeaders be-|hours later they announce that) Saatreal ant : at the Good Samaritan Hospital. |on jts first day of independence. fore leading a motorcade under the results were not too disap-|- seal see Ones remiens: Miss Benaderet has been the|The country's new leader, until| triumphal arches to the city. pointing. The increased cost} hotel proprietor on television's three months ago a hunted ter- ' Variable cloudiness with occa- |sional snowflurries today and Some gloom spread among|Friday. Not so cold Friday. such a proposal would div Canada into two warring car and cause more dissension tl now exists between French : English Canada, PLEADS CAUSE After Mr. Smith plead ping Mary Farncomb, 6, of To- ronto, last May. Kidnapping carries a maxi mm life sentence. During the trial, the court) was told the girl had been taken from a public school yard May 11. Two hours later a man tele- jtoday after exploratory surgery showed she had lung cancer. REASONABLE PRICES Special Noon Luncheons Hotel Lancaster PREMIER SMALLWOOD 27 KING ST, WEST .+.Had Detached Retina honed the girl's mother de- s i As late as a month ago, the w. be insignificant. ; Peg Saints Ss andiie $10,000. Plaque Unveiled Petticoat Junction for five rorist, received a tumultuous|\NLF's gunmen had toes, firing) peered -------- ; a tune pera Later, policemen spotted, NEW YORK (AP) -- A bronze Years welcome. both at British Tommies and See for yourself ec0o just rive Quebec premier and. Mr." M Schreck and Mary walking in|plaque was unveiled in_ the . British rule ended at midnight|members of the Front for the EAT WITH OIL ning softened their anne: front of the Toronto hospital. lobby of the Associated Press Murder Trial Wednesday nigh after 128|Liberation of South Yemen--| H the crisis passed building Wednesday to mark the LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Con-|¥@"S: A few hours before the; FLOSY--which challenged it for start of mass communication flicting psychiatric testimony on|/@St 900 men of a British force) control. OAKVILLE (CP) -- Ford| networks in the United States 92) whether Ab David Fuller, 15, of that once numbered 12,000 were| Huge portraits of Egyptian Motor Co. of Canada Ltd. and|¥ears ago. New Haven, Mich., is fit' to|flown from an aba idoned golf| President Nasser beamed down) the United Auto Workers union| A similar ceremony was held|stand trial for capital murder or/COUrse to the carrier Albion.|on revellers singing and dancing) agreed Wednesday to extend in-|in Washington, the southern ter-jis mentally ill and should be| The British naval task forcejthrough the flower-decked definitely their labor contract,|minus of a wire The Associated|committed for treatment, was sailed at dusk. | streets. due to expire Dec. 1 Press leased in 1875 to send sto-|given Wednesday at the boy's Crowds celebrated through, Al Shaabi said the NLF had The agreement can be ended|ries simultaneously to newspa-| preliminary hearing. the night, then massed at the] rejected a British bid to "'intro- on three days' notice by either! pers in New York, Philadelphia,| He is charged in the July 30|49¢n ainport this morning to|duce a military mission into our side. Baltimore and Washington. slaying of George Shaver, 74, of Welcome Qahtan Al Shaabi, cer-|forces" and a proposal to inter-| The UAW is negotiating a new J |London, whose body was found|'ain to be the new republic's | nationalize the islands of Perim contract for 10,300 Ford Work- Loan For Britain | beside a pond near the Macdon-|President_or premier, and 11/and Kuria Maria at the head of ers in Oakville, Windsor and Ni-| : zi 'ald-Cartier Freeway les'sthan a ther top leaders of the National'the Red Sea. ¢ agara Falls, Ont. WASHINGTON (Reuters) --|mile from his home. He had| = Wage parity with the United|The International Monetary)been shot twice with a .38 cali-| * States' workers is the key issue deg announced Wednesday ap-| bre revolver. Mr. Manning said the con tution is not sacred and Albe is not opposed to changes, if rest of Canada agrees, to m Quebec's desires Premier Joseph Smallwooc¢ Newfoundland expressed a si _ Quebec P _ Toronto P DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS Contract Extension our 68 Plymouth Fury! TORONTO (CP) -- Pren in the negotiations. roval of a_ $1,400,000,000 oe tandby loan for Bain. "Pollution D OSBORNE =~ | Rane Johan of Qube, ritain applied for the loan to ' | s , BU xplosives provide additional, backing for|,. TORONTO (CP) -- Three| 1968 PLYMOUTH SPORT FURY 2-Door Fast Top abel ae cs TORONTO (CP) -- One man |farmers from the Dunnville| REAL ESTATE BROKER criticized the press Wednes the pound sterling after it was 18 by 143 per for its coverage of the con ence. Holding before delegate: copy of the Toronto Star's f edition, he pointed to the h was arrested on a charge of possessing explosives and anoht- er was charged with having a weapon dangerous to the public after four mounted policemen devalued Nov. area will undergo tests at be to General Hospital to deter- | a ' i t The fund said drawings under| from Mase ied ee the new arrangement could be) 'The three are Ted Boorsma Announces .. . A CHANGE OF ADDRESS _ Get a rode into a crowd of about 100|made during the next 12) Joseph Casina and Jacob Van-| s . ine: demonstrators parading] months. : derbeek. | Winning Deal DISCOUNT eather clash with Robi Wednesday night before the! The IMF said the standby; Dr. M. B. Dymond, Ontario As of Dee. Ist, 1967 Our New Address Is ON ALL NEW CARS ny | Manning Johnson v oes draws his demand:for a br new constitution." "T assume the translators competent--I was told they doing a wonderful job," he : "Now what language shou! speak to be understood by s Yugoslav Consulate. jloan would assist British author-| health minister, set up a three-| Six others were charged with|ities to establish confidence in|man team to study the situation| _ causing a disturbance, as was|the new par for the pound and|last month after Dr. G. L. Wald-| Jovan Jovanonic, 38, of Toronto, |"will thus help to preserve the|bott of Detroit said fumes from | the man charged with posses-|stability of the international a Dunnville plant were poison-| ~.sion of the dangerous weapon. | monetary system." ing plants, animals and farm- eases sf $500, minimum trade ellow- ence on your cer regardless ef year er condition.* 597 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA on the "WINNING CAR!" OSHAWA SALES ismi f the reporters? Or is it the HERE and THERE |§ ~2arses Dismissed ian sphlhlieg 331 PARK RD. S. | Setting at the ean ST. THOMAS (cP) --| Clare Shank 723-2284 1a Charges of creating a disturb- \ , ; So h Vi CAR DAMAGED | LIGHT DEMOLISHED | i 7 i \ Dennis Crawford parked his} _A car driven by Marjorie Ann | See wenien 'hidden cian | Res. 728-5157 t ut 1et 68 Chevrolet outside 643 Bloor|Glover of Lot 10, Concession 5, were dismissed in magistrate's Andy Keys .. the Plymouth Win-You-Over Beat Goes On ; St. E., Oshawa yesterday -- and minutes later a car ran into the back of it causing $1,300 East Whitby, demolished a traf-|court a fic light at Rossland Road and| (ie "ene ae, Simcoe Street North The trial of i involved in the in Osh-'same incident was set for Dec Res. 728-0196 Report 130 | worth of damage. And that's|awa Tuesday, causing $500 dam- Our Office Num le not all Mr. Crawford of 740/age. Damage to the car was - ber . . By GEORGE ESPER Dundas S.T. E. lost in thelestimated at $300. OTTERS EIGER SAIGON (AP) -- South trunk $40 worth of TV tubes NEW OFFICERS Beautify and Protect With 728-5157 Pike namese paratroops repo 'were smashed. New officers for the Glen- killing 130 North Vietnames " |holme School for Retarded a new battle near Dak LETTERS PATENT jchildren are: Donald Sweet, CTD Wednesday while Ameri Four Oshawa and district] president; Andrew -- Vanlith, YOUR GIFT PROBLEMS ARE OVER: forces flown in as bait rep "companies have been grantedifirst vice - president; Benja- é SIDING e s an attack by Viet Cong North Vietnamese regul LISTINGS INVITED: HOMES, FARMS, LOTS & BUSINESS letters patent of incorporation. They are Jenkins Business In- teriors Limited, Oshawa; Osh- awa Co-operative Supplies Lim- min Page, second vice - presi- dent; Mrs. Paul Ted Westen- eind, corresponding secretary; Mrs. G. A. LaRush, recording) sie 6 8 any today near the U.S. Sp Forces camp at Bu Dop. American firepower the human-wave assault | Whitby Sales Representative Nick Van Den Broek Res, 668-2675 @ Extra insulotion tenonce! @ All werk guoronteed @ No main- sto fe ited, Oshawa; Ronald W.!secretary and Mrs. Benjamin] @ Free Estimates. Rieger Insurance Agencies|Page. Members of the execu-|{ cart | cemetery 50 yards from Limited, Whitby and Structural|tive committee are Mrs, Ross U.S. lines. A Smaller Office For Personalized Service og eae troops fought elements of 24th North Vietnamese regi for six hours during a swee eration six miles northea: Dak To, the central highl battleground where the cos battle of the war ended week. South Vietnamese ca Glass Eastern Limited, Ajax. | Aldred, George Johnston, Walt- G A L B R A I T H er Campbell, Edward Wageman ii 140 Elgin Eost -- 728-0181 TORONTO (Staff) -- Russell M 1 ; c Bradley, 814 Byron St. S., gece hid a See wn = = = ------------------ -- on still in serious condition and| unconscious in St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, Mr. Bradley,| who was 67 Nov. 10, had been! crossing the street at the inter-| Gift Certificate! section of Green Street and . v Gilbert Street when he was | > ---- ties were reported i. struck 'by a car Saturday. He The W. are . a ry a ° 7 y : | SN At Bu Dop, 80 miles nor uk eek ate, eae The World's Largest and Finest Chain of Health Clubs SATA Saigon, the Communists ing @ fractured skull and jaw,| = 2 afoul of a battalion from and undetermined other injur-| NGG U.S. 1st Infantry hws wis shee a mortar, attack "on SUNSET HEIGHTS Special Forces camp a! Pupils of Sunset Heights ground assault on a South school will bring food to their namese district headqua this Christmas instead a The hampers of food) collected at the school will be distributed to needy families in Oshawa What To Give ! What To Give ! Very often you are stumped on what to give a certain person. Your troubles are over. Give them a beautiful gift certifi- | cate from CABLE TV. All certificates include installation -- only 9.95 -- | and you have a choice of one month to 12 months service for only 4.95 monthly. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS PERSONAL 4% CHEQUING ACCOUNTS THE HEINTZMAI PIANO RENTAL PI Here's a novel plan for p: who wish to test their chil musical ability before pur ing a piano. Heintzman wil They will enjoy crystal clear reception on 1] channels, Why not make someone real happy this christmas; give them the gift that keeps on giving -- give them a certificate from CABLE TV ! Call us or come to our office DEC. 24th EXPIRES | today. : PERSONAL +. Ups reached you an attractive, new sooner if dq uota is! Pet | piano for 6 months--if ye LOANS cane © | GIVE THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING... Eide. t purchase th TTY eo month's rent and cartage ¥ ee ae OSHAWA 3 Geely ag a) & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simeoe St. N., Oshewa 723-3221 Own Budget Terms. 79 SIMCOE ST. } 728-2921 HEINTZMA 23 King St. W.. Bowmenville 623-2527 Ltd. CAROUSEL MOTOR INN. Phone now 723-5278 Open Daily 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. | 600 King St. E. (east mall) OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS and SATURDAYS TORONTO, OSHAWA, LONDON, HAMILTON, ST. CATHARINES OAKVILLE, KITCHENER, WINDSOR, OTTAWA, MONTREAL. AFFILIATED CLUBS IN WINNIPEG CLUBS OPEN K CALGARY, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA | ENING SOON INBURLINGTON, SUDBURY, KINGSTON, QUEBEE, ST. JOHN'S OF SERVICE SSSR LT REE ASOT TRE: t

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