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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Nov 1967, p. 8

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~ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Nevember 30, 1967 hicle Commissioner Vincent financed scale model of a L. Tofany, right, says the "safety sedan" is shown at sedan would stand a news conference in New front or rear end impact at York yesterday. Motor Ve- 50 miles an hour. Others, A NEW YORK state - from left, are George Hil- debrand, program manager of Fairchild Hiller Corpor- ation, designer; and State Sen. Edward J. Speno, head Father Kidnaps Baby Son From Outside Belfast Shop BELFAST (CP) -- Northern, Investigation determined that; Ireland police said today alee father had _Picked_ up the) have been informed that baby boy taken from its pram! outside a Belfast shop Nov. 16 has been traced to Toronto. However, they said they have no grounds for prosecution and \d the matter appears to be one for straightening out between the parents. of nine-months-old Anthony Bertoia. The boy was brought here this) fall by his mother, Belfast-born| Mrs. Anthony Bertoia, after a separation from her Canadian| husband. Police said she was| SHAWN & JAY § (Ti) gee Sounds of .the NOW . Generation THE BIG FUN DANCE FRIDAY, DEC. Ist \boy and apparently had Northern Ireland by removal from the country. jlate, police said, |offence against Ulster" law. SELLING YOUR HOUSE ? WE CHARGE ONLY 4% LIST NOW WITH CENTRAL ONT. TRUST Phone 723-5221 ren left the time x Ithe mother got a High Court in- [junction Nov. 18 forbidding his Since |the injunction was issued too there was no on vehicles of panel and traffic. Car has a periscope over front seat and front bumper that extends out at speeds over 12 miles. (AP Wirephoto) Safety-Sedan Withstands 50 Mile-an-hour Impacts NEW YORK (AP) --. Motor Vehicle Commissioner Vincent L. Tofany has displayed a New York state-financed scale model of a "safety sedan" that he says would withstand a front or rear end impact at 50 miles an hour. The model, developed at a cost of $385,000, was shown at a press conference Tuesday. Among the score of safety features are: --A periscope that juts up from the roof, with an eye mir-|higher than a comparable con- ror to the left of the steering|ventional vehicle now in produc- wheel, giving the driver a pano-|tjon, ramic view to the rear and sides without having to take his eyes off the road for long. The device has a wide-angle viewing lens of 160 degrees. 3--A hydraulic energy-absorb- grog oe | edges that would pedestrian. anti-lock braking system collision at 70 mph. Tofany said the projected cost ing bumper that extends 12 EPI'S inches and operates automatical- ly as soon as the car goes over 37 miles an hour. WINNER OF' COLUMBIA PICTURES presente FRED ZINNEMANN'S mun or A FOR ALL SEASONS ACADEMY AWARDS INCLUDING BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! ROBERT BOLT TecHNicoLor® [Gi] BOIS I III IIASA, BOV OFFICE OPEN DAILY AAI IAIAIAAAAAAAAAAAIN ROYAL HOTEL WHITBY Country and Western MUSIC with M. M, LARABEE & The Country Rembiers MON., THURS., FRI., SAT. Meals and Snacks in our Dining Lounge. IAA IAAI AAA AASAAAAAIN 'J ALL SEATS RESERVED 12 NOON TO 9 P.M. MATS, -- WED., SAT., SUN. STARTING AT 2 P.M. Wed & Sat. Mat. $1.50--$1.75 oe Eves. & Sun. Met, $2.00--$2.25 « J J ¥ EVENINGS AT 8:30 P.M. x SAT. EVE. (2 shows) 6 & 9 P.M. x Me PHONE 725-5833 JOCURI OLE IT} MME Blocest SIvoDr DANCDY Ti OF RENFRO VALLEY! Fe ay it ~ Drop by { the He ' gatherin' * tat ! my LAIE'S AAAI IAG | t TOMORROW shopping in a Belfast business section when, witnessess said, | JACKSON two men made off with the! nae youngster. | w ° ae | MAJESTICS 4 UAR, Britain Doncing 9 p.m. te 12:30 Reach Agreement Admission $1.50 Dress Cosuel LONDON (Reuters) -- The] United Arab Republic and Brit-| ain have agreed to re-establish/ diplomatic relations Dec. 12, the| foreign office announced here} today. Sir Harold Beeley will be the| new British ambassador to the) UALR, the announcement added At preseft, he is a delegate to! the 17-power Geneva disarma-| ment conference. TEE PEE DRIVE-IN FOR LIFE From Age 65 | ALL COLOR SHOW | Roddy MeDowell in | "yT"? FROZEN BED with Done Andrews | te BOX OFFICE OPEN 6:3 SHOW SPants 7:18 Here fs @ plen te provide for your family if yeu should die, or for your retirement yeers if you survive... IG There's only one, Wonderful, Wacky ROSIE all Mir ° ROGER WOLFE UNIT MANAGER 723-2883 725-4563 | By completing the ecquiry form * below, you een ebtrin deteils Home: Business: tuiteble to your penenel situ- | ation. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY | . of CANADA | Othewe Shopping Centre it { Exoct Date ef Birth te 0 ; lf ! MAME sdsbissetuicssuce 1;30 - 3:20 ie ' 5:30 - 7:25 - 9:30 jt ABOREMS - «s scwnesgsssnasssseip : It | | OCCUPATION ...scccsennioeees \ 1 ose © eee es : lactate idiotic ADULT Peete ees Holards sl Meeker-Hale Regeads ONOCKING TRUTH ABOUT THE EVENTS TODAY ONLY LEE MARVIN "POINT BLANK" ADULT -- COLOR ENERO ALLEY: | par ance) POR THE FIRST TIME ON FILM! In EASTMANCOLOR for manufacturing the four-pas- senger car would not be any --A silhouette with no jagged impale a --A four-wheel drive with an --Structural design to with- stand a sideswipe crash at 40 mph and a roll - over without a *€/ in FS FAN iW sa "COM tar @ TODAY | DA Rafia lt afie hahah eeinnnnnns Lie 4 KINGSTON (CP) -- Five hun- dred acres of land for housing|!9. He said the car could go into development have been pur- mass production by the early chased at Bath, 15 miles west of 1970s if the federal or state gov-jhere, Reeve J. A. Hawley said ernment provided $5,000,000/today. more for further testing. Find-| Mr. Hawley said most of the ing a manufacturer willing tv|property had been purchased by build the car is another factor,|a United Kingdom developer, J. Tofany said. The design calls|A. Pye, and his son Graham, for a-4,000-pound car with a V-8|following announcement that engine. acres, firm has the other 100. 500 Acres Of Land Purchased For Housing Near Kingston potas station near Lake Ontar- The Pyes purchased 400 and a - Canadian-based Hydro announced Tuesday that it will take up an option on 565 acres along the waterfront and proposes a generating sta- tion, clear-powered. either coal-fired or nu- No decision as to when con- struction will begin has been an- Ontario Hydro proposes a gen- nounced by Hydro. --_--e --__ Bel STAN STARR SUGGESTS. , or mae " | « Featuring Sat., Dec, 2nd At the... y ) ¢ fovorite artists ot Marty's, if Records ere the gifts they will really love you Ni y for . records to add to their collection. BY. You'll find all their favorite hits by oll their Sas § Marty's for the Biggest Selection. MARTY'S RECORD CENTRE _« We 35% Simcoe St. N. 723-0731 fy Ye MOTOR INN "THE DICK VALLEAU QUINTET" Boss -- Drums -- Guitor -- Piano rese! BOB HILL -- VOCALIST Supper Dencing 7:30 P.M. Till Closing. Dene- ing 9:00 P.M. Till Closing. Make up @ party-- Bring your friends to our beautiful Dining Lounge. No Cover Charge -- 50c¢ Sandwich Minimum. inting Our Chef's Complete DINNER ye ya In Addition To Our Regular Menu This Sot. & S$: Beked Stuffed Pork Tendcdaia Dining Room Hours -- 5 P.M. to 9 P.M, rs edglehodabockbe lll bakclased ofa add Make your reservations now for our fom NEW YEAR'S EVE SUPPER DANCE" Limited Reservations Only Phone 623-3373 Ly, Finn V Yitclonn P" East on Hwy 401 -- Interchange 75 Bowmanville, Ont. MOTOR tl aad Look At These . 4 Example Buys! Family Will Enjoy ! WASHER: 2 speeds, fully illuminated contro! panel, lerge fepacity ¢ tub, detergent saver inlet, bleach dis- in DRYER: Fully Mumineted contro! penal, Exclusive clear elr- step-on door opener, interior iiumination, eutometie dvy and time cyele. OTHER MODELS IN STOCK B% WRINGER WASHERS A Wonderful Gift The Whole 'A18. AND UP YONCE Cts - THE WHOLE FAMILY Wie ENJOYE * % + _ >t + WASHERS & DRYERS pe Fully Automatic ESE CESESELE: A brand name wringer washer with pump and many other time saving features. AS LOW AS Terre eee eee eee ees | Before You Buy... Give Starr a Try! Easy Terms Available STAR 25 » a bt , a : FURNITURE & APPLIANCES bee KKK 491 RITSON RD. S. - OSHAWA 723-8191 or 723-3343 OPEN FRI. TILL 9 P.M. % + x * SPANISH AN US. OVER F DENVER, Colo. (AP) Spanish-Americans have s bed United States for dame could t iy 500, 000,000,000--a figure large to be comprehended most--over their claims 19th century Spanish Mexican land grants. The suit was filed in fed court here Monday by 28 | cendants of Spanish-na1 Americans who held grants in what now is United States at the time land was ceded to the U.S 1803, 1848 and 1898. The suit contends the | was taken by force, trick and through violation of t ancestors' civil rights, asks that the land be retur or damages of $1,000,000 awarded to all descendant: the land grant holders. Charles §. Vigil, the for U.S. attorney for Colo who filed the suit for the said a rough estimate we place the number of th descendants today at el Waterloo ¢ No Adopti TORONTO (CP) -- There no eligible families willin adopt two foster children | the Galt home of Mrs, At Timbrell, says the directo the Waterloo County Child: Aid Society. In a Nov. 27, letter read judicial inquiry today, W Hunsberger, CAS director 12 to 15 couples applied to sisters Peggy 5, and Valerie The letter written to Ge Lochead, CAS lawyer, said society cut down the apr tions to two couples who « be given a chance to adop' children. However, in Oct both applications were ' drawn. The inquiry was ordere Premier John Robarts afte: two foster children were t from the Timbrell home | 28. A wild scuffle began ou the home when Mrs. Tim refused to return the two dren to the CAS officials. Mrs, Timbrell claimed th elety planned to separate sisters, who are Roman C: lic. The Timbrell family is glican. John O'Driscoll, inquiry yer, read the letter before senting final arguments be Judge Harry Waisberg. The letter said there has | "tno active planning since September" in placing the dren out for adoption. The 1 goes on to say the sisters wi offered for adoption. after th uiry ends. They will not be parated unless further pr sional evaluation suggests paration. Mr. Hunsberger said in letter the society is prepare follow a policy of placing children in a Protestant he if Catholic homes are not a able. In summing up the evide Mr. O'Discoll said that the } county court judge would |} to decide whether the CAS vestigation of the Timbr home was as widespread deep as it could have been. Valerie and Peggy \ placed in the home in Janu 1967. POOR ATMOSPHERE The CAS first gave notic August, 1967 to Mrs. Timt Jury Gives Open Verdict BROCKVILLE (CP) -- open verdict was returned T day night by a coroner's | investigating: the death of Racine, 45, killed in a two accident Oct, 17, which took lives. Mr. Racine of Lucan, ¢ about 16 miles northwest of | don, was the lone occupant ¢ar which was in collision | a vehicle operated by H Bruce Ross, 65, of Mount bert, Ont., on a two-lane str of the Macdonald-Cartier F way. Mr. Ross, his wife Mary, and his two sisters, Madel Winifred Rennie, 57, and El Mary Mainprize, 67, were k in the accident. All were : dents of Mount Albert, abou miles north of Toronto. The five-man jury said could not make any recomr dations because there were witnesses to the crash, w occurred about 17 miles wes Brockville. Young Liberals Back Levesque QUEBEK (CP) -- The ex tive of the Young Liberal's sociation of Charlevoix rit Tuesday announced its v¥ drawal from the Quebec Lib party to join a movement | porting the "sovereign st theory for Quebec advanced Rene Levesce. Andre Poisson, president the association, said in a st ment the executive meml have given themselves a | task, that of making the m ment more deeply felt by yo people and adults. Mr, Levesque former Lib: welfare minister of Quebec, | the party in October when it jected his sovereign 6 proposal. He now sits in the legislat as independent member

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