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Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Dec 1967, p. 12

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, December 1, 1967 Y) = ANN LANDERS Hubby's Idea Of Fun No Joke To Wife | } | | | Dear Ann Landers: Last night) Dear Mrs.: If this is your hus-! I walked past the bathroom and/band's idea of fun, don't knock! there was my husband, sitting /it, honey. I've heard from many) on the rim of the tub shaving|wives who would be mighty) his legs. 1 was pretty shocked at pleased if their husbands) this sight and asked him what|changed hobbies with yours. Go| in the world he was doing. He to the meeting and laugh--if it! replied, "I don't think the hair kills you. | § would look very good under my) Dear Ann Landers: Please, 3 nylon hose." rearrange this letter and make} Ann, I just couldn't believe|it printable. I need your advice} my ears. I asked him when he/hut [I can't take a chance on planned to wear nylon hose. having your answer come to the "Oh, tonight," he answered. /house. "T'm in a little skit the lodge is} [ am 17 years old and have al- giving. Tonight is a dress re-\ready gone to bed with so many| hearsal. I'm Carmen." Withiguys I cannot even remember that he reached for the artificial|i] their names. I am not beau- rose on the sink, put it between! tify! and my personality is on his teeth and began to do A'the quiet side, but I manage to Spanish dance, using his partial/ attract boys and men of all plate and a shoehorn as casta-/ages, I never plan on going to nets. : |bed with them, but it seems like He looked so utterly ridiculous|] always wind up there. that I walked into the bedroom} Whenever & guy says a decent and slammed the door. He left) word to me I think I owe him without saying goodbye so he is)whatever he asks for. I even aware of my feelings. Now Iiting myself giving in to creeps need to know if I should insist just so they'll stop pestering that he drop out of the skit. I/me. 1 also give in to the pitiful hate to see him make a jackass|types who don't appeal to me of himself. The skit ho aoe I feel sorry for them. I given before lodge _m TSicure nobody else would and and their families only, but)they must feel very rejected. At there are about 200 of US.|times I feel I'm just too kind- Please wire collect.--Mrs. Car-| hearted for my own good. Other mer |times I have a feeling I'm not }normal al. THE STARS SAY Please give me some help.-- |Everybody's Girl By ESTRELLITA | Dear Girl: You are a plenty MORROW jsick chick and you need more ue favorable Venus influ-/"elp than I can give you. Talk| ences now encourage artistic in-|t0 your school counsellor about) terests, romance and personal|'be™@Py through a mental health) relationships generally. The yee oon Tr og will be a fine one for making|**- Re ; j hysical check-up at once. Such} new friends, cementing old ties PPYSica' ¢ | ' ;- {promiscuity can lead to all and taking part in social affairs. | inds of physical problems. FOR THE BIRTHDAY | If tomorrow is your birthday, | n s | your stars will generously gov-jhaving a big bar mitzvah sup- ern' many phases of your life/per for our son. I enclosed during the coming year--espe-|RSVP cards with each invita- cially those concerned with your|tion. Several people have not personal affairs and those con-| nected with finances. To be | Dear Ann Landers: We are| telephone them or should I as-) cific: In your private concerns, |sume they aren't coming? home and family matters are! especially well influenced, prove unusually serene; social |know better?--M. L. Pittsburgh) life should prove exceptionally| stimulating in July, September|tau inot responded and ask if they) September. For the single, both|Plan to come. This is the best) July and August promise either|W@y_ to protect yourelf againt) new romance and-or marriage. so|not responded have college edu-| fit that your domestic life shouldjcations. How come they don't) 64 raccoon -- dark - tipped -- worn "RACCOON GOES Raccoon goes glamorous Dear M.L.: Manners are not| pale beige ght in college. By all means} gold leather pants and hel- telephone the guests who have) met with a halo of fur cos!- ly ringing the face. A sam- ple of inexpensive but nar- winding up with 12 extra pounds! dy furs that are today's answered. Would it be proper to) | 1Ger the firm direction of Canadian fur stylists. This Some of the people who have} elegant ski and sports out- is styled from bleach- &. :. GLAMOROUS "fun furs," the outfit offers high style at a low price. Jacket is double breasted with furs worked in the round, Enlists In Navy General's Daughter CORNWALLIS, N.S. (CP) --! \Being the daughter of the chief! has not made life any easier for| 21-year-old Wren officer candi-| date Andree Simone Allard. The youngest daughter of! Gen. Jean Victor Allard, chief| of defence staff, Andree has been in training at the Cornwal- | lis base since September. Before following in her f-| ther's footsteps, Andree was! training to be.a European buyer! for an Ottawa department store. "The nine-to-five routine for, me and my workmates was| filled with indifference, lack of interest and little discipline. I needed something else. "IT had been thinking of rt jservice for quite a while--but) \civvy street attitude seemed to! = | | |square to forget we are ladies! or even women. 'You're not 4 |women or ladies ... = \navy officers,' they say. I must lagree that clicking your heels to| '| the quick step takes away a cer-| & tain amount of feminine charm." When she arrived at the train- ing base, she was met with a cool reception, she said. } ing going on for the first few days. I got the impression they) be holding me back. "Now I'm marching, saluting land even showing rifles ocea-| sionally. I think it's great. "They tell us on the parade| you are | | "There was a lot of whisper-| | were saying to themselves, 'The| general's daughter is here to take over'. She had to convince them she 29 was there to train as a Wren of-| ficer and nothing else. 'I think) I've actually succeeded, you! | know." } | | Don't Forget WE CHARGE ONLY 4% TO SELL YOUR HOUSE SO LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 723-5221 The entire year will be gener-| chopped liver. | ally good on the fiscal front,| | with notable periods for adding|couraged over obstacles. which | to your assets indicated during|seem to hinder your advance- the first three weeks of May,|ment or disappointed over ap- the weeks between mid-August)parent lack of appreciation for and mid-September and the lat-|your efforts. These will be the ter part of October. November) very periods in which to try ail can also prove profitable--if you| the harder instead of yielding to/ } have avoided extravagance|your innate desire to "quit"| until then and have a bit of cash|when things go wrong. When on hand to warrant taking ad-/late 1968 rolis around, you'll bel i Purron 6-28 val 8 ¢ | - id ,, | -- | portunity for expansion." |promise much smoother sailing) WIFE, PRESERVER Despite all this, however, it's|from January, 1969, on. in the employment field that} A child born on this day will tember you may become dis-ifriends. jon, Heels and toes of ny your mettle will be tested dur-|be ingenious, shrewd and intui-jing wear longer if you ing the next year. In April, late/tive in business dealings; also)wear spots with a bar of soap May, mid-July and early Sep-jextremely loyal to family and/or beeswax after putting them stock-, ub the} wm | EDNA Loceted in the Centre Mall near the bry pole ot OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE NN HATS SANTA SUGGESTS For The Lady Of Your Choice "EVENING ELEGANCE" Try our 2 pe. Silk Knits, Dresses, Blouses, Jewellery and Acees- sories. Each one would make her a perfect gift, come In today. OSHAWA CENTR DECEMBER STORE HOURS OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. INCLUDING SATURDAYS December 1st through Dec. 23 ZELLER'S Fantastic WEEKEND SPECIAL _This Saturday Only REGULAR 139.99 SPECIAL TOP QUALITY 109.99 SAVE $30 NO DOWN PAYMENT RECLINER ROCKER Sturdiest construction ond fashionable styling make this @ ~--4'not-to-be-missed" bargain buy ! Dried hardwood construction, complete padding, viny! covered, four comfortable positions. Assorted fashion shades available, The Perfect, Practial Gift COMFORT AND BEAUTY IN A LEISURE-TIME EASY-CHAIR OSHAWA ZELLER'S SHOPPING CENTRE Just Say CHARGE-IT The shirt's the thing this year... a sure thing when it's by Lady Manhattan' One of the most fashion-right gifts you can give Is one of these superclassic versions of an old favorite. Superbly tallored with long sleeves -- In the smoothness of cotton. Sizes 10 to 16, a Snowy-white twinkling with gold-leaf Lurex® lace. De- tachable ascot. 9.50. . 7.50 ¢ Sparkling white, embellished with lace, open-work and stitched tucks. 9.50 d All abloom with delicately colored garden-fresh flowers. 7.50 b Swirling paisley pattern in vibrant colors. Sportswear Department OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- 728-4626 & 5 KING STREET EAST, BOWMANVILLE 623-5451 WEDI A record for you 'Oshawa Times Wor Oshawa Times offi depends upon thr s Women's Editor at The record of the | guest should be su wedding. MR. AND } Sup Last Saturday in wig's Roman Catholic Lynda Jean Rundle be bride of Eugene Joser ka. The bride is the of Albert W. Rundle manville and the late } dle, the bridegroom is of Mr. and Mrs, Ada! ka Sr., of Oshawa. The Reverend Anth« sik officiated at the « and Edward Kolodziejc ed the wedding music. Given in marriage father, the bride wor length gown of importe brocade along empire | lily-point sleeves, rou line and a Cathedral ling from the should Wy Maureen Carla Wal Richard James W changed nuptial vows urday afternoon in } ster United Church. 7 is the daughter of Mr. Carl Henry Wahrer of and the bridegroom is of Mr. and Mrs. Haro of Whitby. The Reverend H. A performed the cerem Ronald Kellington pl: wedding music. The bride, who was marriage by her fathe! floor-length sheath gow fon velvet with a j French lace and a « length train. Her hea cluster of roses adorr M St. John the FE Church was the setting urday afternoon for the of Heather Frances Leslie Gordon McCez bride is the daughte1 and Mrs. Petrus F. L. the bridegroom is th Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mc of Whitby. The Reverend Theod nier performed the Frank Rosettani sang panied by Mrs. P. J. | Given in marriage father, the bride wor length gown of white nylon organza over ta! scooped neckline and of the A-line skirt we1 ed with French alen and the full-length ganza train, attached shoulders with Tom Je was appliqued with lace. Her. headdress, of pearl-edged peta! and pearl drops held tier nylon illusion veil carried a prayer bool ed with red sweethear Miss Laura de Haa SHE WIL FEMININE BI IF IN DOUBT-AS 7 WE RECO! GIFT CER BLACK 72 SIMCOE N.

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