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Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Dec 1967, p. 18

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 1, 1967 )36--Legal }0--Automobiles for Sale | 31--Compoet Cars for Sole! = WELLMAN ~ ZOLTAN AND NICK'S Your Authroized Datsun NOTICE TO CREDITORS BIRTHS CRUICKSHANK -- M Mrs. D EDWARD JOSEPH McAREE lias Cruickshank are happy te announce) The*death occurred suddenly, |the safe arrival of their son, Dougias| Nov. 30, as the result of a heart |Maicoim John 8 Ibs 3 ozs. on Tuesday | attack, at his Park Lane 'Apart- OBITUARIES married Nov. 28, 1906, in Dar- lingten Township. Mr. Sanders for many years was a rural mail courier. THURSDAY, NOV. 30 FIRST RACE -- Mile trot purse $800; claiming 1-Rvrdie Bob, Gemmill 2-Favorite Valley, Alexander 4.00 7.00 3.90 3.50/claimin: 3. MOHAWK RACEWAY RESULTS Bingo, Amber Meadow, Cunny's Lou lYocke and High Yates FIFTH RACE -- Mile pace purse $800 60 |7-Julo Pet Rehrds, Troy124.30 35.10 10.30 SENIOR SCORES 33 DETROIT (AP) -- Jim Garza, a senior, scored 3: points, as many as the opposi- tion's whole team scored, to lead Detroit Tech to an 80-33 college basketball victory over St. Clair College of Windsor, 150|8Ledy Violet Direct, Hilllard 7.10 |5-Wil Lor Dolly, Hie 60/Ont., Wednesday night. |e m3. 2! s, Lady| Time 2:13 2-5 : Hillcrest Saint, Singing Frosty) Also Bartots Nancie' emma's Dexter EX MANAGER DIES 4Brown Wolf, Zirnis 4 Time 2:13 35 Also Started: House of Common: Rocket C., Armbro RAMBLER DEMONSTRATION SALE Predeceased Sept. 5, 1965, by| his wife, the former Ethel May Balson Mr. Sanders is sur- and Fiat Deoler Specializing in Volkeswagen Repair and Service AND OTHERS |November 28, 1967 at the Oshawa Gen- } jeral Hospital. Thanks to Or. Culp, r.| ments residence, of Edward In the Estate of JOSEPH \Manitus and 4th floor staff, | Joseph McAree. He was in his \44th year. 1 AMERICAN .. $2,244 2 " ss 1968 JAVELINN |. $2743 160_Simcoe South ARTHUR = HARLOCK, |, MOveHLAND -- Am -- te Sell 4 son of Frasicls and the jabelvived by two diughiers, Mrs.l=% fren o {and Lincon's Champ NOVATO, Calif. (AP) -- 1968 REBEL ...... $2,561 728-0051 | Deceased rival of Michele Annette, 7 Ibs. 13 ozs..|Margaret McAree, the deceased|Mary Lowe of Toronto and Mrs.| seconp RACE -- Mile pace PUrs®) 44 pace wile pace purse $1,500/Douglas G. Hertz, who survived 1968 AMBASSADOR 11962 ACADIAN, four cylinder. Excelient; !! persons having claims ita GEE GEGAGAl PML, Prove die was born, Noy. 11, 1924, at the/Alan Brown (Polly) of Oshawa|#). sonditioney ises p20 4.40 3,50) claiming neo 240 2.4|the Lusitania disaster, played 2-door hardtop with air |condition. Telephone 723-701) ; against the estate of the jters are Karen and Tracy, Many thanks city and county of Armagh, and three sons, Arthur, Samuel smark Ten, Hill 6.60 S20 i slariie. Fete Wettsa2s 345 385 \ championship polo, brought dog above named deceased, late |r. ¢. A. Morgan and hospital staff. | Northern Ireland. He had been|@"d John, all of Oshawa. Epon are ebaed |3-Tigalus, Gagnon 3.20/racing to the United States and Also surviving are a_ sister,| 'Aico Mrs. Eva Hynds of. Bowman- 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, -- $2,899 mileage. Telephone . 7: conditioning only .. Ue ps ee tow | Full factory worranty oll cars managed such heavyweight box- 2:09 3 Started: Mighty Chance, Gala At-/Time 2:10 Also Started: Walnut Herbert, Gaylord -- ie : ers as the late Jack Johnson » Might Lee gy tabi one if Grattan and Pat P. Prologue ja resident of Canada and Osh- |awa for 18 years. 'of the City of Oshawa, in | 190 VOLKSWAGEN, very good _condi-| 1 iles. } the County of Ontario, who I nen ae po aegg ee ee | died on or about the 5th day | An employee of General|Yile, 16 grandchildren, 35 Dally Devble, | and 4, pald $34.90 |Exactor, 1 and 4, pald $8.70 and Jersey Joe Walcott, died F Be ci sitemeter | i / y x , é : delivers with our Bank of [12 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, $40. Must of November, 1967, are DEATHS | Motors for 14 years, Mr. Mc- great-grandchildren and on | THIRD RACE --Mile trot purse $800 SEVENTH RACE -- Mile pace purse) Tuesday. He was 84. f ; sell_immediately! Telephone 668-5451 hereby notified to furnish ; A j great-great-granddaughter. | ctaimin $800 conditioned 1 Nova Scotia -- Scotia Plan | 5c -VoiKsWaGEN, bive, 21,600. miles f thereof h di H Aree was a supervisor in the)" qe memorial service will be/scaliant Hof, Geisel 10.90 6.40 490/5-Easy Pick, Pelletier 11.40 6.60 3.20 financing, the lowest cost {snow tires, push button redip, Telephone} PhO" i ee to t a nik reife | benefit plan department. He was held at 2 p.m. Dec. 4, at th innifred Po Ka Bout, Ingles 5.50 3.60 2-Davey Anderson, ee 8.50 4m wig ik te dane esd ness financing offered by ony new |728-0476, evenings only. | aes oh errs : pea lat MOPSial Seuehal: Bowmanville, oni ee oe Green 6 Armstrong Funeral 'Home. In itm Aig ete He sgl ~_|Gitt be on Trae ages reogg I | lecember, z er | emorial Hospital, Bowmanville, 7 ae . s Ti 213 1- y : fis pointer | cor dealer in Oshawo. 164 VIVA, good condition, best Offer.) tee the Executor, [Thursday November "30, 1967, Harry| Roman Catholic Church and of): oment will be in Mount Lawn| Also Started: Kelly's Song, John Ross,| Also, Started: Hi puso Gir Po nter| NINTH RACK -- AMlle_pace purse elephone 668-4553 after 5 p.m. ee re Executors {Hamm, of Bowmanville, in his 80th year, the Knights of Columbus. Hel, y TL. W. Herbert, |2onmie R» Van's Pride C. and Marianne| Hal, Piper Boy, \¢1.100" claiming WELLMAN "@ CORVAIR, automatic, snow e-| will distribute the Estate, |husband of the fate Evin Maauire, ear was a past Faithful Navigator of sp emeeey Be 1 W. Sreneal te jLady Petun \$kawartha, Star, Feagan 8.70 $.30 3.50 i jood ition, . Tele- father rs. T. Graham (Lila), Mrs. vi | Z irect Cu a . RAMBLE a havin see ony 2 -- 1G. Bruton (Ruth), Mrs. Coiville|the 4th Degree Assembly. church. an cerenek the gery FOURTH RACE -- Mile pace puree] EIGHTH RACE -- Mile trot purse|6-Teddy Direct €., Curran 490 3.69 a om ape page of which notices have been |(Marion), Orville and Kenneth (de ; ; Pe § *}$800 claiming jst, 'ond : in a R "# SUNBEAM TIGER, British racing |ceased), 'Resting at the Northcutt Enliot| Besides his father, who lives/jog ' Johnny Nick, Lowery 9.50 4.50 4.10/4-Billy Hall Hicks 15.90 90 A90/Tiene PR BS |Green. Telephone 723-1840, filed Funeral Home. Funeral service 22 o'clock/in Oshawa, Mr. McAree is sur-| Friends are asked not to call|/-Fancy Knight, Varcoe pele tiye yl Bg aloe Heurevx20.20 17 so |atom,. Johnnie Hy and Echo 0." Valley 728-7351 47 TR Sige oe | DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, ; 7 : 1967 TRIUMPH 500 c.c. Jackpine $850,| Q + {Saturday aflernoon. Interment Orono! vived by a sister, Mrs. Daniel] i i |Scratched: Ben Carey | phon this 28th d * November, |Cemetery. (Donations to St. Paul's . r Wwe de jat the funeral home before Sat-|tTime 2:13 1-5 |Time 2:09 4-5 : ' : : 30! Shee ey py Auacal eaae 1987 ye gibetelt Church building "fond would be appre-/Shutka (Margaret) of Oshawa |urday evening. Also. Started: Gypsy Coin, Armbro| Also Started: Josie Mac, Jimmie Hot, Attendance, 2,702. Handle, $192,814. = \clated.) 'and a brother, Dr. Christopher | | nik coud bees McAree, of Stowe, Vermont. He FUNERAL OF ABest: i i , Park Was predeceased by a brother, a : oe . [Ene "Apts? Oshawe, "on Thursday, Ne-| Frank, who was killed in action) | LEO THOMAS BUTLER EARL HARLOCK and MARION CLARK, Executors of the Estate of Joseph Arthur Harlock, by Only $10 Down on the cor of your choice, |32--Trucks for Sale |i96s SCOUT, 4-whee! drive with plough. | Telephone 728-3914. | Here's where to find gifts for everyone. . . vith to 48 months to re- | meres | : A ee 1958 CHEVROLET, Yaton, Al shape! their solicitors Pesan tiga Edward | Joseph «| during the Second World War. | The funeral service for Leo poy ot: lbody and mechanically, new tires, radio, | Z. T. SALMERS, BA lie MaroaretMeAtme Broker of dare | Thea ' Thomas Butler, 278 Verdun Rd., q small camper box. Telephone 263-2150. | ? g jlate Margaret McAree, brother of Mrs. e deceased is at the Arm- / simes Morley Stalker unl al hoa Be chan tne 63 King Street West, Daniel, Shutka (Margaret) of | Oshawa strong Funeral Home for|Who died, Nov. 27, at the Osh- *) and ir. wisi er \CAr' '0" is > 4 ' « a oak i MOTORS 33--Automobiles Wanted Oshowa Ontario. Mt; in his aah year. Resting st the Requiem High Mass in St. Greg- aig er prs me eae PUT AWAY a tidy sum by renting that Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa with orv's Church at 10 a.m., Dec.|at 2 p.m., Nov. ol, at the Me- ' 1d place a OR obey ghar d Intosh-Anderson Funeral Home, 2. The Rt. Rey. Monsignor Paul SOOT R PHRASE CHARS ETAT ERT ARLE, apartment Phone 723.3492 and place an requiem ay apt. for rent ad in The Times. < i | : * she 2. Interment Resurrection Cemetery) Dwyer will sing the mass. Inter- (Parish prayers in the funeral home on = 8 = I a December 2, 10 € The service was.conducted by a.m {Canon F. G. Ongley, rector of | CARS WANTED ior Bg aee Buying A New Car ? CHRISTMAS '723-6322 -- 723-8311 Sell your used car to Ted' |37--Auction Sales i oh ta jment will be in Resurrection| ano' 4 y , Talk Cash!' 46. the' New a _ Cemetery. St. George's Memorial Anglican NICOLS MOTORS Ltd. | Car Dealer and "Save" . McDONALD - George Prayers will be recited at the/ Church. Interment was in Osh- | TED CAMPIN MOTORS Auction Sale Entered into rest in the Hospital tor Sick funeral home at 7:30 p.m. today,/awa Union Cemetery. Your headquorters for | > 574 Children, Toronto, Thursday November P The pallbearers were Jack . Rebel 723-4494 Res. 725-557 Sat. Dec. 2 30, 1967, George McDonald beloved son lparker'" Bob 'Vinson, Hdward| - merican -- Kebe ce a 2 ' : of Mr. and Mrs. George McDonald ai ; Be a a are | Pa By, son, EK i bo alge) Aco hela ached g hey ristale SALE STARTS 1:30 P.M brother of Christine, Terry-Lynn, Heath-/ NORMAN W. SANDERS Knapp, Arthur Wright, Steve) od bought, parts for sale bought. 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311 WANTED, cars and trucks for wrecking No charge. for towing. Best prices paid er and Christopher, aged 4 years. Rest jing at the Armstrong Funeral Home Oshawa with Funeral Service in the chapel, Saturday December 2, 11 @.m. In failing health for several Brodie and Frank Stover. | years Norman W. Sanders, | formerly of 568 Athol Street} FUNE Ambassador -- Javelin WHITBY -- 668-3331 Snow blower, toys, tools, used hockey equipment, Christmas decorations, GIFT SOPOT TER ei ee Ts eee 728-4849 anyti Robert wrapping paper, : L 'Cemetery. | ; n AL OF Nicols sie edily furniture, desk, appliances, FWehET oie por hor te: Gar at the East, died this morning at the} LAWREN( Aiea witik MORE CASH "ee " : books, electric. motors, el- [Funeral Home before Friday noon. iQshawa General Hospital. He) ..-~ INC JESU 34--Automobile Repair ectric sprayer electrical fix- soupik: cued was in his 84th year. Pic Digg A eka Pi Paid for Good, Clean Cars, {| tures' and services, kitchen , Carol Marie ia ss r AES wrenc siuk, who ied | Hide see Bawa, Leneceit | AUTOMATIC | ware, leatherette, heavy duty | Suddenly as the result of an accident on Born Feb. 24, 1884, in Pick-| x5. 97, at the Oshawa Generall | TRANSMISSION | oil, 2 skill saws, metal cab- [A Rentee, cory joved dpoghter of] Crs Township, the deceased Hospital, in his 83rd year, was | DODD MOTOR SALES CENTRE | inets. Many other items. | Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rohrer of 'Nestleton,| WAS a son of the late Mr. and/heiq at the Armstrong Funeral, } Hlovil is 4 . aary, i = S 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH 1038 Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 | Terms cash. See you at 1:30 |jevng, Sister or, Leona, panda: | Coy Mrs. John, Sanders. A resident! iHome at 3 p.m., Nov. 29. dda fad a Maes Gite fos Braitnie Our Only p.m. Doug Gower, Jim Wood Resting at the Chapel of McDermott- The service was conducted by 723-9421 Trorimiastons. ee of Oshawa for 72 yuara, he wat NE -- -- | Business -- Repairs, Adjust- | core Z26- we priv raa RS glob Calle yg Rae yt |Reyv. A. M. Butler, minister of} GUS BROWN [| Siti "| ald camming foctory, 'Neleon [me Dieser [eear Pee Uaitee CMV Se CHRISTMAS iad | i 3 | widicte : Reais ; ct php eke | Street, cBowmanyille, Heated SANDERS, Norman W. re Cu sion ad in Mount Lawn GIFTS YOU'LL ADORE eyes If Oshawa: motorists MOTOR' y FRED STONE | sale room Entered into rest in the Oshawa Generel seoeonas ae To Give The Finest alert and travel at a R.R. No. 3, Oshawa | SIMPLE THINGS TALK: Classified Ade | omltel on Friday, December 1, 1967,) | The pallbearers were Fred ON EVERY FLOOR @ Pierced Earrings stant speed they ma TRADE UP-OR DOWN, 'Top | Brocklin -- BE Queen St. E. [sell things you dent need tor seot carte (Nomen, Wc eariiers:, Beloved siusband of Fesarcuus, Steve Rostuk, Halph @ Watches able, by June, to drive Price poid for Good Clean | Automotive Machine Shop 2/8! 723-3492 for an Ad-writer now. Mrs. Mary Lowe, Toronto, Mrs. Alan| u ers Jones, Ronald Jones, Boris 1276 Shades to Choose From @ Diamond Rings ene d of th ie 4 PohotanideSt dhs | en e city te Cars, liens paid. TERMS ae . - ----------/ Brown (Polly), Arthur, Samuel and John/| Melch and Jack Rukaruk. i : @ Sto Ri . of Oshawa and brother of Mrs. Eva a Visit our new showroom for complete decorating service ne Rings PI 9 And Mar. More Beautiful other without wor REBUILT ENGINES |38--Coming Events Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 ee fe he bin ---- 12 PONTIAC cares cylinder | OVERHAUL AND | [Resting atthe *Armatrong | Funeral OTTAWA (CP) -- Following 8 . Carpeting for the living room, bedrooms and halls. A gift your GIFT IDEAS about stopping at red | = Sag ong al | ENGINE PARTS MONSTE Re" shabe on" anday)"Becerber 4, at @re sweater numbers of Saskat-| t. Kitts Win whole family will enpoy. FREE ESTIMATES AND EXPERT from Their benefactor is a offer. Te e 668-4: edie i See 2 p.m._ Interment Mount Lawn Ceme-|chewan Roughriders who play| INSTALLATION. GA L B RA l T H Wa CHEVELLE oe Va =" Be ' = * i 64 CHEVELLE S.S Vos eateonate CTF Found Hamilton Tiger-Cats Saturday,| aqua matched interior, while | tery, (Friends ere asked not to call at | NGO In Peterboro Turkis] Seen A By HAL McCLURI walls, A-1, Telephone 725-7994 = oor as "2 | Dec. 2, for the Grey Cup start-| '$6 FORD two door herd-lop, V-8, Fick, |sronce In color. iat Frigey. 'night, | ing at 1 p.m. in Lansdowne| A N G U S . G R A Y D @) N J E W E L L E R S For sale/Gliddon and Guelph area, Reward. Tele! Park, | By THE CANADIAN PRESS AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA 728-6254 radio. Body and motor good. er trade. Telephone 576-2451. |phone 725-2760. 1961 PONTIAC, 4door, 6 cylinder, euto-/WOULD THE LADY who phoned Wed- matic, radio, in good conditon. Tele-inesday night about the fost Persian cat Phone 725-1940. ____ | please call 725-2760 again %3 CHEVROLET, two-door hardtop. One LOST -- Male cat, orange colour. Would ewner car. White with red interior. Win-|gentieman on Labrader Drive who found STAFFORD BROTHERS LTD. Authorized Dealers ROCK OF AGES 428 KING ST. W. AJAX -- 942-0407 Over $500. in Prizes SAT., DEC. 2nd | li--Jesse Kaye; 12--Dale| ere j , rks West; 16--Henry Dorsch; 19--| mst wainarines Ivey Biagid ner baba rere Ford; 23 scurity to a position of authority \Kosid: 25--Ed Buchanan: 26 in the Ontario Hockey Associa- A GIFT CERTIFICATE ELMER'S terized, snow tires. In A-1 condition. | or, cat please cali Mrs. Russell FAMILY MONUMENTS i i Reasonable. Telephone 728-6575. 1798-9315 AT 8 P.M. j 'ag at tion Junior A series. 357 OLDSMOBILE, $110.) "S4 Ford, 75; | Lost -- Male black and white Springer O16 Duras 3. rere fronts Egg : 'Bennett; 31-| The Hawks completed a two- FROM "The Christmas Store ISTANBUL, Turkey ( also nierna lump. wu n Prin itby, 5 Behring aed a > S y ni = . Sane ome as, Oe doe ts andy | ST, GREGORY'S jn teh Campbely eG ear ge fame,zaad tie Thurstay sight stag wy with Gifts Galore" Turkey apparent ha door, musts eae" Be spores | Lost" -- Commer beg: af ZaTer3, Sh | + FLOWERS -- 8s: Wanredien Qusens, 42=|7-5 after tieing 3-3 with Ottawa CABLE TV tro. Got gift problems ?. Drop int pesca atepodOhie na gy LOST = Cosmetic Bas, st Zellers, Shop: AUDITORIUM | ; |Galen Wahlmeier; 43--Ted Ur-|¢75 the previous night in Hull, eihi's Sts Hee ed perhaps a short-term on RUGT SELL RIGS WeGlena HIE Vai bank ook ahd parscra! papeis, Needed | by Locke's ness; 50--Wayne Shaw; 51--|Que. They now are undefeated the gift that keeps on givin mer's Bargain House and Greees in the Cyprus cri tent, six automatic, $900 er fier.|by pensioner visiting Oshawa. Please SIMCOE ST. NORTH i ' Cliff Shaw; 53--Jack Abend-|; : a ne ae P' 9g g see the large selection of gifts dont, six automatic. $900 of bes! offer. (by pensioner eppropriate funeral tributes |. S4--Gary Brandt: 58--|'" three games and share sixth for the whole fomily rte a few hours nearly | sa - : ; CB RE | 2 9° | place with London Nationals. i i - @ eastern Mediterrane Sn gg Ro ADMISSION 728-6555 pe Pigg Pe nei ae perhaps more imporiant, @ 11 Channels ELMER'S var ' e Blac awks are six points ih ie peace agr @ Perfect Reception @ No Antenna tery, Telephone 725-2844. "45 CHEVROLET / reached between Ather Benyon; 66--Al Benecick; 67-- Ankara, details of whic | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | | Clyde Brock; 71--Gord Barwell; ahead of their nearest pursuers, 50 CENTS IMPALA = two-door NOHCE TO Pat |36--Legal | | 253 Bloor St. E. | hard top, automatic, fully equipped 4 Oshawa Generals Telephone 942-3412. ' : : |72--Jim Worden; 75--Garner ra Ri hain nll ge Convertible, V3 CR EDITORS ora tickets on 20 Tur- | |Ekstran; 76--Jim Carphin; Totldae wa ae ee 728-3473 iy aia thle toward got sows eae caer weet AND OTHERS 10 on Dee, 16th; | IN MEMORIAM kr Bal ce, Pits egg sd Falls Flyers and Ham- OSHAWA feuding Turkish and Gree er equipment. Reasonable. Will accept 10 on Dec. 30th. | ene ch-Eagie Keys; /ilton Red Wings battled to a 2-2 MARTY'S RECORD BAR 'munities to live peacef sual" fees chee. IN THE ESTATE OF . assistant coaches-Jack Gotta,| draw before 2,932 fans in Hamil- for the ee 543 CHEVY _I1 convertible, stendard V2, LAURA L. WALKER All Prizes Doubled on [FRIEDRICH -- In loving memory. of Jim Duncan. : }ton. "TOPS IN POPS" "4 best offer. Telephone 623-7348. WIDOW DECEASED. | sl nd iat Lge el A | The tie boosted Flyers' lead m t it all : Milk S bsid itm) PONTIAC, Al ' * \Children under 16 Not Admitted December, 1) 1968 In his Ist year at) TICATS Las abcnbitdiacs Aehactael con, LTD. "SPECIAL? All Fone : u motor, $175. Tele- 37. | phone after 4 p.m., 723-50: H : . ; i ' oll All persons having cloims little hands are resting | 9--Joe Zuger; 12--Bill Redell;|ior Canadiens to seven points. 600 KING ST. E. 723-5278 MONKEY'S Albums "48 PLYMOUTH FURY, two-door hard- i issi i "a iT , | fop, eutomstic, radio, V8, white | ee ee ee Admission Ticket | 2 ere, Ss wane |14~Bob Krouse; 15--Ted Page; |Hamilton is deadlocked in third| 3514 SIMCOE NORTH A ainst Sm mew | of Whitby, in the County of |_Kor us lust over the, nil my Qed-| eo Willie Bethea; 18--Tommy;place with Kitchener Rangers| 723-0731 g : i CURVEDLET"Taesia Teoraow| Ontario, Widow, deceased TO-NIGHT ay. brother Deree and sister Dawne, | GTaMt: 19--John Cimba; 20---|and Toronto aasihony, | THIS men 4 ais coh ' oe | : . ei Storey; 21--Dave Fleming;| In Peterborough, the, Black| AWA FLYING CLUB OTT. -- Far a Sontiige ae sient rabuin| me hanged 1967 hs | SPECIAL SMALL -- In loving memory of a dear 22--Allen Smith; 23--Bob Ri-| Hawks were paced by Msanes bp eth g ey ee gd For the Special: Parson on your Eastern Canada who st y ! wife, Minnie Florence Small who passed chardson; 25--Stewart Stover;|L'Abbe and John Fisher, both THAT KEEPS ON GIVING ! ! Christmas list, give him or her than 50,000 pounds of motor, Honduras Maroon. Asking $575 or) best offer. Telephone 728-7809. '62 FALCON station wagon, standard} transmission, in outstending condition a flying gift certificate for as low as $5. @ Private and Commercial hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Persona! Re- presentative of the said de- away December 1, 1964 God took her home it But In my heart she liveth still. |--Sadly missed by her husband Ern- was His wili| 26--Garney' Henley; 28--Barrie| with two goals. Singles went to {Hansen; 34--Dick Gibbs; 35--| Glen Sherwood, Dale Power and Ron. Brewer; 39--Ed Turek; 44/Skeeter Teal. year are being discri1 against by the federal m BINGO THE OSHAWA TIMES eS eo panded Rr nage) ied cdg Ry ea ee ale Gene Ceppetelli: -46--John| The Pet h I Flying Training d 1 Perry 9857191 after 6 pm. - | = day of December, 1967, fu ly ae aly --G ; 46--John! he Petes, who outshot the ; ; si rogram, Douglas 199) OLDSMOBILE four-door "herdtop.! particulars of their claims. | al AT dug SMALL -- In loving memory of a Michaluk; 48--Doug Mitchell; | Hawks 41-36, got goals from Bob Phone the Circulation Dept. 723-3474 eee Ee bi Ae PC_Pri Ea Fair shape, $100. Telephone 723-4756. } = cathe Bice: Sinn Tt when SOs , , nklin: "Hi.! if 7 Oshawa Municipal Ai rack ( nce er, eee as oc Immediate! fter the said dear mot N Nénnie Sma ho 50--Billy Ray Locklin; 54--Elli-| Black, Ron Ringler, Paul ¢ pol Airport 19% CHEVROLET, 2-door, hardtop, good saoaheg yh el HOLY CROSS passed away December 1, 1964 raligs WD Fes hahae Ringler, Paul Grills, wena 728-1626 Lennox) claimed in th condition. Will take older car as trade date the Persona! Representa- SIMCOE ST. § In our hearts your memory Ungers, SOM Kelly; 55--Bill Danychuk; | Rick Macleish and Jim Jones. Holid Food E : mnox one Telephone 725-3416 | - tive will distribute the assets je oa) Jackpot $160. in S6.N Sweetly tender, fond and true, 57--Jon Hohman; 61--John Bar-| Mike Flanigan, a rookie left) °ocY ntertainment mons Thursday. 1%5 PONTIAC Laurentian, four - door of the soid deceased having Res Ncekner SRO , en Abie There 4 Mot & cay, Seer mother, row; 63--Bob Steiner; 66--Char-| winger, scored at 16:06 of the| DRUM CITY "The government see secer 00d, Hees ond ee cau Paee'| regard only to claims.of which 8G: ach hodgontel dine "Sadly missed by daughter Verna and lie Turner; 68--Angelo Mosca; |third period to earn the tie for TURKEYS MAKE A DATE TO TORONTO termined to drive the sm phone 726-8526, Laer | he sholl then have notice. | Seectal $80; Adee Gee to Le ee 70--Dave Viti; 72--Gord Chris-|H amilton, who outshot the 250 DRUMS SET ducer out of business." ar RORTIAE as. sulomatic,|. DATED at Oshawa, this 13th he draven Whig wast tian; 75--Tommy Joe Coffey; 76) Flyers 43-26. Eddie Hatoum was CAPONS VISIT... He said he reject radio. Power brakes and steering. Im-| day of November, 1967 mors S SL nen Aig memory of # dea' --Ted Watkins. Head coach--|the other Hamilton scorer | Order Now for Christmas THE To choose from. All makes : ee maculate condition. Lic. K17688. Eve-| RAY HOLMAN 1 Grancnnntivers Anne: Seely WHO PRCC ie Mestnc aud | 2 : | new and used. dogma that to be good, Sings van-soen ; away December 1, 196 ph Sazio; assistant coaches} Brad Sellwood and Don Tan-| FRANK HOAG t be | piel anda Administrator, We have only your memory, dear gran---Joe Restic, Ray Malavasi |nahill d for Ni Telephone Collect operation must be larg 942 PONTIAC Perisienne, Your door yA eee ay, M Si, __Inahill scored for Niagara Falls. | Rossland Rd, West Motor Hotel 925-4434 farmer who milked six re 5 3 if, ir s rim ' yr i tt i Clean car in good *Condition. Telephone By His Solicitors, ORA NGE TEMPLE The "Swectnes "ei inge "forever, poses sete " dtahtiel fete ote on pandd ~ agg he 25- Sa Se Ra | As we treasure the image of you ad H market was contribu Sy PONTIAC Palidionaar toon | MACKEY & BAILEY | SATURDAY DEC. 2 --Sadly missed by grandson Alan, and | phere. | Holiday Fun much to the economy hardtop, radio. Power steering and) 17 Simcoe Street North, | > : Elleen Smith, and great grandchildren | LIKE AR @ Top-flight entertainment brakes. Telephone 728-9142 or 725-3944. Oshawa, Ontario | 7:30 P.M. Paul, and Rhonda a | MCHAIR youl Fa SUA tS an ley SPARKLE WITH large operator. * OLDSMOBILE, radio, new_transmis.|-----------------____ | SHOPPING ? b ba Mule 45 Geek cur | CHRISTMAS Small cheese and sion, battery and brakes. Compietely/ | 20 GAMES --> $8 WOODWARD -- In. loving memory of H Phone 668-3311 i yeur plants also depend on th winterized. Very reliable transportation. | \ sai . a dear wife and mother, Hannah Wood- | c bs Christmas and New Year's Make your appointment now with rod fe bstanti Telephone. 725-2549 | THE CORPORATION | ward, who. passed away December | @ { 1 Fer details on CHE Bag reiervstibbn Hea? producer for a substan 1958 CHEVROLET two-door sedan Goes | OF THE | Share The Wealth "Today recalls sad_memories of SELECT APPLES THE GEORGIAN SUZANNE ee dest yi be running order. $100 cash. Telephone 728 COUNTY OF ONTARIO 4---$40 Jackoate to Ge ts Spat. of gone. ta, rests ae RED WING ORCHARDS Champlain and Thornton HAIRSTYL] at testy to : 'sé CHEVROLET Impala sedan, 327 en , ek Are the ones who loved her best. | 723-4693 NG ture Minister Greene gine, Uniroyal Master "tire, power NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN yg isq Jockont To Go ever remembered by "husband ohn Halk pieces sold 6 jaselinben haere brakes, steering, radio, very clean, 27,' that the Corporation of the a ackpot |0 and son Gordon. } ift sore r set. 000 miles. 723-4300. ===' | «County of Ontario will pe- | Children under 16 not admitted | |Gifts for the Home 725 7. W SELLING id gpg Ud Pe dat no ree | tition the pegislative Assem- ss sa is . WOODWARD -- In loving memory of $ } 4541 nt, an rh her ts Han: Gales Seer ie Oe setae Neunsr.| bly of thé/ Province of On- kiainion Catholie Women's > loch meaeeartn Wee. Searle Seah Une or on a" YOUR HOUSE ? Telephone 725-0649. _____} tario at it's next session for lkosie 1965 } ave ourse ENJOY THE 1962 CORVAIR Monza four-door, red,| special legislation permittin F ' There's a sad but eweet remembrance v | ; automatic, | bucket seats, posirectin, increased vdtes for the pg St. George's Hall | TASS 2 een a oe we H ; | elega nt gifts peta WE CHARGE wi ancestral Annet 23 phd niobate b f it's Council on th Albert and Jockson Sts. | Ani f iy | 'oy! A M i AUER Ineo, fart, Fete] bons of the number of mun. , SPER tamtriearnee, ates || other car in itsclus That means moe perureder || for the home CEEY, -MGITY | Meter Kity Cab a rake 4 | ' ; brkes oe seer | cipal electors inthe respective | FALL SUPPER [fa"tui"emataunee' eoocemene | Other cap in its class. 'That means more get up and go. 24 HOUR SRV ICE / '7 CHEVROLET 283, eutomatic, feir| local municipalities. , rons : : : 4 mu R SERVICE gnaition sv. 'Telephone 8760163 fir) DATED at WHITBY. this 3rd. | Homebaking Toke out |WOODWARD -- In loving memory of The $1798 includes all the "extras." Like the big |) When you decorate your tree, C ristmas 725-1127 oe day of November, 1967, | orders -- Cobbage rolls, Py. |8,,0¢er mother and grandmother, Han-} 3-speed heater, tilt-back front seats, alternator, wind- || "ess UP your home with LIST NOW WIT CHEVROLET sedan, good condition lay ove ¥ - 7 FY |nah Woodward, who passed away Dec, shield sh double-b: lled iy |. drapes and floors from Shew- Lic. 89907. Marilan's Garage, 290 Cor-| Boncan BoMelnwie | rohy |e ga tae! ware q h tg er, dou $e Be carburetqr, padded ]} ting NEED CENTRAL ONT Tk dova Road 725-5101 | ' a yre, | : 3 | prig! a ust in 8 r Di asn and s visors = peed res | s x OWTIAE or door six cylinder euto-| 139 Brock Streef' South, | SAT. DEC. 2 LS ee te Tere 1 Aled euph 40 mil pe aM me uae b 72 So : matic, lic. J95420. Marijan's Garage, 290) Whitby, Ontarid. | ra | ber Reg iaateh Rgorgieid Mgpelegh ame SO g Pp! miles per gallon and a car that never You deserve to buy the best y 5-354] ¢ Cordove Road. 725-5101 CS Solicitor for the Applicany" | EN <i -Sadly missed by son Norm, daughter- heeds greasing. * and can have a ide eo lannin our : ie ag Ay Sennen Phone 729-52: y --Sfation wagon | ; s j in-law Winni iorma, ob i r ; , ° t Rob ECE PEED assis 150 chidren 75 hase Mepegta gemecions Nemo, | All that for $1798, Including the 60 hofsepower, || honing "hom Lae at "UNITED TAXI oor ROMP SIRE arREE Ae MET f . /, : "ay CwEV olor end automatic OSHAWA, ONTARIC eens Welcome --_|----, TASTING TRIBUTE | Pact HOLIDAY 143 KING EAST 6 rl or ose if tron © to ae TENDERS | COLONY TOURS | for a iogiead and dignity : ptt ad & phone 725-4548 -- package -- : 1 BL USED PARYET Weir hegley Teal FOR ADDITION TO MOUNT LAWN DINNERS sire anata its "ia "m| ST. THOMAS AQUINAS ScHoo, FLORIDA TOUR | --__MeEMORIAL park eee SATURDAY Wien? : shaw Bloor Street East, 773-2281 | $246. American -- | _ BRONZE MEMORIALS @ CERAMICS Y NIGHTS Sealed tenders will be re- | 14-day GUIDED tour, For courteous advice please | and at Sounds. of . the oiived 4 xine are of the | All Accommodations | visit the os ae | H : Motor City Bowling NOW . Generation architect, Williom Soccoccio, | @ 14 Meals incl | Fe | "Wh Someone 215 Pe peed West Hill | @ Side Tours ancoged | | | SHEWRING PARTIES coe nia Rowling's Milddithhasina a eee 4 eer | ree) BROS. LTD. 78 RICHMOND Ww, FRIDAY, DEC. | Wants the 'construction of on eight | LONY TOUR | *F.0.B. Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver. Freight and dell ined | FLOOR A 723-3212 Meus classroom addition to the ex. |__ OSHAWA 576-0246 | (BANG QP PHANG snd fea! taxon, and whitewall tires extras 7? Provinel ee eee ; isting St. Thomas Aquinos | , 3 | 728-3980 CAROUSEL : SHAWN & JA' " ' " School, located ot the west | ST. JOHN'S PARISH BINGO | ' | Gifts for Her Don t Wants end of Pacific Avenue, Osh. | every FRIDAY at 7:45 P.M, |BAKER -- 1 wish to thank all those | 26 GIBBONS STREET r JACKSON awa. The owner is the Boord | FYERY FRIDAY of 7:45 PM. |e steni tara card an vine | INNS , PHONE of R.C. Separate School Trus- | : pata Ce ea ae e Penetrate with the ? A | | age an r. Grant, the nurses on tees, Oshawa. Lowest or any | Jockpot $180. -- 58 Nos. |2C and intensive care 'ward, for their her heart with 1 723-3492 tenders not necesscrily occep- | Two extra Games ot $25. |kind and prompt attention. | z fresh cut flowers, clonts MAJESTICS nei j 20 Gomes $10. and $15. | be Sosaabst BESTWAY MOTORS |Trees and Trim OSHAWA 723-5271 Or floral arrangements. DRPRPRPRARPR AP PPP PS ' Jackpot' and Share the Wealth | | A Courteous Ad-Visor will °| WILLIAM SACCOCCIO, Architect |_25 PO) ~|WALKER -- "I wish to. thank, friends, © SALES @ SERVICE @ PARTS @ JCHINN'S, Park South at Hillside, Fresh| AJAX 942-5580 ordon Florists Dencing 9 p.m. te 12: 1 LPR Bee BN Es fp cid le dings ob ahaa rg ig NS MERE ci sproce an cot ine, 98¢ er ee FILL SPARE ROOMS with Paying gues. | WANT-ADS DON errata "ana: Reuih. or ore Dundas wineat, one St. Sprayed and' delivered. 726-728, 723.788 728-9443 5 Adie $1.50 Dress ¢ Pi 3A ow an ed-wr' jie i | i i help "yoo phrase your ed, | COST --~ THEY PAY. fr Rae, Fe eat vad ' RPP LLL ELL 5 | i « | : hy i : A ;

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