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Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Dec 1967, p. 19

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R SCORES 33 IT (AP) -- Jim senior, scored 33 any as the opposi- team scored, to Tech to an 80-33 etball victory over lege of Windsor, day night. NAGER DIES D, Calif. (AP) -- lertz, who survived 1 disaster, played polo, brought dog United States and h heavyweight box- ate Jack Johnson Joe Walcott, died was 84. Jamie end Castleton's -- Mile pace purse Foagan 8.70 $.30 3.50 Se Curran 4.90 3.60 Crowe 4.60 Treasure Mir, Andy y and Echo O. Valley Carey Handle, $192,814. yeryone Stealer ity [MAS .. 'o Give The Finest Earrings | Rings ngs More Beautiful T IDEAS from sRAITH ELLERS OPPING PLAZA -- 942-0407 EMRE MER'S ristmas Store fts Galore" lems ? Drop inte goin House and > selection of gifts le family. MER'S loor St. E. 8-3473 » RECORD BAR or the IN POPS" suit all tastes L; All Four :Y'S Albums ACOE NORTH 3-0731 FLYING CLUB ial Person on your it, give him or her certificate for as and Commercial raining Flights unicipal Airport 8-1626 CRC MANNY M CITY RONTO UMS SET from, All makes od. one Collect 5-4434 : NTH ISTMAS ointment now with ANNE BEPEEREECESEESECSCU CCE C Cheer eee eaaae 4 perhaps a short-term one--over | Greece in the Cyprus crisis that | the eastern Mediterranean into war. ' reached between Athens and Wf Oshawa motorists keep alert and travel at a con- stant speed they may be able, by June, to drive from one end of the city to the other without worrying about stopping at red lights. Their benefactor is a $50,- | WASHINGTON (CP) -- A pri- vate right-wing organization in the United States, the American Security Council, has revived a denied report that Canadian Gen. Jean Allard was invited to |the 50th anniversary celebra- | tions of the Soviet Union. The report was revived in a broadcast this week by the ex- Denied Report Revived By Right-Wing Group was worked into a theme of growing military co-operation treme anti-Communist organiza- tion, which says it broadcasts | its right-wing views twice week-| between the Soviet Union and) ly on 1,200 U.S. radio stations. |Franco's Spain and of efforts by The broadcast does not men-|the U.S.S.R. to penetrate NATO. tion the fact that both Gen. Al-| The broadcaster was Dr. Wal- lard and the Canadian govern-jter Judd, China-born former | ment have denied that such an|missionary and former U.S. invitation was ever made. | representative who says he sees The reference to Gen. Allard|considerable significance in THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 1, 1967 21 Hippies Seen Dying Out TORONTO (CP) -- Yorkville, Toronto's coffeehouse district, is becoming a trap for increas- ingly younger runaways, David DePoe, self-styled hippie leader and Company of Young Cana- dians worker, said Wednesday. Mr. DePoe told a Voice of "word from NATO intelligence) Women meeting that the hippie sources that early this fall a se-|movemont among persons with NEW COMPUTER SYSTEM TO SYNCHRONIZE OSHAWA TRAFFIC LIGHTS 000 ~inter-connect system computer which will regu- late the traffic lights at 36 Oshawa intersections. The computer is presently being installed In the traffic con- trol offices in the basement of the Old Legion Hall. For fe pt OTTAWA (CP) -- A move to|man who was a danger to soci-| |man who wasn't should be treat- ic |ponding to treatment out of jail| og was made before the Commons! -- ateat eharwste cee justice committee Thursday. | It came in the form of a mo-| L S tion by Harold Stafford (LE awyer ays |gin) aimed at Crown prosecu-| |tors across Canada. y nsane | The committee has been : : \studying a bill by Milton Klein} LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Lon- \(L--Montreal Cartier) that|don lawyer W. R. Poole charged) | would allow magistrates to send| during a preliminary hearing} \drug abusers for treatment rath-| Thursday that the court is being} er than to jail. |forced to try an insane boy, Ab The Stafford motion recoM:| vei oh UT eharaed with eanltal | Said. | curred." ence staff Judd said Allard was once n Korea. P d D U Bill | military attache in Moscow and| than LSD or marijuana. |commanded Canada's brigade Terman Proposed Drug Users Bill : | "He was invited to Moscow to| : | be the only NATO chief of staff keep drug abusers who are res-|¢ty had to be incarcerated but 8at the 50th anniversary celebra-| tion... . "Gen. Allard, fortunatel |presented the proposal to his and all! ; agreed that it would be unwise sito accept the invitation," Judd "And he heartily con-| olleagues in NATO ADOPT ROMAN IDEA DUMBARTON, Scotland (CP) -- A whisky distillery 'found it couldn't improve on the Romans | Apex : i for its security arrangements, A David Fuller, 15, of New Haven,| |, oole of 90 geese are used as * . } reabl pete j ee a : Justice Committee Studies sguvrsny scr oe ee s n ' | Yorkville today is 16 and they aitend to use more potent drugs only one, Wonderful,' Wacky ROSIE 7 ° y, mends that "proceedings against any person charged lunder the Narcotics Control Act fied by competent medical au- |thorities as taking and responding thereto, be jstayed by the Crown until this | committee makes its report." |gene Whalen (L--Essex South), jected. It will be dealt with at another committee meeting. Mr. Stafford said he was mak- ing it in view of testimony hy Mr. Poole argued that at least| WHITBY the next six months the lights. It is hoped the com- onces. Checking on the in- |Dr. Bruno Cormier, Montreal/two psychiatrists have found the computer will be pro- puter will allow traffic to stallation of the new com- (psychiatrist who teaches at/boy is insane and should be Country dana d. ¥ 1 f 1 h puter are, from the left, |McGill University and has) committed for long-term treat- end gramed, and tested. It wil move faster along the Con. Ralph Jones, Ald. John |worked at St. Vincent de Paul|ment in a mental hospital. | Ww t also be set up to regulate streets and thus save money DeHart, Ald. Dr. J. E. |Penitentiary since 1955. However, two psychiatrists) estern the lights along six basic by letting the city get the Rundle, Ald. Russell Mc- Dr. Cormier said a clear dis-|called by the Crown testified the) MUSIC fire routes so fire trucks can best possible use out of the Neil and Dave McMullen, |tinction was needed between s0-|boy is intellectually normal and) move through the city with- existing streets and thus be traffic operation supervisor. |cia¥ and medical problems, A|fit to stand trial with |who uses narcotics, who is certi-| treatment} The motion, seconded by Eu-|cane at Penetanguishene. was neither adopted nor re-| sending this boy to Penetanguis-| "watch dogs" to warn guards of any break-ins. At the slightest junusual sound, the birds raise \the roof. A director got the idea jfrom a story that geese gave jthe alarm during a fire in an- |cient Rome in 390 BC jmurder in the July 30 slaying of ja London man, George Albert |Shaver, 74. | Mr. Poole, Fuller's lawyer, jtried unsuccessfully to have |Magistrate C. G. Marshman jcommit the boy for a further iene period to the Ontario Hospital for the Criminally In- FOI In ROYAL HOTEL | | "I don't see any merit | hene for 30 days," the magis-| | trate said. "It would be an exer- |cise in futility." | out having to go through red required to build less new --Oshawa Times Photo M. M. LARABEE & Turkish Cyprus Victory | Seen As Short-Termed cna en tee | BRIZZA | A number of junior officers in One Ankara diplomat com-| the Turkish Army--honed to &\mented: 'Turkey solved the Phone 723-0241 4 By HAL McCLURE ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) -- Turkey apparently has won a smashing political victory--if for a few hours nearly plunged But the peace agreement Ankara, details of which have not been made public, apparent- ly. did little toward getting the feuding Turkish and Greek com- 'munities to live peacefully to- gether on the tragic island. The pact reportedly does give wider scope to the United Na-| tions peacekeeping force on Cy- prus. This could give both com- munities time to reach a de- tente by themselves, particu- larly if they know that neither Athens nor Ankara is eager to war on their behalf. While the over-all mood in Turkey is relief, sectors of the army and Turkey's right-wing extremist movement are disap- pointed there was no "'final so- lution" to the Cyprus question. Milk Subsidy Discriminates Against Smaller Producer OTTAWA (CP) -- Farmers in Eastern Canada who ship less than 50,000 pounds of milk a year are being discriminated against by the federal milk sub-) | |minimum was misunderstood. | sidy program, Douglas Alken- brack (PC--Prince Edward- Lennox) claimed in the Com- mons Thursday. "The government seems de- termined to drive the small pro- ducer out of business." He said he rejected the dogma that to be good, a farm operation must be large. The farmer who milked six to 10 cows and raised calves for the market was contributing as much to the economy as the large operator. Small cheese and odutter plants also depend on the small producer for a substantial part of their milk, he argued. that farm organizations agreed there should be a limit to the size of operation that receives a subsidy. | SMALLEST CONTINENT | Australia is the world's driest, flattest and smallest continent with an area of just under 3,- 000,000 square miles. earns $200 a year--couldn't care| less. | Available sources indicate Turkey feared an invasion might antagonize the United States and disrupt increasingly friendly ties with the or 728-0192 EPI'S fine edge in expectation of an|problem without war and, look- invasion of Cyprus as war fever| 'NE at it from this point of view, mounted--have been heard open- Hag ath considered a. victory ly criticizing Prime Minister Su-)----------_____ scien APPEARING The Country Ramblers THIS WEEK || MON., THURS., FRI, SAT. A brand new group | Meals and Snacks in our to Oshawa ] | Dining Lounge. TU idigicidinininididinididicidisididisids "The Glenda \e& TIMES: 1:30 - 3:20 5:30 - 7:25 - 9:30 Lee Trio" AT THE ESTABLISHED HOME Of Country & Western music IN OSHAWA y leyman Demirel's government. Talk of a coup is discounted, however. The chief of Turkish eneral staff, Gen. Cemal| AT THE HELD OVER TT -- g Tural, has backed Demirel, as| have other senior officers. SUPPORT STRONG Demirel had strong support during the crisis from major op- position politicians headed by Ismet Inonu. 84-year-old leader of the Republican People's party. | Even Turkey's pro-Commu- nists, cautiously noting Mos- cow's desire for a peaceful solu- tion, muted their usual anti-De-| miral comments. There is a strong suspicion, too, that the average Turk--par- ticularly the peasant who only NEW LEGION HALL 471 Simeoe Street South SPRUCE fees VILLA HOTEL WHITBY Feoturi "° DETE MOON'S SWINGTET SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2nd Daneing 9 p.m. to 12 $3.00 per couple as. IR TRE 46 yg for VA A RESERVATIONS 668-3386 He argued the 50,000-pound) This year, all farmers received the subsidy, but the Canadian dairy commission had an- nounced that next year the 50,000-pound figure would apply. The commission has agreed to review the figure and its deci- sion will be announced in the House as soon as possible, Mr. AUDLEY WILLIAMS BLACK PANTHER nd and Final Week ! BY POPULAR DEMAND SOOO ORE Ey VIP's your added enjoyment the magnificent voice of NILLA THOMAS nd the Inspiring Dancing of the One and Only Beer said. | WINNER OF! ACADEMY AWARDS " OW FLAYING COLUMBIA PICTURES presente FRED ZINNEMANNSS mus or A MAN eo Toh lla ll THIS WEEK fall means oy P | LITTLE CAESAR | 9: "spruce ORCHESTRA | and the CONSULS l i; one DANCE PARTY" 8:00 to 1:00 A.M. Admicei 1 Maimts Se Members 0.C.V.1. AUDITORIUM SAT., DEC. 2nd - at 8:30 p.m. DRESS -- SHIRT and TIE. . . No Blue Jeans BCCI RRR RII RATA HR DOR DIA ID IAA ISD IAD ISA IAS AI ISAACS A tee tet He RESERVE NOW! CHRISTMAS - DAY DINNER 2 SITTINGS--2 & 6 P.M. for Our Festive @ ALL COLOR SHOW ®@ LLL LLL OLLI "T _" RODDY McDOWELL -- ALSO -- "FROZEN BED" DANA ANDREWS Box Office Opens 6:30 --.Show Starts 7:15 Features End Sunday NOTICE ! BEGINNING SUNDAY, DEC. 3 Show will only Be Open Fri., Sat. & Sun. BEBO BR UULUORCOOUO OOOO LOLOL EC. fg | | Bruce Beer (L--Peel), parlia- mentary secretary to Agricul- INCLUDING ture Minister Greene, replied! BEST PICTURE PSGCCGCeCeccececceccecrceeceeececececcccceec, FOR ALL TYLING Nee We SELLING H OF THE YEAR! SEASONS The Shockin Truth About Events a gage YOUR HOUSE ? : ROBERT BOLT tecuNo.ow @ Leading Up 0 One Of The Most ENERO Licdididinininidicinidiciooictctctng ~=---«s BOV OFFICE OPEN DAILY 4 . « =k pep | Weary lt Mb tooaohi lg Violent Days In American Histo Meri ONLY 4% jf fee bere eat £ ppiies araag nn, £ \ ALLE } : LIST NOW WITH i PHONE 725-5833 * ODEON A CAR? CENTRAL ONT. TRUST Bart pace! er to remember LIDAY SEASON Phone 723-5221 NATIONAL 4 THE FIRST TIME ON FILMI In EASTMANCOLOR fext=t =D TAXI Labs fas, ING E. al 65 > MUSIC WEEK ae Ser ma LER NEN Si waging yf ava BOWLING . pe x a: NIGHTS PY aa The Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association sat sesrareo tee os ue, Pl { A ity Bowling 2 NOW . Generation assures that the teaching of music and kindred arts ANGER CALLANAN 'A MONTHEUL OF SATURDAY RIGHTS! ran one, Bowling's THE BIO furs ance shall not be primarily a commercial project, but a r ; IMOND W. FRIDAY, DEC. ist 2} means of culture. Its member teachers strive to ws ae <= }-3212 a a nn maintain and increase the prestige of these arts and Lor Robert Dhéry is rene SHAWN & JAY to conform to the standards of correct professional JASON GEORGE 1 eoniiieaide JACKSON q conduct as instructors and advisors. ROB ARDS SF | I stat be Nt GAL senmampte 2 es awe MAJESTICS O.R.M.T.A. Student Recital Lilt -- erie ie Irrangements, re a 2 f Li Saturday, December 2 at 7:30 p.m. entertainment : MEEKER HALE i}? SS TOD ' Y Florists te First Baptist: Church, Hortop St. STARTS Pee ee se Mat "9443 ee : TODAY SAT. & SUN.: 1:30 -- 3:35 -- 5:25 -- 7:35 -- 9:45 MS t ' A i ' '

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