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Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Dec 1967, p. 20

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22 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, December 1, 1967 Til (PEERARARK AGH EKRLALKAKKCHKAHKGHAMAHHESROSOKKA REO ARR Mm mE ey: e q i '| be d, TODAY'S STOCKS INDUSTRIALS TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS Distributed by CP Toronte Stock Exchange--Dec. 3- of lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-| rights, xw--Ex-werrants, Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale. MINES 10:40 Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Accra 500.10 1 1 + 12000 19) «17% WA+Ih% 42 42 Acme Akaitcho 2100 42 Am Moly 500 28 2h 2 +4 Ang U Dev 750 © & 60 Argosy 2500 45 4) 4 +4 Arcadia 1300 38 Aunor 100 258 258 258 +19 Bankeno 1000. 105 105 105 Belcher m0 3 3 OW Belletere 1000 24 24 A Bethim 1050 725 720'725 --10 BL Hawk 130 4 M&M OM Bralorne 196 210 196 210 +14 Areal 200 126 125 126 +1 | Cdn Brew 525 $7% 7% C Brew Ap 200 $35 35 #35 -- . C Curtiss' 1200 225 220 220, § |Kast, Africa and the Far East. |tion for their stint abroad, but/of the Tanzanian governent, he Can Equiy 408 $0 Sy, Sent m|. CESO President J. Claude He-|they are reimbursed for trans-|studied the management struc- | € Goldale 100 $92 92 92+ %\bert leaves Montreal Dec. 2 to|portation and living expenses|ture of the milling industry of ¢, Imp Bnk 244) $12% 12% 12%--%| visit Dakar, Abijan, Accra and|for themselves and their wives!)|that country during the summer. | isa ise 15am : ; E > CP inve pr a pied ue bt "| Tunis--all in Africa-- to explore} CESO expects, in the case of} PR Brunswk 420 SIS SIS SIS --S Cam Mine See list below. Cc Tung 900 247 243 247 Cdn Nisto 500 45 45 45 +1] Cassiar 150 $175 17% 17% | 'nestrvile 1000 27-27? + 2 Chrom 400 150 150 150 Coch will 200 130 130 130 Coin Lake 2000 19 vw 9 +% Comb Met 282 13% 13% 13'4 Conigo 7100 25 24 242 ei Fardy 1050 265 262 22 --13 | Hall woo 55 55 55 +1 ¢ Morisn 1000 390 390 390 +5) Con Negus 3000 80 80 80 +1) Con Nichol 1000 10% 10%2 10% CPR 300 pr 725 $10 10 10 St By By Hall grees a tee ee im 4 1M la FY h : ' eer pd lithe BE daa) CWN Gas 720 $174 V7 V7. y| Brazil on similar missions. Daering 1000 8% 8% &&-- | yo ing 7410120410 | The businessmen's projec t/him. Deer Horn 6000 25 25 25 --1 D'Eidona 9300 6 5 SB +2] Delhi Pac 2000 13 13 13 Denison 536 $78% 78% 78+ % Dicknsn 200 330 330 330 Discovry 20 115 WS WS Dome 750 $5) 5 51 } East Suil 740 540 540 540 | Endako 300 $12 2 #12 +% F Mar 400 F Nat U ran 2634 89 87 robex Gnt Masct 400 133 133 133 Giant Yk 950°840 835 835 --S5 Glenn Exp See list below. Gortdrm 3600 45 360 360 Gradore 1000 «(16 18 ae +71 Granisie 1535 980 975 975 10 Guich 3000 17% 17 Wh-" Gunnar 720 160 160 160 +8] Hastings 100 150 150 190 --7 | Heath 800 8 8 8 High-BI 725 $14 14 4 Hollinger z100 $277 27) 27 Huds Bay Zi] $574 574 S74 (00021 21 21 so 4400 160 160 100 +6 Jaye Exp 1000 15 15 15 Joliet m3 0 3 +h Jonsmith 2000 22% 22% 2s-- 2 Kam Kotie 100 305 305 305 | Kerr Add 780 $164 16% 16% + Ve} Kid Coper 3010 101 100 101 +3 & Dufauit 843 975 975 975 t 5500 31 at +1 Leitch 330 945 930 930 --15 LL La 500 180 180 Macassa 100 132 +2 Mc Adam 2000 454 454 454--1 Merrill 250 153 153 Meta 102760 39 36 38 o+3% Mogul Min 100 405 405 405 +5 Multi-Mi 900 108 108 108 +3 New Bid 00 4 4 4 Newconx 500 580 570 570 N_ Hosco 100 168 +4168 168 | N imperal 100 310 310 310 +8 Newiund 500 184 18 18% | N Mylama 1000 19 19 19 | Newnor 4000 (11 W% V+ N Que Ragi 400 600 +S] N Senator 500 28 28 2B O+ 1 | Norbeau 1000 299 OD DW Norlex 6500 13 13«13 | Normetal 100 370 370 370 -- 8} N Coldstm 750 134 134 134 +4 | Northget 7795 $1014 10% 10% | North Can 500 125 #125 #125 | Opemska 900 980 975 980 +10 | Orchan 800 280 260 260 I Pamour 600 235 235 235 +8) Paramaq 2000 (124 12% 124+ '2/ Patino $54 $15% 15% 15% + Va Poe Expl 3200 138 135 136 Pine Point zi0 $50) =O 50 Placer 180 $31% 31% 314 +1%4| Pow Rov 2500 % 2% 2% vl Jefferson Preston 240 $21" 21) 21 Pyramid 200 550 550 550 | Que Chib 1000 9% Hh wat} WKY BP Bh MS ee @ Mattgm! 2500 121 120 .120 Rio Alg ¢ W Z10 $19% 19% 19% Roman 2143 $27% 26% 27% Sarimco See list below. Satellite ¢ 8000 1 1 Sherritt 500 435 430 435 «+10 Siivrtids 300 440 440 | Sil Miller = 2300 11 YW 1 Stanrck 235 420 420 420 Steep R 00 595 0 595 Sullivan 242 415 385. 41S Territory 500 18 #18 18 Thom & 1000 38 BOB Tormont $000 8 8 7] g Trin Chib 1000 «8 U_ Buffadn 9 Yukon C OILS, GAS 70 615 415 618 | 2000 15% 15% S44 % 650 $164 16% 16% See list below 300 430 40 40 --10 585 585 + S 10% + te 474 & + S21" 21% 21% 0 825 825 825 155 155 155 French Pt Frnch Pt.r r Plains Numac wt Pinnacle P Place G Ranger Scurry Rn Spoon Triad Oil U_ Canso See list below U Canso w 750 220. 210 220 +10 Vando 15000 5% 5% Sia Wespac 7200 142 142 l4la W Decalta 1130 355 350 350 --10 Primary Distribution Distribution of Treasury Shares The Toronto Stock Exchange has been ecvised that the following companies have entered into underwriting and op- | tion agreements which may result in treasury shares of these companies be-| ing under distribution currently through the facilities of the Exchange | Cam Mine 1500 4 38 4 +2) Gienn Exp 1000 14% 142K Ala Sarimeo 5300 15% 15% 154--1 CS Pete 2200 270 265 . 270 | U_ Canso 6300 470 455 460 +15 | BUSINESS BRIEFS. By THE CANADIAN PRESS | MERGER APPROVED Shareholders of Industrial Minerals of Canada Ltd. and| Acton Limestone Quarries Lid.,| have approved a merger. Indus-} trial Minerals will acquire the) shares and liabilities of Acton, | and will operate the latter com-| panies limestone quarrying and| processing facilities. Ang CT 315 aed $49 & ; ie cor 255 'atta BM tu --\u| MONTREAL (CP)--Canadian| University Service Overseas,| house, receiving requests from the highly-successful program|companies abroad and match- of the federal external aid office | ing their specifications with the for young Canadians teaching) particular skills and experience abroad, has a new cousin organ-) of its Canadian volunteers. | by Typical CESO requests for|CESO requirements in Kenya, | Tanzania and Zambia before he retires early in 1968 to join the terprises engaged in a wide/aid program as a full-time vol- 350 be "s y +a) The Canadian Executive Serv- range of marketing, manufac- Bruck A. 10 Stsq 'ea sq |ice Overseas, which shares|turing and service activities, Burns Fds 300 $17% 17% 17% + %|some of CUSO's administrative! but priority is given to those not CAE Ind 225 $114 M14 Mis _ facilities and personnel, already | qualified for assistance from ex-| has projects under way or isting Canadian and internation- dent of Maple Leaf Milling Co., has already competed the first Atl Sugar 700 $11% 11% 11% Bank onal 2010 $11% 11) 11 Bank N S$ 600 $l4v%e Ve 14 Belding Lt 120 $7 7 7 Bell Phne 1179 $4514 45 45a + Ve 8% Bramalea 120 $14 14 «14 Calgary P 300 $23% 23'2 23%4-- Calgry Pp z5 $90 90 bi] Can Cem 50 $30 30 og Pi },|under consideration in develop-| al aid programs. d "ing countries. in the Middle! Volunteers get no remunera-|CESO assignent at the request Cdn Equty Cap Bdg 1190? 120 110 CDRH Lid 600 $8 Chemcell 400 $9% %% CHUM A 101 $20 om} r Ap 225 $13% 13% Bridge 200 $15%4 15% 154 Textile 150 $172 17% 17% Emp Life 140 $10 10 10 +% Exquite w 900 95 = 9S + Horne Pit H Bay Co Husky C pr 1400 $80% 80 80 + %4 Husky Dw 687 $1314 13% 13%--%| Numerous lower grades were|Stock steers 27-30; good steer) Personal savings deposits|" Simpsons jumped 1% to 34% § ' 343 were a record $1,402,112,711, a Inland Gas 225 $10 10 2 Int Nickel 2152 $12254 12184 122 Lau Fr 140 220 $11% 11% 11% Lau F 6w = 100 © 0 © --6| Salada 319 $912 Ma 9a H 50 $572 57a S7'¥a-- Va M Lf Mills 277 $15% 15% 157% Mrtime rts 135 42. 42 Steg A I 100 $554 Se Ste + Ye thom Npr 450 $40 39% 39% -- Sheep 5-12. -D Bk Molson B Mon Food 1200 $10% Nt Contain 200 S$6% 6% 6% | Un Gas Nat Drug 735 $8% 8% BM Nat Drug p 210 $12% 12% 12% | Nat Groc p 7215 $262 262 2i2 | 20 | Neon Nia Wire B 100 $18 18 cH G Nor Ctl G p ii sia al Versats 53) Oe Tie tele Vulean 100 270 270 270 4 Wie-- Walk GW = 410 $334 33% 2%4-- 2 2 2 ww| Weldwod a8 1 Oe ae Se | -Woste'st 1515 $23% 23% 2%--+ 4 padi 24 West Ind . 135 220 220. 220 --10 LER Ag ARE MR PA W Brdcast 220 $17 17 17 Oshawa A 685 $2434 2434 2434 | Pac Pete 300 $19 19 19 --'el Weston B 100 $164 16% 164-- 12 ,| W. Pacitic 1300 $6 6 6 --v 500 $2% 22 2+ %| Weston E Me 16a. 16 "a 22 4 p 24S $78V2 78% 7B Phillips Cb 275 $8¥2 8¥2 8% | White Pas 7225 $2312 23% 23¥4 Pow Corp 2325 $8 734 77a + Ye! Woodwd A 250 $17'2 17/4 17!4 Price Com 1030 $101 10% 10% psi gO ae? age' ioe Rank Org 200 $6%4 R Nodwell 4700 235 225° 230 +5 Royal Bnk 980 $15¥e 15¥e 15! BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT wn mmizet, Recently Organized CESO S8% 8% 1 315 nds 580 $16% 16% 16\4 | Alta Gas T 225 $344 34 - 82 inc; 2225" Aids Developing Nations ? g 2 = @50 $252 25\2 ao 4" A 725 $19 " wv Bow Valy 140. $8%4 «(8% Bowater 160 $6% 62 614--- %)j i ry % Bow-m pr 710 $492 492 12 ization geared to experienced 155 7% 37% 37: " '3 M4 % + oping countries. 7 145 $28¥2 282 282 300 350 390350 +20 portunities for retired Canadian | higher than it can afford, but no|highly-qualified executives aa | businessmen to continue to use| oon than similar local serv-| deed." The private, non-profit pro-| eo gram is administered by a| RB k P fit | board of directors composed of| an rors vols era | $2 9% % --4) But retired business execu-/70 leading Canadian business-| Distl Seag 210 $28% 38% 38%-- %4/tives are not the only potential/men from across Canada, who Dome Pete 550 $59 59 59 2/recruits for CESO. Younger|will help the CESO officers to j}men in mid-career can broaden! evaluate personnel and applica-| Glass 735 $8le Bla ve . | their experience abroad, and su-| tions for volunteers. eenanes «10 Seq asa gaa -|Pervisory personnel with techni-| Dom Store 870 $16% 16% 16% -- | cal skills, such as machine shop ploratory trip later to Tunisia, | 214 $10% 10% 10% jor construction foremen, are|Senegal and Ghana to investi- gate the possibilities of French- | Pare' oS ith 3771 $25 24¥a 2434 + | Con Bath p 210 $22% 22% 224+ \vs|their years of experience in pro- | Con Bath w 200 400 39: | Con Bidg 200 95 95 95 Cons Gas 785 $21%4 20% 21 or Sai | ductive work. |BROADEN EXPERIENCE z145 $19 19% 19% ziS $25 255 |also required. ra businessmen who want to make | volunteers come from small and Brazilian 300 $14 14' 14%a-- Ye their own contributions to devel-| medium-sized commercial en- "has a double-barrelled objective} 't|--to give direct assistance to| CHARGE SMALL FEE 5 20 + 201 410 410 410. +10 |fledgling enterprises in develop-|_ Conversely, CESO charges the|be volunteers, the ' statement 100 $13%4 13% 13% ling nations, and to provide op-| recipient company a fee, no) said, "some of them from very Mr. Hebert plans a third ex- CESO acts as a clearing-;speaking CESO volunteers to those countries. C; vice-president of Northern Elec- has been assigned \trie Co., unteer. ASSIGNMENT COMPLETED Clifford Soward, former presi- A statement from the CESO}| 1085 $60 59% 59%--'%\the need for CESO volunteers|the mid-career executive, that| executive said: "It is encourag-| |there. Since August, he has visit-|the volunteer's company will/ing to note that all Mr. So- Cdn Tire A 150 $30 30 30 --%/ ed other African countries and|pay his full salary and carry|ward's recommendations were {normal benefit programs for|accepted by the Tanzanian min- \ister of agriculture." More | have been received from would- Goo Fd si ie a jchoice arene Md slaughter pt choice patio ag with year Pp = \|Steers and heifers, met an im-/sales to 28.90; good 26-27; medi- ér wine. Be Hid 47 rid ihe: proved demand with the strictly}ums 23-25; commons 18-22; D4 Ne a 11 --'ichoice grade showing price|choice fed yearlings 29.50-30.50; b 20 4 41 4) firmness on the Ontario public) good 27-28.50; good cows 18-18.50 Hawker $ 100 330 330 330 stockyards this week. with odd sales to 19; mediums Hays Dna = 250 $12 12% 12% | Lower grades of steers and|16.50-17.50; canners and cutters 315 $24 23% 23%--% 600 340 340 0 340 300 30. /heifer and all grades of cows pied good heavy bologna bulls He'on Gas 830 $45 asia au + a|Were dull. Scant numbers citing commons and mediums HB Oil G pr 250 $61. 61 61 --'a\veal calves traded actively at)<9-40. Replacement cattle: Good oma $24 23% 24 + 14 firm prices. | 1143 $68% 68% ol RB see 4 4 __y,\under pressure and replacement|stock calves 31-33; good stock Ind Accept 870 $19% 19% 19% + Ye \cattle traded actively at steady|heifer calves 25-27; commons'13 per cent. increase from the * |prices. Hog prices were higher|and mediums 20-26. Calves 1,872: On offer this} week 1,900; last week 3,188; to} Slaughter cattle 8,608: Onjdate 1967 104,761; to date 1966 nt Url SS HO 7 B= Mh offer this week 8,700; last week|114,696; this week last year 2,- Intpr Pipe 325 $2234 22% 22%4--Ww/10,917; to date 1967 441,757; to/467; int Five ¥ 200 $11 Wa 14 ldate 1966 468,787; this week last odd sales to 45; good 32-26; me- 14 544 S44 lyear 9,162; choice steers 29-30|diums 25-31; commons 22-25; 750 $5: 2132 305 300 305 +8 | with sales to 32.40; good 27.50-|boners 18-21, 200 345 345 34! 210 $33% 33% 33% , 500 $114 11% 114+ and lamb prices were unevenly 10 | Sieve las 13% + | lower to steady. 50 200 $7 1000 $i4 13% 13% Slater 6 pr 225 $15' 15% 15\2 355 $24% 244 UW+% Cy Radio S85 $3934 39a 3914 42 = 1 | Texaco 310 $32 32 32 + Re ee ee ta aad 11035 $138 13'2 13% SS eee ie | creders A! NTT Sa 8Vy AVe 120 $19% 19! Trader Ap 445 $22 2134 21% Tr Can PL 150 $26%-- 26% 26% + Vo 855 $31¥2 3 Tr Can Pl p 75 $45% 45% 45% 300 $20'4 2 Tr Can Pw 7235 710 690 690 100 $8%4 83% 8% Trans PPL 600 $9 8% 9 Mrphy Pr 35 $262 262 26Va Tru-Wall 100 220 220 220 200 $16% 16% 16% Union Ol 830 $52 51% S13 U orp B 215 $13' 13¥2 13% Un Wburn 7233 $7%e 7% 7% Un Wbn wt 100 485 485 485 +" U_ Sections 100 $6%4 6% 6% 106 $97 97% e+ Ve -- 6% 64+% Sales to V1 a.m: 734,000 100 $1034 1034 1034+ % sphieiasaiedsataias 760 $135e 135% 13% | FOREIGN TRADING A 225 $11%@ = 1156411% C Ind Gas 233 $122 1214 124 200 $10 10 Wy -- 4%) Leitch 100 $10% 10% 10'%2-- % 750 $244 244 2a Opemiska 200 10 10 0 --% ; Ranger Oil 500 550 S50 550 +60 | Applications are invited frdm persons having quali- fications similar or equal to: The successtut applicant will be offered a starting salary commensurate with ability and experience above: average fringe benefits, regular salary re- views and the opportunity' to grow in an expanding industry. Submit resume in strictest confidence to: PRODUCTIVITY STATIC | Dominion Bureau of Statistics figures show there has been no increase in Canadian productiv- ity for a year, George Hees (PC --Northumberland) told the/ Commons in Ottawa Thursday. | He asked for a government) statement saying what is being Mathews Conveyor Company, A Subsidiary of Rex Chainbelt Inc. INTERMEDIATE METHODS AND TIME STUDY A three year apprenticeship or equivalent training in general shop practice, and Technical training in Mechanical or In- dustrial Engineering equal to three year Ryerson or Ordinary National Certificate, and At least two years practical Methods and Time Study experience, entailing some jig and tooling design for short run manu- facture. Personnel Manager Ltd. P.O. Box 9 Port Hope, Ontario done to change the situation. WEEKLY LIVESTOCK 200 $17¥ 1'a 174+) TORONTO (CP) -- Good and{28.50; mediums 24-27; commons B 250 $16 164 164 Simpson $ 100 $24' 24ve 24\a + Se offer this week 1,750; last week 7 ' Stater Sti 1535 $10ve 954 10% + % 19.416: to date 1967 64,092; to|434-5 per cent ML! Gerd 50 $66 KC date 1966 67,772; this week last lis 277 $1S%e 157% 2) Steel Can 588° $20% 20% 20% + Ye year 1,403; good handyweight|the 91-day bills closing at 5.46 lambs 24-25.50; lights to 30;|per cent and the 182-day bills at 5.65 per cent. jinsurance policies, and spokes- plan operating across Canada By ARCH MacKENZIE WASHINGTON (CP)--Presi- dent Johnson is losing a defence secretary and gaining a compet- itor for the Democratic party )presidential nomination next year. Neither development seems likely to benefit his faltering po- litical fortunes. Not right away, at least. As had been forecast, Senator Eugene McCarthy of Mi ita, The main question is why right now? As James Reston of Washington 'tends as usual to its normal view of the presi- dent, namely, when in doubt, look for the hidden political mo- McNamara, McCarthy Seen Thwarting LBJ Policies No one, including Senator McCarthy himself, seems to re- lthe New York Times: observes,|/gard the Minnesotan as a seri- ous threat personally to John- son. Rather, it is the forces he may help coalesce. These would be the elements tive." : dissenting against the war and By such reckoning, Mc-|the adverse impact on domestic Namara is a political liability: He is bone-tired after nearly seven years in office, has made affairs from that war. o McCarthysaid Thursday «it; political ies in Congress,| would be no "great disaster" if a firm critic of the Johnson mil- jitancy on Vietnam, unveiled |himself Thursday as a presiden- tial challenger. McCarthy said@his decision had been "strengthened by re- cent announcements , plans for continued escalation and intensification of the war in |Vietnam and by the absence of any positive indications or suggestions for a compromise or negotiated political settle- |ment." The president's motives are being questioned in the shift of Defence Secretary Robert McNamara to the presidency of the World Bank, possibly early next year. : guessed wrong at times about the war; he may have lost his stomach for it, as revealed in differences with the military joint chiefs of staff--differences which he, the president and the Senator Robert Kennedy emerged finally as the 1968 can- didate. But he denies being a stalking horse for the brother of the late) presid On the record he is chiefs insist have been minor. On the other hand, there is a no intimate of the Kennedys. Neither, says McCarthy, does realization that the president|he seek to be a spoiler or "any felt McNamara really wanted great threat t DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS common 7 cents, Dec. 28, record Dec. 15, Kilembe Copper Cobalt Ltd., common 15 cents, Dec. 29, rec- Niagara Wire Weaving Com- any Ltd., common 20 cents. plus 20 cents extra, Jan. 2, rec- ord Dec. 8; class B 20 cents plus 20 cents extra, Jan. 2, rec- t) Ontario Steel Products Com- common 25 cents plus 30 cents extra, Feb. 15, rec- St, Lawrence Corporation Ltd., common 25 cents, Feb. 1, record Jan.'2; 1.25 pref., Jan. 25, record Dec. 22. The Dominion of Canada Gen- feral Insurance Company, 25_ cents, Jan, 15, record Dec. 29. PRODUCE - | TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale o the unity and/to retail carton eggs average out and felt he owed him so|strength of the Democratic| weighted prices quoted by the much for such prolonged serv- party." ice that he could not stand in| In the weeks ahead, the kind his way. land extent of backing he draws : Inevitably, partly because may have a lot to do with the| Eggs: Wholesale prices to of bad public relations in the re-| Pressures that can be applied to/ country stations fibre cases quot- tirement announcement, change spurs expectations of a/th 'tougher military effort. MONTREAL (CP) -- About 300 Canadian insurance compa- nies are expanding a new sys- tem of sharing the profits or losses of high risk automobile men say they hope to have the by Jan. 1. 'a central insurance pool, to be jealled '"'the facility,"' which TORONTO (CP) -- The Bank,would give policies to any of Nova Scotia had net profit of|clients referred to the pool by $12,909,768 or 86 cents a share|member companies. The "facili- | Increase The new system would create Shares Profits And Losses insurance policies for the same ada Insurance Federation sjid| Ontario since last Sept. 15, is| Central Insurance Pool |clarify the issues-- ay | jact in reverse, encouraging |Johnson to go ahead as he has} so far despite criticism from| Butter prices: those who prefer a scaled-down war effort and more efforts to {negotiate with North Vietnam. the|President Johnson's conduct 0! e war. To that extent it will) and it may; department of agriculture as of |Thursday: A large 45.9; A me- {dium 40.1; A small 29.4, ed by a committee of wholesale extra large 40; large 39; medium 34-35; small 22-24; B 27-28; C 20. Canadian Commission tenderable- carlots buying 39 score 62; buy- ling 40 score 63; selling 63. ty" would only cancel policies for two reasons--non-payment of premiums and suspension of a driver's licence or registra- tion. In the United States, about 400 insurance companies announced Wednesday they had decided to limit cancellation of automobile reasons. A spokesman for the All-Can-| the Canadian plan, in effect in |for the year ended Oct. 31 com-| d with $11,700,301 or 78| }cents the preceding year. A statement |bank today said total assets in- lcreased 12 per cent to $4,- from $3,680,687,989 'On Exchange |138,719,179 +4. |the previous year. Total revenue increased to|in moderate trading on the To- |$247,823,977 from $213,944,980|ronto Stock Exchange Thurs- while expenses rose to $212,-/qay. Only golds rallied. 814,209 from $184,476,789. l-¢ Loans of $2,800,000,000 were an increase of 15 per cent from the previous year. also held $593,054,941 in Cana- dian government and other se- curities, about $52,000,000 more than in 1966. dated Bathurst 1% to 24% and Dominion Textile 1 to 1744. declined 1% each to 123% and 24 and Bell Telephone, Stelco and {Royal Bank % each to 45, 15% and 2014, respectively. and Robin-Nodwell Manufactur- ing 35 cents to 2.25 on a 19,000- previous year. share turnover. choice vealers 37-40 with], 341 York a 107 Lae Sect, \av'w 400 sisva isis, «=; -(158; grade A 28,10-30.05; heavy A 30 36% 6M 6% Shell Can' 480 $31" 31% 22+ M sows 18.05-18.70; stags 13.20;/the 51%-per-cent Dec. 15, 1969, 100 $670 6% Sla-- Ve, SPOR SOV Te oe oo #0 boars liveweight 10.55. f Lob Co pr 50 $3994 394 M+ MA) Siiverwd A 225 $14%4 143% 14% | Sh d lamb: 150 $614 614 6M Simpsons 100 $34% 34% 3434 Sheep and lambs 1,686: On 1% to 78 and Rio Algom 1 to 3414. Granisle advanced 90 cents to 9.83 and Consolidated Marben- TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana- e or Mines 60 cents to 4.10. dian bond market was off % point in quiet trading Thursday. Long-term Canada and prov- _ jincials were down 44 point with Hogs 10,056: On offer this|the 414-per-cent ate 280 SI1'2 M1! 114 | 10:40 wet |week 10,700; last week 11,508; to ee Ie ee ee ae Stock Sales. High Low a.m. Ch'ge date 1967 477,988; to date 1966 413,415; this week last year 10,- gained 1 to 24, Dome Mines % to 5244 and Giant Yellowknife 70 cents to 8.40. issue closing at 80% bid and! 801% asked. Short-term Government Canada bonds fell 5 cents with to 161.60, base metals 1.21 to 104.04 and western oils .83 to 218.47. Golds gained 3.23 to 178.45. issue closing at 99.10 bid and 99.25 asked. compared with 3,058,000 Day-to-day money traded at) Wednesday. compared with 3,058,000 Wednesday. Declines outnum- bered advances 308 to 167 while Treasury bills were up with Golds Rally TORONTO (CP) -- Prices fell CPR fell 1% to 60, Consoli- Inco and MacMillan Bloedel In base metals, Denison fell In golds, Campbell Red Lake On index, industrials fell 1.26 Volume was 2,961,000 shares Volume was 2,961,000 shares Gift Won't Be rare, to otk Sete ar ree ea ae re © KING ST. E., BOWMANVILLE Rambler--American--Rebel--Ambussador--Javelin "NOBODY UNDERSELLS TRENT" 230 issues remained unchanged. ' Says... The Most Wonderful Under The Tree! ! @ You can make this the happiest Christmas ever -- just by doing what you've been waiting to do for a long time. . . BRING HOME A '68 FROM TRENT The Home of... JAVELIN --- AMBASSADOR -- REBEL and AMERICAN RAMBLER expanding across Canada. present insurance system clients who are considered rela- tively high risks are assigned to pay damage awards for clients they might have rejected on a non-assigned basis. offer accident liability policies of up to $100,000, and full colli-| sion coverage. er with four traffic violations or three accidents, the collision policy -could be cancelled, and liability coverage reduced to a maximum of $35,000. _ ' He added that under the diffrent companies on a rota- tion basis. Four per cent of all Canadian drivers were insured on this as- signed-risk basis, and several small companies have had to The facility is expected to However, in the case of a driv- Une of the finest | Canadian whiskies this country has ever tasted'-by ciLsey's s Ask for One of these Santa's Dan Kearney Weldon Brown Kevin Chipman Seeeseecsoescoeccesceesees? OOOO yy AMERICAN MOTORS AUTO SALES LIMITED a Cascade 40 _ electric water heater _ benefits every member of the family The fellow above may be man's best friend. But the Cascade 40 wins the ladies' hearts. The reason? Cascade 40 has two heating elements. The lower element provides abundant hot water for normal use. The upper element surges into action when demands for hot water are unusually heavy. So there's always hot water for any size job: from dachshunds to diapers. Handy appliance, the Cascade 40, You can wash one dog, or a dozen, and never feel the bite. live better electrically OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION "| 100 SIMCOE ST. S. -- PHONE 723-4623 4 "% HENRY "JULIET: JONES: ----- - MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA .MUGGS AND SKEETER os "THIS TRICK GADGET'S FOR WINTER. | MISS CHANEY TELLS ME YOU'RE SUFFERING WHAT HAPPENED, BUBBA? ay

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