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Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Dec 1967, p. 21

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Dec, 28, record Dec. 15. mhe Copper Cobalt Ltd., on 15 cents, Dec. 29, rec- ec. 12. ara Wire Weaving Com- Ltd., common 20 cents 0 cents extra, Jan. 2, rec- DIVIDENDS gba TO} |(yOu LIKE) IT's A BIG GyP? f THE CANADIAN PRESS DO = Sei Bee IT? IVE BEEN THE! BUZ Friday, December 1, 1967 23 NEVER SEEN YOU 0 A YEAR AND inex Ltd., common 7 YOU IN SCHOOL? $9 TO ITED : fs SURROUNDED FROGMEN, BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) BIDDING QUIZ BUZ SAWYER 2 5 = CJ "3 ec. 8; class B 20 cents You are South, neither side 0 cents extra, Jan. 2, rec- DOWN- vulnerable. The bidding has ec, 8. 'i WARD. A been: ts Com- if rio Steel Produc Sy Lem E , re North Bast South West Ltd., common 25 cents ) cents extra, Feb. 15, rec- 19 Dble f in, 15 ; HOW ABOUT A PAIR OF i Tame 1FFIN t : - » Lawrence Corporation THESE Oren OAICING HIM *REAL Bay, SHER: NA Wo 5 TA We Baxter What would you bid now with -ommon 25 cents, Feb. 1, WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH, HUNDRED REWARD OK 5 N <SIGNEP BY THE | [each of the following seven } Jan,'2; 1.25 pref., Jan. OF FINCH? Bie Net. jel! ord Dec. 22. E s / ' OR, 1.48 @AI843 9972 Dominion of Canada Gen- CAN . /y 7 7 BAD Si 2. 753 W068 ge, p80 Insurance Company, 25_ e ; 3. @KQO73 WBS O48 497% Jan. 15, record Dec. 29. PRODUCE - ONTO (CP) -- Wholesale ail carton eggs average ed prices quoted by the ment of agriculture as of jay: A large 45.9; A me- 0.1; A small 29.4. ;; Wholesale prices to y stations fibre cases quot- a committee of wholesale lealers: extra large 40; 39; medium 34-35; small B 27-28; C 20. er prices: Canadian Commission tenderable ; buying 39 score 62; buy- score 63; selling 63. 4. MA82 YQEL SAIS ¥8742 5. M954 10 $842 ZAQTEDS | 6. 842 Y73 $963 gAQ87S | 7 @QU5 IT 9943 gkMs 1. Three hearts. The usual rules that govern a response -- when partner opens the bidding and the next player passes -- are suspended when an oppon- ent intervenes with a double. Thus, the mention of a new [ onvon suit is not forcing, which it THANKS TOMES. M | would be if your right-hand op- ' TLL GET COLD "| |ponent had passed. Similarly, CHILLS EVERY most other bids are not treated MOTHER'S as forcing. The usual way of » DAY! showing strength after a double is by a redouble, indicating 10 or more points. In the present case the three heart bid is preemptive. The opener is not required to bid again, and does so only with values clearly above a mini- mum opening bid 2. Two hearts. This shows a relatively weak hand with heart support. Of course, the raise to two hearts indicates less all- around strength than a raise to three hearts 3. One spade. This bid over a double may be based on any- where from 0 to 9 high-card jpoints. It is not forcing. The bid is made for tactical reasons -- so that partner will know im- S| mediately that facing him is a spade hand with less than aver- age high-card strength. 4. Redouble. This tells part- ner that you have at least 10 points. A redouble may be |based on offensive or defensive strength, or a combination of the two. Usually the opener JANE ARDEN ( THE FINICASAURUS HAS STOPPED ITS HIDEOUS CACKLING, MEANING iT HAS. SELECTED ITS-£R-DINNER J' IT CIRCLES THE CROWD, AND THEN POISES ))~ FOR THE FATAL SWOOP // » he GO AHEAD AND PULLTHE TRIGGER, MRS. MURKLEY... -- AND HELD US HERE | WITH AN EMPTY. PISTOL, CORRIGAN } WHY COULON'T MY SONSHAVE NERVE LIKETHAT? WHY WAST CURSED | WITH FUMBLING INCOMPETENTS? / AWAY! JUST | DON'T LOCK ME \ UP WITH THOSE S FATHEADS! SECRET AGENT X9 NOW IS THE TIME TO CASH IN ON THE SAVINGS ! YOUR PRESENT CAR MIGHT NOT LAST THROUGH WINTER! 966 KING W. = 723-4634 SEE US TODAY ! THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS 1967 DEMONSTRATOR vv' 0 / ! i V//\4S 46 Y you will have to get along with./annoyance continues, that's il, don't just gree pry bce Wi Specifically, your jaw trouble|time enough. to check with the hay Touché' ind go a @ doctor)" 46, Infrequent ds like something that|doctor for some other vaginall might do damage unless correct-' disorder. 2 rs) ' does not speak again until the oy eras 2ee,,ji\]| TELEVISION LOG HUBERT Sy oie AN? GET MARRIBD THERE FIRST THING YOu LL i hand he has. AINE 10 LEARN? ye i oe ll n-teody rm [ We REALLY MUST Brass) eee aoe ae sites a papal 4: is » aoe is Channel 3--Barri Movie --Hobby ie e § § . : Gan sButtale eo prayed ; TOGETHER MORE f AT FR HOUSE WHEN | |that lacks the values for a re- z 4--Movie #-2--Samson and Gollah WE GOT CAUGHT IN s >} | Channel 6~Toronto Movie 7---Journey ; double. finest 3] | channet_ 7--Buttalo a ha iis Kal THAT SUDDEN STORM! 6. Pass. The clubs are not | | Shannet_ 8--Rochester 11--Dragnet : €2--Birdman good enough to bid, and there a Channel 9--Toronto bart i Pilon Lape st Cup Special is no good reason for any call this country { ieee i cdo | 2 Accidental Family To Moby Dick other than a pass, If it turns Paes | 8 ace oe | 19:00 P.M, 3-6-12--Military Tatoo out. that partner has an excep- % W--Merv. Griffi i - by cieeys A) emo, vane | tv" yl 0 nse sd ha be 8} | 12---Rocky and' His 28--NBC News Special | g--eciguce Senne 7Unale next opportunity, in which case $--Skipper Sam PP yy x ant Sud "| | n--balsies 234678012 Ne | <a we can show our modest values. oO" Mr. Ed. | "Weather, Sports" a--Ant-squirrel For the moment, though, pass 7--Flintstones | 11.10 PM, aes wa action .. best, ma ' | 11--Pierre Berton 6--Footb: . One notrump. ir values I'M GOING ToL oouy! con 11:20 P.M, F--Certoon Playhouse are just short of a redouble, and Corr, HENRY ! J y | saints Oe ak ee the best way of showing them is w ied --| nes ? Mm, \--Accidental Family é--News, Weather 2-8--Top Cat by a voluntary bid of one no $--Truth or Conse- Sports 12:38 P.M. trump, In general, the notrumg i pguences uote P.M. 1--Outdoors Uniimited indicates 8 or 9 high-card pointé ig éLet's Go 4--Movi poll edi ha and balanced distribution~ ? 2-Of Lands ene Seas 28--Jonnny Carson BP a Wee Cup which is exactly what we have. ect ) 11:38 PLM. Footbal! could sf at i 6:00 PLM, : M. : A pass col ea Oo an une 12--News, Weather, 3--Movie | 2-8--Cool McCool a { Wen vit 11:40 PM, 1:00 PAM. comfortable and difficult prob- --Pierre Berton 12--Movie 11--Gadabout Gaddis lém later on. ia $--How's Business? 11--Movie 8--Super Six H 7--Movie 9--Perry's Probe 4--Rural Review i 4--Sports Magazine 11:45 PLM, 2--Upbeat i 'i pa oct Weather, é-Mevie seach C a ette tJ H Hy MM, a wee P.M. siden' des 7--NCAA Pre-Game 1g I Topetticoat vunction SATURDAY 1--Wrestiing ne My 7 eatin rumor | tet ee Prices Rise Sports Hk 7. F | ARNOL \ 11--Schnitzei House College Football BENEDICT D x Peat tley-Brink! &--Davey and Gollath 4--Roadrunner Ne | WASN'T IN LOVE WITH \ \ ' "yA fara 7--Spider Man 2:0 PM, MONTREAL (CP) -- Impe aA ae cue pe. : 4 YOU. HE PROBABLY News 4--Captain Kangaree 8--Movie 1 Tobacco Co, Ltd ed See fe eel) ie 8a B\ WOULDN'T HAVE CARED \ wetertziae Me #-Clutch Cars 4--Forest_ Rangers Ret [cial Ronacce Co sy ee + | anol Ticoe 1 Bam \ IF YOU LIVED OR DIED, I y 9--Off 10 See the Wierd | 44 7h AM: pape ov head rouse he Sitpane uaa oe im | FALSE, DELMONICO? ' : cori. | 2"Cartoon Playhouse -- | 11--Moment ot rut talons. 106; taiilasler Slane ta " f : 4--Pesple Are Funny ee 4--Littiest Hebe YOUR HEALTH mies," to take effect Dec % 3-V te 3:00 PLM. 5, , re z COMMISSIONER SNews, "Weather Hercules ion : 1967. 2 Baa ease fl war - sae scat a 0 Of P s : Regular-length cigarettes will rt '| 120 PLM. : Ke 3:38 PLM, i af Es DON'T BOTHER 7--News, Weather, sper | G--pew Generation 11--Spetlignt unce revention not be =~ the announce hay LYING. A SIMPLE 7: PLM. 2--Mr. Magee 8&--Something Special i , ment said. : ia) PHYSICAL EXAM TOW to See the Wizard | 9:98 AM, none ee LP It said the increase could --Ra 'atr --| i 2 S . Ss wil Wild Vase 4-Herculolds Qoatler a Worth Pound Of Cure ME orgies wrecd prices by ae -- ees o-- Tarzan Dick Tracy 4-Film Shorts or ing-size cigarettes, an F PATRIOT COMPARED 4:00 PLM. 9:45 ALM. 3-6-12--Water Polo 2 ' Fy by four cents for 20 extra-long a FAS SANT) 11--My Three Sons 3-6-12--Grey Cup. 2--Wrestling By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD y sit cigarettes 9--Movi P. : g S. : : eMGet Smart seer pent ne Menace |, Dear Dr. Molner: My jaw hasjed, It ts quite possible, perhaps| The company said the adjust. 6:30 PAM, N--Ed Allen 9--Stingray been going out of place on thelyery probable, that your teeth{ment would bring selling prices : N--Rug. tor Your Life 2 Grey, Cup, Parade # Adventures In ie I ple several bad) are throwing your jaw out of more into line with production j IVE GOT TO GO T--Hondo 7--Popeye, Gumby 7--Buffalo Bills teeth, especially my jaw teeth,/ alignment, but suitable dental|costs ; i OUTSIDE AND { 4--Gomer Pyle, USMC 4--Shazzan Highlights : and all four wisdom teeth. One} care can correct that Antonio Toledo, president of ; ekpes ts LOA? IT1/] & ee a ee aan sd percha Micnaiied wisdom tooth on the right side] Without medical (or dental)|Benson and Hedges Canada Ba gerd Pr } CR Ss broke off and the gum has/attention, the misalignment can|Ltd., said his ee gee is . WINTER. ; : grown over. ss be expected to grow worse. The|"'studying the situation" and ex- eS oe \ 2 0 WORD I haven't visited a doctor)capsule of the jaw joint may|pects to make a decision before eS = about my 'jaw as I've heardjwell be damaged. Pressures|the end of the week. = 7 : there is nothing they can do,| may develop in such a way as| Spokesmen for MacDonald co ACROSS DOWN 13, Keeps and also that my bad teeth are/to impair your hearing. The|Tobacco Ltd. has no comment. be 1, Disarray 1, Girl's 16. False- causing my jaw trouble. The wobbly jaw, besides being an-| In Toronto, officials of Roth- bal 5, Father name hood jaw goes out of place if I try to! noying, may become painful. |mans of Pall Mall said they i] | 9, Indigo 2. Cosmos 22, Excla- extend the lower jaw forward or .] venture the opinion that alwould probably make no deci- S 10. Intimi- 8. Comedian mation to the right. Can anything be|great deal can be done to help|sion on a price increase before = 11 rend 4 Pend eee done about it, or is it serious?) you, and the sooner the better.|the end of the day. ; 2, ae 5. ply cn seated: --F.M.F, Go to your physician if youJ------ 14.Bulgarian 6. Bearded "use ot [OPE favo You, sir, are victim of a no-|choose; he can help decide how CHILLING EDICT BIUIRIMIA 6 tion which causes a good deal of|serious your trouble is likely to} ox A CITY (A i sae fore Nene (26) mitt BSE Bag troubl t f the| be. But in a case of this sort rigger ary he) 4 w AFTER LOS N 15. Other- is 28. Traps ™ | trouble~staying away from the) be. Out in os S sortisome city employees here may Ne ERT ed AFTER ee eee DA ae Chavictts. 98 Severe Yesterday's Answer | doctor because you've '"'heard"\you may save time and money have cold feet this winter, City NK rm ee aes ry 17. Sun god town: age that this or that trouble cannot by going directly to your den-lyjanager Robert Oldiand has ise (a5 18. Lager abbr. 30. East 85. Past be treated effectively. | tist. sued an economy order require 19. Mottled, 8. Confine Indian 40. Swindle Too many people stay away) j ing employees to kill the motors Ps (A asahorse 11. Cotton sailor 42, Candle- from the physician or dentist; Dear Dr. Molner: Your book-|in'city.owned cars when stopped ? 20. Gypsy state: 32. Correct nut until the trouble, whatever it is,| let on pinworm said that in girls for any length of time. Drivers Mah atte, St. Concise ___treo__--_ becomes sp. severe that they and women, frequently ragins|yho ide engine to Keep heater V7 Te Ts 14 eT? 16 have to ask for help. Too often ' h ; 'Iwarm will be reported to de- er J WV Y WY they learn that treatment would|ital_ inflammation can Pig p. riment heads for "corrective 28: Con Y 5 Y 7) Y have been simpler if they had| from the pinworm infesta ion. action." . Congeal teen 4 tmac; However, it did not mention 24. Hasten 0, /, /} received it sooner. Sometimes} r : . _|what treatment is indicated in 26. Emmets u Ysa (by there has, by then, been dam leno a cage, t have heard other QUEENIE i e that is beyond repair. Beck per ae hi a 14 YG ie Yu sa z bev " se A | Mothers wonder about the same soccer soe 31, Virginium: V7, V, apis just fy var et trooi: |thing. Should you see a doctor ' : La ee : is there some simple home 32 wid ie Gy" Yr Infections, digestive problems, |trectment*-Mre RT » Wile om DTV, ear ailments, skin disorders--all aN Wrebda: 21 [22 7/7) % The pinworm breeds in the eet ee shee ALL} VW sorts of troubles ne allowed tol intestinal tract and that is ba 36, Elevated 24 jas YYU progress needlessly. where it must be controlled. Es 37, Charts LA Y) MUST DIAGNOSE bees worms can sneak into the td 38. Military di Yona a ia V7 While treating, and if possible| vaginal tract and cause irrita- =| unit: 4 rj i i ition because the female anat- M rT V7Ase V7Ase ise Bs curing, ailments is a major re- : : " be abbr. YG WY sponsibility of your doctor, do| omy makes that area easily ac- 39. Gambler = Sa Sse not lose sight of the fact that|cessible to them. =} 41. UAR Y : WY) one of the important services of} Ordinarily the vaginal trouble | 4" -- FT) or) wire a physician is to diagnose ail-|readily subsides once the pin- 44. Back th 14) ments and then tell you whether| worms have been cleared from va Olav tae coy WY 44 y they can be treated effectively| the intestinal tract. If, after pin- s ment vias VY, Vi UY, or whether they are something} worm treatment, «the vaginal i=) r] A 9 % se omer =

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