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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Dec 1967, p. 9

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[CMECHAN ckey AT'S FIGHTS )CIATED PRESS 'Danny Perez, n, stopped Jimmy Toronto, 6. Hassen, . Algiers, nato Galli, Italy, 1 'Oo Mazzinghi, knocked out Jo France, 4. Maz- European Junior itle, Eduardo ina, stopped Beni- aly, 7. Heavy- istmas MACHINES $49.50 ns -- Service 'E ELNA 3 CENTRE W. -- Oshawe lockey DAY, Ord P.M. put and the a S j s 5 OF $ 'AM JRSDAY -ADIES' -T CLASSES ~ 10:30 A.M, ond a -- 19:30 AM. , Juniors, and y Juniors, HILDREN ors, Aword of URDAY - 11:00 A.M. REN ONLY zed = Swimming tal) Girls - 12:00 A.M. ys, Girls, OUTDOORS By Bill Owens Times Outdoor Writer ANY DAY NOW we can ex- pect a real cold snap and our district lakes and streams will be covered with ice. The hardy winter fisherman awaits this with great expec- tations because a good thick- ness of ice means the begin- ning of fishing through the ice. But there are other as- pects of ice that need to be considered, the most impor- tant of which is its thickness, for upon this depends the safety of the fisherman. In most cases, we depend on low temperatures to form the ice which eventually allows the fishing. THERE IS MORE to the formation of ice, however, and generally speaking little is known about it. For ex- ample, neither the look of the ice, the daily temperature, or whether the ice is covered with snow can be considered reliable indications of ice strength. These points, plus water depth under the ice, surface size of the body of water, water chemistry, local climatic conditions and the distribution of any load placed on the ice, all govern its strength. AS A RULE, new ice is stronger than old ice and ice that is formed by direct freez- ing of lake or stream water is stronger than ice formed by melting snow. New ice is also stronger than re-frozen ice or ice that is made when water bubbles up through cracks and then freezes on the surface, Putting it an- other way, clear, new ice is usually stronger than ice clouded with air bubbles. OF UTMOST INTEREST to {ce fishermen is that leaving a car on the ice in one spot tends to weaken the ice. You should alternate the parking of your car so that the ice can have time to regain its normal shape and position. This becomes apparent when one learns that when a car is parked on ice a foot thick, it depresses the ice about one inch in a saucer shaped area about two hundred feet in diameter. Add more cars clustered together in a small area and this compounds the condition even more, In fact, if you add enough cars to the area, the ice will reach the point where it will not bend anymore, it will break. WHEN DRIVING CARS, snowmobiles or air sleds across ice that has been cracked and re-frozen, it is best to cross the cracks at right angles and under no con- dition park your car near a crack in the ice, Drive slowly except when over shallow water and keep lots of space between vehicles. Ice along the shore is often broken up and re-frozen during the win- ter because of constant buck- ling action of the ice on the lake. This kind of ice is al- ways weaker than freshly frozen ice. IF YOU DRIVE on ice, seat belts should be left unfasten- ed, windows open and you should be ready to evacuate your car at any moment. Un- less long distances are in- volved and you are absolutely sure of the condition of the ice, you will be much better off to leave your car on shore and walk out to your fishing spot. You will at least be sure of transportation home and you will be much safer. HERE AND THERE -- Two inches of ice will support a person on foot. Three inches will support a group in single file and seven and a 'half inches thick will support a two-ton car... IT IS DEF- INITE that in less than a hundred years, man_ has changed lakes from youth to an old age, which under nor- mal conditions, would have taken many centuries. The reason, of course, is pollution ... AN HISTORIC PLAQUE has been erected by the De- partment of Lands and For- ests marking the site of a salmon hatchery on Wilmot creek, at Newcastle ... BE- ING A GOOD _ sportsman means abiding with all known laws, It requires a conscience, backed with proper conduct. Wings Defeat Flyers 3-1 Rangers Down Marlies 7-4 By THE CANADIAN PRESS In sports, the lucky break is often the product of hard work. Hamilton Red Wings proved that Friday night when they tled and outshot the first-place Flyers 38-20--on Niagara Falls fce--and their three goals, all scored by Dan Lawson, were of the fluke variety. In other games of the Ontario Hockey Association Junior A se- ries, Kitchener Rangers trounced Toronto Marlboros 7-4 while London Natio: ind Pe- terborough Petes played to a 4-4 draw. Lawson's firts goal bounced into the net off goalie Phil Myre's pads. His second game as he stood by the side of Myre's net. A puck fired 50 feet by Renald Leclerc bounced off Lawson's body into the net. The third was scored into an empty net after Flyers had) pulled Myre for a sixth attacker late in the game. FLYERS STILL LEAD Gary Swain scored for the Flyers, who have a_ six-point lead over Kitchener and Hamil- ton, tied for second with 24 points each. In Kitchener, the Rangers turned on the power in. the third period and scored five goals in five minutes before 5,652 cheer- ing fans. Cam Crosby scored twice for the Rangers who also got goals from Jack Egers, Don Luce, | DANNY LAWSON | . . three goals jers were Rick Jordan, |B arrett, John Wright and Rich| Bayes. The Nationals, playing at before settling for a tie. London scorers were Sam Gellard, Brian Murphy, and Brian Chinnick. Paul Grill scored three goals for Peterborough. Trevor Conn added the fourth. The common American bear may be cinnamon, chocolate brown or black in color but all, Dennis Dupere, Walter Tkaczuk and Ken Johnson. Toronto scor- correctly speaking, bears. tion. 1200' alt. 2000 max. 3. We bulldozed every slope wi and Fri, SKI SCHOOL & OPEN HOUSE Dee. 3rd. 10% Why Dagmar Ski Club? 1. Short distenee: 16 miles from Oshawa 2. Highest eltitude in South Ontario assures good snow condi- 4. Almost doubled the lift capacities. 5. New road to the bottom and parkina for 250 cars, 6.. New Club House on bottom with Cafeteria and Rental Shop. 7. Open 5 days « week weather permitting, Night Skling Wed. Cali us eqliect for information on up te the minute snow eonditions, Phone Claremont 649-5951. Use Hwy. 12 North te Myrtle and turn West follow the signs. membership purchased on Dee. 3rd. Skiing This Season ? COME TO DAGMAR SKI CLUB NEW MEMBERSHIP NOW AVAILABLE run, 220 vertical drop. der for beginners to experts. RENTAL SHOP DISCOUNT from every new home, came from behind twice | are black MAYOR ERNEST MARKS PRESENTS CITY PLAQUE TO OTTAWA CAPTAIN CECIL FIELDS .--Ottawa And Oshawa Firefighters Tied 7-7 In Muscular Dystrophy Game Two unanswered goals in the third period gave Ottawa Fire- fighters a 7-7 tie with Oshawa Firefighters in a benefit hockey game for muscular dystrophy victims at the Civic Auditorium lastenight. Over 1,500 fans witnessed one of the best played and most ex- citing hockey games of the sea- son at the Civic Auditorium. Both teams iced players that at one time or another have played professional, semi-pro or junior 'A' hockey. John Chasczewski, who played for Whitby Dunlops in 1958-59 and under Eddie Shore in Springfield of the American Hockey League, led the Oshawa attack with two goals and two assists. Gord Myles, who played 'with Whitby Dunlops for four years, potted two goals and added one helper while George 'Martin Leaves Security For NHL Goaltending By THE CANADIAN PRESS Seth Martin was perfectly happy working as a fireman in British Columbia, but the 34- year-old goaltender couldn't re- sist the lure of the National Hockey League. "I had a reasonably good |job,"" the easy-going St. Louis Blues' rookie said. "I liked where I lived, liked my job and liked playing hockey. I got my kicks playing hockey, but it was secondary." Martin was a standout goal- tender on Canada's National team the last five years, but he admitted the chance to visit Eu- rope was one of the reasons he played. He says he plays hockey be- cause of what it has to offer-- not because he is obsessed with the game. That's why he didn't turn professional until this year. WAITS FO REXPANSION "Before it seemed there were more hockey players than chances. But with expansion a whole new world opened up. So I got a leave of absence from my job, If I don't make it I can go back. If I'm going to play it's going to be in the National League." Martin shares the St. Louis netminding duties with veteran Glenn Hall and with 94 games under his belt, he has a goals-a- gainst average of 2.25 a game. the team is on the road and ad- mits the NHL "is a lot tougher than I expected." "Glen gives me confidence. He tells me how guys like to shoot and how to play a certain man, but you only learn with experience and you make/mis- takes on the way." The Blues, currently flounder- ing in the cellar of the NHL's expanded Western Division, are at home tonight to Minnesota North Stars, fourth in the West. In other games, Los Angeles Kings meet the Canadiens at Montreal, Oakland Seals play the Maple Leafs at Toronto, New York Rangers are at Pitts- burgh Penguins and Chicago Black Hawks take on the red- hot Boston Bruins. Sunday, Montreal is in Bos- ton, Los Angeles at New York, Pittsburgh in Detroit against the Red Wings, Minnesota visits Chicago and St. Louis goes to Philadelphia. SURPRISING BRUINS But the big game tonight is the Chicago-Boston clash. The surprising Bruins are first in the Eastern Division with 28 points and Chicago, after a dis- mal start, has moved into fourth place with 23 points. Boston's success can be summed up in three words-- Bucyk, Stanfield, McKenzie. The go-go line of John Bucyk, Martin rooms with Hall when Fred Stanfield and Johnny Vail, perhaps the best looking THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, December 2, 1967 Ken Courtney and Bob Collins shared goaltending duties for Oshawa while Serg Villemaire played the entire game in the nets for the visitors. | Referee John Zudick handed| out seven minor penalties to each team. the game and didn't spare any- | thing when checking. A few special added attrac- tions to the game were the ap- pearance of the Oshawa Cuties,| who put on a 'skating display,'| a few words by Don Jackson, for a couple of weeks due to a) supplied by Ontario Regimental} Band of Oshawa. All proceeds of the game, ay: which is to be an annual affair) (Good: Oshawa And Ottawa Battle To 7-7 Draw FIRST PERIOD 1. Ottawa, Campbell man) nm). 2. Oshawa, Higgins (Bradley, ant (Myles: 4 Orhan, Vali (Bradiey) Oshawi ies ' Ottawa," Aldrich (Larock) | Penalties: Batten 8:02, Both teams played all out for#¢ Goodman (double minor) 9:20. SECOND PERIOD it came to body) re Oshawa, Chasczewskl .......+.+ Chasczewski) .. Chasczewski Ottawa, Aldrich (Morrissette, Pilon) Larock 9. Ottawa, (Morrissette) 10, Oshawa, 11. Oshawa, (Chasczewski, ' 12, Ottawa, Aldrich (Larock) Bradley 1:43, Aldrich who will be out of the ice follies |Brediey 10:45 and 0. Rlopelle 15:47. THIRD PERIOD sprained ankle, and the music| 13. Ottewa, Fields . Penaities: = ipeien) ' Myles Bradiey) " Py tind ped and Chaserewsk 1:01, Tureski 10:18 will be turned over to the mus-| cular dystrophy fund. It is hoped to have the NHL NEW WORLD PERFECTION STEPHENSON'S GARAGE @ Wheel Alignment Pooitae na e rca and Wheel Straightening ve incing. Cor 15 "CHURCH STREET Ph. 725-0522 Lee Bishop RADIATOR REPAIRS Cleaning and Recoring New end used Radietors 42 Bond St. W. 725-1633 There's More To See with... | pw NOPEN 24 HOURS A DAY BILENDUKE'S ESSO SERVICE 1004 Simcoe St. South et Wentworth Ph: -- 728-1411 3 MECHANICS TO SERVE YOU Tune-Ups - Brake bhai General eas. uote HOTEL Yonosha. Oshawa's Finest Hotel For--Parties-Scles Meetings Benquets -- Conventions Air-Conditioned Coffee Shop JOHN BEAUPRE S ESSO Open 24 Hours Daily Tune-up Specialists Hwy. Ne. 2 & Thickson Rd. Phone 725-7622 PUT A TIGER IN YOUR TANK LTD. hone 723-5278 839: Glere-Proof, Dust-Preof Pieture Tube | Simplified Coler-Quiek Tuning TRADE-IN Less hockey player on the ice also|'old tymers' as sition in HOCKEY fired two goals. Vail played for|next year's a ay y' Oshawa Generals in 1963-44 and Giikwa | STANDINGS for Niagara Falls in 1962, Gene|prasiy" rersy"' Batten, tiguins Chon. | Higgins picked up the other|czewski, Myles, Vail, Tureski, Graham, NATIONAL LEAGUE \tally for Oshawa. Potter, Hooper, Spencer, Knight, Knock: Eastern Division Hank Aldrich, who tried out|"' <2" 9n¢ Collin | W LT F A Ptiwith Toronto Marlboros but re- Ped etal ge Ricpelle prot McKenzie has scored a total of/Boston 13 5 2 75 51 28)/fused to go because he joined|bell, Watters, L. | Riopelle, Aldrich, | 27 goals--nearly one third of the Toronto 12 7 3 73 50 27|the fire department, led the Ot-|fields Lerock, Charron, Morrisette, Bruins' total output. Detroit 10 8 4 71 66 24/tawa attack with three goals,)---------H-------_----_ Dave Keon, out since Nov. 5|Chicago 9 8 5 60 67 23\Larry Larock fired two goals, with a leg injury, is expected to New York 9-8 3 58 56 2llwhile Cecile Fields and Wayne TOURING TEAM WINS | be back in the lineup tonight for| Montreal 8 9 5 51 48 21/Campbell picked up one goal} ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP) --| Toronto, but Montreal will be Western Division each. The Romanian national hockey) without the services of Jean| Phila. 10 7 4 48 47 24) Oshawa led 4-2 at end of the|team used pinpoint passing and| Beliveau, Henri Richard and|Los Angeles 10 8 3 63 66 23\first period, 7-5 after the middle| superb goaltending to defeat St. John Ferguson. Pittsburgh 9 9 3 59 53 21|stanza, but couldn't add to the|John's Capitals 7-2 in an exhibi-| § Veteran right winger Bernie| Minnesota 510 5 38 59 15|total in the third. tion game here Friday night.' Geoffrion will miss New York's|Oakland 513 5 48 6815 steers game tonight because of an in-|St. Louis 513 2 41 5412 flammation of his right heel, a Tonight's Games Ranger official said Friday. |Los Angeles at Montreal His absence will enable Ron| oakland at Toronto Attwell, a centre obtained from| New York at Pittsburgh ! St. Louis earlier this week, to Chicago at Boston make his debut with New York.| winnesota at St. Louis The Rangers also. announced Games Sunday Friday the return to their Buf-|ontreal at Boston falo American League affiliate Los Angeles at New York of defenceman Allan Hamilton) pittsburgh at Detroit 5 T y because Wayne Hillman, @ regu-|yyinnesota at Chicago ew Vista TV lar rearguard, has recovered St. Louis at Philadelphia or from a left leg injury. P "I RATERS PORT In other developments around| Ontario Junior A the NHL Friday, Pittsburgh WLtT F APt a Penguins sent defenceman Dunc|N. Falls 14 3 2 92 48 30 McCallum to their Baltimore/Kitchener 12 4 0103 56 24 farm club in the AHL and|Hamilton 11 5 2 80 47 24 COLOR TV mig = centre Murray |Montreal 11 6 1 68 60 z all to its Memphis farm club/Toronto 11 6 0 98 55 in the Central Pro League as a|London 710 2 54 75 16 se iishcasied seed sok coe Gaipaty Ves replacement for Andre Prono-|St. Cath. 711 1 67 7915 @ RCA Aatomatic Coler-Puritier sda who was promoted last/Oshawa 49 1 46 75 9 © Super-pewertul New Viste VHF Tuner week. Peterboro $12 3 58 92 9 Ottawa 115 2 3110 4 * vtec Ga The ruffed grouse is also Friday's Results | @ Space Age Clreultry known as mountain pheasant,|Hamilton 3 Niagara Falls 1 thunder bird, partridge and|Toronto 4 Kitchener 7 © Fitre-Sresttive RCA Sele Sete. UNE drummer. Peterborough 4 London 4 East Mall, 600 King Street East REESOR Fuel and Lumber Everything in Builder's Supplies, Fuels. hone 985 summer cottege needs. 5-1951 Port Perry @ . FREE DELIVERY © BOB CONSTRUCTION 728 1154 Nelson St. -- Oshewe Telep HOY 728-9493 FOOTE'S Towing Service TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE CAR and TRUCK RENTALS 103 King 8. fest | OSHAWA ee ERNE Featuring: TC-3840) pendebility. PRE-SET FINE TUNING LIGHTED CHANNEL INDICTAOR 339% storm BLACK & WHITE TV pated brag ea Piotere end sound tme edietely set TWO-SPEAKER "Golden Threat" Seund (excep? TRANSFORMER-POWERED chassis for added de- SELECTED VENEERS & HARDWOODS Victoreraft cabinetry. Guerenteed Used Ceres ROY W. NICHOLS Courtice end Bowmenville CHEVROLET, CORVAIR, OLDSMOBILE SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 728-6206 46 Yeors Serving You POLLARD' Ss HOBBIES Oshawa's Hobby Supply Centre @ PLASTIC MODELS @ FLYING MODELS @ ELECTRIC TRAINS @ RACING CARS 92 Simcoe St. North 723-9512 Fresh Up 7 up With sees You Like lt... - . « 'It Likes You SMITH Beverages LTD. 723-1011 -- Oshawa SUDDARD'S BICYCLE SHOP Golf and Fishing Equipment. FULL LINE OF €L.M. and RALEIGH BICYCLES KEYS MADE PHONE 725-3979 497 SIMCOE ST. S$. EXPERT 77 CELINA ST. " 728-5342 FOR QUALITY FURNITURE IN TRADITIONAL OR MODERN UPHOLSTERY CO. RE-UPHOLSTERING see gle REFINISHING OR NEW BY ORDER Oshawa: Whithy SPORTS Highlights TONIGH' IT HOCKEY--OHA Junior 'A' dp maparalale Canadiens vs Oshawa Gen- erals; ~ ie 5 Auditorium, -7;15-p SUNDAY, DEC, HOCKEY--OHA Hani 'B' Metre em OMA dun vs Whitby Losce Steelers; at Whitby Arena, 7:30 Lindsay vs Ajox; a Alex, 'arena, 7:30 p. at Dulee Leagee--Art's 1 ibaloich vs iineclaos at 4:00 p.m, 'ond 'Dupléte /S vs Ourtoes Supply, at 5:00 lor 'C' League-- UAW. 10:00" am. and 11:30 4. ) p.m.; both eames at Civic Audi- + Civic Auditorium, torium . . i: fed Bigiire % MONDAY, SEC. HOCKEY--GM Chevelle Leegue--nt Civie Auditorium, 11:30 a.m.... GM Office Leogue--Acadians vs Bel Airs, 8:00 p.m. and imnaigs ws 's vs Centenniols, redit Union, 72, p.m.; both games on Monzas, 9:15 p.m.; Juvenile Leegue--Ton Macdonald's ve UAW oe & heomee- Leapes=sTripleheadér; at Port Perry tori . 6:00 p.m. and Keys ~_ Guatorsn os bridge, 8: Ridges, at Ajax Arena, 8:45 p.m. Juveniles; at Whitby Arena, + 30 Bay fidoss, at A;ax Arena, 10:00 p. TUESDAY, DEC. 5 HOCKEY--OHA sei 'A pg aaa hkl Benersls. 2 et London, 8:00 OHA Junior 'B' Lokeshore Leo: Crushm: Belial, 8:30 pm... . Oshawa t 9: p.m. and Foote's pelt o Bowmanville Arena. RUMS @ + ol pm... . bekeshore League--Markham Novices _ Boy Ridges, ie ee Arena, 7:45 Pity and Markham icant vs Bay CANADIAN CONSERVATORY OF Music Studios -- Oshawa @ Whitby @ Ajex @ Bay Ridges Phone 723-0101 735 Erie St. (Oshawa) Station Pleze FREE APTITUDE TEST Now Also Teaching D ORGAN @ €.C.0.M. Principel--Dr, J, Slauson, Mus. Doe., F.A.C.M, +.» Peterb h City vs Whitby \euule ane Stou' Mille Juveniles vs en at Civil iervice pee je--Dupont vs vs Chow's( :00 p.m.; beth PIANO CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. Dry Cleaners and Shirt Launderers | @ Phone 725-3555 Phone e THIS SPACE AVAILABLE FOR YOUR ADVERTISING MESSAGE cocoate Pe Stafford Brothers Lid. MONUMENTS . » » of Distinction 668-3552 Whitby GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE Tune-ups. Licensed Mechanic Come in now and have your car checked and changed over for winter driving. PICK-UP and DELIVERY 668-4232 932 BROCK ST. N. MOSIER SHEET METAL WORK After Hours -- Residence Phone 668-5331 30 Years Experience @ INDUSTRIAL @ COMMERCIAL e@ RESIDENTIAL WHITBY @ RCA Vieter Super-Powerfal New @ Trensformer-Powered Cheesis @ Pre-Set Fine Tuning @ 'Deep Feeus" Picture Tube @ Autometic "Picture Belense" @ Solid Stete Restifiers Pieture Tube PORTABLE TY @ Space Age Solid Copper Cireultry @ Full Yeer Werrenty on el ether perts plus Liss TRADE-IN Viste Tuner RECORD PLAYERS PROM 74.95 AND UP a NEW BUDGET ACCOUNTS 'WELCOME Z NO OUTSIDE FINANCING FROM 21 MANTEL RADIO .95 AND UP ome | HOME & AUTO CENTRE 88 KING ST. W, 725- 4543

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