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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Dec 1967, p. 23

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DEC. 4th DEC. 5th - DEC. 6th Features 1 GRADE iD Cini lt -- CHOICE TYLE 00 ininididinininint ti _E WHIP Hindi tte TO SERVE : Cc s III -- CHOICE RT $].00 Ssloioioiehoioioieiel OR HAMBURGER ROUND Cindi tt \RANTEED Limit Quantities KMART PLAZA SHAWA BOWMANVILLE REE PARKING STORES LIMITED ------ a as DISARMED. .. SPEAR GUNS PROD | RWATER MISSILE LAUNCHER. 'id So IN'T GOIKY TO ys WE, ARE. YOU?, GREAT SCOTT! ARE THEY } TAKING ME ABOARD? THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, D. b Phil contacts the local authorities to take charge of Mrs.Murkley and her sons... 0 DOCTOR SAYS MR.LAZLO WILL if ONE O' TH +I CORN . \ TWINS ZF FEW DA LI'L ABNER SECRET AGENT X9 NOW IS THE TIME TO CASH IN ON THE SAVINGS ! YOUR PRESENT CAR MIGHT NOT LAST THROUGH WINTER! SEE US TODAY ! 266 KING TELEVISION LOG oe oe I Channel 2--Buffalo 11:00 A.M. 1:38 PLM, 4 Channel 3--Barrie 11--Continental Miniature | é~Movie CLEAR 9--Grey Cup Football | 3--Human Jungle BLUE .00 yj Channel 4--Buttalo &--Christopher Program | ES r Channel 6--Toronto 7--Bullwinkle 11:40 PLM, i 6--Vivre En Ce Pays 12+Under Attack '4 Channel 7--Buffalo oy wk ¥ Fa 4 Channel &--Rochester 3-6-12--Chureh Service 12:00 MIDNIGHT ( Channel %--Toronto 2--Faith For Today J--Movie { Channel 11--Hamilton ae ed AM, 12.9 AM 2--Peterboro 1--Hockey 2 Ded j i aise ata om &--Soclal Security 11--Spectrum ' 7--Discovery 67 r SATURDAY @VENING | ¢ Wilfred Pelletier MONDAY Is 6:00 PLM, 2--Youth Searches 8:08 AM. 1--Zorro 12 NOON 1--Schnitzel House 7-9--Boxing 12--Living Word 4--Captain Kangaree 4--Beat the Champ #--Bowling a kL 3-6-12--Moby Dick 7--Super comics BS Msg &--AFL Highlights é--Reach for the Top Mee a ion sc ae 5:20 PLM, 4--News, Weather, atti baal Aihus wt " ib Sports 6:55 A.M. Prsrritleng tra 3--Cathedral of To- ¥--Dialing fer Dollars, 3-6-12--Bugs_ Bunny morrow Virginia Graham 2--G.E. College Bowl 2--Movie 12:18 PM. * Las 9:00 AM. 6:00 P.M, 12--God Is the Answer | !!-12---Ed Allen Time TW---Super Herces Let's Look at Con: | P--Romper. Reem La sl gress | ae re 12-6--This Land Is Ours 12:38 P.M. pie: ite 4--News, Weather, J--Fantastic Four | Se sein stn) Space ssa lad due | --Pat Boone . 1:00 P.M. Death Valley Days 11--Installation' Ceremony 9:30 A.M. 238 P.M. 9--Spectrum 9--Cartoon Playhouse 11--Coll Hockey 8--Tom Decker and Co, 3-6-11-12--Ontario 9--Fii 310 7--Movie Schools intstones -- 7--Movie 6--Showcase 4--Love of Life 612--Sounds 68 4--NFL Pre-Game i 4--News 3--Herald of Truth 10:00 A.M. 2-1 Dream of Jeannie 1:15 PM, ies Bobby 7:00 P.M, | 12-Calvery Calls 4--Candid Camera $--Jackie Gleason | 6--Gardening 2-4--Snap Judgement Fe j | amily 1:38PM, 10:30 A.M. 4-Buffalo Round Table | 9 Question Period bbbadar | YOU JUST PULLED 4-2--Concentration PLUG ON ME $-6-12--BeverlyHill- 8--GE College Bowl Rami Gane THE . bililes 4--Pro Football | erly Hillbillies 'M WASHED UPAT a--Movie 3-6-12--Country Calendar Friendly Giant THE RIPE OLD 1 PM. 2--Quarterback Club Wee &--Maya 2:00 PLM. sal »r 'Room 4--Jackie Gleason 9--Jr. A Hockey | promos Annis 3-6-12--High Chaparral N--College Sports High- | 9-¢--Personality ' lights 7--T tati 'Move aig &--Pro Football sandy Grittith 2--Pro Football 13-6--Mr. Dressup 6:20 P.M. 3-6-12--Pro Football | 11--Seaway 2:30 PAM | 11:38 A.M. J--Lawrence Welk «Me | 1]l--Marriage Confidential My Three Sons 1i--Moment of Truth | %--Mr. and Mrs, 3-4-12--Hockey 7--What |¢ God | 7--How's Your Mother- 28--Get Smart | 3:00 P.M, laa: cutee 9:00 P.M, | 7--Mind Over Myth: |) SED iek ert Oke 4--Hogan's Heroes | a: PLM. | 14--Movie 11--Littlest- Hobo | 12 NOON 9:30 PAM. 7--Issues and Answers | 3 12-News, Weather and pared ade 4:00 PLM. 11--Little People ae 11--My_ Favorite Martian | 9--Terente Teday loud ae id igdenlaas 7--Coliege Football ¢ | £2 Jeopardy EEE, i --Movie 16:00 P.M. Highlights NO MORE WATERING 9--Garrison's Gorillas | é--Luncheon Date rf. "TILL. NEXT SUMMER! 4--Mannix | 4---News, Weather, : 10:18 P.M SUNDAY BVENING BEETS : 3612--In Person 4:0 PM. | 3--Super Heroes 4 10:30 P.M. 11--Tiny Talent Time | 12:30 PLM. | :30 P.M, q | T--Movie 9--Soccer | 11--Photo Finish E 7--Movie | 7--Custer | g--Eye Guess y = 10:45 P.M. | 4-Pro: Football 3-4-612--Search ter Te 3-6-12--Sports Profile | : morrow 6:00 PLM. nt = 11:00 P.M. 11--Gentle Ben 2--Merv Griffin 3-6-12-4-9-11--News, 3-6-12--Man Alive | 12:43 P.M, Pb Weather, Sports aa-F ro Footbell | 3-4-6-12--Gulding Light 1:15 P.M, 5: P.M, 1:00 P.M. @--News, Weather, Ti--Movie 12--Movie Oo Sports | 9--Pulse 1l--Mike Douglas 11:25 P.M, jes 9--Movie = 9--Best of Probe 612--Public Eye &Dialing fer Deliars 11:8 PAM 3--Gentle Ben Virginia Graham 7--Fugitive é--Luncheon Date | 4--Meet the Millers 6:00 PLM, 9--Talking Paint 36-12--Walt Disney | 3--Movie 8&--Movie 7--News, Weather, Sports I'M VISITING SICK] |...AND TAKING "EM BAKED GOODIES SURE DO! |...50 IT MAKE HOUSE CALLS/) 11:35 PM | ' 4:0 P.M. 1:30" PLM. KIDS HEREIN THE] | CAKE AND COOKIES | | CHEER UP AILING PN Fr ada tae) His decd t--Let's Make A Deal NEIGHBORHOOD... ~ YOUNGSTERS... Movie | 7:00 P.M: | 46--As the World Turne ' 1148 PM act ned 1:00 PM. 2--Movie . me | 7--Newlywi ame 2--Movie <7 ewe: Weather: 4-5--Love Is A_ Many 3-6-12--Green Acres -M. Splendored Thing moe 7: PM, 24--Days of Our Lives 11--Move 9--F.B.I 2:38 P.M. 4--Gentie Ben 12--Calendar SUNDAY 3-6-12--Flashback 11--Perry Mason 7: A.M, 2-4--walt Disney 9--People "a eons --Dream Gir! Lag ih ihe ag 8:00 PLM. é--Coronation Street Prog! 7--F.B.1. 4--House Party ed #8 »M. 3:4-6-12--Ed Sullivan 2-4--Decters 1--Living Word Show 9--Cartoon Playhouse 7--Milton the Monster 4--Word of Life 2--Agriculture U.S.A. 3:00 P.M. 9--Magistrate's Court 7--General Hospital 4--Te Tell The Truth 8:38 P.M, 9--1 Dream of Jeannie 2-4--Mothers-In-Law 8:90 A.M. 9:08 PLM. 3-6-12--Take 0 'TOUCHE 18 ALSO USED AS A SPOKEN 11--Father Meehan pide arsiherh 14a) Werld ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THAT SOMEONE J--Linus 7--Movie 235 PM HAS MADE A SUCCESSFUL POINT IN rats 08 4--Tennessee Ernie Ford | 4 News A DISCUSSION OR ARGUMENT Porky Pig 2-4-3-6-12--Bonanza UNDERSTAND ? 9:00 AM. 10:00 F 3:90 PLM. ye , 'Cathedral Chimes 0:00 P.M. 11--Hawkeye ly YES,SIR... 7--Bugs Bunny sett Abe Place 9--It's Your Move 7--Commander Tom 3-4-6-12--Edge ef Night 2-8--You Den't Sav Paper Capers 4--Mission Impossible 3-6-12--Way It Is '1--Itallan Journal 24--NBC News Special %--Rocketship 4--Uncle Jerry's Club 11:08 PLM, 4:0 PLM. Hymn Book 2-3-6-8-9-11News, V--Super Heroes 10:00 A.M Weather, Sports §--! Love Lucy B 5 &Mateh Game 9--Marine Boy. 4--Secret Sterm i a edd A-Greateat Heaaiines $-6:12--Bonnle Prudden 4--Lamp Unto My Feet Mike Douglas pectrum 11:38 PLM, 2--The Answer 11--Teach-In 4:30 P.M. 10:38 A.M. 7--News, Weather, 11--Gilligan's Island 9--Wish You were Here Sports 9--Movie &--This Is the ute &--Johnny Carson &--Leave It To Beaver 4--Look Up and Live 4--Movie 4--Truth or Consequences SInsight a--Merv Griffin 3-+-12--Barney Boomer ~ MUGGS AND SKEETER BEFINEINA /R. CLIFF MILLS I6UESS THAT FINISHES THE MURKLEYS' BRAINWASHING THE CROSSWORD MOTORS 123-4634 2, 1967 93 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) North dealer. North-South vulnerable Opening lead--four of spades. It stands to reason that a player should not subject him- self to an unnecessary guess if there is any way to avoid it. The principle is self-evident, but its application depends in part On recognizing that the situa- tion exists. Here is a typical case. West leads a low spade on which East plays the king. It is only the first trick, but the fate of the hand rests largely on South's play to this trick. If South plays the nine, he is sure to make the contract, as the cards lie. But if he wins the king with the ace, he must make a good guess later on to get home safely, Let's first. see what happens if South takes the king. He can cash his clubs right away, but eventually he will have to choose between playing a heart or a diamond. If he guesses wrong by lead- ing a heart, East grabs the ace and returns a spade. West's spades become established, and, because he has the ace of dia- monds as an entry, declarer winds up going down one. If South guesses right by leading diamonds instead of hearts, he makes the contract. Now let's see what happens if South ducks the king of spades, as he should. East can do no better than return a spade, which declarer wins with the queen. South no longer has to guess whether to lead hearts or dia- monds first. He cannot go wrong either way. Suppose he tackles hearts first. East takes the ace, but, since he has no spade to return--thanks to the hold-up at trick one--he can do nothing damaging and South makes four notrump. The same result accrues if South attacks diamonds first, West can take the ace and es- tablish his spades, but he is then out of business because his entry card is gone, AOROSS 44. Agrippa 10. Solemn 1A] 1, Solomon orAntipas 14,Wan iS] and Nestor, DOWN 16. Bird's for 1. Wife of beak iv} instance Abraham 19. Puddin; SMM ICie} 6. Storms 2. Beetle 20.Plead = /RIUIS| [AIN|T IS] 11, Collect 3. Street 22, Join a 12, Appetizer urchin 23. Ravines {¢] aaa 13. Batters 4. Large 24, Receiver |O]1 (cle IR} Ae 14, Placard worm of ZIOINIE | iS] 15. Biblical 5. Baseball property REF lion position: 25, Edge 16. Western abbr. 28. Cougar 36. Bearing alliance 6. Sources 29.Motherof 39, Biblical 17. Nickel: 7. Too Trish gods name sym, 8. Hole in $1. Priest 40. Presidential 19, German casting 32, Contract nickname composers mold 33. Trunk 42, Excl poss, 9. Night 34. Horse tion -- TEP PE Gam Os os Co prefix 21. White yam. " YG 22. ih of iz UY se 23. Bovine Lp 26, Roe eg Yo Gu 4, 28. Chum 30. Pinch YYW eo boa 31, See 1 across > [24 [25 GY Weeleet "AS AAS LA tical ba Y Y i ZZZZ 36. ane 30 Y, ET) 32 [33 [34 37. Negative 4. 38. American 35 Y baad Y, ar Indian 4 ALA 40. Measure bas bid WY bud of land 4 41. Atno a Uy, ad e bi '4 42,Mistreat [4 Ys 43. Fishing net LL ics YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Molner: I have asked people what causes boils on.a person's body and have re- ceived different answers. One says it's a germ in your blood. Others say it is like a virus or cold. What does cause them and how do you get rid of them? If a person has a lot of them, does it mean you have sugar? I under- Stand that if a person has sugar it takes a sore or cut longer to heal. Am I wrong about that? If a person ate or drank something after a person who has boils, can you catch them? ae aren't they catchy?--Mrs. Boils aren't from "germs in the blood," and they aren't relat- ed to viruses or colds. Boils are local infections start- ed by bacteria on the skin. The Staphylococcus (or "staph") germ is the usual culprit, al- though other types of germs sometimes are involved, The staph germ is known for its habit of lingering on the skin (or often in the nose) and if the germ gan work its way into or through the skin and establish a nest of infection, that's a boil. For reasons not altogether clear, some people are more re- sistant than others to these sur- face infections--which merely means that the person who gets boils must be that much more careful in having them treated. MULTIPLY RAPIDLY Keep in mind that the "boil" is a spot at which the germs Staphylococcus Germ a Causes Boil Infections #5 By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD é S rate; your body, meantime, is trying to subdue them by the bloodstream carrying white cor- puscles (the germ-fighting par- ticles) to the site. If there is drainage from a@ boil, live germs will be in it. Thus a boil should be kept cov- ered with a gauze bandage to keep germs _ from_ being smeared into surrounding areas of skin, with the risk of new boils forming. That is why a person often has a whole crop of boils. If drainage from a boil 'is transferred to another person, then-the boils may be "catch- ling.' I dare say it would be safer for a person not to use a plate or glass that has just been used by someone with boils. There might be the pesky germs. é But the important precaution is to keep boils covered, pre- venting the germs from being spread around on your own skin or possibly someone else's. Meantime, of course, have your doctor treat the boils. The modern antibiotics are effective in subduing such _ infections. Saying that it's "just a boil" is no reason for not having such treatment. Just for the sake of our own comfort, you want to destroy the germs and let the boils heal as soon as possible. But there is a further reason. Sometimes a boil can become boils form in one place it is called a carbuncle). This not only can be very painful and His Faith Let Him Live HOLSTEIN, Ont. (CP) -- By rights, Rev. Carl Roadhouse should be dead, but his Chris- tian faith kept him alive. Mr. Roadhouse, 55, of Brant+ ford, Ont., gave up a successful business career to join the min- istry. Late in his graduating year at Queen's University, Kingston, Ont., he experienced a numbness around the mouth and the feeling that his ear was full of water. It turned out to be a brain tumor. An operation was per- formed but there were compli- cations--a massive blood clot. Then the deluge of letters from well-wishers began. "What happened was a whole network; a whole community of Christian friends. The fellow- ship undergirded me. It strengthened my faith." Six months later he was back =jon his feet, ministering to his parish of Holstein-Conn. QUEENIE PS wainnie er tee ren) "If only he had executive ability." overcome your body's defenses and the result is blood-poison- ing. Dear Dr. Molner: What can ¥ use to get dirty knees clean? I've tried everything in the line of soaps.--Miss K.K.K. I presume you mean that the skin is rough and grime gets ground into the crevices. Have you tried a brush? Some cold credm to keep the skin softer and supple will probably help. Dear Dr. Molner: Recently my boyfriend had a malignant salivary gland tumor removed from his palate. Is there any danger when he kisses me? I don't know how to cope with quite large (when a group of|this without hurting his feelings. --A.S. There is no danger that you have formed a sort of colony. can sap your energy, but in ex- ™ germs multiply at a rapid treme cases the _ can another person, can acquire a malignancy from #

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