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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Dec 1967, p. 5

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CANADA \ SIX CANDIDATES SEEK TWO WHITBY BOARD OF EDUCATION POSTS MONDAY, DEC. 4 WHITBY - AJAX CALENDAR general meeting; Whitby tora THE OSHAWA TIMES, 5 Saturday, December 2, 1967 JOCKEY WINS AGAIN " rr f Co-Op C Union banking|Club; St. Andrew's Presbyter-|- NEW YORK (CP) -- Pana- F LIVING : ee i night; Whitby Baptist Churchlian Women Group 8; 1st Pick-|manian jockey Jnae Vaden Explorers; 1st Whitby Scouts; jering Cub Pack; --Pickering| 29, rode two winners at Tropical LIC OPINION j ins. Eight in every increased more vén more budget- pel this way. 1 the economics of hed that increased ne problem facing ond more in Que- an they expécted. flect the Notional Pentecostal -- -- Legion Branch 322; Ajax Var- People's ae Ep as Whithy|Sity Chapter IODE; Ajax Senior, Al-Anon Family bua YMILDY | Citizens Friendship Club; Ajax! 0 dla the Whittlers TOPS Club; Shrinking|st Paul's United Church CGIT. | « ted, ty tener" Violets TOPS Club; Red Cross a STAFFORD BROS. ole Female kegel St. i ae pier THURSDAY, DEC. 7 | os 'emeh gelist ; Blair Park Vista! wnitby Baptist Church Cubs: LTD. 1 Teen Club; Victorian Order Of|saivation Army Women's Ramee! MONUMENTS 12 ! ' Nurses Whitby Branch; St-\teague; St. John Ambulance| -- 2 y ss 2 Mark's United Church Women/cadets.' Faith Baptist. Church 668-3552 %. «100% MRS. C. THWAITES JOSEPH McQUABE HOTZE PEL JOHN HOWARD REV. R, JAMES GEORGE LOFTHOUSE ' weer kine eee 4A : od ' wine Two members of the new Town of Whitby Board of Education will be selected from the above six when voters go to the polls Dec, 9. Co-operation Shadows TOPS Club. ie rio e r] ; FRIDAY, 5 A % 3% e e properties of Harold Watters; As the property owned by Wil- S ccess Ke Red egy pe Citizen's | ST. ANDREW S 4 unicl a oar Toves and Leo Van der Ley requesting|liam Jones would be affected U y Gish: Cote Ceaen Gass ieee PRESBYTERIAN z higher density than that per-|by the further "flood zone stud- WHITBY (Staff) -- Mayor ing night; Salvation Army Tim-|| Corner Byron at St. John % 100% mitted under the official planjies, the board reserved its de-|,. song Newman says the|?™#! Brigade, Rev, W. J: S. McClure, @.A. cision, SATURDAY, DEC. 9 | Mr. J. R. Robertson, Te) the property zoned C2. south side of Dundas Street,;amendment to the official plan| i 1A AG wi 'ove! regarding the objections A ns indergar y Reveal be oa this dt ag Wilma Davidson, 107 Kent St.,|between Craydon Drive and|would be necessary, and eI geet Rangel eared phy Miss Charlotte GentJes and 11;man anit -_ of Pd tv pat yt The 7th Whitby Cen cachge cits ie yoke own decisions regarding ob- i i i ' i i re! y A Hl 5) , ins St.| frontin, e elec s ial Voyageurs; Ajax L, 5? gi g proposed her property be zoned|Lupin Drive, which is zoned|may be merit to the objector Slowned by. Pickering Farms ratepayers in the Hopkins sled Be Aah tie SibAh area which! Pipe Rank 8 jax Ladies' | Everybody Welcome or West Neighbor is a Jew, ut, who got away in soon after the e into power and its restricted area bylaw 2585, : E fe slacul it WaS|rimited and th icipalit ible t trol the rate of| is ocucat passed June 21, 1965, as amend-|das Street West, west of Annes|quest. From the planning evi- . : ) Limited an e municipality,|study of the lands west of Hop-|possible to contro! the | gy mh ed by bylaw 2698, passed July|Street, objected' to rezoning of|dence adduced, such a change paren "he property 1s deed as 21 | approval for the -- rezoning|kins St. ' jincrease of taxes. } SUNDAY SERVICES tes, explains much sh tradition and re- has a word for the me has come to y the cobwebs turies of neglect itted to be strung Saad oes 0 ---- doors of of ratepayers, objecting to the| properties in the area. said the owner should proceed| cont; 'cum.|not take any cognizance of the|well founded. The "Christin use of lands south of the CPR| The board held it ts not|by way of an application under|stances, the board ruled. the| objections raised to dismiss the| 'The board rejected the objec: EMMANUEL 4 PASTOR'S SERMON to understand that and east of the abandoned CNR|enough for the town to argue|Section 30 (19) of the planning|ohjection should be dismissed, |aPPlication of the town would/tions of Vera A. McQuigge on REFORMED EVERLASTING SALVATION" lied Jew is the in- a fantastic history as ahie bad fact, it was for institutional uses requested amendment. is not) oast corner of Byron and Vic-jtne board dismissed the objec.|!8 20ned,. under bylaw 1964, asjthe town's application would FIRST JOHN. oh... one single and no objection was indicated)premature. The eee png toria Streets, owned by Geraldliinn of Rite Construction eneral residence. Under this|simply leave the property zoned 10:30 A.M. 'There's Always a welcome at Faith' ocession, is now to_such use. A had not been satisfied on ri E. Gascoigne, from general|y i nited . bylaw, as long as there is alas general residential, which r 2,000 years, find: The board dismissed sed te Point, = rink nl ge Dad mal business to R4 was approved. : : lgeneral residence attached to|would not accomplish the de- English Service and cus in the Holy al of Douglas Lease mii wot the jec' " is be dis- "he: woand wiled-it had no The objections of Kenwhite|the medical clinic area, such|sired resutl for the objector. Sunday Schoo! mited as it was council's|missed and the boar on jurisdiction to consider the re- Investments Limited, Mr. and|cjinic with any number of physi-| For the same reasons, and 7 ou ghhor Is a Jew, by Gunther Plaut, and Stewart, $6.00 : i : coinee Avenue. that the lands| ere adiourned sine die. It was|on the basis of the plans filed,|the objections of Evely ni} EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED ; WHITB /BJ be zoned as commercial. pointed out to the board that|which showed a residence at-|Moorby. | | HIP OF WHITBY drinking cannot be i No special relief is required, |Since the preparation of the by-|tached. It would therefore ap- | unless accompany- Whitby Chapter Order of the; St. Mark's United Church| the board decided in the mat- law, the town was provided with pear, the board said, the pres-| WHITBY RK'S | ms also are dealt Rastern Star 248 installed its|Senior Citizens' annual dinner|tor of the submission of Cecil|® ™0re acourats flood: piainient wee le not. a legally per-| ST. MA | : the Co-operative otticers for the ensuing year| Will be held Dec. 7 at 12:15 p.m.|. Bradley, Brock Street, south|™2P which would necessitate| mitted one. The proposed bylaw| BAPTIST UNITED CHURCH Statement of a question to be submitted to the 1 on the Study of i ain the inlz,tte assembly hall. All unit/of Arthur Street, as when con-\S°me changes. This would, it) designates the land as R3 and\} giprrr st. &. et REYNOLDS [IE Go a electors at the elections to be held on December ently, Presiding over the in-|members are assisting. sidered in conjunction with an|was stated, necessitate a {UT-|the official plan also sets fortfi| 'Minister: Rev. John McLeod if psablltaka Tulle a 9th, 1967. nmission's report, st#ilation of officers was Mrs. Hirnasiela Wives', Ausocietinn adjoining lot the land might be |ther ison A with amendments to that the area, including this| ewe Organist | er | Rev. 3. M. Smith, BA. 8.0. i | oblems: A, Report innifred Newton, PDDGM.|piNitrine Beach, sponsored a | adequately developed. [the oericial: plan "and 'eoning WY"iparcel, be residential, eRe Te TT uy Miss di, Newton, Deaconess Hl "ARE YOU IN FAVOR OF PUBLIC GAMES AND oe or ae Elected were: Worthy Matron,|euchre evening at the home of|,,1" connection with the objec) ye 11:00 A.M.--Communien Service SPORTS FOR GAIN AFTER 1:30 O'CLOCK ON Mrs. Delphine Conibear; Worthy|Mrs. Margaret Elliott, 485| tion of Forbes McEwen to the) The objection of Glug bay Reception of New Members tes department of - Delp: 4 Maple Ave., Pickering Beach,|Testtictions respecting _ boats | view Limited, requiring a higher FREE 24-HOUR 7:00 P.M.--Needed But Not 11:00 A.M.--MORNING THE LORD'S DAY TO BE REGULATED BY MUN.- Ith, deals with the Patron, Clarence Hallet; asso- 4 "| and trailers in an R3 zone, and|density residential zone than BURNER SERVICE Deserved. iad sial ICIPAL BY-LAW UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF es but its findings ciate matron, Mrs, Jacqueline is submission that no zone was|that suggested in the bylaw, | By Our Local |] 9:43 A.M--Bible School Classes Infont Baptiem mmendations Guthrie; associate patron, i on on vised wherein such storage|was dismissed on the ground| Service Contractors for ell. "Advent 1967" THE LORD'S DAY (ONTARIO) ACT." , tie is permitted except for limited |an amendment to the official Wed. 7:30 P.M. CHURCH SCHOOL licable to Canada. rer problems" it e what it terms an ss to examine drinking patterns, nt about what con- eptable and unac- lrinking. behavior, of the use of alco- 'riminal behavior, Sunbeam; Clarence Duncan, been amended, it will be ap-|sion would be given. D Returni ff h nd driving, laws Scarborough and Dick Wynn,| The main topic discussed at/proved without further notice | DISMISSED 668-3524 Fos Municipel ee i cen Once. potent lations regarding Ontario, A buffet lunch was|the Whitby Historical Society) or hearing. The objections respecting the : ed to hold the said election shall take the vote of sale, the relation served by Mrs. Helen Boake,|executive meeting held at the 4 (e] e- ect Eileen 5S. MOORE 1 advertising and ractices and "the nking in the Skid iture.'" mission recom: 1ation of a national n, composed of m the fields of gov- ports, entertain- try, labor, religion groups, to help w national alcohol also would under- ch studies. grated conceptual should be substitut- existing patchwork Mr, and Mrs. George Golden, fo | te pee ee, NUN SUAS AIRF fet ; -- le "-- CT Tea || Township OF Whitby || TOWN OF WHITBY " "ORY sh troops in the 'tor made gains asschendaele and it was announced sritish took 11,551 on the Western November; Turk- s on British posi- hwest of Jerusa- All Saints' Club Ladies' mittee Scouts Evening Guild; Whitby Curling meeting; Brocklin Group com- Fellowship Group; Wife Association,, Pickering Beach; Ajax Royal Canadian Legion Pipe Band. e TUESDAY, DEC. 5 Anglican Church|Pound Peelers TOPS Club; Ajax| Park Thursday to extend his Section executive and Cubs; Picker- ing Community Church Ladies'|St. John Nursing Cadets: Sal- Fireman's|cation Army Prayer and Bible Study; Council 4895; Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw WHITBY (Staff) -- On behalf of the Ontario Municipal Board, jections to the comprehensive zoning bylaw of the Town of Whitby. With the exception of some dismissals, adjournments and reserved decisions the town's application was ap- proved, The town sought approval of 4, 1966. The Ontario Municipal Board held hearings in the mu- nicipal building in May and an adjourned sitting in November. It was indicated that Muriel MclIlwain, who appeared on her own behalf as well as a number line, was under the misappre- hension that the land was desig- nated as industrial, whereas, in within the flood plain, the' offi- cial plan will be amended and so as to permit a part to be rented for apartment use. The board ruled the nature of the required relief might properly be dealt with by application under section 80 (19) of the planning act. W. J. Morrison, the owner of a residential property on Dun- the property immediately to the west from a development or holding zone to highway com- mercial and stated that a com- mercial development would have an adverse effect on his as well as other residential the official plan envisages com- mercial development, but the board must be satisfied that the recommendation that since it appears this property is not the zoning of the shown in the original bylaw. James Martin, PP; secretary, Mrs. Julia Thomas,. PM, -trea- surer, Mrs. Marion Jamieson. Presiding Matrons and Patrons attending were: Mrs. Gwen Hanna, Sunbeam; Mrs. Dorothy Mercer, Durham; Mrs. Emily Ducette, West Hill; Mrs. Peggy Wynn, Ontario; George Taylor, Mrs. Jean Dair, Mrs. Helen Breen and the lunch committee. St. Mark's United Church Women, Unit 4 met at the home of Mrs. R. G. Grobb. Mrs. Glenn Sawyer chaired the meeting. The worship service was taken by Mrs. Fred Ollen-Bittle on the Christmas theme, "'Let Us Keep Christmas," by Peter Marshall, Miss Florence Heard epoke on the growth of Whitby and the United Church. Tea was served by Mrs. J. S. Gaine and Mrs. § .G. Ireland. All Saints Anglican Church 8rd Scouts and Cubs Mothers' Auxiliary, at its meeting pre- sided over by Mrs. Alex Scott, made tentative plans for a Angfandy and homebake sale to be id early in January. Members were reminded of the next meet- ing of Jan. 22, when a pot luck supper will be served at the parish hall. Tea hostess. was Mrs, Peter Colliver. St. John the Evangelist CWL December meeting will be in Winners were Murray Foster, Mabel Linton, Ross Rombough. At the Dec. 13 meeting, the centennial designed hooked rug draw winner will be known. Bay Ridges Recreational As- sociation is holding its Christ- mas party tonight at the Ajax Community Centre. home of the president, Mrs. Alex Ingram, was the celebra- tion of the birth of the new Town of Whitby. A display of historical items, to coincide with the birthday of the new town will be held New Year's Day, between 2:00 and 5:00 p.m. at the Whitby centennial build- ing. LONGEST MENU The world's largest menu is $3 feet 914 inches long and lists 177 dishes. ment, and the board was in no would not appear to be desir- able, the board said. act. | quest of Russell Wilde, the own- er of property at the south west corner of Brock Street and Cle- Hugh Nichol recommended at the adjourned hearing and trailers general residential, sought to)contention, this have the zoning changed to C3/application was adjourned sine to permit a business office to/die. be located there. The board held |cial that as the area is residential|place, a further application may in nature, such a change would/be made for such zoning amend- entail an official plan amend-|ment. position to accede to the re- hee cry re C. McKay : On the ground The application of the town to quired zoning is not rezone property on the northitormity with the official plan,| Regarding When the necessary offi- plan amendment animal hospital. It is now zoned general board said that in order to es- Andrew Saytar requested altablish such use it higher density than permitted| necessary to amend the official in an R4 zone for property at/nlan. As a home occupation, and the south west corner of Blair| within the limits of such defini- and Dundas Streets. The board|tion, the present use may be|J@ residential that torage, the board noted that|plan would be required. the objection by it ap-}Conrad Cser to the rezoning of prove an amendment to the by-/his property to R3 from light law permitting storage of boats|industrial, the board voiced the in M2 and M3/opinion the matter should be re- zones. It was the board's deci-| studied by council and the board sion that when the bylaw has|advised, at which time a deci- phase of the the objection o and would be the re-| in con- | were dismissed. | As further study will be given, \the board reserved its decision | regarding the objection of Carlo |Novakovski, who objected to George Sullivan, the owner ofjlaw before the board proposed|the rezoning of his property to a single family residence on the/it be for R5 uses. Because an|pighway commercial. Limited, subject to a further istudy being made of the flood zone, For that reason, the board |reserved its decision on the ob- \jection. | Provided a registered site | Plan agreement is entered into |between Cor-Nor Enterprises \change, as made by the town laffecting these lands, will notjraised by P. Zakarow, who} |be granted. Failing agreement,|asked for an R5 designation! ; | |permitting an eight-floor apart-jity. We all believe in a new) building in the \the board may be spoken to. | In the matter of the objection by Dr. K. Hobbs and Dr. G. board said. area, the board dismissed that! n objection respecting the area |the township had been unable | ee vee jeast of Hopkins St., but reserved|to provide with services. its decision with reference to the) e area west of Hopkins St. as it|would be the provision of serv-/ is contemplated when a 'study|ices, at. | has been made respecting Cor-|the corridor area. Much would) Nor Enterprises Limited, there|depend on industrial will be at the same time a re-| ment | | The board held objections| "This is one of the most in- teresting experiences of allw-- the growth of the new municipal-| |ment DECISION RESERVED Speaking area |town which I |bounded by Ontario, Athol, St. |future."" ciw, the baord said it would|John and Green Sts., were not lavail the objectors nothing the| the ground that C2 zoning would |be contrary to the official plan The property, the board said,|The board held that to dismiss Mrs. Desmond Newman and|cians would be permitted. How-|because of Ann Nettle to the extent of the|ever, when the building permit|stances, the board sald it was flood zone on their properties) was issued in 1960, it was issued|in no position to take notice of| success of the new Town of Whitby depends, in large meas- The board also reserved {ts\ure, on the co-operation of the |decision regarding the objection jof J. J..Van Blokland to permit ja further study being made. people of the whole area. He said one of the objectives | reasonable which would make it at a of|forum this week, Mayor New- rates, for) develop- | believe has a great} Rey. similar cireum- 403 Rossland Road West Harold Hesselink ENGLISH SERVICE Ladies' Pipe Band, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 6 ed Church Women Afternoon) Group; People's Band; St. Mark's Unit- ed Church 4 W'S Couples Club candidates SUNDAY, DEC. 10 1967 victories to 402. On Wednesday he became the third jockey in racing history to ride Whitby St. John Ambulance; | 400 winners in is tal iseniiebeteaiehiiniaianiaeaiaieiabniiatnmecicneneeneiiiiseaaceae (A ci Knights of Colubmus Benevolent Reb-| kah Lodge 132; Almonds Unit-| Creoted To Individual Requi Ajax Royal Canadian) bp de eg A.R.C.T., R.M.T., Organist Salvation Army Young 9:45 A.M,.--Chureh School Closses 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship Pre-Communion Service St. Mark's United Church Hi- FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 Brock Street N. REV. DeLOSS M, SCOTT, Minister 9:15 AM.--"FAITH TIDINGS" RADIO BROADCAST CKLB 1350 on Your Dio 9:45 A.M.--"FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL" WITH A CLASS FOR YOU 11:00 A.M--MORNING WORSHIP AND PRAISE pastor's Sefmon: The Importance Of Pure Bible Doctrine'"' 12:00 Noon Communion Service'and Reception of New Members. 7:00 P.M.--FELLOWSHIP GOSPEL HOUR 8:15 P.M--MUSICAL FIRESIDE HOUR WEDNESDAY EVE., 8:00 P.M PRAYER, PRAISE AND PASTOR'S BIBLE CLASS STUDYING SAWDON'S FUELS FURNACE OIL -- STOVE OIL AND COAL 244 Brock St. S., Whitby Bible Study ond Prayer Excellent nursery facilities. | 9:30 | WORSHIP WITH US & 11:00 a.m. RESTUDY USE In the opinion of the board, the use of a parcel of land on High Street, between Dundas and Mary Streets, owned by Hugh MacDonald, should be re- studied. For that reason, the board's decision was reserved, The owner had objected to a change from apartment to single family use. Oshawa Dairy Limited re- quested C3 zoning. In this mat- ter, the board noted the official plan designates the land as high density residential, and the by- Hollingsworth BROCK WHITBY EVEN THE AMAZON JUNGLE CAN'T STOP. THE SULLIVAN "TAMMY AND THE MILLIONAIRE" | With Debbie Watson -- Dever Pyle -- in COLOR Evening Programs Start 6:55 -- 8:30 Lest Complete Show Starts 8:30 e "s COUNCILLOR _ NORTH | DEC. 9 WARD | AA Re-Elect Reeve GEORGE BROOKS VOTE Your Woman Representative on Council -- for the -- Centre Ward NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is a correct statement of the question to be submitted 'to the vote of the electors of the Township of Whitby pursuant to By-law No. 2144 passed on the 30th day of October, 1967. The doy for taking the vote of the electors upon the sald question, the places where the votes are to be taken and the AND NOTICE ie further given that Thursday the 30th doy of NOVEMBER, 1967 at the hour of 2:00 o'clock in the forenoon at the Municipal Building, Brooklin, Ontario in the Township of Whitby, has been fixed as the time ond place for the appointment of persons to attend the polling places ond ot the final summing up of votes by the Clerk. On Monday, the 11th Doy of December, 1947, ot the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon ot the Municipal Building, the Township Clerk shall attend and sum up the votes for ond agoinst the said question. your et the Township ef Whitby the 9th doy of November, Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Clerk, Township of Whitby. NOTICE Statement of a question to be submitted to the electors at the annual elections to be held on December 9th, 1967. ARE YOU_IN FAVOUR OF MOVING PICTURES, ys THEATRICAL PERFORMANCES, CONCERTS AND |) LECTURES ON THE LORD'S DAY TO BE REGU- LATED BY MUNICIPAL BY-LAW UNDER THE |i Statement of @ question to be submitted to the electors at the annual elections to be held on Dee- ember 9th, 1967. "ARE YOU IN FAVOUR OF MOVING. PICTURES, THEATRICAL PERFORMANCES, CONC TS AND LECTURES ON THE LORD'S DAY TO BE REGULATED BY MUNICIPAL BY-LAW UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE LORD'S DAY (Ontario) ACT, 1960-61". TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is a correct state- . repulsed with the form of a yearend get- eee AUTHORITY OF THE LORD'S DAY (Ontario) ACT. F 2 ict i niger, 1960-6 A TO teria tie iriaed ne nae served at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday in Th LIT LE GALLERY | | ips War : the amber room. A musical e T Reeve of | TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is a correct state- J By-law No. 2832 possed on the 10th day of Oc- ie pone are te program wu be presented by WHITBY | pan of the question to be submitted to the vote of tober, 1967. e County Town Singers, con- | the electors of the Township of Whitb' i ¢ ery pounded ' 5 : po itby pursuant to The day for taking the vote of the electors upon sitions before zl vened by Mrs. A. F, Bergman. 'One Stop Shopping Centre k oes -- | cae Ag 2142 passed on the 16th day of Octo- the said question, the places where the votes are eure BAP er ; s. i r, Brooks has serve | , . to be taken and the Deputy Returning Officers shall Axis supply ships ° afts for the 3 years on Whitby Council, 6 | , oe : Stalingrad's de- Whitby G f f i years on Ontario County The day for taking the vote of the electors upon be the same for the election for the Municipal Sais 8 © ARTISTS i Council. He hos the exper- ] the said question, the places where the votes are Council and the Returning Officer appointed to Hill, dominati T lence and the ability to quide i to be taken ond the Deputy Returning Officers hold the said election shall take the vote. n side of the city. SAN A CLAUS © WOULD-BE ARTIST ponicetlity dune Bint | shall be the same for the election for the Muni- AND NOTICE is further given that Friday the Ist two years. | cipal Council and the Returning Officer appointed day of December 1967 at the hour of 2:00 o'clock PARADE @ ART COLLECTOR as ak | to hold the said election shall take the vote. Ce wat Tes ton ot Wine, = NS & SELLS Any group oF erpanization wishing on your Christmas list ' | Ree ee at et given set Bi sc Lig ag ed been fixed as the time and place for the appoint- bara gle tly emake 16th PAINTINGS CERAMICS VOTE WISELY. at the Municipal Building, Brooklin, Ontario in the Township ment of persons to attend the polling places and between the hours of 3 p.m, and = VOTE WELL | alls ge been Nas as es ~ plore idl at the final summing up of votes by the Clerk. i persons to atten: e Lal aces ond a RS & CO. or 6 eee ees te ART SUPPLIES -- CUSTOM FRAMING | the/inal summing up of votes by the a on Neng oe | th day of December, 1967 at the NTS merce by letter or telephone call to a "GEORGE oh Menday; the Uith doy of Dacember 1967 et the hour of our of 10:00 o'clock in the Ttorenoon at the Muni- | irae 668-4506 before December 9th. 1 1 H d A xX BROOKS Tee vue oa tdi oe ee cipal Building, the Town Clerk shall attend and foie -- nay ne 32 arwoo ve, RICHARD Township Clerk shall attend and sum up the votes for and sum up the votes for and against the said question. | Vancouver Prius: Wil be oworded "fer floater " (next te Brock's "942 6441 ty peas ani penal lags 5 thle at A gai of Whitby, fhis 9th day of Ist, 2nd, and 3rd. M . at the Township o} itby this 9th day ef November, lovember, ' ca. Great Brital L bs! , World, uo Bands end mojorette groups: Ist, jax For Reeve i ioe : Wm. H, Wallace, A.M.C.T., JOHN R. FROST, 728-7527 2nd, and 3rd. Clerk, Township of Whitby. Clerk, Town of Whitby ' \ : 4 . 4

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