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Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Dec 1967, p. 15

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20--Real Estate for Sole 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 4, 1967 15 J.-B; 25--Houses for Rent 26-----Apartments for Rent SCHOFIELD-AKER [= ADS! GUIDE REALTY LTD. REALTOR LIMITED Serving Oshawa and District For Over 31 Years H. KEITH Metcal REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR ONTARIO CENTRAL |' FRANK McMULLAN & CO. CENTENNIAL ACRES Dwight' Ave. Immediate Occupancy Casa Manana REALTOR : TRUST Real Estate Ltd . Off 'Cedar St.) ipi : St. S 723-2265 PHOTO MLS REALTOR 40 King St. E. REALTOR Y 230 Nipigon St. --Real Estate for Sale 16 Simcoe St. 5. PARK RD. S. AT 401 19 Simcoe St. North ae a 725-3557 oe by three bedroom | @ Best rental value in the 3] NEAR DONEVAN 6%4% MORTGAGES RALPH SCHOFIELD lowmanville ites 20. - hei , broad- jist of ghee - 4 and 5 bedroom homes in Manager : j loom, towers, fully land- @ Impressive ies. GEORGE 723 52 Brick povigaren sl level 576-0330 north east location availabl 623-3393 "BUILDER'S LOSS' scaped. @ Controlled entrance door, ' e h i P ib for immediate occupancy. ; Two new bungalows featuring @ Modern spdcious suites. Ase pli two car garage. These are the last new homes HELLO! oi bg nite cee District attached garages located in 723-77)1 © Lorge balconies of NORTH-WEST Ft tlag Phere eich GOLD MEDALLION in Oshawa with these low Are you looking for a real eal Estate Board the North East area with one or © Hifi music th every at : Beoutiful 3 bedroom bun- til HOS HOME interest mortgages. Phone to- good brick home with three mortgage ot 7% -- Builder on y suite, eed ; d in the choi covets living tem ane dill 'i ' day. bedrooms, a separate dining 10 ACRES says to bring offers -- IM- 725-9991 @ Lots of closet space. Real Estate Broker galow locate n im EFONGS| foom. Completely fenced back uxury built all electric home, room, and lots of room in the BOWMANVILLE MEDIATE POSSESSION -- @ Free parking north-west district, extra 2 piece] yard with patio. Only $5,500 broadloom throughout, inter- SEPARATE SCHOOL fenced batk: yard for your Call Harold Segal ot 725- : Open 9-5 218 DUNDAS ST. E bath and a fourth bedroom in| down payment required and com with AF/AM thusic. Il children to play in? Wi 10 acre homesites on Liberty 3557 or 725-1772 SIX-ROOM house, semi-detached, and This is your chance ON HWY. NO. 2 the basement. Fenced yard, TV) monthly payments are $150 Brick fireplace in the dining | 10 year old brick bungolow | Small covren to play im | St. N. Good garden land. jgarage, In Bowmanvilte. Telephone 623- ACT NOW WHITBY ONTARIO tower, storms and sereers, Must : "| room, Sliding glass doors to | ite 69e-NMA mortgece. S| OOM 'loss to. public school | 95,000 un. BSTATE SALE" | exacutiviianlyteas ew os 5 be seen to be * astgoaiie 64%4% N.H.A. RESALE patio. Two washrooms. Home piss ab faa lee i sai anon 6. duist: residential TWO STOREY bedroom, electrically heated, in. Beau Call MRS. WERNER WHITBY -- 668-8826 oe level bungalow with large Wor oue ee ently vacant and owner onx- | street but it won't last long. | AOE HOWE BRICK HOME llard "Johnston" 788-1068, Scfeerint-aner 25-0657 ining room and finished re- 7 lous to sell. If interested phone right j Ltd | FORONTO -- 364-6622 ae WILSON ROAD NORTH 11 @ Large lots are ne the creation room, plus full base- ment and carport. Good deep erous to mention. Call FRANK SMITH, 576-0830 or 576-1415. JULIANA DRIVE Corner Property, Rented to 2 away, tomorrow could be too Total 9 rooms. 2 late. families. Consisting of four large bed- rooms, and featuring double garage, private drive, oil | THREE-BEDROOM house, Jarvis Street,| | close to downtown, $125 per month. R erences required. Telephone 728-7242 ef Weekdays 12-9 P.M. Sat. & Sun. 12-6 P.M, " 7] very rare, especially at 5 s : : . er ce INVESTMENT asking price of $6,400.00. Lo- lot, situated in North-East. An attractive 3 bedroom brick ASKING $24,900.00 | bathrooms. Asking only $15, furnace ond located close to. |NeWeastle: 07-4082, Ae | or after hours 625-1759 $270 per month income from Mortgage carries for $139.00 b low in choice Downs- ' -OQ-- 000 -- Easy terms. | ; PERRUGM hans i TL ce 1 building costing only $18, cated in the North-East Area.) inciding taxes. Full price | HAVE CLIENT WILL BUY | bungoiow in cores owt, | NORTH WEST OSHAWA all services, Must be sold to [2t0" mn Conese' tit arta, "Ravin" cat. eLeES * ' : at ; : ion, ; ge, in College Hill area, Its on 300, -- Come In and let a ere only $21,900. Call now and 060-3 Pig ag a ht BE attached garage and stone Lovely seven room brick bun- BRICK BUNGALOW Segal or 725-3581 or 725 lieve TOE hrooms, | Oshawa Rent | is discuss this one. v e Grrange your inspection. brick rec aia Allg eee front are features of the galow in Fe ig* residential EDSALL AVE. 1772. : |cl gel BROS oles, tae betheoar | A ba : Jackson-built home, asking area -- Many fine features. One of Bowmanville's quiet |now. Telephone 723-4641. | 'ull price pido bed JUST NORTH OF CENTRAL LOCATION is an gciouttind $20,995.00. Walk-out to hedged in patio residential streets, Lot 50' x mn |wHiTBY. Three bedr oom buralow.| gency ene haat 401 In he ALEXANDRA PARK Older type 2 storey brick call GORD CHARLTON, 728- nce lage ded yD back 140', Good value at only | | roadloom in juving, room. Children well Superb apartment accommoe bla. er eh othe pe tik mla enell Hole 40. stair -- at --_ Per King wr 8569 F nants tar: a $16,900 -- Terms. | Osborne Real Estate Broker, 728 jation in all parts of Oshawa, ' ; wner must sell because 0' n exceptionally clean older /. ff master | | 518 ee awn" Pete rate in, Hollywood kite] Winess. Just $3,900 | down BUSINESS BLOCK home that has been well kept | Bedroom and- family room. FOR RENT |e RESROO Soren VALIANT ed bbe, i payment required. Don't wait by the same owner for over For further information call 3 bedroom town houses, brand oe mt an hen ee | DEVELOPMENTS LTD. CONVENIENT FOR chen, separate dining area, sun porch. New forced air furnace. --pick up this bargain now, Brick building and house on a large lot on main street in 20 years. Has modern kit. chen and bath and new tur) CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST OBS fet delay new. Only a few left. Bow- manville's best rental value. Real Estate Ltd. 26--Apartments for Rent | CALL 725-9934 -- 728-4283 SHOPPING AND BUS Full price ae 000.00. GOOD TERMS | bsnlescy biog ste Ke Ny nace. Vendor will hold oni 2 0 Call office for full particulars. | 728 7576 . SERVICES on this 2 storey brick home | Hel Eg on ae all equie, mortgage so financing is most $2500.00 DOWN--- | | sa Move to 723 6022 Nhitby -- 3 bedroom brick FERNHILL BOULEVARD in a good area. Reasonable | ment included Four rooms reasonable. 'Phone for op- FOUR BEDROOMS | Call 623-3393, 728-7518 . uungalow. This 7 year old # 1V @ We have just listed a} down payment, good monthly | apartment above the store pointment to inspect. Central location Roomy | a 2 : es | FULL ASKING PRICE only M | Gl ATTENTIO uungalow is modern in every fovely bungalow in the norkn| payments and low taxes. Stale ed GRarIMIEnE con" bs and moderately priced this | Or Toronto 923-9174 | $9,900 for this five room ala Wien ATT TION espect with paved drive, t area. A spotless home with Home is in lovely condition rch sepordtels & COURTICE DUPLEX seven room brick home is in | bungalow in central location LANDLORDS west area. Pp purchased separately. Sub. ; i After 9 | : C be arport, broadloom in living 3 bedrooms in one of the better| with new furnace. Must be stantial down payment re- Large split level brick home real good condition -- Should | Ken "Ho kin | 623-5055 | Wa eee fer ares ST -OurTS It costs less than 6¢ a day sel and ng all la ed areas of Oshawa. Terraced and} seen quired. Call LES HALL, 728- on 200 foot lot. Legally du- wale) 6 Sus sale. Call im- | rry Masters 623-3792 [ee Aires to be a m ember of the Osh- jas stove and dryer, tow- fully landscaped, completely 5513. : plexed and available for mediately for more detai! : 403. | i 835 Oxford St awa & District Landlord's r and toe, Heuetane pos- Hokey "ewh " enteiaina two OFF MARY ST. immediate occupancy. Within | OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE } Mander Rafuse Seabee | bibs sanad HOME: ° Re Association, Register now for ession. Listed ot $16,900. beautiful shade trees. Phone to-| LOW DOWN PAYMENT 62 ACRES two blocks of Courtice High |" MAY HELP YOU SELL OR BUY | Joe Barnoski Tate | Tin: see hot and oi} tian eens cere EXECUTIVE reg and Mes vu be pleased to} Six room, 2 storey brick antes jpecronmn 1% _ storey wey Cnaiad aolaaa: end LIST WITH ib Gilbart 983-5533 | new olum, stor windows eds git GM plant, latices LANDLORD'S ASSOCOATION show you this home. home with rage, - situ- rame home, new steel insul- t : ' | rono . | se akad 'Caatcllad Gatiehea elk p : COUNTRY HOME ' Achbynarels 2 odie dit ated stall Horse Barr or BS large landscaped lot are CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST | Roy Foster pe Pi Excellent value . ap sc shes 23 Athol St» W., Oshewa es seat ell bhi sit- COMMERCIAL shopping. House clear -- just creek Crosses property, six | cue of this 9 year old 723-5221 -- 9:00 to 5:30 | Wes 983-5801 | f el bali ng on a well treed acre of : : les ¥ f ¢ | jome. | eston Banister | : ai apentneceeneioeiiacaacnmesy and, with stream, just east PROPERTY BY Yast SON BT er ecn aa ae Ct AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL | Garden Hill 797-2215. | HAMPTON BUILDING LOT: e! | f Oshawa. A few extras ii V © This 2 year old britk'ond] Gree «|. ISO WIERSMR, 728-5683, LISTING NEEDED (NO TOLL CHARGE) | Howard Forder [ee eee ey Dee |e REGENT ARMS lude broadioom throughout. nt block building now used ehede | ney a We have buyers, some with Tom Houston 668-4416 Brooklin 655-3853 | area. Asking only $4,500 | @ baths, double garage and for sarvicwa trucks with a sep-| EXCELLENT VALUE | 3 ACRES -- all cash, looking for good Allan Thompson 728-2870 George Beaton | Inspect these properties now | : . day d 2 Two bedroom apartments, ec, room with fireplace, ex- te Of d aioonte U | family homes. If you are Harvey Hogan 655-3663 | Port Perry 985-2987 | by calling Charlie Rankine at ri ag ara room in Quiet building, adults only, eptional value at only $29,- aaasealiy Nested see "avait eigen - 5 sel brick | . sig ee thinking of selling, give us Ralph Schofield 576-1680 728-7576, d 3 be r -- GHaK6 Bat 00. 'i Ya storey home with garage "erfect country home, with il ate ee a a7 ( Todo . $1,500 DOWN able. ' and private drive. Everything 18 apple trees, 4 pear trees, ue wie pe et . Mrs Wk 'rnee 723-6944 in good shape inside and out. ravine and woods, located | | or 723-6455 ac a & <6 ae. F cearoone "Clone te acheol, | close to Oshawa K-Mart, close | OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE GORDON | GUY LEBLANC | ~ NEWCASTLE 725-0657 ee he large family that wants 4 BEDROOMS bus and shopping. Will sell to dl Exit Paty aM las Dial 728-4678 BELL TOR '~ Three bedroom, all brick, m TWO BEDROOM i t 7 life- 9 F ge veypcerag Pec. te VI @ This 2 storey four bed- ete a Oe | Giic Tae $19,500. Easy ries clad Lied e | rail psc i a Agia 3-6 P APARTMENT i i room brick home is on a paved | terms. Call DOUG CAR- oe Maga a S O mM i Sie gt tage Ab ec € refric itty he ysis g ane street, close to schools and with et a MICHAEL, 723-7463 or Tor- lee Tomina yer aay | 623 7461 | B00, gt ee NGOs 9: od errigerety,. epee eagle host Cn Hove fosties 4 wallein| Lot suitable for Duplex or | °° iy John O'Driscoll 725-8585 | My KING tT € olaawa | $1,500 DOWN | aes ct oie eee | NOW RENTING 728-4283 or apply , é itabl | &, th 4 pce. bath. Choose your 340 Marland, Apt. 111 $14,500 closets, full dining room and| Single Family Home on Court VLA--NEWCASTLE M | North End, 3 bedroom home | 0) 3 arland, Apt. : i t 4 EMBER .R.E.B. | i idi own colo heme and floor- : rah a ust what you have been look- fireplace in the living room.| S mn 60 Tf by 38 ft. Owner 3 bedroom brick, ranch bun- ; oD 728-5107 |. with: new aluminum siding, | in $16 500. Buy d att More and more of Oshawa"s F will take $1000 d d We | lusive & M \f d 9 URNISHED and for, a 6 room h ith This home must be seen to be| NBs cles Adios alow with fireplace in. liv- Pat eee LS. er ot) Nae eee Soe | from builder. No realto nicest people are enjoying 1g for, a 6 room home wit 9 p n rom builde N realtors ty one mortgage for the bai- asking only $14,300. UNFURNISHED ja taxes ond easy to heat. one ance. Call now for more de- | {",f00M, corport, hollywood | _ BROOKLIN--$4.900 _ guar tc ay ie 2 eat the rising cost of living e : * kitchen. Asking $19,200.00. Bush | | F ond 3 bedroom apart. y taking advantage of this WHITBY-- mae Open to offers. To 'see call JOHN F Building tot 80° by 160 an |g Sieee Oe hed 987-4837 R A A | ments. Controlled entrance, ne. PAULINE BEAL, 725-0239 " the older part of Brooklin. pping aebiieart : : ; Twin elevators; swimming PRESTIGE HOME pars oT 5 eens - Going higher, buy new! -- ayia gs tae Pneneing rltdegh hac Other O R P pool, fenced playground. Vil @Excellent 2 storey home BEAU VALLEY : ot, asking only u iomes and lots available. | | OPEN HOUSE Willy otteched double garage on Ee ae FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW | Price een eng arol S M 4 723-2347 a large lot 116' x 540' with} |5 - 4 bedroom -- 2 storey WANTED 1 acres of land in Whitby HARMONY RD. N Jouit "home with three bedrcoms, ving) S | ool pines le- is | rN . |r and lovely | kitch t | : ST. LAWRENCE ST; pili ied a sonal se homes All homes as REAL ESTATE LTD. Zoned industrial. Ideal spot | 7 room home with extra up- |oarage, he gale la et L SE | SHELDIAN MANSIONS cious living room, separate din tion. jomes have WANTED : for truck depot -- gravel | stairs apartment ted at {room completely finished, 29' x 12' also | Subt WHITBY ing room with excellent view of| | bathrooms -- Garages -- REALTOR t ae OF Night ae: Serene fented Ct. |hollywood kitchen in "basement with) = NM @ Sublet large 2 and 3 bed- nical': irae Cen bial 2d i WANTED BOWMANVILLE storage or light_ manufac , $90, a month, 2 fireplaces, --|two-piece bath, laundry room and stor- room suites with two bathe é 4 : raat wns. ly completely lecorated -- | turing: Asking $17,900. paved drive, large lot, ask- = {age room. Only three years old. Under rooms @ Hi-fi @ intercom, ome in and see large kitchen with custom built fully _sodded -lots.Priced t need a two or three bed- ing only $17,200 i priced to sell. Must be seen to be ap- N £ elevators @ free hydro end these -4-bedroom luxury circular table and plentiful cup- from $28,980.00. room bungalow in Whitby 623-3111 WHITBY ' Fer acpctnment call. Mike -Seiront ot) NY N parking. 1omes. Colonial, 2-store boards, four good sized bed- Soe x or the outskirts, Substantial 'i d TOWN LINE EAST Schofield-Aker Ltd. §76-1908 or 723-2265. , y Still time to have Christmas Older brick home. Beame paella ee lus side-splits and bungo- rooms. This home has to be Sele Taw home down payment. Call JIM BOWMANVILLE: 150 Acre ceilings, finished pine: floors. 3 bedroom brick bungalow |FIVE-ROOM living quarters on main i éé CALL 728-2502 ura) 3 bathis seporcte Bi seen to be appreciated. : WILSON, 668-6419 or 668- farm, with excellent buildings. Excellent setting for antique with attached garage, extra |fimr, Win, seltcontalned apartment ne. S [ONE-BEDROOM partment with p retcie: ng rooms, fireplaces, large * 3172, Large stream. Park. Very furniture. A gem you must basement apartment rented [Presently used for business. Double gar- | Thad Ny Bets, GOR a ron Tere 'itchens, attached garages BUNGALOW For full particulars | scenic. Call G. VonDyk, 623- see at $90. a month, lot 82' x |age, xtra large corner ols 110 x 15) PHONE 728- 9724 {Phone "725-1354 ind built in an area where Vill @ 8 years old in lovely Call 723-2265 | 7437 264', asking only $20,900. feet call Guide Realty Ltd., 723-5286. | |THREE ROOM apartment, private bath 'ou can be proud M1 HIGHLAND AVENUE Terms. SNe -- | ------ |and entrance, on Oshawa Blvd. South, proud to ca shape. Close to transportation h 728-5205 | ome, schools and shopping. Almost one veephiciieg see eae KEITH Lae sania Piaf toahg OSHAWA 20a--Summer 'Properties | " available December 20h. Telephone 725 ley ilar ee 'arm, wit - uildings. ' CR Bis | c idorememcre a as og Ne cath pcb icin tee finished recreation room has] rene Brown 725-3867 Wall": losstad: for. xub-aiviie A five room bungalow, spot- For Sale or Rent Checas ELECTRICALLY HEATED apartments, he Robert W. McE: Ltd palstered walls, Located in a Marg Hall 723-1358 ion. Call: G. VanDyk, 623- Peat one in geon jepalt, 158 | penerebie | pnd. 2 Decco fetes . i : ' lot is well landscaped, close | | 2! acioom: (0 some, Craperres { oark wiptlea good residential area. Ideal for} el Dale 623-5638 7437 lot i Il landscaped, cl | [parting Included, wie" and sie mmonthty. lomes. the buyer who is looking for ea Gace 725.9345 ¢ to shopping and only four C emong La e | an |immediate possession. Millen, Revi ; | Hor: ' good resale value toasted re ab Jae sae REALTY LTD., 728-7328 pil _ Locanda eh a Hg ony ial and King vs 4 A [Estate, Realtors. 728- '67h between 9 and e eorge Twaites - urnisne room bungo- : i REALTY LTD. REAL F iED BEDROOM and klichen, $2,000 DOWN Mike Belmonte 576-1908 103 KING STREET EAST low. Price $13,500. Call: G. ; Must Be Sold | apar ment sil convanivocesy certo) igi gn large rooms. 2 storey home TRIPLEX---JUST LISTED | hd couples ; : as Horry Toros 728-9817 VanDyk, 623-7437. 124 Dundas St. West, Whitby | also one single bedroom centrally lo in baths, large enough 1X @ Excellent condition --) Req Aker 725-0201 Realtor Andy Keys 728-0196 i vaaey cone lined: plon | with |cated, Apply 141 Church Street, r'2 families, it hos a new Ail apartments rented. 2 apart-| Bill McFeeters 725-1726 | BOWMANVILLE: 3 bedroom N. Vanden Broek 668-2675| 1668-6843 --- 728-4241] 93 sleeping cabins; completely | TWO. ROOM apartment, suiteble for mace but requires a little ments have 5 rooms, plus a one | brick home, centrally located, 999.47 Finihad Ta Beats: beautle || Couple, "share bath. Telephone 7epseee, re. In central Whitby. Full bedroom apartment. Paved drive- OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9| NEW LISTING -- Hillcroft 4-pc, bath. Call: Phyllis Mc- Roy Soley 7 3-4726 ; pani . Two boats, beauti- I Cable TV FIVE Room "apartment, main floor of 'ice only $14,000, way and parking places. All al- | St. big eee -- * Robbie, 623-7159 {Clore Shank 723-5 145 | 614% MORTGAGE | . bungalow. Hydro, heal, stove inl ratrlg- uminum storms and windows. rooms, Scr, See Nearly new 6 room brick bun- MAKE AN OFFER siensnsecsnapetititimenpsstintineecsacsess (NCE O98, T1006 Or 728-008, ENDALWOOD DRIVE 1d Garrard Rd., situated on 77' x 200' lot, all land- W O MARTIN aped with shrubs etc., circle e MORTGAGES ARRANGED trees, garage and paved drive. Garage. Asking $16,200, ° ° cche and 'double Mitehun' ami : | Apartment, stove, refrigera -- batehaddarnc LE Ltna lA Ly ive, twin garage with double FULL PRICE $11,000. Real good value at $14,500, Terms, Call: G. VanDyk, BEAL TOB | 9 ; "| will hold easy payments. | '45, drape lied. Bd snd nt Mag Fide dA aos iveway, 6 room brick bun- X ©. Three bedroom 2 storey 360 King St. West, Oshawa 623-7437. REALTOF | Hig enki with school close Coll Anne. Fated or Keith r, drapes supplied, ratory: 2 copie pretered, "ASSNers low with sepia: " frame home located near Gen- | NORTH WEST -- $18,900 10 ACRE FARM: only 10. | 728-5103 by. Full price $20,500. Foirbairn 728-4283 or apply oe T2574, seein me is spotless clean an eral Motors south plant. This | --Brick bungalow with 3 : | NORTH WE A\ tte aaa . OM. spariment, private ene cely decorated. Priced at home is in real good condition. bedrooms, tiled bath, recrea- ee Paes os ellie 8 1000 Do 2 yes Mbt' Rb cotunga ne BOWES & Coc KS | 340 Marland, Apt. V1 | Heat ag Fy owed spelled. te 23,900. handy to all shop- Hot water heating, TV aerial, W L tion room, paved drive and ore er Neen tee $ wn ---- 2 apartments H ntrance. Heat and hot water. 62 ng and one: block from ri AIning conn GRA e . | Alem lok. Don't be top. late Paved road. Priced to sell, --country 2 storey home, 2 bedrooms, large modern kit- and Reqgenc\ Towers ne St, N ighway No, 2 4 piece bath. 'Not too many | "| -ROWMANTVILEE Lively § |. Seema seta: Asking | oe eae Ged aie, LTD EREMIE nas, Mant ik, Caren eae Son! ' | : $ 'ooms downstairs. Pave: ive, ment, Heat 's, water, FAMILY BUSINESS properties available at this price. | | SANDRA ST. -- Clean, com- Bedioon 'biek Koln: with 2 $7,000 full price ait seulubnd back yard: sh PREMIER , ts Auutis cat Whi, GEE 000 bive @ 20 ear o- ©) U fe | kagao gerd orca, parce, is iia ile $12,000 -- 2 small farms 2 short blocks to bus and shop- P.O. BOX 535 & 2 Bedroom Acts S Two GEDROOM. apartment, will accept * , Gee OCK- In sement, nice lecorat- i i in eS, ue 5 blished grocery and meat PLEASE EVERYBODY | Seay ond dications walk, Only a asi He BEN Call: m1 Led ape take your ping. All yours for $13,900. PETERBOROUGH arking, drape 16 95 pum. 128-4808 'evoninge AB oe pleco sd Salcabtn leva home will pikaae Realtors | $13,900. Phyllis McRobbie, 623-7159. Kathryn Young 723-1884 742-4234 ey Speman preg fort, a ae awa area. Price in- Building Lots -- Courtice and Jean Hedge 728-4539 ----- Rissk es fove. One 'child welcome. Tel ides all equipment, low the most discriminating home : | LOW DOWN PAYMENT -- Mable 'Grave, Buy now. for Lashots Bissel 325.2070 ee aun ate aiores nee ~m elcome. Telephone 723. erhead, Allows good return buyer. The step saving kitchen} 1363 Simcoe ST. N. | Brick bungalow only $13,500. Spring building. Prices low as | 'Doreen Aston 728-9759 [CITY-WIDE COVERAGE at low cost Is "SUBLET AT COLBORNE EAST, first floor, ¢room ) investment. tiles i may aad COUNTRY LIVING $5,300 \ George Norver. 72hdpavitnte ee ee ee pes Abeie and basement, private bathy 'all-to-wa roadioom wit ft 50 ACRE FARM -- Oil fur- | : 2 iti fs lab Aa ET dM hth Shae ' on £90} lod Ais J pa private entrance, Tele Ri wscalghs hued . iaente. al gre pe 1109 | mace in the 8 room house, GARRARD RD. N. | $5,009 Down -- 97 acres -- 23--Real Estate Wonted Sarin yi Mice arene | THREE: ROOM heated apartment, prio room brick, on centrally garage of course. Carries for large barn with stanchions, creeks, ponds, good barn, ------| Po : Aik) Bun at Goce oh be sated corner lot, Perfect for only $148 monthly, principal, | RANCHER school bus at door. $18,900. Spacious three bedroom near: Hora coreniting diss NOW IS THE REAL ESTATE WANTED | Rosslyn Arms Simcoe." Street rage rn family, who want to stretch interest and taxes at 614%. =| ranch brick bungalow with tance, includes equipment and TIME TO BUY % | Available Jan. 15 03, ask for Mr, Martin. ta little. At $2,000 down, EAST OSHAWA LOTS FOR SALE -- In Hamp- attached garage, oversize | 3,500 bales best hay. TRADE YOUR PROPERTY 725-0789 neatly "urlahed (our. one mortgage. it will help Suburban living in this ot- | ton, Tyrone, N stle, Ked- kitchen. with built-in stove | on a new N.H.A, duplex con om , nd stretch the budget. cm hid Ped are tractive brick bungalow with | ron, Maple ees Bs & oven, large family room $16,400 -- Excellent value, | AND SAVE taining 2 apts. live in one pees eee pat ae ee aaa SS arte rede tad ; attached garage. $2,500 and area. Coll for o list: of on main level, broadloom in 3 bedroom brick rancher,- | opt. -- rent the other. Use e refrigerator, drapes and broad- ive Fi 576-3637 ranch style bungalow with at- oo ivi Last of Low Interest Rat tag 1887 hed 1 Birch trim} down and you are in for | prices 728-7328. : living room, extra 3 pc. bath lovely lot, must be sold now. apt ates! your home as the down pay- ncluded, Sg cate Levibbserg ogg yt recuse tek 5 Cilieveod Xmas. ae aera re- | off master bedroom. Double beeeh i ye ay 634% & 7% sant. To see if your home : ah oa detled ar ready" now. javed driveway, large lot ---- 9 room boric qualifies for. trade, please {LARGE T' 9 bec ninec shel or Str Sg send oan as yg Extra ar and -- 'i Bante than a new one, Im- 400 ft. by 150 Ye Var close races! - 1Y2 storey brick NHA Mortgages call without obligation, Foy "Fo e JOhnson | in basement. ose to a Al i i ome, both in to dition. | 2 irdon White 668-6337 schools at the full price of| meciare Poeresay: NORTH WEST. Die ae Sean cal See! Corpaiel Buy Thane uh Farerent a oe JOSEPH BOSCO, Realtor | GEORGIAN Ape oem ra pied $19,900.00. . STOREY Nighet Va IMMEDIATE Irwin Cruikshanks at 728- ' aly, heated, $2,200. down 728-7377 ments, Harry 0 "ROOM periment. and bath, vib si Oshawa suburbs. Neat as a 5205 -- Schofield-Aker Ltd. to qualified buyers. Call any |FURNISHED a YH Ed Ag nig oy re stad HOME WITH pin, Detached garage. Large POSSESSION Realtors, pages or SELLING time. HAVE YOU! raga y deo 7 oe ee corner lot, well laridscaped. ; ontact Considered selling your. |'mente ar sim BASEMENT APARTMENT, furnished, DELAIDE AVE. WEST/ Heating only $250. per year. Call us for more information. 1 ACRE OF LAND X11 @ It is industrial land on Bloor St. 4 bedroom home with Member of the O.D.R.E.B. WE LIST AND SELL M.L.S. A home you can be proud to live in. Location perfect. One | | | | | | dining room, 4 piece bath, hot water oil heating, deep terraced fot with 2 apple TAUNTON ROAD: 3 bed- room' bungalow on % acre lot. All modern conveniences. Attractive six room bungalow with attached garage in very desirable location. 3 lovely LOOKING FOR AN low in north west Whitby fea- turing large master bedroom, 4 pc. tiled bath, built in Tappan Reduced to $9,000 with $2,000 down. Vendor HAROLD SEGAL Business 725-3557 Residence 725-1772 MARIANNA DEVELOPMENTS home? | have a client who requires a 3 bedroom home in the North end. Dining ONE BEDROOM BRAND NEW fou two as heat, = | kitchen |ONE fifth fi Dor wimming pool $12 EDROOM apartment, sublet. » free hydro, Near Becton sauna, Shopping Centre, 5. Available December 15, 723-5111. bed - sitting room, laundry fas es, private bath, Abstalners. Sulte for one or two working adults, No ren, Telephone 263-2966. me and see what you can block from Camp Samac, west : garage. Excellent investment for " this one, bedrooms, 2 baths, rec, room > Roo ; hydro, parking, Open | b_ 207-0 rchase for $21,900. Three the future, For full porticulors,| Sot Don't miss ' with: fireplace." Broaaiben ta ORCHARD? J: B. McMullan 723-0575 m a must. Fireplace and ion Saturday = Sunday from|SELF-CONTAINED, five - room apart droom brick bungalow, Holly- phone tonight Taxes only $200. VACANT iia Rann vies y 10 Acres -- 920 young various & Co. Rec. Room would be wel- 3 to 6 om. 128-2286, |ment. Central. $100 monthly. Heat, hydre od style kitchen, 4 piece bath alae --WMove in now. ; ki sf het ie (seated 7 wilee ; $13,900 -- FULL PRICE for this three | COMe addition, but not essen- [BACHELOR apartment, suilable for busi-|inciuded. Telephone 723-0186 after 4:30 d vanity, nelled recreation e Ld spacious kitchen with loads apple treps. Locate MUTCS |514,900, NICE seven room brick home,|bedroom, two-storey home on Beverley! tial. ness couple, Close to hospital and down-|P:7- Cuchi bie or sauna aS ra with: f laurd \ IMMEDIATE POSSESSION INVESTORS of cupboard space are only from Oshawa 6n an open road.|Reasonable down payment, Telephone|St. Large kitchen, dining room and liv] Please call George Twaites |town. $70 monthly. Telephone 723-724. _|FOUR, ROOMS, private bath, available d worahen tas hore laa XIV @ Must be sold, living and| Try this one -- only $1000 some of the excellent features Small investment and little work |728-1773: Ae Seuch Twalen ey see SPrape. at 723-2265, SCHOFIELD | $90. TWO = BEDROOM apartment in Aas Yo os orepnne. Katte: i if 1 in this quali i i in yo tim ill bring|OWNER TRANSFERRED -- Con : 4 japartmer e and refriger- y _374 Pine rport and paved drive and the dining room, broadloom and| down, will carry for $105 SHS: QUe IY, built home a your cat, i a WL DDG | ite homwa i eusti ane onehenay's compare fi fleld-Aker Ltd., Realtor. AKER LTD. 'Realtor. r. 428 | South, Apt. 4. _|LARGE. Bedsitfer with separate kitchen ck lawn is enclosed for pri- draperies, natural fireplace,| P.!.T. Will rent for same, Call Irwin Cruikshanks at Mb extra D bebe t a ie 'all and you will agree that this Is a real $3000 TO phew Dowe, and showing ater : = apartment, over|" ining room. seme furnished, heat ' ii ji is ~! -- ield-, alw use. Dont miss cl u' "ee-bed bri goed Income of rr mont th vk OUr-TOm and hyd luded, bus at corner, Neat as a pin interior. Lo 728-5205 Schofield-Aker 'ays o y. re Poo Bc OO eH epartreht, foratitine OF ona eae. We have out of town purcha- [ciore, central, newly decorated, heat, jor re Soe ohone eh oe cy with a basket weave fence. hollywood kitchen, 3 bedrooms, Ltd., Realtors, today. Guide Realty Ltd. 723- with built-in garage, broadioom includ- sers with substantial amount Iparking, front and réar entrance. Av ail l! Guide Realty Ltd. 723- finished recreation room with| cated North West Oshawa. 5286 ed, gl@ss.doors, to patio, 6% per cent bedroom and two, one-bedroom, situsted Sf cosh looking. for proper. (pole: Gecamber 1 Appotntinents é6be4s4 | TWO-BEDROOM apOninent in tle. 0 gage. any other extras. Best of lo rs. = Mt 86, - built-in desk and shelves. +0 sgh ere ey femme all, owner is anxious fo sell, has re-|Mullan and Co., Realtor, 668-6201 ties in this orea. ONE-BEDROOM basement apartment, Lisboa \ornbsinten eeensitene Amatin andscaped front and back with CALL HAE 3. piece bath, full verandah. Cen-|REDUCED. Vendor very anxious to sell,|¢ yea the price. Call Murray Boyle, 723 EULALIE AVENUE, three - bedroom private bath and entrance, $95. monthly.!oniy. Telephone 728-5581 N.H.A. RESALE trees and shrubbery, back lawn LLOYD. LAFOY {rally located, close. to. schools and|thiy lovely three-bedroom bungalow bullt/42/0. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377. bungalow, garage, large blue H. KEITH LTD Avaliable December |. Apply 205 Wav | --aND _ TWO-BEDROOM a 1 has covered patio and 10 foot shopping. List' price $11,400. Carries for/on @ ravine lot. Finished recreation room| A$ LOW AS $2,319 downpayment. Really spruce on front lawn. Price, seventeen, : i erly Street or telephone 723-004. __|OWT vaitsble. Good. location, madera 6Y%4% hed 1 $90 monthly. J. B. McMullan and. Co,,,;With fireplace and bar. Paved cere, big four-bedroom home, two bathrooms, (nine. Call WIif Hawke, 673-2503; Jack REALTOR ONE - BEDROOM apartment, "electric| wet maintained bullding. Stove, Tetr' arly new 4 bedroom split edge allows you complete pri- 725-1109 Realtor, 668-6201. and garage. Located In the hwest | family-size kitchen with eating area plus|Ricard, Realtor. 576-0330 heat, parking space, $120 monthly. Alllerator. laundry faciiition supped, Tele. el home complete with vacy. Make an appointment to h 11 655-4479 [WOOD STREET -- Clean, and welll@vide Really Limited, 723-8286," Call|separate dining room, wide entrance |SEVEN-ROOM, -- brick, new furnace, foclities "included. ° 728-6319 "between [S210 any as, athe see this home today. after hours ca - cared for six-room home. Quiet, yet cen- " y_ Limited, g fine adgiekalhecg landscaped, 7 per cent|kitchen, bathroom. An excellent buy af|FICL SPARE ROOMS with paying guest.|8 - 1:30 p.m. 723-2040 after 5 p.m. -- e garage, built-in tral, oll heat. Garage. ideal farnily COSY, S-bedroom bungalow, garage, mor: tr near schools, bus andiFourteen, five. Vendor holds one mort-|Phone 723-3492 now for an ad-writer to|twoO-ROOM furnished apartment, close} ve, oven. Carries for $147 e $2,000 DOWN will_buy thi? two-storey !home. List $16,900. Terms. L. §. Snel-|!arge lot, all To minutes |Shopping. Asking | $20400 or make anigage. John Howson, Metcalf Real Estate,|help you phrase your ad. to downtown and hospital. Telephone 728-| nthly, PI. home with garage. Home In excellent|grove Co. Ltd. Realtor, 723-9610. north of Oshawa, $16,000. 655-3588. Soneph Bosca; Reciter: te Ts7, approval. | 728-4678, 2 " | 4265, | NEED A 728-1678 GUIDE REALTY Core a taxes ot Gtk se angel = $2,900 -- pute ERICE for nls three. DOUBLE HOUSE: Ten-room home with PER MONTH |soaT vio Beek, eee Rese eo Bg may JOB ? t wi i ft jocated, jonthly. ; rooms, north end | of town. Mustslon |Avenue. Large kitchen, three good- fsb GET GASH FAST Neatiene GN ea eee Da the BOWMORUTTe, ele, fates oStlorated., Apply Gerda's Hairstyling, 80] : H atime 'LIMITED Hl aslaea add pf ioe Bel.|Oright and cheery bedrooms. Fireplace * = * land large corner. lot, eon ores Cony The cost of this| 72-1005. : Church Street. 723-4212, or 725-6823. ; Font, of -Schofleld-Aker Ltd.. 576-1908 or |!" living room. Rec foom with extra SELL WeTH TIMES $13,700 with $2,500 down. Sibby's Real ad daily for one|stoRE FOR RENT -- Ceniral location,|TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, close| Read Help Wanted 72 268 two-piece washroom. Large lot, attach- Estate Ltd, 728-7576, T {1]350 teat pl Central loc "It down town and north Available : 2365. . 728- m 0 r : eal Estate Ltd., Realtor Pe eee ores sou? FIVE-, OR SIX-BEDROOM house, in good Son" Schotield-Aker Lid. Bayt iad hs ACTION CLASSIFIED TWOSTORBY 'house, 29 Albany. Street, to be noticed? ear "i ae 7255152. \immediately, Telephone 270 Ads Daily In : area, near hospital, $17,900, Suit large ADS tween Simcoe and Albert. Telephone et Fast Cas! |FOUR-ROOM furnished apartment. . Pre} . o femlly oF foomers, down payment|THOUSANDS read Times Action Classi- between 6 and 9, 726-8487, 725-3760, 725- ; Heder : fer working couple. Ritson Roed South) | The Times ynwented articles, Phone 723308 723 5281 eile' bs errenged. 723-9863. fled ede dally. 0688, No agents, You're reading it! The Quick Want Ad Way ares, Telephone 723-4519. ' ' )

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