14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 12, 1967 ! ANN LANDERS Old Saying Verified | 'Still Waters Run Deep' Dear Ann Landers: Please/he is a fool--that he should) warn mothers that outward ap-|charge for his services, that pearances mean nothing. Tell/people's don't appreciate what them to keep their eyes on their) they get for nothing. He pays no daughters and not to take any-| attention to me whatever. | thing for granted. Just because) He thinks you are a very) a girl seems withdrawn doesn't}smart woman. Will you please| mean she's leading a quiet life.'give him some of your common My friend who has two daugh-| sense, down-to-earth advice?--| ters learned this lesson the hard| Ignored 2 : way. Her 20-year-old Linda was! Dear Ignored: The advice is) & beautiful, well-built and she at- for you, Lady. Get off his back. tracted boys like crazy, starting) You say he hasn't listened to} at age 13. The mother felt the/ you in 22 years so why not take | Ik need to keep close tabs on this! the hint? lf girl--and she did. They had fre-| 4 your busband charged for i the lines of communication were! or giving--and this, my friend, always open. After every date | nan be a lot more rewarding : the girl sat on her mother's bed | than a buck here and a buck i and told her what the evening thore ' had been like. 5 Daughter Number Two) Confidential to Proof In The| (Marie) was 18 months younger Pudding: I'm unconvinced. Sta-| --not at all pretty. She was no-!/tistics can be arranged so that! ticeably overweight and had a they will support almost any-| bad complexion. This girl spent/thing--especially the statisti- most of her time in her room cian. with her nose in a hook. The|------- mother never concerned herself about Marie's m because she seldom had a date and ex pressed very little interest in By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW In September Linda was mar- aw student ried to a fine you She wore a white F bet she deserved to. Last week bo Marie wore a white gown also --but it was a hospital gown = om baad ed over and over, "I never'sions. dreamed such a thing would 3 happen to her--of all people!" ey THE BIRTHDAY I'm sure you get the message,| f tomorrow is your birth ay, pg duces :+/your horoscope indicates that) Ann. Will you please get it!' ; ~ beet b oF ie ..where business and financial across to the mothers? Thank . fa ast ah Gieerver matters are concerned, your} you. ; outlook for the next year is ex-|1U! Dear Just: Your letter got the |celjent. In occupational matters, | S100; message across very well. here's a re-cap. in late April and early May, in The not so pretty, not so popu-| September, November and next lar girl is infinitely more vul-| December. nerable than the charmer with As to monetary affairs, your good looks and personality. An|best periods for adding to bank 1 ugly duckling, in her eagerness|deposits will occur next month,| to be loved, can be easy prey,during early May, throughout for the smooth operator who/July, in mid-September, mid- makes her believe that if she October and November. Just a gives in he will love her. She'few admonitions, however: If also may fee] that since she has presently in any speculative less to offer she must be exces-| ventures, be out of them by/ sively generous with her physi-'early June. Make no loans in|! and [']], moods on Wednesday. Persons|™enus. under some Signs will be 0d symbol of hospitality with}and 1 cup of the milk in a ly congenial: those born|Dright new flavor combinations|large heavy saucepan. Beat egg But you should make advancement|@"d softly quent heart-to-heart talks and/yj, favors he'd lose the pleasure|} @& . __________ Mugs Of Flavored Eggnog THE STARS SAY | Make A Party Menu Merry Add these change of pace; '%4 pint (1% cups) whipping | Take quick note of others'/¢ssnogs to your holiday party They combine an age ; under others will be somewhat you'll find a joy to cococt. nervous breakdown. She repeat- conferences or business discus-|group and the occasion, It all adds up to happy guests and a} carefree hostess. For the youngsters or teen-/egg whites until stiff but not agers choose Santa's Orange/dry. Whip cream until softly gnog. Vanilla pudding mix'stiff. Gently fold egg whites and jang, plenty of milk make a base for this first ver-| frozen orange juice, eggs whipped cream add} |party glamor. Be sure to allow) lfor extra servings! | § g2 birth to a § if * 7 i 7 itera Ph She | § ' Pe in sight|o" the "touchy" side. It biking ea ibe these |into pudding mixture. Cook! Poinsettios s to who the fa- shouldn't take you long to dif- Poy ere nae eave vo, (over medium . heat, stirring Orange Trees .... $4, $6, $10 plants ferentiate--and act accordingly.|aqq diff flav mbina-(comstantly until mixture comes Cyclamen . : $4, $6 plents | " : if d different flavor combina-/to 9 full boil. Reduce heat and The mother nearly had a/Not a good day in which to hold|tions depending on the agel ook one minute longer. Re- MAME 56 sas ednees $4, $7.50 plonts | ROC crcvcense $5, $6, $10 dozen SANTA'S ORANGE EGGNOG) (Makes 14 to 16 Servings) | (34%-ounce) paskage vanilla | pudding and pie filling mix ii cup sugar |2. quarts milk |4 eggs, separated | ¥% cup frozen concentrated orange juice, thawed teaspoon orange rind whipped eream into pudding mixture. Sprinkle with the re- maining 14 teaspoon orange rind, Chill thoroughly. Adult = merrymakers will gather 'round the punch bow! that's filled with Christmas Coffee Nog . . . and who could blame them! This time the creamy drink is subtly flavored with a blend of coffee and rum and sports scoops of ice cream afloat the fluffy topping. Pre- pare. the eggnog, if you like, Poor, Posture Frequent Cause Of Backache If you work around the house all day, that nagging backache ou have is not because you don't stand up straight on the job. The Canadian Medical Association notes in Health, that the common backache suf- fered by many housewives is not a disease, but the result of poor posture while doing house- SANTA'S ORANGE EGGNOG : work. Swayback or lordosis -- the party begins. At causes poor posture. This can ng time simply pour intolne corrected through proper a chilled punch bowl and add stance and during rest. the scoops of ice cream. Sleep on your ate on ? ptm bed with your knees curled up CHRISTMAS COFFEE NOG under your chin, If the pain (Makes 10 to 12 Servings) ..|nersists in this position, sleep 5 cups cold milk on your back with your head 3 tablespoons instant coffee jon two pillows and your knees 6 eggs flexed over two or more pil- lows placed crossways and roll- % cup sugar ed in a cylinderical shape. % cup dark rum The CMA suggests that you ¥% pint (1% cups) whipping take daytime rests in similar cream positions as often as possible, 1 pint vanilla ice cream and nigel up long periods wae activity into short ones. e Heat 1 cup of the milk andistrain of standing still can be stir in instant coffee, Chill. eased by placing one foot on a Beat eggs until thick and/chair while stooping slightly lemon colored; gradually beat). 44 resting your elbow on the in sugar. Stir in = mix-|raised knee. Never stoop to lift ture, rum and the remaining 4|.nything without bending the cups milk, Whip cream untillknee, and never treat a sore softly stiff and fold into milkipacy with exercise. | mixture. Spoon ice cream on Seite jtop of mixture. Serve immedi-} MANY USES jately. Beeswax has more than 150 | NOTE: More ice cream mayl|uses ranging from candle pro- |be spooned on top if eggnogiduction and cosmetics to space [stands for any length of time.'research. WHEN YOU ENTERTAIN | . . . set your table with oll the | warmth and friendliness of the day. Our flowers are just lovely. $5, $6, $10 plants || cream Combine pudding mix, sugar jyolks until light; gradually jadd remaining milk and stir move from heat and stir in jorange juice and % teaspoon jof the orange rind. Chill. Beat Arrangements $4 ond up. LOCKE'S FLORISTS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE cal. favors. Are you tuned in,|late May, and do avoid extrava- thothers? I hope so. month. Dear Ann Landers: My hus- gance for the balance of Slant home and family interests| immensely rewarding. Personal relationships will be| A child born on this day will band is a jerk. All his life he| governed by generous stars dur-|/be extremely versatile along} has done people favors. He re-/ing most of the 12 months/creative lines but will have to) pairs their electric appliances, | ahead, with romance empha-|curb tendencies to become un- drives them wherever they want|sized in late June, all of July|duly materialistic. to go, lends them money, signs|and late September; . travel in notes at the bank and sits up|July and the first three weeks half the night doing their tax re-| of September; also in November turns, Just name it and my/and next December. And, schnook does it you're careful to avoid friction _I've told him for 22 years thatiin domestic circles, you should € PAR AR ARBAB ARA AR AAA AARAAAARAARRAD DA e ~ Sooner or later, that day-comes, the day when a woman feels she's changing. It's not a good feeling either. And she could use a good old-fashioned medicine then. ; Could be you feel a itsle edgy, or maybe cross. You might even have what we call hor flashes and Whatever you feel, we have something for the day you need a little comforting. Lydia E. Pinkham Tablets, They're made with gentle ingredients that work to give you a better sense of well-being. A sense of well-being you might lose when pon start changing. With an old-fashioned problem like this, couldn't you mse an old-fashioned medicine? Lydia E. Pinkham Tablets and Liquid Compound SALE! SHORT PARTY 15.95 Brand New Samples Sargeant's 463 Ritson Rd. S$. 725-3338 ~ » she's hoping 4 you'll think Of Caltined We did. We know that women love these lustrous, delicate beauties, and our Christmas collection shows it, Strands in all popular lengths, single and double. Matching earrings, and superbly designed rings too, From 19.95 to 700.00 BURNS JEWELLERS LTD. 20 Simcoe North, Oshawa, 723-7022 OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 9:00 PM. FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER ieee we wwwwww~ Man-Pleasing Gifts! FULL FASHIONED BAN-LON' KNIT SHIRTS OF DUPONT NYLON These handsome classics are favored by more men than any other knit shirt, Buy them for every man on your Christmas list. By Leon de Paris, in @ fabulous color choice. Automatic wash-and-dry. Sizes $,M,L,XL. A. Sweater shirt with a mock turtleneck. Fully fashioned raglan sleeves. 8.95. B. Polo shirt, detailed with three- button placket, ribbed collar, sleeves, pocket and hem, 9.95. C. Contrasting stripes race around mock turtleneck and raglan Sleeves of this sweater shirt. 10.95. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-4626 "One of the joys of Christmas is in giving . . « but the joy in receiving is when it's a Gift from, . ." WITH THE Pastels from Skirts or Slims to match sweaters Hundreds of Blouses 6.98 up Shirts 4.98 up a. ee, ... She Would Choose Gift for Herself | Smart New Sportswear AND FROM HER FAVORITE SHOP TOO DRESSES Crepe, double knit, sheer wool in dark or pastel shades, 1- or 2-piece 17.00 up Glamorous EVENING SKIRTS Shimmering EVENING TOPS COATS Wool or Suede Fur or Untrimmed CAR COATS 25.00 up SWEATERS By the Hundreds CARDIGANS PULLOVERS by KITTEN tom 9.00 ROBES 11.00 up CURLING SWEATERS PANTS SKI SPORTSWEAR Lid. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 15.00 up 20.00 up PANTS 20.00 up JACKETS 17.00 up SHELLS 5.00 up WE GLADLY EXCHANGE CHRISTMAS GIFTS SHOP TONIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M, UP TO CHRISTMAS 'Simotta' COAT Piain 59.98 WHY NOT A Gift Certificate Alwoys Welcome WE CARRY BY FAR THE LARGEST iTOCK OF SPORTSWEAR IN OSHAWA' REMEMBER SEIGNEUR'S OSHAWA SHOPPING . CENTRE LUCIA USZYJ conce trates on Beethoven's Moc light Sonata for her pia Reindhardt, guitar; Fredd London Cook Boo. Reveals Tastes Of Celebrities - LONDON (Reuters) -- Pol cians, millionaires and mo stars reveal their gastronon tastes in a new book of reciy called Celebrity Cooki published here. The publisher, Paul Haml; collected favorite recipes fre more than 400 international « lebrities for the 239-page co book. Prime Minister Wilson, whe preference for bottled sauce a chips is well-known, contribut a recipe for old-fashioned g gerbread. When movie stars raid t pantry they seem to go in { more exotic dishes--Dirk I garde produced a recipe f Spanish paella and Hungariz born actress Zsa Zsa Gab went in for paprika chicken. Three millionaires show ¢ surprisingly simple tastes. U. hotel owner Conrad Hilton cho SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Marianne Laigo, Toro to, wishes to announce the e gagement of her daughter, Ru Ellis, to William E. Hinkso son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hin son of Oshawa. The wedding to take place December | 1967, at 7:30 p.m. in St. Paul Parish Church, Paget, Be muda. ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announ ed of Mary Margaret Risebo ough, daughter of Mrs. Cliffo: Riseborough, Blenheim, and tl late Mr; Riseborough, to Gler Arthur Nichol, son of Mr Ewart Nichol, Oshawa, and tl late Mr. Nichol. The wedding to take place on Tuesday, D cember 26, 1967, at 4:00 p.m. : Blenheim United Church. OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS 20% Discount on Orders of 5 or More Pictures Available ot NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. E., Oshawa 8x 10 -- 1.50 each 5x 7-- 1.25 each