in the budget debate last Wednesday, indicated that his party may not support the Con- servative motion because it im- 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 12, 1967 | BIRTHS WEST COAST HOPEFUL Federal Liberals Face 30--Automobiles for Sale |36--Legal ' | hE ---------| JOHNSTON -- Francis and Donne : : , plies that government spending | Ne te cage) PP RERRY nowenrs petsriciae ome! ant pore sos ene' | Vote Of Non-Confidence |r' « Only $10 Down | Ipods, Yo inces.'0n Sunday. Becom: VICTORIA (CP) -- West Pins fortwo ships. |. =. Lester says the CNR fe | Mr. Monteith's motion has : | jber 10, 1967, at the Oshawa General Cores oot authorities A squabb ween Ottawa sidering expanding its ; : 'ho ac-jbeen put in the form of an in" tha. bor of! your "choles | Hospital ms Di "*» and Victoria over jurisdiction ties to handle coal"destined | OTTAWA (CP)--The Liberal |tive financial critic, who a |amendment to the government's - ; niin re | LOCKE -- Stan: and Lillian (nee' Rus) SHrUBRing off a sharp drop in for coastal ports is one aspect for Japan from Smoky River, |government faces a non-confi-|cused the government of any et resolution, which seeks with up to 48 months to re- | mh to announce the.birth Brain shipments, head into o¢ the cont sy. Another is Alt | in the Commons to-|managing the economy and in-/Dude! , TORONTO 10:40 A.M. $ sell) are happy to annou rth. d ; 0} controversy. Another is a. dence vote in the Commons | ig itsiC ons approval of M Distributed by CP poy at ee net eee pd Og sd ht lent of cashing in On the disagreement over timing In Victoria, where the port jnight on the special budget in-jcreasing taxes to pay for its) Sommons r, vie co ee M | St Iker her 10, 1967, at Oshawa General Hos, the explosive growth of ship- of the Roberts Bank project, handles some grain and ships troduced by Finance Minister|own extravagance. : 'Sharp's five-per-cent surcharge Suctaticka' te wants oniess 5 oriey a pital, A sister for Barry; Bobby, Ron-) ping volume in Pacific rim -- some drga@"*that a $15, wood products from Vancou- |Sharp Nov. 30. |, But the government may nol\,, personal income taxes and iii a cheaarione fe MOTORS | yt Ricky and Linge, countries. : 000,000 expansion program yer Island, the year ended on | The non-confidence motionjhave to face a united SppoRt HON acpercent boost in excise taxes from previous board-lot clo - DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, -- weper -- Johnny and Jeanne (nee Both federal and provincial under way for Vancouver har- h note. Victoria Ma- |was moved last Wednesday by/in this test. David Lewis (NDP) ody ' , Ww. NTARIO McGali) are very happy to announce the sis ; ree ; an unhappy note. Victoria Ma- | ' ~ i sho also joinedion beer, spirits and tobacco. MIN S 137 King West Or 10 birth of their son, Stephen James, 7 ibs. Authorities are working on bor facilities will take care of chinery Depot, a shipyard in |J. Waldo Monteith, Conserva-'--York South), who also j | ' E ba 993.6322 -- 723-8311 NOTICE TO SUPPLIERS (11 o2s., on Monday, December 11, 1967. plans for expanding port facil- any increase in trade volume pusiness for more than 100 | at sts Ei oN A brother for Devic. Many inanks toi; ities on the British Columbia for at least 10 Th ¢ i i --_--_------ -- OF CEDAR POSTS J. 0. Anderson and fourth floor staff of § 6 ; a for at least 10 years. They in- years, closed in November be- |# Ae OK A es NICOLS MOTORS Ltd SUPPLY CONTRACT NO. Oshawa General Hospital , coast to handle expanding sist the available funds should cause of lack of new con- | oon on a | SA-67-2995 trade and super-size ships. be concentrated in Vancouver tracts. Its facilities were sold | Agnico oo 10 140 Your heodquorters for | DISTRICT PORT HOPE | The most ambitious and instead of being spread over to Burrard Drydock Co. which / ; if f See 7 9 | Ic i 8 Argosy 3000 47) 47 American -- Rebel | Seoled Tenders on forms | controversial plan concerns two projects. also has an interest in Yar- Here Ss wnere to in gl ts or everyone o 8 Armore aso0 5°, lit,be Ambassador -- Javelin |. supplied by the: Deportment | ADOPTION | development of a new harbor, COAL FOR JAPAN rows Ltd. shipyard in Victo- 'Ov eo s | for the above Contract will designed to handle the big, ~ 'h 3 : ria. Aunor 400 240 240 ' e : ; WHITBY -- 668-3331 be received by the District | ee a. albert Hoare; MEW Cargo ships, at Roberts Pi Bogen y pga on Despite a sharp drop in Bankeno 1500 109 lop seis | Engineer, Department of are pleased to announce the adoption of ank, now a_ malodorous term contract being nego- grain shipments to the Orient Black Bay 1000 94 91% | Highwoys, Box 129, 138 [their chosen daughter Sandra Gertrude' stretch of clam flats 15 miles |' 5 ; in the second half of 1967, the St Hewk «200 31 3) MORE CASH | Hope. Street North, - Port |Mery. Meany sents to a0 concerned south of Vancouver tiated by Crows Nest -Indus- volume of cargo moving Bunker H 1000 16 'Ie | r ' : eet p unker Hope, Ontario; until 12 hoa : tries Ltd. of Fernie, B.C., for i ' cn. Camilo 600° 378 370 Paid for Good, Clean Cors, | O'Clock Noon Loco! Time ' aes pee ppg age sale of 2,000,000 tons of coal a ice cg on ports con Camp RL | 200 $26 26 Trade up or down. Liens paid THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28th, the legislature early in 1967, year to Japan. The B.C. gov- saps € Bell 24000 1204 2 | as ere would eventually encompass indic: i The National Harbors Board its ; j DODD MOTOR SALES 1,300 of Roberts Rank, Sivneut has indicated ite ted that 10,471,000 tons of Coptain "1500 ave tas ae | .300 acres oberts Bank, reported that 10,471, ons of Captain 1500 14¥4 14M 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH | Specifications, Information to providing berths for 124 ships. pet eae nk del tee cargo moved through Vancou- ee eee ie 723-9421 Bidders, Tender forms ond | savaGe ida Ellzabetn Fully developed, it would cost completed ver in the first nine months Chimo" 3800 128 125 oe ef envelopes may De obtcined By jin "Osoame Generel ome tn aa snuch as 4186000 00: The new port would also 'ompared with 10,173,000 t ns Chrom 100 145 145 re | calling at or by mail address Thonose i her ee venr, widow of Pais a Rf ' ' A Comb Met 2167 15 15 GUS BROWN | ed to the District Engineer ot William. Savage and dear mother of Mrs The provincial gov ernment handle Alberta coal, Prairie in the Somipareie pele ia egg 1 700 200 000" ORS LIMITED | the above mentioined address Nora McKnight and Mrs, Armour Han: has indicated it is planning to grain, Saskatchewan potash Lumber shipments were up Cush a0 a MOT IMITEL a z . Florence) both of Oshawa, loving = e inti 4 OTORS | yal | The lowest or any Tender mot 58, rarencey, gos" 0", Onhant,, levine) go ahead with the initial and sulphur and B.C. wood to 810,524,000 board feet from + ee a ae oe R.R. No. 3, Oshawa | necessarily accepted abeth) of Glasgow, Scotland, and sister phase, estimated to cost $10,- products. 778,704,000' in 1966 but grain Con Negus 1700 77 75 TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top } DEP JAYS, .of Mrs. William Gerseil (Myrtle) of De- 900,000. This would involve 30 Expansion plans are also was down to 147,091,000 bush- C Red Pop 2500 48 24 E : ARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, ft. Resti Mcintosh - Anderson : : plans A , Hag Price paid for Good Clean ONTARIO Foneral Home, 152'King st. E. servee| acres of land, rail access, under discussion at Prince els from 162,501,000. | coer ie 2 8 Cars, liens paid, TERMS 1 JOSEPH KYC, of 340 Marland Avenve, iD, the chapel on Pos baechcharah Lrospebha aE ren ea at ey ae aren emer ne pea ae unaeo ice pps Blade 160 $12%e 12% ae 799-737 ; , of 3 nd Avenue, i345 at 2 o'clock. Interment Union Ceme , + ed gee errone 725-7870 a0 128-7978 Pe ease. Paar aesas in iv pare tore DART RESULTS | he H Entertainment Brelions 1000 of ot - ; any Bebis contracted' | 2 |e : (a7 IMPALA, silver grey, black viny! 10P) snyone on or after this date December VAN DUFFELEN, Simon | SHAWA IN NEWS | Gifts for the Home Deini Pac $00 124 12% fim, YAr Us 75. 12,000' 12 1967, withsut my written conser Suddenly at his residence, 607 Kent d ag CSE TERNS | region 'Cost $4000, asking $2,875. 12,000 sioneq, Joseph Kyc Street, Whitby, on. Monday, Decembe SOUTHMEAD "LEAGUE | ; Beer jt ae es, Hos Biorses) 1967, Simon Van' Duffelen, beiove This is the beginning of a new WHITBY MEN'S LEAGUE | MOTOR CITY SUNDAY NIGHT MAKE A DATE TO Bonnidé 7500 12% 12% $10 DOWN delivers 1962 Faicon station RENT THAT VACANCY through Rent husband of Cornelia Westerhout, dear pes 5 (Thursday) | High Triples: Ron Butler 789 (311, F v, i D RE Saeg Mal 100 155155 wagon 6 cylinder, automatic, nies Ads -- Call 723-3492 today for action! father of Mrs. J. Speksnyder elena), /section and it is a close race' igh Triples: Des Denyer 810 (301),|288); George Hubbard 716 (279, 251); | Gl cS OU LA O VISITE. ig Fe Mo io 1a condition, Bob Hobbs Motors, 146 Brock Cobourg, Mrs. 1G. Flim (Ann), Pefer- for all teams. The team stand-|Pau! Frank 808 (293), Ed Samanski 783/Bill Smith 67S (250, 241); Jane Hill 674 H da 1000 20 20 North, Whitby. 668-6889 38--Coming Events aw, Carla of Whitby, Steve, Port cat lad cig as follows: Fire Birds (30, Bill Jordan 770 (294), John (214, 253, 206); Peter Rines 659 (304); ON EVERY FLOOR Ue A Freer é 1000 425 425 1966 PLYMOUTH Satellite, convertible " and Neil of Waterloo; also survived by ings S: S'Breuchle 767 (278), Bob McAllister 740|Gord Brown 634 (221, 214); Barry Town- GEORGI N Gnt Masct 1000 125 125 fully equipped, low down payment. Stil ' nine grandchildren; In his 62nd. year. 94. The Hippies 23, Slow Start- (295), Lou Bedard 739 (275), John Adams|send 629 (276, 202); Barb Smith 626| Giant Yk 2250 875 840 iy Petia. Wellnan's Raribler Resting at the W. C. Town Funera "< Zoachers 20. Sad 725, (259), Larry Hall 704 (288) and Tom (261); Darlene Rines 617 (216, 211); and 1276 Shades to Choose From Motor Hotel ala fe Sea ites bob Telephone 798-735). Chapel, Whitby, for service in the Chape)/ers 23, 'The Reachers 20, Sad jeior joa 1266) Ron Pye 615 (250). | | @ Fine foods served in a Goidrm. 11600 89 58 ephene 728-7: a on Thursday, December 14, at 2 p.m.'Sacks 20, River Rats 18, Misfits) High Singles: Jim Kirk 303, Larry) High Singles: Betty MacDonald 257, Visit our new showroom for complete decorating service | ie Gortdrm 1800 390 385 1s SeueLeR Se ear, ail interment Mount bean Ceneiary, Ot |47 and Feather Dusters 15 Bathersen 285, Doug Rowden 280, Bert Ted Smith 253, Ray Brown 245, Bruce seo! festive atmos- Granduc 240 625 620 owned since new, fully guar ; awa. Minister the Reverend H. Hes- 1 : ape Seeley 269, Bob Dingman 268, Dave Mc- Simpson "(236, 232), Bill Avard 235, Doug ere. 145 $105 10% terms. Wellman's Rambler. Telephone selink: If desired, contributions to the . Doubles are as follows: Dave intyre 267, Geo. Ritchie 264, Earl Smith Smith 233, John 'Hilton 228, Rex Gil-| COfPeting for the living room, bedrooms and halls. A gift your e ahs -flight . entertainment Sit ae oe 728- ab ge eae Canadian Heart Foundation would pe ® young 4: Dave Conboy, 3, Rick 2%3 and Frank Kap 260 lette 226, Muriel Roznik and Jerry Bour-| whee ey we enpoy. FREE ESTIMATES AND EXPERT L : mate nly High-Bi 585 $l4¥4 14% By j i eciated. Visitors commencing p.m ' ana tad. Po Re ' dages 223 | F 'ou're su . Y poll gore i Rgrearl history epics. Tuesdey Harman 3; Marion Ta vlor, Fred atone bie ae e's, chet Pyar 'Team Standing: Sky Divers 14, Hips) gal ted e Be sure to book your ey Bayt 100 Ss aa Bank 'terms available. Wellman's Ram S --_____---- |Pesarchuk, Bill Overy, Chuck) Kaiser Aluminum 9, The Guy's 9, Dia- pee 1A ret "i s Mincaee a ital Christmas and New Year's Jonsmith 1000 24 24 Bier reopen ed idee eto STAFFORD Musgrave, Ted Campbell, Des Fen Sent Onet Te Mita Pinta |e 9, dete 6 and' Ally 'Cals' s. A N G U -- G RA Y D O N reservations now ier oe fae ae cro oalec Perviocs cures hee | BROTHERS LTD. --[Tavlor, Edna Watson, | Juttaly, Legion Oia sweats 6, whitoy Hardware Lda Phpnre ps Kb San" zison 30 om request, Weliman's Rambler. Tele Kaltner, Eieanor Herbacko and 5, Post Office 4, Mercantile Dept. Store | 428 KING ST. WwW 728-6254 Ch i dd Thernte: Kirk Twn 5 1 r ; t 3. UAWA LEAGUE . : jamplain ani jornton K 62 ans ise ae Ce, 2. eS aS ' Authorized Deolers Bob Miller, 2 each; Alex Her-|* timo rgt 1.4 phippen, Bert Bie ds Tay de dora ae 6) 723-4693 Cpufauit 940 880.875 1967 RAMBLER Ambassador, door | IN ROCK OF AGES backo, Don Perrin, Rose Dews-)Seeley, John Adams, Des Denyer, jLO¥ Fleming's 4 Home App. 0; Sun Life 4, Lakehead' 8 i Wr ully powered, local druggls r, ne } | NTS , . ; k Chuck Bedard, Paul Frank, Gord Zedic, Jack Goch's 0; Durno's 2, Clint's 2 | La Luz Alda cat warrenty. Wellman's Rambler. Tele $] 450) S FAMILY MONUME bury, Cathy Skelton, UCK Osier, 'Larry Hall, Andy Martinolich, A ee Pease a taaihan o. uss! Langis 7100 36 36 phone 728-735). a / PRIZES 318 Dundas St. E., 668-3552 Grimbleby, Vi Graves, Jean Frank Kap, Ron Wilson, Ken Carroll, Al anes, a he ys 0; Bern's Bae [ R Leitch 510 970 950 1965 LAURENTIAN, six, 27,000 miles Whitby .Ont aba, Harry Kellar, Chris Taylor, Geo, Ritchie and John Breuchie Motor City 2, Tony's 2; Med, Pharmacy IF E | TE Niseing Br ey ek Automatic, power steering, radio, new Be A Ga cca RECN cu Pa tt Hester. D Mac- 2, Al's Bi-Rite 2 " " 19. «19 white walls and brakes, discs, etc. Tele- 2 JACKPOTS lOve Art Hester, Doug c Standings -- Group 1 -- Sun Life 38, FROM Have Yourse Martin 50 x 4 Pei Pee ks Toe, ' f H : ! 750 455 455 phone 728-0280 FLOWERS Kay, Gerry Grimbleby, -Art Irv- WHITBY MEN'S LEAGUE Fieming's 33, Tumey's 29, Durno's 24, Mattgm cial SASS uE ES ENTS ¥, Gerry ; ( ' Mc Adam 500 44 4d '68 algal ite ect Gal tpe Ee Vv . . i - Nos 52 and 58 by b pelea's ing, Olivia Pesarchuk, Reg Skel since ee, a is hola mp 's 20, Murray Rug 19 and OSHAWA LTD McIntyre 250 $79'4 mm Sas Seow Hires, Cormleiely. inte ieee! : Flo Young, Cy Thomson ,"! : ; {| Group 2 -- Kemp's 31, Cadillac 29, . Mentor 9000 gadlo, new engine, 4.000 mile warranty ton, Flo g, C3 q Bruce Henderson 743 (311), Geo. Chase OUp me, Le G Min-O 1000 9 9 Bert cash offer -- this week only! 728 One Must .Go eppropriate funeral tributes 'and Edith Langstaff with one'737 Kooa)y, Ron ls 727 (283), Keith eres ie sores 2%, To ae Wee | erry, erry Paar ae nia 08. e Laundry 4 A rnie epperdson ee} ie oo Fy ivi " 000 19 8% Ss agree $300 In 52 Nos. orl each (723, (254), Pete Stirpe 714 (285), Joe|!% The 27's 17, and Active 17 a - +. the gift that keeps on giving iat «am joa ee a CMrIe. Parikenne, conver i tanta dt aagadar antici stead 728-6555 High 3 darts, in one inning Ciampo 7i2 (256), Ozzie Moore 704' (281), High Scores -- A. Stovin 866, C. Dove| e New Ath 1000 19 19 brakes. Telephone' eansi77 arier's pm~| $200 in Announced Nos OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE /of baseball were: Marion Taylor)Don Duncan 703 (251) and Bill Vesters 81%. D. Grown. 787; 1 Estabrooks 775. L.| © 11 Chennale Christmas" New Cal 1500 35 35 eto adn Bcokicd SH C begs wie " \ FS q % vewer 590 590 L USED PARTS, tires, wheels, radi $25 Consolation Prize 5 and Des Taylor with 5. High Singles: Norm Lee 326, Ted reper fel Vip solos cH Wan ; NoMarnt 1000 13% 13% Sd Sims 'ee Fa cing PLUS nee t pee gets "f: a Ves Reed 268," Stuart *Niton ie" Ron |709, C. Lockhart 707, T- Trowsse 705, J @ Perfect Reception N tmperal 3500 303390 athe inl PP ae ine RE score in baseball with 22 points. siack 265, Al Hammers 264, Tony Stig-| Trott 698, C. Crandell 697, K. Davis 692,| Keo ro ea aaa {960 CHEVROLET station wagon, 4, a erieey: santas si Si 61 ill), Hewis|R. Murray 688, E. Jordon 686, T. Edoes @ No Antenna : 1 gutomatic, $160. 1965 Dodge, automatic, IN MEMORIAM High scores in 401 were: Reg 7 erm leet ed loach antl "HA RLY (ar eee attheiw by Newiund A ce eee $10 per line both games Skelton with 140 followed by|"Team standings: Bathurst Containers N Rim 39100 (17,--'1514 ' $ go : ' ; 8602. ase nf Fred Pesarchuk with 101 andii1, Mitton Machinery 11, Joe's Barbér | F Norlex 350 16 «6 71 FALCON WAGON, $250, 2 Chev.| $150 JACKPOT GAME CONNER -- In loving memory of ® Edna Bowers with 100 Shop 11, The Golfers 11, Whitby Police LAKEVIEW LADIES OSHAWA plou..ning your N Coldstm 350 138 138 'adon panel, $295, trade either for dump : : dear mother and grandmother, Helen ~~ n : : ' No. 1 10, Sportsman Corner 9, Lambert High Triples -- L. Parry 700, B. Baron N Gate 15450 $11% 11% truck or sell. Telephone 668-8180. 20 regular games ot $20. Conner, who passed away December Our four new trophies were oii Ltd. 9, Ottenbrites 8, B and B Ren- gos "7 'Oidtield 674, B. Smith 670. ).| N. Rank $00 36 36 1964 COMET, V6, away, positraction Double in 15 Nos. or less 12, 1966 on display for everyone to sce. |!als 8 Ramblers 7, Wilson's Food Mar-\Caiger' 665, D. Mappiebeck 639, M N. Rock 500 35 35 Felephone 648-8556 ' e456 Your: thopghts: Were 61): 00 full 0F G8) cee ae ee sad n nt Briers greta' rey Wright 629, C, Gooding 629, G. Cork 621, Obaske an ee __ Naatbieltie ae aR RE EOD i t ss $ ame You ni id forget, Ji F : pemsks i a rol c for Sale bry dl a al Please God, just let her. know Police No. 2 4 and J. B. McMullan Reals onion Sealer J. Calder 325, B. Baron | Pamour 1400 245 240 | ia ompact Cars for Sa That we do not forget her, MOHAWK Estate. 3, Winnerse Don __Anstey,._wert|2'2:,.M. Weight 29, G. Cork 259, ©, LTD. | Patino : im $1484 We -- - poem We love and miss her io. urkey Winners: " Ouellette 254, T. Oldfield 253, L. P : oe EZOLTAN d NICK'S ADMISSION 50c --Always remembered by daughter Birch, Bill Vesters, Don Reed, Bruce /osy aay J. Wesiman 249, D, Mapplesecr| 600 KING ST. E. 723-5278 { Pee Expl 2100 147 146 1 an } Helen, inlaw Larry, er Henderson, Fale Siiroe, Kellh Laundrysiagy, C. 'Gaoding. 247 Placer 350 $31 31 a ' Lorne Haley, Geo. Chase, Barre! amp- aay i, Sa Porc Pa 500 9 9 Your Authorized Datsun Early Bird Gome 7.45 Sharp {Sherri and Larry Dale RACE RESULTS bell, John 'Scolt, Bill Phillips, Jack see be G, Contin da AIRY and Pow Rov 2000 26% ¥ Dealer CONNER -- In loving memory of @ Hamer, Ernie Shepperdson, Joe Clampo Cats 26, Tipsies 26, Hotshots 20, Hippies Preston 188 $20% 20% } R d S$ Bus service leaves King ond {dear wife, who passed away December MONDAY, DEC, 11 and Kerry Umphrey. 1 and fry Harde 16. | THIS YEAR GIVE THE GIFT Prot m ne 'os i epair and Service S$ Streets at 12, 1966 PARTIE yre 7 | 1 wmcoe otreets at... s | Softly the leaves of memory fall, FIRST RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse ? Que Chib 2500 30 30 % 160 SIMCOE S. | 7:00 and 7:15 P.M, | Seri, aterm enue fem sot "nates Me Pace. Porm SiAtA. Gamat pe oe THAT KEEPS ON GIVING! ! uma! Taos vis ai > ; : vt 1 ; unheard, '| 5-Adies_ Look, Waples High Triples -- Madeline Morrison 800) 44; ek A ie ean aie ant 2 728-0051 | | a ore: itd verse on Digs Moen 2-Ned Folley, Coke 260 2.50 aise Dole Pelaw 7" (29), Binet tankin CE ee Freeh Sas Mestad st gadis Play nee neg Pe oe -- --| ' oral ll __ ome | 4Wit Lor Charile, Hie 270 742 (320), Les Wagg 718 (299), Harry|Lavergne (266) 416 and Georgia Hardl Ms 244 244 J9s8 METROPOLITAN, rebulit four-cyi-| The Biggest Prize Money in | Gores SAECO OSAP oon re ed: Hy Adam, Billy's Lad,/Keys 710 (259), Harry Fayle 703 (287), (207, B03) aio, 9 ng : : R gy W758: $24ve 24a eo, eine, over steed pistone at] the area for a 50¢ admission |--Lovingly remembered by husband O°NY iy Ai anitess wi cao) one Huon uteeel jillgh, Singles, -- Rose Anderson, 4.) Phone the Circulation Dept. 723-3474 San Anton! 2200 18 18 "s : bes ; Jack SECOND RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse 18) ' atellite % 2 $95. Telephone 668-3200 charge ; son 691 (316) Sarah Hann 206, Florence Bracey 203, Satel'r 545001 5 hake eet edie ohne $800. Conditioned. High Singles -- Bert Wight 279, Ray Betty Stonebridge 203, Edi Wats 02 1 *99 FIAT 600, good running condition, CONNER --, In loving memory of a D HA c./ 4 3.4 3.00 p; if mebridge 203, ina Watson 21 a ! 4 Sherritt 140 445 445 4 0. Telephone 725-0458 dear mother and grandmother, Helen {NepeOwipere caconet 440 3:40 3.00 Richard 264, Clarke Hubbell 255, Tom and Tessie Burleigh 200. Gifts for the Home Holiday Fun Sigma 31700 520 500. § ~ : lo A) Goch 254, Peggy Fayle 254, Peggy Pelow Team Standing -- Polly Wogs 15, Hot %2 CHEVY Ii convertible, eutometic six. Every Wednesday Conner, who passed away December 12, g invincible Pick, Waddell 3.70753, Shella Taylor 252, Kay Hardsand shore 12° thorny Hinene, Bot antit Sivriids 108 4940 Condition, 'snow tires, extras. Tele ¢, Also Sterted: Speedy Hedgewood, John-iag, Paygy Branton 20, Jim HUXTODIE|g, Maynees 8 -Hepey Golo a tone Sil one 723-102). ra Stil missed, lovea, mother sear" TY, Gun, Sirgamo, Watson E. Frisco end 748' ang Jack Meintosh, 244 Strikes 7 and Ticats. | | SPARKLE WITH OSHAWA 723-5271 Sisco pe er _ esc i vata ROR TREE I ° ty missed, . om 9 Front. i. Fs s $962 VOLKSWAGEN, one owner. New All proceeds to charity --Always remembered by daughter Bane eounLE 8 AND 6, PAID $16.80. ; Sheth sly Bo gr ait came Mak CHRISTMAS ie Stancrk, 3 45 & 4 Snow tires. Telephone 576-1495 JUBILEE PAVILION Dianne, son-in-law Jim and grandchil- , Crazy 8's & Hatmas 7, Cards 7, Guy: | t ift ake your appointment now wit AJAX 942-5580 eep 115 570 565 5 aittaialoaanaF Me saci ak dota. RE aE ren THIRD RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse 2nd Dolis 4, Little Angels 6, Dreamers 6, TOWN AND COUNTRY LADIES eiegan ITTS - Sullivan 250 370 370 3 32--Trucks for Sale ; $800. Claiming : OFf® Jack'! 6 No Names 6, Centennials 5, High Triples -- Joan Gay 721, Darlene 9g g SUZANNE Teck Corp 100 485 485 4 = BRR wih : fi JENKINS -- In. loving mnesnory "a B-Fidele Prince, Waples 7.60 3.60 3.40 peer 5, core 5, Discards 4, Kitcats williams 705, Fern Buechler 699, Barb | Utes yd id ai : ee 'i R ut ' dear father and grandfather, David & y, W. n 5.50 3.70 Li Ippies 4, Minaret 685, Liz Hutcheson 650, Joan f h h Saad" Tike Aieian SbEsiOs | pclae gets peso oer Rod PLAN TO ATTEND Jenkins, who passed away. Dec. 12, 1961 ta Hedge Ane hua 540 Anthony 636, Rose Jackson 631, Jackie or y e ome | HAIRSTYLING we oan Times Action Classi- U Com 11500 14 «13% Telephon: 4547, 8 - 6 p.m SPECIAL BINGO DEC. 20th Wonderful memories woven in gold, Also Started: Rugged Yankee, Irene Legere 629 and Liz Biglin 609. | (2 Un Keno 455 645 645 6 Ad te celeste a r shi eatindcth aca ahs is the pichure, We tenderly poy MacDuff, Northwood Edward, Ezra Lee CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS apenas s Derlene Willlems 30, When you decorste:vour tres, | Hair pieces sold or set. Yon ting ae we s : Py eep in our hearts his memory Is nd Pink Lassie (DNF). : , | Bar! inare' , Joan Gay , Ta, Boe Pi z 5 33--Automobi RE ONtOG | Kickass civen gach week on kept Reno Bd, Finn Leas Berries Paltnar TiS (et CONT Clanesizmr Josie Feirhart 253, Rose Jackson| dress. up' your home with. | 5 JOHN ST. W. Gifts for Everyone Willroy 1500° 80 80 ear eer rage eget ee ; - To love and cherish and never forget Glassford 675, (238, 264); Nell. Palmer | 247 Sharon Burke 247, Jean Gaskell 242, drapes and floors from Shew- 725-4541 Wr Harg = 1200 172 165 CARS WANTED | ssc! door onses -- 25, ur lta i iti eneh COURT Race -- mie Pace pe GOT yi, 3 nh BM Sun aoe et aca ty) sop Veer om mE ] ] bs Tur 0 e y daughter verly, ii laimin fs V5 ern ec y . Buying A New Car? Pe 5. tb. Turkeys to be (tha grandchildren Kelly' and 'Todd Umsy Trust Wiweed 6.50 400 3.30 seas oovh INT RSTn ara Fete eet {mac Standings = The Dreamers 32, ENJOY THE CHRISTMAS ... Zenmac" 40502814 26 ' 'owe -Aget ' Regt Hoon W 4 The Searchers 31, The Stitch-N-Times 27, Is the Ti Sell your used car to "Ted ted a nn JENKINS -- In loving memory. of | capete Haves : $50 580 and Molly Hartshorn 602 (228, 209). is the Time > c - v 1-P k, Galbraith The Monkees 26, The Rolling Stones 26 ° bi » best . Cash" to the New dear father and grandfainer, David Wil" aie 'started gue' Dudiey, Adios "Ar High Singles: Alex McDonald andland The Supremes 25. | bey aare t uy ie pe FESTIVE SEASON To Give The Finest ] OILS, GAS r Deoler and "Save' CHRISTMAS iam, who passed away December 12,/ang Eden 'Atom. Lorene Smilin 237, nae tart 2. 2a) Next week Ip "Chicken: Roll', | Scag Home eee Depend on @ Pierced Earrings Am Leduc 3000 20 20 . cea Sa ee 1961 Jim Carmichael + Basi acon i choosing from: H " Rit 3 ; i SAME MOTORS BAZAAR Your presence is ever near us, FIFTH RACE -- Ai\lle Pace. Purse June Smith 216; Marg Carmichael and Motor City Cab . Watches ; Bue me a" nie 723-4494 -- Res. 725-5574 Your love remains with us yet, $800 Canaitianaa Ray Pack 208; Don Robinson 207; Doug) w AY AFTERNOON LADIES @ CARPETS * For Fast, Courteous e sida Rings CS Pete OO at a eg a" a . You were the kind of father 7-Dick Bingo, Millman 21.80 8.60 5.00 Smith ani sigMeead High Triples: Ethel Tonkin 802 (330),/ RV @ Stone Rings € Deh ' SHAW AUTO WRECKERS CO, Cars Dnipro Hall Your loved ones will never forget 2-Jane R. Byrd, Coke 7.70 4.20 Team Standing: Quits 7, Darts and ey Redpath 700 (2/0), 'Yvonne Duguay | @ DRAPES 24 pS yy ICE And: Many ree Beautiful eo ae ee oe bo parts for sale. tron and Sadly missed and lovingly remember- say Direct, Campbell 5.00 47's 6, Mapa's 5, Cokes 4, RUMS and 643 (245), Vi Brown 653 (250), Ethel @ CORLON 5-1 € x Gas = 9250 790-755 7 oug 89 Bloor Street East. 725-23) 681 Edith $+ @d by daughter Barbara, son - in - |aW" Aigo Started: Mark Ten, J. C. Day, Expo's and BVD's 2. | Freeman 646 (261), Mary King 645 (313), | GIFT IDEAS | C Gridoil 330 $14 13% WANTED, cers end trucks for wrecking ° Eaditn 5 Howard and grandson David Pleasant Way, Adios Dan and Sonya Marilyn Beckell 629 (231), Lenka Mayer @ TORGINOL NEED A CAR? from | C Homestd 101 540 540 5 No charge for towing. Best prices paid PELL TUR eI MUR eM aRR NCR IOEAL | |S g Os. 621 (229), Donaida Williams 6 (225) Cent Del 2340 $2234 22% : Telephone 72R- ri rf 1 land Millie Branton 609 (253). @ CERAMICS A i we oe ee ee DEC. 13 A LASTING TRIBUTE _ SIXTH RACE -- Mile Trot. Pruse MOTOR SLY Mee eee "High Singles: Jean Taylor. 268, Hazel 725-3541 B R nk ee 19 PA For permanence and dignity 1 tional Claiming. Standing, Group 1: Tigers 15, Ozarks ime i 2 i M $1,200. Optiona G. ' Bannon 250, Ann Sabo 248, Marg Klink! Fargo 100 600 600 & 94 Aut bile: Rensi we suggest é-Jugier, Waples 4.70 3.00. 2.20 15, Platformates 14, Jeywalkers 13, Brag-lo4s Ethel Hoar 244, Blanche Keith 243, Is the number to remember a E W E LE iE E R French Pt 2225 710 705 71 ----Automobile epair siyisider id LAWN 2-Riddell's Counsel, L'Heureux 3.00 a garts 13, Sellers 10, Colts 9 and Knights Lyla Huxtable 241, Marg Macdonald 231, HEWRIN over the HOLIDAY SEASON | Frnch Ptr 300 105 105 1 © oS fie ted "5 ee ee ge se 3-K os F Holmes , Ld H 8. S G ji P le 4 stmos PARK Also Started: Fanny Symbol and Bucky Group 2: Aces 18, Stoppers 17, Come- EY State 230 and Hilda Collins 228. | : NIT TAX AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA Gr Plains, 300 $20% 20% ; P Clunkers 9, Goof COilsds "400 $10%4 10ve | BABY kies, Pies IZE MEMORIALS Song Caer oe tee ou er | BROS. LTD. 143 KING EAST AJAX -- 942-0407 Int Helium 3400 285 280 21 Pyrohe, Holobchi (Cabbage ourteous advice please EXACTOR: 4 AND 2, PAID SIRI: [rer eeeeat AL Gatun aay eet oe WIRE AND HARNESS : Midcon 2000 45%4 45 rolls visit the Park Office. SEVENTH RACE -- Mile Pace: Purse Jay 818 (327), Jim Cassells 787 (289), High Triples: Pauline Bell 817, Bruce) FLOOR AND WALL COVERINGS inl Hit giv #)p0 Ie 176 i 723-263 F Eccles 770 (278), Lloyd Scott 763 Henderson 774, Ewen Moreau 746, Bill | ete = 250: 190190 723-2633 $900, Claiming rank Eccles ee: ah. Sel Hi Keenan 681, Bill Solomon 680, Cliff Hutch-| OPEN BOWLING ' N Cont 1500 86 82 ¢ Teo Room 50c LAL he TP a tay Ge pd eal Rite a La Go Cel ET aR aL thn d Batata ancora pear aa dg 728-3980 ELMER'S N Davies 2500 16 16 1 5 TIME TROUBLE TGs Peaeeond ays Sree TO ste Mar Tal CERO), Alte ARMOPEON. a8; (HPs Lane. Gar Audrey BURTIIL-#IF wade cae SATURDAY NIGHTS Northid 1000 7h 7h baa and TROUBLE -Guinea Mite, Geisel ) e (270), Ale: : | ; juma 250 405 405 At S se | Se Serre priaeh. Adlot Ollles Ine TE ates Chidetieas fre Jon Miatenl LilGN Sinblia: Allca: Néviiio S05) aye! a0 GIEROH> PUGreY st : "'The Christmas Store Okalta 500 152 15Va | with your cor. Sit and relax j cent Bob and Wynsor \ ' i fe i 1 . . Petrol 2 7 7 ; : oF Ob) ML Rey TEE GA hd Rad Alone oe asia Fran Oia ene ein otor City Bowling with Gifts Galore" Pe 2000 7 7 while it undergoes an up-to- RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse Hickey 702 (260) 236, 200, Will Peebles 229, Doreen Bar- "When more than one, Bowling's Ss Galore oe eae ne a ' EIGHTH RACE | Place 2500 175 175 17 te fect by Electionic An DNIPRO HALI $1,300, Conditioned Group 2: Doug Fuller 768 (20), Bob clay 227, Harvey Singular 228, 212, Jim fun 1"! cle 6 ee ey de st by ctroni¢ o- Le 1, I ee Ferris 225, Jud 4 all ; i ' EVERY TUESDAY SMITH -- Words can) begin fo ak. FRouen Skvich. Webster 690 320) 200) -ASOUe Je mn Wino 4 V | 78 RICHMOND W. Got gift problems ? Drop inte Scurry Rn 100 $4414 4dla 4 zer. A complete, modern 7:30 PM press the deep appreciation felt by ali Donna's Champ, Waddell 3.90 3.10 i a ed Giaey Bavaraehe Zia Teli. slandings: Lucky Oiled 36 il DISTINCTIVE | 793-3212 Elmer's Bargain House and Spooner 3100 107 105 10 esting of all your car's func- : cae BE INS oly ol Ae ate ie anne Win, Scion Grat-|(307), George Robinson, 704 (782), Jack | Los 22, Gay Six. 16, Alley Cats. 15, Hi ACCESSORIES | see the large selection of gifts Dene ee ek tales : ONE OYE TORY ell eg get a hs Rev. Dr. Wm, McKay, re. tan, Espionage and Roger R. Gratta rhe pele ma Paul 'Mcintosh ers 14, Twiggles 10 and Pin Pickers 9 and GIFTS ihe ie Nee fen. W Deca 1180 rer P Nare The Wealth © tran ff i 7 i i ecalta 50 365 360 dollars in repair work loter Snot S10. nes Nia: (ee Tak ee eee NINTH RACH Mile Pace, Purse 76. Cart Rilenis, 616s 21 Opnnis) | FOR THE HOME |Melidey Food ELMER'S W Dect woo Has ei hea 'i : > U. 23 No Shirley, Bil » $900. Condition r A a 2 | name Prima istribution Don't miss the opportu or $20, Consolation Se Se Se cia Onin 60 kee 3.20 Jim Cesselis still lends In the Group 1) Ne eee: tur (sus,| @ BEDSPREADS Distribution of Treen. ° | 6Brother Not eisel Jr. 8.00 50 High Average race w @ briillan ig! riples: sSaro! ia} The ent SHAWA Good Setvice F r Greater | 7-Pal McGregor, Habkirk 50|mark, with Ron Jey moving Into second 309); Bob Ellis 797 (245, 265, 287); Jack; @ LAMPS TURKEYS 253 BI o£ advised that the following' ca O Attendance FUNERALS Alse, Started: Armbro, Hotshot, Pat Sulplece with 231. "Frenchy" Laverone Is | Goodman 778 (244, 248, cue Joon Fills) @ PICTURES GEESE oor ot. E. have entered into underwriting ec 1 in, jj , Mertz Wester: ind Mar- the | rout wi @ very nea fi : 3 Ul . NSMISSION FREE ADMISSION i Aas ae i laa 235 mark, well out in front of the pack, |692 (211, 209); Earl Kehoe 658 (226, 201,| @ MIRRORS 728-3473 ieee eer cet, wold TRANS 25 DNIPRO H | FUNERAL OF tHendance 2,580, Handie $191,929. and this with an ailing back 231); Jim Marshall 652 (279, 206); Di-) @ ETC. DUCKS | ing under distribution 'currently ALL | nine | Special Notice: Thursday, night will be anne Reick 651 (288); Bea McGillvary P to Suit All Budeet: y ad | the facilities of the Exchang SERVICE es : IRS. L. RAHAM "Turkey Night" and all" the .bowlers 644 (246, 265); Yvonne Mvarshall 636 (257); | rices to Sui udgets CAPONS MARTY'S RECORD BAR | eh too aur tae > wa cL loor and Edith Sts The funeral service for Mrs |should check the bulletin board for their Ed Samkoveis 621 (236) and W. Talbot! CUSTOMCRAFT R ° . H Glenn Exp 9000 18 18 1 ANE ED | ugh; nan, |Uewellyn Raham, who died at| NEWS BRIEFS ahs high Singles: Marg Shangrow 201, 233; casting Chickens TOPS' IN' POPS" V Oe em 116 BON y | I By oy a eet : | : en is 16 BOND § ; ' eo ee |York Central Hospital, Rich- | [Fred Bice hod BAP on PS FURNITURE Also Smoked Turkeys music to suit all tastes INDUSTRIAL se ee ee 50 imond Hill, was held from the TAKING LESSONS leet ale Bana salies ox | Pearl Herrington' 239) Al Hearse! 1188 SIMCOE S. ond barbecued turkeys SPECIAL: All Four Abitibi 756 $8V2 8% | US i Reg 'i x . : umn' iples: e ele i, i ; . ; FRED STONE $25 CONSOLATION McIntosh - Anderson F un e ral LONDON (AP)--American Grace, PRE a) "on Nanaia 'Weolleack aa Pieehl orl Biloicey varie ae. 728-727) upon order MONKEY'S Albums Acklands 120 $15 15 (1 Brooklir Ad Opeen SE) TUESDAY |Hoete es eas 7 2 p.m. pop singer Lou Rawls says he is seq Doreen Kehoe 574, Jackie Banks 567 Hie ail and) $e Pune ait aS Wie cs pea AT ae 3514 SIMCOE NORTH Alla Gas T 270 $214 He 3 k -- 86 OL - | ev. C. F. Higginson, Ajax tak; s "an|Marie Brooks 567, Jean King 565, Jean) | a tidy sum by renting that 2 ; Automotive Machine Shop | United Church aaa soem i inne suo sein ping film Ainsworth 357, Kay Fertile 557 and Laur: jspartment. Phone 723-3492 and place an! WZ P L RY 723-0731 Algo Cent a In : See Soturday's Ad ; ' Y Ol play the title role in the film) Myers 553 FRIDAY NIGHT INDUSTRIAL apt. for rent ad In The Times. | Algoma St 1015 $19 19 1 REBUILT ENGINES ADMISSION 50c aioe he officiated. Bur- based on the life of jazz musi- piiigh Singles: Kay Fertile 266, Rose) wot triniess Willams 907, A | 117 BLOOR E, OSHAWA FLYING CLUB Micon" 168 $27%4 27% 2 d BL aad he ih @ al was in Oshawa Uni : "s , " | Pelesh , 201, Dore , 210, D. | 2 ; t OVERHAUL AND tery : pula oriaeeaniy cian Louis ATMSIONE. ; sone Janette Woodcock 227, Marg Farquhar sit v Maurice Tae Thompson ie, | Gifts for Her 723 4722 A Hue Special penser ee au oe. ie Ry 7 ENGINE PARTS EUCHRE "palihenvers E Armstrong himself is to give ME 219, Grace Sandford a8, paths Marie smith 680, A. Dionne OS Cone Christmas list, give him or her | Piped ad "A Ale) ! NGINE F 5 aise es A les allbearers were: Fran kilessons," Rawls said. "He chose| Brooks 217, Jean King 216 Pat Bremner), ran, Ot ft 659. : a flying gift certificate for as | Auto Elec 500 $1014 10% 1 AUTOMATIC nas Cantrs Y jTait, Albert Hillaby, Mac Me- me for the part." | Team Standing (Allsorts 14,875, Gum-| High Singles: D. | Williams Veg pew Poreicts | TURKEYS low as $5. ; Bank Mtl 1245 $11 10% 1 ANSMISSION | tre jCullough, Joseph Edgerton, drops 14,952, Humbugs 15,076, Jelly in Chard 268, 251, J. Part ase, ' @ Private and Commercial BN See et TRANSMISSIO! Kawartha St \Earl Carnochan and Roy Val- FINES UP [Beans 14,946, Life Savers 15,651, Lolli-/40% R. Richard 268, 251, J. Hart 264, her heart with CAPONS Flying Trainin pif a con Se CENTRE | WED. DEC. 13 | JENOS _ : }pops 15,207, Maple Buds 14,669 and 5: ny LE ere fresh cut flowers, plants y' ad Bell Phne 8329 $446 44 4 | ' . , lant. BUENOS AIRES (AP). -- oH Ad 258 and D. Amey. 4 ' @ Pleasure Flights Bow Valy 350 7 4 ; pig Nie via , Peppermints 14,169. | Team Standing: Westmount 3, Motor or floral arrangements, Order Now for Christmas be i Bow VI 50 55 meoe St. N a | es 8 ay ree fines nave Pete in- City 2, Piayboys 2, Tony's 1 and Dairy | : FRANK HOAG Oshawa Fae tae! Airport Bak oe eee sore Our | ash Prizes, Lunch | TRIMME R creased tenfold in the wild-driv- Queens 1 i . 9 Bramalea 500 $14%9 14% 1. airs, Ad- Admission 50 | Moneta phe - ing" Argentine capital "OF $7) | eo Wa ey | Jordon Florists Ocho ossiand Rd. West Braalien = 210 SMa roy poe i acl MOD : be : i , i 3 | i All | 2 ) he city/ 999,000 people. In the new scale.|,,tligh Triples: Brenda, Baron 256, 726. NEIGHBORHOOD' LADIES H 728-944 | a 725-6837 DRUM CITY BG Sugar 275. $44 of Montreal has tri d aia ; | | 9 275 $44Ve A4Ve 4 work guaranteed IA IN \ Timme *\passing a red light or drunken| art Williams 265, 274 (727); Ron Brown| wWigh Triples: Molly Depratto 497 (287, | C Phone 210 $564 564 5¢ |number of approved fund-rais d 'ving costs $150 and possibly |23! 26 237 (694); Frank Linley 213,/938)" Laura Collins 683 (288, 220), Shir-| | BCPh 4% p 212 $75% 74 7: i 1 ing iv sity , |driving s ents |983 (689); Susan Wyllie 241, 242 (680); ||» ley 659 (248, 230); Nell Mit A | BCPh 4\2 fener wel Teun St. John's Hall whine it ob Poocd 2 es Pp also a month in jail. Ait Liles 247, 210, 216 (673); Bill Veitch tuk 'esa (a8s" 212), Darlene. Wilgon esa Trees and Trim LIKE ARMCHAIR 250 DRUMS SET it 484" 100 Sie Ziv qh i st * s seeking o' \288, 222 (657); Keith Alderton 229, 213,|(799, 973), N. Vick 625 (241, 206)! | urns Fds 1 Cornel Sinene end Binee /$24,851.000 in 1968 ee a : Net at asa) ona deck 'Home, aan, as) (2am 20 aNancy Vickers , | SHOPPING ? To choose from. All makes CAE Ind Bi | biped bang E gy | $24, 0 968, is com PUT TO TES ett) High Singles: Mildred Witterick 248, (CHINN'S, Park South at Hillside, Fresh/ Phone 668-3311 new and used. Calgary P 200 $22% 22% 21 Wed., Dec. 13 jpares with 86 financial drives) SAIGON (AP)--Self-denial High Singles: Bob Fenton 279, Lillie) Evelyn Campbell 240, Clarice Lack|CUl Spruce and Scotch pine, 98c _up.| Telephone Collect CD Sugar 300 $20%@ 20% 20 for a total of $33,166,000 in 1967.|was put to the test twice at an|Finch 253, Dick Harwood 248, Jot Finch as "Pana "Hal asl, Norma scott 239, | Sprayed and delivered. 728-7288, 723-7088.) For details on Gift Packs 925-4434 CCC Stone 210 $25 35 38 ot en 8 PM - 3 rt 243, Edna Alderton 241, Phil Addington! Giadys Knight 221, 218; Margot Bobri¢/CHRISTMAS TREES, No. 1 Spruce, Can tron 150 $17% 17% 17 The reduction result fr h f South Viet- pr of SELECT APPLES Friday .night, : | om 'the organizing session of Sou 237, Ivy Coverly 237, Les Saver 235,| 790, Eleanor Anderson 216, Betty Mat-|Scotch Pine trees, plantation grown' 7 Can Malt 115 $22. 92. ' 1 ' a f 9 FULL-TIME SALESMAN. Classified Ads female cat, near Centra Lunch served Everyone welcome | grouping of some appeals, someinam's newly-elected Se) ate.|Frank Harwood 235 and Roy Mills' 234.| 720", Elnanor Ande Emmy Buls 212 reagonable rates, Free delivery. 809/ RED WING ORCHARDS 'seu for you arcund ine cise ced, Age Perm 100 610% 10% 10 North Reward. Telephone £, iost| FILL SPARE ROOMS with paying gu Phone 72, 2 mow for an ad-writer to 'help you phrase your ad. THREE COLOR BEAGLE N- Thursday near Bloor and Simove Street. $5, reward. 725-6662. voluntary withdrawals and the Most of the 60 sena elimination of others which did\for smoking and agains! carycrene 'not meet requirements, lrying firearms while tors voted! Team Standing: Corner Pins 21, I!n/-Team Standing: Campbells 20, yy. Crowd 20, Blunders 19, Bobcats 17, Hi rings 13, Wilsons 13, _Witericks 1 Limeys 16, Goons 13, Nuts|/Pearse's 12, Collins 12, Burrus 11 legislating.|11, Racers 10, Hot Shots 9 and Kilties 6. Vickers 3. a Shew-| Bloor Stv E. 723-2281. 3492 today. fay