BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Higher Court Trial Chosen On Break, Enter Charges WHITBY -- Two Whitby men,|Noble Grant $100 an | i Gordon Grant, 38, of 865 Byron|20 days on a Eel : piesiotte ig fined $200 and costs or two St. N., and Alfred Noble Grant,/assault on his 16-year-old daugh|e in jail. The case was 36, of 1020 Brock St. N., whojter. The accused was bound Neard last October when the elected trial by a higher court,/over on $500 bond to keep the|accused pleaded not guilty. This were committed for trial on|peace for 12 months. The coyrt|WaS his fourth conviction of charges of break, enter and at-|was told the accused, who had driving while his licence was touaee hem Priersh sa 4 Pa ata drinking, was arguing with Suspended. eared, here esday, beforejhis wife when th s k Magistrate H. M. Jermyn. place, i took Gas THEFT Both accused were released | Fines of $50 and costs or 10 on bail. They are alleged to|$500 FINE jdays in jail were imposed on have entered a padiocked fish] A fine of $500 and costs, on al Alexander Tarasewicz, 18, of shack, at Port Whitby, Sept. 6..charge of dangerous driving,|?0ronto, and Charles Carmen was imposed on David Thomas,|Lia, of Oshawa, who pleaded| ASSAULT 22, of Ajax. His driver's licence|Suilty to the theft of gasoline.| "You are not working in har-|was suspended for three years, Both pleaded guilty, mony with society," said the|On a charge of driving while! pee magistrate as he fined Alfred'his licence was suspended, he ADJOURNED "This type of offence is one of the biggest nuisances we have,"|"48 fined $25 and costs or 10/day, when we went from princi-|pishop' i said the magistrate as the pass-/4@Y8 in jail. Sec cla ate a Only Four Persons Appear ®:."-ts 2s?" ' |MacMullen, 22, both of Bowman- . ville, was adjourned sine die. n aWa Ta 1¢ ourt The accused were charged with |theft of wheel discs from a car ue : in a Whitby hotel parking lot. One of the shortest trafficjpleaded not guilty to a charge The discs were recovered and courts to be held in Oshawa took|of careless driving. The charge! returned to the owner, place Wednesday when only four had been laid following an Oct. < persons appeared before Magis-> 2¢cident on Stevenson's Rd. IMPAIRED trate Donald Dodds on not guilty): She was fined $100 and costs) Pleading guilty to a charge of slant. "lor 20 days. driving while his ability was im- Two of these, obtained re-/RED LIGHT paired, Gerald Gould, 2%, of mands and the other two were) Mrs. Dorothy Hopps, Mary hg SON nanID, ee fined convicted, The entire process|St., pleaded not guilty to going $100 and costs or 15 days in took only 50 minutes although|through a red light and being in- ; the guilty pleas being taken by|volved in an accident but 'was| ne. se accident, Dec, 12, in a Justice of the Peace in an-|convicted- and fined $25 and Oy: | cence plates, Peter Douglas rmahd'e'uae's'ne ss Leger Resigned To Practice asses, sentence. The accused was stopped by Whitby police last June when it was found the) it athe ws neces ws WW hat. He Had Preached driving had been taken from a} car owned by a Scarborough) By ARNOLD ZEITLIN |the influential theorist on com-|the summit of civilization," he man. The car, driven by the) COTONOU, Dahomey (AP) --|Munication who, among other|said. 'We have left behind Eu-\@ pone sgpnantgpetetcd st kt Cardinal Leger said|things, is famous for his doc-|rope and the rest of the world. as "unroadworthy." Wednesday his resignation as|ttine that "cool" electronic) "It was done with a selfish- Roman Catholic archbishop of/™€a2s of communication are/ness that was unconscious, not UNDER AGE |Montreal to devote his life to|making the printed word obso-| premeditated. We are very ego- Admitting the possession of|Aftican lepers resulted from ajlete and changing human pat-|tistic in our civilization. We liquor while under the legal age,|need to turn his preaching into|terns of thought. ited |12¥e Al the means to settle our Brian Glass, 19, was fined $75|2¢tion. | The cardinal, who had visited) prohlems--wealth, men and en- and costs or 15 days in ja'l.| He said the time had come to/A{7ic@, four years ago, arrived|ergy, Pleading guilty to a similar|show 'what I preach is the real-/(70™ Dakar Tuestiay as Daho-| «rhere is @ crisis in our local charge, Ronald Donald Wanna-|ity--not only words, rhetorical mey was going through its polit- churches. Facing a civilization maker, 19, Simcoe St., Oshawa, |oration."" sony wpnes vals of efficiency such as ours was fined $50 and costs of 10; In an interview, the 63-year- WILL VISIT NURSE |Christians face a terrible chal: days in jail. jold cardinal said, in language' He plans to celebrate Christ-|lenge. Efficiency and technolog- $25 FINE [eoernne -- cate taal -- mas with Canadian nurs whojical excellence do not promote Fahd ty dass, ean aabltaet n arsha cLuhan, -- a peaotial in Porto Novo, 18\the flow of ee Faith for a of having liquor in a place other| 'The youth of today are -vhat ey pore ais wast as PE eat cope ator haa e than his residence, John William|we call audio-visual. The logic|pishop in November following | DENIES REJECTION | Gibson, O'Fara St., Toronto,|of today is not the logic of my|decision he took at the recent, Cardinal Leger denied reject-| jing the challenges of his own! ples to conclusion. Today, it is| He hopes within six months to "iVilization. | DRINKING |fact, it's the image of a thing."'| offer Ar services "'as a aianio| "Africa is the real heart of} Adthitide he had eal McLuhan, who recently un-/priest"' to an African bishop for|'he third world," he said, after| ligase whit anda oe see |derwent a successful neurologi-| work among lepers. remarking that even developing) vad tig SOhMical operation in New York, is) Cardinal Leger was staying in|India has a powerful voice in Eason, 19, was fined $75 and | costs or 15 days. A fine of 20 Cotonou in the modern two-sto.|'he, 70nd. and costs or 10 days was im.|months in jail. His driver's li-|rey home of Msgr. Bernardin| Africa is the real pattern--40| posed on Bruce Wilson who was|Cence was suspended for six/Gantin, Archbishop of Cotonou, |little countries. struggling to, charged with being intoxicated.|months, The court was told the| He appeared for the interview, Puild their way. | On a charge of being drunk in|accused, who was stopped by|in the scarlet skullcap, white I will communicate with the a public place, Harvey L. Moore|Police after a chase, had started|mantle and robe, trimmed with missionaries in Africa. I will was fined $25 and costs of 10 UP suddenly after being stopped|red, of a prince of the Roman|Partake in their work and in days. (by police, causing an officer Catholic Church. He wore a their ideals, Theirs is the heart - : and a group of spectators to heavy cross on his breast and % Christian reality. DANGEROUS jump out of the way. The ve-,elegant links in his French, LHS Pleading guilty to dangerous/hicle then swerved around a cuffs, PLANS VISIT | 21, of RR %, Stouffville, was|went through a "stop' inter--America have created a society|Gandhi will visit Australia and) fined $150 and costs or three! section. of abundance and climbed to New Zealand Jan. 13-20. jail, The charge was laid follow- driving, Robert Douglas Brown, group of parked vehicles and) "In two centuries we in North) India's Prime Minister Indira|@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 21, 1967 9° GROW FUNGI Drinking hours in New Zea-| Many beetles, ants and ter- land's hotel bars were recently| mites are skilled gardeners that extended from the traditional' grow lush crops of fungi in their 6 p.m. closing to 10 p.m. inests. PING-PONG TABLES Sturdy legs, 4 bots, nat,, steal posts 1 5 and balls * Gold Finished Metal Frame 30" os a KITCHEN EXHAUST HOODS Single Speed LADDER 21.95 24" x 60" Size ONLY entrances oF Double Speed 9 88 . My 25.95 | 25.25 For Hallways, Vanities, ete. other sho a ng roa for ajcosts or five days. The accident STOLEN PLATES longer per of time. occurred at the intersection of} Pleadin uilty to a cha Helena Pacall, 314 Ballard St.,|King and Gibbons Sts, of being a pore nl of stolen MERE EEE MPM ee, SEPM M4 She'll be happier with a... 'HOOVER' A Hoover Gift Lasts for Years | NEW HOOVER HOOVER | DIAL-A-MATIC PRIGHT Famous "Triple-Action" cleaning. Dial the power you Canada's lowest cost protection for need, from "LOW" for light fabrics to "HIGH" for heavy duty cleaning. Triple-filtered air system 9.38 | | removes all the dirt. Full one year guar- |m antee, Perfect for carpets, drapes or BL walls, REGULAR 129.95. | Upholstery Shampoo Big 16 oz. bottle. Regular 1.99. At this price you should buy a case for her stocking. fe SAVE $3. to $8. @ SQ. YD. MANY RUGS % PRICE. Delight her this Christmas with a Gift Certificote from Nu-Way. 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