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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Dec 1967, p. 11

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ity rity look after the 's, Dick Allett, and Pete Rice vith the bantam Morton and Mr, he midgets while and Bob Mar- er the juveniles, to ensure that 'dless of ability, raining and ice e. hank everybody time and effort *n to make the success, said are involved in ther four nights on Saturdays." 'Minor Hockey held at Brook- he second week idge, onight POWLESS 1 hockey too for further ob- make sure all eared up. It is Donald would dressing Gray 'leased in time owever, know- ompetitor that talk the local g him work at S. eral Manager able to line up | for a' week s will be the Whitby's new ear. iders' Stars t, Fla. (AP) aryle Lamoni- er players of thall League's ion Oakland re named to the AFL all- Jacksonville's I in of Denver, ne West, will player. rs: id--Lance Al tackles--Ron and Harry guards--Walt 0, and Wayne centre--Jim ht end--Fred 'ity; quarter- nOnica, Oak- like Garrett, ack--Hewritt ; flanker--Al Jerry Mays, en Davidson, -Tom . Keat- Buck Bucha- middle line ' rs, Oakland; *kers--Bobby and Frank 0; safeties-- Kansas City, 1 Diego; cor- MecCloughan, Duncan, San B"' N 50c od FREE tad JOHNNY BOWER was sprawled on the ice quite frequently in the first two periods of last night's NHL game in Montreal Forum, where Dickie Duff and his real Canadiens, gave Toronto goalie a rough night DUFF SCORES THREE... the mighty The Habs won By GRAHAM COX Canadian Press Staff Writer |& loss while for was their fourth loss in A grey ghost and a golden |jast six games flash Wednesday night carried} ' Chicago Black Hawks back. to| SHUTOUTS SPARKLE the top of the National Hockey; Two shutouts marked League Eastern Division. other league action as Montreal The ghost was Pit Martin,|Canadiens who came back to haunt Boston|victory over 'Toronto three in a dazzling display. He is shown here (in dark puck sweater) sliding the phe gee Henri Rich- the game 5-0 and scored underneath Bower, into the rd and Bobby Rousseau, four of their goals on net, with Ron Ellis (8) along with the rest of Mont- Bower, with Duff getting ' : ied able to reach Duff in time, (CP. Wirephoto) | . bd ) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 21, 1967 11 ntar1io Curling Brass ~~ jocg, Sieh | Y STANDINGS | By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Results Wednesday n ¢ ) National League Toronto 0 Montreal 5 Eastern Division ihe i 0 New York 2 : yi 7 'oston 3 C TORONTO (CP) -- Alf Phil-)back off. We want to curl. I, Before Wednesday's meeting, Chicago 15 : [ Pe oo St. Louis Osten t lips Jr., skip of Canada's cham-|have to talk it o jcurli he! "4 8 § i + ena : ps Jr Pp a eto it over with Johnny |curling spokesmen hinted the| Boston 16 9 4102 83 36 Games Th pionship curling tink, today ac-/Ross and we'll probably take|OCA ruling could touch off a|Toronto 1411 5 88 67.33 Minnesota t Philadelpty cused Toronto's competitive|the full eight days to reach a|wave of charges about prizes in| New York 1412 4 86 82 32 Pittsburgh a I ag eta Pi ge i grag hioey beg *e a| decision." other major bonspiels in which| Detroit 13.11 6 97 89 32 ' w te ug Moning |battle wi e Ontario Curling] The T, i the rules have been ci ven-| Montr 1 7 83 76 5 ,_ western League Association and its code of eth-|, ; neem ee, tees wae oe 11 13 7 83 76 29/ Phoenix 0 Portland 4 ic jhis come-back victories and) Western Division Central Leagu No one got behind us, We all|9exterity with a cigar while| "But I guess everyone disap-| Phila. 14 9 5 62 59 32)Houston 3 Dallas 3 sis thought there would be more|playing, said he thought the|Peared at the last minute," said|Los Angeles 1413 3 79 91 31/Memphis 2 Oklahoma City 1 backing, but the other Toronto| OCA reached a fair decision. Alfie, "We'll be banned for a|Minnesota 11 11 6 65 71 28/Tulsa 4 Kansas City a curlers playing in competitive,) 'The association handled tte tine pith if we keep fight-|Pittsburgh 1114 4 74 83 26 Eastern League all-star leagues wouldn't help us well, They gave us another ie his thing and it S kind of|St. Louis 918 3 59 77 21 Syracuse 0 New Haven 8 change the rules. Everyone said/chance and they backed off all sil il nica dela cL aeane 719 5 59 83 19/Knoxville 1 Greensboro 7 they wanted the rule changed|they can, If they change the areas ae enue NeDIER RIS emacricy but when it came down to it, we code, where are they goi | Y y , ' basin , Y going to Be BE 32%: tr, Sr'gB! Si FP were the only guys fighting. be when another breach comes @ FS ahi Fh BP yr 0m 7 The OCA threatened Wednes- day night to bar Phillips and his Toronto rink of third John Ross, second Ron Manning and lead "We've taken a st a | cei j 5 an stan | Keith Reilly from Ontario think we've done some Gating | competition unless the will be h Be. refuse $800 prizes they won last! think it will b @ change and I week in an international bonsp- Sidestadon al via iel sponsored by the CBC, j TWO FOLLOW CODE Under the OCA code, Ontario curler cannot accept alyet and we , ' j : probably won't get prize valued at more than $150./them for a month. It's a ais The Dominion Curling Associa-| matter of telling the CBC tion has rejected the OCA code,|cancel them if. f but Ontario and New Brunswick back off." still follow it Phillips finished second in the up? They haven't the power to make an official. change until their annual meeting next year. to} if we decide to! Should Phillips decide to keep the prizes and wait. out the CBC tournament last Friday . x eo HULL SNAPS SLUMP when he lost 7-6 to Doug Wankel OCA, he will be out of the Ontar- of Elbow, Sask., in an extra- Ad chémplonships and ineligible bide At die time he Maid he for the 1968 Canadian final at ime in his 15 NHL years. the GETS SECOND SHUTOUT jgo's eight-game streak without fans, was the third of the season At New York, it was Rod Gil- Bruins with the winning goal in|Leafs and New York Rangers/|shutout of the year. Hull and Martin got help in their 6-3 loss to Chicago and the|dropped Detroit Red Wings 2-0. golden flash was Bobby Hull,|In a match for last place in the Chicago from Dennis Hull, with Wharram who snapped a personal four-|Western Division, St. Louis|t wo goals, and Ken exploded for a 5-0|/bert and Phil Goyette as goalie|_ Maple|Ed Giacomin scored his second|ing standout defencemen Bobby game scoring drought with two Blues pulled two points ahead of|while Derek Sanderson, with goals. Martin, last year Bruins, scored what proved to be the winner, and the prop on which Chicago broke a first-/ing the form for which they've|! place tie with Boston less than|been famous for the first time three minutes into the third pe-| this season. riod at Chicago. Skating end-to-end and swoop- Hull scored his 26th and 27th|ing down on Toronto goalies goals in 32 games later in the | John Bower and Bruce Gamble! period to put the game out of/relentlessly, the Canadiens ap- t reach before 16,666 fans drawn|peared anything but the last- by the clash between the divi- place team in the East. sion co-leaders. i Hull now leads all NHL scor- change was with the Perhaps the most startling re- score, with the Canadiens show-| Marseilles On the coast, St. and Oakland heir only goal from oyer. Oakland by beating the Seals 2-\two, and Tom Williams scored 1 for Boston. Louis had sult was the Montreal-Toronto {Wo goals from rookie Frank St got Wally | Tonight, the western Jeaders he Kings. Philadelphia has a two-point edge on the Kings with Minneso-| The apparently key to the ta three points further off the the insertion of pace, are in action with Philadelphia Flyers playing' host to Minne- jsota North Stars and Pittsburgh! @ Penguins at Los Angeles against Habs And Rangers Gain Shutouts At Boston, Gerry Cheevers the Bruins it for goalie Gump Worsley, pulled was in goal for the Bruins after their/ out of the nets in favor of Roga- regular netminder Ed Johnston tien Vachon Sunday for the first broke a bone in the little finger of his right hand Tuesday. He is expected to be out for a week or 10 days. The Bruins already are miss- Orr and Ted Green. | SEE PAGES 8-12 FOR MORE SPORT Kelow : planned to accept the runner-up isuaacbifedel Madet prize of snowmobiles and wait|s for a decision from the OCA. ~F Phil Sykes, OCA secretary, said in an interview after the | #} association's day-long meeting a that Phillips has until Dec. 28 to accept the prize and face the HR ban or submit a written state-| J ment to the OCA saying the prizes have been refused. "We want to give these boys a chance,"' said Sykes. '"'We have no proof that the boys accepted the prizes. This way they now can commit themselves one way or the other." Phillips said he only talked to two members of his rink--Reilly and Manning--and none has de- cided what he will do. "But you'll probably see us Try Stan's For HOCKEY EQUIPMENT ! See eee rien Seesee The Best Prices _ Asked about the prizes, Phil- lips said: "We accepted them verbally,' 72 an but we haven't received them es Po * a Play Santa to your Sportsman We have on hand gifts galore for the sports minded. ©@ Skates ® Skis © GOLFER ©@ HUNTER © Hockey Equipment ® Ski Accessories EVERYTHING FOR EVERY SPORT ® FISHERMAN © ARCHER, etc. BOLAHOOD'S SPORTSHAVEN 61 KING ST. EAST Until 5 P.M. Sat. Dec. 23, 1967 aN 723-2711 EERE Bs OME oR a wie MARA B SPAS Sis wwe GALLONS GASOLINE | OF Absolutely FREE! ers with 40 points, having ass season. st-| Bobby Rousseau into the line of ed on 13 other goals so far this! Henri Richard and Dick Duff. The Canadiens now have lost only two games in their last three | seven, including a pair of ties. They scored four of their Duff wound up with In Oshawa . The victory extended Chica- goals, Rousseau with a goal and NHL BIG TEN --|three assists and Richard with|goals against Bower in the first | jfour assists. Claude Provost|two periods with Gamble taking} |scored the other Montreal goal./over in the third and allowing | The shutout, before 14,164| Duff's third of the night. SKATES @ SAMSON @ DAOUST By THE CANADIAN PRESS Bobby Hull and Stan Mikita of| Chicago Black Hawks took} charge of National Hockey! League scoring Wednesday night, but the glory went to aj new line formed by Montreal) Canadiens. Hull, the leading scorer in the! league hit on two goals as the, Hawks dropped Boston Bruins} out.of first place in the Eastern | Division 6-3 while Mikita gained an assist to move a point ahead| of John Bucyk of Boston. Hull now has 27 goals and 13 assists for 40 points in 32 games | while Mikita has 18 goals and 19 assists for 37 points in 30 games. But it was the Henri Richard- Bobby Rousseau-Dickie Duff line that caught the limelight as 1. Short distance: 16 miles from nN tion, 1200' alt. 2000 mox. r Skiing This Season ? SKI CLUB NEW MEMBERSHIP NOW AVAILABLE Oshawa un, 220 vertical drop ler for beginners to experts. parkina for 250 cars, the Canadiens bounced Toronto 3. We bulldozed every slope wid Maple Leafs 5-0 in Montreal. 4. Almost doubled the lift capacities. Duff scored three goals while Rousseau got a goal and three 5. New road to the bottom ond assists and Richard four assists. 6 None of them made it among the league leaders, but the addi- 7 tion of Rousseau to the line ap-} and Fri. pears to have given them life they haven't had all season. The leaders: G A Pts. PiM R. Hull, Chi 27 13 «40 14 Mikita, Chi 18 19 37 2) Bucyk, Bos 18 18 36 0 SKI SCHOOL & RENTAL SHOP Call us collect. for information on up to the minute snow conditions, Phone Claremont 649-5951. Use Hwy. 12 North to Myrtle and turn West follow the signs. Why Dagmar Ski Club? . Highest altitude in South Ontario assures aood snow condi- . New:-Club House on bottom with Cafeteria and Rental Shop. . Open 5 days a week weather permitting, Night Skiing Wed. Stanfield, Bos 11 24 35 McKenzie, Bos 11 22 33 Delvecchio, Det 8 22 3 Howe, Det 15: 14.29 23 Goyette, NY 13 16 29 8 Walton, Tor 17) 4136 23 Wharram, Chi 11 17 28 10 CHRISTMAS SKIROULE SNOWMOBILE ; For comfort and speed try the SKIROULE ; Snowmobile ' 4 $17 H.P., 20 H.P., 30 H.P. twin ¢ See this Canadian made snow- § mobile at Art Flieler SUPERTEST § 668-3954 ry YCLE 2) mile east of Ajax Blinker | ENTRE t 5) light on Highway No. 2. : $) Chain saw rentol | GASOLINE 39.9 @ Complete protective c.C.M. ere sure of parts and service. HOCKEY and Buy now ond poy leter, Open Every Night till 9 P SHOPPING pvp nergy PROBLEMS! "ONE STOP" BIKE SHOP 204 Bond St. E. 725-6344 -M. ~~ Exeept Saturday See the Cycle Centre for a complete line of hockey equipment and bicycles for kids. equipment for the young. hockey ployer, and the professional player. Sketes by Bouer end @ All the latest in quality bicycles. Cycle Centre where you % © WINNWELL & @ GOALIE PADS RENTED aig your old skates os @ Trade- 4 in EQUIPMENT By... @ CCM @ COOPER-WEEKS Wide Selection Of Team Sweoters Seis Students 35c Skate Sharpening WHILE YOU WAIT OSHAWA'S LARGEST SKATE EXCHANGE Adults 50¢ Bowmanville GIFT STAN'S 223 KING ST. WEST Open Till 9 p.m, Monday to Friday -- Saturday 8 te 6 p.m. Sharpening and Rental Ltd. 723-3301 -- 723-3224 STATION iy Lie, X42640. WAGON 1962 MERCURY Finished In meroon with ¢ontracting interior. V-8. *995.00 1962 CHEVROLET Finished_in white with red interior, six ey!. Automatic $ BEL AIR SEDAN with radio, Lie. K3990, increasingly popular. to presenta... quickly and expertly. {PLEASE FILL IN THE ABOVE Cc GEIST IIIS IIIS SIISIS IIIS III IIIS II III Over the past few years... the "Do-It-Yourself" trend has become who follow this trend, we are pleased DO-IT-YOURSELF Chrustmas As with almost all "Do-It-Yourself" projects, you must have a plan to work from. This plan should include simple, straightforward instructions that make it easy for you to complete the project Here's one you can do in a flash (no tools needed). Simply complete the following sentence. We Wish All of Our Friends and Customers @ very ses HRISTMAS WISH TO EACH OF YOU) HOLLAND | LUMBER LTD. Ritson Rd. N., at Taunton Rd. E., at 5 Points P.S.-- If you're not the "'Do-It-Yourself" type, then we'll spell it out for you... Merry Christmas 2 LINES TO SOMELETE OUR ¥ Christmas Speciol ....-...-.----.- Christmas Special ........- es .. . « a i a BX a 1962 CHEVROLET ; 1962 TR-4 ' 5 PORTS For those of you BISCAYNE SEDAN a SPORT & cyl., automatic with redio. $ A Finished in red with black interior. $ z Lie. 40201E. Christmas Special ...... 795.00 4 : Lie. $8974E. Christmas Special ...... 795,00 in : Tee ea " es CLL ELIE y J RY 1962 AUSTIN 1962 VOLKSWAGEN n CAMBRIDGE SEDAN 5 q DELUXE u c $ n a Finished in red and grey. $ F Finished in green. Runs well $ Lie. 19542E. Christmas Special ...... 495,00 & i Lie. K14174, Christmas Special ..... 495.00 i 4 } 1961 FALCON A a Ave : 1960 KARMAN GHIA 4 &R 4 Finished in white with contrasting interior. F ; Two tone red and white. Lie. K16613. $395 00 Lic. 41073E. $595 00 Christmas Special 22. scares bd Chribtmas: Special 5.0 66s cece teas 8 5 : PEMA SLRS SI 1] UES Se Parar ard EVERY CAR FULLY WINTERIZED. a If you have money problems ----~ if you don't _ you can afford to change cars -- then consult @ le EVERY CAR CARRIES A WRITTEN WARRANTY. a Trent Credit Manager, In many cases you can EVERY CAR IS A GENUINE TRADE-IN. & upgrade your transportation by consolidation of i EVERY CAR HAS A FITNESS CERTIFICATE a present loans, lowering of interest rates, dropping EVERY CAR HAS LOW RATE FINANCING i of monthly maintenance costs and « reduction in AVAILABLE. K ' your monthly cash outflow, i is Rie ad arare to. AUTO SALES LIMITED KING ST. EAST BOWMANVILLE "TRENT SELLS FOR LESS THAN TORONTO DEALERS" TEUENe'o cave os + # a TS BB Bi ol Disisiaiaioiaisiaisiaun TRENT AMBASSADOR : CHRISTMAS With The Purchase of Every New or Select Used Car

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