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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Dec 1967, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 21, 1967 17 | THE STARS SAY |Work On New Ideas)ieruty"*inat is strctiy youl By ESTRELLITA alone and become a person who! ene 'This exquisitely designed hall or ywder room fixture cea a gem. verall fength cise idth 9¥ Special $22,560 Ample Parking Come home to THE PARTERRE on North Evening ope] 7 RENTAL 255 SIMCOE STREET NORTH side of Till Lanwie OFFICE Phones 725-3471 © 725-2481 King j toes. oat THESE 12 VICTORIOUS 1931 British general id-Marct kind of job exactly like someone women MPs elected in the tion represented biggest ad- | Parliament. Thelma Caza- 1919. eee tae ene else did it, Even to attempt to | OSHAWA let (fourth from left), (CP Photo) tay alo diving the entire perform this feat is an unwor-] Day and Evening Classes are Th rae E efabitialaes seit month of July, the last half of|{hY Soal at best, And it is also a] now toking appointments, y, as ' ay : lenis elma Cazalet - Keir S Book Commonwealth affairs. And | DIVINE BLONDES September, mid-October and|{Tustrating battle since it Models are welcome, elec- Dazzling Picture Of London Life it seum of Art, where 24 paint-\ulative ventures by the first ; Ve : By CAROL KENNEDY invest in oer ta ba: tonper But the breakthrough lings of the 14th Century are, week of June and guard against that was once used by LE LALIT LITE, SNOWB LONDON (CP) -- Llovd. shares as a last flutter on the ame in politics." exhibited, has the Holy Bam-| extravagance in November es -._ stock market. Beaverbrook As a girl, she fell under the ily represented as blondes in' Domestic and social interests) George described her as on himself bought huge blocks so each of the works of art. will be governed by fine influ ° of the only two women who ae i . a agp d good" Christabel Pank- ay Mg never bored him; H. G. Wélls ter would have the pleasure of 7" ; = ahead, but do be careful to S H @ ES advised her to take a lover; seeing his shares rise. hurst and was vividly im- i avoid friction in close circles for DO NOT SELL Mrs, Christabel Pankhurst, aes pressed by the courage of the the balance of this month, in e the suffragette leader, in- BEAVER BROKE WORD late April, early June, late Au A ROOM FULL spired her to enter politics, ~ and Churchill painted her and Son to admire Beaverbrook: si October. 1968 will be an excel S L | pp F RS rebuked her for being ob- AS Conservative candidate es tee VIOLENCE lent year for romance, with out sessed with the principle of 'She lost a London byelection ary Ric! ardson, a small, standing periods indicated in * equal pay. in- 1931 because the press bc nage ong ih Sold ppnee Mad | late June, all of July and late! Did. k that * c baron, reneging on a pledge, © as mother | September. The stars will be iG you Know that you can T KNOW E SIZE>. ; Few women in British 'thrust his own Empire Free that she had been assigned ae 4M lespecially propitious for mar have better furniture, that PO NE Sree public life have touched the dazzling social, political and literary tapestry of the last half-century at so many points as Thelma Cazalet-Keir, one Like almost every other ; Decorate an outdoor tree just/ You do want to take a short trip, experience an is AND BE SURE! of the pioneer band of women Woman who ever met him, * a in jail. for the birds. Use popcorn, |the first three weeks of Jul hain ail - abuaih! i > BE SURE! MPs of the 1930s who battled Thelma was entranced by pales | Soul meueres. "wie leranberry garlands, "'orna-| Will be propitious met P es a ¢ a wall of male prejudice that loyd George. poi pare First World War | vents' of apple or suet) A child born on this day will your home furnishings. We secrrarnarnan arya er ge seems unthinkable today. A self-avowed feminist who kept her own name when she married journalist David Keir, her sympathetic person- ality attracted many eminent men who sometimes clashed with her political views. The crumbs of table-talk they dropped in her company were preserved in diaries and enliv- en the pages of her autobio- graphy, From the Wings, published recently by Bodley Head. EDWARD HAD TO GO Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin told her at the time of the abdication of Edward VIII: "I knew he would have to go, there was nothing else for it, otherwise we should constantly have been having these upsets. He was all right as Prince of Wales, but not as King." Foreign Secretary Austen Chamberlain confided in 1921 that President Woodrow Wil- son was a "monument of inef- ficiency' at the Versailles peace conference, always hav- ing to come to the British for briefings--"He did not even know where Silesia was." Lloyd George, who adopted Thelma as a kind of honorary. daughter and always signed his letters "Taid"--Welsh for Dad--told her of a touching, little-known episode in the re- lationship between Lord Beav- erbrook and his fellow-Cana- dian, Andrew Bonar Law. When Bonar Law was dying, he expressed a wish to. tion, now it Paik @ Spacious, elegant 1, 2 and 3-Bedroom suites @ 40 suites with Outside kitchen windows @ Private recessed patios @ Imposing canopy and dignified reception area @ Adult tenant policy e@ Roomy lockers and closets en suite @ Separate kitchen entrance from corridor in larger suites @ Professionally planned THE PARTERRE Oshawa's most desirable location As modern as the minute. Fulfilling to the most fastidious. Brilliantly planned for the thoughtful homemaker. And The Parterre could hardly be more central. roof garden A VISIT WILL BE REWARDING that the stricken prime minis- Later Thelma had less rea- Trade candidate into the con- test, split the Tory vote and let Labor in. "To Lloyd George. every morning was not a new day, but a new life and a new chance. That is why the mo- ment he appeared everything became exciting, as though an electric switch had been turned on in a dark room." Member of a prominent so- cial and political family--her beloved elder brother Victor, also a Tory MP, died in the same wartime plane crash that killed General Sikorski, leader of the exiled Poles-- Thelma was expecting to be- come education minister if the Tories had been voted back in 1945, She regards her main achievement as helping write the principle of equal pay into the statute books. She moved an amendment to the 1944 Ed- ucation Act to enshrine this, coming up against fierce tan- trums from Prime Minister Churchill, who had small pa- tience with women's rights. PAID LIP SERVICE "But almost everybody paid lip service to it--you wouldn't have thought we'd have had such a battle," she recalled in an interview in her sage-green drawing-room overlooking Belgravia's posh Eaton Square. "Of course the men didn't like it because it would have meant equal status. "What pleases me most now is that women aren't only doing 'women's jobs'--it used to be health, welfare, educa- 's transport and @ Pressurized corridors free from odors Individual entrance hafl in all suites Roomy, equipped recreation room Elevators run from garage to roof garden @ De luxe automatic stoves and large refrigerators @ Mail delivered to each suite daily @ Sound transmission prevention between suites ie . te vance then for women in was the first woman MP in For FRIDAY Friday should be a highly sat- isfactory day, even though not a particularly stimulating one. _| Personal relationships should be! most congenial, and you will find your greatest happiness in the company of family and close friends, "Also favored: Community projects and musi- cal entertainment. iFOR THE BIRTHDAY If Friday is your birthday, the improved occupational condi- tions indicated in. your horo-|Work, and I'm hearing so much|were hired for. oe jabout 'Mary' I've developed a} Second, show results and scope for the next year should| somniex about her. : IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA prove exceptionally gratifying, ETRE AEE look is also a good one, with signs of your earning power outside politics, The Econo- | Blondes predominate in relig-| November. Just a few admoni- mist, for instance, is full of women, spell of the "beautiful, wise militant suffragettes in a hos- | tile male world. | the task of slashing Velas- quez's Rokeby Venus in the National Gallery as a protest against the forcible feeding of sped women's rights anyway, the suffra- gettes were right to act so vi- lous t New York's Metropolitan .Mu- in lale May; paintings. One room in | WIFE PRESERVER tions, however: Make no loans get out of all spec- ences for most of the 12 months gust, early September and early lriage during the latter month Travel doesn't seem to be much on your agenda this year, but if ichunks, popcorn balls, pressed|be sensitive, intuitive and en \birdseed bells. dowed with a fine intellect 'Rather Than Copy succeeds on her own rather|2Chievements that are over and|when you feel yourself shaking, than one who constantly fails in |her struggle to be someone else. An Efficient Ghost | {TIME CONSUMING | By ROBERTA ROESCH It may take a while to "When Lady Luck led me to ajachieve this goal and kill off the job that exceeded my wildest)"ghost" that haunts you. But if hopes, I couldn't believe myjyou put forth the effort, it is own goood fortune," an execu-'something that can be done. tive secretary said. Here are some tips that will "But now what was once good help. fortune is misfortune every day| First, bring some new knowl- jbecause I work in the shadow of|edge and some new ways and |the glorified girl who held my|means of doing things to every job before it was givento me. |job you tackle. People won't "Each day the ghost of this|block this new approach when it girl follows me around when I|proves you can do the job you "I'm trying my best to fill her vith fine advancement prom- g}, s, t Y i Open Ever P ¥ eadin late April and (or) gee 5 hee put m not getting any CAREER SCHOOL ate Except Sotu : *4\May; also next November an i wen oa : : til Christmas, > ! December, Your financial out-| ken i Speke dbs caine OF HAIRDRESSING Are pleased to announce the lelse--or by opening of a New Branch in trying to do any usually can't be won. Don't make the mistake of trying to do this yourself when you sit down at an office desk 145 KING ST. WEST 576-3558 labove what is expected of you. |tell yourself again and again [Be able to say, backed up by ape ge dig eo vate |Proof, "This 1s what I've done." +, he peta: Pcs a. Third, evaluate both yourself! Finally, if the ghost keeps and your job and ask yourself|chasing you in spite of your |what you can do that would!well-laid plans, let it push you make your personality and your and spur you on to even greater \job performance better than'efforts. your predecessors'. This, at least, generates some Fourth, refuse to be scared of good that can come out of a bad somebody else's ghost. Even situation. DAVIDSON SHOES WHY WE OF FURNITURE! looks better, lasts longer, and actually costs less over the years by letting our | enjoy doing it, you will. too! | olently. "They had to make that protest. You must remember | that there were 2,000,000 un- | married women then, and | their wages were appalling. Men could do what they liked with the situation. Now there are more men than women-- isn't that marvellous?" There still are large areas of prejudice, however. Some years after she quit politics in 1945, Thelma was turned down as Tory candidate for | her home constituency in Kent. Later the party. chair- | man said: "Bad luck! If you had come in trousers you would have walked away with | Located at the OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE For Christmas Give Her A DIAMOND from:.is BIRKS EWELLGRs H Botty Haydl Co. Ltd. Interior Decorating, Fine Furnishings 15 KING STREET EAST 725-2686 = GIFT CERTIFICATE Sisiaiaisiaieinn DAVIDSON SHOE STORE 31 Simcoe St. N. Downtown Oshawa the nomination." : 1188 Simcoe St. S. Flowers by Penrose "Quality Is Our Trademark MAKE SOMEONE HAPPY! SEND FLOWERS DO YOU HAVE PROBLEMS With Christmas Shopping! It's So Simple In Our Shop... Free Parking Street tT 'DRUG 28 KING ST. EAST -- 723-4621 Pee 2 4 | KARN'S Suggests ... Yardley her for Christmas Enchant her withe lovely gift set from Yardley ... Lotus Soap and Cologne. Comes in Lavender and Red Roses, too. Set $1.95. Choose an elegant gift from our fine Yardley selection. Eas Beautifully packaged gift set from Yardley has Lavender Spray Mist end Talc. Also available in Lotus and Red Roses, Set $5.00. Every 9 P.M. i Sa a Ge CREDIT? Why Certainly! MEN'S PERMANENT PRESS DRESS SHIRTS 49 or 3 for 10.00 MEN'S AFTER SKI PILE LINED SNO BOOTS In Black and Brown 10.95 Men's Broadcloth PYJAMAS 36 to 46. 3.99 36 KING STREET EAST --e< DUNN'S BOTH STORES OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL 9 P.M. IN DECEMBER MEN'S GENUINE SUEDE ZIP-IN, ZIP-OUT PILE LINED CAR COATS In light and Chocolete Brows 36 to 46 99.95 TERRYCLOTH BATHROBES 36 to 46 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE % a) i ere

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