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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Dec 1967, p. 5

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'County Road Speed Limits mye Will Increase rm rid' Two Men Fail ness meeting was ehaired by/A. 'Sullivan, Ajax; Sherry Rob-| leadi ri eading sulky driver in 1967, will 9 P.M. TO 1 A.M. > contacts i. conta WHITBY (Staff) --- Speed,ship of Pickering, to just south! ; | g ical about | limits on many Ontario County|of Concessions two and three! le and nu- jroads have been upped to 60)of the town of Uxbridge. and nu. miles per hour, A bylaw pass-| County Road No. 11 from | jed by the Ontario County Coun-|County Road one to the York mericans, cil here yesterday raised the| County boundary, except where mericans, maximum speed limit to 60) otherwise posted in one stretch he builds miles per hour on the follow-|at the Township of Scott. an' pred: ing roads: | County Road No. 15 from ich Amer- Thickson Koad from Rossland| Highway 12 to the boundary of | e will not Road to the southeast limit of) Victoria County. } m to a for- | King's Highway No. 12. | It was the last session of minority." |. County Road No, 2 from the| this year's council, | . sentence. jintersection of County Rd. No.| A mainteance staff member)! in be said 3 to near Concessions six and|removed the name plaques of| rently sup- seven of the Township of East|six councillors during the after-| * of South | Whitby. |noon session, and the council] 'ity which County Road No. 2. fram|presented retiring Warden servation, north of the above concessions|/Charles Healy with a gift, and pees eee to the southern limits of Port|a box of chocolates was passed he writes, Perry. jaround to the councillors by hdrawal of Brock Road from King's| Warden Healy. | friends in Highway No, 2 north to°Clare-| APPOINTMENTS | | Le 1e seems to mont, except in two short} There was some debate on) Ce : ba by saying stretches where other speed|the matter of appointment to) z ; pectacle of ar ee. : ne Pickering High School W ' cen ; est power _Aitona Roa rom north of) Board of Harold Mitchell. Mrs. ER a Concessions one and two, Town |McPherson, deputy reeve HITBY MAN RECEIVES CENTENNIAL MEDAL courage re- | Tce en | DRORerinhgy Township, _recom- Thomas Sloan, 225 Co- sary of the Confederation |--------- 7 eapseas casa Cas ca dds 2 a B hg lor Phd gare because| chrane St., Whitby, has of Canada, the Centennial | 4 years _ Bg | an OTT re vests oe Be] bony awarded a Centennial Meds! is. conferred on | ommendation for t Medal. He is pictured_with a drity , Esquire, in | us that i el 2 | post arose, this ans ace Mrs. Sloan admiring this--~ eta gag itn we | the donne Oe s en ence William Tyas, a chemical engi- ge A letter accompan Sloan is Canadian vice. i a : n or Du Pont of Canada. ied the Centennial Medal ares faal e : ites 6 lll | Picker ; a : president, chemical work 4 eft with the; "GIRLS" CA sf # A : ickering Township Reeve| and it reads: 'On the occa érs' union, Toront ator Kenne- USE SE | Clifford Laycox addressed the; sion of the 100th (Oxhes bbe 5 op the war ie toe em iemten AT WHITBY PLANT CHRISTMAS PARTY | QUSPENGEG -- councit ania. "the "session ~ ed Oras "Tease etd) ' itical 'ig . al- yayle Brennan, commenta- Dav ili | drew to a close, i , ee | » a political a ui D nta (Dave Billion), a cosmopol- Show were: b Z . in grave tones, E or the com- othe ge go Me tor, At left is Paris model, itan high fashion model, send a bi | ay Town | WHITBY -- Douglas Smith, announced that in his tl PP | 5 a onlential tome ree a en i '= 4 Maxine Larue (Max Rosen- displayed the very latest s Penelope Tree, Jim |26, formerly of Hamilton, who| Speech as a councillor, he wish-| epor ' ama e k d--no less Hh Geneahe oe e ote heck), wearing a flattering mini dress in a vivid shade Sandford as Samantha | pleaded guilty, here Tuesday,|¢¢ to recommend neither of| | 4 American, "hh sensation in the aMod" oe (like W ay a a ad a ea aS es ee Ith * a a et the io, it th amen for'| Ld . self to advo- ahi ; " ike Webb), who had med pantaloons, black Fifi Lama Jol _ {the Bank of Montreal, was)'ne job, but that one was an| : ' prey | _ (for men) ar- chosen a mauve plaid dress mesh stockings and knee burn as Phyllis Diller eer placed on "suspended sentence| "her a younger man with new-| n 1X e 1C e CCl ents & a gana oan complimented by a purple high boots. Others taking John Feeney as Charlotte for two years by Mazistrate|0der, experienced person, the! _lantomasi, assisted y iss blouse: and Marola Witt part in the High Kashion (Omawa Tine Phat) HM. Jermyn ime sccuned ie man with new- WHITRY (Staff) Ontario Four more hizh cost soci] s ay . sibs yas urged to make every effort) as \ oi z ' WHITBY / AJAX PERSONALS | ' to make restitution "Gentlemen, progress {s what Vcihagee nein here are still he ei accidents took! ; 8 The court was told the ac.\We're looking for in this|T¥ing to figure out what), 00° on Ul four at 3 p.m., 5) ice | St. Mark ) United Church = entered the service sr| county." jcaused the rash of expensive en s pm, and 9 eee | St. John the Evangelist CWL| It was announced at the! |the bank in 1963, He was later) Mr. Tyas was appointed to|property damage accidents 'wh oe Gary Chapman, traveling bridge and euchre| Christmas meeting and | . > transferred to the Whithy|the Pickering District High!their terri : ee for the Whitby de-| hostesses for the month of De-| wy, : & and party of| Pl bd ibs nch as accountant, The|School Board eir territory yesterday. tachment, could give no ex-| yer Enae. Week Binge Abe itby Dove Rebekah Lodge, | anning aml y ervice thefts, by manipulation of the| Walter Reath was named to| A total of $3,400 damage was|Planation for the rash of acci-| Terry Miller, Mrs. Clarence|that Sister Sarah Laidlaw, As-| |books, began in December. ~ high school board of the|done to the 11 vehicles involved| sony an pointed out that road} iks ; Y s y vi : | 4 11965, i | Townsh { Fast W ; nS were good . men oppose Ee coaees Mrs. Pf, ch per bir ded oo her WHITBY (Staff) -- A service|choirs, under the leadership of| after ne gel ay Sater June Kydd 0 bie A ge a> ict Wednesday . - "| matter and negan, Mrs. J. Ottenbrite, Mrs ye oa Jan. 10 at the Ajaxiof special interest will be held|Gordon Harle, combined their! borough. The accused, who has|'he board of education of the| 'ihe: trouble started: at. #:11 eee as one huge W. Allan, Mrs. W. Humphrey.|/48¢. Whitby Rebekah Lodge|sunday when the families of St jtalents in singing "While Shep-|been steadily employed since|Town of Whitby. Charles Had-|7 0 Ss a in terms of Mrs. J. McCarroll, Mrs, Marie|Will be invited to attend this|Mark's United Church will meet |oeras Watched Their _Sheep",|leaving the bank in February|den was named to the Brock|Thickson's Road and Highway WHITBY LIONS CLUB lish-speaking Fitzgerald, Mrs. Anne Gal-|joint meeting, Sister Doris Rob-\for the Christ Eve: tain '| "Jesu Bambino and Hallelu-| last, made a small amount of Pistrict High School Board,|2 resulted in $1,200 damage and : lagher and Mrs. Leona Smuck.lins, Noble Grand, assisted Sis.|worship. mas Eve family jah Chonus . A_ ladies' choir] restitution. jand Edgar Johnson chosen' to|minor injuries to one of the ii elings of of- Euchre, Mrs. Doris Holley, Mrs.lter Alice Calli Js sicldeineeta a p. ac _|sang "'Mary's Lullaby to the) "At the time It did not seem sit on the Central Onta r1o|passengers. ulle for the Robert. Gagnon, Mrs. H. C.|~ ice ollins, Vice Grand, 'A - am M4 i ns fill-| Infant King". like stealing," said the ac |County District High School! All--wan-contet 4 ew ear Ss ce | ce. No one Munro, Mrs. Marie Brooks,|¥ith the meeting. Several mem-|svering wh ay "p Sunday| Soloists of the adult choirs| cused, who blamed a drinking| Board lwhen a cance si 4 tert dministration Mrs, G. Hendriks, Mrs. F, Spel.|Ders entertained residents 'of|e\ pre ine choie of Ce assist-' were Mrs. R. Broughton, "And|Problem for the juggling of the "| sulted fice iniale to the Mae | Fairview Lodg 'jed by the choir of Columbus " \b jsulted in minor injuries to the) len and Mrs. Doris Bilcox. w Lodge at a December|;;.; IS There Were Shepherds H,|hank books. ss \d ec s ot's commit birthday party. The winners of United Church presented their siersma, 'Bethlehem' and | Drivin P river and $100 damage. | ° 0 connection Vimy Ridge LOBA 639 held its|the draw were: Joe Walsh, parent pel voi ge i serv- Rammler, "O Holy Night'. | we : g oem Ru ee eee | at the nent agency. Christmas meeting and party|Agincourt; Irving McCollum.|'°®: variety of music was : : ae F M MOVES HEADQUARTERS is relatively at the IOOF hall. A short busi-|Toronto; L. Bonneville, Ajax: |chosen from the traditional and irst eetings | Draws Praise ELMVALE, Ont. (CP) --|\ CENTENNIAL CENTRE |modern music of the season. | Keith Waples, 43, Canada's 416 Centre Street South For PUC, Board Sister Viola|ins, Ajax; Maureen Gay, Osh.| rhe junior choir selections were| WHITBY (Staff) -- The folk- Worthy Mistress move his horse farm headquar- s a Quebec: Fe "gail Simard, Rints assisted by Deputy Mis-|awa; Kevin Mundall, Picker-|, ry ,, God Bless", 'La , ' SS ihe tress Sister Lillian Kirk, devo-|ing; Alice Collins, Ajax: 'Ann| Navida and Fum, Fum,) Batter Test WHITBY (Staff) -- Dates |*!msing, guitar-playing spokes-|ters from near here to Durham, Dance ----- Refreshments -- Buffet »sident tional exercises were conduct-|Coakwell, Oshawa: Lorne Jar-|FU™"- ; oy y have been set for the first meet-|man for the Whitby detachment|Ont. The move from this areal Formal or Semi-Formal out 40, has ed by Sister Lila Wilde. Dona-|vis, Ajax. Sister Margaret|_ Together both choirs, which ies ____ \ings of two of the most impor-|of the Ontario Provincial Police| 15 miles north of Barrie to Dur-! 15.00 P, a th h tions were sent to Scott Mis-|Browning personified Santa| Were under the direction of Mrs.| WHITBY (Staff). -- Getting|tant -bodies which will govern'has become a poetic policeman ham, about 30 miles south of ' 'er Couple nai oT we sion and Orange Home for the|Claus and distributed gifts. A D. Williams, sang two West In-|Some masculine advice on the|the new Town of Whitby when| overnight Owen Sound, he says, will keep TICKETS AVAILABLE AT --~ here. He ani aged. An invitation was re-|buffet lunch was served 5: A dian carols in calypso beat ac-| working of her car proved tolit comes into being on Jan. 1 | i ' ra his horses more centrally lo W. Schetemenn Real Estete, 115 Brock Street North' i Saag eed Heh Oshawa Queen e s . companied by David Millar dil aren less than an en-| 'Tuesday, Jan. 9 sees the first! gay Or tae miety wlces. be priatvcn -- big Reservations Call 668-3338 P # % i | lighteni ance Jon-| ve ; | § 4 y nto, Campbellville, St. Cathar rs. John Winning, 22 Pres-|the guitar and Ron Harland on|lightening experience for a Non-iget-together of the Public Util-| write his weekly report for|ines, London and Windsor. | Mary LOBA 97 to attend the ton Ct., Ajax, opened her home|the bongo drums, "The Baby quon Road woman. ities up the Com: 4 acariet degree Dec, 27. A din- Commission which will i H | swe aoa see ind a social eve.|t® members' of St, Timothy's|Boy" and 'The Borning Day". | She told Whitby Provincial Po-|start off with having to make a Bere ee i ceeeh lu Quebec. : ning with members exchanging Presbyterian Church Women's| Two young soloists, Cathy|lice she had parked her car in/decision on the new price for| first poem ion plans to gifts. Guild for its Christmas party.|Godwin and Leslie Hayes, add-|the K-Mart parking lot and when|hydro in the area following the antiod "Sale Driving at independence The president, Mrs. Ernestied to the evening's variety. The|she returned the vehiclejraising of prices by Ontario Christmas", it 'appeared in Tuesday's edition of The Times and tells the story of how the drinking drivers decided to play lit safe this year. The poem has brought Con- stable Chapman some recogni- tion already. It was the subject of a Toronto radio station be pric wena ten pig geo a business ses-/fonmer sang "A Star Was Her| wouldn't start. Hydro, TOPS Cluh members held their|sion when the program for 1968|Candle" and the latter, accom-|. Two men wi s ° q Christmas party at the home|was discussed. During the so-|panied by Janet Hempstead on alry Ser i ber ait ead choc: Piglavortige) the ore Genie of Clara Powell, Dundas Street|cial evening games were play-|the cymbals, sang "Mary's Lul-/ed under the hood. They told af siseation. : East. A delicious dinner was ed and' members exchanged laby"'. lher that someone had stolen the| saisien served. The entertainment pro-|gifts. Lunch was served. The) Miss Margaret Webber at the battery from her car. | As previously reported, town gram was provided by mem-|next meeting will be held Jan. organ and Henry Vanderkool| 'She called a service station | council's inaugural meeting will bers who lost the weight con-|12. at the piano offered duet ar-/mechanic to the scene. He in- be held at 11 a.m., Jan. 6. ench students, ° ; and other ult, president st Rassemble- ependance 1a- .c, is reported 1 reserve to- His secret gin recipe broadcaster's is committee xd Gregoire to aking tour. ing of Christmas carols mem- ttitude, possi- bers exchanged gifts distributed) ners were: North and South --| ~|make of auto. mental hospital has been inau-|published in other Ontario by Ethel Hull, a stand-in forlyrs, Corb Stiner and Mrs.{win, 7144; (a tie) Miss Geor-| The men were at least partly|gurated in Mantanzas, Cuba--|newspapers. rom the ¢com- ection with 'auses concern test, readings and skits were presented. Following the sing- Santa Claus. Winners of the draw were: Antonetta Cernigoi, DUPLICATE BRIDGE | rangements of "Ave Maria" by! formed her that the battery was Rach and "Largo" by Handel. |still in place but was located THIRD HOSPITAL Havana radio reports that a Harry Welsh, 81; Mr. and Mrx.|gie Forsyth and Mrs. Ed Booth, Frank Wells, 75%; Duncan Me-|Mrs. Philip Chubb and Mrs. Whitby duplicate bridge win-| The St. Mark's and Columbus|in a different position in her} jright for a dirty battery cable|the third such hospital es }was the cause of the woman's|tablished in Cuba by the Fidel "Something to Think About'. He has also been informed that the poem may be "T better put it to music and make some money," quipped the constable. nch members. Oshawa, Mrs, T. J. Toms, Whit-\Quaig and G. H. Winter, 71;|Dou ; troubles. ; *. 4H, ree hb glas Maundrel, 69; Mrs. Castro government. y indicate that by, Madge Legg, Port Perry.|Mrs, Donald Wilson and Mrs.|Edith Watts and Mrs. Vera} giv sii , in the event Jean Jaynes and Dorothy Mar-|p. N. Spratt, 62. East and West|McDougall, 64. Next Bridge >, could crum- kind of frag- that afflicted fore de Gaulle in 1958. vs he does not main Gaullist enthuses over a that a third yrce should be tween the 'amps of the and the Soviet is PM n tin won the club draw. The No- vember "Queen" was Doreen) Wickens and weekly December | "Queens" are Bonnie Aubertin, | Beverley MacGillivray -- and| Rose Fudge. There will be al weigh-in at the home of Clara! Powell Dec. 26 between 7.30 p.m. until 8 p.m. A pot luck supper preceded | the Whitby Order of the East- | ern Star Christmas meeting | presided by Mrs. Delphine Coni- bear Worthy Matron and Clar- ence Hallet Worthy Patron. Mrs. Winnifred Newton PDDGM, was introduced, Past matrons and patrons present | |--Neil Shortreed and John Good-'night Jan. 2. PRE-NEW YEAR'S DANCE By The WHITBY CENTENNIAL CENTRE BOARD Regal Room ---- 416 Centre St. South Saturday, December 30th, 1967 8:30 P.M, -- 12:$$ midnight SING AND SWING WITH CAM WARNE ON THE ORGAN @ $5.00 per couple @ Dress Optional from Toronto and New Bruns- Saturday Matinee at 1:30 Looking For Will Enjoy ? Gift The Whole Family WOULDN'T A POOL TABLE BY MAJOR POOL DO THE TRICK? A Great isn't a secret anymore. In 1769, a Highland Scot named Alexander Gordon arrived in London. And started, _ of all things, a gin dis- tillery. Soon, Mr. Gordon was making the finest gin the English had descendants.) were: Mrs. Anna Patterson, | @ Bar Priviledges @ Buffet Lunch Mrs. Pearl Roper, Mrs. Elsi¢[ tickets Con Be Obtained From Mr. R. Howkine 668-3659 I ' Goose, Mrs. Julia Thomas, Mrs.|f 0, At The Whitby Municipol Office 668-5803 ff ever tasted. Mae Phair, Mrs. Helen Breen, | | F ° lIrmol Mrs. Taella Cook, Mrs. Cora | | rrom a secret recipe Fallow, Mrs. Grace Guthrie, =a ' , ee Clarence _ Hallet d Edwin Evening Programs Begin 7: & 8:45 | known only to him. stem of non-se Breen. Visitors wehe present BROCK 9 egin 7? ; | (And later, only to his lics protested vi- their rights had and the case was 11 courts all the rivy Council in rying results. ter Bowell was middle. Although ngeman, he felt should support Roman Catholics the original deal »vernment had no re with education yecause it was & ter. wick, Following the meeting, friends and family were in vited to attend the Christmas party. Mrs. Cora Fallow PM, and Mrs. Mae Phair PM, enter- tained with contests. The Christ- mas tree was won by Mrs. Julia Thomas PM, and a capon by Mrs. Anna Patterson PM, proceeds from the draw went to Ways and Means. Santa deliv- WHITBY ered gifts to one and all and lunch was served. BURNER SERVICE By Our Local Service Contractors SAWDON'S e by a Conserva' - nt. Wilfrid Lau- , $48! 189.50 9.50 11.61 ° the opposition se momen eer pan $483 360.95 10.95 12.92 To make sure its wonderful taste Roman Catholic; FREE 24-HOUR OR $4801 569.50 19.50 27.59 ° never varied from place to place, how- i" ". MINGS SZ a IRATE A UNIVERSAL PICTURE ALSO -- WALT DISNEY -- FEATURETTE RUN APPALOOSA RUN -- In Color 10.95 170.98 Provincial Soles Tox Extra Other ,models and sizes available Pool tables can be built in any basement where accessability is a problem. ae S nine countries, in All tables have @ ane year gainst defects in ind workmanship. in on the secret. cluding Canada. ever, we had to let nine other people Now, 200 years later, Gordon's Gin is still made exactly the same. Only now, it's the largest selling gin in the world. Made in arate schools poli- Ls a : : ypopular os F UE L ae The Management and Staff Extend | Nothing but the best English woollen cloth used in all pool tables. We hope you wop thold itagainst US. seven of his cab Te\One ond All -- "A Very Merry | aaa) After all, Alexander Gordon didn't ion t a ristmas : F ' vahing fase sure heD cou | MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT CORP. timites | 'cP his secret ther . Limited DISTILLED IN CANADA BY TANOUERAY GORDON & 60. (CANADA) LTR There was a fili- Jouse of Commons days, and Bowell Charles Tupper om Britain to take was defeated by er shortly after, ed out a compro: h Manitoba, 244 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3524 ae THEATRE WILL BE CLOSED DECEMBER 25 & 26-- FOR CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS OPEN WEDNESDAY, BECEMBER 27 - 7 PM, | | 690 DRAKE ST, Office Hours: 725-6582 After Hours: 576-2287 i envisage:

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