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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Dec 1967, p. 16

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Betate for Sc 'ea! 20--R: i 1967 ¥, December 22, MES, Pridey, -- THE OSHAWA TI 16 Metcal - ADS! REAL ESTATE L ITH WAN AVINGS W PING & $ MAS $HOP Y CHRIST Y FAMIL $IMPLIF REALTOR Sr; 5-PLEX i 5 plex, five 2 a re 9 to 12. on crm, Sele od, five stoves, ed parkir Friday, Saturday 20--Real Estate for washer dv ood % Sacsct : monthly i listed at Monday to . 19--Male and F ' rental area, by appointme 5 p.m. rtunities Help Wanted 000. Shown 23- 3492 8 a.m. to 14--Business Oppo t only. ERCIAI Fron COMM Number 7 TY LID. ITBY Classified u b H Desk -- REALTY L me Pigonk pot al he re) R Dunda: . 2 offic t know use DO stores, Re 2 Call The Direct é D board, NCR 52 16 Simcoe St. S. pag dB Dog ony $3 Telephone tential, -asking s e : terms. Y © MLS REALTOR 942-5580 : 723-5281 B00 with ie te HOT! 1, part-time, 1 5 P D. §. AT 401 EEKLY or more, full, parttime, $ oN 6 hon PARK RD. Stee waa. Fuller | territories Lo pom : Oshawa Biv EO bitchens, 330 aa Oe ea riles de- CLAY FARM me home, 2 tiadroon S S 576-0: ai aR ba 4 149 ACRE d pound init fee sage ty ig tines pre ment requires eager ¢ about thousan tor. 3-pe. baths, 1 con ! rT: Prroughout "south 'lence. nah a bay 1 @ One milkers, mi coroee, home. (0 A- FOR REN p cies Gupries how. Cote com: Peat anes leas 8 tes " garage, P and wi business Escalating s.| con id leaner, larg tool 90! ailers DY SHO this exciting d leads. Escala earning! ed barn ¢ ns and tion. BU nd Heating | S--Tr FACTORY wit mission sehedule ensues cal sim bam 'an en Zane ecres. 60 Por ee e 'identia! rt 'us! ioe aa ening HOLIDAY wiges : US oe Pa mies fom "Orhowe dt ot strate 2, bedroom, bu Typ rials. . 1 |. Donwa' the E - ive Sort ae imates free. 727191. 4 a S U cae industrial [Lse. be ° selied Hwy. nl ee psig ie lot ey] "i |rates. "Esti wee amper nearly new rm forced steam ere oe for Sale lars, ca e alow. axes only $19 fea recent ne Q lity Carpen ik ba sere _ Truc 1968: Models building, ceiling 'erheod doors 20--Real Estate VE AVENUE . Low t aculate conditio: =* a IRS ug - d 18 foot ov 400 Ll 25 In imi " S$ Accnunting Sr se u RAL REPA at t Arrive NETTE heat, over 7, ie) droom large S TILL N FF wy Hk Bie Nga PALL GENE nt Specialists | FESSIONAL | Jus N FRONT Di £ for trucks etc., t proof. Older 4 bedr kitchens, N EVENING! 8 cot oi ny fs Generel on mart | PRO NING | 4 TO SIDE DINETT Hu gr ien large rus Ak Ww i! @ O ing room, two kite sls OPEN EV | 728-467 2 coe Street_N.. Certified Shop-| Hom Oshawa on | CLEA 2 TON S$ INETTE square ond office space . x 14° living | close to se! d Dial 725-2 DAY, Osews Serving Yeors RUG 2 FRONT D tank an ing facili- ondition, ingle gar- eH 5-85 GORDON R.. DAY, Ce Eee eile 34 TON -- DINETTE ing es of parking ° Clean ¢ a or ere Roy. 190. oll -725- pg lag PR 'Account- t and Dependat 23-3411 Doy Service % TON SID 4,3 also 4 acr ited on larg church, bus ld. Only $19.0 John O'Drisc 725-91 ping Centre, (ANN, 'Chariered "Account ronest 725-8576 or 62 2 ond Delivery Attar model sleeps 12 ies. Well loca hawa, Ste- Must be so Howson 725-91 PH GUTMA' cies, IF Bel Phone 725-85 - Free Pick-Up Standarc , hydro, ties. tery in Oshawa, we ages ! John A el SDELLING recradlion foes, "| Fre Graydon | $tendard as lights, lifting wna te pot d ee * Mark Toming 723.12 lla al ts watt lag Aa MODELLIN upboards. Eri | Anaus- olt and gas teel sink, venson tre, Will re! te Ltd. | VENUE Mark To O.D.R.E.B. a plete borkeenng nerve, ie » deoahaeaianae | Higgs het? 3 eee stainless s = 75 Ib. Shopping bgt a foot. ea Real peo PUNSHON Pb bd bunge- 'st exchane:& ML & ML sso treet Nr 7284397. Red. 7 O., Char-' 725-7066, as TERING «| site r tank and pum k, cur- or part a FRANK SM RE Beautiful rage, 2 We list exc coe Street Sere ne Taniee ord "RE-UPHOLSTERIT | wate propane tank, ct immediately UG CAR- : w., il @ 00 down, gai f . 'LE, FRIEDLAN. Truste ist GROWN Dental Su RE-U 9332 ice box, I ¢ va im DO! St. 5,01 bose oe ss anew ee ee errr lection of Fabrica | lee box ee RON le Lc eis id aa meee " bankruptey, 57 oR 172 King Stree HUGE Wide se oc 5 Guoronteed | - ton models hove o MI lent small 0" | s modern ki ard, Ful pag me tae Ser ; Workmans nd Ries | bod e 5 IMMEDIATE sore tures and, form 623 3393 Hat aes eo Hh an ap- ice -- PERRIS five full yeo pote re PLL with les' wear e best ca ih xs , : : ! Blueprinting Gand _ Reprodu Dressmaking AKING, also Easy budget terms telat cag ached Nee Salling Wests Oshawa, at sinicoe District poe ae inspect. Realtors SELL ORAPTING | snd needle ERIENCED alban Syste Ea smnotes rience Toilet, he er stove, double | |Bond Street We ber Oshawa ri rd | pointmen e REALTY LTD. Whit td.,. 524 bp photostatic EXP $, sults, chil enable rates "le 20 yeors oo TRE en, tor 'he one fridge. corner. nted Mem | Estate Boa OAD das St. West, rinting iN oid air sd wuits,|. @ Over 20 years EN as bottles, prop JINTER ent Wa Rea RK R ' 124 Dunda: Bluep ss Peoginth co ge THE FUR vo a ; BUY NOW AT W om Y OF NEDA 15--Employm T ehildfek EVABLE VALUE PA\ $s are scarce near "4 J 43 - 728-42 Sulding * 22? DRESEMAKING Beautify 's tn Ba ae Ger wr ee RMS AVAILABLE eee SOIL BY HAND 6 NING fee hata conrel' or ai cee o> one UNBELI Kendal Hills area. IV ah Seo But we gen BS 668-68 ME rit dr Ane Tons sae : az les cchnee tex tr ie ; RMS THE PLO) u Central 10 acres, 6 room Frenc '3 bedroom HO! ROOM: "aaron ee CHESTERPIELDS re we eee eae te ST TURN OXEN FOR y, ome. Centr mam 3 d frontage, | ) of a 3 front. MILY MORE er drapes G, alter 725 | restyled. Free * Slip cove Charles J Mu USE A iver, OE FAR Kon TOR: les roa' treams beauty o stone 4 FA br -- HOME ne eee oat teas' vies ral 'te Dain UPoinering WILDE RENTAL [7 18 FORBIDDEN BY LAW TO evince ree, kreweage home, 2. barns This retreat pin a uly Tondscaped Two year m Whitby. teot wedding gow rations, |t0 order, Ooi ports. Estat | <i {lly wishes tot toelnding a Janie Sten Terrific view arcelle Large lot i d patio and « low in aa aiteratio by expe ra ' 393790, be p : vered pa *. bunga ter bedroom, MEN 6318 Lag gies OP ether FF HOLSTERY rkmanship. qua ICE Articles for Sa of Me bey Races sages rty could els which cluding a co paved driv large mas rate d OVE DRESSMAKING, "4 Lupin Drive, Whitby. | REOP ss Tenitalen Coat tate de SERV 8--., ms of NeW | chone i gires| prope 10 acre parc ot rage and a Il broad- ing bath, sepa " rofessionally 21 Lupin ¥ "HHished 2 estimates, ¢ refi ished le -- Three roo 8" | art sta senor t de f in area a ga | to wal oc. tiled nt st wee: A terations professionally: Onn 5 ig lishe Free estimates, raltue re Avance & SALES Ont. |@--Articles for So FURNITURE oni timothy, Baro SWITENBOARD cepacia Experienced Ak selling hah pale parcel Home has oe dining wee. . pa and efficient shh : dil ie fy Upholstering Whitby, Ont. ore Riurninaie Cane nes, Cash | osition on Nex operator. O00 en Eee ary HEA tak Prag (ick ca kitchen. 20,5 Recre | ning ond Oshawa Dundas E., iW Home _Furn Ing machines, cash fyplst. and" Tele $5, t sell 8' x 14° re th off saving Il price $ ; Gardeni 728-0311 1415 226 NO' PEWRITERS, adding service, all | typis 73, Reason dor mus terms. Large 3 2 piece ba' hools, Fu 6% Call us: 1&SONS |S ul i 668- TYPEWR Soeur Geslen venniae 723-9276, Cormier's with] Veni ith easy | extra 2 pi inspect, schoo! terms on a Caillu EN&S d Service 7 BAYS isters, new, Royal dealer, 728-3664, NO? = Call fobs. done $70,000 w and an ext room. To ith good Me 5 : & | t [pores ae i fey EE SALE, single, ERVICE makes, call Your tae ey irae Ga AVEL the recreation . e. . 725-6126 iid in"? ' This q VACUUM heees. break, he plas Ree QRAILERS FOR without see: SIXS SERVICE PREETFornece jesree winter it any. frocks Telephone dusters cad 200 ACRE GR call Now! more ING ity Is whet we bu makes, new ial up and delivery double, end ib. FOR FASTE! varaiiees om etn a Se le Help Wanted FA and . SALE OWNER moval 'act "Quolity | ener a Jack Lees, pic ringer |tric brakes, 72 ASME PERO aa SPECIAL purchase From 00d-| 17__ Female ea. House T FOR ' t sell this attr ark and 725- 956, AIR to all wr -- ment MENT Inst Dee es lean | Vd woe thany area. ific value LO idential lot 50' x nd must sell bungalow A SOARES "8256 --Marine Equip "Che, "Bode, far Pie |f as a Wie can toe bos Sram. Trl Yat Cea tn St at 2 naam mat banoe epairs. M. connate : seinen ane and Appliances, Chev., Pontiac. We ¢ nd rich, 88 Kini peo actordion. ee aw. t $25,500-- 134'. Close to around. Co Northwes' itchen, garo 756. ¢ PAVING AND CON rts, E EDERS {Falcun Fu mouth, | inspect a HOHNER 120 bass ly 20 Elgin ATA o DS lity homes ood kitchen, lot. § of « RS AVING ed by experts, red BI RD FE EEDERS " ao | alignment, ber- |HOHN 5-4150 or apply O WOO Py Good qua! ticulars. hollyw id large lo! ATLANTIC PAVING AN weranteed for! o)'r G BIRD FEEDERS He Service a IL wheel a ater and cond phone 72. celiest "Ga ARE V.1.P.s ORON for more par' ved drive an ponel oe aa ft. all work © a Septic Se $ cleaned. kanal E correct. 66 nd toeout to |p : Nin excellent con ant team STREAM 2 bd e s ti ined 2 room nt 9 three yours. 723-0281, SEPTIC TANKS er Ward "alg & SERVIC align toe-in ai io: 87.05 iF TELEVISION es ; bright and pleasan spe- enic¢ property, GARDEN conta nt in baseme! mee PAYING lce_on calls, Walter Wards | | SALES 5 THE correct condition, required, MARTIN Ba ou a, BS or bat ae i yg dg pith iPods 7 room fete GRANDVIEW ce bedroom pet 8 sour wore P Guarante East, Ae t i : AK @ Parts adjustm MAR hone 623-7440 2 ial people. they trou' Healt Vi @ We of Oshawe Asking ' Street jingles ? CT -| BRE Torsion bar fer. Teleg Pai ciol p ieasant, ond barns. lod in cone ieee with ments. r end gravel, and H MALT ~~" |Surveyors CHMANN, _On-| RRIER e 2 ket omed, pleasant, hours, large 000--Terms. bungalow in o | Districts 728-97 G. hot tar me, fobs. L. ANIA | en eee oe RICE BA extra. Market Bas Poe facile working 'eis sale $40, Residential hen, built-in Aston 3-18 'snd Construction. 725-673 YILIS BU [BONEVAN ADF hss | ip CIAL |o-- have fle niforms (prow UILDING Fede aisttha iatetne * ainlens Doreen trong 723- and Construction. 7: AMAR fr tarie Land Surveyor, Cs Liesl KE SPE y, smart u hey work ACRE B a large div double stain Kathryn Arms 728-45 - TYPES. buliding repalt ao LOXINIA B T ote. 1) Paes ae D_ Surveyor. | bd BRA First ssa ey us!!), And t the 10 OTS hina cabinet, ly recreation Hedge 25-20 att mya enveseushin 68-2774 ree SOFT SAL ee ONTARIO LAND Elgin St.) popular cars, heels, vided by icest people in Li \ lots, e 1 sink. The lovely tive bar Jean d Bissell 7 ee ana day, 0 WATE 4 JPPLIES wu. FLIM Prince: St, Res., | d OW ON Most Royoaline, 4 w with the ni customers. nville, choice miles stee a very attrac Paved Leonar masonry S PURIT fia ge SUPPLIES Office, 47. SALE N Quality 88 inci suieneaian quolify Bowma den land, 2 ' room hes ral fireplace. Pa te ED AD: COMPLETE le. 725-6 : i 14. shink woucean good gar Liberty Stree and @ natu < Phone No ee ee ION lf mith TV--Radio Repairs { SNOW PRINCE oo Plus $14 pee Nee! paged 5 Car oa ete $e 500 Terme drive pplrcthcpatioaler to Inspect. TIMES TSt. 4 a ope - TV SERVICE List 5 (labor cos 728-57 Only $6, P7018 |: for an op L} T i HP, 62 all 728 ® BRING RESU " CO SC end WHITE |.' "G25 998 WHEEL BALANCE McIntosh : Y |<, Toronto 923-9174 ea hale cee ; : } : & ne K and | 16 860 ECIAL R or Tor ON RO, ome= RATESS 6 Celing St BLAC 995 SP L RITS'! a lorge ¢ ; CLASSIFIED ds, 120;| on FOR THE BEST CALL | i elec. 975 oat including: watphta. per rics' nal SECRETAR gree ere fos Seas on ae aL apenas (OTO MLS REALTOR ORD. ADS sn cu baa | r ? Rowe ' : to ¢ Must y Mas' 93. rcial lo possibili- PH Mt iniaition oF Re conse R. 1.0. 1075 See Bushe Required the year, Terry 623.8055 | me j.-- has many f - S. AT 401 SGitional words, "Se eoc 3.24 [Mortgages LAS! 20 elec, iLes| UFFLERS, $2 Per the first of the y ping and Pat Yeo 623-50 ae ten ern PARK RD. S. sdditione! ¢ 24 words, 'onsecu | N * Pee WMOB CKS, Mi ' thand, ty, i a Hockin 3-3605 . 'all us rive insertions of 24 Tons, 8.76; oad MORTGAGE TELEVISIO ia DIABLO ROUGE SNO 835 | ister some have ee voice. ine Ken ane Retin oosacae ties. C 0330 tion eertions of 44 wor ae 1EY R CLEANER, SHARPER | py 16 995 W305.) COMPARABLE By {pee and real estate wil pepe elton fon, e 576- tive inser 24¢ @ ree A FOR C cn PTION 1095 | surance t but Ibart 533 [e) tional words t, additional ehe Interest TV RECE 16 elec. 109° | ience an osse Contact Ross Gilba 983-5 ORON ou SALE ---10 per ant add Rate Own RAILERS | AL L cal thé vloht ob i- Orono 'd like to show y FORCED Charge thin Nay oe on our © ILE T UN in the righ presi We'd situ- f body st we ory Pee Anu TOWER | snownosice TRAILERS, Jn Keir vn es We ree 2 | yu o veut mee ery na gern by wor ecard on 24. wore ves "2294 16% TV ST SNOWS Meal $29.95 RES ORCHARDS Ltd. 942°3310, to arrange cn In. Were TI' 797-2218 gted ong near Orono, 20 Gan melee deviate ve fone number count: 23 1S Sale CE 2- ' } i : ivision nv e kitchen jor wa Shi phone num Ay oF 13.5 728-5 ] 43 : | List $39. ht a | il N -- | core aus 655-3853 peor alge ~~ ond uss Rd. S. gh tle | an 42 1 Division --_ : . . i ny. cupboa: ily Centre) co DEATH: 63 id and Divis MOBILES Hom ickson Brooklin th mahoga for fam ping building otiees cents oddi-| i are i a | USED arto | ie Ney TIRE. "STORE Th : EDIATELY George Beaton 985-2987 fat nty of table space above the traffic, Pee tattory, stor n with 28 cen 8 days. The dbove shang i -- AVAIL Snowrinbiies | sae ar Road South Whitby WANTED IMM for Dv Port Perry ea The Wincews.¢t effords oa iced gots shop ete, if not pa: » 15-yea bh have NO" | 1 -6511 esser, for : tainustee aced 9 Ses, ind pe sone m $f, based on a | culated WERS Me oe fae or Week. Phone 725 rienced pr wages. double stain. large terr Elica investment (6 | MEMOR he first 2s gph fine a Interest rate is bolerce V T for Rent by Day Eggs & Bish) ts Sea Blent, 'Top J a view of bad is ample closet -ellent oead dada Nit 23 forthe plus ooett not paid on the declining ba Sons AS tte es OSHAWA" RENTAL | SKI DOO 9A-- =99! RESH" dally -- white APPLY ERS THOMAS J. back yard. inate the three bed- being Pa Full ~~ aig each the: dditiono! ¢! | ing fees -- ' "BUILT IN O: LANT E | as EGGS "DAISY FR F a, 655-4752, J LEAN ace in eac d living room yuildings. of the land a verse; 25¢ addi No arranging "OUR OWN PL WILD hod E Friar Piles, mere or ane. ADIAN C pea L-shape: ideal for then cost of ed. within 8 da | ge AT OU ce -- SERVIC Feather livered at stor AC R WEST rooms. T m are ide f nan be arrang 15 : ANKS, ds ond 7c) mortgag tter tower nd Servi SALES CHINES led up, de 299 BLOO! d dining room ar plenty o Terms can 576-14 OR Re As ane additional LTY UTD, @ you a bet Sales an RENTAL MA\ "s Column an ining. There is out FRANK SMITH AEL 7: beds poh Did geal | A.C. REA ENTRE | We A ae (Gea wiones 15 Dundas St. E TEN NEW jod hills -- 10-----Farmer' stock for cocktall lounge: TOR entertai he unfinished wa aa F CARMICH: OS, i net pois wihin LC. /A SHOPPING CE ie 1415 aes 140 acres of 368 Ski-Doo's SHIPPED form. seek AITRESS required for cocktall aces of REAL room in the © future. _recre DOUG charge if not he] OSHAWA WHITB hments .196 Ou |pgaAD AND ly. Margwill Fur 263. |W be attractive, e work. Apply : St. N. basement for shop. 7463. in TS 2.00 for ti 728-1691 re refres| before y Up promptly. Mi ct_ Hampton Must r part-tlm J. No phone : coe St. nd wor! L FONE EET ta § thereafter : W «Ve 226 ly $695. Try t Kirby, | picked Telephone. colle Camiot Somtane ete 422 Sim tion room a ON DOL iret 2B eras ane' Ge sath Papen 3 0 668-3 PT Be leila pee is: [ie tienes teen phone GE |Camival, | Sen "s NE MILLI eri" ay TGAGES TD se | buy. 15, Book your C apRAW POW tan. Telephone VOWAN to care Tor Two pre 580 e oO} Mend Asan MOR SUPPLY LTD. = FT a ben We ee STRAW FOR k Won Ea on 36 576-1 ] SAEs nen INSERTION on r ITON RD. E CHRIS CRA | mas party n 5444 -- d Livestoc some jone Hampton y eee Pek INCH PER It rst mortgages arr TAUNTON RD. E. CHR E Sports, Orono 983- -Pets an md week. Teleph A $2.38 PER It - F rehacet Open. Ww ust East of Ritso Pi: ES and SERV! Goats. | Sports, 728-1203 ll . ENS, resale "or otter 6 p.m. k on salad ILLCROFT ST. GUIDE RE DEADLINES alhahesg eI 3.8131 723-8132 fibreglass rough_and | Oshawa pols aty Ob clo ag h LADY REGUINED nto Gencahe. Hotel oe hi, Custom Builder ITED F 7 tice or bo i Zz Ji ' my s0rou: on ; 'ahi, ion 0! D AOS eis ce rranged 723-81 CNS nek eo ae cane | TREES ) lenrtetness pee See. ood oa Beta jer iws papbecilcbiods operation of LIMI gm HOUS 4 » B Sec i C enn fe ratt free $ FOR 'all Port Perr No phone. | WOMAN to baby: ing?} is Homes in tres 5 rch _ PAN Rae tors, d (tinted PONIE up. Call = WOMAI housekeep Model he time 16 Simcoe AN oo PUBLICATION : Rat rude outboard achinaven t daily; spraye: ours, $40 and ------_--__-- | PET ABL and do light @ 728-0467| 19 Now Is the 1 on y ' AY ' TELEVISION Oshawa Yae cul ICE 2059. RRIGRE, chor) halfed:enoice little girls te room. Telephon sirable area. lot and mode ] 25% return N : ¢ 723-8186 | Y2 PR TOY TERRIERS, short y Dold FO Clive tne prive hoose your ding 93-5 Shows ment. ; r Service MEW TAR | OL MSE ean amet wt 7800 it 4pm. to cho hanges accor down payment. « PA DT? 24 Hou an Traveller bos | "S tter now. lephone 723. after nted ake chang bed- 13% ise building, us nus ft SWART. OLMES STARCRAFT" vg sit yen save 8 ae =. Christmas Nelo Sees, + pFs,/18--_Male Help Wa on needs. 3 ae ' Canin ony hate aie: ea: AAs ing Street East H o Evinrude moto? rege en | PAR [ no answi tiful_minlaturs Five fireplaces, and modem doy previo revious 261 King $ 8 | ILLSIDE ES -- Beay d_ whites. reerns I jerones nd bu m, doy ° | é ce] ( 5 SURE RERaccenecoseues ot H POODL. Blacks an 3. Tele double gi ing feo- dicate o r--10 a | \ 5 | Ire t% istered, Christma O rooms, tanding fe 6 syn Ow pari ol Anon AND a ELECTRONICS 7 Simp ia Barter EF Po cates it! 0me petra Me weeks senso. be i apa Pie PRODUCTION many il ba ncoported by : py for om a 12.416-4 ANSELEAT IO TION aeaemanescaciec WR dial a PINE trees, @ from: tow -------- phone herds. Reg' tud' serv- tures w ftsman, Re- | } + sell Col DAY OF PUBLICA d before) ---- ANS ALS AND SCOTCH dead yal Prince § ib eal Ge he GERMAN Sheph boarding. Stu ddle. master cra re to musi 2 a.m. DAY sab ete dors MORT ELO TV RENT, SPRUCE Gellvered, 98c. purchase. 9241, 19 | $100. and up. ters fessional training, are, Texas 55-4662. MAN syle It costs no mo Ca 0721. Any odvertisen sige arged one So v eres ee ee plumbing tollet OTORS from ts. Rebuilt starters |recci Pinto. Show mi Kennels, 655-4662. RE member, tom built! F s ae D Prese c h eve tollets, pone 4 283 M to parts, ty 725-2162. | ice. -J Ranch y home cus 2 Broker Wi ublicat TOWERS bs, $17, up suai alan Pye plane 1175 Nelson St., Shirts, Cozy Dachshund eupey 2 have your iseuss your re- | Reol Estate A. sertion $1.00 x6 ; : . slo wl Ya frie i Pee FO Trim manufac | free to dis Strahl Dundes St. E. Rodney R svour wl s $68-5679 R will buy or se TONE inran Heaote a: ired for Trim | room. Fee ts with Mr, ith 218 Hwy ial Realtor BOX NUMBE . eme PHONE 668-5 pellances' "on Tak, Renunte SUBeIeS reas an ta AN Be Whi aay ORGOL MOHE. wits on No. 2 dustrial Re ' : HeLa and 2294, Wed-|mas. Oe aay eoeaiew ly P.! turing pl ducation grade with any of o ant fs Oniaite In tad z pick-up. 263+ KARAT interlocking ~ ban bl BEAUTIFUL BA strain. Apply Minimum edu ience, Ex- or ligation of cour: Whitby, 1412 service ------ ILY 2.50 FOURTEEN KARA f. Twelve cuble ae ining, gin Eas. ues ivalent exper' id out oblig j SUITE ipaadie He JOWMOBILES ding sey iter, Stone, (lr ra NA 00 SERVICE Ei roar ges egy UZal| Whitby -- 668-8826 88 REDPATH AVE. e Ras ae T.V. Service Sh ond chair wt. 151 college fa set, PROPRESLONAL DOG" SER ding end ie epee re J H +6622 ONT. ¢ Tide Hint kin ' st T.V and ch Spice il breeds, + boars -| bene d res a . 364 TO 7, w ise, The f ra Re . Week- | as factures ay 5 ete $8. oing a ind dellvery and Ger. 0 or send | Limited, T om NtO ---- TORON Fe tar rani Gore Membe 725-0532 or Week- N $69 jGoor. MS -- BROADWAY, oe ald. di gg | Meola 5 oer tala 'Ouch 46 Spring-Trim x 'OR Toro a ike tar tae 'Assoc: 725 nas 728-5623 DOM INIO biles |DRuMS -- als. Telephone 623- lan shepherd Genes tte gave Chrysler Sp zie Ave., Ajax. REALT OUSE ; ds and exe Tent and Snowmo Ziltian cymbal ieee. Cabins Galinen, ahapken ff 274 Macken, PEN H TIONS ends ION "Trailers $129. up INATION RADIO AM and FM and iad aly Ue bING "SSUES, 76-1580 1@) St. REGULA mi Not. at eRe TEL EVIS Trailers $ de and in- |comp console, with class cabinet, in Ken DLE CLIPPING a hone Whitby, pe 5 St. Lawrence St. W : A TIMES W IN ADVER- MONEY A PROBL apis wcities tches mai stereo condition. Teleph | hardwood, |POOD ly priced. Telep ING salesman eta ; ; ° R re Fo tnt FOR MORE Sonny ees Fem to em! tre a $12.95 up. FIREWOOD, ry "a, Sa eel RG pune Tava copa: tel and ervey acre . Whitby ee TISEMENTS | SUBMIT OF ANY aB:| C 2w month = a" Snow tires Snowe ee Voice hoses 7s are|WELSH CORGI Fang chilgrens Res Apply 23. Prince ! Bui er AND SEE - TOAN ONE INSERTION. © OND THE : Rentals - Troilers -- and 16" BUEN cnr Taner soreltons for ae oes "Ty ee SG cocktail lounge.| t from COME IN droom luxury ? VORTISSMENT. NOR PEUINGLE IN sails ssplgeane ited Hour . |Ficrer QUEEN vacuo coe hy ee |e foe Loring 721 Gato Sul phone _2 $ required for ly Mr. CamP-| i reac ese 4 bedr plus $15,900. Phict. CHARGE" FOR ERROR OCCURS NEW SE Ae ees ky po Bing jabs Se Uitte hart. shea original new and some 'old sivie for sole Full or part ine Hotel." Nov phone calls; Newcastle ne. Colonial gee. vs, ngs gralghran tty he | ERTION IN W rves the right iN 80 acres to play dec els gi gb tsar lela A Sterilized | bell, Genos is side-splits an te dining ly off King és Tires rese day (CO | oran Fae ell, rent and 725-264 all breeds. Eve.,|please. Oshawa, close ths, separa kit- nd just ed drive. The Oshawe Times ald Texaco |> nd UP, Buys sell, / roo Seth By eee an Female Ins. from split 3 baths, large e e, pay $29. t, 723- D|CLIP, g roductory r 18 m ing: sp laces, jarage, Mac Done STE [Bt ees ee ager Neue Sf iL RI a lh suINED 6686, ta 19----Mele Ww, waned ta aehool, cela aia rooms, se d garages and lot, g WN -- Only $ s 10 -- 576-1250 eh ELL oaironlag agar a ara TRAINED BOGE, de- Help level Lapp tech rooms, your ean i oe where ae $5, pede This "0 to eee St. %s,|PUPPI breeds, abd id dinin built in Il home. rice. 1 oe 3 ES |92a1. 19 Prince EATER, 60400 6°7.U"%,| PUR ree ister CH TWP. AREA living ~~ pb pe can be proud to Seents a 000 Oil be eeld ae? MEDIATE MONEY "CUSTOMIZED DRAPE 0 Say RNa Gtr atte tein saieace SPANIEL, female, register. REA ARD choice ahead We aie Yo nee Ltd., = ian, ponds, fs IMMEDIATE ag IS 9 ea ITT. jephon ¢cupboa equ ' uroc V ehpd irenoose tson Road. Pees UP Edis vd emit sealer and one. stow, 9 $40 or best Seine and Golden SCHOOL BO. e Pata ploneer brick Robert os dunn SoA, a. gol 'M : absinthe FI Gnd secon ete ------ SAV! ITED TIME ONL Se id ane cielane: ae TINY ay cealce, woeier a channies h_ of Oshawa) © Angel s Homes 6-3637 house. Ready y eny form a ck A ey ova E aie ! a LIM 12, 376-1878. HSU lee A hc al Tele miles Nort 1968, Electric heat ; son S71 ffer now! " Y Ad orit Ser Py kimo 2 jan on. 3, ; ivi we ior 1s St aint eee it es 2--Persona ae M& ce Morr tin Ss A wit Sloe all nlens ding. Alec Peraign * Kiters, Nae hte Me fol- e ry aia feot carport, at o shes sub 33 onhe gible a good select TIMES A\ Direct tote Limited ak eGR RY GOODS & D Cite earthen Pace wy between 5.30|bree 725-6473. weeks old, Central 1,200 squ $21,000, sa ock = 723- We have In good f s + ie In DRY GOO! phone elght 1394.) for . rice of Marlow Hane 23-4871 ial homes ' cell bapa: 2-3310 v 23-7827 winter saition. Telephone ge ha 723- teachers: a low pi ef sidentia you nm 723-3492 942-3 72 good po bel, like Hiaso -| lowing cher lans to oe George Abramo 668-8826 re What do t 74 Celine [na 730.7 BL fur ecket, : ELIVERY, Toy poles 7 & 8 Teo if her lots and pla C.M, Johnson 37 cations. before you - renee errr SQUIRR DELIV a re: Grade or ha Othe: ilding, Dave Jo 8-63 now eS Cy BRANCH REALTY OWER SPECIAL Te the "er ean ARoel bolt and 'high choles Tele: (on Sage to $180. Tele- Assistant to principal f from. Meena) hy Gordon Pel 942.0296 ~~ "experienced bi j . TO ges. Telephon Ty To ntenne, ushion, 21' 'and white i H.C, Fin Vivian Halig 6-2476 start INDEX gages all channel a 18 foi6 ear ower and | pony 1-985-2645. le end fe Sime, : Cot. 1, Min. F 1 57 7 help you hile -- MEF TIONS Vislon. 728-5143 ; aire 14 to 728, |Phone ED TV towe 4-toot | phone Ks old, mal schedule: Cot. 1, Cet. struction | 7! Vickers 728-799 t!_ Meanwhi 'y CLASSIFICA mS a aiteatita pesca a one slpciets sise 34 38 lee recent 40, 30) and "| PUPPIES, five Telephone. 725-4396. rp 4 a MBG geen €t | M. DeMark Con Joey ee 668-6226 CHRISTMAS TO AL firet mortgage on) o,, bossy Tre ee jient condition, sractures a iy thas assist ta les Wanted il $4,800 -- $7,600; Cat. 7-4975 after 5 p.m. George Su = ae S740 NEEDED as fir cus ponies ret : ------ PIANO in | ecelient rubber core irenamission, 'end body 'pen: 12---Atiees oe wanted: ete. Il $5,200 58.400. 987- OL STREET -- firnece fe HANDSOME 2eer # pleasure | sh | ee de ad Re ee cine an yeni Eta casted oy ning In Used auto. D USED F anytime. Mac IV $5,800 -- $8, c 311 ATH \iepalr,, New furnace, fr ittchen with builtin' leasent abbas pine ii 4 men id 65h euitan 4--Motor = complet rep sditge (leh aah 34 Pere eee Pore : Reply G Thome, in: good 'rey yt EE anne pl re 66 ~ Auto Like 0@W.| Highest pi 5481, 668-6526 allowed. SELLIN $17,900 oa i0es, se bl Fed arf aD ir Loan : : fo aluminum end [els ait ORGAN: Furniture 668 All experience nome UYING or only nara Johor. Seer ae ae ee Money to Solidate your bills, ISTMAS IDEAS REPAIRS fo Inum | screens, Mido HAMM: 619. : for Rent ualifications, tor B tact Call W ished bath " master 'oe fi perm Liebe fo consolidate ses. HRIST) 2 GLASS and alum TB-T8A, lephone 576-2: hockey equip- Articles givnig q f last Inspec Con L Aker Limi bungalow, fin! ing to nd carries for NEED CASH = hegder gi pce Cc CLIST ered aces o0n 8 ery. Tel and used, prices.| J 3, ddress o ROLD SEGA EE SEORODHOaon is street ai Coll 723-5286, Gul buy thet new car, origages of 12 bie. FOR THE CY 2 ree pick-up an ail makes, hoses, SKATES, new at bargain 6344, : ns, Dish- end a HA "3557 THR 'com With firepl imunediale eluding fexes. ooo ans nee We feature second mortgages ies 46s} | FO a wy lackets ee REPAIRS, ait ory razaats pt ea Silces wh bar =: as Tables, Chole, oe 'Coffee to: ccs ee ston eh oa le Fives, sive 12nd garage. Located ig ited, F inves bearer 1--Pe SSotiderttcl: "private tee ate| helmets @ glove ndshields Ti EO ee. Cyc L -- good use Pretty Cutlery, ' Brida' Patricia era Residen session. This property hg AMR tobi confidentiel, esis reer he Ids @ winds bru: Vacuum AND SEL location only, 7 es, h Bowls, : Mrs. Pai Mullan Pos: rinviest erea. ted. Call ----_ $1,200 TA central to scho mM. ete "thee ahlstde r pont Fleming Faeyr gmeliented Don Ie South. 723-3271. s, Pune is, White > B. Mc pe poctieet apprecla' Be eng ia Ginke PP ai and mortgages. ate @ leather p "ah | Pickering. cose. 26" er ble.| and app! 444. Simcoe low| Urns, n's Formals, RR J. 5 be ity Limited. q bath, ravine price $1 ie a ping BO r 15143. goggle from $350 GUITAR end < el td ec ing Sete ee Wear, Me Stoles. Port Perry & Co. Golde Realty mtg on @ lai nd, Bs Meal Fee Se want 1 or 725-143. cles 'from | GIBSON bell ey h MN ed st goth Be raven rami Sentra 91 Furs, Mink 85-2507 ly reno. at ge igo gwock Cave, 3, Bs aa singe Pochag, Ribs Wented ciate Pp set, RCA 'ondition. Telephone Ltr] ob de led it raed tide TT. ON Soe Furs. NTALS 985-2 itime Buy this newly reno. | STORE: on Osha unity pes 448-4201, Help Help W CLE SHO! I In new ¢ ; body, verhead, Telephone 'S RE ONEY? Pai $2,500 DOWN will Buy this newly reno: | lot 98: excellent cppectinity '" r Female sad Heating B'S CYCLE a Al aie d. Almost |o exchange. ARGEANT™ 3338 EXTRA M een $7 p.M.| eo rey frame hoi Very tow! fi Hag An For particu! bing « on | A » lavenae Rd. § Bier aire: talen agg Prince gt. néver been used,| S. Rd. S., 725- sf | Dems etn ated, 2 sto Mary streets. ailing, Wite|th: heey loveshneet ispiteds {Plumi 114 Stevens a agp toon dg 9d oa eerenres | BNE Pees Orie, bate 463 Ritson nT to ae onained Be aM ee Supply fee Wave & lor hon ee ia Aker for. @ SnESts Guide Ros unt 798.772e° new. $50. Telep! DARD Portable GOOD FURNITURE, Apply ENTERTAINING? Fifty te on for ban- | auit-Clean leaning, eve- es. Have & loo 1066, Schofle call 2 nted Plumbing Discou Wee eae | TrPEWRiTER-- Lg 20) Gupltester|living or telephone 72490 conn. SERRA nln ee ecdings. 'Bar, kitchen, ae Or austere einer iae 'ehawe lara. Jobster, 72 es Offices and. Storage Brock St. North | ister, adding. mwehine' 8201" do soeeeiteee 'adders, trades, terms, fuels, phe ik |nings_and Aeply "Box Tas0h Os iLienited, Offices ¢ 9 Broc '3 Hae 7 ter, 2 Nr a ing. 723-7726. x \ for Re Heth -- 668-660 AILY NEWSPAPER pari 2,000 | us Mi re from $99 _ end weekly, Serer Bir Lineretion Sa ne ye titty WHI lo. lon cop He RE rantee -5)43, | ren' rs ma g lee : up- | er 300 mi id throug |TV's ts fully guara in. _728-5)43, VHS. $29.95, me ers, reducing 105 Beatr! ie Fa gu cA Berea We "newspepere Bre n weekday. Vision, corner" Bond-Div Seer gre INENTAL BEDS tizes, heedboards Nios, Ald Remtole, gem and ey | Direct "Evervthing "oft ell \the wertd on i's wert hele section ioe aa at "you Neve, The tress hal Ppeclery eutiet, Tessa lp 29--Wented ie te Scie P hanbind line, 20% -o j ny Times' Cinssitied | yep 'o sone i" healing pew = off, 30---Automen for hie popular. It's. f t you Trading i sie 'eels 9 p.m le ear You e720 Strout Soumne 72 Bie | 12 p.m, -- § « * D162 2 | | 12 pb. b g ay an ofr befor 23.200 fal 7. t DAY 9 a.m 'at low cost, SATUR DB WEDNESDAY | CLOSED W

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