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Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Dec 1967, p. 2

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4 ' 2 THE OSHAWA ides. saturday, December bt 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Britain Postpones ECM Until De Gaulle Retires (AP) -- The Finan says Britain will not A oin the Common nch President LONDON t n power the news correspond- e | OSHAWA SH WA: ; . gal o} ered 4,000 donated toys Friday ae McDougall sought the job witt 35 settlement ON THE STREETS i [Rival Gangs Unite In Christmas Spirit needed talking to, but the ma- are expected to range near or/Sunday. Winds northwesterly 20 about 510,000,000 in comparison PerETTey yyy | 32 +20 32 22 3 15 30 Hamilton | WEATHER FORECAST Ramin | Some Snow Expected = zu". Sunday Afternoon, Mild Kingston oe \Trenton 2 Killaloe .. PD) 25 Muskoka 5 25 obits Ee. . Cmdr, George Sims 'of the CHICAGO (AP)--A year ago) surprised to see a Negro Santa: : | perneiang ue i 18 they were enemies, but they) "If there can be a red-fosel| Nomh Lawndale police district' aoRONTO (CP) -- Officialysnow. Winds northwesterly 20 to sault Ste. Marie -...20 25 1s oath Bla: joined forces for a common goal! reindeer, there can aac Pee ean Sid abe he f6recasts issued at 5:30 a.m.: 30 becoming light tonight and Kapuskasing 5 15 id Santa |Roman Saints, Conservative ' 3 in th | southeast 20 Sunday. White River ... 10 20 jsiven a two-month jai! sentence --to bring Christmas and Santa' «phe toys we give will be|Vice Lords and Egyptian Cob- Synopsis: Little change in t ey Z Bie, 'Marie, Aiguitin, Mansonne Friday Claus to deprived children on Christmas for most of the kids,"| ras--""were the most active and weather is forecast for today. | a" White River: Varia Timmins af | He pleaded guilty to charges Chicago's West Side said another Santa, husky Ed- violent gangs on the West Side.' For Sunday, a disturbance ratty sone a aad and Vk dee of ultering forged documents Fourteen members of three' ward Nash, 23 "We're not gangs anymore,' fa gattogk Deak, Pesilegg yd 'ow rity rT red snowflurries ft and false pretences once-violent West Side gangs, "4 Jot of the parents here! fqward Nash said. "We call ing the day bringing milder|'ew sca he Cloud: POPULATION FIGURES i donned white beards, red-and- paye a hard time finding a dol- 'selves gr t ie temperatures and some snow.|cleating this afternoon. imated population of the Court was told McDonald nwite suite and cans and delly- ridge a ar STL he Said mes: ves groups. Near the lower Great Lakes on|ing over tonight with occasional SR. is 240,000,000; - main- using the name James Colin lar for a present, § 4 Some of the member's Sunday afternoon temperatures| snow Sunday. Not quite so cold ale ry hina 750,000,000 and India Cr IS THERE A Chambers sn} 15-1107 0] MOTOR CITY = fen GAB 9 PRINCE STREET Day ov Night} FOOD CLUB DIFFERENCE ? INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST! 1, A good ploce to stort is the price of the freezer. Chambers sell o 22.5 cu. ft. quolity built freezer for $224.95. Other foctory new models from $149.95. tor less than you ere now paying is of prime importance, guoranteed to be lower, Purchasing tood Chombers sell only the highest quality food products at prices brand for brand, than the four lorgest choin stores, including week-end specials, This is but «@ guarantee, top quality not just @ promise of savings, . Chombers members do not have to purchase food in packs or severol months' supply ot @ time. Buying whot you want when you want will mean greater savings to you becouse you Your MONARCH MEN can show you ave money and protect R.A. Slane v at the same time. Peron eS HOW to provide a fund to ensure that--no matter what happens-- your children opportunity to re will ambitions you have for them. - HOW to make sure that your family will jae have a home to e : Mor call their own. es Norm Powers THE MONARCH LIF -- ASSURANCE COMPANY a con toke advantage of seasonal buys and specials more often, There is no food contract. a Chambers members who like to shop in person and choose their own food may do so et ony of our six plants, SAVE 15 TO 18% | | | | | { | Chambers members save on average of 15% to 18% on their food and | sundry purchases at Chambers over the four largest chain stores -- PLUS -- 15 membership benefits such as Free Food Delivery, Sickness & Accident Benéfits, etc. Join the thousands of satisfied Chambers members TODAY -- after all, you have to buy food PHONE THE PLANT NEAREST YOU -- ASK FOR DEPT. "T" FOR OUR | | | FIND OUT THE FULL STORY ABOUT CHAMBERS TO-DAY. VISIT OR | 16 PAGE BOOKLET. 933 RITSON ROAD SOUTH PHONE 723-1163 OVER 25,000 FAMILIES SHOP AND SAVE THE CHAMBERS WAY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND BEST WISHES TO ALL OUR MANY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS FROM CHAMBERS FOOD CLUB the Oshawa General Hospital will never be the same! This message is one in a series to be published by the Board of Directors. It is published in the hope that when the campaign for funds begins, the residents of Oshawa will understand and support the expansion program. : 1968 is the year our expansion plans take shape. After years of thoughtful planning the Board of Directors have recently pub- lished the proposed plans for the expanded Oshawa General Hospital. Every area of hospital org@ization has been analyzed; new ideas have been sub- mitted, considered and incorporated. And very shortly the hospital. will be ask- ing for your support. The new expansion will provide approximately 290 beds, and Recovery Beds, new Psychiatric, Coronary, Encephelogram and Intensive Care units. Emergency and Out-patient departments will be completely re- organized and capable of handling the many problems that occur in an in- dustrial City of this size. The equipment to be installed in the enlarged Oshawa General Hospital will allow the Doctors to more fully carry out the investigations and treatments for which they have been trained. The directors are grateful to the Oshawa General Hospital staff, and Doctors, their job is hard and often made difficult by overcrowded conditions. The Board looks forward to vigorous growth with better patient care the only goal. W. A. HOLLAND Administrator E. G. STORIE President The Oshawa General Hospital is preparing for your good health. government's = Piee : 4 ana to youngsters in i jority rules.' '. rhe hss Gein te the Kimberley Se hool Board and houses and youth centres in the! Nash's younger brother, Mar- The Chalige 'ftom gangs to just above the frost point so| becoming light this evening and to the United States' 200,000,000. "f ms at Tuesday's coun- i dokiama _ diploma credentials Lawndale section tin, 20, recalled: "When I was a groups began about a yea that the possibility of a white/easterly 15 Sunday. aneEnenenene t sters meeting in Brus- aueged!y issued by Montreal's Garland Hunter, 18, one of the kid, I celebrated the best way I explained Charles Curry, eis Christmas continues to remain, Montreal and Ottawa: Cloudy 6° McGill University. Santas for a day, said when,could--out on the streets--it gi ccigy of Youth Action, a co- i" doubt for these regions. Else-|with a few sunny periods and s * The o direction of A short time after he was acpeq if _the youngsters were didn't seem like anyone car operative effort of West Side Where across the province aticold today clearing tonight: DIXON Ss ' remain the given the job in September, he ii i Boys' Clubs, The vy. ths ane least a covering of white snoW|Clouding over Sunday morning : the govern was recognized by a former se Pin oe Fray tox appears assured for Christmas with some snow later in the HEAT WITH OIL : mer of success in Lakehead resident as being the heer ' lfrom_ violence to ebinianily y. day, not so cold Sunday, Winds I Hor for enirv. once man who occupied a: similar anaries, Pparrows | service, Curry said "| Windsor, London, Toronto, west 15 today light tonight and ale" inaves the post at an Ontario school on the i Hamilton, Lake St. Clair, Lake easterly 15 Sunday. 313 ALBERT ST. pol strength of false credentials, the . WERE RUGGED Erie, southern Lake Huron, i ce satavaa . ; court was told D th H S Christmas Martin Nash said: "T} agara, Lake Ontario: Mostly 'orecast Temperatures I Nash said: hings » ds yooh y 4-HOUR SERVICE oes ae HP indy : vith a| Low tonight, High Sunday 2: Probation Charges Pore ea ou e were rugged out here in 1966 cloudy, windy and cold with ' : i g Civilian Rule 3 ; ii (the year of the West Side few snowflurries today clearing | Windsor ....+++++++22 32 723-4663 oT cP) Ext peroch ACCRA (Reuters) -- The mil-| By STEPHEN H. MILLER | "the best thing that ever hap- riots). We didn't want to sce this evening. Sunday clouding!st, Thomas . aie 3 the co aigcretion tn al itary rulers of Ghana will dis-- COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP)-- Pened to me. that happen again. Things justjover in the morning with some/London «.+. 33 SERVING OSHAWA OVER Re 1 , a foe my close plans for a return to civil: Robert McKay will share "It's the only place you Can couldn't be done that way. snow in the afternoon OF Kitchener + 50 YEARS 'ded in the ian rule early next year, head' Christmas ain this year with find privacy and that's some-| Jn August, the gang leaders,|evening. Milder. Winds north-|Mount Forest is t Sac Gal Fina HAlocel MRS. FRED CLARE of state Lt.-Gen. Joseph Ankrah!12 canaries, a sparrow and the thing you can't put a price on | police, city officials, youth cen-|westerly 20 to 30 decreasing to Wingham --..+.++ POE BOR =a . z : . 100 Tomorrow announced in a Christmas mes- electric chair For a writer, privacy and time ter leaders and representatives|light tonight and becoming 'i 4 first reading in sage today But the 46-year-old custodian are things you can't buy even of industry formed Operation) southeasterly 15 Sunday. t of ym mor s Thurs . Gen tk ih is chairman of of Ae ehio Penitentiary death 0" the outside. Bootstrap. Its aim is to provide North Bay, Sudbury Grange thet ommons 100 Christmas Eves the Nation Taber stion ( ounelt how e hopin vill be A former editor of the prison better housing, education, jobs.|Bay, northern lake SS , : ea ih Pe rhe pith Meets e : use 1s : aves : , "eCred i salad I Timagami: Mainly ' stmas, and it PRESTON, Ont. (CP) -- which has governed the country Jast Christmas in the cell where newspaper, ea ap eed Sith salle ag Poet of relation ae sade ahd eal with fre be when Christmas Eye is something since Kwame Nkrumah was ov- he became an accomplished his first novel, The Way Thing Hh police in Lawndale, oudy, Oye 4 i the F 22 , a hats it ; eee , : baa J 3 » bird Are, before getting the custo- The gifts distributed Friday|quent snowflurries today. Clear 8 € a special for Mrs, Fred Clare of erthrown in February, 1966. writer and a prize-winning birc j ' | dy P ton elebratir her 100) In his message, Ankrah said hobbyist dian's job. A paperback story of were donated by a private con |and cold tonight. Sunday cloudy Couple Killed birthday Dec. 24 members of the council; made 'phe drab onc storey building @ cynical Qe gael te peel ang a Le bebo A ee INGST CP) Leslie All older folk should continue yp of military and police per-| where McKay lives houses Secretary, It so | : 6 a ( A is Bay: Ont. (° keep going,' she said in an sonnel, have no political ambi- Opjo's electric chair, which has wel : aco ere interview I have enjoyed life, tions and no desire to stay in claimed 315 lives in 70 years Now he has a second novel, ' a jj. Dut never thought | would reach power for a day longer than But the place has meant new Canary Red, set for spring pub- oss Ball ve, 100 necessary life for McKay lication as a hardback, He has Y mile 7 velba te My family has taken such A lean, art culate New Yorker Produced about 30 short stories a : : good care of me they deserve Murder Charged we " bie ate the sixth, The short stories, generally ro ¢ iael Mar much of the credit, I have onls up for parole aft *.. mance or confession pieces and red JAW two regrets--most of my old) QUEBEC (CP) Charles - year of an armed sheen sen'! isnot what 1 like to write," are ne ated a ak ust Edouard Jette, 64-year-old Que- tence, McKay lives in the cel Se eae Yo the friends are gone, and | just Edouard exes s "bread and butter" items . ' { of the other car was cari do all the things I used to bec laborer, has been charged where condemned men spene aoe are selling for about $400 7:00 A.M. to 9: 00 P.M, We wish you and Ro ome of Stella, five) 4g, with the murder seven years their last hours before walking cach i m vest of Kingston ant 1 t ago of his hunting companion, a few feet to their death A ; ; f an re. yours the very Born in Granton, Ont., abou His new novel is of a man 5 ] 15 miles north of London, the Roland Tancred¢ ; TILL BOTHERS turning from prison and adjust COOPER S TEXACO STATION best of everythin wil deat Over former Isabel Stuart Cameron Jette appe dae pbs f or "It really bothered me when J] ing to, among other ad ae a 410 RITSON ROAD NORTH y i] OA (CP).-- Employ- moved to Preston in 1888 as an sessions court Judge Alphonse. ame here." McKay sé t5-vear-old daughter he has ee oe e Oakville Dairy re-|operator for the newly-installed Garon, who set preliminary iia ante Poo Ne 'while fiver met SPUR OIL STATION +. and we look turned to work Friday following CPR telegraph system NEAUOS 40) pet as ei Aas "You find yourself thinking As does McKay, the hero rais- 78 BOND STREET WEST forward to j trike "hursday over She had two sons, now dead The skeleton o 34 year-old about it: especially at night." es canaries in prison, Unlike : e ssal of a fellow Her husband died in 1938. She Tancrede was Le nov m But Mc 'Kay calls his four McKay, he achieves the breed- ROBINSON'S B.P, STATION continuing our wo has eight grandchildren and 15 the woods near Shannon, about years as de ath hous e@ Cus stodian ling of a perfect red canary. 574 RITSON ROAD SOUTH : Some 40 drivers and plant great grandchildren 20 miles northwest of Quebec *--* meth = pee arcane" service to you! " ers walked out in protest ae City , geninst thé alienad firing of at Egypt Visit At the coroner's inquest] DX -- DX -- DX -- DX -- DX -- DX BILENDUKE'S ESSO STATION em™ ) on a 60- 5 Thursday, Jette said he was 1004 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH dav probation period CAIRO (Reuters) -- Leonid punting with the victim Nov. 25, BE WISE: Looal. 60) of the Braennay, Be 18) oomeeneie ane $ oe BILL'S SHELL SERVICE CENTRE YOUR MEMBER party chie wi regIn a Visit to T ters Union convinced the) 5,,, , 7 ; . : ! 352 WILSON ROAD SOUTH Fr ) that the walkout was Eyl Ant eal pit MAUVE Berlin Christmas ECONOMIZE ! $ t) sources sa r ay nignt 5 i After talks with officials he BERLIN (AP)--Again this RUSSELL'S TEXACO PARLIAMENT go to Aswan to attend the year, Christmas in Berlin is a 461 PARK ROAD SOUTH Prince Leaves For Home " official inauguration of the season of being divided $ PER ie Reuters) Prince Nile's new high dam power sta- For a few West Berliners ¢) BILL'S B.A. SERVICE f Prime * Minister tion there will be 'thardship" passes 284 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH \ today for Britain to cross through the wall to visit Australia for a friends or relatives in the East WITH ' ecvics tor ee ee aac For few as Re pens BISSONETTE'S SHELL STATION n ter Harold PONDS, vdeacting ers there also will be specia 381 KING STREET WEST has apologized for broadcz g f ' I aderE iward ah interview with Stokely "Cap. Crossing passes. 2 | Heath was also on the RAF jet eee en eet plack| But the vast majority of the) Ken Durno's Garage * which left here 2! hours after} lem ae. laeneute city's 3,300,000 persons, 7,200,000 bya Kine Mas? | arriving from Melbourne The. ei sy followed a com- in the West, will be able to do \ n ee, - aint aM opposition Conserva-|nothing more than wave across = ----==== RS ps mother, Queen Eliza-|tivé MP Enoch Powell that "'the the wall het nisiae, 4 U Sica ing: BBC does a dissers by broad It is the second Christmas ir eh hea al sf cast material of this sort. a row that the East Germans Ph 668 - 3341 which can only have the effect| have refused to issue passes for one of wounding and inflaming feel- the West Berliners to go to the tral s r ' | ng East. It is the fourth passless - ' DEATHS ristmas since the wall went DX -- DX -- "DX _-- DX -- DX -- DX Impostor up in August, 196) er i$ ris HOAR, Richare _ --_---- = neesincnierslinincense arate a une oe KIMBERLEY, B.C. (CP): -- beloved Ronald Ivan McDonald, charged amer on two counts aft ned eceased a JOD as a school st FOR ANOTHER UM Broadcc Final C By TOM MITCHELL OTTAWA (CP) -- The que. tion of a new top manageme: for the CBC, up in the air fe more than a year now, like! will remain that way for ar other month or two. The Commons adjourned Dex 21 until Jan. 22 with the bill re vising broadcasting legislatio still at the stage of clause-by clause study. The bill splits up the responsi bilities formerly carried alon by the CBC president, callin; for a president to be responsibl for over-all policy matters anc a chief executive officer to han dle day-to-day running of the corporation. CENTRES ON TWO Recent speculation ha: centred on __Laurent_ Picard, Extra Legisl. Could-Extenc By CARMAN CUMMING OTTAWA (CP) -- A hefty bundle of major legislation still to be dealt with could extend the current parliamentary ses- Sion into late February or! March. When the month-long Christ- mas recess began Thursday, only seven of Prime Minister Pearson's 25 priority measures had passed Another 13 were at various Stages, in the parliamentary mill! while four have yet to be introduced The 25th--a measure to in- crease postal rates--died an embarrassing death when the! government was caught off guard and was beaten on a pre- liminary vote. Of 10 less-vital measures set! out in the government's legisla-|| tive planning in October, five have been passed, one remains in the mill and four have not! been introduced. On theeplus side, Parliament | has passed difficult bills limit- ing capital punishment and set-|! ting up a department of con-|! sumer and corporate affairs. \¢ And some of the toughest bills ' still before it are well on the)' way to enactment, including the'! divorce reform bill and the broadcasting bill. |! LONG STUDY AHEAD a But legislators have long and i: Intensive study still ahead oni! 42 Hand Gun With Police I Forty-two hand guns have/f been registered with city police} \ in recent weeks. Sgt. M. T. Van Allen, identifi- : cation officer with the force, at-| st tributed the registration of the weapons to an article in The ™ Times in which the city police |!" called on the public to contact': them about unregistered ™ weapons. al Twelve of the weapons which R have since been registered were| © previously unregistered _ fire- arms. Sgt. Van Allen said that '€ at least eight of these handguns" were war souvenirs or trophies. |" Among the weapons in. this 'é category were such German P* hand guns as Walthers, Lugers th and Mausers. Several Spanish! ?* Star guns were also registered, |™ HAND GUNS jla Most of the 30 hand guns tit which were brought in and re- gi registered were old weapons and/or as ALL DRUG "Will Be SUNDAY, DEC. 12 A.M. TC "Merry Ch From STATE FARM INSURANCE DC VAGA see LIFE mrt PIKE CLAYTON T. PHONE 72

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