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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Dec 1967, p. 11

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cess Pounds, To Charity yx of candy or other fatteners sme into the house, I pasted a amp on it to remind me. "This has been a wonderful cperience. I have lost fourteen yunds and I am still losing sa- sfactorily. The price of every Il I no longer take is applied ward my favorite charity, hysically I look and feel much stter. And best of all, I feel so uch better spiritually because am helping others as well as vself. "IT have reached the point here | do not need a reminder am confident that once I am ick to my right weight, I will ay there. Just sign my mes- ge "A Happy Loser with Ten ounds To Go." : What an inspiration for giving id losing! Bless her loving art. We would appreciate 'aring again from this inspired eter s Sco ja---- BLIND GUESS VANCOUVER (CP) -- A 14. ar-old blind Vancouver girl, gy Spencer, made an almost rfect estimate of the number jelly beans in a jar. A depart- ent store company' whith onsored the contest rewarded r with a braille wrist watch service y's refreshment service itd. HAWA Just leave the details in, smooth service . . . famed estimates. COLD PLATES @ SALAD PLATES SALE 6 P.M. ; \NCES -- 728-2151 . 36 King E. wm. Friday ping Centre Thurs. and Fri. Wed at 7 p.m. gan evening and To mark the second day. of this joyous festival, Wemen THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 28, 1967 THE JEWISH FESTIVAL Kalnitsky, 8, son of Mr. and of Lights, "Channukah", be- Tuesday will continue for eight days. i | 4 2 t oe | i fe . me N A% i of the family looks on. The Mrs. Harvey Kalnitsky, top most candle which is Winona Drive, lights the used to light the others is second candle placed in the the Shammos candle, or the nine - branched menorah servant of the other candles, (candelabra), while the rest 11 ~ HOLIDAY SOCIAL NOTES Miss Jean White, St. Mary's, | College, Combermere, Ontario,)winckle, Ald- Lodge, Mr. and Mrs. J. A Bonniebrae Michael, 14,, (left), Sharon, Fabulous Treasures Of Czars 3 ¢ 9, and Howard, 11, have al- ready lit their candles Prior to the lighting, a blessing is said, and follow- ing, the family sings tradi- tional holiday songs Holiday Attraction In Moscow By PETER BUCKLEY MOSCOW (CP) FEmerg- ing from years of obscurity, one of the world's richest state treasures is dazzling the Soviet public in a_ closely guarded museum at the Kremlin. Long lines shuffle past armed soldiers to gape at priceless jewelry and precious minerals or metal in display windows of shatterproof glass. and her two guests, Misshave returned from. Manitoba Galle' 4 Omaira Cordova, and Beatrice|where they spent Christmas at a EL an A ede lag Bark Canga Parcce pletely the U.S.S.R. Diamond Pineda, from Venezuela, are Aspen (ark Canadian "orces' Fund, the collection includes visiting with her parents, Mc Base with nels family, a and not only fabulous treasures and Mrs, R. S. White, Sussex sian Clive i aa "lenn;| trom the heyday of the czars Street, Oshawa, for their Christ- Janice, Carolyn and Diane hut aleo 'rich additions from mas vacation. Remeeees the Soviet Union's new dia- mond fields in the north and bias lialilialial) Ronald O'Reilly, Montreal, is Mrs. E. W. Petre, Aurora, On- Spending his Christmas vacation tario, is spending a Christmas| With his parents, Mr. and Mrs, and New Year holiday with Mr.|Norman O'Reilly, Dover Street. | Harold Canning, Divi- and Mrs sion Street. mncmnge Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Turpin, Rockcliffe Street, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lewis, Maberly, Ontario, spent the Christmas weekend with Mr and Mrs. Merlin Carley and family, Sunderland, Ontario, Pee eee Mr. and Mrs. John Barber, Westmoreland Avenue, had as their holiday guests, their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. from Val Caron, Ontario; daughter Miss Kathy Barber of Ruscitti of Pick ering, and Mr. and Mrs. James Buechler and son Michael from Toronto, Oshawa. Miss technical Mr Ndi Ray Barber, and family their iirarecedt ds. | Angi, Institute, Ryerson Poly is home for the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geza Angi, Jones Avenue. Reena Mr. and Mrs. Charles M Gordanier, Bond Street West are expecting Mr. and Mrs. C Carson, Ni ra Falls, New York, to be with them over the New Year's holiday. MEU EE and Mrs Mohawk Street, day guests of Mr. and Mrs, W J wel A. Robins e the holi- Smith, Toronto, Ontario. MURR *. Mr.' and Mrs. James .R. Hamilton, Woodlea Crescent, spent Christmas in the Lau rentians, where they joined their daughter, Katherine, from Reema | Mr, and Mrs. W.. L. Borrow- dale, Switzer Drive, spent Christmas with her mother, Mrs. John MacKenzie, Mont real, Quebec, Remar Christmas for Mr. and Mrs Edwin King, Carnegie Avenue, east. The biggest part of the dis- play area is taken up by win- dows holding enormous _natu- ral nuggets of gold, silver and platinum, newly created jewel- ry or glittering selections of diamonds and other precious stones But it is in a smaller side | room that visitors dally long- est. It houses the fabled impe- rial treasure of Russia Crowns, orbs, bracelets, tiar- as, necklaces, ~@arrings--the was spent with Dr, and Mrs.) whole range 6f mankind's pre- Alan King and children, in' cious self-decoration is there, Scarborough, | and all of it glows majesti- | cally from encrusted layers of RrnnRRe diamonds, rubies, sapphires, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Elliott,) pearls, emeralds and other Simcoe Street North, were coveted stones. Christmas. guests of Mrs. Roy "8 ae Elliott, Chesterville, Ontario. | SELDOM SHOMEN | The collection was unveiled Snnereomee to the general public for the : first time, virtually without Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Miller,| fanfare. during Noveraber's |Brock Street. East, spent Christ celebration of the 50th anni- mas with Mr. and Mrs, Jack) versary of the Bolshevik revo- Allin, Cobourg, Ontario. lution i meee Put together in the 18th and . 19th centuries by Catherine Mrs. _James RB. Thompson, the Great and her successors Mary Street, was with her, on the czar's. throne, the daughter and son-in-law, Mrs imperial treasure fell into Rol- Larry Barton, and Mr. Barton, Birmingham, Michigan, for the Christmas holiday. Hegegicgs Miss Lynn Conlin, University shevik hands after the 1917 he- volt. A state trust was formed in 1922 to gather, catalogue and protect it. Two years later, it was shown to a group of for- of Toronto, is spending her eign diplomats to dispel ru- Christmas vacation with her, mors that the hard-pressed parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harold) Communists had sold it, Since Conlin, Wood Street. then only a few privileged specialists and connoisseurs WMC are believed to have seen it. Mr. Douglas Beal, BA, A gleaming brooch of dia- Western University, London. monds has, for a highlight, a is joining his parents, Mr, and /86-carat emerald reputed to Mrs. Grant Beal, Norwood Court, for the holidays. be the largest on earth. Anoth- Christmas guests from out of bbc naa fown at the home of Mr. and Home for Christmas with Mrs. W. H. J. Harmer, Ross Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Broad-|land Road West, were Mr. and spent with Mr. and Mrs, Reg Foote, Port Hope, Ontario. reneeces son, Ritson Road South, had as their Christmas holiday guests Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Turner, Rowe Street, spent their yule- tide. with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hotston, Picton, Ontario. their daughter, Miss Lynn Wil son, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wilson, Mrs. Mary |Hance and Miss Vera Hance. REM UE EI Retreats Mr. and Mrs, Stanley David-- Miss Chris McIntyre, Trent son and daughter, Beth, Osh-| University, Peterborough, is spending her Christmas vaca- {tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mcintyre, Jones | Avenue, awa Boulevard South, spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs Stanley Humphries, Lorne Park, Ontario. Cee Wee eteg Both students at the Univer-| Mr. and Mrs, Fred Porter, sity of Waterloo, Miss Lorraine| Welland Street, had as_ their Smyth. and Rick Schuett are holiday guests, their daughter spending the Christmas yaca-|and son-in-law, Mrs Alex tion al the home of: her par-| Chambers and Mr Chambers, ents, Mr, and Mrs, Norman and son Jimmy, from St. Paul, Smyth, Sandra Street West. Minnesota, York University, Toronto. bent, Lauder Road, are dau- Mrs. Arthur Harmer and daugh ters, Miss Barbara Broadbent, ter, Sandra, Barrie, Ontario; ROR! ' eg Toronto; and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harmer, University of Christmas for Miss Hazel Ronald Benson, Toronto. Guelph; Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Barrie, Quebec Street, was a |Harmer and children, Scarbor- ough; Mr, and Mrs. David Har-| Mr. and Mrs. Nelson V. Wil-;mer and son, John, Bowman-| Navy ville; Ian Hope, Toronto; Mrs.| |Connie Mawhinney, Ajax; Mr.) jand Mrs. C, McNair, Oakville; Shirley Harmer and. son, Anthony. Craternee cd The Reverend Father James Scott, Cobourg, is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Scott, Nipi- gon Street. Holiday guests at the {home of Mr. and Mrs. Scott |were their son, David Scott and |Miss Kathy Daly, both of Peter- borough. Reetetaeratetg: Miss Maxine Wray, Queen's University, Kingston, is spend- ing the holidays with her. par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, C.-J. Wray, 'Gibbons Street, | er brooch features a 258-carat sapphire. A pair of decorative pins each contains a_ single suspended diamond, one of 40 carats and another exception- ally pure one of 25 carats The wife of Czar Alexander IL had a tiara-like crown, now on display, which seems al most to have been carved from diamonds and which in- cludes an enormous rare pink diamond at its centre Lying unmounted on a small black dais is. the uncut §8- carat Shah diamond, whose legendary history is etched onto the diamond's surface in | Arabic script. The stone was presented toa Nicholas I by the Shah of Persia in atonement for the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Teh- ran, WEIGHS 177 CARATS The individual star of the collection is the Orlov dia- mond. Its weight. is 189 carats and Soviet officials its value at 64,000,000 --$77,000,000 at the rate of exchange A plainly-cut chunk of greenish-blue stone, the Orlov is the stunning highlight of a red-gold sceptre, It was found in India early in the 17th century and was eventually bought in 1773 by Count Greg- ory Orlov for 400,000 rubles. He presented it to Catherine as a birthday present Another gift the indomitable Catherine received was a 255- rubles official carat tourmaline, a ruby-like stone now hanging from a gold pin like an overripe strawberry Catherine was also responsi- ble for the breathtaking piece de resistance of the treasure --the imperial crown. It is an incredibly splendid confection containing 5,000 diamonds and 74 perfectly matched pearls. On top is a spinel ruby weighing 398 car ats. Its current estimated value: $125,000,000. After the treasure room, the matin chamber seems an anti climax. With typical heavy- handedness, the authorities have included photographs of their open-pit diamond mines and refineries, along with the severely functional towns that have grown around them in the last 20 years. But the display includes some modern treasures--a 5l-carat diamond called Val entina Tarashkova after the woman cosmonaut and a 106- carat stone, the largest ever found in the U.S.S.R STAYS AFLOAT Jane Fonda, in one of her fu- turistic costumes from Para mount Pictures' Barbarella is the shipmate of the month in the December. issue of Our Magazine, the United States naval publication estimate | Commemorates A Miracle With the lighting of the first,eral Appolonius on a Sabbath of eight candles, the Jewish Fes |day When the leaders refused tival of Lights, '"'Channukah"' be-|to negotiate with him on that gan Tuesday evening. l\day he attacked and_ killed According. to custom, every) 'housands, youth past Bar Mitzvah has the; Antiochus 'issued a decree % privilege of lighting one candle, which was sent by messengers every evenine for eight even-|fo every city of Judea to. the ings. effect that all Judeans must Channukah is. one time of|cease to follow the laws of their the year that the nine - branch-|God and must offer sacrifices ed menorah (candelabra) is|to Greek Gods only. Altars and used. The top. most candle,|Statues were erected all over which is used to light the oth-|Judea and a statue of Zeus was er eight, individually, is called| Placed in the temple in 168 B.C. the servant of the others (Psalms 44 and 74 describe the Each member of the family|1eP grief of the faithful He- receives gifts and Channukah is| Drews). ' g a joyous festival of re-dedica-| All the bloody persecutions § tion starting on the 25th day of|Could not tear the Judean peo the Hebrew month of Kisley] Ple away from their God. They and lasting for eight days sealed their covenant with their in} S€ commemoration of a miracle, |G@Od and His laws with the blood of martyrdom, The festival celebrates the final victory of the Judeans|REVOLT BREAKS OUT over the Greeks who had been| When persecutions had reach forcing their Hellenistic culture ed their climax, a revolt broke on the people of Judea out, led by the family of Has King Antiochus of Greece at--monaim, A priest named Math- tacked Jerusalem, massacred ias, with his five sons, was liv- women and children and pen-jing in Modin, a little town 13 etrated the sanctuary of the miles north of Jerusalem. They Holy Temple and removed the decided either to deliver the golden vessels and everything Judeans, or to die. When a of value. Antiochus' aim was to Syrian official, Appollis, arriv- destroy Judaism. He wanted to ed at Modin and ordered Math- conquer not only the Judean ias to worship the Greek idols, people, but also the Judean God he and his sons overnowered of Israel Under the guise of a the Syrian officer and his men: _mission of peace he sent Gen- and destroyed the alter ta the - Greek gods. The old priest slew a Judean who approached the es altar to offer prayer to Zeus, "Woman Struggl 3 Mathias called all Judeans, 4 : For Normal Life who were fearless followers of & Be 4 the law and the covenant, to TORONTO (CP) It started follow him. They retreated into Rea & out to be a great year for Lorna the mountains and after Ma- Fraser. There were skiing trips, thias' death, his son, Judas Mac- champagne parties to usher: in Cabeus, took over the leadership., 1966 and work on a master's de- He was endowed with military} é Bis: SHARON KALNITSRY., 9, gree in social work to be com- genius to choose the right time; helps her mother, Mrs. pleted for an attack, taking advantage On Feb. 13 she sat at her desk Of the enemy's weakness, as he stunned, unable to comprehend knew every corner and inch of eral, Horon, Near Beth Horon the numbers on her telephone; the land of Judea two armies met and again Ju her right arm immobile a Although strong as a lion in deans won over a superior numbing pain in her head. She battle, Judas Maccabeus never force, After a year of prepara had suffered a stroke which left relied on his sword, but on the tion, the great commander Lv her unable to speak or walk help. of God A hemorrhge had destroyed s 5 the brain cells controlling her OPEN WARFARE Sias, received orders to march upon Judea and destroy it, This right arm and leg and ability to. When the number of his fol ete uae oe ce: speak lowers kept increasing, Judas| j{,ysias ordered one of his best She had worked in the depart- Maccabeus decided to venture generals Geo s, to attack Ju ment of physical medicine at the command to Apolonius in dea from one side. while Ly Toronto General Hospital before !66 B.C, The commander was! jag would strike from the oth returning to university to do killed and his soldiers fell or, : : post-graduate work. Now, she 'led. With the battle ery, 'Salva was to return as a patient The Judeans recognized this tion is the Lord's', the Judeans "T woke up with my head Victory as a sign that God had threw themselves upon the Svr Harvey and Kalnitsky, serve the prepare traditional {10.000 men ready to die in the! Holy War 165 B.C. Fifteen miles south of Jerusalem, the violent jattack of the Judeans overcame the skill of the Syrian soldiers The road to Jerusalem was open and Judas Maccaheus en tered the Holy City and the Holy Temple He destroyed the image Zeus; erected a new altar rededicated the temple to service of the God of Israel Then the miracle happened The Greeks had contaminated the oil and pure and undefiled oil was needed for the lamp at of and the shaved and I didn't know how to not forsaked His people, but ians and won a new victory The the altar. At last, a small jar move. I understood where [I had to come to their rescue. defeated army furnished the Ju- of pure oil was found and the was, but I couldn't speak Another commander, was sent deans with many weapons, thevjeverlasting wonder was that it "IT thought about whether I)at the head of a large army were now rea for the final burned for & days. Thus Chan could still die, but I knew the !o avenge the death of Apolon- battle of Beth r nukah lasts for & days: each time had passed when | could ius die of the stroke. I decided to 3S fight." oe ae = -- OFTEN ANGRY S FUN. . IT'S EXCITING . . YOU ¢ But being wheeled in to the | department where she had worked was the worst part of all | "It hit me oo Was ao pa tient. I hated being on the re- ceiving end instead of giving." | There were many times when|| she was angry with the therap- ists: "I couldn't seem to do what they wanted, but they urged me anyway." Now, she walks slowly around an outpatient clinic, a metal This was the famous gen-' Judas Maccabeus set off' with'day "Channukah" 'latkes', dish or pancakes potato Oshawa Times Photos OSHAWA TIM PICTURE RE-PRINTS ES 20% Discount on Orders OFS or More Picture Available at NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. B., Oshawe 8 x 10---1.50 each 5 x 7--1,25 each adding a little more light.! LAST WEEK'S WINNER -- Mrs, Jean Holmes, 975 Greenwood Cres., Whitby OULD BE A WINNER - - - LETS PLAY brace on her leg, her right hand tucked into-her coat pocket, It had taken her about a year jand a half to return to a normal life; work and live alone. Again she listens to the prob jlems of patients. But, she says, jit is difficult to learn to live ina Unfasten Your Eat Belt fer ; MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE A Complete Travel Service ENGLISH STYLE FISH 'N CHIPS *® Toure *& Cruises & Accommoda CHIPS 'N GRAVY OR McMURRAY'S CANADA GENERAL VARIETY @ Onen -- New Year' Eve 10 am. to 9 pm. e New Ye Day jsociety that worships youth and | tion -- Lend See -- Alr 12 noon 'til 4 p.m. Hate, physical perfection DRIVE-IN-RESTAURANT Horm & Porty Novelties "Socially, you take your looks 723-9441 Gifts: Toys: Cards: Books: Food: and normality for granted until 1 25 Ki St. E Simcoe St. N. ot Tounton Rd. 728-2291 AREER LT rt rn AOE samething happens to change ng ty eee THE BIG "M" DRIVE-IN' 205 Simcoe St. Ss." 23-6291 jthem "Td always gone ahead with out a setback. Then, suddenly, I i, V. AVIATION felt I wasn't any good. ... 1 Gov't. Approved 'Schae was haunted by the fear that Piivate, & Commercia ng my mental capacities were not Instruction * . tot. Rentols the sane 2 horter and Private Flights At home she does her own Oshewe Municipal Airport housework and cooking with the 728-3191 ine Nine eee aid of special devices. She press os es and sews her own clothes 728- APPLIANCES "Once,"' she said, "it took me AUTOMATIC ROGERS NITURE OSHAWA TRANSMISSION 2151 and FURNITU an hou thread a needle." Transmission repairs and re placements for all makes cars NO DOWN PAYMENT and trucks OSHAWA TRANSMISSION SERVICE save) SOCIAL NOTICE OPEN HOUSE Mr, Ernest F. Watson, 621 Mary Street, will be happy to receive his friends, at his home NO PAYMENTS 'til FEB. on major i tems only ! on Sunday, December 31, 1967, ry Baim apg " ot = from 3:00'- 5:00 p.m. on the | 116 Bond St. W. $76-2610 € AMAZED AT THESE LOW PRICES occasion of his 90th birthday. 3 | SHO RRRRRRORRERNENTNEREI WIN YOURSELF A WRIST WATCH r 26 weeks you can wi CAREER SCHOOL ISt Quality. ME RULES FOR "FONIT" CONTEST a LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING PICK-UP & DELIVERY DRIVE IN SERVICE CASH & CARR HONE TODAY 723-8166 50 Mill St 4 a beautiful w EAST END now taking appointments, sinesses on th gh each advertisement OF HAIRDRESSING Specializing in. . . dvertisements each week telephone number of one of the participot he business each week and send your c Are pleased to announce the FREEZER ORDERS se caee ta Fee aniait edit ee opening of a New Branch in Large Voriety of Furopean answer drawn each W Swe OSHAWA and Canadion Cold Meats no later than Tuesday: noon. of: each wee Day and: Evening Classe <dre BRUNO'S HAIRSTYLING Models are welcome. 145 KING ST. WEST 576-3558 QUALI Bloir Park TY MEATS Ploxe, Whitby Dundes Hwy. -- 668-4782 OF 212 KING ST, W. Guaranteed Used Cars ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LTD, Courtice and Bowmanville MARX OF promuaned Phone 728-6206 44 years ser ing 74 CELINA STREET "Free Customer Parking While Shopping ot Our Store" FOR .THE FINEST in fabrics Custom and Ready Made DRAPES the latest Shades and CLINT'S TEXACO SERVICE STATION Seasonal 245 a Wentworth Specislizing in @ Tune Ups @ Speedy repairs te mufflers, tail pipes Change Overs 728-581 1 ne om PELESHOK wey The home of hair cutting ond perms -- Coll 576-2010 FREE PARKING AT REAR Open 6 doys @ week ond Thursday ond Friday Evenings 7 - Z PELESHOK MOTORS | | LIMITED RENT | or ' \ c f LEASE See Our Wide Selection o 1 DAY Used Cars at Lowest Prices ! to 5 YEARS AJAX 942-6300 Demolition Work Residentio BEATT HAULAGE Tounton oat to & pied 725.2156 - see. ° Dry Goods & Draperies EXPERTLY INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS 723-7827. Springs & Shocks Truck or Troiler Cer Confucius says, "Man who stops advertising to save money is like man who stops clock to save time." .

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