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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Dec 1967, p. 7

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irowls Howls Jerks Slips Lags nsmission ervice re f the rough take- driving. Come in our specialists in- adjust it, and if install a new or re- nsmission for @ | less than you ct. VICE IS OUR LY NAME" nnn' NOSTIC NE... ost complete and onalyzer centre, ecks of all engine starting, charg- n, carburetion are by one Electronic Provides fast serv- sis, no waiting waste your time. Bond W. 2610 , CLIFF EMNER { Runners-Up Prevented From Collecting Prizes TORONTO (CP) -- A rulingjby Dec. 28 if they wanted tojannual meeting of the associa- 'by the Ontario Curling Associa-| protect their amateur status. tion March 6 in Kelowna, B.C, |tion has prevented the runners-| "We've decided to go along [Lumsden said the Ontario and jup from collecting their $800| with them,"' Phillips, said Tues-| New Brunswick curling associa- |prizes for the CBC-TV world|day night. "I think we've madejtions went against a DCA an- jcurling championships two/our point and it looks as though|nual-meeting decision three |weeks ago. jthe rule is going to be changed, | years ago not to place prize-lim- Alfie Phillips' rink from Bias hoc no one knows how!it restrictions on curlers. main R .|much, of course."' re Se legos qualified " runners-up for] The Phillips' rink won the Ca- 'They were part of the dis-| |snowmobiles worth $800, but anjnadian curling championship) "USSions and should accept the }OCA rule disqualifies players|last year. They lost the tele- majority decision," Lumsden |who receive more than $125 re-|Vised competition to Doug Wan pepsin this is his person- |tail value in prizes. [el of Elbow, Sask. "The tail shouldn't wag the | The association, at a meeting) DECISION RAPPED dog. last week, ruled that the rink of} In Winnipeg, Dominion Curl- 'It seems inconceivable that | ary me, (ning and Keith Reilly must de-|Lumsden said Wednesday he basis should be declared ineligi cide what to do with their prizes| will bring up the question at the!ble on a provincial basis."' DAVE KEON (14) of To- the rebound after Montreal the first period of their Na- |- ronto Maple Leafs juggles Canadiens' goalie Gump tional Hockey League game | the puck on the end of his Worsley had stopped a To- in Toronto last 'night. | stick as he tries to control ronto shot. Action came in (CP Wirephoto) HOCKEY STANDINGS Esposito Comes Back +... Wei eA Pt j e Boston 19 9 4119 88 42 Chicago 1710 8 104 96 42 To Haunt Chihawks es. ())3%: | New York 1513 5 92 90 35 Detroit 13 13 6 101 97 32 By GRAHAM COX | Another of Schmidt's shrewd|Yvan Cournoyer and _ Ralph) Montreal 1214 8 90 83 32 Canadian Press Staff Writer moves saw him dip deep into/Backstrom with groin injuries Western Division Genial Milt Schmidt was the the minor pro ranks for goalie|Henri Richard was belted by Los Angeles 1615 3 92 100 35 talk of the National Hockey) Andre Gill of Hershey Bears in/Toronto defenceman Tim Hor-|phila. 15 11 71 65 35 5 League early this year, dealing|the American Hockey League. 'ton late in the first period and) pittsburgh 1315 5 $3 90 31 with reckless abandon to add| Gill was required on an emer-|limped off the ice, He did not Minnesota 1114 7 68 beef to his Boston Bruins. gency basis when both the regu-|play again. St. Louis 1119 3 64 But those deals have placed lar Bruin netminders--Ed John-| Ray Cullen scored twice and! Oakland 791 6 64 the 49-year-old general manager ston and Gerry Cheevers--were assisted on the third Minnesota Weniite Wakneeday during the last twojgoal by Parker MacDonald.) \yonipo; Pononin 2 o among gambling's elite as his/injured ( ) Bruins have sailed along at or| weeks. _. |New York scorers were Rod) Minnesota 3 New York 3 near the top of the NHL's East-| The Bruins, who were reeling Gilbert, Jean Ratelle and Reg! Gyicago 2 Boston 7 ern Division since the season|from injuries to other front-line| Fleming. Oakland 0 Pittsburgh 0 opened on the strength of those|players such as Bobby Orr, re-| Gilbert's goal was his sixth | 4. angeles 2 St. Louis 4 decisions. covered in front of the veteran|goal in five games. Games Today 4 One of his more astute moves) minor leaguer and ran their win| At Pittsburgh, Gary Smith of yinnesota at Montreal prior to the season opener was/string to three in a row with the Oakland registered his first! phijadelphia at Detroit a trade with Chicago Black Sorel, Que., native in goal NHL shutout while Les Binkley, Hawks that saw Phil Esposito) The Chicago trade was,of the Penguins chalked up Easter: Division Ken Hodge and Fred Stanfield|Schmidt's first major move|number three. Both are rookies spe 4 EoAPt don the Bruin colors while Pitlafter taking over as Boston gen- this year. ree . a ai a | Montreal. and Detroit Red SPrinsfld 18 13 2 120 119 38 American League Martin, Gilles Marotte and/eral manager from Hap Emms. Herst M4 ' 2 : 75 orshey 13.11 4110 90 30 minor league goalie Jack Norris wens a Wings battle to get out of the |," e "ev eerer ny slaved te Ghicdao HIGH-SCORING TRIO Eastern Division ceHar tonight! Baltimore = 12 12 5 111 103 29 j Stanfield, on a line with John|--both have 32 points--as the Providence 1015 4 98 117 24 Wednesday night. Esposite ; Faatned ivi | Wednesda} oe ale Bucyk and John McKenzie, also'Canadiens entertain the North Western Division | | scored three times in leading - : . a dee Boston to a 7-2 victory over Chilis among the top 10, tied with/Stars and the Wings have Phila- eens 7 eerie cago at Boston. Eddie Shack,|Bucyk in third place, with Mc-/delphia Flyers as guests. sted 2 7 Ata : 'Kenzie fifth, two points behind. |~ Buffalo 13 14 5 Rochester 1215 4 another recent arrival via Toron- to Maple Leafs, added two with] reins is the only line in the top REMEMBER WHEN : Ed Westfall and Tommy Wil- Both Chicago and Boston now, By THE CANADIAN PR Results Wednesday Rochester 3 Buffalo 3 | se Regio g ee nave 42 points. Chicago has Petra Burka, 19-year-old Quebec 2 Hershey 2 | previous starts, opened an |scored only 104 points compared) figure skating star, was OHA Senior closed the scoring on goals by with 119 for the Bruins. : : named Canada's female | WLT F AFt Doug Mohns and Stan Mikita. | At St. Louis, Gary Sabourin) athlete two years ago today |Kingston 17 8 2115 88 36 |scored twice to start the Blues; --in 1965--for the second '| Galt 18 7 1 82 57 33 STREAK SNAPPED jon a come-from-behind victory; year in a row. In March she | Toronto 15 8 0108 66 30] The victory moved Boston|before Gerry Melnyk and Don| became the second Cana- |Coll'wood 1310 1 94. 8f back into a first-place tie with McKenney salted the game) dian woman in history to | Guelph 1211 2 78 83 26 Chicago with three games in/away. Terry Gray and Ed Joyal) win the world figure skating | Barrie 4111.1 90 101 23 hand. scored for Los Angeles. | championship when she cap- | Woodstock 812 2 91 95 18 In other NHL games Wednes-| In Toronto Leaf goalie John| tured the title in Colorado | Orillia 815 0 80 114 16 day, Montreal Canadiens|Bower appeared headed for his| Springs, Colo. Miss Burka, | Oakville 816 0 76 115 16 snapped back from a two-goal|third shutout of the year and} a brown-+haired, blue-eyed | Belleville 717 1 78 8715 deficit to tie Toronto Maple|34th of his career on early third) beauty from The Nether- Games Friday { Leafs 2-2, Minnesota North/period goals from George Arm-| lands, amassed 363 points in | Woodstock at Barrie | Stars and New York Rangers|strong and Pete Stemkowski. the 31st annual. Canadian | Oakville at. Belleville f But rookie Danny Grant and} Press year-end poll . Collingwood at Toronto battled to a 3-3 tie, and St. Louis Phillips, John Ross, Ron Man-\ing Association president Bill/a curler eligible on a national | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 28, 1967 7 six weeks. He is due to gart Knee Surgery pre-season work with the Red Sox Feb. 24. { Vice - president Dick or n Org {O'Connell of the Sox said the case"'will trigger some changes CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) -- i" the: baseball contract. Jim Lonborg, mainstay of the; At the time Lonborg signed American League Boston Red|his 1968 contract for a reported Sox's championship pitching $59,000 two weeks ago, staff, successfully underwent/O'Connell asked him to quit surgery Wednesday to repair Skiing his left knee that was twice as) The Red Sox executive said if 5 sly da "i aa damaged as was ex-/Tonborg cannot pitch when the season opens he will be placed ae sixfoottive right-handed on a list of restricted players in- pitcher suffered the inju N a/jured in extra-curricular activie skiing accident at Lake Tahoe \ties, and a player on the restricts Nev., last Saturday ed list does not get paid, he said Lonborg received the Cy one Young Award as the o - originally thought, ing pitcher of the ianin Lonborg will be in a cast for|League during 1967 Lonborg had suffered two torn| ligaments instead of only one a: Blues took the measure of Los|Montreal captain Jean Beli-| 3 -- Angeles Kings 4-2. |veau, scored with less than four| Esposito's splurge brought his) minutes remaining in the game! goal production for the year to/for the tie. 15 and moved him into the} The game was costly for the Jeague's top 10 scorers. iCanadiens; already missing Cuttler And MclInroy Pace Sportshaven Win | | Dave Cuttler and Ron Me-|scored nine and eight points In Inroy combined to pace Bola-|that order for the winners, who hood's Sportshaven with a 42)have now moved into a third and 31 point performance, to/place tie with the Firefighters. give the winners a 109-62 vic John Cuthbert turned in an tory over the short handed Fire-jexcellent 23 pojnt perform- fighters in Minor Basketball/ance, with George Lees adding, League play recently. In thejanother 16 Nick Melnychuk second game of the double- hooped 14 points, and moved! header played at the Simcoejinto the top ten scorers, while Hall Settlement House, Sunny-;Ron _ Parfitt completed the side Park defeated CKLB 76 to,CKLB total by sinking the other 59. six. To back up Cuttler's and Mc- Z peiniees Inroy's SaRARTianee: And y|BIDDY AC TION 3 ' Cherkas registered a 20 point! Hurons after being hele to a game, while Ken Jordan add- 7-7 at half ae took * six ed eight more. Teddy Reczul-| Point lead in the next frame ski found the range for six /and managed to hold on for a points, and George Grabowski ay 0 + Wan ahh ecg vy handled the other two points | Place Maples in Bid DARE for the winners. ball action recently, The Hur-| Ted Boivin tried in vain to|°"S trail the Maples by a single) keep the Firefighters in the point in the standings, of the} game, turning in a 30 point| Westmount Kiwanis Biddy Bas- effort, while Richard Wallis ketball League. added another 14. John Morris} In the second game of the and Alan Boivin contributed|regular doubleheader played at nine points each in a losing|{he Simcoe Hall Settlement) cause, House, the league leading Bant-) Dennis Hercia scored 27)'ngs took command in the final) points in the Sunnyside Park quarter for a 20-13 win over the) win, and brought his league Avenues. leading total to an even 300} Andrew Ghersini paced the) points. Ed Gorny handled 19\Hurons to their second win of} points, while Tom Eldridge|the season, scoring 12 points, | found the range for 13 more. while Terry Hubbard added) Steven Hercia and Bill Cobel/five and John Ghersini handled Lo the other two. rd Randy Jordan scored 12) Young Lions Beat leat for the losing Maples,| jand Bill Sterling rounded out Pee Wee All-Stars jthe total with five more. This} nat , ions, marked the third game between | ee ae te ® sshawa|these two clubs, and the Maples} pee wee all-stars 6-3 in an ex-| the first two by single hibition hockey game at the|Point margins. Civic Auditorium recently. Gino Pascuzzi set the pace) Kelvin Bonnell and Ray Koop-| with an eight point perform- man paced the winners attack) ance for the Bantings, as they with two goals each. Kim Black-|broke a ten all tie in the final man and Mike Tracy added/quarter. Bruce Levey scored singles. six points, while Larry Norton Three players shared scoring hooped four, and Joel Dupont} for Oshawa, Peter Fallaise,jrounded out the winners' total Greg Bone and Jim Duigmanjwith two points, Paul Landry taking the honors. iled the Avenues point wise, Oshawa had built up a 2-0|\scoring eight, while Captain lead early in the second per-|John Szczepanski Sank the fod before Lions broke loosejother five to complete the for their six goals. liosers' total. AYOR axing ua "a

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